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Mongolia News Summary for September 29, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for September 29, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

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Extending the Presidency of U. Khurelsukh by Amending the Constitution

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: isee.mn

The article discusses the possibility of extending the presidency of U. Khurelsukh by altering the constitutional provision that currently limits the president to one term. According to Article 30.2 of Mongolia's Constitution, a person can be elected as president only once for a six-year term. It suggests that politicians may be conspiring to remove the 'only once' stipulation. The article elaborates on how the provision that prohibits constitutional amendments within eight years might be nullified by the Constitutional Court (Tsets), thus enabling changes to the presidential term limits. There have been attempts to propose changes to the law that governs how the Constitutional Court reviews constitutional amendments. In 2023, a citizen filed information with the Court, arguing that the amendments made in 2022 limited the Court's ability to oversee constitutional compliance. The argument centers on a change made in 2022 which specified that constitutional amendments were not subject to review for compliance with the constitution. This change effectively locked out the Court's oversight over new constitutional amendments by specifying that only laws other than constitutional amendments were to be reviewed for compliance. There is a concern that by nullifying this specific provision, the Constitutional Court may eventually gain the power to alter the constitutional amendment made in 2019 that introduced the single six-year presidential term. This could potentially open the door for President U. Khurelsukh to run for a second term or extend his current term. There are suspicions regarding the involvement of current political figures and the Constitutional Court members, suggesting that political motivations might be influencing the proposed legal changes.

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What did MPP, DP, HUN, and the National Coalition promise to Ulaanbaatar citizens?

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: news.mn

The campaign for the 2024 regular elections of the local council representatives of the province, capital, sums, and districts started on the 26th of this month, with political parties and coalitions presenting their development policies for the next four years. This time, we summarized the policies promised by the Mongolian People's Party (MPP), Democratic Party (DP), Khun Party (HUN), and the National Coalition, who are competing in the election for the Citizens' Representative Assembly of Ulaanbaatar (NITK), to develop Ulaanbaatar city. KH. NYAMBAATAR: A YEAR OF DEVELOPMENTAL EXPLOSION Ulaanbaatar Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar has promised that 2024-2028 will be years of developmental explosion for the citizens of the capital. Appointed as the Governor of the capital with the task of eradicating land trades and corruption nests, and solving air, soil, water pollution, and traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar, Kh. Nyambaatar has managed to approve many policies and has boldly initiated numerous major projects in just one year. Specifically, as a result of opening legal opportunities for the capital to issue bonds on domestic and international markets, and establishing private-public partnerships, the first 150MW of the Boereljutein Power Plant is set to be operational by the coming October. Additionally, a 50MW power plant with storage in Baganuur is expected to go into operation in November, and a 24MW thermal power plant in Bagakhangai is set to start in December. These measures are ensuring that there will be no power shortages or freezing in Ulaanbaatar. Under the "20-minute city" concept, construction works have started in the "Bayankhoshuu sub-center" and "Shar Khad sub-center," with residential buildings being constructed, and in the "Selbe sub-center," an open tender for constructing 12,000 apartment homes will be announced next month. Further plans include building cities based on sub-centers such as Tolgoit, Denj 1000, Dambadarjaa, and Yarmag. Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar stated, “We have spent years and billions of tugriks trying various experiments such as fuel, stoves, sensors, porches, insulation, and chimneys to reduce air pollution. However, none have hit the mark. The only way to eliminate smog is by transforming ger districts into apartment neighborhoods. We have passed a law through parliament to nationalize land in the major smoke areas — Selbe, Bayankhoshuu, Shar Khad — agreeing on prices with households to purchase their land and begin constructing residential areas.” “Ongoing is the process of replacing 20,000 house plots with newly built 20,000 apartments in those three areas between 2024 and 2028. To achieve this, we have resolved the legal environment and investments required. Freeing around 1600 hectares, it is planned to prepare 100,000 apartments’ infrastructure, roads, and sites for construction companies to trade. This is only part of our plan for transforming ger districts into apartment areas.” Traffic congestion remains another significant problem for the capital's residents, as stated by the mayor, who highlighted the launch of a significant project to address this issue. For example, the long-discussed metro project, started back in 1983, is no longer a dream but has begun practical implementation. A consortium of world-leading companies from South Korea and Japan has won the consultancy tender, and the tender for the contractor is ready to be announced on October 1st. The preparations for the tender to select builders for Ulaanbaatar's orbital highways are complete. Since 1992, upon expanding the residential area sixfold, issues have arisen beyond power and heat supply, including water supply and waste treatment insufficiencies. The inability to construct a sludge processing facility from treatment plants remains unresolved. However, we have completed the feasibility study for a plant to process sludge and generate energy, aiming to select a contractor by 2025. This will reduce the foul odor from Ulaanbaatar’s wastewater treatment plant. Being one of the few countries persisting with landfilling waste in the 21st century, we have prepared for building 24MW capacity waste incineration plants at the Morin Valley and Tsagaan Valley landfills through public-private partnerships. The technical feasibility study for the Emeelt eco-industrial park has been completed in cooperation with the World Bank. The newly formed joint government, along with the Government of Mongolia, emphasized the decision to construct sky bridges, tunnels, link highways, and expand Ulaanbaatar. Summarizing these plans, Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar stated, “All major infrastructure projects, which require time, have started,” highlighting the daring spirit of someone who accomplishes tasks despite challenges, showing results quickly even after a short period. INCIDENT OF THE "20-MINUTE CITY" CONCEPT'S SECOND VARIANT During previous elections, criticisms arose claiming "MPP copied initiatives of Democrats," but now it's alleged that "Democrats of the capital have taken the '20-minute city' concept first introduced by MPP." Competing for the NITK election, a group led by T. Battsogt of the capital's Democrats presented their program to establish a "Child-centered city." Capital Democratic Party leader T. Battsogt announced: - As Democrats, we do not want a single Mongolian child using outdoor toilets at -30 degrees. - We will not allow Mongolian children to fetch water daily during winter. - We will ensure all children can have hot showers and a warm bed. - Every child should be able to walk to school within 10-15 minutes. If Seoul can do it, why can't we? - What are we going to do? We will have a city with bike lanes, parks, and rest areas for every child. If Berlin can do it, why can't we? - What will we do? Every school will have science tech classrooms and sports grounds because if Ereen can do it, why can't we? We'll build cities focused on children, not corrupted officials. If others can do it, why can't Mongolia? We promise a clear-skied Ulaanbaatar. With power stations, electric heaters, and water heating systems, why must the capital be so polluted? MPP 'proven incapable,' they claimed. N. NOMTOIBAYAR: WE WILL INTRODUCE COMPREHENSIVE WASTE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES Having gained representation in Parliament from the 2024 parliamentary elections, the National Coalition developed the "If the Citizen is Rich, the City is Rich" program for the NITK election, proceeding with the slogan, "Let's save our city from thieves, pollution, price increases, and delays." They commenced their campaign from the Ulaanchuluut landfill, where the coalition head N. Nomtoibayar expressed: "The words 'beggar sitting on gold' suit us well. Waste isn't garbage; it’s money. Developed countries process 85% of their waste, creating jobs and wealth. We only process 4% — limited to metal wastes — leaving the rest as waste. We bury, we burn. Ulaanbaatar generates 1.4 to 1.5 million tons annually, encompassing all waste types. None of this sorted waste is processed to become wealth replacing imports. Fertilizer, plastic materials are derived from waste, even gas, and diesel fuel produced. Existing processing technologies abroad enable practical solutions. For implementation, cooperation with knowledgeable developed nations for guidance and possibly bringing their experts and technology to learn and execute is essential. Strong support from the state is imperative, as existing legislation is sound but lacks real-world application. That's why we come to Ulaanchuluut, aiming to bring waste processing technology to life.” IF THE PUBLIC TRUSTS THE HUN PARTY, ULAANBAATAR WILL HAVE A FEMALE MAYOR In the NITK election, the HUN party, led by E. Zolzaya, fielded 45 candidates. Leading her team, E. Zolzaya, head of Capital HUN Party, expressed the following views: “The election for the capital district's People's Representative Assembly is historically significant as it decides our lifestyle. It’s crucial to elect a team of capable professionals who can face our city’s pressing issues. City governance affects our daily lives, habits, and health — experiences we've undergone first-hand. Cities worldwide are creating compassionate environments for their citizens, evolving with proper planning empowered by innovation. Successive city mayors, having always worked in a "firefighting mode," have skirted underlying development issues. Our city remains unplanned, polluted, and chaotic. But we can change this. A city should be an ecosystem — streets in proper layout, public-friendly spaces, forming a complete life ecosystem. The HUN party presents a powerful, long-term development program to tackle city development with passion-driven, skilled professionals. When women become city mayors, city life quality improves, setting clean, healthy environments promptly. Many global cities have exemplified this. We are prepared to dedicate our accumulated knowledge, experience, and majority influence to city development. Most importantly, we will directly invest a significant portion of the city’s budget into improving citizens' living environments. Spatial planning, incorporating global street planning standards, will be brought street by street in Ulaanbaatar.

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The Parliamentary Autumn Session will open next Tuesday

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: news.mn

The autumn session of the State Great Khural will open next week on Tuesday, October 1st. According to the law, the autumn session of the State Great Khural opens on October 1st every year. For the new parliament, during the autumn session, discussions and decisions will be made on the 2025 budget draft of Mongolia, related legal drafts, monetary policy to be pursued by the state in 2025, and other legal projects that must be approved within a certain period. The council under the Speaker of the State Great Khural convened to set the agenda and sequence of issues to be discussed at the plenary session of the State Great Khural and the standing committee meetings in the coming week. AGENDA AND SCHEDULE OF ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED TUESDAY /2024.10.01/ 1. PLENARY SESSION - Opening of the regular autumn session of the State Great Khural of 2024 at 10:00 in the "Ikh Khural" hall. 2. PARTY GROUP MEETINGS - Mongolian People's Party group meeting at 11:00 in the "Janjin D. Sukhbaatar" hall. - Democratic Party group meeting at 11:00 in the "Ikh Ezen Chinggis Khaan" hall. WEDNESDAY /2024.10.02/ 1. STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS - Legal Standing Committee: Amendments to the Law on Police Service, with initial discussion following the Constitutional Court's 2024 decision No. 03, and announcement of selection for non-judge member of the Judicial General Council, both scheduled at 10:00 in the "Janjin D. Sukhbaatar" hall. - Economic Standing Committee: Draft resolution "On Approval of the Mongolia Development Plan 2025," first discussion, submitted by the government on 2024.09.27, at 14:00 in the "Janjin D. Sukhbaatar" hall. - Budget Standing Committee: Draft resolution on scheduling, amendments to the law "On Annual Budget Framework of Mongolia 2025," and budget projections for 2026-2027, submitted by the government on 2024.08.30, discussion status, at 15:00 in the "Ikh Zasag" hall. 2. FORUM DISCUSSION - Standing Committee on Environment, Food, and Agriculture: "Climate Change – New Cooperation – Green Finance – Stability of Pasture Ecosystem Greenhouse Gas Cycle" forum scheduled at 09:00 in the "Ikh Ezen Chinggis Khaan" hall. THURSDAY, FRIDAY /2024.10.03, 10.04/ - PLENARY SESSION from 10:00 in the "Ikh Khural" hall, covering first discussions of the following: - "Mongolia Development Plan 2025" draft resolution submitted on 2024.09.27. - Amendments to the Law on Police Service relating to the Constitutional Court's 2024 decision No. 03, first discussion. - Amendments to the law "On Annual Budget Framework of Mongolia 2025" and budget projections for 2026-2027, submitted on 2024.08.30, discussion status. - Draft laws on the 2025 state budget, 2025 National Wealth Fund budget, 2025 Social Insurance Fund budget, and 2025 Health Insurance Fund budget, submitted on 2024.08.30, first discussion.

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Members of the "Fawn" faction of the Democratic Party are working in Dornod aimag

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: isee.mn

Members of the "Fawn" faction of the Democratic Party, Ch. Lodoisambuu and S. Tsenguun, are currently working in Dornod aimag, where Sh. Byambasuren was elected. In an effort to break away from factionalism and group divisions within the party, the Democratic Party elected S. Erdene as the party leader in 2017 through a general member survey, which led to the party being described as under the control of a single person. The prolonged conflict between S. Erdene and Kh. Battulga over the party leadership was resolved in 2023 when L. Gantumur was registered as the party leader. Since then, the factions within the party have become active again, and new political factions have formed. For example, members born in the 1960s and 1970s have split into factions such as Altangadas, Shonkhur, and MÜDN, while younger members born in the 1980s formed factions such as Od, Olulaa, Moriton, and National Wing. Furthermore, members from Uvs aimag have come together to form the "Hunter" faction. The "Fawn" faction within the Democratic Party consists of members born in the late 1980s and 1990s who were elected to parliament through the party's list and as candidates in the 2024 parliamentary elections. This group includes Ch. Lodoisambuu, S. Tsenguun, Sh. Byambasuren, U. Shijir, and D. Tsogtbaatar. Today, members of the "Fawn" faction, Ch. Lodoisambuu and S. Tsenguun, are working in Dornod aimag, where Sh. Byambasuren was elected to the State Great Khural. They are scheduled to meet with young people from Dornod aimag this evening.

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Trump: Putin and Zelensky Want to End the War

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Donald Trump, the Republican candidate in the U.S. presidential election, met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City, which is owned by the former U.S. president. During the 40-minute meeting, Trump reiterated his promise that if he wins the upcoming presidential election, he would end the war in Ukraine. He stated after the discussion with the Ukrainian leader that both the leaders of Ukraine and Russia want to establish a "just peace agreement." “We have a very good relationship with Zelensky, and you all know that I also have a very good relationship with President Putin. I believe that if we (the Republican Party) win the election, we will resolve this issue (the Ukraine-Russia conflict) very quickly," Trump told reporters before the meeting began. Zelensky, on the other hand, said that the war between Russia and Ukraine should never have started and urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to be pressured to stop the war. Trump also stated that both Zelensky and Putin want to end the war and said, "If I win the election, we will end the war fairly." Zelensky invited Trump to visit Ukraine, and the former U.S. president accepted the invitation. The Ukrainian President described his meeting with the former U.S. president as "very productive." "We share a common view that we must stop the war. Putin cannot win. Ukrainians must win," Zelensky wrote.

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Minister L. Enkh-Amgalan Turns to Prosecutor

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: news.mn

Minister of Family, Labor, and Social Protection L. Enkh-Amgalan announced that he has turned to the prosecutor. He stated, "The Social Insurance Fund is currently facing a real risk of a loss of more than 160 billion MNT. There are issues with receivables of 68.2 billion MNT from Capital Bank and approximately 100 billion MNT from Chinggis Khaan Bank. After being appointed as the Minister of Family, Labor, and Social Protection, the National Council of Social Insurance (NCSI) was newly organized. The social insurance deficit is not government money, but the people's money. Since it is the contributors' money, their interests should be prioritized. Therefore, we need to review the decisions made by the composition of the National Council of Social Insurance in previous years, and we need to check whether they were able to follow the relevant laws and regulations in effect at the time when making decisions. For this reason, we have requested the prosecutor's involvement for the first time. We have submitted all the decisions from the past meetings of the National Council of Social Insurance to the prosecutor. In the near future, we will organize an open meeting of the National Council on the decisions from previous council meetings that decided to cause a loss of assets placed in Capital Bank and Chinggis Khaan Bank. We will ensure the participation of media and legal and enforcement organizations. We plan to have all the previous decisions of the NCSI examined by the prosecutor to clarify which decisions were made during whose tenure and what issues arose as a result of those decisions. If necessary, we will conduct an open discussion at the State Great Khural.

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Economic Forecast Discrepancies in Mongolia's Budget Proposal

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: news.mn

The news agency "News" is summarizing the interviews of its guests for this week. This week, they invited N. Uuganbaatar, a member of the Parliamentary Fiscal Stability Council, economist G. Batzorig, and C. Mandkhaihatan, chairman of "Youth Supervision for Policy" NGO, to discuss what to expect for Mongolia's economy next year, and topics like how many political parties will receive state funding under the Political Parties Law. The government submitted Mongolia's 2025 unified budget draft and related legislative packages to the Parliament on August 30, 2024. The Fiscal Stability Council provided an evaluation of this. Therefore, we discussed next year's budget issues with N. Uuganbaatar, a member of the Fiscal Stability Council. - The government submitted Mongolia's 2025 budget to Parliament. What evaluation has the Fiscal Stability Council made regarding whether next year's budget complies with relevant laws and regulations? - The Fiscal Stability Council is required to provide its assessment and recommendations by September 20. The primary principle to follow according to the Budget Law is that the budget should meet special requirements and adhere to the Fiscal Framework Statement. There are principles to follow when drafting the budget as prescribed by the Budget Law. These should ensure economic security and the development of the country, although it's not easy to verify these general provisions. In-depth analysis is required to judge whether a budget is compatible with National Security. It’s easier to verify whether the budget meets the four special requirements as listed, which are largely numerical. For example, from the expenditure side, flow costs are stipulated not to exceed 30% of GDP under new amendments. Secondly, there's the issue of government debt. Previously, government debt was calculated at current value, but now it's calculated at nominal value, and the total remaining debt should not exceed 60% of GDP. Thirdly, the concept of the underlying balance has recently been introduced. The underlying balance is calculated by subtracting primary expenditure (total expenditure minus foreign loan and government debt instruments funding) from the adjusted revenue. This is a new concept not often found internationally. The balanced revenue percentage is to be at a +2% surplus. Lastly, in the Budget Stability Law's compliance regulation, there is a provision stating the budget deficit as a percentage should not exceed -2% of GDP. Fundamentally, there are one provision related to debt, one related to expenditure ceiling, and two provisions regarding revenue-expenditure balance. The initial verdict on the 2025 budget submitted by the government is that it meets the aforementioned special requirements and provisions preliminarily. This preliminary compliance is largely based on calculations. If the numbers are placed correctly, preliminary compliance can be achieved, but the potential for final execution remains a big issue. A detailed analysis can be accessed via this link. "The government should start the budget transparency from itself" The government has drafted and submitted the 2025 state budget to Parliament, which will be discussed and approved during the fall session. Economist G. Batzorig shared his views on next year’s state budget and the socio-economic outlook. - It has been some time since the government submitted the 2025 budget draft to Parliament. What is your stance on next year’s budget? - Mongolia’s 2024 and 2025 budgets are expanding rapidly. I see a lack of control over the budget. The Budget Stability Law has become the most unstable and frequently changing law. It’s being altered based on current circumstances, often in different ways by each group. Expenditure is expanding greatly. The key question is whether the revenue intended to cover these expenses is realistic. If expenses are made first and the revenue isn’t realistic, the budget deficit will rapidly increase, leading to a need for financing sources to cover these expenses. This could require money printing, issuing high-value bonds, or taking foreign loans. The primary factor in composing the 2025 budget is mining revenue, particularly income from coal exports. The prediction is to increase coal exports to 83 million tons next year, which I view as overly optimistic. Since the beginning of the year, China’s coal prices have fallen by 30%, impacting steel production. Coal traders are barely participating in exchange trading. Additionally, China is experiencing a slump in the real estate sector. This could lead to lower-than-expected economic growth in China, affecting the demand and prices of raw materials exported from Mongolia. Given China’s difficulties, the plan to export 80 million tons of coal seems overly optimistic. To illustrate Mongolia’s budget with an analogy: our budget is not like that of a person with a stable salary. It’s like having an uncertain paycheck, which is our weakness. A detailed analysis can be accessed via this link. "If screen addiction worsens, it could negatively impact national development" In recent years, people's digital usage has increased, with much of the day spent reliant on screens. Psychiatrist J. Gantulga from the National Center for Mental Health discussed the negative effects and potential addictions associated with this on social psychology. - What mental health advice and information are people seeking from the center? - People often call our advisory phone line for issues primarily related to mental disorders. Adults mostly call about family relationship issues and anxiety-related concerns. We also receive a number of calls about alcohol addiction. For teenagers, we often hear from parents that their behavior has changed due to late-night phone usage. - It seems people prefer sharing their issues and thoughts on their personal social media rather than speaking to someone. Is this a wise decision? - People have the right to express their views, but seeking solutions from society by sharing highly personal issues on social media is not a wise decision. Social media is filled with people of different ages, genders, professions, and backgrounds who can respond from their perspectives. Some might even write negative things. However, if there is any issue, seeking advice from a professional is the proper decision. - What is the impact of preferring screen communication over real-life interactions for teenagers and young children? - There are significant issues regarding screen use among young children. Humans learn and absorb knowledge rapidly at a young age, which is why children need to engage in real interactions, conversations, and play to learn and grow. However, excessive screen dependency during this critical period delays language acquisition as they are often watching cartoons or various recordings in foreign languages. Recently, we’ve observed a trend among teenagers. They communicate, send messages, or chat through video calls over the phone instead of meeting. But when they meet in person, they struggle to maintain conversations or understand each other. There’s a big difference between face-to-face discussions and long-distance phone communications. From a mental health perspective, face-to-face discussions are crucial. A detailed analysis can be accessed via this link. "Inactive political parties will be penalized for not reporting and not convening" C. Mandkhaihatan, chairman of "Youth Supervision for Policy" NGO, discussed the state's funding for political parties and factions. - In 2023, a revised version of the Political Parties Law was passed. Previously, parties and coalitions with seats in Parliament received a certain amount of financial support from the state. How do you view the updates in this law? - In many countries, there is a consensus that state support is essential for political parties as they are vital pillars of democracy. Examples include countries like Germany, Canada, and Latvia, where state funding for parties is strictly regulated. Alongside state support, parties must comply with the law by disclosing required information, which is then monitored for accuracy. In Mongolia, the Political Parties Law was revised in 2023, and depending on this year's Parliament election results, its implementation began. The General Election Commission now not only organizes parliamentary elections but oversees the transparency of political party financing and operations as an added responsibility. Previously, the 2005 Political Parties Law’s Article 19 stipulated state financial support for political parties in two forms. 1,000 tugriks per vote received during Parliamentary elections, within three months of election results, was provided once to parties with Parliamentary seats. However, there was no state funding provided. With the provision of state funding, there now exists a potential for oversight over expenditures. The law defines criteria for parties and factions to receive state funding, requiring accountability in a greater detail compared to the previous law. State-imposed oversight and criteria aim to strengthen democracy, support political parties as institutions, encourage pluralism, and assist parties in overcoming political competition, which has positive outcomes. In terms of legal progress, Mongolia has advanced with this law. Passing such a law is one thing, implementing it in real life becomes a collective responsibility. A detailed analysis can be accessed via this link.

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B.Odbayar: Local companies propose producing curbs for 118,000 each, according to the budget /VIDEO/

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: isee.mn

This year, it is planned to renovate and repair 162.3 km of roads in Ulaanbaatar across 87 locations. As a precursor to this, curb replacement work has been undertaken in the city. However, this has led to numerous disputes regarding pricing and the involvement of foreign companies. Therefore, we invited B.Odbayar, the head of the Ulaanbaatar Road Development Agency, to participate in the 37th episode of our "Line" program. We discussed various issues with him, including the cost of curb imports and why local companies were not chosen. In Ulaanbaatar, roads have recently been closed for development projects. Is this exactly road renovation work, or is it curb replacement work? Could we clarify this first?
An important part of road renovation is curb replacement. This year, repair and renovation work is being conducted on 162.3 km of roads at 87 locations in the city. So far, road repairs have been completed at 38 locations, and repairs will continue at 49 locations. In order to renovate the roads, the elevation of curbs was required. Citizens support road renovations but are puzzled as to why they are scheduled during the school start period when traffic increases. Could these works not have been carried out during the summer?
Two factors influenced this timing. First is the natural factor. 18 sites were handled with the city's road fund. All road repair works were completed on time or in May and June. Road repair work is seasonal, and it's not possible during the rainy period. Everyone knows it rains heavily between June and August. Generally, road work was at a standstill during this period, as it cannot be carried out in rainy or cold winter conditions. Autumn, namely September and October, is more suitable for roadwork. Secondly, it was a financial issue. The capital bond, implemented with the asset’s funds, was raised on June 25, and tenders were announced. The losing side filed complaints, and with reviews and resolutions, time was lost. These two factors are why road repairs are now being carried out in the fall. Citizens view the road infrastructure work as curb replacement. The Minister of Construction and Urban Development and the Minister of Transport have jointly issued a standard specifying that the curb should be 15 cm high from the road. Now, concrete curbs are being replaced with stone curbs. Why aren't old concrete curbs being used? First, there's the "City and Village Construction Standards and Regulations" issued by the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, approved in 2006 and revised in 2022. As such, the minister should have invalidated the old rules. The minister has so far failed to change the old rules and methods. The new minister will likely approve it. Road maintenance types are detailed here. When the road curb is 15 cm above the road surface, an 8 cm base creates a 7 cm discrepancy, affecting traffic safety. For example, a driver may inadvertently steer incorrectly, and such curbs slow traffic. During road repairs and when concrete curbs shatter, they cannot be reused. If a stone curb is later required to elevate the road, it remains intact. How long do concrete and stone curbs last? Concrete curbs are said to last four to five years but do not reach their full lifespan due to winter salt application. Stone curbs are less affected by salt and other factors and have a longer lifespan. When stone manufacturers offered to supply long, elevated curbs with preferential loans starting in October 2023, we informed the governor, and preferential loans were distributed. We started work with a budgeted amount to purchase local curbs for 118,000 each. While it was planned to start producing curbs in Sergelen soum, Tuv aimag, in June, local manufacturing is limited to four units per day, making national production unfeasible. One local election candidate stated, "I brought in a vehicle load of curbs for 15 million tugriks. Chinese suppliers say the curb costs 19,000 while our officials brought them for 178,000 tugriks." How accurate are these figures? If it's truly 19,000 tugriks, can't you purchase them then? It's possible. Road companies want to buy them. We do not know how much private companies import them for. Transport costs are also increasing. The 19,000 is merely the site price in China. However, with the actual unit price, operational cost increases occur. One curb can cost one person 30,000 tugriks to make.

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Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Ulaanbaatar. The Asia-Pacific regional strategic forum of the Universal Postal Union was organized for the first time in our country on September 25-26. The Minister of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications Ts. Baatarkhuu received the Director General of the Universal Postal Union, Masahito Metoki, during the forum, and expressed gratitude on behalf of the Government for granting the right to organize this forum in Mongolia. He stated, “Mongolia has a rich history in postal communications, and in this era of rapid technological advancement, it is time to elevate the sector to a new level. We will focus on introducing technology-integrated products and drone services in the postal sector, and on establishing their legal environment. The government sees the postal sector as the foundation of the digital economy, and thus, in cooperation with the private sector, we are focused on expanding the market and increasing its economic benefits. We hope to work with the Universal Postal Union on updating the legal framework of the postal sector and on training human resources.” Masahito Metoki, the Director General of the Universal Postal Union, emphasized that digital transformation will be the accelerator of development for Mongolia and highlighted that “countries around the world are placing special emphasis on using drones for mail delivery and establishing its legal environment. Alongside utilizing technological advancements, expanding traditional postal infrastructure is crucial, allowing it to deliver government services and disaster and emergency information to remote residents. Expanding postal infrastructure is important in a country as vast as Mongolia,” he said. The parties expressed their willingness to cooperate on updating the legal environment of the postal sector, exchanging good practices, preparing human resources, and technical assistance. The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications (DDC) reported that a "Postal Reform" roundtable meeting was organized last week as a joint effort of the public and private sectors to address challenges in the postal sector and introduce technology-integrated products and services.

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Parliament Members Studied Prices at the Narantuul Market

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: news.mn

Members of the Standing Committee on Ethics and Discipline of the Parliament, led by Chairman B. Bayarbaatar, along with members Ts. Munkhtuya and M. Narantuya, worked at the Narantuul Trade Center this week. They gathered market information regarding wholesale and retail prices of flour, transportation, loading costs, and demand and supply. At this trade center, more than 20 wholesale points sell flour to consumers from both the city and rural areas. Recently, traders noted that sales have decreased. Domestically produced premium flour in 25 kg packages is sold at an average price between 45,000 and 68,000 tugriks, while first-grade flour prices range from 43,000 to 55,000 tugriks. Although the price per kilogram of imported flour is lower, customers prefer domestic flour due to considerations of taste and quality. The working group members are compiling suggestions and evaluations regarding the cost and expenses of the entire process from wheat cultivation to production, distribution, and sales, integrating the perspectives of market participants. Previously, these parliament members met with farmers and domestic producers in the central region. Notably, during the previous parliament, a working group led by MP J. Bat-Erdene also investigated the realism of the pricing of staple food products like flour and rice at markets and trade centers. However, no results were achieved, and flour prices continued to rise, leading the government to propose and pass legislation to exempt imported flour from taxes through parliament. Thus, the newly formed working group appointed by the current parliament is examining whether the law to exempt imported flour from taxes has had a positive impact on citizens' lives.

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Mongolia-China Road Border Crossing to Temporarily Close

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: news.mn

The customs authority has announced that the Mongolia-China road border crossing will be temporarily closed due to the People's Republic of China's "National Day" celebrations, which occur from October 1st to October 7th in 2024. However, the Mongolian Customs organization's control and clearance operations will continue as usual. According to Article 4.3 of the Agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Border Ports and Their Regimes established in 2004, the Mongolia-China road border crossing will be temporarily closed during the National Day holiday from October 1st to October 7th. Therefore, experts are advising participants in customs relations and foreign trade operators to quickly collect their goods from the Chinese border.

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SOUTH GOBI: Scholarships to Study in the Commonwealth of Australia

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The Governor's Office of Umnugovi aimag has decided to cooperate with Flinders University in the Commonwealth of Australia. The Vice President of Flinders University, Sebastian Raneskold, visited Dalanzadgad city and held a meeting with a working group led by Deputy Governor of Umnugovi aimag, Ts. Deneedordj, and signed a memorandum of cooperation. Under this memorandum, it is planned to provide scholarships covering up to 75% for undergraduate, master's, doctorate, and short-term training in fields needed in the local area. Flinders University will cover 25% of the scholarship fees, while the "Nutgiin Khashig" program in Umnugovi aimag will cover 25-50% of the fees.

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Called for Support of the International Research Center for LLDCs Based in Ulaanbaatar

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The 23rd meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) was held in New York recently. Member of Parliament and Minister of Foreign Affairs, B. Battsetseg, participated in the meeting and, in her speech, presented the policies, activities, proposals, and initiatives implemented by the Government of Mongolia to protect the interests of LLDCs. She called on member countries of the group, development partners, and other participants to support the activities of the International Research Center for LLDCs based in Ulaanbaatar. Additionally, she reported on the work done by Mongolia as the co-chair of the Intergovernmental Committee preparing for the Third United Nations Conference on LLDCs, scheduled to be held in Gaborone, Botswana, from December 10 to 13. She stressed that the new 10-year program of action for LLDCs, to be adopted at this conference, would make a significant contribution to the development of these countries with special needs. The meeting adopted the Ministerial Declaration reflecting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, ways to accelerate it, and the objectives, directions, and activities of the new 10-year program of action for LLDCs. The meeting was chaired by L. Kwape, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Botswana, the chair of the LLDC Group. Opening remarks were made by F. Yang, President of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly; R. Ray, President of the UN Economic and Social Council; and R. Fatima, High Representative for the least developed, landlocked developing, and small island developing states at the UN. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, around 60 representatives, including Foreign Ministers of LLDCs, transit countries, development partners, and international organizations, spoke during the general discussion of the meeting.

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Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg expresses desire to improve travel conditions for citizens

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: isee.mn

During participation in the General Debate of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg met with South Korea's Foreign Minister Ju Tae Yul. At the meeting, Minister B. Battsetseg noted that the friendly relations and cooperation between Mongolia and South Korea are expanding at the level of a "Strategic Partnership" in all sectors. She expressed her commitment to working closely to expand the scope of trade and economic cooperation with South Korea, a close regional "third neighbor," and to improve travel conditions for citizens. Minister Ju Tae Yul expressed his commitment to accelerating the establishment of the Mongolia-Korea Economic Partnership Agreement which is under negotiation, as well as focusing on the progress of jointly implemented projects and programs. The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of both countries reiterated their commitment to deepening and strengthening cooperation not only bilaterally but also on international and regional platforms, exchanging views on issues of mutual interest.

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Mongolia and South Korea to Cooperate on Labor Rights

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions (MCTU) has agreed to undertake specific initiatives to protect the labor rights of about 50,000 Mongolian citizens living and working in South Korea as part of collaborative efforts between the two countries, with plans to integrate these efforts into relevant legal frameworks. By invitation of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, MCTU President and Member of Parliament S. Erdenebat, along with some leaders of sectoral trade unions, visited South Korea. They discussed and agreed on several initiatives to advance the labor rights of Mongolian citizens living and working there. During the visit, they met with representatives of parliament members representing Korean trade unions in the National Assembly of South Korea and exchanged views on policy-level collaboration. Discussions were held to expand cooperation between the branches and offices of MCTU and the Korean trade unions. The Korean parliament member Hong Bae Park highlighted amendments to labor laws in South Korea, such as recognizing certain cases of workplace harm due to extreme heat as industrial accidents and imposing stricter penalties on employers who fail to pay wages on time. S. Erdenebat emphasized the importance of expanding parliamentary collaboration in both countries to protect the rights and interests of workers as he was appointed as a member of the Mongolia-Korea parliamentary group. Currently, 56,000 Mongolian nationals are living, studying, and working in South Korea, with one-third of them, or 18,000 people, residing without visas. Issues such as inability to receive timely wages, lack of access to healthcare and insurance for undocumented or contract workers remain prevalent. Therefore, to protect their rights and interests, Mongolian citizens are encouraged to unite and form trade unions and collaborate with Korean trade unions. The confederations from both countries have agreed to undertake specific actions to create the necessary conditions for such collaboration. Moreover, during the visit, they learned about one-stop service operations for labor and welfare, and discussed ways to protect the labor rights of overseas workers and support their return to Mongolia, including discussions about social insurance and wage disputes.

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Suspect Wanted by Interpol Brought Back from Turkey

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: isee.mn

A suspect wanted by Interpol has been brought from the Republic of Turkey to Mongolia. Specifically, the Mongolian citizen "T," who was wanted internationally according to the Interpol "Blue Corner" notice, was forcibly brought back to Mongolia from the Republic of Turkey on September 27 of this year, where he is currently undergoing investigation. The individual had been under investigation for offenses related to illegally obtaining and possessing drugs listed in Schedule II of the 1961 United Nations "Convention on Psychotropic Substances" in October 2022. He fled during the investigation and was being sought internationally. The operation to bring him back to Mongolia was organized jointly by the Interpol National Central Bureau of the General Police Department, the Anti-Drug Agency, and the Criminal Police Department, in cooperation with the relevant authorities of Turkey.

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Expressed Desire to Work Closely on Improving Travel Conditions for Citizens

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: montsame.mn

During the General Debate of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, Ju Tae-youl, yesterday. During the meeting, Minister B. Battsetseg noted that the friendly relations and cooperation between Mongolia and South Korea are expanding and developing at the level of a "Strategic Partnership" in all sectors, and expressed their commitment to closely cooperate with the Republic of Korea, a close "third neighbor" in the region, to expand the scope of trade and economic cooperation and to improve travel conditions for citizens. Minister Ju Tae-youl expressed that they are working to accelerate the establishment of the Mongolia-Korea Economic Partnership Agreement, which is in the negotiation phase, and are focused on the progress of jointly implemented projects and programs. The two sides confirmed their commitment to deepen and strengthen cooperation not only bilaterally but also in international and regional platforms, and exchanged views on issues of mutual interest, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported.

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75 Years of Progress is Important to China and the World

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: news.mn

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the People's Republic of China, as well as the 10th anniversary of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. These historic anniversaries are being celebrated alongside the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Within the framework of these events, the Mongolia-China Friendship Society has initiated and organized a series of activities and events in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia and the Embassy of the People's Republic of China. One of these activities is the "Mongolia-China Friendship Week," organized from September 20 to 27, during which the "75 Years of Friendship" photo exhibition was displayed at the Chinggis Khaan National Museum. Additionally, on Friday, September 27, 2024, Shen Minjuan, the Chinese Ambassador to Mongolia, hosted a reception attended by Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrai Oyun-Erdene, high-ranking officials, foreign guests, and representatives. In his opening speech at the reception, Ambassador Shen highlighted the cooperation between the two countries and mentioned long-term development policies such as the "Belt and Road" and "Vision 2050." He emphasized that the progress achieved over the past 75 years is important not only for the cooperation between Mongolia and China but also for many countries around the world. Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrai Oyun-Erdene also delivered an opening speech, expressing gratitude to the attendees, representatives, and the Chinese Embassy for organizing the event. He spoke about improving strategic policies as part of the "75 Years of Friendship" and mentioned future cooperative projects between the two countries. The following are highlights from the Prime Minister's speech: "Distinguished Members of Parliament, Members of Government, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends! This evening, we have gathered together to celebrate the dual anniversaries of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China and the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and Mongolia. On behalf of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Mongolia, I warmly welcome you all and express my sincere gratitude! I would like to particularly thank you, Prime Minister, for your presence. This building of ours was constructed in 1957 and has witnessed the historical development of China-Mongolia relations over countless springs and autumns for 70 years. After many years, holding the National Day and Diplomatic Reception celebrations again at the Embassy pays tribute to the veteran diplomats who have contributed to the friendship between China and Mongolia over time. As someone new to China-Mongolia relations and the first female ambassador to Mongolia, I am deeply honored and proud! Great achievements come after overcoming great challenges. Under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), in the 75 years since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the nation has developed from poverty and weakness to become the world's second-largest economy, achieving national strengthening and international influence. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the Chinese nation has eradicated extreme poverty, achieving a moderately prosperous society and embarking on the path to fully prosperous development. Zhejiang Province is where President Xi Jinping worked, and it's the birthplace of Premier Li Qiang. It is an exemplary region for achieving universal prosperity, and high-level innovation-driven development continues to deepen. The "Three New Creations"—electric vehicles, lithium batteries, solar panels—are new trademarks of "Made in China," while the Jiaolong submarine dives into the ocean depths, the C919 aircraft soars into the sky, and the Shenzhou spacecraft travel into space. A low-carbon, green ecological civilization is advancing forcefully, leading the world in afforestation and renewable energy supply, adding color to China's picturesque mountains and clear lakes. From building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind to the "Belt and Road" initiative's collaborative construction, to the Three Major Global Initiatives, China is contributing wisdom and solutions to improving global governance in a changing world. Although we are on the path to development, continuous efforts are needed to progress. This July, the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee was successfully held, further deepening reforms and modernizing the Chinese paradigm, sending a clear signal to the world: China will build a high-level socialist market economy system, promote advanced development, and improve high-level openness systems and mechanisms. As President Xi Jinping said, "A single flower does not make spring, but a hundred flowers in full bloom bring spring." China's new development will surely bring new opportunities to the world and inspire developing countries in particular. We will continue to support the industrialization of developing countries, help solve issues of people's livelihoods, and strive for a bright tomorrow together! Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends. This year marks several anniversaries: the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Mongolia, the 30th anniversary of the Treaty on Friendly and Cooperative Relations, and the 10th anniversary of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Looking back, the valuable qualities of China-Mongolia friendship are mutual trust, high-level close communication, profound friendship between peoples, and understanding and respecting each other's core interests. The most vivid expression of China-Mongolia friendship is mutual assistance—seen in the hard work of those who came to help Mongolia in the 1950s and 1960s, the "Sheep for Tea" warm gesture during the pandemic, the mutual assistance during the Wenchuan earthquake and the extreme winter in Mongolia's pastoral areas. The fundamental goal of China-Mongolia friendship is joint development. The Peace Bridge, Central Stadium, highways built within the "Belt and Road" initiative, the central sewage treatment plant in Mongolia, and the trade volume target of 20 billion USD between the two countries are manifestations of the shared aspiration for development and the win-win cooperation that accompanies it. As time goes by, we will never forget our original intentions. Under the mandate of President Xi Jinping, Chinese Vice President Han Zheng recently visited Mongolia, engaging in extensive, in-depth dialogue with Mongolia's new parliament and new government leaders, reaching important new agreements to deepen mutual trust and cooperation, and opening a new chapter in bilateral relations. During the welcome ceremony, an adorable little Mongolian girl saying "Welcome to my sunny Mongolia" in pure, clear Chinese is still vividly remembered. "Sunny Mongolia" not only signifies Mongolia's beautiful country but also the bright future of China-Mongolia relations! China stands ready to cooperate with Mongolia on the "Belt and Road" initiative, establish a Community with a Shared Future for the two countries, and bring mutual benefits to both peoples! To the Chinese-invested enterprises, teachers, students, and Chinese citizens in Mongolia who contribute sincerely to the friendship between China and Mongolia and the development of Mongolia, I express my sincere gratitude and wish to extend warm congratulations on the anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. On behalf of myself and the Embassy, I assure you of continued social security and support. In conclusion, I invite you all to raise a toast. May China and Mongolia prosper, and may the friendship between the two countries grow stronger and last forever! I wish you all happiness and prosperity! Thank you.

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E. Sarantsetseg Will Create a Safe and Healthy Environment for Citizens to Learn and Grow in the City

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: news.mn

The "National Coalition," led by N. Nomtoibayar, has nominated Dr. Enkh-Amgalan's Sarantsetseg, a political science Ph.D., for the 1st election district of the Capital City Citizens' Representative Assembly in Bayangol District. The current state of Mongolian society is often explained to citizens and voters. In other words, every four years, voters are given the opportunity to hold those in power accountable. However, turning this mechanism into a financial tool has led us to live in poverty today. We need to realize the value of our choice, exercise our right to vote independently, and then talk about development. We believe that it is necessary to first develop citizens who are free from divisive party politics, who bravely criticize inadequate state policies independently, and who help create a healthy society that accepts such actions, before discussing the development of Mongolia. We, the youth, must now lead the way to create a courageous, educated populace capable of meeting primary needs. At the very least, citizens should be encouraged not to sell their votes, to consider long-term factors when voting, and to activate the political participation of our youth. This is the message of our campaign for the Capital City Citizens' Representative Assembly election. If Enkh-Amgalan's Sarantsetseg is elected as a representative, her work will begin with ensuring that citizens can live, learn, and grow in a safe and healthy city. This includes addressing issues related to human-friendly and environmentally friendly green buildings and green businesses.

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The Two Faces of the "City-State" Yarmag

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

In the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, a "city-state" known as Yarmag has already emerged. This area has become a model of uneven development and planning, much like Ulaanbaatar itself, and continues to expand year after year. If we continue to ignore this issue and let it flow as it is now, the capital city may face environmental degradation, overloaded roads and infrastructure, limited access to basic social services, and deteriorating living conditions. The "gap" caused by inequality may deepen further. This door has already been opened, and its foundation is firmly established, as we can see with our own eyes and feel in our own experiences. Urban planners, architects, and engineers have warned that the residential area of Yarmag plays a significant role in defining the development of modern Ulaanbaatar and is likely to have even greater influence in the future. However, many residents of the capital view Yarmag as just another residential area growing out of social development principles, and for now, they treat the issues created by congestion and concentration as light entertainment or merrymaking. In reality, this is a problem that is laughter today, and a burden tomorrow. The master plan aimed at developing Ulaanbaatar from a one-centered to a multi-centered model has always included Yarmag. The goal and plan to make this area one of the city's centers and a new settlement area has been included in urban planning policies since the 2000s, and numerous projects and programs for infrastructure, construction, and transport logistics have been initiated since then. Unfortunately, before any substantial and organized work could be completed according to the plan, the terraces of Yarmag became filled with buildings and constructions, turning it into a city within a city. Statistics show that the flow and migration of people into this area have intensified over the past decade. From 2001 to 2015, 101 residential blocks for apartment purposes were completed in Yarmag, and between 2016 and 2020, merely within five years, 113 new buildings and structures were built. It's hard to say how many more buildings have been constructed since. Currently, 45% of the construction work ongoing in the city takes place in this area. Consequently, the population has also been growing at "the speed of light." In 2021, over 40,000 people lived in the Yarmag area, specifically in the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th khoroo of Khan-Uul district, but this number has now exceeded 60,000. The local government of Khan-Uul district is unable to provide exact numbers, stating that "there is no official statistic combining temporary and permanent residents, but it is estimated to be over 60,000 on average." A survey conducted by the real estate company "Tengleg Zuuch" in 2022 found that the population density in Yarmag is 23 times higher than that of Ulaanbaatar. While it is difficult to say how this indicator has changed, it’s certain that the situation has worsened. The few facts mentioned above illustrate how rapidly this area has developed in recent years. However, the core issue lies in the fact that this development is not equitable or beneficial to all. Yarmag is following in the footsteps of Ulaanbaatar, developing and expanding with unequal planning. Let’s clarify this: Ulaanbaatar has been transformed into a metropolitan city for quite some time, yet it does not meet the criteria for balanced and equitable development or organized planning. It is rightly counted among the most disorganized and unplanned cities. As a result of the division of citizens based on income and living standards, there's a split structure developing—residents of Zaisan and the rest. People even categorize residents as living "north" or "south" of the Zaisan bridge. Most of the pedestrian and bicycle paths, streets and squares for public use, parks, gardens, and green areas, which affect the daily living quality of citizens, have been constructed beyond the Peace and Zaisan bridges. It’s no exaggeration to say that the government has been fueling and supporting this division through policy. Just take a look and compare; two different and contrasting environments might greet you. Think about how many bike paths and parks built in recent years are actually located within the territory of Khan-Uul district. Fundamentally, the residents of Zaisan settled in the most unique location of the capital, near the mountain and river (at the foot of Bogd Khan Mountain and on the banks of the Tuul River), and continue to enjoy "privileged status." Yarmag, which has become another major residential area of the city, is also divided into northern and southern parts. If you observe closely, the area south of the Naadam Road in Yarmag, extending towards Bogd Khan Mountain, is filled with expensive villa neighborhoods and apartment complexes. Deluxe and costly housing complexes like "Belmonte Residence," "VIP Residence," and "Cedar City Residence" are crowded on the southern side of the road. These residences advertise themselves as located in "the most valuable and healthy area of Ulaanbaatar." Notably, shopping and service centers with somewhat good options and environment for the residents of these neighborhoods also rise south of the Yarmag road. Private schools with high tuition fees like "Tomiya," "New Mongol Harumafuji," and "British School of Ulaanbaatar" are also located in this part. The "International Eco Park," planned and organized as the main leisure and recreation area for the residents of Nisekh and Yarmag, is also situated close to this group of residents. Additionally, the "glossy" building of the city administration of Ulaanbaatar is located in this area, at the center of these expensive residential areas. In contrast, there are few attractive buildings or structures on the opposite side. Some apartment complexes line the front lane near the road, but beyond that stretch, you'll find ger districts spread out. Due to this situation, differences have emerged in the options for walking paths, recreational spaces, shopping, service areas, and even the air quality that the people of Yarmag have access to. The reason is that the "southern" ones have settled in the most favorable locations, just like the residents of Zaisan. Yarmag was once considered one of the most favorable locations in the capital for promoting modern urban planning. It had few industrial and service places, low population density, and good air circulation, and was considered the cleanest area in the city. That’s why people of the capital used to celebrate festivals on these terraces in the past. However, due to careless planning, this area has now become the most congested, dense, and disordered part of the city. Those in the know have started warning us that without paying attention now, things could go very bad in the future. City planner and engineer N. Tumentsengel said, "Now is the responsible time to decide whether to exacerbate or halt the social disparities that emerged in Yarmag. If we don't start giving attention and balancing its planning through policy, another Zaisan could emerge. The stress and harm unequal development causes to society is something Ulaanbaatar residents know too well." Creative-100 association founder and urbanist E. Zolzaya mentioned, "Non-experts are destroying the chance to correct Ulaanbaatar's planning mistakes, making the situation worse, with Yarmag as a clear example. If the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) for the Yarmag-Dari-Ekh route had been implemented, and land trade had not blossomed, the residential burden on the capital would have been reduced accordingly." The flow and load of Yarmag’s roads and bridges have significant impacts on the daily lives of city residents, which signals worsening conditions ahead, as some have warned. Professionals are reminding us that a city with leadership and managers capable of seeing things from a broad perspective and a long distance would not leave Yarmag out of focus as it is now. Generations of city leaders have claimed, "We will develop the Yarmag area as a separate zone, as a model," yet have never implemented it. The current mayor of the city boasts, "Yarmag will become the city's second center, and we will build a metro," yet in reality, they can do little more than tinker with roads and bridges. Unequal planning and development disparities bring many negative consequences to a country. First and foremost, the main indicator of citizens' quality of life— a healthy and safe environment—loses its balance. Moreover, the social and economic development of other areas is neglected, and the availability of basic social services declines. This is followed by increased stress and conflict among residents. In the long run, it becomes the foundation for widespread protest and resistance movements. Cities like São Paulo in Brazil, Mumbai in India, Cape Town in South Africa, Barcelona in Spain, and Portland in the US are many examples of places where social class disparities and unequal planning run deep. The characteristic of this "gap" is that the deeper it gets, the greater the risk of social disorder escalating. All of the aforementioned cities have gone through this path. There is no guarantee that the residents of Ulaanbaatar will not travel this path as well.

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Project Team Meets with Bulgan Province Leaders

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The project team met with the leadership of Bulgan province. The "ECCO FARM" project, aimed at increasing local capacity to adapt and overcome climate change, will be implemented in Mongolia between 2025-2029 with a CAD 10 million funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada. The project team is currently working in Bulgan province and held a second meeting with the provincial Governor B. Ariun-Erdene, the Chairman of the UTH (Local Council) D. Erdenebat, and other relevant officials to introduce the project. This project will be implemented in 7 provinces and 4 districts of Mongolia, with Darkhan-Uul, Dornod, and Sukhbaatar provinces selected at the provincial level, and Hutag-Undur in Bulgan province, Ikh-Uul in Khuvsgul province, Khushaat in Selenge province, and Bornuur in Tuv province selected at the district level. The "ECCO FARM" project aims to support local residents by introducing smart agriculture adapted to climate, nature-based agricultural solutions, and biodiversity conservation methods. The project will be implemented by "Alinea International" LLC, the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Biodiversity Outcomes, and "BlackRock Partners" LLC in Mongolia.

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Slippery Conditions on Tsagaan Pass Road

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: news.mn

The "Arkhangaia AZZA" state-owned responsible company has issued a warning about the slippery conditions that have developed today due to heavy wet snow on the Tsagaan Pass section of the state highway A0603 running from Tsetserleg to Tosontsengel, specifically between kilometers 2 and 8.6. Drivers are reminded to ensure their vehicles are in full operational condition, change from summer tires, and maintain safety while traveling. The Meteorological and Environmental Monitoring Agency has also warned that the weather will become significantly colder in the near future, with rain and snow expected across most regions, leading to a continuation of unstable weather conditions. Therefore, citizens are advised to dress warmly, ensure safety during travel both near and far, and stay informed about the weather conditions and forecasts for their destinations before making decisions. The public is also urged not to leave young children, people with disabilities, or the elderly unattended, and not to send them out. Livestock should be grazed in nearby pastures to ensure the safety of both human and animal life, health, and property.

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Households in 10th District to Receive Hot Water and Heat on Monday

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The expansion work on the 11gd main line from Sapporo intersection to the 25th pharmacy has been completed, and the hot water and heating for households in the 10th district area is scheduled to be provided next Monday. The 11gd main line from Sapporo intersection to the 25th pharmacy was put into operation in 1983 and has not been renovated in 41 years. Therefore, the 2F800 mm diameter line was upgraded to a 2F1000 mm diameter, updated with a 1.6 km dual line, and in collaboration with the NUG, roads and parking lots are being constructed. The main tasks have been completed, so the pumping of water and heat for the households in the 10th district has begun. In Ulaanbaatar city, more than 390 km of heating pipe networks have been utilized for 30 to 60 years on average. Consequently, an ongoing phased implementation of pipeline expansion and renovation is underway. This will increase the transmission capacity of the main pipeline by 800 tons per hour and technically enable the addition of centralized heating to approximately 6200 households in new buildings with 12 stories and one entrance having a thermal consumption of 52 Gcal/h. Moreover, the heat supply for city center areas including Circus, Little Ring, National Library, Teachers’ College, and 13th district will also improve, network loss will decrease by 5-15 percent, and the city's network reliability will increase, according to the Communication from the NCT Management Office.

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B. Odbayar: Road Repairs Postponed Due to Weather Conditions on the Weekend

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: itoim.mn

This week, plans were made to upgrade a total of 11.4 km of roads. However, due to weather conditions, road repairs and renovations at some locations have been postponed for this weekend, as confirmed by an official. Director of the City Road Development Department, B. Odbayar, stated, "The renovation and closure planned for Khuwsgalchidyn Street, the road behind Bogd Mountain, and sections of Chingis Avenue have been postponed indefinitely due to weather conditions. Asphalt paving is done when the ground is dry, so work will start once the ground is completely dry. Meanwhile, the partial renovation of the road on 'Niislel Khuree' Avenue, from the Camel Statue to the intersection with E-Mart store, is planned to be completed overnight." NCMO INFORMATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT

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Khu.Nyambaatar: Few know the life and work of the city like J.Batbayasgalan

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: news.mn

Khu.Nyambaatar, the Governor of the Capital and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar City, and the Head of the Capital's MPP Committee, congratulated six candidates running for office in the capital representing his native district and wished them success. The Capital's MPP is promoting the "City Revival - 20-Minute City" program, aiming to ensure all human needs are fully met and provide access to all government services within 20 minutes in a centralized location. The Mayor highlighted that the city is in a period of great development giving benefits to every citizen from large-scale construction projects initiated at the district, capital, and government levels. The main goals are to successfully complete programs on energy, infrastructure, road facilities, engineering networks, secondary centers, and housing. He emphasized that the time for significant development progress is here. Speaking about J.Batbayasgalan, chairman of the Capital Citizen’s Representative Khural, who is running in his native Bayangol district, Khu.Nyambaatar said, "J.Batbayasgalan and I have been working together for the development of the district and capital since our youth. His life and work are inextricably linked to the capital, especially to Bayangol district. We are colleagues with the city as our foundation. Few know the life and work of the city like J.Batbayasgalan. I urge the people of Bayangol to support this young man who can complete his tasks and most importantly, earns trust." It should be noted that at the Bayangol district's Citizen’s Representative Khural, 41 candidates from different professions, including doctors, teachers, engineers, economists, lawyers, and private sector representatives are running. The youngest candidate is 25 years old, while the oldest is 60. The candidates in Bayangol are participating with the slogan of bringing "Sustainable Development" to their native district.

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R. Seddorj: "Local Blessing" Program Continues with Capable Leaders

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: news.mn

The Democratic Party of Ömnögovi aimag officially launches its campaign for the 2024 Local Elections today. Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, R. Seddorj, addressed the attendees: "Distinguished guests and delegates! I would like to greet everyone with the mid-autumn horse day's greetings. The 'Local Blessing' program is ready to be implemented for the eighth year. Our citizens have embraced it positively, allowing all districts of Ömnögovi aimag to develop simultaneously. Our aimag has established a foundation for roads to connect its districts, bringing us closer to a future where our aimag has schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and local administrative buildings across all districts. As we begin the local elections, we are committed to bringing growth to every household in Ömnögovi within the next four years with our campaign promises. The 'Local Blessing' program is creating environments that include roads, buildings, schools, kindergartens, and hospitals. Now, the program aims to increase household income, support private enterprises, and assist those involved in artisanal mining. It seeks to inspire people who struggle with aimlessness and addictions, support their career training, and help them find jobs in Oyu Tolgoi, Tavantolgoi, and Nariin Sukhaite with the aimag's assistance. The future is promising for the next four years. We have presented thirty-five candidates for the aimag citizens' council and candidates for the councils of fifteen districts. It is vital for these candidates to refine and present the 'Local Blessing' initiative better, as it has earned significant trust. Present this campaign program, demonstrating the new growth for Ömnögovi. Remember, you are candidates, not current district heads, until October 11. Do not underestimate your opponents. The Ömnögovi DP (Democratic Party) is known for its integrity, not slandering others. We do not engage in recalling MPs from our region. We are committed to honesty and perseverance for our people, upholding state service laws and standards. The 'Local Blessing' program has enabled an increase in salaries for 4,300 civil servants, doubling to over 2 million, matching mining wages. This support will not be reduced if the DP wins. Other parties might reduce it. I will give one example from 2016-2020 when we were the minority in the Aimag Assembly. Back then, while the MPP was in charge, no progress was made on the roads leading northward. We fought for four years to get ten kilometers built, reaching 130 kilometers in the last four years. As the Mongolian saying goes, 'Complete what you start, let salt dissolve.' The DP must finish the road construction it started with 70 kilometers still pending. We hope the Mongolian government fulfills its commitments and continues to support it. In the next four years, we envision Ömnögovi with an international airport, enhancing growth further. We plan to expand the aimag center, increase electricity capacity, and enable electric heating for every household by building a 50 MW CHP. Road projects linking districts continue, starting from Khurmen sum to the aimag center. Infrastructure for Mandal-Ovoo and Bulgan sums has begun. Hanhongor residents have awaited improved roads for 100 years. The construction of a 12-km river crossing road has commenced. In the 'Local Blessing' program, we established and are nurturing a branch of the Technical University in Ömnögovi, currently with over 350 students from 10 aimags. We are truly implementing the Mongolian state policy of decentralizing from the capital. However, we cannot be complacent. We must improve conditions and prepare local teachers from the aimag. In collaboration with Oyu Tolgoi, we plan to build a complete campus with dorms, a library, a classroom building, and residences for teachers in the coming years. This concludes the announcement of the 2024 local aimag and district council election candidate mandates and the commencement of the campaign. Thank you.

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S. Otgonbat: Citizens Want to Live Like Officials

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Candidate from the KhUN Party in the City Council Elections, a citizen of Ulaanbaatar, Samdan Otgonbat spoke with us. - What is the issue with Ulaanbaatar? - The city’s issues are not just traffic jams and pollution. It’s a matter of the system where the officials don’t understand the city’s problems. There’s a cycle where they cause more traffic jams with their lighthouse-decaled cars, construct freely in protected areas, and announce tenders with pre-determined winners. Citizens have to struggle and live outside this cycle on their own. - Who can improve the living conditions in the city? - The capital is not a training ground for politicians. It should be a place where only professionals, passionate and strong young people, emerge with a sole goal to improve the living environment. We need to elect those who have resolved their domestic issues and can systematically handle work. - How do you plan to work in the City Council? - I’ve built a strong business with about 500 young people over 15 years. It’s time to introduce this know-how to the development of our city. Ulaanbaatar has lived like a disorderly, chaotic household for 30 years due to a lack of strategic approach. Field-specific proven specialists will come forward to change this. KhUN Party Candidate for the 2024 City Council Elections

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S.Otgonbat: Citizens Want to Live Like the Officials

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Candidate from the National Labor Party for the Ulaanbaatar City Council election, and a citizen of Ulaanbaatar, Otgonbat Samdan, was interviewed. - What is the issue with Ulaanbaatar? The problem of the city is not traffic congestion or pollution. It is related to a system where the officials are disconnected from the city's problems. There is a cycle where officials create additional traffic jams with their cars with beacons, build structures arbitrarily in protected areas, and announce tenders with pre-determined winners. Citizens struggle and live with pure hard work outside of this cycle. - Who can improve living conditions in the city? The capital is not a preparatory class for politicians. It should be a field where strong and committed young professionals with the sole goal of improving the living environment emerge. We need to elect people who have resolved their livelihoods and can work systematically. - How will you work in the City Council? In 15 years, together with about 500 of my colleagues, we have built a strong business. It's time to bring this know-how into the city's development. Ulaanbaatar has lived without strategy, like a headless, scattered family, for 30 years. This will change with specialists certified in various fields.

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Ts. Iderbat Amazed by Bus Culture

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: news.mn

It has been over 20 days since the decision was made to have dignitaries working in the State Palace travel by bus, yet the decision seems to be rather inadequate. Yesterday, Member of Parliament Ts. Iderbat took a bus and remarked, "To tell the truth, it's been a long time since I last took a bus. I've even forgotten when I last rode one. Today, after work, I took the bus home. The bus I knew has completely changed. The main change is that we use a bank card to board, and there are routes from Sukhbaatar Square, which is convenient," he tweeted through his social media, proving how disconnected he has been from reality. In reality, he is unaware that buses have started using card readers and that public transportation services the west, east, south, and north sides of Sukhbaatar Square daily, which is a sign of being "out of touch." The decision to have those from the State Palace travel by bus was made in consideration of the start of school, ongoing road repair and renovation works, and numerous high-level state visits. Therefore, this decision might be revoked as soon as October begins. The public believes that this decision should be continued, and that traveling by public transportation like the citizens, instead of by special bus, would help in coming up with solutions to combat traffic congestion.

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Aim to Establish a Waste Management Center in 360 Districts

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: montsame.mn

With the initiative of the "CARITAS CZECH REPUBLIC" organization’s representative office in Mongolia, a project funded by the European Union named "Ensuring the Sustainability of Plastic Waste Recycling in Mongolia" has been implemented in Khishig-Undur district of Bulgan province since May 2020. Within the framework of the project, the project team worked in Bulgan province to summarize and evaluate the activities carried out, and discuss future cooperation. The head of the State Administration Department of the Governor’s Office of the province, D. Erdenebileg, along with relevant officials, received the project team for the "Ensuring the Sustainability of Plastic Waste Recycling in Mongolia" project. During the meeting, they talked about the results achieved over the 4 years of the project and discussed the direction for disseminating the achievements to other districts for future collaboration. As a result of the project, Khishig-Undur district established a "District Waste Management Center" for the period 2021-2024, increasing the knowledge and understanding of local residents and becoming a model district for long-term waste recycling. On September 25, 2024, the "District Waste Management Center" of Khishig-Undur hosted environmental protection officers from 21 provinces, who explored and studied their experiences. Within the framework of the project, in collaboration with the province's Environmental Office, the "Altargana-2024" international festival organized activities for collecting plastic waste and recyclables, resulting in the collection of 2,000 tons of recyclable waste, which was delivered to the relevant organizations. The Bulgan province selected 4 districts with the best organized waste management systems and began the work of supplying equipment for compressing or pressing plastic waste.

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SELENGE: Products Grown in Fertile Organic Soil of Selenge Served to Ulaanbaatar Residents

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The "Autumn Green Days-National Production" event held in Ulaanbaatar features participation from 8 cooperatives from Selenge province, 1 enterprise from the food sector, 11 citizens, and 50 household farmers. They are offering 17-19 types of potatoes, vegetables, fruits, pickled and canned products, dairy products, and honey grown in the fertile organic soil of Selenge land. The "Autumn Green Days-National Production" event aims to improve the food supply for the city's population and introduce the best products and samples of fresh harvests from national producers and farmers to the public. This event, taking place at the National Sports Stadium in the capital city, is jointly organized by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry and the Mayor's Office of Ulaanbaatar. The Autumn Green Days will continue until the 29th of this month.

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Rain and Snow Expected in Central and Eastern Provinces Today

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Rain, wet snow, and snow are expected in most areas of the central and eastern provinces, accompanied by cold and stormy winds, according to the Weather and Environmental Research Agency. Due to these conditions, special attention is being advised to avoid slipping on roads and passes, as crops and vegetables may be covered by snow, and outdoor and exposed produce may freeze. The Weather and Environmental Research Agency emphasizes these warnings. Media organizations (television, radio, social networks, and websites) are reminded that when using our information fully or partially, they must cite the source (ikon.mn) accordingly.

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WARNING: Snow and Cold Weather Advisory for Central and Eastern Provinces

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: isee.mn

Heavy wet snow will fall over the Arkhangai region and northern parts of Khentii. Specifically, today and most of the central and eastern provinces will experience significant rain, wet snow, and snow, leading to cold and stormy conditions, hence creating potential slippery roads and passes. Crops and vegetables might be covered in snow, and exposed produce might get frostbitten, according to the Meteorological and Environmental Observatory, which has issued a special advisory. Tomorrow, most areas in the Gobi and eastern provinces will receive significant rain, wet snow, and snow with cold and stormy weather, leading to potential slippery roads and passes. Crops and vegetables might be covered with snow, and exposed produce might get frostbitten; a special warning continues. On the 30th, Monday of the coming week, snow, rain, and soft snowstorms are expected in the eastern half of the country, and on October 1st, in the mountainous areas of Khangai, Khuvsgul, Khentii, and the Daryganga plain. The wind will strengthen up to 15-17 meters per second tomorrow, the 29th, in some areas, and on the 30th in Gobi, steppe, and plains. Most areas will get colder; in the Darkhad basin, Altai, Khangai, Khuvsgul, Khentii mountainous regions, upper parts of the Zavkhan river, Khurenbelchir, and valleys of the Ider, Tes, Tuul, Terelj, Kherlen, and Onon rivers, nightly temperatures will be between ‑9 to ‑14 degrees Celsius, and daytime temperatures will be between ‑2 to +3 degrees Celsius. In the Great Lakes Depression and southern parts of the Gobi region, nighttime temperatures will be 0 to +5 degrees Celsius, and daytime temperatures will be +7 to +12 degrees Celsius. In other areas, nighttime temperatures will be ‑2 to ‑7 degrees Celsius, and daytime temperatures will be +2 to +7 degrees Celsius. The Meteorological and Environmental Observatory reports that next Tuesday, it will slightly warm during the day in the western part of the territory, and across most areas on October 2nd.

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Supporting Startups to Reach the World

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: montsame.mn

In line with the goal of "creating" a world-class unicorn company from Mongolia, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications Ts. Baatarkhuu meets with representatives of the private sector every Friday to organize solution-oriented meetings. For instance, a meeting was held yesterday with representatives of "Rookie Systems" LLC, ICT Group, "Metacog" LLC, and "Nomadic Bear Games" LLC to exchange ideas. The "Rookie Systems" company has developed an intelligent parking system that has been successfully implemented for public use. Using data, they are planning to create an open tender system and classify the data base of the Government's 11-11 center to make it accessible to the public. They have expressed their desire to collaborate with the ministry in organizing an information technology competition. In addition, ICT Group, which delivers products and services to the public through its 76 subsidiaries, has introduced over 400 products and services to more than 3 million users since its establishment in 2011. They discussed with the minister the issues of human resource development in the sector and the export of products, aiming to improve the quality of life of Mongolian people through technology, and expressed their wish to standardize the basic systems and products in this direction. "Metacog" presented their comprehensive HR system, which is being used by the top 50 companies in Mongolia. They announced their goal to create an English version of their platform and enter the US market, seeking support from the minister. The fourth company participating in this meeting, "Nomadic Bear Games" LLC, has developed games that have been downloaded 50 million times worldwide. They have produced over 150 games in the last five years, four of which have been released internationally. Director B. Tserbold noted the company's aim to become the largest unicorn in Mongolia, with revenues generated from the US market. He highlighted that there are enormous opportunities in the global gaming market, but also significant risks, and asked the minister for support in improving the legal environment. Minister Ts. Baatarkhuu stated, “The ministry is a government administrative body that develops policies and legal frameworks for the sector. Following the adoption of the law to support the information technology industry by the parliament last June, our goal is to support domestic software companies, create favorable conditions, and prepare skilled professionals. In other words, we will support and collaborate with startups to help them reach the global stage,” as highlighted by the ministry.

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BID GreenSpot Opening Ceremony

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: ikon.mn

BID Financial Group, using its own funds, has completed the full development of a 3500 sqm area in the city center as part of its social responsibility to reduce air and soil pollution and improve the city's appearance. This area, named BID GreenSpot, includes over 250 trees and natural wild roses, along with grass lawns, walkways, a pond, irrigation systems, lighting, benches, and pergolas. The development has been completed and handed over to the residents and the homeowner's association (HOA). Note: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must cite our source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, completely or partially.

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"Jaipur Foot" Project Provides Free Prosthetic Limbs to 650 People with Disabilities

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: isee.mn

The humanitarian "Jaipur Foot" project, launched in 1975 with the help and donations of benevolent individuals, has provided artificial arms and legs to 2.2 million people with disabilities in many countries over the years. Our country has become the 45th country to implement this project. Specifically, a team of over 60 people from the Ministry of Labor, Social Welfare and Sports, the Ministry of Health, the General Authority for the Development of People with Disabilities, the Rehabilitation, Training, and Production Center for Children with Disabilities, the Rehabilitation, Training, and Production Center, and the India-Mongolia Health Cooperation Center is working to implement the project. Indian experts are working at the Rehabilitation Center for Children with Disabilities located in Sonsgolon, planning to provide artificial arms and legs to 15 people per day, with the project set to be implemented from the 25th of this month to November 9. The team leader of the "Jaipur Foot" project, Satish Chand Mehta, stated, "The technology for making artificial legs and arms is constantly being updated. We are ready to teach and provide professional advice on this method and experience to your country's prosthetics and orthopedics industry workers." In addition, there are 111.2 thousand people with disabilities in Mongolia, of which more than 21 thousand have mobility impairments. The law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Accessibility and Availability Law, and the Law on Independent Living and Rehabilitation Services being developed by the sector ministries include provisions on assistive technology and prosthetic limbs. Artificial arms and legs generally need to be replaced every 3-4 years. However, individuals with disabilities often cannot receive rehabilitation services in a timely manner; while the cost of services from prosthetics and orthopedics factories is high, the social welfare fund only provides coverage for these services every three years, which also involves many difficulties. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Protection has announced that it is focusing on increasing the names, types, and reference prices of prostheses, orthopedics, and special devices provided by the Social Welfare Fund, as well as updating the equipment of prosthetics factories and introducing new technologies in production.

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The Flu Season Has Started Earlier Than Last Year

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

One of the issues that arise with the onset of cold weather is the outbreak of flu and colds. By mid-December, hospitals often become overwhelmed and have to set up additional beds in the corridors. Schools and kindergartens also face disruptions due to these outbreaks. We investigated whether the relevant authorities are prepared for this recurring winter problem. The Ministry of Health has clarified what preventive measures are being taken before the flu season peaks. "The influenza vaccination targets high-risk groups such as children, the elderly, pregnant women, and healthcare workers. To prevent illness, it is crucial for citizens to maintain good hygiene. There are no finalized plans for future actions, other than aiming to fully vaccinate the target groups," reported the ministry. In some regional and district hospitals, a significant number of citizens are seeking help due to colds. The deputy director responsible for treatment at the Sukhbaatar District General Hospital, Ch. Ariunaa, said, "We are treating children showing symptoms of flu and flu-like illnesses at the hospital. However, our services are running smoothly and there is no increase in workload." To assess the situation in rural hospitals, we contacted Arkhangai Province Health Center. They stated, "We conduct flu risk assessments weekly. So far, the incidence is relatively low. The flu season is considered to be from October to April, during which illnesses increase significantly." The Selenge Province General Hospital remarked, "With the start of the cold season, colds are expected to rise. Currently, the number of people seeking health services due to colds is relatively low." Inquiries with the Regional Diagnostic and Treatment Center in Dornod Province revealed, "The number of flu or flu-like illness cases in the province has increased by 1.3% compared to last year. Respiratory infections have increased by 28 cases. As of now, 5,500 people in Dornod Province have been vaccinated." There are quite a few children with colds in schools and kindergartens as well. Staff at Capital City's Kindergarten No. 345 stated, "The flu outbreak is significant. Since children have been vaccinated, the severity of colds is lower and recovery is quicker. We are advising parents, intensifying disinfection measures, gargling children's mouths with disinfectant solutions, and providing nutritious food as preventive measures." Initially, citizens tend to visit primary care units or family health centers in their neighborhood when they catch a cold. Staff at such centers advise citizens on how to prevent illness and provide prompt primary assistance and services. In Khan-Uul District, the Family Health Center of "Chand-Avia" sees many calls and reports related to colds and flu. "The flu season is underway. Children often have sore throats, cough, and fever and seek help at our facility. Mainly, children aged 6-10 are getting sick. The attendance rate of children in kindergartens in our district is around 90-92%, with 4.5-6% affected by colds and flu. Out of eight daily calls, four are related to children with colds. Therefore, prevention is crucial. We have vaccinated 700 people against the flu, including 500 children, 30 medical workers, and kindergarten teachers. Vaccines are intended only for target groups. Therefore, we cannot offer vaccination to everyone who wants it voluntarily," they said. In Bayangol District, Family Health Center "Ikh-Amgalan" mentioned that "flu and cold incidence is relatively low," while "Armanal" health center reported, "On average, out of 20 people seeking services per day, only two have colds. The incidence is relatively low." Children are mainly affected by flu and colds. As a result, pediatric hospitals experience a significant increase in workload during winter. In this regard, B. Ariunkhishig, head of the Respiratory Disease Department at the National Center for Maternal and Child Health, said, "Flu and flu-like outbreaks continue until April. Before this period, everyone, especially young children, should be vaccinated against the flu. Vaccinated children have a slightly lower chance of getting sick during seasonal peaks. Even if they get sick, the condition is less likely to worsen. During the flu season, it is important to maintain infection control measures, which people have become familiar with since COVID-19. Even young children have learned to wear face masks when going out. However, people have become relaxed and stopped following infection control measures. During the flu season, face masks are especially important for young children. Parents often say, 'My child got sick at home,' because adults have stronger immunity and do not get sick as easily. But we can carry infections home. Therefore, it's essential to wash hands thoroughly, rinse the mouth, and change clothes completely. Also, do a thorough wet cleaning to protect children at home." Due to flu-like illness, many children are receiving treatment at health facilities. At the Children's Section of Chingeltei District Health Center, parents are seen carrying their children. Some are crying loudly, while parents try to comfort them, unsure of what to do. Dr. B. Ariun-Undral, a pediatrician at the Chingeltei District Health Center, provided an update on the flu and cold situation in the district. "While there is no flu outbreak detected yet, many people with flu-like symptoms are seeking medical care. A variety of respiratory viruses like adenovirus, rotavirus, and rhinovirus are prevalent. About 20-30% of children hospitalized with respiratory illnesses are aged 0-2. For children aged 9-14, pneumonia cases are rising, with worsening conditions. Even newborns with severe colds are coming in after 2-5 days of coughing and fever, usually turning out to be pneumonia." "During rhinovirus infections, symptoms include a swollen nasal membrane, runny nose, watery eyes, coughing, and fever," explained Dr. Ariun-Undral. "Compared to last year, flu appears earlier. Children with respiratory inflammation and pneumonia previously recovered in 5-7 days but now take 7-14 days as pneumonia persists," noted Dr. Ariun-Undral. "Recovery is slower compared to previous years." "The Ministry of Health announced that high-risk groups were vaccinated, how about children treated at your hospital?" "Kindergarten and school-aged children have been vaccinated against the flu. However, pneumonia cases remain, despite vaccinations. The vaccine is administered to prevent worsening conditions." "A cold is a viral-induced inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, showing symptoms like cough, runny nose, and watery eyes within the first 3-5 days. Persistent fever beyond seven days, worsening cough, and chest pain suggest pneumonia." "At home, ensure thorough wet cleaning, regular air circulation, cleanse the nasal passages, wash hands properly, provide warm fluids, and give nutritious food. Use a variety of vegetables for maximized nutrition. At this seasonal transition, diet needs extra attention. Avoid taking children to crowded places; if necessary, have them wear a mask. Provide plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and loosen mucus." "Our department is treating 62 children, 25-26 of whom have respiratory illnesses. The rest are hospitalized for diarrhea. We can accommodate 250-280 children with additional beds. If numbers rise, we can expand to the internal medicine ward and accept around 300 children."

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Breaking News: G.Bayarkhuu Claims Victory in Latest Boxing Match Against Filipino Opponent

Published: 2024-09-28 | Translated from: isee.mn

The WBA Asia champion G. Bayarkhuu's latest professional boxing match took place today in Seoul, South Korea. Bayarkhuu, representing Mongolia, faced 29-year-old Filipino boxer Marlon Paniamogan. In this bout, Bayarkhuu delivered a heavy blow in the 5th round, defeating his opponent and claiming the championship belt in professional boxing. Interestingly, since Bayarkhuu began his professional career under the South Korean Samsung Boxing Association, he has remained undefeated. His opponent, Marlon Paniamogan, has been competing in professional boxing since 2014 and had a record of 12 wins, 3 losses, and 1 draw out of 15 matches before facing Bayarkhuu.

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