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Mongolia News Summary for September 24, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for September 24, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories











Zelensky Visits the USA

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: news.mn

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has begun his visit to the United States by touring a munitions factory in Pennsylvania. He is visiting the country to present his new plan to halt Russian aggression. On the 'X' platform, Zelensky stated, "This autumn will determine the future of the war. Together with our partners, we will reinforce what's necessary for victory. We will achieve a true, just peace." He started his visit from the arms factory in Scranton, the hometown of Joe Biden. There, he expressed gratitude to the workers who produce weapons for Ukraine and announced an increase in the production of 155mm artillery shells, which are of critical importance to Kyiv's war effort. According to White House sources, Zelensky aims to permanently lift the ban on the use of Western weapons on Russian territory during his visit. With Joe Biden's assistance, he is pushing the initiative to lift this ban among European partners. Additionally, he plans to have necessary discussions to increase military aid. Next Wednesday, he is scheduled to arrive in New York to speak at the UN General Assembly and meet with leaders of international organizations. Following this, he will meet with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in Washington, D.C. Source: CNN

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Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Speaker of the Mongolian State Great Khural, D. Amarbayasgalan, is working in Uvs aimag. He laid flowers and paid his respects at the statue of the state and social figure Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal. He also met with citizens from the western region to introduce the policy of “Three Improvements” aimed at reforming the legal environment that he initiated, as well as the strategic direction that the Great Khural will follow in the coming years. With the results of the 2024 parliamentary elections, a new parliament composed of 126 members, representing five parties and coalitions, as well as voices from various sectors, has been established, ensuring democracy and strengthening parliamentary governance, emphasized the Speaker. He stated that this parliament will carry out a legal reform based on a 21st-century ideology, similarly to the democratic and political reforms of 1990. This will enact people-centered legislation that respects human rights and meets the aspirations and demands of citizens. An analysis of more than 300 laws that have been in force revealed some 800 provisions that violate human rights. The new parliament will address these issues. Additionally, a policy will be followed to swiftly adapt the legal regulations according to the social needs and demands. For instance, new societal changes like cryptocurrency require legal regulations. Some laws, such as the Bankruptcy Law enacted in 1997, have not been amended, which makes them incompatible with today's societal needs. Thus, the current parliament is working to ensure that legislation is updated to stay in sync with the times. Citizens of Uvs aimag expressed that it is time for legal reforms. The residents of the western region support the "Three Improvements" and "Regional Development" policies being implemented by the State Great Khural, as reported by the Press Office of the State Great Khural.

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President U. Khurelsukh to Attend the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

President U. Khurelsukh has departed from the country to participate in the general debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly in New York City, USA. The theme of this year's general debate is "Leaving no one behind: working together for peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for the present and future generations." President U. Khurelsukh will partake in the high-level meeting on future issues, as well as in the general debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, where he will deliver a speech presenting Mongolia's position on pressing international issues, and outline the objectives and priorities of the country's foreign policy. He will also hold bilateral meetings with the UN Secretary-General and leaders of some countries to exchange views on relations and cooperation. Around 140 heads of state and government have confirmed their participation in the session.

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The Government Should Lead by Example on Budget Transparency

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: news.mn

The government has drafted the state budget for 2025 and submitted it to the Parliament. The budget will be discussed and approved in the autumn session. We spoke with economist G. Batzorig about next year’s state budget and the socio-economic situation. “Mongolia's Spending Efficiency Is Quite Low” - The government has submitted the budget proposal for 2025 to the Parliament. What is your opinion on next year’s budget? - The state budget is rapidly expanding for 2024 and 2025. It seems there is no effective control over the budget. The Law on Budget Stability has become the most unstable and frequently changed law. Everyone changes it to suit their needs. Expenditures are expanding significantly. There is an issue of how realistic the revenue to cover these expenditures is. If expenditures are made without realistic revenue, the budget deficit will rise sharply. It will then be necessary to secure sources to cover these expenditures. This may require printing money, issuing large bonds, or obtaining foreign loans. The main factor forming the 2025 budget is coal and mining revenue, with coal expected to be a major source. It is projected that 83 million tons of coal will be sold next year, which is an overly optimistic forecast. This is because China’s economic situation heavily influences coal revenues. Since the start of the year, coal prices in China have dropped by 30%, and this has caused a decline in steel production. Coal traders are barely participating in the market. Also, the slump in China’s real estate sector continues. Therefore, it’s too optimistic to plan for 80 million tons of coal when China faces such challenges. When picturing Mongolia’s budget, it resembles an unpredictable income rather than a stable, salaried person. The inconsistency of budget revenue is our weakness. - What do you see as the reason for the budget expansion? How does it affect society, the economy, and citizens’ lives? - The state budget expands every year due to two main reasons. First, there is no oversight, so authorities change the Budget Stability Law for themselves, continuously increasing budget expenditures. This is negative. The state's budget should be efficient, adopting policies to reduce expenditures. This would create more room for monetary policy, allowing interest rates to fall. Excessive budget expenditure puts pressure on imports, which pushes down the exchange rate. Politically, due to the lack of oversight between the ruling party and the opposition, the budget is constantly increasing. Especially since the Covid-19 pandemic, the budget has quadrupled. The state budget should address fundamental social issues such as schools, kindergartens, roads, air pollution, and infrastructure. But the budget is spent on operational costs like salaries and operating expenses of all state-owned companies and investment costs. Thus, projects funded by budgetary investments often become fruitless. According to the World Bank, Mongolia is lagging behind in budget spending efficiency. Investments often end up competing with private businesses. - What should be done to curb budget wastefulness and improve spending? - Various measures should be taken to improve the budget. The first is budget limitation. The Budget Stability Law sets budget limits, but the enforcement and significance of the law are misused. Proper budget oversight could improve income and expenditure, boosting budget efficiency. There is also a need for investment and monitoring. Inefficient investments and projects are funded by the budget. Ideally, the invested projects should be completed and yield returns. Therefore, more attention should be paid to increasing investment outcomes. However, discipline in this area is very weak here. It should be understood that all tasks cannot be accomplished with budget money. Losses of state-owned enterprises put pressure on the budget as most of them operate at a loss. Hence, discussions should be held about privatizing and closing some state-owned enterprises. Attention should also be given to the allocation of budget spending. For instance, social welfare issues have become widespread. I think welfare policies need organization. Also, transparency in the budget must be improved. The government should initiate this starting with itself. With a transparent budget, oversight will follow. - The government has stated it will enhance roads, energy, and infrastructure. What should be focused on to accelerate these projects? - Implementing road, energy, power plant, and infrastructure projects is the right approach. During winter, power shortages lead to frequent electricity restrictions. The Oyu Tolgoi mine purchases $200 million worth of electricity from China annually. Western provinces rely on Russian energy. Addressing infrastructure will positively influence national development. Infrastructure deficiencies must be addressed. Governments should refrain from blocking projects from previous administrations. Completing existing projects will benefit the budget. - As the budget expands, government involvement increases, limiting the private sector's space. What is your stance on this? - How budget funds are utilized is crucial. If spent on essential areas like infrastructure, even if the budget expands, the benefits are worthwhile. This helps create a living and working environment for citizens. If spending follows this direction, the expanded budget yields high returns. It’s inappropriate for the state to make products that private sectors make for profit. The state should support private sectors but often ends up supporting closed family companies instead. Just a few companies benefit monopolistically from this policy. Therefore, the state should support publicly traded companies. Shares of these companies are publicly owned. When a publicly traded company's profit grows, its market sales increase. By distributing profits as dividends, citizens benefit through shares. This motivates private sectors to conduct IPOs and become open companies. This reduces the unequal distribution of wealth, narrowing the gap between rich and poor. “Chinese Economic Struggles Could Pressure Mongolia” - What is your outlook for Mongolia's economy over the next four years? - Mongolia's economy is highly dependent on coal revenues. Moreover, it relies on external market conditions, particularly the Chinese economy and steel demand. Domestically announced programs are funded by foreign currency income from external markets. Thus, the state of coal exports will determine the economy for the next four years. With China's slump in raw materials, the coal outlook is bleak. Hence, Mongolia’s economy could face challenges in the next 2-3 years. - Local elections for province, capital, district, and citizens’ representatives are upcoming, and Parliament elections were held in June. Will election expenses impact the economy? - Local election-related economic expenses are minimal. However, election-related programs have led to a 3 trillion budget adjustment. Most of it is earmarked for infrastructure projects, which will impact the economy. 70% of budget spending finances imports. The local and Parliament election impacts are significant economic pressures, limiting citizen and enterprise opportunities. - How will the collapse of steel production in China and the fall in raw materials on the global market affect the Mongolian economy? How can we prevent this? - Since the US-China trade war, China has aimed to reduce reliance on the US with policies. For example, by decreasing trade with the US and tightening orders from Europe and Asia, aligning with the Communist Party's policy to lessen US dependence. The global community is keenly interested in China’s economic prospects. Economists from major foreign investment banks agree that China’s economy is not dependent on the US. However, the price of raw materials for China's steel industry has fallen. Half of the demand for steel factories comes from the construction sector in China. Hence, there are concerns about China's construction sector. Other sectors are expected to maintain growth. With the drop in demand in the steel industry, Mongolia's metallurgical coal demand and prices will decline. Exporting 80 million tons of coal remains uncertain. If China’s raw material struggles persist, Mongolia’s economy risks challenges, negatively affecting inflation. - The Minister of Cabinet Secretariat N. Uchral announced Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi LLC would open on the international stock market. Is this feasible, and what may be the positive and negative impacts? - If Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi enters the international market, it can attract foreign investment and improve its business operations. It also means reducing shareholder concentration and being under international scrutiny. Political influence in this company is strong, so fulfilling common requirements for international listing is questionable. The focus will also be on the company’s products. The world is investing in green finance and environmentally friendly products, guided by a principle of responsibility. Hence, interest may come from specific mining investors, but others may be skeptical. - There is barely a middle class in Mongolia anymore. What policies should the government adopt? Social insurance premiums are burdensome to the private sector. How can this be improved? - The middle class is calculated differently based on economic research methodologies. The middle class is crucial for a country’s economic protection. Globally, a strong middle class ensures realistic political decisions are more likely. This is strongly felt in some European countries. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, income disparity has widened. Politicians rooted in populism are now leading. The middle class is the main driving force of society. Yet, the market sees an increase in the welfare recipient group compared to working groups, causing the middle class to vanish. There is no policy to support the middle class in Mongolia. They are excluded from all services and discounts. Policies implemented by income redistribution do not include them, leaving them to fend for themselves. Entrepreneurs in Mongolia often support 2-3 people each, adding immense pressure. Skilled individuals seek better opportunities abroad, leaving a laborless market. The government ignores these issues. Keeping the middle class small benefits them. Increasing retirees and welfare recipients leads to more votes, and they focus policies to gain these people’s votes in upcoming elections. Looking at this situation shows a lack of attention to national interests. To escape social insurance burdens, pension reform is needed. People mostly pay social insurance for loans because banks base loans on social insurance contributions. Otherwise, there is little motivation to pay insurance. Everyone agrees that Mongolia’s social insurance system is bankrupt. There is neither a brave government nor a politician to undertake pension reform. I view pension reform as a major solution to ease the pressure of social insurance.

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Sean Hinton Appointed as Chairman of Oyu Tolgoi's Board of Directors

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: news.mn

Following Ambassador Galsan Bat-Sukh's decision to retire and hand over his duties after approximately 15 exemplary years leading the Board of Directors of "Oyu Tolgoi" LLC, it has been announced that Sean Hinton will be appointed as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors. He will commence his duties on October 1st, 2024. Sean Hinton holds dual citizenship in the UK and Australia and has extensive experience working and living in Mongolia, with broad knowledge in international business and sustainable investment. G. Bat-Sukh, the outgoing Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Oyu Tolgoi," stated: "Oyu Tolgoi has become not only a major exporter and social wealth creator for the country but also a long-term partner in development and advancement. It is now on an irreversible path to becoming one of the world-class mining companies. As Oyu Tolgoi confidently progresses towards its foreseeable future, I believe the time has come for me to hand over the responsibilities of the Chairman of the Board. Throughout its history, Oyu Tolgoi has overcome numerous challenging times and tribulations, achieving remarkable and notable milestones. I proudly acknowledge the contributions of the Oyu Tolgoi team to these successes and express my heartfelt gratitude to my colleagues." Dierdre Lingenfelder, CEO of "Oyu Tolgoi," expressed: "G. Bat-Sukh has contributed invaluable support to Oyu Tolgoi, not just as the Chairman of the Board, but in a broader capacity. His leadership, wisdom, and foresight over the years have earned him great respect and deep gratitude from the Oyu Tolgoi team and are inextricably linked to the success stories of Oyu Tolgoi's development. We are pleased to welcome Sean Hinton as the new Chairman of the Board. He first came to Mongolia in 1988 as a student at the National University of Mongolia and has since closely connected his life with Mongolia. Throughout his career, he has contributed significantly to various business and socially-oriented organizations, international partnerships, and collaborations, developing a strong personal network in Mongolia. He is considered a suitable leader to guide the Board of Directors of "Oyu Tolgoi" in advancing sustainable growth, contributing success to shareholders and stakeholders in the upcoming years." Sean Hinton, the newly appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Oyu Tolgoi," said: "Taking over from Ambassador G. Bat-Sukh as the Chairman of "Oyu Tolgoi" is an honor for me. I deeply appreciate the confidence placed in me for this important position, recognizing the tremendous responsibility it entails and feeling proud to carry it forward. I am confident in successfully leading the Board of Directors of "Oyu Tolgoi" and further strengthening the remarkable achievements realized thus far. "Oyu Tolgoi" is already positively renowned worldwide as a substantial copper mining enterprise, establishing its place on the global stage. I am truly excited to contribute to this endeavor. For me, adhering to high standards of corporate governance at Oyu Tolgoi is paramount. Additionally, I will focus on making a tangible contribution to Mongolia, which has become an important part of my life. Specifically, prioritizing business, environmental, and socially oriented activities. Additional Information: Sean Hinton has over 30 years of international business experience, including management consulting and humanitarian work. He has held various positions at "McKinsey and Company" and has worked in senior roles in the media sector. He has dedicated much of his career to impactful and responsible investment in emerging markets to ensure inclusive economic growth. He first arrived in Mongolia in December 1988 under a "British Council" program to study the Mongolian language at the National University of Mongolia. In the early 1990s, he lived among nomadic herders in the western province of Khovd and conducted research on the unique tradition of Mongolian long song. He spent significant time in Mongolia in the 1990s, organizing one of the first courses under "Raleigh International" for international youth, providing essential medical and other services to remote communities. He also co-founded "Nomads" tourism company, one of the first foreign-invested businesses in Mongolia. Even after leaving Mongolia, Sean Hinton has consistently promoted relations between Mongolia and other countries, such as serving as Australia's Honorary Consul in Mongolia in 1997. In 2008, he returned to Mongolia to collaborate with "Goldman Sachs" in promoting foreign direct investment in Mongolia. He also served as a consultant for the Rio Tinto group during the early years of the Oyu Tolgoi project, leading the "Project's Positive Impact" program aimed at regional economic development and strengthening local capacities. From 2015 to 2022, he fulfilled various roles focused on impact investing and sustainable finance, including directing the "Open Society Foundations' Economic Development Fund" and advising on the establishment of impact investment funds for international humanitarian projects. His current and past Board roles include "Nature Finance" and the "Natural Resource Governance Institute."

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Ministry of Economic Development Organized a Public-Private Partnership Seminar with the USA

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: isee.mn

The Ministry of Economic Development, in cooperation with the United States under the Trade and Legal Development Program, organized a public-private partnership seminar. The seminar was attended by specialists and officials responsible for public-private partnership issues from the Ministry of Economic Development's Public-Private Partnership Department, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Road and Transportation, the Governor's Office of the Capital City, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, and the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications. The seminar was led by Mr. Ziad Alexander Hayek, the president of the World Association of Public-Private Partnerships. Training sessions covered topics such as public-private partnerships, the impact of PPP projects on budgets, value for money analysis, feasibility studies, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations, and the preparation of initial partnership projects. During the training, the Ministry of Economic Development's Public-Private Partnership Department also provided information on the Law on Public-Private Partnerships and related regulations.

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Our country's coal exports grew by 26.8% compared to the same period last year

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Customs Authority provided information on coal exports as follows: As of September 22, 27,000 tons of hard coal were exported. Since the beginning of this year, 57.7 million tons have been exported. This figure represents a 26.8% increase compared to the same period last year. Source: General Customs Office Note: Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) must mention their source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, either fully or partially.

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Mining Week 2024 & MinePro 2024 - A New Era for Mongolia's Mining Industry

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: ikon.mn

You are invited to participate in the Mining Week x MinePro 2024 event, taking place at the foot of Taij Mountain in Nalaikh District from October 2-5, 2024. Over 5,000 participants, including mining industry professionals, representatives from government and private sectors, international investors, and researchers, will attend this event. View more about the event HERE. Keynote Speakers for the First Day Highlighted Topics: Responsible mining, industrialization, and mineral resource financing. Mining Week 2024 will cover the latest trends in the mining sector, discussing various topics such as responsible mining, industrialization, key mineral projects, and mineral resource financing. Mongolia, known for its significant mineral resources, is attracting increasing attention in the international market, providing new opportunities for investors and experts. Inter-sectoral Integration and International Cooperation This year's event not only focuses on mining but also highlights cooperation across energy, education, and technology sectors. Talks and discussions about sectoral integration will demonstrate how collaboration across various sectors can support the development of the mining industry. Moreover, the Ambassador roundtable and International Mining Association roundtable will serve as platforms to discuss global best practices and future trends in the mining field, playing a crucial role in expanding international collaboration in Mongolia's mining industry. Featured Events: Future Engineers Program and Operators Skill Competition The Future Engineers Program aims at students aspiring to enter the mining industry, focusing on advancing their skills in technology and engineering. Additionally, the National Operators Skill Competition is a major event that assesses and values the skills of top equipment operators, with the best participants earning a spot in the global operators skill competition. Sustainable Development and Green Solutions During the event, talks will be given by leading figures like Pierre Gratton, President of the Canadian Mining Association, and Deirdre Lingenfelder, CEO of Oyu Tolgoi LLC, focusing on advancing Mongolia's mining sector on the international stage and promoting responsible mining development. The event aligns with the National Mining Association of Mongolia's primary goal of making the mining sector more responsible and environmentally friendly. Strategic Significance of Mongolia's Mining Industry Mongolia's mining sector is a critical driving force of the country's economy, making up 30% of the GDP and 94% of exports. Mining Week x MinePro 2024 presents a significant opportunity to elevate the sector to a new level, expand investment opportunities, and strengthen inter-sectoral coherence. You are invited to attend the event, which will showcase the best solutions, innovations, and technologies in the global mining industry. Nalaikh District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Warning Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must include the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, whether fully or partially.

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B.Amgalan: Fitch Highlights ₮3.1 Trillion Repayment as Key Factor in Upgrading Development Bank's Credit Rating to B+

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The international rating agency Fitch hosted the 'Fitch on Mongolia' forum in Mongolia today. B.Amgalan, the First Deputy Director of the Development Bank of Mongolia, participated as a guest speaker in the forum, discussing the current state and future outlook of the Development Bank and the banking sector. The forum aimed to address intricate topics like the status of Mongolia's economy and financial sector, strategies concerning environment, society, and governance (ESG), as well as methods to manage risks and opportunities in the capital market. Representatives from the Development Bank, other financial institutions, insurance, and international financial sectors participated. Fitch is one of the major international credit rating agencies and has been rating the Development Bank since 2018. Last week, the agency announced Mongolia's long-term credit rating assessment, upgrading the Development Bank's long-term credit rating to B+, bringing it to the same level as the government’s credit rating. Fitch highlighted the following as major factors contributing to this upgrade: 1. The repayment of ₮3.1 trillion in mobilized international funds was completed without imposing a burden on the state budget, using the Development Bank's own resources. Notably, the Eurobond of USD 500 million and the Samurai bond of 30 billion yen, guaranteed by the government, were successfully repaid on time using its own funds. 2. The Development Bank serves as the only policy bank with a crucial role in generating financial resources needed to finance projects and programs in key sectors, ensuring stable growth of the national economy, developing industries that replace imports, and increasing export revenues. The Government of Mongolia is the 100% shareholder. It is predicted that Mongolia will be one of the fastest-growing economies in the world in 2024, with the real GDP of the country expected to grow by an average of 6% during 2024-2026. This is linked to the rapid increase in exports of coal, copper, and other minerals. However, during the forum, it was emphasized that factors such as dependence on external financing, reliance on exports to a single country, and significant external debt negatively impact the rating.

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The Largest Labor Market Summit to Be Organized by Zangia.mn, NitoPay, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in Mongolia

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The leading stakeholders in the human resources and labor market sector in Mongolia, Zangia.mn, NitoPay, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, are set to jointly organize the largest labor market summit on September 27th at the Shangri-La Ballroom. This annual "MONGOLIAN LABOR MARKET SUMMIT: GOOD WORKPLACE AWARDS 2024" event will be held this year under the theme "Human Resource Shortage and the Economic Future," bringing together researchers from international organizations, ministry and governmental representatives, and leaders from the largest companies in Mongolia to discuss these topics broadly. Issues related to human resources in the labor market are fundamental to companies' sustainable operations, growth, and prosperity and are key factors in the country's economic and development policy. Therefore, this summit will see domestic leading companies, ministry and governmental representatives, international researchers, and industry experts gather to discuss the challenges facing the labor market, share the best practices for ensuring human resource stability, and exchange ideas on solutions. This year's summit will not only recognize the best human resources leaders, but will also be a high-level meeting to address issues facing the Mongolian labor market with representatives from all levels, making this event particularly notable. It will consist of four main parts: 1. HAS MONGOLIA'S HUMAN RESOURCES BEEN EXHAUSTED? In this section, presentations will address labor market data and regulations, economic recovery, necessary actions to mitigate human resource exhaustion risks, career and business growth, and the directions of the global labor market, with a panel discussion titled "When will a satisfactory working environment be created in Mongolia?" 2. CREATING A HUMAN-CENTRIC WORK ENVIRONMENT This section will feature presentations on topics such as Mongolia’s workforce, employee happiness index, workforce changes, and labor resources, with a panel discussion under the theme "Salary or Value?" 3. GOOD WORKPLACE AWARDS 2024 - Award Ceremony. Ten categories will be recognized, including: - Diversity & Inclusivity: Best employer implementing inclusive policies - Career Development: Best employer supporting career growth - Family Supportive: Best family-friendly employer - Best for Youth: Best youth-friendly employer - Best Culture: Employer with the best company culture - Best Training: Best employer supporting training and development - Innovative Management: Employer with the most innovative management - Leadership in HR Policy: Leader in HR policy - Best Career Progression for Women: Best employer supporting women's career progression - Employer Branding: Best employer brand The best companies of 2023 include Thiess Mongolia, Kitchen All, Central Express, Moncement Building Materials, Optimal NMAX, CallPro, Mongolian Fintech Group (HiPay), UBCab, Möngönguure Hospital, Master Group, Tavan Bogd Group, Skyhypermarket LLC, and Global. 4. SOLUTIONS AND BEST PRACTICES This section will include presentations on talent development and company stability, how to cultivate the best talent, employee health and business success, and a panel discussion titled "Where do talents remain? - Mongolia's best HR management solutions." Since the COVID-19 pandemic, 60,000 to 80,000 young people have gone abroad for work. How will this gap be filled? How long can companies endure human resource shortages? Will Mongolia's labor market continue like this, with all young people going abroad and companies left without staff? Can Mongolia's higher education institutions provide labor market-ready individuals? By attending this major and high-level labor market summit, you will find answers and solutions to these questions, gain the latest industry information in one place, learn from top management practices, and expand your network by connecting with experts from various fields. We warmly invite you to participate extensively. Ticket Purchase: www.zangia.mn/event Ticket Price: Zangia.mn and Nito member organizations - 180,000₮; Other organizations and individuals - 380,000₮ Contact Us: 7272-2202, 80222022, 80052200 Warning: Media outlets (TV, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) must credit the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, either fully or partially.

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The Largest Labor Market Summit to be Organized

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Leading organizations in the Mongolian human resources and labor market sectors, such as Zangia.mn, NitoPay, and the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Protection, are set to organize the largest labor market summit on September 27 at the Shangri-La Ballroom. This annual event, traditionally held as "MONGOLIAN LABOR MARKET SUMMIT: GOOD WORKPLACE AWARDS 2024," will this year focus on the theme of "Human Resource Shortage and the Economic Future," bringing together international organization researchers, government representatives, and leaders from Mongolia's largest companies to discuss and exchange solutions on pressing labor market issues. The challenges facing human resources in the labor market are central to the stable operation and growth of companies, as well as a key factor in national economic and development policy. Therefore, this summit will see the participation of leading domestic companies, sector ministries, government officials, international researchers, and field experts who will discuss labor market challenges and best practices for human resource stability. This year's summit is distinguished not only for recognizing human resources excellence but also for being a high-level meeting where all levels will discuss labor market issues across Mongolia. The event will consist of four main sections: HAS MONGOLIA'S HUMAN RESOURCES BEEN DEPLETED? This section will feature presentations on labor market data and regulations, economic recovery, measures needed to reduce the risk of human resource depletion, career and business growth, and the global labor market trends along with a panel discussion titled "When will a satisfying work environment be possible in Mongolia?" CREATING A HUMAN-CENTERED WORKPLACE Presentations in this section will cover topics such as the happiness index of the Mongolian workforce, changes in the labor force, and labor resource, with a panel discussion under the theme "Salary or Values?" GOOD WORKPLACE AWARDS 2024 - Awards Ceremony Categories include: - Diversity & Inclusivity – Best employer implementing inclusive policies - Career development – Best employer for career growth support - Family Supportive – Best family-friendly employer - Best for Youth – Best employer for young people - Best Culture – Employer with the best culture - Best Training – Best employer supporting training and development - Innovative management – Best employer with innovative management - Leadership in HR Policy – Leading employer in HR policy - Best Career Progression for Women – Best employer supporting women's career progression - Employer Branding – Best employer brand For 2023, the top companies include Thiess Mongolia, Kitchen All, Central Express, Moncement Building Materials, Optimal NMAX, CallPro, Mongolian Fintech Group (HiPay), UBCab, Möngöngüür Hospital, Master Group, Tavan Bogd Group, Sky Hypermarket LLC, and AND Global. SOLUTIONS AND BEST PRACTICES This section will have presentations on talent development and company sustainability, building top talent, employee health, and business success, with a panel discussion titled "Where do talents stay? - Mongolia's best human resource management solutions." Questions like how to fill the gap left by 60,000-80,000 young people working abroad since the COVID pandemic, how long companies can endure the HR shortage, and the future trajectory of Mongolia's labor market, will be addressed. Attendees of this major summit will have opportunities to find answers and solutions to these questions, get the latest industry information in one place, learn best management practices, and network with experts from various fields. Tickets are available for purchase at https://www.zangia.mn/event Ticket prices: Zangia.mn and Nito member organizations - 180,000₮; Others - 380,000₮ Contact us at: 7272-2202, 80222022, 80052200

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Tugrik Deposits Increased While Foreign Currency Deposits Decreased

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: montsame.mn

In Ulaanbaatar, Tugrik deposits reached 20.2 trillion MNT by the end of August this year, increasing by 207.9 billion MNT (1%) compared to the previous month, and by 5.8 trillion MNT (39.8%) compared to the same period last year. Of the Tugrik deposits, 17.4 trillion MNT (86%) belongs to individuals, and 2.8 trillion MNT (14%) to businesses and organizations. Meanwhile, foreign currency deposits decreased to 4.5 trillion MNT, which is a decrease of 33.4 billion MNT (0.7%) from the previous month, and 656.9 billion MNT (12.7%) compared to the same period last year, according to the National Statistics Office.

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Government's Debt to Rise to 40 Trillion Togrog Next Year

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Mongolian government's 2025 consolidated budget statement amendment bill received an evaluation from the Fiscal Stability Council. The government submitted a bill to amend the 'Mongolian Consolidated Budget Framework Statement for 2025 and the Budget Estimations for 2026-2027' to the State Great Khural. After reviewing these documents, the Fiscal Stability Council made the following conclusions. According to section 6.1.4 of the Law on Fiscal Stability, 'The nominal outstanding amount of government debt must not exceed 60% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) calculated at the current year's prices.' The proposed project projects that, by 2025-2027, the nominal outstanding government debt will remain within the legal limit, estimated at 55%, 50%, and 45%, respectively. As of the 2023 performance, the total government debt stands at 30,773 billion togrog, with an expected performance of 35,206 billion togrog for 2024. For 2025, the debt is projected to increase by 5,286.8 billion togrog to reach a total of 40,493 billion togrog. This results in a discrepancy between the GDP, which amounts to 42.6% according to the draft budget law (as stated on page 63 of the project introduction). Furthermore, section 12.1.8 of the Law on Fiscal Stability indicates that the 'total amount of government debt should be included' in the budget framework statement. However, the submitted project only accounts for the 'total limit of government debt,' violating this provision. Public Discussion: According to the Law on Budget, the central administrative body responsible for economic and development issues must organize a public discussion by the procedure outlined in this article no less than 14 days prior to submitting the amendment project to the medium-term budget framework statement. However, the project did not mention how this provision was fulfilled, suggesting a violation of this clause as well. Contents of the Budget Framework Statement: Section 12.3 of the Law on Fiscal Stability states that a 'Medium-Term Budget Framework Statement' should contain the following elements: - 12.3.3 An analysis of the effects of fiscal policy on macroeconomic stability; - 12.3.5 The methodology and basis of calculations used to determine the macroeconomic situation and the indicators of the medium-term budget framework statement; - 12.3.6 The main indicators of the budget, including the unified budget balance calculated with balanced income, state investment, total revenue, and expenditure plans compared with performance and effectiveness; - 12.3.7 Analysis of contingent liabilities of the budget; - 12.3.8 Balanced income plans calculated to include the performances of the previous 2 years, the current budget, and the projections for the following and successive two years, including the size of the total budget expenditure, its growth, the amount of budget investment, the target indicator of balanced budget balance, its performance, the total outstanding public debt, loans used, and the overall indicators of bond issuance have not been included. Predicted Macroeconomic Indicators: If the government has not developed the draft of the medium-term budget framework statement based on the main macroeconomic indicators and predictions described in section 161.5.1 of the Law on Fiscal Stability, they must specify and explain the basis and reasons for each indicator with policy changes alongside the draft, as per section 161.6 of the Law on Fiscal Stability. This requirement has not been implemented. The GDP growth is calculated at 8% and inflation at 7.5% for the next year. A review considering whether fiscal and macroeconomic stability has been secured and if the budget outlook aligns with the economic circumstances: Room for Budget Expansion: The macroeconomic indicators included in the submitted draft bill project a GDP growth of 8% and inflation of 7.5% for the upcoming year. However, the nominal GDP size is projected to be around 95,010.0 billion, suggesting an approximate growth of 20%, which seems overly optimistic considering the current state of foreign and domestic economic environments. For instance, surpassing and repeating the growth of years when the economy rebounded sharply after the COVID-19 contraction is exceptionally difficult. Compared to 2023, the economy is expected to overheat in 2024, with import growth accelerating. This year, favorable external economic conditions provided room to absorb economic overheating, but this opportunity may be reduced next year. Cycle of Twin Deficits: Based on the total amount and structure of next year's consolidated budget expenses, the poor economic diversification could push the economy back into a cycle of decreased domestic economic activity, creating a current account deficit, potentially leading to twin deficits (fiscal and current account) in the economy. This could negatively impact the balance of payments and foreign reserves, weakening the economy's resilience. Development Financing: It is necessary to consider whether it would be more beneficial to finance major projects implemented through budget investment using the accumulated funds in the National Wealth Fund rather than external loan sources, as this could promote long-term added value creation and sustainable economic growth. Budget Framework Following the Budget Project: According to the Law on Budget and the Law on Fiscal Stability, the budget framework statement should be meticulously developed and adopted first, incorporating the budget projection within this scope, with each year's budget plan following the budget framework. However, the current practice is reversed, with the budget framework statement being amended after the budget plan is drafted and submitted for joint consideration and adoption, which the Fiscal Stability Council concluded conflicts with the principles of these laws.

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Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In our country, stock prices tend to decrease during April and May every year. GCC Academy organized a full-day workshop last Saturday, providing free advice and information to people from non-financial sectors. During the workshop, economist B. Enkhbayar presented this year's budget revisions and the draft budget for 2025. He stated that the sudden revision of this year's state budget, increasing expenses by 3 trillion MNT out of a total of 27 trillion MNT, was detrimental to macroeconomic stability. Additionally, he mentioned that real estate sales in China decreased by 30% compared to the previous year, and Russia is preparing to export an additional 10 million tons of coal to China next year. Although Mongolia's credit rating has improved after ten years—which is good news—Mongolia remains in the non-investment grade category, with potential risks from raw material price volatility in the coming years. Subsequently, analysts from Golomt Capital presented recent economic updates, including forecasts for currency fluctuations for the coming year, investor sentiment, stock market strategies, stock selection methods, and how to read company financial statements in detail. The valuation of our country's stock market has rapidly increased in recent years, reaching 11 trillion MNT. The TOP 20 index has risen by 24% this year, setting a historical record. Regarding the best time to invest in the domestic stock market, it is suggested that April and May are ideal due to a trend of falling stock prices. In contrast, August and September are better suited for purchasing stocks in the US stock market. The "Magnificent Seven," comprising technology companies such as Amazon, Meta, Google, and Nvidia, were discussed with regards to their stock movements over recent years and future forecasts.

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Japanese and Mongolian Leaders Reach Defense Equipment Supply Agreement

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh reached an agreement to establish a bilateral agreement on the transfer of defense equipment and technology, according to a report by the Japan Times. The two leaders met for about 40 minutes in New York City. The agreement they finalized aims to facilitate the export and transfer of defense equipment and technology between the two nations, ensuring management after the transfer. Following the signing of this agreement, the Japanese government plans to accelerate discussions on exports to Mongolia. Additionally, Kishida and Khurelsukh discussed responses to North Korea. Japan and Mongolia will continue to work closely together, including calling on North Korea to fully implement United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding the country. Kishida expressed gratitude to Khurelsukh for Mongolia's cooperation on the issue of North Korea's abduction of Japanese citizens decades ago. The Prime Minister was scheduled to visit Mongolia last month but canceled due to an earthquake in Japan. On Sunday, Kishida also met with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in New York, as Canada is set to chair the Group of Seven in 2025. Kishida expressed his hope that Canada would lead a strong G7 collaboration. The G7 includes the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, and the European Union. Kishida also met with United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and European Council President Charles Michel.

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NHK: Mongolia and Japan Expected to Expand Defense Partnership

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: gogo.mn

During the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, President U. Khurelsukh and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida agreed to sign a defense cooperation agreement, NHK reported. The two sides expressed their openness to collaborate on exchanging defense equipment and technology transfer. In addition, the two countries stated that they share the same position on the issue of North Korea. They emphasized their commitment to fully adhere to the UN Security Council resolutions and work closely together on North Korean issues. Furthermore, Fumio Kishida highlighted Japan's interest in collaborating with Mongolia to improve the technical facilities at "Chinggis Khaan" International Airport in light of the increased passenger traffic. Fumio Kishida had planned to visit Mongolia last month, but the meeting was canceled due to a strong earthquake in the Nankai region of Japan. The President of Mongolia expressed condolences regarding the major floods in the Noto Peninsula of Japan.

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Brigadier General G.Bolor Appointed as Military Advisor to the Permanent Mission to the United Nations

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The director of the Training and Preparation Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General G. Bolor, has been appointed as the Military Advisor to the Permanent Mission to the United Nations, where she will serve for a four-year term. She is Mongolia's first female general and took office this past summer when she left for the United States. Before her departure, members of the General Staff Council of the Armed Forces honored her with a farewell ceremony. During the farewell ceremony, Major General S. Ganbyamba, head of the General Staff, said, "Being elected to work at the central headquarters of the United Nations is a matter of honor. This clearly demonstrates the high regard the UN has for the skills, resilience, military knowledge, and experience of Mongolia's peacekeepers. Congratulations on being selected for this responsible position, and I wish you great success in your new role."

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U. Khurelsukh: We will resolutely support strengthening the main role of the UN and multilateral cooperation centered on the UN from all aspects

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Here is the full speech of the President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh at the “High-Level Meeting on Future Issues” held in New York, USA. President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh: “Honorable Secretary-General, Distinguished guests and representatives, Ladies and gentlemen, This high-level meeting on future issues has become an important event of our time, defining ways to achieve a peaceful, sustainable, inclusive, adaptable, and prosperous future as stated in the report “Our Common Agenda” by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Republic of Namibia and the Federal Republic of Germany's Permanent Representatives for successfully coordinating the preparations for this high-level meeting. I also express deep gratitude to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who organized today’s “High-Level Meeting on Future Issues” with the initiative to reassess the actual conditions of the “Agenda for Sustainable Development-2030”, reignite fresh momentum, and enhance the implementation of the agenda. The documents “Agreement for the Future”, “Declaration on Future Generations”, and “Global Digital Development Agreement”, which were discussed and approved on the basis of numerous negotiations and consultations, mark an important step affirming our collective goals and political will in these difficult times. As Mongolia adheres to a foreign policy of 'peace-oriented, open, independent, and multi-pillar', we strive to respect the historical, cultural, civilizational, religious belief, and national core interests, and development paths of the world's countries, and promote international relations on multi-pillar principles. Our country believes that strengthening multilateral cooperation, which respects international law and the UN Charter, is the main way to ensure international peace and security, and within that, enhancing dialogue, mutual understanding, and mutual trust is the foundation of global stability and peaceful coexistence. I am confident that this “High-Level Meeting on Future Issues” will play a crucial role in fulfilling and implementing sustainable development goals such as establishing peace, combating climate change, protecting public health, reducing economic inequality, establishing justice, and fostering science, technology, innovation, youth, and governance reforms. In the framework of the preparation for this high-level meeting, our country organized many events in co-operation with the UN, and I am pleased to note the successful organization of the World Women’s Assembly under the theme “For a Green Future” in our country last August, where the “Ulaanbaatar Declaration for Sustainable Future” final document was approved. I am delighted that the core ideas of the declaration from the World Women’s Assembly are reflected in the documents to be ratified at today's high-level meeting. We will continue to resolutely support and work to enhance and develop the main role of the UN in global affairs and the multilateral cooperation centered on the UN from all aspects. I wish success to the activities of the high-level meeting. Thank you for your attention.”

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Mongolia Aims to Establish Multifaceted International Relations

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: news.mn

The President of Mongolia, U. Khurelsukh, participated in the General Debate of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly and delivered a speech at the high-level meeting on future issues. Here is the full text of the President's speech. Distinguished Secretary-General, Distinguished guests and delegates, Ladies and gentlemen, This high-level meeting on future issues is an important event of our time to determine the path to a peaceful, sustainable, inclusive, adaptive, and prosperous future, presented in the "Our Common Agenda" report by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. I express profound gratitude to the representatives of Namibia and the Federal Republic of Germany for successfully fulfilling their responsibilities as coordinators for the preparation of this high-level meeting. We express deep gratitude to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for initiating today's "High-Level Meeting on Future Issues" to assess the current state of implementation of the "Sustainable Development-2030" agenda, to inject new momentum into its implementation, and to intensify its activities. The endorsement of documents such as the "Pact for the Future," the "Declaration on Future Generations," and the "Global Digital Compact" through numerous discussions and negotiations represents an important step in affirming our shared goal and political determination in this complex time. As a country that consistently adheres to a "peaceful, open, independent, and multifaceted" foreign policy, Mongolia respects the plurality of views stemming from the history, culture, civilization, religious beliefs, national fundamental interests, and paths of development of the world's countries, striving to establish international relations on multifaceted principles. Our country believes that strengthening multilateral cooperation based on international law and the UN Charter is the main means of ensuring international peace and security, and views strengthening dialogue, mutual understanding, and trust as the foundational basis of global stability and peaceful coexistence. We are confident that this "High-Level Meeting on Future Issues" will play a crucial role in achieving and implementing sustainable development goals, such as establishing peace, combating climate change, protecting public health, reducing economic inequality, establishing justice, and advancing science, technology, innovation, youth, and governance reform. In preparation for this high-level meeting, our country, in collaboration with the UN, organized various events, and we are pleased to highlight that in August, we successfully organized the World Women's Conference under the theme "For a Green Future" in our country and adopted the "Ulaanbaatar Declaration for a Sustainable Future" as its concluding document. We are glad that the main ideas from the declaration of the World Women's Conference are reflected in the documents to be adopted at today's high-level meeting. We will continue to steadfastly support and develop the UN's main role and coordination in global affairs and the multilateral cooperation based on the UN. We wish success to the activities of the high-level meeting. Thank you for your attention!

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Prime Minister of Bhutan Meets with President Khurelsukh

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: news.mn

Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bhutan Visits President U. Khurelsukh During the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, the President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, met with the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bhutan, Tshering Tobgay. During the meeting, President Khurelsukh emphasized the important role that relations and cooperation with the Kingdom of Bhutan play in Mongolia's foreign policy towards the Asia-Pacific region. He noted the importance of exchanging experiences and expanding trade and economic cooperation among landlocked developing countries. Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay highlighted the significance of the first state visit by the Glorious King of Bhutan to Mongolia this year, particularly in developing cooperation in sectors such as agriculture, animal husbandry, environmental protection, and tourism. He also noted that through this visit, the history, culture, and traditions of Mongolia have found a special place in the hearts of the Bhutanese people, and expressed heartfelt gratitude to the government and people of Mongolia for their warm and friendly reception of the Bhutanese delegation. The two sides agreed to work together to contribute to global efforts to combat climate change and desertification and to protect the environment, including implementing joint projects and programs under Mongolia's "Billion Trees" national movement and the "Hundred Million Fruit Trees" initiative proposed by the Glorious King of Bhutan. They also affirmed their commitment to further deepening cooperation within the framework of the United Nations and other international organizations.

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Acquisition of Laser Device for Road Repair Timeline and Economic Accounting

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The leadership of Ulaanbaatar city has started testing a new laser device capable of automatically detecting and accurately measuring road cracks, damages, and the quality of road surfaces in operation. Specifically, the Road Development Agency of the capital evaluated and implemented this laser measuring device on the road. The First Deputy Mayor of the city responsible for Economic Development and Infrastructure, N. Manduul, and the Director of the Road Development Agency, B. Odbayar, were present in the 18th khoroo of Chingeltei District, near 7 buudal. During this event, First Deputy Mayor N. Manduul said, "To reduce traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar, repair road damages, and ensure passenger safety, we are testing innovative technology and managing roads to meet international standards. By using the LCM (Laser Crack Measurement System) system we are testing today, we can detect road damage and operational quality at a high level, allowing us to collect all data information on Ulaanbaatar's roads." Meanwhile, Director of the Road Development Agency, B. Odbayar, stated, "This device measures all cracks and damages across a width of 4 meters and collects data. After that, it determines the repairs and maintenance suitable for that road. Additionally, it provides a detailed system for calculating the time, financial, and economic requirements for when the road needs repairs. By implementing suitable repairs when road damage is minimal, we can save both time and economic resources. Continuously applying asphalt concrete is cost-prohibitive. Therefore, the opportunity to repair roads based on surface treatment before they relatively deteriorate has been established." The LCMS (Laser Crack Measurement System) further provides 2D images and high-resolution 3D profiles using a laser line projector measuring at a height of 2 meters over a width of 4 meters. It collects data at a speed of 20-40 km/h. Among its advantages, the laser device performs measurements primarily during low traffic periods or nighttime. This technology has now been introduced into Ulaanbaatar city's road systems.

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L. Oyun-Erdene: The Budget Will Not Be Evenly Distributed Locally but Spent on Infrastructure and Energy Projects

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The draft for the 2025 state budget will soon be discussed. Companies and citizens plan their annual schedules based on this budget. This year, for the first time, investment in enlarged regional districts will be discussed, according to Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene. He said, "This year's budget should not be evenly distributed to local areas but should be courageously spent on major reforms in infrastructure and energy projects to support the economy." The changes in the country's gross domestic product (GDP) over the last three years, as a result of the "New Recovery Policy," were presented in the projections for the coming years. The economy has steadily grown by 5-6% over the last three years. The country's GDP was 43.6 trillion MNT in 2021 and increased to 70.4 trillion MNT in 2023. Expectations for 2024 are projected to be 79.2 trillion MNT," he said. The Government believes that if the economy can consistently grow by 5-6% each year, it is possible for the GDP to reach 132 trillion MNT by 2028.

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Road Closure and Renovation from Dambin Post Junction to Doloon Buudal Junction

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: gogo.mn

As of today, road repair work is ongoing at two locations. Specifically: - The road from Ikh Tenger Junction, or Marshal's Bridge, to the "E-Mart" store junction was closed and is being renovated. This road will be reopened on September 26. - Partial repair and renovation is being conducted on the road from Ögöömör Market in Bayanzürkh District to Chuluun Ovoo Circle. This road will be reopened at 06:00 on September 24.

Tomorrow, from 23:00, roads will be closed and renovated at two locations. Specifically: - The road from Dambin Post Junction to Doloon Buudal Junction will be partially closed. The western part of this road will be closed from 23:00 on September 24 and reopened at 06:00 on the 26th. The eastern part will be partially closed from 23:00 on September 26 to 06:00 on the 27th. - The road from 120,000th Junction in Khan-Uul District to the “E-Mart” store will be partially closed. The northern part of the road will be closed from 23:00 on September 24 to 06:00 on the 27th, while the southern part will be closed from 23:00 on September 27 to 06:00 on the 29th.

As part of the road repair, manhole covers will be aligned to the asphalt-concrete surface level, curbs will be replaced, and signage will be marked. Therefore, citizens and drivers are advised to choose alternate routes, according to the Press and Public Relations Department of the Mayor’s Office.

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There are 3 major hydroelectric power stations based on Lake Baikal

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: news.mn

According to GlobalData in 2023, 15.4% of the world's total power plants are hydroelectric, boasting a capacity of 1,407 GW. Hydroelectric power plants are a form of renewable energy that generate electricity by harnessing the power of moving water. Specifically, they convert the energy of flowing water into electric power using turbines and generators. The capacity of a power plant depends on the amount of water flowing through the turbines and the height of the dam or reservoir. China leads the world in hydroelectric power production, with its plants having a total installed capacity of 356 GW, producing 1,348 TWh of energy annually. The hydroelectric plant located in the Yiling District of Yichang City in Hebei Province, China, is considered the largest in the world. This power plant consists of 32 turbine-generator blocks, each with a capacity of 700 MW, and has an annual production capacity of approximately 101.6 TWh. Following China are the USA, Brazil, Canada, and Russia. Specifically, China has about 3,600, the USA around 1,500, Brazil over 1,000, Canada 500, and Russia 105 hydroelectric power plants. In Russia, around 60% of electricity is produced from fossil fuels, 20% from hydroelectric stations, and 20% from nuclear reactors. Of the world's total hydroelectric capacity, 3.74% is located in Russia. The country has 105 hydroelectric plants with a combined capacity of 45,591.4 MW. "RusHydro" is Russia's largest hydroelectric power company and is the second largest in the world. As of 2024, there are eight hydroelectric plants in various stages of construction in Russia. Hydroelectric power is the most widely used form of renewable energy in Russia. Although the country ranks second in the world for hydroelectric potential, it has developed only about 20% of it. Russia holds 9% of the world's water resources, with most of it located in Siberia and the far east. The World Energy Council estimates that Russia has the theoretical capacity to produce 2,295 TWh/year and the economic capacity to produce 852 TWh/year. Russia has three major hydroelectric power stations based on Lake Baikal. These are the Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station on the Angara River, derived from Lake Baikal; the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station, located downstream of Irkutsk on the Angara River; and the Ust-Ilimsk Hydroelectric Power Station, located further downstream on the Angara River. These three stations are key components of Russia's hydroelectric power and are closely linked to the outflow from Lake Baikal through the Angara River. The total capacity of the three power stations is 10,002 MW. The Selenga River, originating from Mongolia, is the largest river that flows into Lake Baikal, while the Eg River is a major tributary of the Selenga. However, Mongolia's project to build a hydroelectric plant on the Eg River has faced environmental and political controversies with Russia. The Eg River dam, planned for construction, is part of Mongolia's effort to reduce its dependence on coal power. Once built, the plant is expected to produce 315 MW of electricity. Russia has expressed significant opposition, fearing that the project could lower the water level of Lake Baikal, an important freshwater resource located 580 km downstream in Siberia. The parties have held numerous meetings and discussions about this issue. Geopolitical factors have also influenced the negotiations, with some analysts noting Russia's interest in maintaining its energy exports to Mongolia. Mongolia's Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene stated in August 2022 during a meeting with UN Secretary-General António Guterres that studies conducted over the years indicate the project would not negatively impact the water levels of the Selenga River and Lake Baikal. The Eg River hydroelectric project is now progressing realistically, as underscored by Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene during Russian President Putin's visit to Mongolia earlier this month. Sources: POWER TECHNOLOGY, DATA BASE, GLOBAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW, WIKIPEDIA.

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Testing of Laser Device to Measure Road Damage and Quality at Night Begins

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A new laser device capable of automatically and precisely detecting and measuring road cracks, damage, and surface quality is being tested on roads in the capital. For example, the roads around the 18th khoroo of Chingeltei district and the 7th bus stop area have been inspected. The trial of the LCM (Laser Crack Measurement System) aims to identify road damage and quality at a high level, enabling the collection of comprehensive data on Ulaanbaatar's roads. The LCM (Laser Crack Measurement System) uses a laser line projector to measure 2D images and high-resolution 3D profiles from a height of 2 meters, across a width of 4 meters. It can collect data at speeds of 20-40 km/h. It is particularly advantageous to perform measurements during low traffic periods, such as at night. "This device measures all cracks and damages across a width of four meters and collects data. After this, appropriate repairs and maintenance for that particular road are determined. Additionally, it provides a detailed system indicating when the road requires repairs, including time and financial considerations. Performing repairs suitable for roads with minimal damage saves both economic resources and time. Constant asphalt concrete resurfacing is costly. Therefore, based on road surface treatment, there is now an opportunity to repair roads before they become relatively damaged," stated NUG. Source: Press and Public Relations Department of the Mayor's Office

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The Intersection from Ikh Tenger to "E-Mart" Store Closed Until September 26

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The City Roads Development Agency has planned to renovate 162.3 km of roads across 87 locations. Out of these, work at 35 locations has already been completed. We spoke with the director of the City Roads Development Agency, B. Odbayar, about the upcoming road work locations. He said, "The 36th location undergoing road repair and renovation is the road from the Ikh Tenger intersection, or Marshal Bridge, to the 'E-Mart' store intersection, which was closed yesterday at 11:00 PM for renovation. This road, part of Ikh Mongol Street, will be closed for 4 days and is scheduled to reopen at 6:00 AM on September 26. We will be applying a two-layer asphalt concrete coating to renovate a total of 2.2 km of road. Due to the risk of freezing in cold conditions, asphalt cannot be laid at subzero temperatures. Since this week the nighttime temperatures are dropping below zero, road coating work must be done during daylight hours on weekdays. Therefore, residents are advised to plan and commute by using alternative routes such as Peace Bridge and Chinggis Avenue rather than the closed section. We mostly plan to do major street and road work on weekends and have already completed coating the road from Nisekh Circle to the General Archives, Naadam Street, and Sun Road. "Several issues arise during work these include: six asphalt plants operate in Ulaanbaatar, with each plant capable of producing at most 1000 tons of asphalt. Secondly, at least 2 to 3 pavers work simultaneously per site after laying the asphalt. However, Ulaanbaatar has a total of 15 pavers. Using all pavers, we can work on road construction at a maximum of 4-5 locations. This also contributes to the necessity of doing road repairs on weekdays," he added. Additionally, it is planned to close the northern section of the road from 'E-Mart' intersection to the Camel Statue intersection for 4 days, starting today at 11:00 PM. Further, they will renovate the road on the backside of Bogd Mountain, from Marshal Bridge to Nalaikh intersection, which will be closed in sections over 10 days. Preparations are underway to renovate the road on Chinggis Avenue as well. The road works are scheduled to be completed in October, as planned.

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Fines for Unlicensed Taxi Services

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: news.mn

If one engages in providing taxi services without obtaining the proper license, penalties ranging from 5 to 50 million tugriks will be imposed. The legal provision stipulating that individuals will be fined five million tugriks and legal entities fifty million tugriks for operating unlicensed taxi services will come into effect starting October 15. This regulation was introduced following amendments to the Law on Violations, the Law on Road Transport, and the Law on Stamp Duties by the State Great Khural due to an increase in crimes affecting citizens who use taxi services. According to official information, over the past five years, more than 3,000 crimes related to taxi services have been recorded, of which over 2,900 were committed in the capital. Therefore, in order to prevent crime, the law stipulates that individuals and legal entities who have paid a stamp duty of 3 to 10 million tugriks and obtained a license can engage in providing taxi services. This law will soon be implemented.

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Those Left "Outside the Fence" and the Government's "Favor"

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

For the first time in the history of our country, political forces that have not been represented in parliament but have received one percent or more of the total votes from the electorate will receive support from the state. This opportunity arose due to the newly revised Law on Political Parties. In the parliamentary elections, a total of 19 parties and two coalitions participated, with MPP, DP, the People’s Party, the Civil Will Green Party, and the National Coalition gaining representation. Funding allocated based on votes received and the number of parliamentary seats will be provided to parties and coalitions annually. Moreover, a one-time support equal to 25 times the minimum wage will be granted every four years to parties and coalitions that exceed the 30% gender quota stipulated by the Election Law by nominating more women and disabled candidates. The True and Correct Party and the New United Coalition have surpassed the one percent threshold of the total electorate. Thus, those previously "left outside the fence" will now receive a share of the government's "favor." What kind of support will this funding provide them? MPP to Receive 2.8, DP to Receive 2.1 Billion MNT As mentioned, funding allocated from the state to political parties comes in both direct and indirect forms. Direct funding is differentiated by occurring annually and once every four years. The parliamentary election roster included 2,224,233 registered voters. Among these, MPP received 35%, DP received 30.1%, the People’s Party received 10.4%, and the National Coalition and Civil Will Green Party surpassed the five percent threshold to secure seats in parliament. In contrast, the New United Coalition received 3.1% and the True and Correct Party received 1.8% of the votes. Following the elections, reports indicated that nine parties qualified for state funding, including the Republican Party and Civil Movement Party. However, upon further clarification from the Head of the Electoral General Committee's Political Party Funding and Oversight Department, N.Bulgamaa, it was explained, "There is a difference between the total number of votes cast and total electorate. The Republican and Civil Movement Parties were probably included based on the total votes cast. According to the law, calculations should be compared against registered voters. We have explained this to the Republican and Civil Movement Parties. Therefore, only seven parties or coalitions will receive state funding." According to the revised law, a single voter's contribution is valued at 0.7% of the minimum wage, equivalent to 3,300 MNT. Furthermore, parties with seats in parliament receive bonuses equivalent to 25% of the minimum wage, or 16.5 million MNT, per elected member. Consequently, MPP will receive 2.8 billion MNT, DP will receive 2.1 billion MNT, the People’s Party will receive 993 million MNT, the National Coalition will receive 446 million MNT, and the Civil Will Green Party will receive 455 million MNT. These figures may vary if the minimum wage changes. The New United Coalition, receiving state "favor" for the first time despite having no parliamentary seats, is set to receive 312 million MNT, and the True and Correct Party will receive 250 million MNT. This funding will be allocated from next year, starting the year after the election. The ECM has budgeted 7.5 billion MNT for first-year funding. However, surpassing the one percent threshold or gaining parliamentary representation does not guarantee immediate funds. Parties first submit their electoral finance reports, which undergo three levels of verification: external audit, ECM review, and final audit by the National Audit Office. "Feasting" on State Money is Not Possible In past years, parties with parliamentary seats received funding based on their votes and number of seats, but their work or output from this money rarely surfaced in reports. As a result, it was often suspected that the party leaders pocketed these funds. Lacking oversight and producing their own internal audits, the money distributed from the state ended up being mismanaged. There was no monitoring or reporting. Now, they will no longer be unchecked. The amended Political Parties Law specifies how state funds should be used, and parties must report on this to receive future funding. Political parties and coalitions must allocate not less than 20% of state funds to support the political participation of women, seniors, youth, and disabled citizens. Additionally, they must use at least 15% to enhance the political education of their members and promote democratic and human rights values. At least one-third of total funds should be spent on operations of the party’s policy research organizations. Any misuse results in the funds being returned to the treasury, with penalties affecting next year's funding. They must also apply for the funding using a designated form. In addition, there is indirect support. Parties and coalitions that received more than one percent of the vote now have the right to use state or state-owned organization facilities once a year free of charge for meetings and events. They can also broadcast 30-minute quarterly programs on public radio and television according to a pre-set schedule free of charge.

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"Climate Fresk" Organization Conducts Its First Training in Mongolia

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: news.mn

The organization "Climate Fresk" conducted its first training in Mongolia, involving students from the National University of Mongolia, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, and the Polytechnic College in Sainshand. The training was organized with the initiative and support of "Badrakh Energy" Company. Climate change is a complex and intricate issue that affects all of us, yet most of the global population has little understanding of it. Therefore, since late 2018, the "Climate Fresk" NGO has been working to help individuals and organizations access information on climate change and participate in addressing it. Climate change is a pressing issue we face, and one comprehensive solution to mitigate its impact is the energy transition. The organization aims to significantly improve climate education and spread awareness about the challenges posed by climate change. To do this, they use reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in their training, presenting neutral, objective, strictly scientific, and verified facts. "Climate Fresk" encourages its training participants to engage in creative actions and steps that contribute to solving climate change. By organizing this training in Mongolia, the country's students and youth have joined a movement involving 1.5 million people across 157 countries, responding with increased awareness to climate change.

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5G Network Test Stations Light Up Central Areas of Ulaanbaatar

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Unitel Group has been conducting phased trials since 2022 to introduce a 5G network across Mongolia. Recently, they have reactivated their 5G network test stations in central areas of Ulaanbaatar to test their billing system. When connected to this network, depending on your internet usage, it will be deducted from your data package balance. Unitel advises its users to monitor their data usage. You can also switch your mobile network settings between 5G-4G and 4G-5G with the following instructions. Locations of the 5G network test stations in Ulaanbaatar: - Along the road from Zuun 4 zam to Baruun 4 zam - Along the road from 100 Ail to Zaisan - Sukhbaatar Square - Unitel Data Center - Central Tower, 3rd and 4th floors - Shangri-La Mall, 3rd and 4th floors - Government Palace - Gallery - Ulaanbaatar Shopping and Service Center - National University of Mongolia Library - Teachers College - Fountain (in front of Ulaanbaatar Department Store) - Victory Square - Misheel Environment and Awareness Center - National Amusement Park - National Garden Park - Nisekh, Yarmag, Shunshig Villa - Khailaast, Denjiin 1000 - Bayankhoshuu Ovoo Street - 30 Khaniin Material Buildings - Sky Resort - Sunday Plaza - Dunjingarav Shopping Mall - South of Narantuul Market Interestingly, Unitel Group first activated their 5G network test station in 2022 at the central square of Ulaanbaatar, and in 2023, they activated it at the central squares of provinces as part of necessary phased trials. Soon, the 5G network will be fully rolled out nationwide, and the time to experience high-speed internet for real is approaching. Warning: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must cite the original source (ikon.mn) when using or reproducing our information in any form.

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5G in Ulaanbaatar

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Unitel Group has been conducting phased testing to introduce 5G networks across Mongolia starting from 2022, activating test stations to monitor network quality and usage. Recently, they have re-activated their 5G test stations in central parts of Ulaanbaatar and are testing their billing system. When connected to this network, depending on your internet usage, it will be deducted from your data package balance, so Unitel recommends its users to monitor their data usage. You can also switch your phone network settings between 5G-4G and 4G-5G according to the instructions below. The locations of 5G test stations in Ulaanbaatar are: 1. Along the road from East 4th to West 4th intersection 2. Along the road from 100 Ail to Zaisan 3. Sukhbaatar Square 4. Unitel - Data Center 5. Central Tower, 3rd and 4th floor 6. Shangri-La Shopping Center, 3rd and 4th floor 7. Government Palace 8. Gallery - Ulaanbaatar Trade and Service Center 9. Library of the National University of Mongolia 10. Institute of Teachers 11. In front of State Department Store's Fountain 12. Victory Square 13. Misheel Eco Park and Knowledge Center 14. National Amusement Park 15. National Garden Park 16. Airport 17. Yarmag, Shunshig Villa 18. Khashaast, Dengiin 1000 19. Bayankhoshuu Ovoo Street 20. Khan Uul District Materials - Building 30 21. Sky Resort 22. Sunday Plaza 23. Dunjingarav Shopping Center 24. In front of Naran Tuul Market Interestingly, Unitel Group first activated the 5G test station in 2022 in the main square of Ulaanbaatar, and in 2023, they started necessary tests in the central squares of the provinces in a phased manner. Soon, the 5G network will be fully introduced nationwide, marking the arrival of the era to experience high-speed internet tangibly.

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UEMP: Studying International Experience in Investigating Blockchain and Cryptocurrency-based Crimes

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The General Prosecutor's Office, in cooperation with the Asia Foundation, invited Mr. Isaac Levy, the founder and CEO of the "Whitestream" organization based in Australia, to conduct a three-day training in Mongolia on "Investigation and Prosecution of Crimes Based on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency." In recent years, the occurrence of crimes based on cryptocurrency and virtual assets has been increasing in our country. Therefore, to investigate such crimes and introduce the good practices of foreign countries, and to enhance the knowledge and skills of prosecutors and investigators, this training was organized in cooperation with "Whitestream," an organization that conducts operations in analyzing blockchain environments and investigating crimes related to cryptocurrency. More than 30 participants, including prosecutors from provincial, capital city, district, and inter-district prosecutor offices, as well as representatives of the Economic Crime Investigation Division of the Criminal Police Department, attended the training. The training provided them with novel knowledge and information on how to conduct investigations depending on the characteristics and specifics of blockchain technology and virtual assets. This valuable training was reported by the General Prosecutor's Office.

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The program to WORK IN JAPAN in the field of IT after graduation is starting soon!

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: gogo.mn

What do we need to know about the special 8-month program that allows graduates to work directly in Japan, implemented by iCode Academy, which trains IT professionals, and Japan's CAL company? There is a high demand for human resources in Japan's IT sector, which is why there is a keen interest in hiring skilled professionals from abroad. In response to this demand, iCode Academy and CAL have announced a comprehensive 8-month program combining IT and Japanese language training. CAL, a company co-implementing the program, is a top-tier Japanese IT company with branches in over 10 cities across 4 countries, employing more than 40 Mongolian engineers and over 2,700 employees. During the training, combined IT and Japanese language lessons will be provided. - Coding Lessons: - Gain fundamental understanding of what the Internet and Web are, and how they are constructed. - Learn the basics of web elements using HTML and how to build the "skeleton" or main structure of a web page. - Use CSS to customize the design of your constructed web page to reach users as desired. - Obtain a comprehensive understanding of algorithm and programming language principles using Javascript, and learn how to make a web page dynamic. - Develop your web page more easily and quickly using ReactJS. - Learn how to handle data, interact with databases, display, manipulate, and store the data using the Java language. - Japanese Language Lessons: - Courses for Japanese language up to N2 level. - Obtain your Japanese N2 level certificate. Requirements for those wishing to register for the training: - Have Japanese language knowledge of N4 level or higher. - Be sincerely willing to attend the training with more than 90% attendance. - Must be over 18 years of age. ADVANTAGES OF THE PROGRAM: 1. Project-based program - The most effective solution for learners - The lessons are conducted with 20% theory and 80% practice, where learners start working on small projects from the initial phase of the course to practice and reinforce their learned knowledge immediately. 2. 2 Teachers per Class - A program where teachers work closely with each learner - A Master teacher and an Assistant teacher will teach in each class and work closely with each learner during the training. 3. Learning Environment and Tools 100% Ready - Just arrive on time and concentrate on your lessons. We have provided all resources to support effective learning, such as computers and relaxation areas. 4. Work in JAPAN Immediately after Graduation - Our learners study diligently for 8 months and after graduation, they will work in one of Japan's top IT companies in their IT specialty. 5. Flexible Payment Terms - We are offering a discounted price for those interested in joining the program, with the possibility to pay in 2 or 3 installments. Register for the program: [link to form] Facebook page: [iCode Academy page link] Phone: 9400-9229 Address: Room 1011, MN Tower, in front of Tengis Cinema

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Itools JSC: Data Center, A New Era of Cloud Technology

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: news.mn

Itools JSC started providing data center and information technology services in 2011. In its continuous efforts to deliver reliable and uninterrupted services, the company has improved its infrastructure and product offerings, now serving over 4,000 customers. The Itools data center meets the requirements of international standards such as ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management Systems, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 for Information Security Management, and NIST-800-53. It operates with 99.987% uptime and is certified by the Uptime Institute TIER2 standard for infrastructure. In 2018, Itools JSC partnered with Fibo Global LLC to offer Mongolia's first cloud services, ensuring reliable digital platform operations for local organizations. The first National Cloud service in Mongolia allows users to pay based on actual usage time, offering flexible billing, and the ability to modify and control server capacities as needed. Both Public and Private Cloud services can be utilized simultaneously, a first in Mongolia. The Public Cloud allows for flexible billing and server adjustments based on user requirements, while the Private Cloud provides complete resource control and management for internal needs. The global trend in technology development is shifting towards containerization and microservices architecture, demanding faster, more flexible, and automated business operations. Kubernetes technology, a globally popular platform for managing containerized software, is an example of this trend. Managed Kubernetes simplifies management and automation, becoming an integral part of today's advanced cloud services. Managed Kubernetes offers local businesses the opportunity to manage modern infrastructure easily, automate processes, optimize IT resources, and reduce time spent on technical infrastructure by allowing IT teams to focus on core operations. Around the world, major corporations are using Kubernetes platforms to develop software rapidly, manage loads flexibly, and achieve high availability. Mongolian companies using this technology can align with global developments, adhering to international standards and expanding their services, facilitated by the National Cloud service. Advantages of Managed Kubernetes in Mongolia include: - Automation: By automating resource management and container allocation, it reduces human intervention and minimizes errors. - Cost savings: Services can be scaled up or down based on load, preventing unnecessary expenses. - Efficient availability: Ensures continuous service operation using a high-availability system. - Security: Utilizes internationally compliant security solutions to ensure information confidentiality. The National Cloud service contributes significantly to introducing technological advancements in domestic businesses and enables them to keep pace with global innovation. Managed Kubernetes is not just a technical advancement, but a new opportunity to enhance the growth and competitiveness of Mongolia's businesses. Mongolia is facing a "Brain Drain" issue, with a significant outflow of human resources. This impacts IT companies that struggle with a shortage of IT specialists or system administrators. Consequently, server maintenance and information security in these companies are unstaffed. To support companies facing such challenges, Itools JSC has introduced Mongolia's first System Administrator Service in the first quarter of 2024. As a company with many years of experience in the data center and information technology sector, Itools JSC now provides comprehensive IT services. Itools JSC plans to expand its operations by offering Information Security Audit services. According to Article 8.4 of the "Cybersecurity Law," organizations connected to the state's integrated information network and state-owned legal entities with critical information infrastructure must improve information security in stages within their organization and with partner organizations, complying with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and the new ISO/IEC 27001:2022 International Standard for Information Security Management. This year, the company has officially obtained authorization to conduct Information Security Audits as stipulated in Article 9 of the "Cybersecurity Law," following the ministerial order for Digital Development and Communications. For more information: Website: www.itools.mn
Support Center: 7575-5585
Facebook: Itools JSC/itools JSC
Instagram: itools_jsc

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Implementation of Diagnosis and Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders and Neonatal Arrhythmia

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Specialist doctors are set to travel to Turkey and India for training. These doctors will introduce the diagnosis and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Pediatric Arrhythmia in their home country. Health Minister T. Munkhsaikhan held a meeting with these medical teams and signed an accountability agreement. During the meeting, he noted, "In the past, billions of tugriks have been spent on overseas training in the health sector. However, has medical care and services improved accordingly? The answer is no. This year, to localize the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that cannot be treated in Mongolia, we have planned to send a team of 13 doctors abroad for training. A significant amount of investment is being made, and we must approach everything responsibly. We are signing accountability agreements with all the teams before they leave, specifying what they need to learn. So, make good use of the time you have, learn as much as possible, and quickly implement what you have learned in your practice back home. Let me emphasize one thing. The reputation of the sector is suffering due to the relationships and attitudes of doctors and healthcare organizations. So, pay attention to this and set an example." According to a newly revised list, there are 26 diseases that cannot be diagnosed or treated in Mongolia. To localize the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, Health Minister T. Munkhsaikhan decided last August to strengthen the capacity of 13 national teams by training them in leading hospitals and universities around the world by the end of this year, as reported by the Ministry of Health.

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Mongolia's First 'Breast Milk Bank' Opened for Donating Milk to Premature Babies

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: isee.mn

The Government of Mongolia, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization, has established Mongolia's first breast milk bank at the neonatal intensive care unit of the National Center for Maternal and Child Health. This achievement is part of a national program aimed at reducing infant mortality. The "Babyworld" children's store's Lansinoh brand played a key role in this initiative. The purpose of this breast milk bank is to collect and store breast milk from both mothers and donors according to strict criteria, providing vital, irreplaceable breast milk to premature infants and those who cannot use their mothers' milk. By having such a milk bank, the country can enhance the ability of premature babies to resist infections, improve their immune systems, and increase their survival rates, leading to a decrease in mortality and a better chance of preventing underlying diseases.

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Covid-19 Is Becoming One of the Seasonal Flu Viruses

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: news.mn

With the start of school and the cooling weather, the risk of flu spread is increasing. We interviewed Dr. Ch. Urtnasan, an infectious disease specialist at the National Center for Infectious Diseases, about the current situation of flu and flu-like illnesses in the country. He explained, "Approximately five percent of outpatients are dealing with flu and flu-like illnesses. Among those who are hospitalized, 19% are due to severe respiratory infections or pneumonia. Looking at age, 80% of outpatients are approximately 15 years old, with around 50% being children under 5 years old. Of those hospitalized, about 70% are children under 15, with around 48% being under 5 years old. The disease incidence has relatively increased compared to the previous week. Last week, outpatients accounted for about three percent, while today it has increased by two percent. This is believed to be related to children starting school and kindergartens. Also, the change in seasons, warm during the day and cold at night, affects the weather conditions. No influenza virus has entered in the viral surveillance. However, approximately one percent of samples identified are Covid-19 cases. Covid-19 is becoming one of the regularly circulating viruses that cause seasonal flu, like A and B viruses. It is not a new mutated virus. A small number of cases are recorded. In the last two consecutive weeks, it has been registered at about one percent. Some respiratory viruses are more severe. Furthermore, after the Covid-19 pandemic, it is possible that influenza viruses have undergone changes. Currently, citizens exhibit symptoms like sore throat, coughing, and fever. If symptoms occur, they should go to their respective clinics for treatment. Self-medicating makes the virus resistant. For example, if one medicine used to relieve symptoms, self-medication could lead one to take three medicines to suppress the symptoms. Therefore, following a doctor's instructions for medication is important. Also, because we live in a cold region, the risk of contracting flu and flu-like illnesses is high. After contracting, symptoms will vary depending on the individual's body constitution and characteristics. However, if you strengthen yourself, the chances of contracting diseases are lower. Young children, pregnant women, and other at-risk groups could potentially face complications, so it is essential to seek medical attention and follow a doctor's guidance. In general, the flu season in our country starts in October. However, predicting when the flu virus will enter is impossible. Based on many years of surveillance, the flu virus enters around the beginning of November and reaches a peak in December and January. Currently, flu and flu-like virus activity is beginning to increase. Following this, the respiratory syncytial virus usually enters. If this virus overlaps with the flu virus, hospital bed occupancy tends to increase to twice the normal capacity. Nationwide, to prepare for flu season, we start preventive immunizations. This year, flu immunizations began at the end of August. This includes vaccinating at-risk groups such as children aged 6 months to 5 years, those over 65 years old, pregnant women, people with chronic illnesses, and health and security personnel due to the specificity of their professions. As of today, the vaccination effort has achieved 50% progress. Immunization coverage among pregnant women is insufficient, whereas over 50% of other groups have been vaccinated," he said.

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The World Cup of Boxing Starts Today in Ulaanbaatar

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The World Boxing Association, which unites 45 countries, is hosting the World Cup competition that begins today at the UG Arena sports complex in Ulaanbaatar. For the first time in Asia, the competition will bring together 170 boxers from countries like England, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Italy, Wales, Australia, Peru, South Korea, China, the Philippines, and Mongolia, all ready to compete. For the first time, ranking points for the World Boxing Association will be awarded during this competition. Today there are 29 bouts in the women's 50, 54, 57, and 60 kg categories, and the men's 51, 57, 63.5, and 71 kg categories. The competition begins every day at 14:00, with today's matches starting with a bout in the 54 kg category between International Master B. Mungunsaran and English boxer Smith Iwai Jane. From our country, we have B. Nomin-Erdene, S. Binderiyaya, and B. Saruul in the 50 kg division; P. Khulan, O. Yesugen, and B. Mungunsaran in the 54 kg division; T. Bolortuul, M. Tsendo, N. Oyund-Erdene, and B. Zoljargal in the 57 kg division; M. Namuun and G. Badmaarag in the 60 kg division; and L. Davaadorj and O. Tuvshinzaya in the men's 51 kg division. In the men's 57 kg division, we have D. Ganbold, Kh. Enkh-Amar, and Kh. Otgonsukh; in the 63.5 kg division, Ch. Burendüren, Ü. Baasandash, and B. Togoldör; and in the 71 kg division, O. Byamba-Erdene, B. Nergüi, Kh. Gan-Erdene, and B. Misheelt, all stepping into the ring for their first bout.

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World Cup of Boxing Begins Today in Ulaanbaatar

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The World Cup of boxing, organized by the World Boxing Association and bringing together athletes from 45 countries, begins today at the "UG Arena" sports complex in Ulaanbaatar city. This tournament, held for the first time in Asia, will feature 170 boxers from countries including England, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Italy, Wales, Australia, Peru, South Korea, China, the Philippines, and Mongolia, all ready to compete. This competition will be the first to award ranking points from the World Boxing Association. Today's matches include 29 bouts in women's 50, 54, 57, 60 kg and men's 51, 57, 63.5, 71 kg weight categories. The tournament will start each day at 14:00, with today's 54 kg bout opening with an international caliber fight between Mongolian master boxer B. Mungunsaran and English boxer Smith Ivay Jaine. From our country, the boxers taking the ring today include B. Nomin-Erdene, S. Binderiya, B. Saruul in the 50 kg category; P. Khulan, O. Yesugen, B. Mungunsaran in the 54 kg category; T. Bolortul, M. Tsendo, N. Oyun-Erdene, B. Zoljargal in the 57 kg category; M. Namuun, G. Badmaarag in the 60 kg category; L. Davaadorj, O. Tuvshinlaya in the men's 51 kg category; D. Ganbold, Kh. Enkh-Amar, Kh. Otgonukh in the 57 kg category; Ch. Burenduren, U. Baasandash, B. Tögölder in the 63.5 kg category; and O. Byamba-Erdene, B. Nergui, Kh. Gan-Erdene, B. Mishiilt in the 71 kg category, all making their first fights.

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The Boxing World Cup Begins Today in Ulaanbaatar

Published: 2024-09-23 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The World Cup boxing competition, organized by the International Boxing Federation and involving 45 countries, begins today at the "UG Arena" sports complex in Ulaanbaatar city. This tournament, being held in Asia for the first time, is set to feature 170 boxers from countries such as England, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Italy, Wales, Australia, Peru, South Korea, China, the Philippines, and Mongolia. For the first time, ranking points from the International Boxing Federation will be awarded at this competition. Today, there will be 29 bouts in the women's 50, 54, 57, 60 kg, and the men's 51, 57, 63.5, 71 kg weight categories. The competition will start every day at 14:00, with today's matches beginning with an international master B. Mungunsaran from Mongolia fighting against England's Smith Iwai Jane in the 54 kg weight category. Among the fighters representing Mongolia today are B. Nomin-Erdene, S. Binderella, B. Saruul in the 50 kg category; P. Khulan, O. Yesugen, B. Mungunsaran in the 54 kg category; T. Bolortuul, M. Tseendo, N. Oyuun-Erdene, B. Zoljargal in the 57 kg category; M. Namuun, G. Badmaarag in the 60 kg category; L. Davaadorj, O. Tuvshinzaya in the men's 51 kg category; D. Ganbold, Kh. Enkh-Amar, Kh. Otgonsukh in the 57 kg category; Ch. Burenduuren, Ü. Baasandash, B. Togoldor in the 63.5 kg category; and O. Byamba-Erdene, B. Nergui, Kh. Gan-Erdene, B. Mishheelt in the 71 kg category, each beginning their first matches in the ring.

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