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Mongolia News Summary for September 16, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for September 16, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories










The Court Deems L. Enkh-Amgalan's Decision to Dismiss J. Soronzon, Involved in a 3.3 Billion Issue, Correct

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

Former principal of the joint Mongolian-Russian School III, J. Soronzon, who was dismissed due to a case involving giving preferential treatment to his spouse N. Lundendorj and brother J. Sodbylleg, and being involved in a 3.3 billion tugrik issue, made a claim against the Minister of Education and Science L. Enkh-Amgalan. The case was discussed at three levels of courts, and finally, the Supreme Court decided in April 2024 that the case should be reviewed again by the Appellate Court.

Meanwhile, the Administrative Court of Appeals in the capital reviewed the case and upheld the decision of the first instance court, rejecting the plaintiff's complaint.

To be precise, the Administrative Court in the capital examined the case concerning former principal J. Soronzon of the joint Mongolian-Russian School III on November 30, 2023, and found the decision of L. Enkh-Amgalan to dismiss J. Soronzon from his position was correct. This decision was upheld by the Administrative Court of Appeals.

Here is a recap of what J. Soronzon initially complained about in the first instance court, what he stated regarding it, and how the court made its decision.


Former principal J. Soronzon of the joint Mongolian-Russian School III appealed to the Administrative Court of the capital to nullify the Minister of Education and Science's command No. B/72 on September 07, 2022, to reinstate him in his previous position, to compensate for the salary for the period he was unemployed, and to reimburse health and social insurance contributions.

The report of the task force established by the resolution of the Board of Directors of the Mongolian-Russian School III on February 16, 2022, concluded that principal J. Soronzon violated the law on regulating public and private interests and preventing conflicts of interest in public service, leading the Minister of Education and Science L. Enkh-Amgalan to dismiss him from his position on September 07, 2022.

J. Soronzon disagreed and took the matter to court, although he was represented by his authorized representative during court sessions, who argued that J. Soronzon was appointed by the Minister of Education of the People's Republic of Mongolia on August 08, 1992, and met all legal requirements with an "A" evaluation for performance agreements over the past three years without any violations or deficiencies. Yet, the Minister of Education and Science L. Enkh-Amgalan removed him without a hearing process being conducted.

Moreover, the statute states that the appointment and dismissal of the school principal should be proposed in agreement with the responsible organization of the Russian Federation. The Board of Directors, co-managed by Mongolia and Russia, did not propose the dismissal of J. Soronzon. It was considered baseless for the Minister to issue the act in dispute based on the report of the task force.

In summary, J. Soronzon and his representative argued that it was unjustified to dismiss him while he was performing well without consulting the Russian side.


However, the authorized representative of the defendant, Ch.B, argued in court that the operational law of the Mongolian-Russian joint middle school and related Mongolian educational laws govern its activities. Based on clause 6.3 of the joint middle school's statute, the school's direct management is implemented by a principal appointed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia, and therefore, they had the authority to appoint and dismiss.

The Board of Directors of the joint Mongolian-Russian School established a task force of 10 members, including representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science, the city's Education Department, the City Citizens' Representatives Khural, and parents and teachers of the joint Mongolian-Russian School No. 3 to conduct a financial audit and evaluation. This task force reviewed the school's activities and financial documents.

The task force's conclusion revealed that over the past 12 years, educational fees were deposited into five commercial banks, leading to 3 billion 30 million tugriks in interest income and expenditures without resolutions from the Board of Directors.

Principal J. Soronzon hired his spouse N. Lundendorj, who was ineligible to teach at a general education school, as a contracted teacher from September 2020 to January 2022, paying a monthly salary of 4,160,000 tugriks, violating the relevant law on regulating public and private interests in public service. Additionally, the Day Care Center for first graders was leased to "Erhga" LLC owned by his brother at a price below market value without open competitive selection, violating the same law.

Based on these statutory provisions and the financial report, it was considered justified to dismiss him from office. Additionally, Soronzon was informed by phone about the intention to dismiss him but failed to attend due to reasons like "high blood pressure."

However, the court concluded that the financial violations involving a lack of resolution from the Board of Directors for the interest income and expenses of 3 billion 30 million tugriks, employing his spouse as a teacher with a salary of 4,160,000 tugriks monthly, and renting the Day Care Center to his brother’s company below market price without selection, amounted to a breach of trust in managing funds. Therefore, the administrative decision to terminate his employment relationship was considered not unlawful. Hence, Soronzon's claim was dismissed entirely, finding no grounds for satisfaction.

L.Oyun-Erdene: The pressing issues of the oil refinery will be discussed in the Parliament session

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

Mongolia's Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene familiarized himself with the progress of the oil refinery construction project in Dornogovi province today. The construction of the oil refinery, a major industrial and technological collaboration between Mongolia and India, commenced in 2021. Despite global challenges such as the pandemic, economic downturns, and transportation disruptions, the project continues unabated.

“Mongolian Oil Refinery” LLC is undertaking projects including the construction of the refinery, crude oil pipeline, and supporting infrastructure. The project aims to be operational by 2027 through a phased approach. The company’s CEO, D.Altantsetseg, presented the issues requiring resolutions at the Parliament and government levels regarding the project's ongoing development. Matters such as facilitating additional concessionary loan agreements with the Indian government and changes to customs procedures for importing equipment were discussed.

The oil refinery project is divided into four packages. The project's current progress, including mechanical assembly work and non-technological buildings, was demonstrated to the Prime Minister by the companies involved. The engineering and construction involve collaboration from several countries, showcasing the project's international scale. Currently, about 1,300 foreign engineers and technical staff are involved in the construction on-site.

With the completion of non-technological and civil constructions, including the water transmission system, final handovers to state inspectors are beginning. The establishment of the crude oil pipeline, a first in Mongolia, is proceeding successfully. The detailed design work for the pipeline is managed by Canada's “Worley Parsons,” with oversight by Italy’s “Prometheus,” and construction handled by China’s state-owned “Norinco International Cooperation.” The welding of 430 km of the pipeline has been completed, with further testing ongoing. Completion of the total 530 km pipeline from the extraction site in Dornod province to the refinery is expected by the third quarter of 2025.

Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene emphasized the strategic importance of the refinery, noting its potential to reduce Mongolia’s fuel import dependency and create a new petrochemical industry sector. The government remains dedicated to resolving ongoing issues with the Indian government and expediting the necessary proceedings in the Parliament’s autumn session to maintain the project's momentum.

Prime Minister Visits Dornogov: "Issues in the Oil Refinery Project to be Discussed in Parliament"

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

Prime Minister of Mongolia L.Oyun-Erdene visited Dornogovi Province to inspect the progress of the construction of the oil refinery plant. The construction of the oil refinery plant, a high-tech, heavy industrial complex under the economic partnership between Mongolia and India, began in 2021. Despite challenges such as the global pandemic, economic crisis, and transportation disruptions, the construction work has continued uninterrupted.

"Oil Refinery Development Company" LLC is implementing projects including the oil refinery plant, crude oil pipeline, external industrial infrastructure, and the "Oil Refinery Township". The oil refinery establishment project is being implemented in stages and is planned to commence operations in 2027. The company's executive director, D.Altantsetseg, presented the issues requiring resolution at the parliamentary and government level during the project construction. These include creating conditions for the establishment of an additional concessional loan agreement with the Indian government for EPC 04 package work, changing import customs regulations for equipment, negotiating on visa concessions for foreign workers, and ensuring the supply of crude oil.

The oil refinery establishment project is being implemented in four segments. The project implementing company and general contractor companies presented to the Prime Minister the progress on the EPC 01 package, which encompasses non-technical buildings, and the work done within the frameworks of EPC 02, EPC 03, and the mechanical assembly of the crude oil pipeline. Indian companies are executing EPC 01, 02, 03 package works, while Chinese companies are handling the construction of the crude oil pipeline. This major, multidimensional project involves engineering and construction work from over 10 countries including India, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, the USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, and China, showcasing the project's international scope. Currently, a total of 1,300 foreign engineers and technical staff are participating in the construction at the site.

The construction and assembly work of all non-technical civil buildings, a total of 11 structures, and the water transmission system has been completed and is being gradually handed over to the State Commission. Apart from the oil refinery, the first-ever oil transmission pipeline in Mongolia is being successfully established. The detailed design, engineering work, and oversight of the pipeline construction are being handled by Canadian company "Worley Parsons" and Italian company "Prometheus", with the main construction contractor being the Chinese state-owned "Norinco International Cooperation", which commenced the construction work in April last year. As of today, 430 km of pipeline has been welded and connected, with non-destructive testing, ultrasonic, and magnetic particle tests conducted. The 530 km pipeline from the oil extraction field in Dornod Province to the plant is planned to be completed by the third quarter of 2025.

Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene emphasized the importance of the oil refinery project as one of the 14 mega projects to be implemented by the joint government. Once operational, the refinery will reduce Mongolia's dependence on fuel and petroleum imports and will create a new petrochemical industry sector. The Prime Minister, while visiting the site during the initial phase of EPC 03 work, had made relevant decisions from the government. Currently, accelerating the EPC 04 package, which is a crucial component of the plant, and resolving pending issues with the Indian government to be discussed during the autumn session of the Parliament is of utmost importance. The government will place particular focus on ensuring the successful implementation of this strategically significant project.

Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene is Working in Dornogovi Province

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene visited Dornogovi province today to get acquainted with the progress of construction work at the oil refinery.

The establishment of the oil refinery, which is a comprehensive high-tech heavy industry complex as part of the economic cooperation between Mongolia and India, began in 2021. Despite challenges such as the global pandemic, economic crisis, and transportation delays, construction work is being continuously implemented.

The "Mongol Oil Refinery" SOE is working on implementing projects such as the oil refinery, crude oil pipeline, external infrastructure facilities, and the "Oil Refinery Town" project.

The project for establishing the oil refinery is being implemented in stages, with the aim of putting it into operation by 2027. Issues requiring resolution at the parliamentary and government levels during the construction were presented by the company's executive director, D. Altantsetseg.

An additional agreement on concessional loans from the Government of India was discussed to facilitate the signing of the EPC 04 package work contract, as well as issues such as changing import customs procedures for equipment, providing visa exemptions for foreign workers, securing raw material supplies, and establishing crude oil supply agreements.

The construction of the oil refinery project is being implemented in four packages. Leaders from the project implementing company and the main contractor companies presented the progress of non-process building constructions under EPC 01, EPC 02, EPC 03 package works, and the progress of the mechanical assembly work of the oil pipeline to the Prime Minister.

The EPC 01, 02, and 03 package works are being carried out by Indian companies, while the construction of the oil pipeline is being executed by Chinese companies. More than 10 countries, including India, Italy, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, and China, are involved in this major project spanning multiple sectors. Currently, a total of 1,300 foreign engineers and technical workers are participating in the construction of the plant.

The non-process buildings, including 11 civil constructions and water supply systems, are completed and being handed over phase by phase to the state commission. Besides the oil refinery, the project of building a crude oil transport pipeline in Mongolia is proceeding successfully. The detailed design and engineering work for the oil pipeline have been carried out by Canada's "Worley Parsons," supervised by Italy's "Prometheus," with China's state-owned "Norinco International Cooperation" as the main contractor, who started the construction work in April last year.

To date, 430 km of pipeline have been welded and connected with the implementation of non-destructive testing, ultrasonics, and magnetic particle testing. It is planned to complete 530 km of pipeline from the oil extraction site in Dornod province to the factory by the third quarter of 2025.

Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene emphasized that the oil refinery is one of the 14 mega projects to be implemented by the coalition government, and after the refinery is operational, Mongolia will reduce its dependence on fuel imports and establish a new petrochemical industry sector. As the work on the EPC 03 package commenced, the Prime Minister visited Altanshiree sum to get an acquaintance and make relevant decisions from the government side. Now, the Prime Minister prioritizes the timely initiation of important EPC 04 package works, resolving urgent issues with the Government of India, and having them discussed in the upcoming autumn session of parliament to expedite the matter. The government is focusing on successfully implementing this project of strategic importance.

Rejected Registration of 33 Candidates

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The chairman of the Capital Election Committee, P. Khadbaatar, stated that 15 parties and one coalition have registered to participate in the City Council elections. According to Article 31 of the Law on Elections of Citizens' Representatives of Aimags, the capital, soums, and districts, 282 candidates from the 15 parties and one coalition submitted their documents to participate in the City Council elections. In accordance with Article 27.5 of the same law, documentation for registration of parties and coalitions was requested from the candidates. On September 11, the General Election Commission discussed whether to register the candidates. As a result, according to Article 19.1 of the Law on Elections of Citizens' Representatives of Aimags, the capital, soums, and districts, the Election Commissions discussed the issues within their powers as provided in Articles 16 and 17 of the same law and decided by majority vote of the attending members to approve a resolution regarding the registration of the 282 candidates. Consequently, a resolution was issued to refuse registration for 33 candidates from the total list.

For example:

  • Out of 45 requested registrations from MPP, 4 candidates were rejected, and 41 were registered.
  • Out of 44 requested registrations from DP, 2 candidates were rejected, and 42 were registered.
  • Out of 27 requested registrations from the National Coalition, 3 candidates were rejected, and 24 were registered.
  • Out of 45 requested registrations from the IZN Party, 9 candidates were rejected, and 36 were registered.
  • Out of 3 requested registrations from the Freedom Implementing Party, 2 candidates were rejected, and 1 was registered.
  • Out of 6 requested registrations from the Civil Movement Party, all 6 were registered.
  • Out of 45 requested registrations from KhUN Party, 6 candidates were rejected, and 39 were registered.
  • Out of 14 requested registrations from the Truth and Right Party, all 14 were registered.
  • Out of 18 requested registrations from the People's Majority Governance Party, 3 candidates were rejected, and 15 were registered.
  • Out of 26 requested registrations from the Citizens' Participation Union Party, 2 candidates were rejected, and 24 were registered.
  • Out of 8 requested registrations from the Unified Democratic Citizens' Party, 1 candidate was rejected, and 7 were registered.

One independent candidate submitted a nomination request, but it was rejected due to non-compliance with requirements. A total of 33 candidates were denied registration, while 249 were registered. Candidates who were denied registration have the opportunity to correct their deficiencies until September 15. This is not the final decision.

D. Lundeejantsan: A Permanent Parliamentary Body was Established out of the Desire to Live According to Global Standards

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

Thirty-four years ago on this day, the State Little Khural was elected by the choice of the Mongolian people, marking the beginning of a permanent parliament's activities. In honor of this significant day, the Speaker of the State Great Khural D. Amarbayasgalan, Deputy Speaker H. Bulgantuya, and Secretary General B. Baasandorj welcomed the members of the State Little Khural, which laid the foundation for the independence, sovereignty, democratic governance resilience, rule of law, and guarantee of human rights and freedoms.

The Speaker of the State Great Khural, D. Amarbayasgalan, extended greetings on the anniversary of the establishment of a permanent parliamentary body, stating, "The principle that all power belongs to the people was completely implemented with the democratic elections of 1990. The State Little Khural is the parliament that accomplished the historic task of forming the legal basis for political, economic, and social reforms in our country." He highlighted that while the State Little Khural had 53 members from four parties, now, 34 years later, the parliament consists of 126 members from five parties and alliances, representing a new chapter in the history of parliamentary tradition and the introduction of new political culture.

Furthermore, the current parliament is working towards implementing regional development policies, fostering new parliamentary traditions, setting reform objectives, and framing the strategic plan for the next four years under the legislative environment termed "Three Perfections."

Former Chairman of the State Little Khural and Speaker of the State Great Khural, R. Gonchigdorj, mentioned that the State Little Khural, which exercised its powers since September 13, 1990, laid the foundation for maintaining the essence of the Constitution throughout the country.

Former Member of the State Little Khural and Speaker of the State Great Khural, D. Lundeejantsan, emphasized that the Mongolian people desired to live by global standards, and hence, a permanent parliamentary body was established in Mongolia. He noted that the beginning of changing and reforming the nation was to establish a parliament, citing that the members of the first permanent parliamentary body, the State Little Khural, were working towards transitioning the country into a new social system.

Mongolian People's Party's B. Galtog, N. Bayarchimeg, and D. Myagmar Not Registered for City Council Elections

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

The City Election Commission has issued certificates to candidates for the City Council elections.

For the elections, the Mongolian People's Party (MPP) submitted the documents for 45 candidates, while the Democratic Party submitted 44 candidates' materials to the Election Commission.

However, three candidates from the MPP and two from the Democratic Party were not registered.

The Democratic Party today held a press conference opposing the non-registration of D. Munkh-Erdene and Ts. Erdenebileg as candidates. Meanwhile, from the MPP:

  • B. Galtog, who was to run in Bayanzurkh district,
  • N. Bayarchimeg, who was to run in Songinokhairkhan district,
  • D. Myagmar, who was to run in Khan-Uul district, were all refused registration.

In the Following Cases, Candidates Will Be Refused Registration for Local Elections

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

Political parties and coalitions participating in the 2024 regular elections of the Citizens' Representative Khural of provinces, the capital, soums, and districts have registered with the respective election commissions. The process for parties, coalitions, and independent candidates to nominate themselves for the local Khural elections started on August 27 and continued until September 2.

The election commission has informed that it will decide within a week of receiving the candidates' documents whether to register them and will issue a resolution. If a decision is made to register a candidate, a certificate will be issued on September 26, and publicity will begin upon informing the public. As of today, some parties have announced their refusal to register certain candidates. According to the Law on Elections for the Citizens' Representative Khural of provinces, the capital, soums, and districts, candidates may be refused registration in the following cases.

Article 32: Refusal to Register a Candidate

  • 32.1. A candidate will be refused registration under the following circumstances:
  • 32.1.1. Failure to conduct the nomination process within the time specified by this law;
  • 32.1.2. Failure to meet the candidate requirements specified in this law;
  • 32.1.3. Nominating a member of another party;
  • 32.1.4. Incomplete documentation required by this law for candidate registration;
  • 32.1.5. The court has found the candidate's documents to be fraudulent as compiled according to this law;
  • 32.1.6. Dual nominations, except as stipulated in article 6.5 of this law;
  • 32.1.7. The court has established that the candidate has engaged in prohibited activities under article 47.1 of this law;
  • 32.1.8. An independent candidate's election campaign program does not meet the requirements stipulated in this law;
  • 32.1.9. After the start of the election year, the candidate has disseminated false information to the public that insults the dignity and honor of others, and the court has established the dissemination of such information through printed media, information sources, or social networks in the electronic environment.
  • 32.2. If refused registration, a candidate may submit a request to re-register with the necessary documents to the respective election commission at least 25 days before the voting day after correcting violations.
  • 32.3. The respective election commission will receive the re-registration documents and decide the registration issue before the deadline specified in article 31.10 of this law.
  • 32.4. If discrepancies unrelated to the independent candidate are found in voter information upon examining the signed forms, and the number of valid signatures meets the number specified in article 30.2 of this law, such discrepancy will not be grounds for refusing the candidate's registration.

Member of Parliament L. Munkhbayasgalan and City Mayor H. Nyambaatar Clash on Social Media over the Rejection of D. Munkh-Erdene's Candidacy for the City Council Election

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

A familiar brainwashing tactic of the "Jenkists", which had lapsed into obscurity for a while, seems to be coming back to life. What are these demons from hell who never cease to harm and plunder Mongolia? Did you reveal your theft while trying to speak of your dreams? There's no person in Mongolia at the moment who has incarcerated people en masse like your master. I do not have the authority to imprison people. Stop this brainwashing.

Your narrative is false. The name Munkhbayasgalan is false, and even your lineage is false. I'm staying silent. The life you've led to whitewash the sins of your master, who has committed crimes all his life, by slandering the late O. Dashbalbar and defaming every soul beating for Mongolia, is false.

I ask you to harm Mongolia less.

The City Electoral Committee has decided to exclude the live-streamer Munkh-Erdene, who was nominated by the Democratic Party for the City Council, from the candidacy. The chairman is Khadbaatar, a classmate of the current city mayor Nyambaatar. Why harbor such resentment, Nyambaa? If you bear grudges against every critic, how will you navigate through the turbulent political road? Munkh-Erdene has served his sentence decided by the court. But just because he criticized the Mayor, his right to be elected shouldn't be revoked. A person is not sentenced twice for the same offense. Nyambaa, remember that you were once a fighter too... Back then, your current financier, M. Enkhbold, could have had you imprisoned. But he didn’t… Nyambaa, you have a bad habit of bearing grudges and imprisoning your former allies. What happened to the "Justice Five"? Ayursaikhan was sentenced, Bat Zandan was detained... Lu.Bold managed to escape Mongolia thanks to his wit and connections. The journalist Enkh-Uree, who sincerely believed in your integrity and thought you had their back, ended up in prison while fighting without mercy. Mongolians do not appreciate betrayal by a former companion. Your betrayal seems to grow stronger. "Once a traitor, always a traitor. With each betrayal, the courage grows," as the famous Chinese military strategist Cao Cao once said. Turns out to be true. Who will be your next betrayal... it seems to be strengthening... doesn't befit the capital city's mayor. I don't believe in the slightest that you are acting this way to maintain your position as mayor. Surely dreaming of something else!


URGENT: A search conducted at "Erdenet Plant" on T. Batmunkh's workplace and private residence reveals a large amount of cash in USD and ancient artifacts

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

The source has reported that a search was conducted in the past few days at the workplace and private residence of T. Batmunkh, the chief engineer of "Erdenet Plant" SOE. The search was carried out by the Criminal Police Department and items were taken to Ulaanbaatar.

Specifically, it was established that T. Batmunkh might have engaged in currency exchange with proceeds potentially obtained from illegal cultural heritage trade. Therefore, a search was conducted at his residence by law enforcement authorities.

The search uncovered a large amount of cash in US dollars, as well as ancient artifacts, which were seized. The investigative process is currently ongoing.

To recall, T. Batmunkh, the chief engineer of "Erdenet Plant" SOE, had been investigated by the Anti-Corruption Agency for buying a "Lexus-570" vehicle, appraised at 140 million MNT, at a price significantly below market value, equivalent to that of a Prius-20 vehicle. The case related to him went through three levels of court deliberation. We will keep you updated on the developments related to T. Batmunkh's case.

EVIDENCE: An Audit Concludes that Board Members of State-Owned Companies Such as "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" LLC Are INCOMPETENT, Have NOT CONTRIBUTED to Improving Corporate Governance, and Lack SKILLS

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

According to the audit conclusion of the "2023 Financial Consolidated Statement of the Government," 75 out of 137 state-owned companies were profitable with earnings of 5.2 billion MNT, while 62 operated with a loss of 508.5 billion MNT. This serves as evidence of the inefficient operation of state-owned companies, which spend taxpayer money without yielding results.

If the aforementioned 62 companies were privately owned, they would have been profitable and effective by now, consistently improving and expanding their operations to increase tax contributions to the state budget. However, in Mongolia, it has become a standard practice for state-named companies and enterprises to have politically appointed management, lacking accountability and financial oversight, resulting in inactivity and offensives related to corruption and bureaucratic crimes. For instance, the issue regarding Development Bank's loan issuance has come to light, where political and acquaintance pressure overrode legitimate criteria. Thirty percent of Development Bank's 1.8 trillion MNT in non-performing loans pertained to state-owned enterprises. The audit provided the following conclusions on why state-owned companies are unable to operate profitably.

  • Unapproved investment-like actions by TÖKHs by the Government resolution under the 2023 state budget law of Mongolia were financed under the guise of social responsibility.
  • An obligation was imposed on the Government to increase financial discipline, governance, and operational stability and transparency by publicly trading 25 state-owned legal entities by increasing their shares and putting them under public control, yet implementation has been insufficient.
  • The professional skills of board members representing the state in state-owned companies are weak, and their involvement in improving corporate governance is insufficient.

According to the audit, besides the management of state-owned companies, board members are merely symbolic and perform inadequately. Therefore, selecting capable individuals to choose high-salaried idle positions at state-owned companies and ensuring active and effective work is crucial.

For example, board members of "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" LLC earn up to 10 million MNT salaries, yet operate as if blind and deaf. Last summer, when 70 individuals fell ill due to food poisoning at the company's mine, 50 were hospitalized at the National Center for Communicable Diseases, and now employees can't receive their legally allocated night shift bonuses. This is despite the company's governance management potentially deteriorating daily, and yet the board of directors has not addressed the issues, discussed future mistakes, or mentioned accountability.

We will provide further detailed information regarding these events soon.

Continuing from this, in 2019, the establishment of "Erdenes Tavantolgoi Mining" LLC intended to release an IPO led to a 48.1 billion MNT waste, - "Ecological Productivity" LLC was engaged for 2,394.0 million MNT, implementing only 2,175.8 million MNT without completing the work as contracted, - Until the 1.1 trillion MNT expenditure given from "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" LLC to "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC was transferred to the prosecutor for criminal investigation, - The 5 billion MNT agreement with the National Emergency Management Agency was wasted, - While "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" LLC is not an entity authorized to conduct lending operations, it extended long-term loans to Baganuur LLC, Shivee-Ovoo LLC, Mongolian Oil Refining State-Owned Company, Tavantolgoi Fuel LLC, and three other entities resulting in receivables of 2.778.6 billion MNT by year-end, - In 2022, eight packages of procurement projects planned to acquire extraction equipment totaling 1,266.6 billion MNT were budgeted at 88.5 billion MNT, leading to ineffective execution of 10 contracts worth 1,170.8 billion MNT. What measures did the Board of Directors take? How was work conducted to prevent such mistakes?

This is just one example necessitating improvement in state-owned companies. The following individuals are currently on the Board of Directors of "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" LLC, while K.Munkhjargal acts as the acting CEO.

The Board Chairman U.Byambasuren, an affiliate of the Deputy Chief of the Cabinet Secretariat and Chairman of the State Great Khural, D.Amarbayasgalan, is criticized by company employees for inadequately performing. There is a need to start improving the capabilities of the Board from within this company. Thus, the General Authority for Audit has provided the following recommendations to Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene: specifically, to execute decisions of the Parliament regarding adjusting governance and the legal environment of state and locally owned legal entities to international standards, ensuring operational independence and transparency according to the provided recommendations.

Small and Medium Business Entrepreneurs Can Get Up to ₮100 Million Unsecured Loan

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Trade and Development Bank has launched the Merchant package service in the market for small and medium business entrepreneurs, providing leverage for expanding their businesses. The main advantage is that they can obtain a loan up to ₮100 million without collateral. This allows business entrepreneurs to expand their operations with long-term, flexible loan terms. Additionally, the POS machine fee has been reduced to 0.9%. It also includes many other additional benefits mentioned below.


  • Favorable conditions for term deposits with up to +1% interest
  • Easy savings service to create savings from every income and expense
  • NO FEE for internet banking transactions
  • NO FEE for ATM cash withdrawals
  • International UnionPay refund gold card FREE
  • FREE card delivery

The international UnionPay card can be used in any country in the world. Currently, there is a promotion where you can get a 5% cashback by using the UnionPay card on any POS machine worldwide.

If you wish to take advantage of these numerous benefits, please visit the nearest branch of the Trade and Development Bank to obtain the Citizen-Merchant package service.

Warning: Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social and Web pages) must always cite their source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, fully or partially.

Criticism of the Appraisal of the Hangardi Building at ₮13.7 Billion as Too Low

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Council meeting of the City Council discussed the issue of transferring property from city ownership to state ownership. Specifically, the decision was made by the relevant organization to transfer the Hangardi building, owned by the city, along with its land usage rights, to the Supreme Court. The building, along with furniture, fixtures, equipment, and supply materials, was appraised at a total value of 13 billion 763 million tögrögs for state ownership transfer.

External organizations have appraised it at nearly 80 billion, and we cannot have the mindset that state property is appraised at the lowest possible value.

The Hangardi building and its land were previously appraised externally twice. For instance, following the decision of the City Council in 2018, the Property Relations Department of the city requested an appraisal, which valued the entire building and land at 43 billion 423.3 million tögrögs.

However, the 2022 appraisal valued the building at 77 billion 745.4 million tögrögs and the land at 2 billion 105.6 million tögrögs. The issue of transferring the Hangardi building to state ownership for a much lower value of 13.7 billion tögrögs compared to the two previous external appraisals was highlighted and questioned by J.Batbayasgalan, chairman of the City Council.

City Council Chairman J.Batbayasgalan said, "Why is the revised appraisal not considered in the balance? Is it to be calculated based on the value from when the building was first put into use in 2008? Since the decision to relocate the city's administration, the issue of selling the Hangardi building through auction has been discussed during the city's budget meetings every year, with varying figures proposed each time.

External organizations have appraised it at nearly 80 billion, and we cannot have the mindset that state property is appraised at the lowest possible value. I do not understand the purpose of making such a decision. I will raise this issue at the unified meeting of the City Council..." he said.

1st Deputy Mayor N.Manduul also expressed agreement with the City Council Chairman's opinion that there is an urgent need to reevaluate the city's property valuation. This issue will be discussed and a final decision will be made at the regular meeting of the City Council.

Source: City Council's Public Relations Department

Total Foreign Trade Reaches $18.1 Billion

Published: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Mongolia conducted trade with a total of 155 countries in the first 8 months of 2024, with total foreign trade turnover reaching $18.1 billion.

Of this, exports accounted for $10.6 billion, while imports amounted to $7.5 billion, resulting in a trade surplus of $3.1 billion, as reported by the National Statistics Committee.

The increase in exports by $620.0 million compared to the same period last year was mainly influenced by the growth of coal exports by $372.5 million, copper concentrate by $195.9 million, and unrefined or semi-refined gold by $159.7 million.

Foreign Currency Savings Decreased by 12.7% Compared to the Same Period Last Year

Published: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

Money supply (M2) was 41.6 trillion MNT at the end of August 2024 with preliminary results, increasing by 8.9 trillion MNT (27.3%) compared to the same period last year. This increase can be attributed to MNT deposits rising by 5.8 trillion MNT (39.8%) and MNT demand deposits increasing by 3.8 trillion MNT (53.6%).

Narrow money (M1) reached 12.0 trillion MNT by the end of August 2024. This is a decrease of 139.0 billion MNT (1.1%) from the previous month but an increase of 4.0 trillion MNT (49.7%) from the same period last year. Of the narrow money (M1), 11.0 trillion MNT (92.0%) is MNT demand deposits and 950.6 billion MNT (8.0%) is outside the banking sector.

Near money totaled 29.6 trillion MNT at the end of August 2024, decreasing by 50.6 billion MNT (0.2%) from the previous month but increasing by 5.0 trillion MNT (20.1%) from the same period last year. Of this, 20.2 trillion MNT (68.3%) is in MNT deposits, 4.9 trillion MNT (16.5%) in foreign currency demand deposits, and 4.5 trillion MNT (15.2%) in foreign currency deposits.

The total external debt of the country reached $34.9 billion in the first half of the year, increasing by 5.4% compared to the same period last year

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

The country's total external debt reached $34.9 billion in the first half of the year, increasing by 5.4% compared to the same period last year, according to the National Statistics Office. This was mainly influenced by a $2.4 billion or 17.5% increase in direct investment and inter-company loans.

However, the external debt of the central bank decreased by 43.9%. The bank had reported a repayment of 4.5 billion yuan in June from the swap agreement with the People's Bank of China.

46.7% of the total external debt consists of direct investment and inter-company loans, while 21.8% is government debt. The remainder is made up by the central bank and other financial institutions' debt.

During the reporting period, the government's total debt decreased by 1.4 trillion MNT from the same period last year to 29.7 trillion MNT. Breaking it down, the government's external debt decreased by 25.6 billion MNT, domestic debt by 510 billion MNT, and debt guarantees by 489.6 billion MNT, as compared to the same period last year. During this period, the government paid 1.3 trillion MNT of principal debt and 586 billion MNT in interest payments.

ARKHANGAI: Local Trade and Service Providers' Income Increased 4-5 Times

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Arkhangai aimag has been focusing on developing various tourism products and business development since 2023.

This year, Arkhangai aimag's local government, the Tourism Association, and private companies collaborated to implement the "Visit-ara" project. As part of the project, 52 herder families established "Herder Camps" beside their homes, providing services that satisfied citizens and tourists.

The unique feature of the "Herder Camp" service is that tourists can stay with herders, get closer to the Mongolian lifestyle, and enjoy a comfortable stay at a low cost. Additionally, they can spend enjoyable time with the household members preparing traditional dairy products, riding horses, and having family-friendly activities.

The herder families are able to earn income not only from livestock but also from tourism.

Furthermore, within the scope of the "Visit-ara" project, local residents sold tickets for the "ARA FEST" program performances and earned a percentage of the sales as income.

The Ara Complex organized the "ARA FEST" program throughout July this year, hosting exciting events such as performances by Mongolian bands and singers, Korean famous DJ Soda, motorcycle cross, master cross, and horse racing competitions, attracting both international and domestic guests to Arkhangai aimag. As a result, the income of local trade and service providers located in the Ara Complex increased 4-5 times.

Additionally, following the flow of tourists, the sales in hotels, restaurants, diners, stores, food markets, dairy and meat trade, gas stations, pharmacies, and souvenir shops have seen a significant increase compared to previous years.

These activities will continue next year as well.

A Fine of ₮49-88 Million for the Damage of Two Sacks of Bleached Pine Nuts

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Ecology Police, in collaboration with the administration of the Bogd Khan Mountain protected area, has organized inspections starting from September 12 this year across seven directions. This operation aims to halt illegal activities such as the collection and preparation of natural resources like pine nuts, damaging pine trees with hard objects, causing environmental pollution, and negatively affecting ecological balance. It also seeks to prevent criminal activities and offenses.

As of today, within the framework of the inspection, they have detected 8 criminal activities related to the illegal collection, preparation, sale, and transportation of pine nuts and one criminal activity related to illegal hunting. In addition, they identified 4 offenses and informed 344 people residing in 27 camps, explaining the legal responsibilities and escorting them down the mountain. From 21 individuals, they seized 15.6 tons of bleached pine nuts, 19 sticks, 17 bleaching tools, 1 TOZ-8 firearm, and 7 wet marmots. They also found and began investigating one suspect who was being sought for criminal activities.

According to the assessment by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism's Order No. A/603 from 2022, the ecological-economic assessment of rare, sparse, and common plant species was established. Under this assessment, the ecological-economic valuation of 1 kg of bleached pine nuts is 176,600 MNT, and wet nuts are 98,900 MNT. According to Article 49, Section 4, Clause 3 of the Law on Environmental Protection, the damage to flora should be compensated for an amount equal to five times the ecological-economic valuation of the particular plant species.

For wet nuts, this amounts to 494,500 MNT per kg, and for dry nuts, 883,000 MNT per kg. Therefore, if 100 kg of bleached pine nuts are illegally prepared, a fine of 49.4-88.3 million MNT must be paid to compensate for the ecological-economic damage to the natural plant resources.

The Department of Forests, based on recommendations and evaluations, annually sets the maximum permissible amount of collected pine nuts for personal and industrial use for each aimag, city, soum, and district by October 5. The Minister of Environment and Climate Change issues an order determining the zoning for pine nut collection, valid from October 20 until February 1 of the following year. Collecting or purchasing exceeding the permitted amounts outside of this period is subject to legal penalties as stipulated in the Criminal Code. The Ecology Police advises the public not to collect nuts from the Bogd Khan Mountain protected area.

It should be noted that no permits are issued for such activities in protected areas.

Source: Ecology Police

State Officials Suspected of Gambling Under Investigation

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

The General Police Department is investigating a group suspected of organizing gambling activities. Specifically, two days ago, the police detained employees from a commercial bank and the state's General Registration Office who are suspected of illegally playing and organizing gambling.

Regarding this matter, the GPS clarified: "The police are investigating the issue where certain bank employees and government officials are suspected of collaborating to organize gambling activities."

"Aspire Mining" After-Tax Profit Doubles in First Half of the Year Compared to the Same Period Last Year

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

Aspire Mining, which owns the Ovoot coking coal project in Khuvsgul province, presented its audited financial results for the first half of 2024. The company reported an after-tax profit of $2.7 million in the first half, which is double the figure from the same period last year. Additionally, the earnings per share increased to 0.54 cents, also doubling.

The Ovoot mine is estimated to have a potential reserve of 255 million tons of high-quality coal that is fully suitable for coke production, as Aspire Mining announced in May. The company's stock price is fluctuating at 0.29 Australian dollars. Since the beginning of the year, its stock has sharply increased by approximately 163%.


Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Met in Zamiin-Uud Yesterday

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

The Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi entered Mongolia through the Eren-Zamiin-Uud border crossing and worked in the country, during which he met with Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene.

The details of the meeting have not been officially disclosed by both parties. It is reported that Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene and Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi familiarized themselves with the operations at the Zamiin-Uud border crossing and discussed issues such as cargo turnover, throughput, and the connection of railway crossings.

Last week, Chinese Vice President Han Zheng visited our country and also exchanged views on intensifying entry and exit at the border crossings and connecting railway crossings. It is reported by officials that the succession of visits by high-ranking Chinese officials may be related to President Xi Jinping's planned visit to our country in November. Wang Yi previously made a high-level visit to our country in August 2022.


Children in Khuvsgul Attending a Moldy School Condemned a Decade Ago

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The building of Chandmani-Öndör General Education School in Khuvsgul province has deteriorated to the point where students can no longer study effectively.

Specifically, due to the aging and moldy state of the school building, some children are developing skin rashes, allergies, and increased symptoms of coughing. The two-part connecting school building was put into use, one in 1980 and the other in 1978. In 2014, the Professional Inspection Organization condemned the building as unfit for students to continue their studies and activities. However, until today, the students still attend class here, suffering health consequences.

Concerning this, a citizen of Chandmani-Öndör, S..., said, "I graduated from this school seven years ago. The mold was present when I was graduating. Now my younger sibling studies here. Every year this place is painted and repaired, but there is mold below the floor boards. A new school building was being constructed but has since stalled for a long time now. Our children are learning and eating in such an environment. Children's right to study in a healthy and safe environment is being violated."

A new school building with a capacity for 320 children was budgeted to be built in 2017 for 3.6 billion tugriks from state funds, with "Zos Trade" LLC selected as the contractor, planning to hand it over by December 31, 2019; however, they stopped the construction on October 23, 2019, due to lack of funds. The school's administration petitioned the Ministry of Education and some members of Parliament for over three years, resulting in an additional 1.8 billion tugriks being allocated in the state budget for 2024. Although construction restarted this July, there is still no significant progress.

We contacted the Director of Chandmani-Öndör General Education School, A. Otgonbayar.

- How many students are there, and how is your school currently operating?
- Our school operates with 639 students and 80 teachers and staff members. Every year, we paint and repair our school; however mold under the floors persists, leading to rashes on the bodies of children and teachers. I've developed such rashes myself and have to take allergy medicine. This is caused by the mold. Children are transferring daily; two transferred just today.

- When will the new school building be operational?
- "Zos Trade" started the new school's construction in 2018, but work stopped in October 2019. An additional 1.8 billion tugriks were allocated, and it's said to be completed by this November, but no significant progress has been made. Even the construction team is nowhere to be seen. This was a time when COVID hadn't yet increased material prices.

- What steps are you planning to take?
- Since 2020, we have sent 14 formal requests and explanations to members of Parliament, the Ministers of Education, regional leaders, the General Department of Education, the Land Affairs, Construction and Urban Development Departments, and the Construction Development Center. We also plan to address these concerns to the Minister of Education, P. Naranbayar, next Monday.

We reached out to "Zos Trade" LLC Director D. Enkhtuya about the construction progress. "I do not give information over the phone. Ask the Ministry," she said before cutting off the call and blocking the number.

The Ministry of Education's press department said, "Due to underfunding during the COVID period, there are several stalled school projects nationwide. Therefore, according to the government's decision, next year's budget will not build new schools, but will instead be used to complete stalled projects. More detailed information about Chandmani-Öndör school can be confirmed with the financial and investment department, and we will get back to you."

To be continued...

A Tunnel at the Four-Way Intersection of Naran Tuul Market Will Be Built Next Year

Published: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

As part of efforts to reduce traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar City, it has been decided to construct underpasses in four locations across the city. One of these, the Tavan Shar underpass, welcomed vehicular traffic for the first time yesterday.

City Mayor H. Nyambaatar has announced that the tunnel at the four-way intersection of Naran Tuul Market will be constructed in 2025. Once operational, these underpasses will prevent overlaps between road and railway traffic, resulting in a measurable reduction in traffic congestion.

Construction of the Tavan Shar underpass began on July 5, 2023. As promised by Mayor H. Nyambaatar, this underpass will be operational by 2024, with traffic officially starting on September 14, and full handover scheduled for October.

Additionally, during the construction of the Tavan Shar underpass, a total of 22 locations around Tavan Shar had to be cleared to provide space for the construction site. The Tavan Shar underpass was funded by a concessional loan from China's Exim Bank, and the continuation of work on the Geological Central Laboratory junction and the railway basement underpass at the Hermes Center is set to conclude in October and November, respectively.

Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene Inspects the Progress of the Oil Refinery Construction

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Prime Minister of Mongolia, L. Oyun-Erdene, visited Dornogovi Province to review the progress of the construction of an Oil Refinery.

The construction of the Oil Refinery, which is part of the economic cooperation between Mongolia and India in the high-tech and heavy industry sector, began in 2021. Despite challenges such as the global pandemic, economic crisis, and transportation delays, the construction work is being carried out continuously.

The "Mongolian Oil Refinery" SOE is implementing projects such as the Oil Refinery itself, the crude oil pipeline, external infrastructure facilities, and the "Oil Refinery Township". The project to establish the Oil Refinery is being carried out in phases, with plans to commence operations in 2027. During the construction progress briefing, the company's CEO, D. Altantsetseg, introduced the issues that need to be addressed at the parliamentary and government levels.

The Indian Government has been involved in creating conditions for the EPC 04 package work agreement by ratifying additional concessional loan agreements through the Parliament, changing customs and border procedures for equipment importation, making visa concessions for foreign workers, raw material supply agreements, and ensuring crude oil supply.

The construction of the Oil Refinery project is divided into four packages. The non-technological buildings of EPC 01, and works under EPC 02 and EPC 03 packages, as well as the progress of mechanical installation of the oil pipeline, were presented by the project implementers and main contractors to the Prime Minister.

The EPC 01, 02, and 03 packages are being carried out by Indian companies, while the oil pipeline construction is being conducted by Chinese companies. This large-scale project, spanning multiple industries, involves engineering and construction work from countries including India, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, the USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, and China, demonstrating the international scale of the project. Currently, a total of 1,300 foreign engineers and technical workers are participating in the construction on site.

The non-technological buildings, including 11 civil structures and the water system installation work, have been completed and are being handed over to the State Commission in stages.

In addition to the Oil Refinery, the project to build an oil pipeline for the first time in Mongolia is progressing successfully. The detailed project design and engineering work for the oil pipeline is being carried out by the Canadian company "Worley Parsons", while the Italian company "Prometheus" supervises, and the main construction work is being executed by the Chinese state-owned "Norinco International Cooperation", which began work in April of last year.

As of now, 430 km of pipeline has been welded, and non-destructive radiographic, ultrasound, and magnetic particle testing have been conducted. The construction of the 530 km pipeline from the oil extraction site in Dornod Province to the refinery is planned to be completed by the third quarter of 2025.

Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene stated that as the oil refinery is one of the 14 mega projects being implemented by the joint Government, its operation will eliminate Mongolia's dependence on imported fuel and fuel, and establish a new petrochemical industry sector. The Prime Minister emphasized the urgent initiation of important components of the plant under EPC 04 package and reaching agreements on outstanding issues with the Indian Government, aiming for swift parliamentary discussion in the autumn session. The government will pay special attention to successfully implementing this strategically significant project.

The heating season has begun, and the sale of briquettes has started

Published: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

As of today, the 2024-2025 heating season has begun. During this heating season, briquettes will be sold at 670 sales points across the seven districts of the capital, with 2610 tons of briquettes currently on sale based on orders from 542 points so far.

The distribution of briquettes is being carried out by more than 200 vehicles from 29 companies, delivering to contract locations. The price of briquettes has not changed, with a 25 kg bag costing 3750 tögrög, and one ton priced at 150000 tögrög. As of today, the capital city has a stock of 96000 tons of briquettes stored in 42 warehouses.

To Fully Operate Our Oil Refinery, We Must Accelerate Exploration...

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

The first oil refinery, which is of great importance and has created significant expectations nationwide, is at the forefront of ongoing projects. Let's summarize the latest developments in this project, as well as the challenges and opportunities after its commissioning.

The construction of this $1.7 billion project, financed by the Government of India, is expected to be completed in March 2026, as informed by the project's management consultant, Engineers India. Located in Altanshiree soum, Dornogovi province, this refinery stands as the largest project implemented in any other country by Indian credit line.

The Ministry of Finance revised the loan agreement for the project last year, extending the repayment until 2030. Although the project, which began in 2019, was delayed due to harsh weather conditions and the Covid-19 pandemic, the construction process is tough but making progress, highlighted Vartika Shukla, CEO of Engineers India, during a press briefing in New Delhi.

"There are four phases in the construction of the refinery. We are working on a result-oriented plan to finish the project on time. For major projects of this scale, delays are common. I am confident that everything is on the right track, and the work is progressing well. We will complete the project within the planned timeline."

Last month, it was reported that the EPC-01 phase of the refinery, concerning non-technological infrastructure construction, was completed 100% and handed over to the state commission. This phase includes water and electricity supply systems, repair-mechanical workshop, laboratory, and warehouse, among others.

Once operational, the refinery is estimated to process 1.5 million tons of crude oil annually and meet approximately 55% of the country's oil consumption. Beyond that, it is optimistically projected to reduce foreign trade deficits by about one billion dollars and make fuel prices 15-20% cheaper than imported fuels.

However, a concern arises whether we can extract the necessary crude oil to operate at the mentioned levels of production once the refinery starts. According to the Mineral Resources Authority's statistics, Mongolia extracted 4.9 million barrels, or approximately 666 thousand tons of oil last year. The Mineral Resource Reserve Fund records a total of 333.8 million tons of oil, with exploitable proven reserves estimated at 43.4 million tons.

The Mineral Resources Authority informs that out of 34 prospective oil exploration sites in Mongolia, product-sharing agreements have been made at 8 sites and an open selection has been announced for 10 sites. Among them, the largest is Toson Uul, Tamsag field in Dornod province, where PetroChina Daqing Tamsag Company conducts extraction.

Last year, the company extracted over 600 thousand tons of oil and set a target to extract over 500 thousand tons this year, yet the extraction volumes are projected to decrease annually, as reported by B. Tuvshinjargal, Head of the Oil and Petroleum Product Division of the Mineral Resources Authority. Hence, he emphasized that Mongolia needs to intensify exploration activities in the oil sector and develop new fields for extraction.

"While the refinery requires 1.5 million tons of oil, the main extractor PetroChina will extract only about 300 thousand tons at that time. Therefore, an additional 1.2-1.3 million tons of crude oil will be required to operate the refinery at full capacity... As it is a sector requiring substantial investment and bearing high risks, if the government, local authorities, and citizens do not understand and support, foreign investment will not enter. Companies that have signed product-sharing agreements at 8 sites are currently unable to proceed with their work due to opposition from local authorities and citizens."

Road Closures and Renovations at Four Locations in Ulaanbaatar

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

In Ulaanbaatar, four roads will be closed from 23:00 on the 13th of this month and will reopen at 6:00 on the 16th.


  • From the Officer's Circle to Chuluun Ovoo Circle;
  • From the Sapporo Intersection to the GSSÜT Intersection;
  • From the end of the Zugrakh line to the 7th khoroo of Chingeltei district;
  • The road from the Shangri-La Center intersection to Paris Street will be renovated.

During this process, the covers of the engineering utility wells will be adjusted to the level of the asphalt concrete pavement, and barriers will be replaced, as reported by the Capital City Governor's Office's Public Relations Department.

600 Public Transport Buses Now Have Free WiFi

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The UBED, "Ulaanbaatar City Development Corporation," and "Larisco Media Group" have collaborated to introduce high-speed wireless internet, or WiFi, to 600 public transport buses in the capital city.

As a result, Ulaanbaatar has become one of the few capitals in the world to fully equip its public transportation with free WiFi. "Larisco Media Group" founder E. Dolgion stated, "Passengers can use this service for free when riding buses. In New York City, only 3 percent of buses have free internet, in London, it's 20 percent, but in Ulaanbaatar, over 50 percent of the buses now have internet. Efforts to digitalize public transport standards are ongoing, and it will be possible to connect all buses to free internet."

Additionally, to enhance citizen comfort and improve the quality of public transportation services, buses are being equipped with digital media screens. This will enable citizens to quickly and efficiently access current news and information. As the quality and accessibility of public transportation improve with better services, the number of citizens using buses is expected to increase, according to the Information, Communications, and Urban Development Department of the UBED.

BAYANKHONGOR: Initiation of House Housing Complex Development

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Bayankhongor province has decided to establish a 140-house residential complex in its new settlement area, with "Olon garam" LLC selected as the project contractor, and has commenced work. This year, it is planned to build and showcase 2-3 model houses to citizens interested in residences that conform to international standards.

As part of the plan, the company has established its factory for reinforced concrete structures and created a material base for continuous production by assembling equipment such as a 40-ton gantry crane, steam curing oven, and formwork to prepare for the production of reinforced concrete hulls.

The comprehensive house complex built according to international standards will provide residents with a favorable living and working environment in Bayankhongor soum. The selection of the square footage of the house complexes will be flexible with conditions, and the construction will be done to meet quality and standards.

In order to decentralize and expand Bayankhongor soum, the development work in the new settlement area, which features modern advanced technology and optimal infrastructure solutions, began in 2020 and is being carried out step by step.

Residents of Songinokhairkhan District 28th Khoroo to Have a Public Utility Complex This Year

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Within the framework of the "Public Utility Service Center" project, the construction of a comprehensive public utility complex, including a playground, green spaces, sports facilities, and a recreational environment, is being completed in the 28th Khoroo of Songinokhairkhan District, as reported by the Ulaanbaatar City Development Corporation.

As a result, residents of Songinokhairkhan District's 28th Khoroo will have access to services such as a hot bathhouse, self-service automatic laundry, and a hair salon, as well as an opportunity to shop at chain stores.

Additionally, a child-friendly environment with a children's playroom and library will be established, with "Silla Furniture" LLC working as the project contractor to have the facility operational by November.

An Underground Passageway to be Constructed at Narantuul Market's Four-Way Intersection

Published: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

As part of efforts to reduce congestion in Ulaanbaatar city, underground passageways will be constructed at four locations under the city's roads. The underground passageway of the Tavan Shar road was opened. The construction of this underground passageway was initially started on July 5, 2023.

City Mayor H. Nyambaatar has stated that the Tavan Shar underground passageway will be operational by the end of 2024. According to this plan, the underground passageway on the road was opened on September 14 and is scheduled to be fully handed over in October. Additionally, in order to build this underground passageway, land at 22 locations around Tavan Shar was cleared and the working area was established. The construction of the Tavan Shar underground passageway was financed by a concessional loan from China Exim Bank. Furthermore, the underpass works of the Geological Center laboratory junction and "Hermes" center's railway are planned to be completed in October and November.

During the opening of the Tavan Shar underground passageway, city mayor H. Nyambaatar announced:

"The underground passageway at Narantuul Market's four-way intersection will be built in 2025. Once these underground passages are in use, road traffic in Ulaanbaatar city will not intersect with railway traffic, thus reducing congestion by a certain percentage."

DARKHAN-UUL: Connect Surveillance Cameras of Enterprises and Organizations to the Police Department's Unified Information Network

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The aimag's Police Department is working with private organizations to prevent crimes and violations and swiftly detect ongoing offenses.

Specifically, with the aim of reducing crimes and violations, a proposal has been made for governmental organizations, citizens, enterprises, organizations, and homeowner associations operating within the aimag territory to install surveillance cameras both inside and outside their premises.

In doing so, cameras meeting the "General Technical Requirements for Video Surveillance Systems" MNS 64235:2019 standards should be installed, allowing full monitoring of their surroundings. These compliant cameras can be connected to the Police Department's unified information network according to the relevant laws.

The governor of the aimag issued an order to connect to this information network free of charge, emphasizing the significant role surveillance cameras play in crime prevention.

Additionally, the aimag's Police Department is gradually increasing street camera installations across the aimag to create a peaceful and safe environment for residents.

Within the framework of the "Green Zone" project, 292 surveillance cameras have been installed at 170 locations within the 7 district territories of Darkhan soum for 24-hour monitoring over 2023-2024.

As a result, the crime detection rate has increased to 74.7%. This is a 16.6% rise compared to the same period last year, from August 2023 to August 2024.

An Underpass to be Built at the Four-Way Intersection of Narantuul Market

Published: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

As part of efforts to reduce traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar, it has been decided to construct underpasses beneath the roads in four locations in the city. The traffic movement through the underpass at the Tavan Shar road was opened recently. The construction of this underpass initially began on July 5, 2023. According to Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar, the Tavan Shar underpass will be fully operational by 2024. The road traffic through the underpass was opened on September 14, with plans to hand it over in October. For the construction of this underpass, a total of 22 locations around Tavan Shar were cleared to make way for the work site. The construction of the Tavan Shar underpass was financed with a concessional loan from the Exim Bank of China. Additionally, the underpass work at the intersection of the Geological Central Laboratory and the "Hermes" Center's railway basement is planned to be completed in October and November.

During the opening of the Tavan Shar underpass, Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar announced that the underpass at the four-way intersection of Narantuul Market would be built in 2025.

It is anticipated that once these underpasses are operational, the traffic movement in Ulaanbaatar will no longer intersect with rail traffic, thereby reducing congestion by a certain percentage.

Heating Resolved with Geothermal Energy, Saving 96 Million from Budget

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

A model project has been implemented at Kindergarten No. 83 in the 15th khoroo of Chingeltei district, successfully solving heating issues using advanced geothermal technology, now entering its third autumn.

Specifically, the kindergarten located in the Khailast area, which cannot be connected to central heating due to its remote location, operates around the clock. By switching to geothermal heating, the use of raw coal-fired boilers has been discontinued, creating three times more savings compared to electric heating and resulting in a monthly budget saving of 4 million MNT.

Calculations indicate that over the past three years, 96 million MNT has been saved from the budget.

The project was initiated and implemented by Z. Tumurtumoo, a member of the Ulaanbaatar City Council, while serving as the Deputy Mayor. The kindergarten's heating and hot water needs were addressed with the geothermal system under the "Ulaanbaatar Clean Air Additional Financing Project."

60% of the children at Kindergarten No. 83 are from target groups. These children, who live in homes with stoves and use outdoor toilets, can comfortably spend five days a week at the kindergarten, which also pleases their parents and guardians. This technology has also reduced air pollution and environmental dust. During these cold autumn days, the kindergarten does not have to wait for the city-wide heating to be turned on; they can adjust their heating as needed using their source.

At a time when issues such as accessibility, maintenance, standards, and insulation of school and kindergarten buildings unfold one after another, the solution of Kindergarten No. 83 stands out as a model worth noting and adopting.

It is commendable that skilled and experienced young managers, who keenly perceive the successes and failures of citizens' lives and effectively link their problems with government policies, continue to implement many beneficial and positive initiatives for citizens.

VIDEO: A 5-Meter-High Underpass with a Complete Drainage System Beneath the Railway at Tavan Shar Opens Today

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

As part of the policy to reduce traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar, an underpass is planned to be constructed at four locations: the Tavan Shar railway crossing, the Geological Central Laboratory intersection, the “Hermes” center railway passage, and the four-way intersection on the southwest side of the “Narantuul” International Trade Center.

The first of these constructions, the underpass beneath the railway and road intersection at Tavan Shar, has completed its main structural work and opened today. The underpass beneath the Tavan Shar railway is notable for being a 5-meter-high engineering structure equipped with a complete drainage system.

Today, the vehicular traffic on the largest underpass in Ulaanbaatar was opened. By inaugurating the paired tunnel, measuring 169 meters long, 5.8 meters high, and 10.2 meters wide, along with a fully integrated drainage system under the railway, the road capacity has improved by 22.9.

DARKHAN-UUL: If Agreement is Reached with the Private Sector, Construction Work on Leather Complex Will Continue

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The Minister of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry, J. Enkhbayar, met with B. Azjargal, the Governor of Darkhan-Uul Province, D. Enkhbayar, the Executive Director of "Darkhan Leather Complex" LLC, and relevant authorities.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss how to continue the stalled construction of the leather complex and to listen to the pressing issues faced by the subcontractors that were working on it.

According to the conclusions of the National Audit Office, the total budget cost of the Darkhan leather complex project is 86.2 billion MNT. Out of this, works costing 40.8 billion MNT have been completed, showing 47.4% progress. It has been noted that the private sector is under pressure due to interest on the 18.3 billion MNT loan taken from the Development Bank, which has reached 9.1 billion MNT.

Therefore, based on the conclusions of the audit, if the private sector can negotiate the amount, the state can purchase the infrastructure of the "Darkhan Leather Complex" and continue its operations.

The Darkhan leather complex project was initiated in 2018, and works on infrastructure such as electrical lines, wastewater treatment plants, external heating, clean water supply, and steam generators have been carried out.

Although the project was launched using a loan from the Development Bank, operations have completely stopped since 2021, causing financial losses for local businesses that were working as subcontractors.

The provincial and local governments made several agreements with "Darkhan Leather Complex" LLC to repay the loan taken from the Development Bank and settle the debts of the businesses, but have yet to achieve specific results.

Thus, state institutions should make realistic decisions that address the losses of businesses, create more jobs, and develop not only leather processing but also the light industry sector, according to the management of the subcontracting company.

If focused attention is given to this issue and consensus can be reached among the parties following another audit, the construction work on the leather complex can continue in the future.


Individuals Transporting 17 kg of Narcotic Plants Detected

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The police reported that they had detected and initiated an investigation on individuals transporting narcotic plants in their vehicle.

Specifically, Z and B, aged 32-33, were found by officers from the First Division of the Songinokhairkhan District Police Department, transporting 17 kg of the psychoactive narcotic plant cannabis in their own vehicle. The investigation is ongoing.

Article 20.7 of the Criminal Code. Illegal Use of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances

  1. Illegally preparing, storing, giving, or acquiring prohibited narcotic and psychotropic substances or their raw materials without the purpose of selling shall be punishable by a restriction of freedom from one to five years or imprisonment for the same period.
  2. Acquiring, preparing, processing, storing, transporting, sending, or selling narcotic and psychotropic substances or their raw materials illegally with the intent to sell shall be punishable by imprisonment for two to eight years.
  3. If this crime is committed: 3.1. constantly and stably; 3.2. by crossing the state border; 3.3. by crossing the state border with the intent to commit, it shall be punishable by imprisonment for five to twelve years.
  4. If the crime is committed by an organized criminal group, it shall be punishable by imprisonment for twelve to twenty years, or life imprisonment.
  5. If the crime is committed on behalf of, or for the benefit of a legal entity, the legal entity shall be deprived of the right to engage in certain activities and fined an amount equivalent to between forty thousand and two hundred thousand units.

Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social and Web pages) must mention the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, either fully or partially.

More than 100 vehicles fined for traveling in the bus lane and stopping at the station using bus cameras

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Over 1,100 buses in the city's public transportation service have been equipped with tele-cameras. With the help of these tele-cameras, violations by vehicles traveling in the first lane of the road and drivers who temporarily or permanently stop in bus stations and obstruct traffic are being documented between 06:00 and 22:00.

These violations are sent from the Road Traffic Control Center to the Transport Police Department for verification, after which drivers who have committed violations are held accountable. As of today, more than 100 offending vehicles have been fined.

Regarding this, Sh. Gantömör, Head of the Violation Registration Department at the Road Traffic Control Center, stated, "Tele-cameras have been installed on buses to allow free travel on the first lane of the road, and vehicles traveling in the first lane are being fined. Since September 1, photos have been taken with the tele-cameras to impose fines. As of today, more than 100 violations meeting evidence and photographic requirements have been fined."

According to the law, violations of temporarily and permanently stopping at bus stations and traveling in the first lane of the road are each fined 20 units or 20,000 tögrögs.

Singer T. Bayasgalan's Double Sale of "Smart" School Building Causes Chaos as Security Guards Block Teachers and Students

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

Due to a dispute over the location of the "Smart" school building located in the Artset Valley, territory of the 4th committee of Khan-Uul district, the educational activities were disrupted.

Regarding this matter, the Director of Operations of "Smart" School, Sh. Kherlen provided information today. The "Smart" school has over 780 students and acquired its academic building under the "Purchase and Sales Agreement" in March 2024, which was originally under the name of singer T. Bayasgalan. However, the dispute started when the owner, singer T. Bayasgalan, sold this building intended for school purposes to citizen n. Lkhamtsuren through a Gift Agreement. Even though the court issued an order stating that the school's operations should not be disrupted until the ownership dispute is fully resolved, this decision was repeatedly violated, causing interference with the educational activities.

The Director of Operations of "Smart" School, Sh. Kherlen stated, "On the morning of Monday, September 9, when teachers, students, and school staff came to school, 20-30 large-sized young men were brought in to block teachers and students from entering, causing turmoil. After a dispute between the two parties, we managed to enter the school and start lessons, but hundreds of students' educational activities were interrupted due to this situation. Actions interfering with educational activities relating to the ownership dispute have repeatedly occurred, but as this illegal act has crossed the line, we felt compelled to reach out to the media," he said.

The Center for Labor, Training, and Development for the Blind Will Be Elevated to a New Level

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Today marks the 60th anniversary of the "Center for Labor, Training, and Development for the Blind," which was first opened in 1964 under the Mongolian Red Cross, named the "Training Center for Adult Blind People."

Established to improve the quality of life, provide skills, and support employment for visually impaired citizens, the center has over 100 employees, more than 80% of whom have visual impairments.

In our country, there are 12,000 visually impaired citizens. They engage in training and production in various fields such as Mongolian yurts, felt, soft goods, cleaning tools, occupational safety clothing, and paper and cloth bags.

Various government administrations have implemented many measures to ensure social security for blind citizens. Additionally, to improve access to information for blind people, a program that converts text into audio was developed and deployed in cooperation with the Asian Development Bank, allowing for seamless access to government services.

We should deliver necessary services tailored to the specific characteristics of each disability rather than regarding disability as a general overview. We will plan and implement policies in this direction in the future. The Center for Labor, Training, and Development for the Blind serves as a crucial base for visually impaired citizens to work, develop, and pursue education.

That is why I will focus on improving the operations and optimizing the structure of this center to introduce new types of services, stated L. Enkh-Amgalan, Minister of Family, Labor, and Social Protection.


The Case of Illegal Mineral Extraction is Under Investigation

Published: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

The police conducted an inspection in September of this year in Selenge province as part of efforts to combat and prevent crimes related to the illegal search, use, and extraction of minerals.

During the inspection, it was discovered that certain gold mining enterprises in an area called Narangol, located within Bayangol district of the province, had violated restoration agreements by using 16 heavy-duty machines to illegally extract minerals from the earth.

The police have initiated an investigation into this case and have sealed the equipment. The police urge reporting of environmental crime incidents to either the police at number 102 or the Ecological Police Department at 70191070.

UMNUGOVI: It is Important to Implement Measures Against Desertification by Considering the Economy, Society, and Tourism in a Comprehensive Manner

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Today, a scientific conference titled "Green Future Against Desertification" was organized on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Forestry Sector in Mongolia and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a district-level forestry unit in Umnugovi Province.

More than 220 staff members from four provinces of the Gobi region participated in the conference.

The conference was co-organized by the "Oyu Tolgoi" company within the framework of the "100 Million Trees" program initiated to combat desertification. The conference featured presentations and discussions on topics such as land use, pasture management, reclamation, biodiversity studies, proposals from scientists, greening of the Gobi region, seed resource protection, green future of Gobi, business opportunities, financial solutions, and good practices.

The opening ceremony was attended by Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Economic Standing Committee R. Seddorj, and Minister of Environment and Climate Change S. Odontuya.

Minister S. Odontuya emphasized in her speech that 77.8% of the total territory of Mongolia is affected by desertification. Therefore, as a Minister, I will intensify efforts against desertification, focusing on increasing solar and wind energy sources, and implementing a mega project to irrigate the Gobi region.

There are commendable practices like building ponds in Umnugovi Province and rewarding citizens who plant trees. It is suggested that these practices be shared with other provinces and implemented nationwide, the Minister highlighted.

Professor A. HAULENBECK from the Institute of Geography and Geoecology of MAS:

Environmental experts from Mongolia are gathering in Umnugovi Province to discuss national desertification issues and technologies to combat it, which makes me very happy. It's believed that over 70% of Mongolia's territory is affected by desertification in some form. There are levels such as slight, moderate, strong, and very strong desertification. The Gobi provinces are the most affected. Research on desertification in Mongolia started in 1987, and comprehensive studies covering the entire territory have been conducted since 2000. We will discuss what research has been done during this period, the mistakes, achievements, and legal shortcomings.

Members of the Parliament, officials from the Ministry of Environment, including the Minister herself, are present, making the discussion productive.

B. Uuganbayar, General Advisor for Sustainable Development of the "Oyu Tolgoi" Company:

The "Oyu Tolgoi" company has committed to planting 100 million trees under the "Billion Trees" national movement initiated by the President of Mongolia. When this initiative started, it was found that there were very few forestry specialists and educational institutions training in this field. In response, "Oyu Tolgoi" has planned not only to plant trees but also to train personnel, strengthen the resource base, and enhance the capacities of specialists. This includes preparing forestry specialists, organizing short and long-term trainings, implementing exchange programs with foreign universities, including students in scholarship programs, and supporting community projects by forestry associations and herders. Two training sessions are planned for this year. During this conference, we are focusing on the challenges and what measures need to be taken for afforestation in the Gobi region.

E. Ariuntulga, Head of the Inter-District Forestry Division of Umnugovi Province:

Environmental scientists, doctors, and specialists have gathered to discuss topics like desertification, pasture degradation, and climate change. Ten recommendations will be made by experts and delivered to relevant ministries and agencies. Our division, established in 2014, started with five members and now operates with 37 staff and 59 contracted employees. We are responsible for irrigation, maintenance, and reclamation of a 2300-hectare afforestation area. Over the past five years, about 210,000 seedlings have been provided to 15 state organizations for free.

Ya. Ariunzuli, Forestry Engineer and Doctor:

Desertification has been highlighted as a major global environmental issue since 1977. There are more than 2,000 methods to combat desertification globally. The key is having a suitable policy for the region. First, the right policy needs to be defined, followed by legislation.

Our country has implemented four programs on desertification so far. Three doctors Ulambayar, Ganchodor, and Madakh from the Institute of Geoecology, have been instrumental in these programs. The government and the ministry base their work on the research conducted by these individuals.

3.1% of the world's land is desertified, affecting 3 billion people. There are various methods to combat desertification internationally. However, blindly implementing these methods without adaptation for our region would be misleading. For instance, Australia's method to fight desertification aligns with the suggestions made by Westerners for our country. But these might be more suitable for developed countries. Desertification is not only seen in sand encroachment; Bhutan faces landslides due to its mountainous terrain, and countries like India and Kuwait have their unique challenges. Solutions should be tailored to climate and biodiversity. It's crucial that we take economic, social, and tourism aspects into account and apply a holistic approach to combat desertification.

To elaborate, during the onset of the "Billion Trees" program, during an international conference, the director of the Green Fund of China mentioned, “We plant trees in the desert to seek benefits from it”. They don’t plant to combat the ecosystem or reduce desertification. They view forests as forestry. We should also look at the bigger picture, have comprehensive policies, and create replicable examples. It's essential to adapt foreign methods to suit local contexts.

DORNOGOVI: Harvest Collection at 38.9 Percent

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

This year, farmers in Dornogovi aim to harvest over 640 tons from 217.8 hectares of land.

As of today, they have collected 60 tons of potatoes and 107 tons of vegetables, with the harvest process at 38.9 percent completion. Last year, within the framework of the "New Countryside" project, equipment such as greenhouses, rakes, combines, 20 tractors, and water storage tanks manufactured in South Korea were distributed to vegetable growers, companies, and operations in the aimags, which created the conditions for protected soil cultivation for citizens and entities.

Locally, planting has taken place in 1,000 square meters of winter greenhouses and 21,000 square meters of summer greenhouses, increasing greenhouse cultivation by 7,000 square meters compared to the previous year.

The Investigation of Illegal Marmot Hunting in Bogd Khan Mountain

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The case of illegal marmot hunting in the strictly protected area of Bogd Khan Mountain is being investigated by the police.

On September 12, during an inspection aimed at preventing illegal activities such as harvesting pine nuts prematurely in the forest zone of the Bogd Khan Mountain's protected area, the Environmental Police discovered that a citizen named B from the Nalaikh district had hunted a marmot using a TOZ-8 firearm.

To prevent the spread of the plague, the Environmental Police, in collaboration with relevant professional organizations, has been conducting 24-hour inspections at checkpoints surrounding Ulaanbaatar since August 7 of this year. In this period, they have inspected over 30,000 vehicles and discovered 84 violations. Among these, they identified 33 illegally hunted marmot parts being smuggled into Ulaanbaatar on 10 buses operated by local passenger and cargo transport service companies, and are conducting the relevant inspections.

To prevent the recurrence of such violations and protect the life and health of citizens, official notices have been sent to the state-owned Auto Transport National Center and the transport centers of Övörkhangai, Uvs, and Khovd provinces, which provide passenger transport services by contract. The notices direct them to eliminate the causes and conditions of crimes and violations. Measures are being taken to prevent the transportation of illegally hunted wildlife or their products on intercity passenger buses, and to revoke the operations of companies that repeatedly commit such violations.

Source: Environmental Police

Cleaned Up Half a Ton of Trash and Waste as Part of the Efforts to Reduce Pollution in Lake Khuvsgul

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

As part of the efforts to reduce pollution in Lake Khuvsgul, officials from the province's Emergency Management Agency cleaned up waste in the "Lower Tsagaan Nuur" area of Tsagaanuur soum.

They removed 19 fishing nets, 50-100 meters in length, and extracted half a ton of waste. This operation was conducted within the framework of a drill and training for professional rescue divers and lifeguards organized at Lake Khuvsgul, as reported by the National Emergency Management Agency.


Mongolian Team Wins Gold and Bronze Medals at the Artificial Intelligence Olympiad in Saudi Arabia

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Mongolian team won gold and bronze medals at the Artificial Intelligence Olympiad held in Saudi Arabia. The International Center for Artificial Intelligence Research (IRCAI) under UNESCO, along with the International Center for Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Regulation (ICAIRE), collaborated with the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) to organize the inaugural International Artificial Intelligence Olympiad (IAIO) in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, from September 8 to 12, 2024.

Approximately 90 students from 25 countries participated in the Olympiad, with the team representing Mongolia, who had previously competed in an artificial intelligence olympiad in Burgas, Bulgaria, winning one gold and one bronze medal.

  • The gold medal was awarded to N. Batsuukh from Oyungal School.
  • The bronze medal went to E. Tenuun from Hobby School.
  • The other two team members, Ch. Irmuun from Erkhet Erdem School and T. Enguun from Sant School, narrowly missed a bronze medal by one point, securing honorable mentions.

The Mongolian team's leader was Z. Tsolmon, a lecturer at the School of Information Technology and Electronics of the National University of Mongolia, and the deputy leader was G. Amarsanaa, also a lecturer at the same school.

The Olympiad aims to identify, encourage, and unite young talents in the field of artificial intelligence, promoting them and establishing friendly international relations among scientists and educators in the fields of computing and artificial intelligence. It is set to become an annual event from now on.

Tavan Bogd Group provides full scholarships for five students of the National University of Mongolia

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Tavan Bogd Group has awarded full scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year tuition fees to five students from the National University of Mongolia within the framework of a cooperation memorandum signed with the university.

The scholarships were presented by the President of Tavan Bogd Group, Ts. Batarsaihan, to students who excel in fields such as Accounting, Financial Management, Business Administration, Marketing Management, and Information Technology, demonstrating leadership among their peers in their academic and extracurricular activities.

Congratulations to the students who have distinguished themselves in the "Scholarship Student" program, as they pursue new ideas and innovative solutions, embarking on a significant journey to contribute intellectual wealth to their country.

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“Some People Have Reached the Late Stages of Cancer from Consistently Taking Pain Relievers”

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In our country, in the last three years, liver, stomach, cervical, lung, and esophageal cancers have been the most prevalent among new cancer cases.

Today, an academic conference for cancer researchers took place. During this conference, they presented their research work for the year and shared their knowledge and experience with each other.

During this, we asked Dr. Ch. Bat-Orgil, a surgeon at the Department of General Surgery at the National Cancer Center, about stomach cancer and its causes.

He said, "Mongolia ranks first in the world for stomach cancer morbidity and mortality. 6 to 7 years ago, we were second in the world. Cancer is a societal disease. The main causes of this disease are related to what a person eats, drinks, and hereditary factors.

Our country has a small population but a high incidence of cancer, and Mongolians have many harmful habits. Age is the biggest factor in cancer development. 80% of those diagnosed with cancer are over 40 years old. There are over one million citizens over 40 in Mongolia. Last year, during early detection screenings, this disease was found in 35.5% per 100,000 people.

In 2023, over 1,200 new cases of stomach cancer were registered nationwide. Of these, 568 patients underwent surgery and treatment at the National Cancer Center, while 158 were diagnosed as inoperable. The remainder were treated in other hospitals or abroad. The National Cancer Center provides services to about 80% of people diagnosed with cancer nationwide.

Stomach cancer surgery is a high-cost service. The funding provided by the Health Insurance General Office is about 7 million MNT. However, this budget is only for the surgery costs. After surgery, the person requires intensive care and a specific diet, necessitating intravenous protein injections at 300,000 MNT per day, making it costly despite the budget being low. Because this coverage is not provided, our hospital operates at a loss. In other words, we are continually covered by the previous shortfall.

Similar to clothing wearing out, cancer is essentially wearing out of the body's "materials." Last year, about 50% of patients diagnosed with stomach cancer were in stages II or III. A considerable portion was diagnosed at stage IV. Since the implementation of the early detection program, there has been an increase in people visiting our center for early-stage, or stage I, cancer.

If diagnosed early, surgery can be performed endoscopically. The stomach has four layers. Stage I cancer is like a small mole on the innermost layer. Late-stage cancers are like small "bombs" in the body. As the equipment, methods, and skills for endoscopic surgery improve, complications after surgery tend to decrease.

Mongolian men have high alcohol consumption. Recently, when people experience stomach pain, they tend to take pain relievers, ignoring the real problem until it progresses to late-stage cancer. Health education and participation in preventive screenings are very important.”

The conference was attended by over 330 doctors and specialists from urban and rural areas.

NURA Center Triples Its Capacity, Enabling Early Detection Screenings for 60,000 People Annually

Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Tavan Bogd Group, in partnership with Japan's leading medical equipment manufacturer Fujifilm Corporation, opened the "NURA GERLUG" branch in September 2023, capable of serving 20,000 people annually. To date, it has welcomed over 18,500 clients.

In 2024, to meet the needs and demands of its clients and serve more individuals, the NURA Center opened the "NURA Zaisan" branch, capable of conducting early detection screenings for 40,000 people annually.

As a result, NURA Center aims to improve the quality and accessibility of early detection services in Mongolia, with the capacity to serve 180 people daily, reaching 60,000 annually.

FUJIFILM Corporation’s AI-based NURA early detection and screening center can identify risks for common cancers and lifestyle-related diseases early through a 32-indicator package screening.

NURA Center's Clinical Department Head Ts. Duurenjargal stated, "Global cancer research indicates that cancer cases will increase by 20-30% by 2030 and by 55% by 2040 in all countries. Additionally, Mongolia's unfortunate statistics from 2022 show that 6,000-7,000 people are diagnosed with cancer annually, with over 70% diagnosed at a late stage. Recently, more young people are being diagnosed with cancer, emphasizing the importance of early detection.

Looking at the age groups of those who have utilized NURA Center services so far, the participation of individuals aged 30-64 in early detection is commendably high.

A unique feature of our center is the ability to determine the calcium score, an indicator of heart attacks, using low-dose computerized tomography. The score should be 0 in a healthy person, but if it exceeds 101, it suggests coronary artery narrowing, potentially leading to a heart attack. So far, 375 people deemed at risk have been detected early and referred to the next level of medical care."

The NURA Zaisan branch is fully equipped with high-capacity, artificial intelligence-based advanced equipment from FUJIFILM Corporation, allowing it to double its capacity to serve 40,000 clients annually.

Quickly diagnose the risks for common cancers and lifestyle-related diseases using the latest AI-based advanced equipment with a 32-indicator package screening in 2-3 hours.

Detect Early - Live Healthily

Book a Screening Appointment: 7588-7588, www.nura.mn

Website: www.nura.mn

Zaisan Branch Address: Khan-Uul District, 22nd Khoroo, Ar Zaisan Street, NURA Zaisan Branch


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