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Mongolia News Summary for September 15, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for September 15, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories











Candidates Rejected from Registration Can Appeal to the SEC Until the 16th of This Month

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

In less than a month, the Local Elections are set to take place. We visited the tent of the General Election Commission (GEC) at the book fair on the main square and spoke with T. Naranbat, the head of the legal department.

Hello. Can you provide information about the local elections?

This upcoming local election will be held on October 11. Voting will take place from 07:00 to 20:00 on Friday. Currently, the election procedures are proceeding as scheduled. For example, two days ago on September 12, the documents received were reviewed, and the election committees at the respective levels are deciding whether to register candidates.

What should candidates do if their registration is denied?

Candidates who are rejected from registration and those who wish to run as substitutes can complete their documentation, submit requests to rectify their violations, and, moreover, parties or alliances can nominate substitute candidates according to the three legal grounds specified by law until September 16.

More specifically, substitution grounds include nominating another candidate in place of one rejected by the party or alliance, or if a candidate has passed away or has been convicted in court, the party or alliance can nominate a replacement for that mandate.

Candidates rejected from nomination can address their violations and approach the General Election Commission with the relevant documents by September 16. Thereafter, by September 26, the election committees at the relevant level will decide on registration, and if registered, identification will be issued to candidates and announced publicly.

When will the campaign officially start and end?

The legal regulation allows the election campaign to start on September 26. The campaign will continue and conclude at midnight on October 9. Following this, the voting process is scheduled to take place on October 11.

Why is the General Election Commission actively participating in this book fair event?

During the days of the book fair, from September 13 to 15, we are conducting activities aimed at educating voters. We provide general information about the local elections, books and brochures, among other things. Additionally, information on how to fill out the ballot, details about the ballot counting machines, and if interested, we help fill out training ballots to teach how to use the ballot counting device.

Corruption Neighborhood: The Capital Fails to Explain Demolition Reasons in Court and Appoints a New Expert

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

The order to forcibly demolish two blocks of the "Aqua Garden" neighborhood by the former mayor of the capital, D. Sumiyabazar, was issued in August 2023. This decision was catalyzed by the major flood in July of the previous year, supposedly to preserve the rights of citizens to live in a safe environment. Specifically, it was highlighted at the time that "a dangerous condition risking citizens’ property and lives had arisen, necessitating a legal demolition."

However, the "Aqua Garden," which has been tagged as the "Corruption" neighborhood, has not yet been demolished nor has a final court decision been reached. Meanwhile, construction work on the neighborhood continues unabated. Let's reflect on how parties are addressing the situation, their positions, and the state of the court proceedings.

The marketing department of "Aqua Garden" clarified:

"Four blocks of Aqua Garden will be operational this September. There won't be any demolition issues as understood by the public. Even if there is, only the first two blocks and the kindergarten are to be demolished. But that's not going to happen. We have not narrowed or blocked the river flow as alleged and have substantiated this with all evidence. The court will certainly base its decision on evidence, ensuring there are no issues."

Meanwhile, A. Amarbayasgalan, the Executive Director of "M&G Construction," stated:

"The appointment of an additional expert has paused the process indefinitely. Previously, it was alleged that we violated the water law, but it was proven that there was no violation. Yet, a decision to appoint another expert has been made. The court should have decided this matter.

Despite the impending demolition order, work on the said building has not stopped. This is because no decision to demolish has been made, and it has been established that we did not violate the law. The Capital has not yet justified the basis for demolishing, explaining that it's a potential future issue. Although the judge requested proof, it hasn't been provided.

There are more than 3900 land permits along the Dund Gol. Among them, ours is the only one not violating the law. Construction work continues normally. Although there are unofficial discussions about organizing a hearing regarding our case, we have not been notified yet."

Regarding the Capital:

"Our department cannot provide detailed specific information. Buildings with fewer than 16 floors are managed and supervised by us. For buildings with more than 16 floors, the Ministry of Urban Development, Construction, and Housing is responsible for management and supervision."

However, the Ministry of Urban Development, Construction, and Housing was unable to give a definite answer.

About two weeks ago, during an extraordinary session convened by the Parliament, MP G. Damdinyam raised the following question, to which the Speaker of the Parliament and the Minister of Justice responded.

Speaker of Parliament D. Amarbayasgalan:

"Two years ago, the Prime Minister visited and confirmed that the river's course had been altered, instructing the suspension of construction. However, additional permits were issued and the building was constructed instead. Special attention needs to be given to this matter. If not resolved, Parliament should form a working group to investigate. Pay close attention; if unresolved, a temporary committee for oversight will be established once the fall session begins."

Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs O. Altangerel:

"The case is currently at the Administrative Court. The handling time of the administrative case has been exceeded. Many such cases that are not resolved in their timeframe exist. As the court recently ruled in favor of the construction company, nothing can be done about it. It requires more creative attention."

What did A. Amarbayasgalan, Executive Director of "M&G Construction," say after the court's decision?

Initially, in 2007, the government proposed to the company to implement the "Golden Palace" housing project. The district and Capital City Municipal Council supported the allocation of land. In 2008, the city mayor T. Bilegt granted the land permit for residential purposes.

In 2011, the land certificate was revoked. Subsequently, after going through three tiers of court proceedings, a final decision to restore the land certificate was issued. However, in 2013, Bat-Uul failed to comply with the court decision, not handing over the certificate for a year and a half before eventually converting it to green space use.

From 2020, the company kept striving to start work and received a permit to start work over the water park. However, the acting capital mayor J. Batbayasgalan revoked the land, prompting M&G Construction to take the administrative issue to court, thereby drawing public attention to the matter.

B.Purevdavaa Appointed as President of the Social Democratic Youth Union of Mongolia

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The VII Congress of the Social Democratic Youth Union of Mongolia commenced with the participation of representatives from over 500 youths from 21 provinces and nine districts.

During the event, N.Uchral, the Chief of the Cabinet Secretariat, handed over the duties of the President of the Social Democratic Youth Union of Mongolia to B.Purevdavaa. B.Purevdavaa is the former son-in-law of the President of Mongolia, U.Khurelsukh.

N.Uchral shared his thoughts on social media about handing over his duties: "I have passed on the responsibilities of the SDY – President of the Social Democratic Youth Union of Mongolia to B.Purevdavaa, who is leading the new era. I spent the past five years making our organization more widely known internationally, solving pressing issues in every sector of society, and having a wonderful time with my contemporaries. I sincerely thank my colleagues who worked alongside with dedication and zeal. Mongolia is a country of youth. When the time comes, issues should be addressed with ideas and solutions at all levels for effective outcomes. I wish B.Purevdavaa and his team to work more swiftly and productively, becoming the heralds of the coming times. In the hearts and minds of the young people of Mongolia lies the future fate of our country," he remarked.


If the Electricity Tariff Increases by 30%, How Much Will Households Pay Monthly

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

The Minister of Energy mentioned in an interview with the media that as the energy tariff currently covers less than 80% of its costs, the prices for electricity and heating will increase starting from November 1 of this year.

According to the World Bank, our country is expected to face a financial loss of 825 billion MNT in the energy sector. As a result, it has been decided to increase electricity prices by 30% and heating prices by 50%.

Current electricity prices

  • The price of 1 kWh of electricity for consumption up to 150 kWh is 98.40 MNT, with an additional Renewable Energy Support tariff of 11.88 MNT per kWh.
  • For consumption of 151 kWh or more, the price is 118.20 MNT.
  • For households without a meter, the monthly average consumption is calculated as 350 kWh, with the renewable energy support tariff of 11.88 MNT per kWh being added to the electricity tariff.

Prices for businesses

  • The price of 1 kWh of electricity is 128.50 MNT.

If you have a dual-tariff meter

  • Daytime consumption from 06:00 to 21:00 is priced at 104.30 MNT per kWh.
  • Evening and nighttime consumption from 21:00 to 06:00 is priced at 77.10 MNT per kWh.

If you have a triple-tariff meter

  • Daytime consumption from 06:00 to 17:00 is priced at 128.50 MNT per kWh.
  • Evening consumption from 17:00 to 22:00 is priced at 209.80 MNT.
  • Nighttime consumption from 22:00 to 06:00 is priced at 77.10 MNT per kWh.

The above basic tariff also includes a base fee of 2000 MNT, VAT of 200 MNT, MNTV's fee of 850 MNT, a document fee of 50 MNT, a renewable energy support charge of 11.88 MNT per kWh, 10% of the total electricity bill, and a garbage collection fee of 1500 MNT in the summer and 2000 MNT in the winter.

In other words, if you use up to 150 kWh of electricity per month, your current basic electricity bill is 16,542 MNT, and with a 30% increase, the bill will be 21,504 MNT. Including the aforementioned expenses, the total monthly bill for a household with a simple meter using up to 150 kWh will increase to 28,254 MNT with the 30% increase.

For households using more than 151 kWh, with a monthly consumption of 250 kWh, the current bill (without the increase) is 32,520 MNT. After the 30% increase, the bill will rise to 42,276 MNT.

"A 'Made in Bayanzurkh' Brand Store to Be Established"

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The "Open Door Event" organized by the Support Center for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in Bayanzurkh District of the capital is taking place at Zhukov Square today.

During the event, approximately 100 SMEs, businesses, and citizens are exhibiting their works and selling them at discounted prices. Additionally, public organizations such as:

  • The City SME Service Center
  • The Intellectual Property Office
  • The Food and Trade Services Department of Bayanzurkh District
  • The Tax Department of Bayanzurkh District
  • The Civil Registration Department of Bayanzurkh District
  • The Social Insurance Department of Bayanzurkh District
  • The Labor and Welfare Services Department of Bayanzurkh District

are serving citizens.

The event aims to unify micro-businesses or household producers to create a branded store named "Made in Bayanzurkh" and has many other benefits.

Furthermore, during this event, the introduction of the "One Heart Leadership" NGO of Bayanzurkh SME entrepreneurs will be presented and membership registration will be conducted.

The "One Heart Leadership" NGO was voluntarily established with the purpose of addressing the issues faced by SMEs in a united voice within the legal framework, cooperating with governmental and non-governmental organizations, and defending the interests of business operators, intending to bring public-private partnerships closer.

The event will continue until 17:00 today.


PHOTO: The Traffic Under the Tavan Shar Railway Opened

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The traffic under the Tavan Shar railway was opened today.

This project, aimed at reducing congestion in Ulaanbaatar, is being implemented with a concessional loan from China’s EXIM Bank.

City mayor H. Nyambaatar stated, "On average, three hours a day, this passage is free from train traffic, allowing approximately 27,000 vehicles to pass in the remaining 21 hours. Without overlapping with railway traffic, it enables a condition where 30,000 vehicles can travel freely."

This underpass, which is 160 meters long and five meters high, will see 32,500 cars pass through daily, increasing the road traffic capacity by 22.9%.

Previously, it took about two minutes for one car to pass through this underpass, but now it takes only 30 seconds, experts highlight.


Overview: Despite Two Weeks into Classes, Shortage of Schools and Teachers Remains

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

It was a challenging week for the education sector, particularly for teachers, students, and kindergarten children.

At the beginning of the week, it was reported that spoiled meat was used in the meals provided to children at Kindergarten No. 192 in Songinokhairkhan District. Parents raised complaints, prompting an investigation. The investigation by professional organizations confirmed that spoiled meat was indeed used.

As the investigation continues, it is still unclear who will be held accountable. For more details on the event, click on the following links:

As the new school year 2024-2025 begins, 3,272 children in nine schools in the capital are attending classes in three shifts. The education minister explained that the key reasons are overcrowding and the unavailability of rental spaces. To read the full report, click HERE.

It seems that the Ministry of Education is aware that children are attending three shifts due to decisions and consequences of their actions. Instead of taking immediate action, they responded with, "From October 10, there will be no more three shifts."

As the cold evening breeze chills, telling the running children to "endure just one more month" seems rather cold-hearted.

The building of Chandmani-Undur General Education School in Khuvsgul province has deteriorated, making it unfit for students to attend.

Specifically, the building has become moldy, leading to rashes and increased allergy symptoms and coughs among some children. The school building, which consists of two parts, was put into operation in 1978 and 1980, respectively. In 2014, the Professional Inspection Agency declared the building unfit for further operation for educational activities. However, students continue to attend, unfortunately placing their health at risk. https://gogo.mn/r/3vgl7

The fact that children are unable to express their grievances and are forced to endure education in unsafe conditions is causing societal frustration. Sensitive issues affecting children's health and education, like the above, should not be considered trivial. Instead, every citizen should demand their resolution.

Following his appointment to his position, Education Minister P. Naranbayar stated, "To solve the teacher shortage problem, we are considering granting teaching licenses through short-term training to young people who have graduated from top universities." Currently, there is a shortage of 4,200 teachers.

Yesterday, on the 13th of this month, the Ministry of Education announced the certification process for issuing teaching licenses.

The main criteria state individuals must have completed higher education in fields such as mathematics, natural sciences, medicine, information communication technology, law, business, economics, art, or English with a GPA of no less than 2.7 and hold at least a bachelor's degree. For more details, click HERE.

After the announcement of this policy, citizens took to social media to express, "Instead of making short-term decisions, it is necessary to increase the base salaries of teachers. Many teachers, who are unable to work in their profession due to low pay, will return to the sector. There are many such teachers."

Today at 11:00 am, the President of Mongolia, U. Khurelsukh, received and awarded state honors to athletes who won medals in the "Paris-2024" Olympic and Paralympic Games.

After awarding the state honors to athletes, Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene congratulated them and awarded them housing and cash prizes as encouragement.

  • Paralympic gold medalist Ulanbayar Surenzhav was awarded a four-room apartment and a cash prize.
  • Silver medalist Bauudorj Baasankhuu was awarded a three-room apartment and a cash prize.
  • Paralympic silver medalists Ganbat Bolor-Erdene, Tsegmidi Bat-Tulga, and Enkhbayar Sodnompiljee each received a three-room apartment and a cash prize.

The Fifth World Nomad Games are ongoing in Astana, Kazakhstan, from September 8-14. About 2,700 athletes from 89 countries are competing for 97 sets of medals in 21 sports categories, while our country is fielding 66 athletes in 16 sports categories.

Notably, Ts.Battsetseg is a world champion in Kazakh kuresh wrestling and jiu-jitsu. By the fourth day of the World Nomad Games, the Mongolian team is ranked 16th out of 89 countries with three silver and nine bronze medals. https://gogo.mn/r/mwj5o

Yesterday and the day before (09/12-13/2024), continuous rainfall was recorded across the entire Omnogovi province. The heaviest rainfall measurements were in Khanbogd with 74.0mm, Dalanzadgad with 40.0mm, Manlai with 34.0mm, and Tsogt-tsuur with 22.0mm.

It marked the first occurrence of continuous rain lasting 48 hours in September for the past 30 years in the province.

As a result of the continuous rainfall, roads in Omnogovi province are flooded and muddy, leading to increased reports of vehicles getting stuck and damaged. The Omnogovi Emergency Management Agency has advised against using unofficial routes. https://gogo.mn/r/j6396

The vehicle traffic underneath the Tavan Shar railway underpass was opened today, the 14th of this month. The 10.2-meter-wide twin underpass will be fully operational in October. This is expected to reduce traffic congestion by 8-16% not only in the Songinokhairkhan district but also in the Yarmag area.

  • Traffic from Nukhurlul Street towards Tavan Shar will cross the main road without intersecting with the railway underpass.
  • The two-lane traffic from the Tavcho road to Tavan Shar will intersect at different levels. It will not pass through the railway crossing but via the underpass.
  • Traffic from Naadam road towards Tavan Shar will pass over the railway underpass.
  • Some left-turn traffic will be regulated by the new turnaround made on the Tavcho road and the Tavan Shar turnaround.

To watch the instructional video, click HERE.

The suspect who hit a pedestrian and fled has been identified

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

As of the first eight months of this year, 18,574 traffic accidents have been recorded, resulting in the unfortunate loss of life for 388 citizens.

On September 11, a report was filed with the police department regarding an incident on the road north of Khan-Uul Tower, where a car had run over a person. Following the report, an investigation was conducted and it was found that a 33-year-old man named S, who was driving a Mercedes Benz, ran over a pedestrian approximately 40-45 years old, causing fatal injuries, and fled the scene. The authorities have identified the suspect and are conducting further investigations.

250 Students Participate in the "Patriotic Learner" Event

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

The "Patriotic Learner" event, organized jointly by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, was inaugurated on Friday.

The event, aimed at instilling the value of national independence and imparting knowledge on preserving nature, mother earth, and cultural heritage, saw the participation of over 250 high school students from 14 schools across nine districts of the capital.

At the opening ceremony, Colonel R. Enkhbold, Director of the State Administration and Management Department of the Ministry of Defense, Brigadier General B. Baatar, Deputy Chief of Staff of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, G. Ganbold, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, and L. Nyamgerel, Director of the Policy Implementation Coordination Department of the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, encouraged students to learn and share their experiences with peers after engaging with military and law enforcement activities and visiting historical sites.

During the event, participating students will explore the operations of state military and law enforcement agencies in Darkhan-Uul and Selenge provinces and tour historical sites such as Saikhan Hill, Tujin Nars, and Buir Meadow, as well as see border posts.

Today, students visited the special battalion of the 330th Motorized Rifle Battalion of the Armed Forces and the 22nd Fire and Rescue Unit of the Emergency Management Agency located in Darkhan-Uul province.

During this visit, officers from the 22nd Fire and Rescue Unit presented their vehicles and equipment and demonstrated their skills by descending from heights using ropes and showcasing various techniques in the firefighting combat deployment drill.

More Than 100 Violations Fined Through Bus Cameras

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

The Governor's Office of the Capital City, "Ulaanbaatar City Development Corporation," and "Larisco Media Group" have collaboratively introduced high-speed wireless internet, or WiFi, to 600 buses in Ulaanbaatar's public transport system. This development makes Ulaanbaatar one of the few capitals in the world to have its public transport fully equipped with free WiFi.

E. Dolgion, the founder of CNBC Mongolia or Larisco Media Group, stated, "Passengers will use this service for free while riding the bus. In New York City, 3% of all buses have free internet, and around 20% of London's buses have internet access. In Ulaanbaatar, over 50% of all buses now have internet access. The work to introduce digital standards in public transport buses will continue, enabling all buses to be connected to free internet in the future." Additionally, efforts are underway to equip buses with digital media screens to enhance passenger convenience and improve the quality of public transport services. This will allow citizens to receive news and information swiftly. The availability and quality of public transport services are expected to expand and improve, potentially increasing the number of people using buses, as highlighted by relevant authorities.

"L.Mönkhbayasgalan Has Been Slandering and Smearing Everyone Who Has a Heart for Mongolia"

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

Yesterday, Member of Parliament L.Mönkhbayasgalan posted on her social media: "The General Election Committee of the City has decided to withdraw Mönkh-erdene's nomination from the nominations for the City Council, which was from the Democratic Party. The head of the committee, Hadbaatar, is a classmate friend of the current city mayor Nymbaatar. How vindictive you are, Nymbaa... If you hold a grudge against anyone who criticizes you, how will you get through this tumultuous political path? Mönkh-erdene has served his sentence as decided by the court. It's not right for his right to nominate and be elected to be stripped just because he criticized the City Mayor. One person should not be sentenced twice. Nymbaa, you used to be a fighter yourself... Remember the time when you could have been arrested and imprisoned by your current financier M.Enkhbold..."

This morning, city mayor Kh.Nyamabatar responded on his social media: "Is it that the brainwashing by Jenkoists, which was dormant for some time, is resurfacing? What familiar technology. From where do these ghostly demons come who never tire of harming and exploiting Mongolia? Did you end up talking about your theft while trying to tell your dreams? There is currently no one in Mongolia, like your master, who indiscriminately imprisons people. I don't have the power to imprison people. Stop this brainwashing campaign. Your trail is a lie. Even your name, Mönkhbayasgalan, is a lie, your lineage is a lie too. I remain silent. You have lived a life of lies, slandering and smearing the deceased O.Dashbalbar and then anyone else who had a heartbeat for Mongolia. I tell you, harm Mongolia no further."

The Person Responsible for a Traffic Accident and Fleeing the Scene Has Been Identified

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

As of the first eight months of this year, 18,574 traffic accidents have been registered, resulting in the unfortunate death of 388 citizens.

A report was filed with the police stating that a car ran over a person on the road north of Khan-Uul Tower. Upon investigation, it was determined that a 33-year-old man named S was driving a Mercedes-Benz and hit a pedestrian, approximately 40-45 years old, causing the pedestrian's death and then fleeing the scene. The authorities have identified him and are conducting a criminal investigation.

Drivers are advised to participate in road traffic with caution and care to ensure their own safety and that of others, while preventing possible risks in advance.

Media Center of the General Police Department

SELENGE: Patriotic Students Have Arrived

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The event titled "Patriotic Students" is being organized in Selenge province. Over 200 children participating in this event arrived in Selenge province last evening.

Today, they are embarking on a tour to explore the historical landmarks of Sukhbaatar and Altanbulag districts.

Selenge province is a region rich in history, having preserved the spirit of the people's revolution and serving as the gateway to the country's northern border.

This event aims to help high school students understand the value of national independence, appreciate and protect nature, the environment, and their cultural heritage. Additionally, it aims to introduce the activities of the State's military and law enforcement agencies, promote legal awareness, and foster a patriotic and nationalistic spirit.

250 Students Participated in the "Patriotic Student" Event

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The "Patriotic Student" event, organized by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs, was inaugurated.

This event aims to instill the value of national independence, and provide knowledge and understanding of protecting nature, the earth, history, and culture to high school students. More than 250 high school students from 14 schools across nine districts of the capital are participating.

At the opening ceremony, Colonel R. Enkhbold, Director of the State Administration of the Ministry of Defense, Brigadier General B. Baatar, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister G. Ganbold, and Director of the Policy Implementation Coordination Department of the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs L. Nyamgerel participated. They advised the students to learn and absorb much during their visits to military and law enforcement organizations and historical sites, and to share their experiences with their friends.

During the event, the participating students will acquaint themselves with the operations of state military and law enforcement agencies in the Darkhan-Uul and Selenge provinces, travel through the historical sites of Saikhany Khutul, Tujin Nars, and Buir Kheer, and visit border columns.

Today, the students familiarized themselves with the activities of the Armed Forces' 330th Motor Rifle Special Battalion and the 22nd Firefighting and Rescue Unit of the Emergency Management Department located in Darkhan-Uul province.

During this time, the officers of the 22nd Firefighting and Rescue Unit showcased vehicles, equipment, demonstrated descending from heights via rope, and different aspects of fire-fighting technical sports, including the attack on the stage of the fire-fighting battle.

Review: Nowadays, Not Only Khurloo, But Also Khorolmaa are Increasing

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

News Agency is summarizing the notable interviews of the past week.

We spoke with C. Tovuusuren, a former member of the State Small Khural and a constitutional law researcher.

  • The Constitution states, "The local self-government system consists of Citizens' Representative Meetings in provinces, cities, sums, and districts, and General Meetings of citizens in bags and khoroos." Let's begin our conversation by discussing the roles of local self-government organizations.
  • Indeed. Although the Constitution states this, there is confusion among our people about the terms "local government organization" and "local self-government organization." In fact, local self-government organizations have the authority to independently decide on social and economic issues in accordance with the law, as stipulated in Articles 6-11 of the Law on Administrative and Territorial Units and their Governance. Meanwhile, the local government organization refers to the combination of the Assembly and the Governor.

The idea of combining local self-governance with state governance in the Constitution stems from Article 1 of the Second Chapter of the Constitution, which states "Mongolia shall have a unitary state structure."

This is expressed by the fact that the Governor is responsible for implementing the Assembly's decisions and ensuring the execution of laws, Government, and higher authorities' decisions in the area as a representative of the government, as stated in Article 61 of the Constitution. The coordination of the Governor's tasks is regulated by the provision "Exercise state functions through local administrative divisions" in Article 27 of the Law on Administrative and Territorial Units and their Governance. In short, the Governor is both the executive body of the local Assembly and a government representative executing state functions as prescribed by law. This is a characteristic of Mongolia and some other countries around the world. In some countries, local governance is implemented solely by local governing bodies (local councils, mayors) and state governance is carried out by representatives of the central government.

Read more here.

A woman in a long black dress paired with white boots caught my eye. Arriving at the appointed place on time, she waved and smiled, giving a familiar feeling. Her big, round eyes and full smile remain unchanged. Some may instantly recognize her as “the unpleasant woman who made many children orphans,” a character in the film “Five Fingers of a Hand” that stirred disdain in the society. She played the role of Khorloo, who won the heart of protagonist Shagdariin, at the age of 27. Currently residing in South Korea, I had the chance to interview her while she was visiting her home country. Here's her interview.

  • Is the Khurloo viewers know still the same today?
  • Thank you. It's hard to surpass my younger self.
  • Female beauty is often compared to a sunbeam passing through clouds. You have managed to "capture" beauty both inside and out, haven't you?
  • Pursuing external beauty is pointless. Everyone is beautiful in their youth. Don't be arrogant. What's most important is what's inside. You must love everything. There's a saying, fear not the person who's lost but the one who shifts their failure onto others; it rings true to me.

Both God and the devil reside in human hearts. One lives according to the one they cultivate more.

I find people who focus only on flaws boring. I feel like running away from such individuals. It is unnecessary behavior. Simply love everyone without discrimination.

Read more here.

Today, based on a decree from the President of Mongolia, athletes and coaches who excelled at the "Paris-2024" Games were honored with high state awards. Mongolian athletes achieved outstanding results at the "Paris-2024" Paralympic Games. Furthermore, the President of Mongolia awarded the Order of Sukhbaatar to D. Nyamkhuu, head of the Mongolian Paralympic Committee. Here is his statement.

  • Congratulations on receiving the Order of Sukhbaatar. How do you feel?
  • My award is secondary; it's the recognition that my loyal "soldiers" have received. They are being rewarded with homes, acknowledging their efforts. Their lives are improving, and this is crucial. I've been in this position for 15 years. We achieved great results at the Paris games. It felt like we could have won even more medals. Most importantly, we secured four medals according to our plan made four years ago. I am very pleased.

All our athletes and coaches were recognized; a reflection of their efforts came my way.

Read more here.

Today marks the 34th anniversary of the establishment of a permanent parliament in Mongolia. In the run-up to this historic anniversary, we share the reflections of T. Ochirkhuu, a former member of the State Small Khural and the State Great Khural. As one of the initial 53 members, he shared this memory.

  • Looking back at your time as a member of the State Small Khural, what are your thoughts?
  • The activities of the State Small Khural began on September 13, 1990. It was the first permanent parliament. Hence, parliamentary activities began on September 13. It's been 34 years since that day. Today, the ninth State Great Khural election has concluded, and we have a parliament with 126 members. This marks a new era. Some researchers say these 126 leaders will shape the next 30 years of history in Mongolia. It is a great challenge indeed. What does it mean? It is for MPs, government members, and state leaders to ponder and respond to. For instance, we, the members of the State Small Khural, never spoke of creating the next 30 years, yet our objectives were clear. First, we aimed for Mongolia to transition to a market economy; the country wasn't part of the market system then. We wanted Mongolia to become a democratic nation; we didn't have democratic elections. Human rights were relatively restricted, so our goal was to establish a state that respects human rights and the rule of law. We aimed to position Mongolia among the democratic nations of the world. These were ambitious goals, and the key to our success was the unity of 53 members of four political parties in the State Small Khural. Today, if the first 126 members are setting the foundation for new development, they must align on a common goal and take a unified approach. Forming a coalition government for the first time was a significant initial step, I believe.

Read more here.

If Hair is Cut or Trimmed Anew, Organs Will Sharpen

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

According to the lunar calendar, September 14 is a Saturday. It is the 11th day, under the Eldev Tenger star, and is a white snake day. The sunrise and sunset times on this day are 6:28-19:07. On this day, activities are favorable for those born in the year of the Ox and Rooster, but unfavorable for those born in the year of the Pig and Mouse, so it is recommended to be cautious and protect oneself.

On this day, it is good to engage in religious activities, start creative endeavors, conduct trade and business, get promoted, restore temples, perform rituals for the land and spirits, settle debts, suppress evil, and seal the earth. It is not favorable to cut down trees, open the earth's womb, raise puppies, lay the foundation of a house, or perform ablutions.

The auspicious times of the day are for Ox, Dragon, Horse, Sheep, Dog, and Pig. Those traveling a long distance should head west. If hair is cut or trimmed anew, organs will sharpen.

Ochirhuyag MUNKHBAT

Published: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

O. Munkhbat has been working as a translator and commentator at the iToim.mn website since 2019. He specializes in data journalism and is in his fifth year in the field of journalism.

Turbayajikh Amarjargal

Published: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

T. Amarjargal graduated from the Mongolian National University of Education with a degree in journalism. Since July 2024, he has been working for the iToim.mn website.


Harvested Vegetables Increased by 12.2% Compared to the Same Period Last Year

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

According to the harvest progress report, as of September 1, 2024, 96.5 thousand tons of hay have been harvested nationwide, with 21.4 thousand tons of vegetables, 16.5 thousand tons of potatoes, and 3.1 thousand tons of supplementary feed prepared. Compared to the same period last year:

  • Harvested potatoes increased by 8.5 thousand tons or 2.1 times,
  • Vegetables increased by 2.3 thousand tons or 12.2%,
  • Supplementary feed increased by 654.8 tons or 26.7%,
  • However, prepared hay decreased by 11.7 thousand tons or 10.8%.

Compared to the same period last year, harvested potatoes decreased by 0.1-468.5 tons or 7.6–94.6% in the provinces of Govisumber, Dornogovi, Govi-Altai, Ulaanbaatar city, Dornod, Khentii, Arkhangai, Umnugovi, and Darkhan-Uul, while in other provinces, it increased by 0.5 tons to 5.3 thousand tons or from 5.5% to 4.0 times.

Harvested vegetables decreased by 0.8 tons to 6.5 thousand tons or 3.3–91.0% in the provinces of Sukhbaatar, Khuvsgul, Uvurkhangai, Khentii, Arkhangai, Tuv, Bayankhongor, Dornod, Umnugovi, Ulaanbaatar city, and Darkhan-Uul, while in other provinces, it increased by 5.2 tons to 7.9 thousand tons or from 24.2% to 5.6 times.

Half a Ton of Waste Cleaned from Lake Khövsgöl

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

To reduce pollution in Lake Khövsgöl, emergency department officials of the province have cleaned up waste from the "Lower Tsagaanuur" area of Tsagaannuur district.

In this effort, they removed 19 fishing nets, each 50-100 meters long, and extracted half a ton of waste. This work was conducted as part of a training exercise for professional rescue divers being organized at Lake Khövsgöl, as reported by the National Emergency Management Agency.

Half a Ton of Waste Cleaned

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

To reduce the pollution of Lake Khuvsgul, officers from the Emergency Management Agency of the province performed a cleanup of waste in the "Lower Tsagaannuur" area of Tsagaannuur sum.

They removed 19 pieces of fishing nets and tangles measuring 50-100 meters in length and extracted half a ton of waste. This activity was conducted during the hands-on practice training for professional rescuers-swimmers and divers organized at Lake Khuvsgul, according to information from NEMA.


If You Have a Bachelor's Degree and a GPA Above 2.7, You Can Obtain a Teaching License Through a 45-Day Course

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

After assuming his duties, Minister of Education P. Naranbayar announced, "We are considering granting teaching licenses to young people who have successfully graduated from good schools abroad and domestically, through short-term training to address the teacher shortage."

The Ministry of Education introduced the rule for issuing teaching licenses yesterday.


Citizens who have graduated with a GPA of no less than 2.7 from higher education institutions in fields such as mathematics, natural sciences, medicine, communication, technology, law, business, economics, arts, and English, with at least a bachelor's degree;

Third and fourth-year students studying in accredited higher education institutions with a GPA of no less than 2.7 in the mentioned fields are invited to participate in teaching license training.

The training for granting teaching licenses for those who wish to work in kindergartens and general education schools will be organized in collaboration with professional institutions, based on teacher preparation universities. Those who wish to teach at vocational education schools or polytechnic colleges will receive a certificate of teaching license upon successfully completing competency-based training.

The teacher of the teaching license training must have at least ten years of experience working in educational institutions, according to the regulation.


Intermed Hospital Expands, Doubles Its Capacity

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

MCS Group has introduced the latest advancements in modern medicine to the home country and established Intermed Hospital with the mission of delivering international standard diagnostics and treatment to Mongolians. This year marks the hospital's 10th anniversary.

Over the past decade, Intermed Hospital has pioneered the introduction of international standards, quality, and safety in medical services in Mongolia. It has become a national network hospital with five branches in Ulaanbaatar and the countryside, employing over 650 doctors and medical staff.

To commemorate its 10th anniversary, the hospital has expanded its building with an investment of $20 million to reduce waiting times, increase accessibility, and improve continuous reliability in medical services. They have now launched a comprehensive 10-story hospital service center.

The expansion allows the hospital to serve 30,000 patients annually and has opened a new International Standard Comprehensive Health Examination and Diagnostic Center equipped with more than 100 advanced high-capacity devices.

The newly constructed hospital expansion features the latest advanced technology, including an Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment Center, a Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Division, a Rehabilitation Treatment Center, a ward with 54 beds, and an office section designed for employees' comfort.

By expanding its operations, Intermed Hospital has created over 200 new jobs, aiming to provide high-quality, accessible medical services to the public. MCS Group has invested over $80 million to establish Intermed Hospital to deliver quality hospital care to the people. As a result of these investments in Mongolia's healthcare sector, Intermed Hospital now has the capacity to provide outpatient services to 500,000 people annually and inpatient treatment to 10,000 people, becoming a major national hospital.

Additionally, in celebration of the 10th anniversary since its establishment, Intermed Hospital has been named in honor of G. Jambaljamts and D. Badamjav, the parents of MCS Group's Board of Directors members J. Odjargal and J. Od, commemorating their meritorious service in the health sector.

Please note: Media outlets (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must credit the original source (ikon.mn) if they use our information either fully or partially.

NURA Center Now Capable of Screening 60,000 People Annually for Early Detection

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Tavan Bogd Group, in collaboration with FUJIFILM Corporation, a leader in medical equipment manufacturing, opened the "NURA GERLUG" branch in September 2023, with the capacity to serve 20,000 people annually, and has already welcomed over 18,500 clients.

In line with the needs of our clients and to emphasize the importance of early detection to more people, we have opened our "NURA ZAISAN" branch, which has the capacity to conduct early detection screenings for 40,000 people annually.

This development allows the NURA center to serve 180 people daily, totaling 60,000 people annually.

The AI-based NURA early detection center by FUJIFILM Corporation identifies risks of common cancers and lifestyle diseases through a 32-indicator package test at an early stage.

According to Ts. Duurenjargal, Head of the Clinical Department at the NURA center, "Global cancer studies show that cancer incidence will increase by 20-30% by 2030 and by 55% by 2040 across all countries. Unfortunately, as of 2022, around 6,000-7,000 people are diagnosed with cancer annually in Mongolia, and more than 70% of these are diagnosed at a late stage. Recently, there has been an increase in cancer cases among young people, highlighting the importance of early detection.

It's commendable that most of the clients visiting the NURA center for early detection are aged between 30-64 years. One unique feature of our center is the ability to determine the calcium score, which is generally used to detect heart attacks, using a low-dose CT scan. A healthy person should have a score of 0, but if it exceeds 101, it indicates the narrowing of the coronary arteries, which can lead to a heart attack. So far, 375 people considered at risk have been detected early and referred to the next medical stage."

The NURA Zaisan branch is fully equipped with high-capacity, AI-based equipment from FUJIFILM Corporation, making it the largest branch of the NURA early detection center worldwide, with the ability to serve 40,000 people annually.

Utilize the most advanced AI-based equipment to quickly and efficiently diagnose common cancer risks and lifestyle diseases through a 32-indicator package test within 2-3 hours.

To book an appointment for the screening, call 7588-7588 or visit www.nura.mn.

Early detection for a healthy life.

Website: www.nura.mn
Zaisan branch address: Khan-Uul District, 22nd Section, Ar Zaisan Street, NURA Zaisan Branch

Intermed Hospital Expands and Doubles Its Capacity

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

MCS Group, aiming to introduce the latest advances in modern medicine to Mongolia and provide international-standard diagnostics and treatment to Mongolians, celebrates the 10th anniversary of Intermed Hospital this year.

Over the past 10 years, Intermed Hospital has pioneered the introduction of international standards, quality, and safety of medical services in Mongolia. It has become a national network hospital with five branches in Ulaanbaatar and the countryside, employing over 650 doctors and medical staff.

To mark its 10th anniversary, the hospital has expanded its building with a $20 million investment to reduce wait times for medical services, increase accessibility, and improve continuous reliability. The comprehensive 10-storey medical service center has been fully put into operation.

With the expansion of the building providing medical services, a new international-standard comprehensive preventive and occupational health examination and diagnostic center, capable of serving 30,000 people a year, has been opened and is operational. This center is notable for its over 100 highly advanced equipment.

Additionally, the newly built hospital extension includes an advanced endoscopic diagnosis and treatment center, an integrated ward for cardiovascular diagnosis and treatment, a rehabilitation treatment center, an inpatient ward with 54 beds, and an office section designed to ensure the comfort of medical staff.

By expanding its operations, Intermed Hospital has now created over 200 new jobs and aims to deliver high-quality and accessible medical services to the public.

With an investment of over $80 million to establish a high-capacity hospital meeting international standards, MCS Group has set up Intermed Hospital to deliver quality medical services to citizens. As a result of this investment in the health sector of Mongolia, Intermed Hospital is now a large national-level hospital capable of providing outpatient services to 500,000 people and inpatient treatment to 10,000 people annually.

On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, Intermed Hospital has been named after Dr. G. Jambaljamts and D. Badamjav, the parents of MCS Group's board members J. Odjargal and J. Od, to honor their significant contributions to the health sector.

"Seven Dwarfs" Hospital Doctor D. Tsolmon: Boils and Abscesses are Ineffective Against Antibiotics Without Testing

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

Skin infections, boils, and abscess diseases are very common, especially among young children, and numerous surgeries are performed daily in pediatric hospitals to open and clean abscesses.

Skin infections are most common from June to September and the incidence has been increasing since the start of school and kindergarten. Therefore, we had a discussion with Dr. D. Tsolmon, the chief physician of the "Seven Dwarfs" hospital, who explained this topic to us.

Skin suppurative inflammation is common in children, and many are undergoing surgery, there is a high usage of antibiotics, they say. This is not just specific to Mongolia, skin infections have become common worldwide.

To explain it simply for people, especially mothers and fathers, purulent inflammation is caused by a bacterium called staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium exists naturally on the nose, throat, and all over the body skin of 40-50% of the world's population. Staphylococcus aureus is normally sensitive to antibiotics and does not often cause illness. If staphylococcus is detected from a nasal, throat, breast milk, or feces sample without any signs of disease, there's no need to worry. It simply exists as it is in one in two people worldwide, and there's no need to disturb it.

However, if it causes disease, infections can occur in the ears, nose, throat, and skin resulting in superficial purulent inflammation, boils, and if it advances, abscesses, which are dangerous. In other words, when it first penetrates the skin, it becomes a superficial infection, then proceeds to form a boil, and further complicates into an abscess.

The doctor is explaining it step by step. Usually, wherever there is purulent inflammation, staphylococcus is there. Now we talk about MRSA, which stands for methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. This means that peacefully existing staphylococcus becomes resistant to antibiotics in hospital environments where medications are used frequently. The second pathway can also occur in household environments. Our alarm is the first path, where children fall ill due to hospital-acquired MRSA, which can potentially infect everyone around. Its danger is that it's antibiotic-resistant. It's called MRSA because, in simple terms, it's methicillin-resistant staphylococcus. Methicillin is an antibiotic from the penicillin group. However, it's not sensitive only to penicillin and ampicillin, but it's commonly named this way. Staphylococcus is resistant because it develops substances that counteract antibiotics. In addition, similar antibiotics like ampicillin and amoxiclav are all resistant now.

Why we're talking about it is that if someone has a purulent infection, the most important thing is to show the pathogen. Where there is pus, staphylococcus will be 100% present. Further, MRSA will appear. Today, we talk about common MRSA, but recently there has also been VRSA, which stands for vancomycin-resistant staphylococcus. This pathogen, when given antibiotic sensitivity, is sensitive to only a few antibiotics. People mistakenly consume ineffective antibiotics while MRSA just 'sits there laughing.' The danger is this. Once the most sensitive becomes resistant, it may continue to develop resistance. This is why we consider staphylococcus aureus a dangerous pathogen.

If children are sick and staphylococcus appears on a throat swab or feces test, do not rush to treat it if it hasn't caused sickness. Leave it alone if there's no disease. However, if a boil comes and becomes an abscess, immediately determine the pathogen and its antibiotic sensitivity before treatment. This is a complex, highly transmissible, concerning infection. Abscesses are very dangerous in children's practice because they require opening surgery, and general anesthesia is mandatory. Besides, abscesses often recur in children, so it's necessary to understand this infection's characteristics.

Staphylococcus spreads through airborne droplets. A small percentage transmits through contact. Do not attempt to treat unless it causes disease. However, if it causes illness, attempt treatment by determining the pathogen and antibiotic sensitivity. The reason for recurrent outbreaks is that infection is ongoing, particularly if it is antibiotic-resistant and hospital-acquired. This means the skin is infected with a resistant hospital-acquired strain, compromising its integrity. It commonly appears in areas with thin skin, such as armpits, groins, anus, and neck. This is because these areas have the most compromised skin integrity. Children often have boils due to their skin structure. In adults, it often occurs in obese individuals. MRSA enters adipose tissue and always results in abscesses. Testing is essential.

That's the wrong conclusion. This is what we are trying to explain to stop. If your child has MRSA, taking ampicillin a thousand times, injecting cefotaxime, or using cephazolin will do no good. Why? Because MRSA has become adept at bypassing these. Thus, testing is required to find the antibiotic it 'fears' and use it. Realizing it's sensitive only to vancomycin demonstrates how smart and adaptable this pathogen is.

There's no need to sound the alarm fearing that a perfectly healthy child might contract MRSA. Children's throats may become purulent, or they might have nasal boils. If an abscess forms, testing is necessary. Although resistant staphylococcus infections are commonly acquired from hospitals, they pose a high risk of transmission to family members. Thus, maintain hygiene as best as possible including undergarments, bedding, and skin cleanliness. Even MRSA is resistant to disinfectants. Therefore, isolating bedding is necessary.

The doctor advises against bringing children with MRSA, who have had multiple abscess openings, to medical facilities with open wounds, as this could spread infection within those environments. For example, our hospital provides daily treatment, injections, and inhalation treatments, so we encourage parents to either chat or bring test results instead of bringing the children physically as much as possible. The principle is this. I wish to provide guidance to such children. However, if they have open wounds, consult via chat or bring tests.

It can result in death. Why are people worldwide afraid of it? Because it becomes antibiotic-resistant. Perhaps at this pace, scientists will not be able to keep up with its speed. When it's sensitive only to vancomycin, there are only a few antibiotics left. Until a new antibiotic is discovered, it will require significant time, resources, and money. The risk is staphylococcus knowing before we do. Antibiotic usage makes it increasingly resistant. If you contract it directly from here, it's more dangerous. The child's resistance, the pathogen's virulence, simply put, how many generations of bacteria are causing the disease, all influence the disease outcome.

In our conditions, children usually come when they are more severe, and then we open. In the future, I hope scientists will develop increasingly sophisticated antibiotics. Also, after surgical opening, prescribing ampicillin is of no use. If an opening has been made, a pus sample must be taken for testing. Warn that if a child has a purulent abscess and it has been opened, have the pathogen shown in every case. Show who it is and know which antibiotics it fears. Never use antibiotics unnecessarily. It harms the child. Drug quality is also crucial. We must combat this pathogen with the most educated, smartest approach. Assuming "since it's pus, let's inject" is the most misguided step.

Doctors Specializing in Sports Injuries are Rare

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

In the department of sports injuries, we clarified the common injuries that occur to patients and the department's activities with the head of the Sports Injury Center at GSSUT, S. Batsukh.

- Can you explain what a sports injury is?

  • A sports injury refers to injuries sustained while engaging in sports. Injuries of this type can occur for various reasons. First, it can depend on the equipment used during the sport. Second, the environment impacts it. Even the floor can affect it. Besides a non-standard gym, it is possible that a person's body and physiology might not be suitable for that sport, leading to injuries.

- When did the Sports Injury Center at GSSUT start its operations?

  • GSSUT began performing arthroscopic surgeries since 2012. We used to do this by being assigned to different departments. However, from last year, our hospital has specialized, and we now have a sports injury department. This has made it easier for both doctors and patients to follow one specialty.

- What kind of injuries are most common in sports injuries? What about treatment?

  • Among people who have been injured while engaging in sports, 50% come with a sprained ankle. This is followed by injuries to the knee and shoulder joints. Our center provides restorative and replacement surgeries for knee, shoulder, throat, and muscle or tendon ruptures. Additionally, there are cases where patients, especially athletes, fall into depression after an injury. Getting through this phase is crucial, so we offer services in this area too.

- How many people come for treatment?

  • About 20-30 people visit our center daily for outpatient consultations, totaling approximately 600-700 people a month.

- Are there any human resource shortages?

  • Recently, people have become aware of the benefits of engaging in sports and have incorporated sports into their healthy lifestyle. However, sports injuries have also increased accordingly. There are few doctors trained in this field. Our center operates with a total of 30-40 people.

- How well-equipped are you for examinations and diagnostics? Is there enough equipment?

  • Before opening the sports injury department, we prepared the latest surgical equipment. Additionally, 50% of the total injuries are ankle sprains. These injuries used to be treated without specialized tools. However, since recently introducing the arthroscopic equipment for ankles, we can perform detailed examinations and diagnostics. There is sufficient equipment for the surgical area, although there is a need to increase equipment for rehabilitation services.


World Boxing "World Cup" to be Held in Ulaanbaatar from September 23-26

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

The 2024-2028 Olympic cycle's first competition by the World Boxing Association (WBA) will take place in Ulaanbaatar from September 23-26. The tournament will be held for four days at the "UG Arena," where champions in six male and seven female weight categories will be determined.

Currently, 170 athletes from countries such as England, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Italy, Wales, Australia, Peru, South Korea, and China have registered to compete in this World Cup tournament.

For the first time, ranking points by the WBA will be awarded during this competition.

Athletes who win gold medals in this competition will qualify to compete in the World Cup finals to be held in Sheffield, England, in November.

Recently, the boxing associations of Japan and Algeria announced their membership with the WBA, bringing the number of countries affiliated with the association to 44.


PHOTO: DARA and BLOO Arrive in Mongolia

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

This morning, the guest artists Dara and Bloo arrived in Mongolia for the biggest show of this autumn, the Super concert.

The highly anticipated singer and actor Rain, who will also participate in the Super concert organized by Evandis Entertainment, is set to land in Mongolia this evening.

The concert will take place tomorrow, September 15th, at Hit Park, and in addition to these stars, singers such as Khayana, Sweetymotion, Choijoo, XP, Galtman, and A Sound and many other bands and artists will perform by invitation.

Here we present the photo report of Dara and Bloo's arrival.

Announced Not to Sing the Song "Khulan Khongor" Until a Specific Solution is Reached

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

Many people know the song "Khulan Khongor" by heart and sing it frequently. It has long been sung among the Mongolian people as if it were a folk song. Initially, it was performed by Honored Artist of Mongolia J. Nansalmaa and introduced to the public. The melody of this artistic work was composed by famous composer and choir conductor G. Daramzagda, and the lyrics were written by State Laureate of Literature D. Tsedev. All three have now passed away.

Recently, singers D. Burmaa and E. Mungunchimeg have been in a dispute over the rights to perform the song "Khulan Khongor." It has now been announced that no singer will perform the song until a specific solution is reached. This decision will soon be made by the Copyright Protection Organization.

They have requested that any unauthorized performances be recorded and reported.

It's always raining. Yet, a book fair with a warm and intimate atmosphere

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: eguur.mn

The 36th National "Book Fair" started yesterday in the central square. This traditional festival allows artists and authors to display their books and meet with their readers.

Participating in this event are Labor Hero and State Writer B. Lhagvasuren, his wife S. Basan, author of "Not Far" Ch. Ganjavkhlan, writer B. Shuudertsetseg, journalist B. Enkhchimeg, and recently featuring journalist B. Gerelmaa with her book "Secrets of the Japanese Garden" as they meet with readers.

"This fair is a wonderful event. It's not just about buying and selling books, but people also meet and greet each other. From one book fair to the next, a lot happens. This is my 28th book fair, and for 'Not Far,' it’s the second. This year is quite an 'emo' festival. It's drizzling," said Ch. Ganjavkhlan.

When asked about why the book "Not Far" is liked by people, Ch. Ganjavkhlan said, "It seems people might have no one to talk to. Readers have said that reading this book feels like having someone sitting next to them talking for three hours. It's a book that seems to speak directly to the reader."

S. Basan, the wife of Labor Hero and State Writer B. Lhagvasuren, was also present, displaying her husband's works. "This is my third time participating in the book fair. Despite the rainy and chilly day today, many people are here. If the weather clears up tomorrow, there might not be any room to step," she said.

Journalist B. Gerelmaa, who recently released "Secrets of the Japanese Garden," shared her thoughts about participating as an author for the first time. "It's truly interesting. I was standing outside the tent before, but to be inside now feels so different," she mentioned.

Writer B. Shuudertsetseg, known for her works about the queens of Mongolia, also shared her experiences. "This is my 36th participation in the book fairs. Initially, it was held on the first floor of the Urgoo cinema with about 40 people. Now, it's a large-scale event in the central square," she said.

The core members of the book fair are undoubtedly the readers. Encountering a girl holding a thick-covered book to her chest and a student with two bags of books illustrated the diverse participation and joy found in the fair.

"It's my third time attending the book fair. It seems to be getting better every year," noted a participant. The joy of opening the first pages of a new book is unparalleled, mentioned another. Collecting books for her children, a mother said it feels good.

The anticipation of the book fair is much awaited. "It's my fourth time and feels wonderful as always. There’s also a 3x3 basketball tournament happening alongside, which is unique this year," said another enthusiastic visitor.

South Korean 5 Artists to Participate in "Rain" Concert

Published: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The "Super Concert" featuring South Korean artist and actor "Rain" along with Mongolian artists will take place tomorrow at "Hit Park." The main organizer of the concert is "Evandis Entertainment," which successfully organized the "Your Valentine" concert featuring South Korean famous singer Kim Hyun Joong, "MC Sniper," and "Bloo" in Ulaanbaatar in February.

This time, six artists from South Korea will participate in the concert, including "Rain," "Dara," "Bloo," "Bigone," "Tricky," and "Potaito."

From Mongolia, 10 artists including singer Uka, "Sweetymotion" band, singer Hayanaa, "A-Sound" band, "Choijoo," "Galtmah," "Magnet Brain," "Doid," "Sanaa Z," and "Ami" will participate.

The audience will be admitted starting from 16:00, with the stage program commencing at 17:00.