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Mongolia News Summary for September 11, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for September 11, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories










Political Parties

Published: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The journalists of the news site iToim.mn have 3-20 years of experience in the journalism field. They aim to adopt a new tone in electronic journalism in Mongolia by reviewing and delivering the positions of independent and professional analysts from their sources, presenting the truth and reasons behind events to the public. The goal is to establish a professional team.

B. Baasandorj: This Parliament will prioritize incorporating a human-rights-oriented and people-centered ideology into laws and regulations

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Secretary-General of the State Great Khural, B. Baasandorj, and the leadership of the Chancery held a press conference to provide information on the activities of the State Great Khural's extraordinary session in 2024 and the working groups established by the order of the Speaker of the State Great Khural. The press conference was attended by Ch. Ariunkhur, the First Deputy Head of the Khural Chancery, E. Lhagva, the Deputy Head, and Ch. Dondogmaa, the Head of the Legal Department.

It was reported by B. Baasandorj, the Secretary-General of the State Great Khural, that the extraordinary session of the Parliament was held from August 15 to 30, 2024, lasting a total of 12 days, during which 7 plenary meetings took place and 30 laws and resolutions were passed. He also detailed the three improvements highlighted by the Speaker of Parliament, D. Amarbaysgalan, in his speech closing the extraordinary session of 2024.

Firstly, prioritizing the issue of incorporating a human-rights-oriented and people-centered ideology into legislation was emphasized by Speaker D. Amarbaysgalan. Secondly, he mentioned that the legal regulation should be comprehensive, clear, and understandable, ensuring uniform implementation without discrimination. The Parliament will focus on this aspect. Thirdly, the Speaker underscored that laws must meet the demands of the times, support development, and not be outdated. Secretary-General B. Baasandorj cited examples such as the Law on the Rights of Trade Unions passed in 1991, the Law on Handling Petitions and Complaints from Citizens to State Organizations and Officials adopted in 1995, and the Bankruptcy Law adopted in 1997.

Furthermore, relevant research has shown that many rules and regulations established by ministries and agencies on legal grounds cause various violations of human rights. Therefore, working groups have been established based on the proposals of State Great Khural members, totaling 53 groups. Specifically, 16 are focused on human rights and legal issues, 5 on state structure and civil service, 9 on social protection, health, and education, 16 on economic and business activities, 3 on environment, and 5 on urban development and infrastructure sectors.

Continuing, Secretary-General B. Baasandorj provided more information about some of the working groups. The working group for preparing the draft strategic plan for the State Great Khural of Mongolia for 2024-2028, which is to be submitted at the upcoming autumn session, is chaired by Deputy Speaker H. Bulgantuya. On September 5, 2024, the Speaker of Parliament, along with chairpersons of relevant Standing Committees and some members of the State Great Khural, met with the Civil Service Council to exchange views on the implementation of the Civil Service Law, civil service reform, future changes, and pressing issues. As a result, a working group chaired by Member of Parliament G. Damdinyam is working on studying the implementation of the Civil Service Law, making proposals and conclusions, and preparing relevant legislative drafts.

A working group for amending the Law on Legislation was established by order of the Speaker of Parliament. The current legal regulations, writing, and techniques are not straightforward and comprehensible, and the participation of citizens, the public, civil society organizations, and professional associations is insufficiently ensured in the entire law-making process. Although the current Law on Legislation and other related laws have provisions ensuring the participation of civil society, state, and non-state organizations in drafting legislative projects, their implementation is inadequate, making it necessary to amend and redraft the law. This working group is chaired by Member of Parliament and head of the Legal Standing Committee, D. Tsogtbaatar, as introduced by the Secretary-General of the State Great Khural.

Of the 53 working groups established by order of the Speaker of Parliament, 18 have developed their relevant proposals and conclusions to be presented to the State Great Khural at the autumn session of 2024, while the remaining groups plan to present their proposals and conclusions during the spring session of 2025.

The autumn session of 2024 of the State Great Khural will commence on October 1st, as stipulated by the Law on the State Great Khural of Mongolia. Before this, the Standing Committee on Budget, adhering to legal requirements, is working on collecting public opinion regarding the draft law on the national budget of Mongolia for 2025. The draft for the upcoming national budget is accessible on the D-Parliament website, allowing citizens to provide their suggestions.

Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web Pages) must always cite the source (ikon.mn) completely or partially when using our information.

Working Groups Established by the Decree of the Speaker of the State Great Khural

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A new parliament with 126 members representing various social groups, formed as a result of the 2024 regular elections of the State Great Khural, is tasked with the significant responsibility of updating the legal environment to meet modern needs and demands. This was highlighted in the speech by the Speaker of the State Great Khural at the opening of the extraordinary session.

The Speaker emphasized that the new parliament will adhere to the following main directions in its legislative activities. The Three Developments in the legal environment include: firstly, establishing a legal system based on a human-centered legal concept that upholds human rights; secondly, making laws clear and understandable to ensure equal application of the law to everyone; and thirdly, adapting legal regulations promptly to meet the fast-paced demands of social development.

Based on suggestions from Members of the State Great Khural, working groups have been established by the decree of the Speaker of the State Great Khural. These groups will provide proposals for improving the relevant legal environment and enhancing the implementation of laws. Each working group includes representatives from all parties with seats in the State Great Khural, according to the Press Department of the State Great Khural.

Please familiarize yourself with the information regarding the working groups.

C. Tovuusuren: The Local Council Should Serve for the Welfare of Citizens

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

We spoke with C. Tovuusuren, a member of the Great State Khural, former Member of Parliament, and constitutional researcher.

  • The constitution states that "The self-governing organization of the locality shall be the Citizens' Representative Khurals of the aimag, capital city, soum, district, and the Citizens' General Khural of the bagh, khoroo." Can we start our discussion by addressing what the responsibilities of the self-governing organization of the locality are?
  • Yes, although the constitution states this, it is noticed that the terms local administrative organization and local self-governing organization are mixed up by us. Actually, the local self-governing organization is a body empowered to independently resolve local social and economic issues in compliance with the law, as stipulated in Articles 6-11 of the Law on Administration and Territorial Division and its Management.

However, the representative is prohibited from disclosing sensitive personal information obtained and from being a representative of another level of the Khural.

The local administrative organization encompasses the assembly and the governor. The concept of combining local self-governance with state administration has its basis in Article 1 of the Second Section of the Constitution, which states, "Mongolia is a unified state in terms of its form of government." This is expressed in accordance with Article 61 of the Constitution, which ensures that the governor implements the decisions of the assembly and, concurrently, as a representative of the state, ensures the enforcement of laws, government, and higher-level decisions within their jurisdiction on behalf of the government and higher-level governor. The fulfillment of the state's functions by the governor is regulated by Article 27, "Government functions performed through unit management," of the Law on Administration and Territorial Division and its Management. In essence, the governor is both the executive body of the local assembly, and fulfills state functions as stipulated by law as a representative of state governance. This can be considered a characteristic of our country and some countries around the world. In some countries, local governance is implemented solely by local governing bodies/local assembly and executive, while state governance is executed by representatives of the central government.

  • The Citizens' Representative Khural is sometimes referred to as a reduced parliament. Can it be understood this way?
  • From the name itself, it is clear that the assembly is a citizen's organization. The main role of the assembly is to serve the welfare of citizens. Here, operations should be citizen-centered rather than politically party-centered. In the future, especially during the establishment of soum assemblies, there needs to be a reduction in political party involvement and enhancement of the electorate council's role as seen in some countries. In this way, the assembly will become a genuine citizen's organization, and the abnormal division and factionalism associated with political parties will noticeably decrease.
  • What are the responsibilities and actions of a Citizens' Representative Khural representative in their locality?
  • First and foremost, a representative should not express political interests or the interests of themselves or affiliated individuals. Rather, they uphold the rights and lawful interests of the citizens in their jurisdiction, as outlined in Article 38 of the Law on Administration and Territorial Division and its Management. The law also states that they shall adhere to the ethical code approved by their assembly.

Representatives have obligations such as participating with decisive rights in deliberating issues, belonging to the Khural committee, initiating and submitting specific issues for discussion at the assembly, and raising questions or inquiries with the governor regarding specific territorial issues, as stipulated in Article 39 of the law. Moreover, representatives are prohibited from disclosing the sensitive personal information they acquire and from holding positions as representatives of another level of the Khural.

  • What are the responsibilities and actions of citizens in the General Khural?
  • The General Khural is more of a participation-based assembly, comprising residents of the respective bagh or khoroo. Citizens can bring up issues concerning the bagh or khoroo at the General Khural, which can then forward them to the appropriate level assembly, and make independent decisions on matters not specified by laws, state, aimag, or soum decisions. The General Khural has the authority to make decisions on issues related to grassland, pasture, cropland, water source protection, usage, and monitoring for environmental balance.
  • Does the Citizens' Representative Khural make impactful decisions on everyday issues such as the road in front of our house, street lighting, and water supply?
  • They do make such decisions. For example, they can decide to include the cost of new establishments and their operational expenses in the unit budget plan and determine the financial resources.
  • In soums, the notion persists that families gather and elect one of their relatives in the public assembly.
  • This is a common occurrence. However, establishing citizen councils in the future through selecting knowledgeable, capable, and respected individuals as the administrative representatives rather than those with extensive family connections isn't in the far-off future.
  • What is the significance of citizens exercising their voting rights and forming the local self-governing organization? How does this matter to me as a resident of a respective district?
  • Exercising the right to vote for the assembly representative is of great significance to a citizen. The crux of the matter lies in whether this importance is fully understood and reflected in their voting decisions. In essence, a citizen should fully comprehend that their representative in the assembly is making decisions on their behalf, thus making informed choices. Citizens will come to understand that dealing with a Khural representative, who is more accessible than a State Great Khural member, enables a swift resolution of issues through leveraging the representative's proximity.
  • There's a prevalent notion that the State Great Khural is a representation of the people. However, surveys indicate that local elections aren't deemed equally important. What is your assessment of this as a researcher?
  • It's only a matter of time. The State Great Khural is the supreme body exercising state power, with exclusive legislative authority. What matters is whether the laws it enacts align with the citizens' interests, rather than it serving as a direct representative of individuals. Meanwhile, the Khural representative is more proximate and has the legal means to express and protect the common interests of the citizens.
  • How beneficial is it for citizens to get acquainted with the platforms of parties, coalitions, and candidates and choose their representative in the local election?
  • Political party influence might alienate citizens from valuing the significance of local Khural elections. Therefore, establishing an electorate council comprising respected citizens from the respective soum or district for the sum and district Khural elections is desirable, allowing for a non-partisan assessment and preparation well in advance for those to be nominated and compete in the next election.

In localities, a candidate’s platform addressing urgent issues affecting your and my rights is more pertinent than the dry programs filled with party official jargon. Implementing their platform ideas through the assembly's agenda matters hinges on the candidate’s approach and capability.

  • The State Great Khural has conducted regular elections using a mixed system. Is there a need to harmonize the local election system with that of the State Great Khural?
  • I don't see such a need. Since the law stipulates that the local Khural does not express political interests but upholds the interests of the jurisdiction's citizens, conducting local elections under a majoritarian system would not compromise principles.
  • Thank you for the discussion.


World Bank: Mongolia's Energy Sector to Incur ₮825 Billion Loss by 2025

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

"Mongolia will face a financial loss of ₮825 billion in the electricity sector by 2025 if no tariff reforms are implemented," the World Bank reported. This will further worsen the financial situation, with tariffs covering only 56% of costs. As of 2023, electricity tariffs cover only 77% of costs; non-domestic consumers cover 89%, while domestic usage covers just 52% of the costs.

The World Bank noted that the inability of electricity and heat tariffs to cover costs is rendering the entire sector financially unsustainable.

Currently, the energy sector is reported to have a debt of ₮2.3 trillion, as informed by the Minister of the sector. Energy Minister B. Choijilsuren emphasized, "If the electricity tariffs are increased from November 1st this year, in the future, the sector will be able to handle all subsidies except for night-time energy subsidies on its own."

He also highlighted the potential to avoid losses in the state budget by attracting investment in the energy sector and reaching a profit-making stage.

G.Bumchimeg: Many Projects Will Be Implemented in the Coming Years. It Is Wise for the Private Sector to Consider Budget Risks When Collaborating

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Mongolian Bankers' Association presented the banking sector's summary research for the first half of the year today.

At a time when the draft budget for 2025 is being submitted and discussed, those in the banking sector have named their summary "Summer is not six months long." This name serves as a reminder to be cautious, as the favorable period of rising prices for coal and other raw materials may not last long.

Director of Banking and Financial Academy, G.Bumchimeg, stated, "Mongolia's economy grew by 5.6% in the first half of 2024, which is a high figure. The agricultural sector was the only one with significant decline. Had it performed like last year, the economy would have almost reached 8% growth. Even if there is economic overheating, it appears manageable.

The sector influencing economic growth in the first half was mining. Coal exports reached 40 million tons in the first half. The services sector, particularly transport and public dining, experienced considerable growth," she explained.

However, despite economic growth and favorable conditions, G.Bumchimeg also highlighted existing cautionary issues. "Even though coal exports increased, reaching $7.9 billion, services increased by an even higher percentage, leading to a deficit in the current account balance. For two consecutive quarters, the current account balance has been in deficit. In other words, we are importing more than we are exporting.

Even if foreign exchange reserves increase, if the balance of payments remains in deficit, reserves will decrease. The budget balance showed a profit of 1.3 trillion MNT in the first half. In parallel, a recent budget amendment was approved. Last year's budget revenue was 24 trillion MNT, and this year's performance is expected to reach 30 trillion MNT, an increase of 6 trillion MNT, which is a very high figure.

Last year, the government earned 4.7 trillion MNT from coal alone and has planned to earn even more this year. A 10-20% shortfall would create difficulties for budget revenue. Looking at the ratio between the budget and Gross Domestic Product, expenses are close to 40%. This means the budget controls 40% of the total final consumption in Mongolia.

The forecast for future budgets is quite optimistic. Many projects will be implemented. It is wise for the private sector to consider budget risks when collaborating," she emphasized.

Petro Matad Company Begins Drilling Operations on Heron-2 Well

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

The London Stock Exchange-listed company "Petro Matad," which conducts oil exploration in Mongolia, announced that it has begun drilling operations on its "Heron-2" well. This marks the first automated drilling project in the Heron oil field, which has the potential to produce 190 million barrels of oil.

Previously, the company focused on the "Heron-1" well located near "Heron-2". Preliminary test results showed that the Heron-1 well extracted 821 barrels of oil per day, indicating positive outcomes. The Heron-2 well can potentially reach a depth of 2900 meters underground. Drilling is expected to continue for approximately 30 days.

After drilling, Petro Matad plans to assess and evaluate the oil extraction potential. If successful, the company aims to begin oil extraction from this well by the end of 2024 or early 2025.

Petro Matad's CEO announced that discussions with PetroChina are ongoing. Progress is being made towards receiving infrastructure for oil processing and sales.

In recent trading, Petro Matad's share price has fallen by 3.9% on the London Stock Exchange.

The 6 Habits of Successful Investors

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The phrase "The only constant in life is change" has proven to be true, especially during the pandemic period.

Just as everyone changed their habits to control the spread of Covid-19, we can take steps to protect our financial lives from future risks. The biggest advantage of managing your personal finances effectively is peace of mind. If you face a crisis, you will directly benefit from being well-prepared. No need for high-interest loans, or selling your stocks at a loss.

Sometimes just thinking about managing personal finances can feel like an impossible task. However, there are simple principles that are helpful to remember. Here are six ways to effectively improve your financial situation.

After implementing these steps, you will be better positioned to seek out more investment opportunities, such as "Ways to Grow Your $10,000."

If your employer has a retirement savings plan, it means you have already started saving automatically. Most of the major companies enroll employees directly into retirement savings programs without consulting them, evaluating their contribution based on the benefits brought by their performance.

Saving in small amounts is still a great start. The number of companies offering retirement savings plans continues to grow, even in Mongolia, where some companies are now offering such programs.

Generally, having a certain percentage of your salary automatically transferred to a savings or investment account is advisable. If this money isn't visible in your salary account, you're less likely to think of spending it. Aim to increase your savings percentage when you get a raise or bonus.

Having savings in an interest-bearing bank account or brokerage account is a crucial step. The main idea is to integrate the habit of saving money into your life. Watching your money grow can be very motivating.

A Federal Reserve study from July 2020 showed that about 30% of American adults couldn't immediately come up with $400 for an emergency expense.

Therefore, before starting long-term savings, it is advisable to have an emergency fund. It's much more effective than taking high-interest loans and putting your finance at greater risk.

If you have a single income source, financial advisors commonly suggest having enough savings to cover at least six months of expenses. Also, as you age and your salary increases, your emergency fund should also increase. You might need more time than before to find your desired job if you quit your current one.

William Bernstein, the founder of "Efficient Frontier," emphasizes that decisions about how to allocate your investment in stocks, whether domestic or international, or in fixed-income securities and holding currency are crucial for an investor.

Studies show that it's not choosing a single stock or timing it right that constitutes the majority of investment returns, but the correct allocation across multiple tools.

Classic rule: Subtract your age from 100. The result is the percentage of your investment portfolio that should be in stocks. For example, if you're 30 years old, it is advisable for 70% of your investment portfolio to be composed of stocks. However, the increasing average lifespan raises concerns about the risk of outliving your resources if you don't maintain a significantly large investment portfolio and draw from it for an extended period.

The traditional 60% stocks, 40% bonds portfolio composition has been debated in recent years about its continued effectiveness. Bonds, traditionally considered a shield against volatile stocks, both fell in 2022. Specifically, under this strategy, the return fell by 17%, the highest since 2008. However, in 2023, the 60/40 return increased by 17.2%.

So, what should be done?

"Geographical diversification, or regularly investing in foreign company stocks, is one of the key levers any investor can pull," said Bridgewater Associates' Karen Karniol-Tambour.

With many expecting lower stock market returns in the future, monitoring the fees paid when opening various accounts and making investments is becoming more important than ever.

Most people aim to keep their investments as simple and passive as possible. Investing in ETFs, funds traded on exchanges that track specific indices, can be the most cost-effective strategy.

Warren Buffet of "Berkshire Hathaway" has long endorsed this approach. In his 2013 letter to the company's shareholders, he mentioned the advice he gave to the trustee on managing funds inherited by his wife. The letter stated:

"Place 10% of the cash in short-term government bonds and 90% in a very low-cost S&P 500 index ETF. I suggest 'Vanguard's.' I believe following this policy will result in long-term performance superior to that achieved by most investors, whether pension funds, institutions, or individuals, who employ high-fee managers.”

The "Vanguard 500 Index Fund Admiral Shares" (VFIAX), requiring a minimum investment of $3,000, has an expense ratio of 0.04%. In other words, a $10,000 investment would incur only four dollars in fees. The "Vanguard S&P 500 ETF" (VOO) has an expense ratio of 0.03%.

The biggest obstacle to building an emergency fund is our lifestyle. As our incomes increase, we tend to spend more without careful planning, prioritizing upgrading our phones, replacing our cars, or vacationing abroad over adding to our savings.

Financial planner Michael Kitces states that the most common reason his clients, over age 50, haven't amassed adequate savings is that they increase their spending along with their income. Even successful in their careers, they have continued to live day by day without significant growth in their savings.

For those supporting a family, saving a substantial amount of money for post-retirement life might seem nearly impossible. Michael Kitces advises that once children move out, parents can redirect the cash flow that used to go towards children's education and other expenses into their savings, which is a sound strategy.

Recall how stressed you were when stock prices hit rock bottom or Bitcoin's value fell at certain points. What did you do at those times? Was the action you took correct? Or do you have regrets?

Investors often overestimate their ability to withstand volatility. "Until a true test comes, one never knows their real risk tolerance," says William Bernstein. The toughest times are most likely to come after long bull markets, when investors have forgotten about losses.

Young investors with many years of income and savings ahead might find it reasonable to invest in cheaper stocks during market downturns. However, for older investors, whose savings flow and human capital are both diminishing, stocks can be more hazardous than a Fukushima power plant.

Therefore, to avoid the necessity of selling your stocks during a market downturn, aim to have enough cash reserves to weather it with minimal damage.

SXCoal: Coal Imports Through the Ganqimaodu Port Increased by 17.9% in January-August

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

Due to heavy rains, the flow of coal transport through the Ganqimaodu port has decreased.

According to SXCoal, a total of 27.4 million tons of coal was imported through the Ganqimaodu-Gashuunsukhait port, which accounts for the majority of China's coal imports from Mongolia, in the first eight months of the year. This represents a 17.9% increase compared to the same period last year.

This amount is equivalent to 69% of the 40 million tons of coal that the port aims to import in 2024.

As of September 5, the price of Mongolia's Class III washed coking coal for delivery to the Ganqimaodu port was 1,360 yuan per ton, according to Fenwei's calculations. This price has not changed much from the previous week but is down by 90 yuan compared to the previous month.

Due to the increase in stockpile at the port and the impact of recent heavy rains, the flow of coal transport trucks entering the Ganqimaodu port has relatively decreased.

From September 2 to 5, an average of 604 trucks passed through the port daily, a decrease of 403 trucks compared to the previous week.

The heavy rain in the Gobi region has also affected the processing capacity of other ports. For instance, the average number of trucks passing through the Khange-Mandal port from September 2 to 5 decreased by 108 compared to the previous week, reaching 167 in total. Notably, only two trucks passed through on September 4, as highlighted by SXCoal.


Public Consultation Begins Again on Whether to Restrict Vehicles by Even and Odd Plate Numbers

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The National Committee's inaugural meeting of the "20-Minute City" has initiated a public survey on whether to implement restrictions based on vehicle plate numbers. If the majority agree, this would lead to organizing restrictions based on even and odd plate numbers.

The survey, conducted from September 2 to 8 on the website https://vote.ulaanbaatar.mn/home, saw participation from 4,115 citizens, mainly those aged between 35-44. Due to the low number of participants compared to the 600,000 vehicles involved in daily traffic in Ulaanbaatar, it has been decided to continue the survey on social media platforms as well.

The survey will remain open until September 31.

Source: Ulaanbaatar City Mayor's Office Communication and Public Relations Division

J. Erdene-Ochir: Plans to Open a Six-Lane Road from Yaarmag to CHP-IV This Month

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The asphalt concrete pavement of the road from Naadamchdyn street adjacent to the "Nomin" supermarket in Yaarmag to the CHP-IV power plant has begun. This road is a dual-flow six-lane highway with three major bridges.

"The bridge work is almost complete. After approximately ten days of paving 2.4 km of road with asphalt concrete, we will perform lighting, pedestrian paths, road signs, and intersection adjustments to ensure safety before opening the road to traffic. Four domestic companies are constructing the road and bridge," an official explained.

Regarding this, Ulaanbaatar City Road Development Department Road Inspection Specialist J. Erdene-Ochir stated, "The road connecting Yaarmag with the CHP-IV power plant on the Energy Street is being paved with asphalt concrete.

The construction of the three bridges on this road is 98% complete. Specifically, a 390-meter bridge crosses the Tuul River, a 54-meter bridge spans Dund River, and a 36-meter bridge is built over the Tuul River's fork. These bridges are connected by a 2.4 km road being paved with asphalt concrete. Currently, the 1.7 km stretch from the 390-meter Tuul River bridge to CHP-IV is being paved, which will be completed in three days. Following this, the remaining 800 meters of road from the Tuul River bridge to the "Nomin" store in Yaarmag will be paved with asphalt concrete.

The paving work of the 2.4 km road will continue for approximately ten more days before the installation of lighting, pedestrian paths, road signs, and markings is completed. This road features dual traffic flows with six lanes.

The goal is to open the road for traffic from Yaarmag to CHP-IV by the end of this month, which is expected to reduce traffic congestion on Yaarmag Road by around 20%, as projected in the design.

The construction of the three bridges began in 2022, and the road project started in August 2023. It took time due to large tasks, including relocating heat and power lines. Four local companies are involved in the road and bridge construction," he added.

Furthermore, the road from the CHP-IV to the Gurvaljin Bridge and Khösög Trade is being expanded to four lanes.

The Naadamchdyn street project linking it to Energy Street consists of two phases, with a total budget of 119 billion MNT. This first phase connects Yaarmag Road to the street in front of CHP-IV. The design phase is ongoing for the connection from the street in front of CHP-IV to the First District, according to an official.

Warning: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) are reminded that they must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using this information in any form, whether entirely or partially.

How to Travel through the City's Largest Underpass Opening on Saturday?

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The road traffic through the underpass beneath the Five Shar railway will be opened on the 14th of this month. Instructions on how to travel through this underpass, which is considered the largest in Ulaanbaatar city, have been introduced by the unit implementing the integrated project to reduce traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar.

The double underpass, which is 10.2 meters wide, will be fully operational in October. It's expected that this will reduce traffic congestion by 8-16% not only in Songinokhairkhan district but also in the surroundings of Yarmag.

  • Traffic from the Avenue of Friendship towards Five Shar will pass over the underpass without intersecting with the main road in front of the railway.
  • The two-way road traffic from the Tolchoo main road towards Five Shar will intersect at different levels. It will pass through this underpass without crossing the railway tracks.
  • Traffic from the Road of Friendship towards Five Shar will pass over the underpass from the north side of the railway.
  • Some left-turn traffic will be regulated by new return loops constructed on the Tolchoo road and the Five Shar return loop.

Four-Lane, Two-Way 1.5 km Road to be Built Towards Nükhtiin Am

Published: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

A four-lane, two-way 1.5 km road is being built from the Naadamchdyn Road to the direction of Nükhtiin Am in Ulaanbaatar's Khan-Uul district.

The Capital City Road Development Authority is tasked with reducing dust, watering the site daily, regularly inspecting and monitoring the construction area, and identifying which entity owns the land filled with construction soil, aiming for that entity to clear the site.

The base paving of this road is scheduled to be completed by October 10, and the surface paving is expected to be finished by the 20th of the following month. Additionally, after installing rainwater drainage systems and aligning the side roads with surface paving, a one-meter-wide pedestrian path is planned to be constructed and handed over by November 20.

A 21 MW Solar Power Plant Contributing to Energy Independence Laid in Bayanchandmani Sum

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The groundbreaking ceremony for a 21 MW solar power plant, which will contribute to energy independence in the territory of Bayanchandmani Sum, Tuv Province, was held recently. This project is being implemented in collaboration with BAFS Clean Energy Corporation Co., Ltd and Solar Energy Chandmani LLC. The plant spans a total area of 55 hectares and has the capacity to produce 37 million kWh of electricity annually.

Moreover, it is expected to supply power to 20,000 households, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 32,000 tons, and cut greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 22,000 tons per year.

"With vast potential in the renewable energy sector, Mongolia is a great collaborator," said M.L. Nathasit Diskul, CEO of BAFS Clean Energy Corporation Co., Ltd, during the groundbreaking ceremony. He highlighted that this solar energy project symbolizes the efforts not only in energy infrastructure but also serves as a testament to the commitment towards sustainable development, clean and green future in partnership between Mongolia and Thailand. The project presents opportunities for job creation and technological advancement, contributing to Mongolia’s energy independence.

L. Javkhlan, CEO of BAFS Clean Energy Corporation Co., Ltd, clarified more about the project, stating that construction will progress through multiple phases with initial activities like flood walls and management building foundations commencing this month, leading to main construction works starting in spring next year. The project, funded entirely by Thai investment, underscores significant contribution to resolving peak load challenges in Mongolia’s energy sector.

The project is uniquely characterized by the integration of solar power with battery storage, supporting the creation of over 100 jobs during the construction phase, and employment opportunities for Bayanchandmani residents post-completion.

VIDEO: Instruction for Vehicles Passing Through the New Underpass of Tavan Shar Railway Scheduled to Open on September 14

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The traffic through the underpass of Tavan Shar railway, located in the Songinokhairkhan district, is scheduled to open on September 14. The entire 10.2-meter wide dual tunnel will be operational by October. It is anticipated that this development will reduce traffic congestion in not only Songinokhairkhan district but also the surrounding areas, such as Yarmag, by 8-16%.

To watch the video on how vehicles will pass through the underpass, click HERE.

Key instructions include:

  • Traffic from the Friendship Street towards Tavan Shar will pass south of the railway and avoid crossing the main road by using the overpass.
  • Traffic from the 22nd Junction to Tavan Shar, consisting of two lanes, will cross at different levels without passing through the railway and will use the underpass.
  • Vehicles from Peace Avenue towards Tavan Shar will pass north of the railway and use the overpass.
  • Some left-turn movements will be managed with a newly made U-turn on the junction road and Tavan Shar U-turn, as introduced by the Urban Traffic Reduction Project Unit of Ulaanbaatar City.

Warning: Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social, and Websites) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using this information in any form, either fully or partially.

B.Odbayar: A Misunderstanding or Traffic Congestion is Occurring Due to the Excessively Wide Design of Intersections

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A total of 87 roads are being refurbished this year with investments from the state and the capital city's budgets. Of these, road repairs and refurbishments have been completed at 27 locations. The updated roads were funded by the Treasury.

Across the city, financial resources for road refurbishments at 87 locations were divided as follows: five projects with state budget funds, 17 with the set capital city's road fund, and 65 projects with municipal securities.

Major roads of the Great Ring Road are undergoing renewal.

Of the 17 road repairs implemented with the capital city's road fund, 15 have been completed. The 15th project, which stretches from the Bayangol roundabout to the Duluun Lake junction, has been completed, and traffic was opened yesterday.

Currently, road repairs are underway with the fund's resources on Revolutionary Street, from Zuuragta to Bayankhoshuu, and from Khailaast's 129th school to Galdan Boshigt Street.

Road Development Authority organized the implementation of 29 projects with securities funding. Tender documents for updating Peace Avenue are being prepared again. Renewal works at four locations have been transferred to Ulaanbaatar's road repair and maintenance department. Others are in the contract signing stage.

Because the Ministry of Road and Transport has declared urban road construction without adequate calculations regarding local traffic quality and direction, estimates concerning how many lanes an intersection should have and other related factors are absent. This has led to misunderstandings or traffic congestion as intersections have been planned too widely. The intersections are being redesigned.

The street, road, and planning standards of urban areas were approved by the Ministry of Road and Transport's Science and Technology Council in 2022, but remained unapproved by the Minister of Construction. If this planning is approved, road renovation and intersection calculations will be carried out according to new standards and rules, according to B.Odbayar, head of the Capital City Road Development Authority.

Some roads in the capital city have been rushed and paved quickly, so there is a need to inspect the quality of work done with taxpayers' money.

The Delay in the 10th District's Heating Pipeline Renovation Due to a Company's Irresponsibility

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The renovation of the heating pipeline in the 10th district has been delayed due to the irresponsibility of one company.

According to the Public Relations and Communication Department of the Ulaanbaatar City Mayor's Office, the renovation of the heating pipeline in the 10th district, which started on July 15, 2024, was progressing with five of the six companies that won the tender achieving 70-100% completion. However, due to the irresponsibility of one company, the work has been delayed, and it is not possible to proceed with the planned paving. An agreement was reached with representatives of the other companies to allocate additional resources and complete the extension and renovation of the heating pipeline by the contracted deadline of the 15th of this month.

Ulaanbaatar's General Manager and Head of the Mayor's Office Ts. Turhuu stated, "By September 15, we will fill in the excavated pits on the 11th district heating pipeline in the 10th district. After that, the Civil Engineering Department of the City will carry out the landscaping of pedestrian and vehicle roads. Initially, the companies that renovated the heating line were supposed to do the landscaping.

Government agencies should select competent companies in tenders. Incompetent companies are unable to do the work and are looking for material funding. As a result, citizens are facing inconvenience and frustration. The residents in the pipeline renovation area have been without hot water for two months. We apologize.

On the other hand, to ensure quality renewal of the pipeline, the contractor should not be overly pressured. Poor quality work could lead to failures in winter. The city's investment department will monitor the pipeline renovation."

As soon as the heating pipeline renovation is completed, the City Road Development Authority will carry out the construction of a 1.6 km road between Sapporo and the 25th pharmacy.

In Ulaanbaatar, there is a total of over 390 km of heating pipeline network, most of which has been in service for 30-60 years. The 11th district main pipeline was put into operation in 1984.

Media outlets (TV, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in whole or in part.

Chingeltei District's 5th School Operates in Three Shifts

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Ministry of Education terminated the contract with the construction company responsible for expanding the school with 640 seats, as they failed to complete the building within five years. In August, the contract was canceled, and other measures were taken to put the building into operation by September.

Minister of Education P. Naranbayar and advisor D. Gantulga, along with the working group's members, met with the principals of public secondary schools in Baganuur, Bagakhangai, Nalaikh, and Chingeltei districts.

During the meeting, they discussed the policies being implemented in the education sector and future plans, as well as exchanging suggestions, requests, and discussing major issues.

  • In Baganuur district, there are 7352 children studying in 3 public and 1 private secondary schools.
  • In Bagakhangai district, 833 children are studying in 1 public secondary school.
  • In Nalaikh district, there are 12,300 children in 6 public and 3 private secondary schools.
  • In Chingeltei district, more than 30,000 children are attending 19 public and 7 private secondary schools.

In Baganuur and Bagakhangai districts, the population is sparse, so the schools are operating normally, though the principals mentioned the buildings are aging and failing to meet standards. In Nalaikh district, the influx of a population from eastern provinces is increasing the number of students, according to district Education Department head B. Enkh-Uchral.

In Chingeltei district, the 5th school is operating in three shifts. The construction work is 99% complete and is ready to accept students within the planned timeframe.

Source: Ministry of Education

A Four-Lane Two-Way Road is Being Constructed to Nukhitiin Am Using Ulaanbaatar Bonds

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

With funding from Ulaanbaatar bonds, the construction of a four-lane, two-way, 1.5 km road from Naadamchdiin road to Nukhitiin Am has commenced in the 4th Khoroo of Khan-Uul District. The construction is being executed by Borkhoyn Zam LLC, funded by the bonds issued by the city.

The chief engineer of Borkhoyn Zam LLC, G. Arakha, mentioned that the road is a main route frequented by citizens, and construction will involve closing each lane to lay the asphalt. According to the schedule, the road's foundational layer is planned to be completed by October 10, and the top surface layer by October 20.

After installing rainwater drainage pipes and completing the road shoulder adjacent to the road with the surface covering, a one-meter-wide sidewalk will be installed, and it is expected to conclude by November 20.

During the construction period, there has been a lot of dust, but it is expected to reduce once the base layer is laid.

This year, it was reported by an official that Ulaanbaatar City is implementing 65 projects in the road sector using funds from ₮500 billion worth of bonds.

Note: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Websites) must cite the source (ikon.mn) if they use our information in any form, either fully or partially.

Renewal of the Heating Main Line from Sapporo to the 25th Pharmacy Will Be Completed on the 15th of This Month

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The renewal work for the heating main line from Sapporo to the 25th Pharmacy location will be completed on the 15th of this month.

There are a total of over 390 km of heating pipelines in Ulaanbaatar city. Most of these have a lifespan of 30-60 years, so the repair and renewal of heating pipeline networks are organized in stages.

For example, the Ministry of Energy and the World Bank are jointly conducting major projects to expand and renew heating pipeline networks, and repair and renewal work is being carried out at 18 locations.

As part of these projects, at the location from Sapporo to the 25th Pharmacy, the outdated heating main pipeline is being upgraded from 2F800 mm to 2F1000 mm in diameter, and expanded with a 1.6 km double pipeline.

In this location, the city's Road Development Agency will build a 1.6 km highway.

The expansion and renewal work of this heating pipeline network is planned to be completed by the date specified in the contract, which is the 15th of this month, according to the project executors.

The General Manager of Ulaanbaatar city and Head of the Mayor's Office, Ts.Törkhü, has been instructing the contractor companies daily to organize their work within the given timeframe and not to hinder each other's tasks.

Source: City Mayor's Office, Public Communication and Relations Department

Construction of 1.5 km Two-Way Road with Four Lanes in the Direction of Nükhtiin Am

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The construction work of a 1.5 km two-way road with four lanes from Naadamchdiin Road towards Nükhtiin Am in the 4th district of Khan-Uul is ongoing. L. Khosbayar, deputy mayor of the City Governor responsible for social sector, green development, and air and environmental pollution issues, worked on-site.

He emphasized that the Nükhtiin Am road is the only road for the residents in the vicinity, and instructed to lay a high-quality road according to standards without causing inconvenience to citizens.

Additionally, the contractor was tasked with placing a detailed information board next to the traffic flow showing the completion time and tasks related to the roadwork.

The City Road Development Department was assigned to regularly control dust suppression and watering every day, to identify the business entity that filled soil on the construction site, and to have that entity clear the area.

Regarding the progress of the roadwork, G. Arahad, chief engineer of "Borkhoin Zam" LLC, mentioned that since it is a main road for citizens, each lane will be closed to carry out the road construction work. A schedule and work plan has been prepared, with the base pavement expected to be completed on October 10 and the surface pavement by October 20.

Furthermore, after the installation of rainwater drainage pipes and the completion of the road shoulder adjacent to the main road, a one-meter-wide sidewalk is planned to be handed over by November 20.


PHOTO: Flowers Laid and Respect Paid at the Monument for the Victims

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Political Persecution is being observed today.

To mark this occasion, Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament B. Purevdorj, along with members of the Parliament, the Government, and the National Commission tasked with Rehabilitation Management, as well as children, relatives, and family of the victims, laid flowers and paid respect at the Monument for the Victims.

Since 1996, this day has been commemorated annually on September 10th, honoring the blessed memory of the victims.

This bitter history, resulting from external and internal factors, ideological extremism, and political conflict, serves as a permanent lesson for Mongolia to always uphold its independence, sovereignty, freedom, the creation of a just and lawful state, and the protection of peace.

General Police Department: No Type of Certificate, Visa, or ID is Issued by Individuals

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In recent years, there has been an increase in the registration of fraud crimes related to the growing interest of citizens in traveling, studying, and living abroad, according to the General Police Department.

Citizens are becoming victims of this type of crime by placing their property as collateral, borrowing money, or seeking help from others, believing in advertisements that claim "Visa will be reliably issued."

Specifically, a resident of Ulaanbaatar, identified as U, has been exposed by the police for defrauding over 170 people by claiming “there is someone who can issue a visa to South Korea, transfer four million tugriks as a deposit and the visa will be reliably issued.” The police are continuing their investigation into this matter.

Therefore, citizens are warned to carefully verify and scrutinize before taking any actions to prevent being defrauded, thus losing financially and wasting time.

The police department warns that no type of certificate, visa, or ID is issued by individuals.

EVENT: Commemoration Ceremony for the Victims

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

At the UN building, from 9:00 to 12:00, a meeting of stakeholders on introducing science, technology, and innovation for the sustainable development of Mongolia will be held.

At the library of the National University of Mongolia, room 502, at 9:30, a scientific conference on the funeral rituals of Mongolians: tradition, modern trends will be organized.

At the Memorial, at 10:00, a commemoration ceremony for the victims will take place. The three highest authorities of the state and the leaders of the Democratic Party will lay flowers.

At Vista Office, 2nd floor, at 10:30, the "2024 First Half-Year Overview of the Banking Sector" research will be presented. During this event, information on the banking sector indicators, macroeconomic conditions, green financing, and current topics will be provided.

At the State Palace, at 11:00, the Secretary-General of the State Great Khural, B. Baasandorj, and Deputy Speakers will give a briefing.

At the National Information Center, at 11:00, the Mongolian Road Association and the Young Road Workers Association will provide information about the "Asphalt Mafia." At 11:30, the Victims' Association will provide information about the century's fraud involving government officials.

At Gandantegchinlen Monastery, from 11:40 to 13:40, all monasteries will hold simultaneous prayer sessions in honor of the Victims' Day.

At the Mongolian Football Federation field, at 16:00, a return match between Mongolia and East Timor will take place.

WARNING: Over 170 People Have Been Scammed by Ads Offering Reliable Visa Services for South Korea

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In recent years, there has been an increase in fraudulent activities as more people are interested in traveling, studying, and living abroad. People are often tricked into becoming victims of such crimes, trusting ads that claim "Reliable Visa Services." They frequently end up pawning their properties, borrowing money, or seeking help to travel abroad.

Specifically, a resident of Ulaanbaatar has been accused of defrauding over 170 individuals by claiming to offer visa services for South Korea, requiring a down payment of 4 million MNT. The police uncovered this fraud scheme and are continuing their investigation.

Therefore, citizens are advised to verify carefully before taking any action to avoid financial and time losses due to deception. Authorities have reiterated that individuals cannot issue any form of certificate, visa, or license.


Discussed the Construction of a Gas Incineration Facility at the Naran Camp Landfill

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Deputy Mayor for Social Sector, Green Development, and Air and Environmental Pollution, L. Khosebayar, met with Republic of Korea's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Mongolia, Choi Jin-Won. They discussed the global issue of recycling waste and reducing methane emissions from landfills.

As of today, there are three centralized landfills in the capital. A total of 11.4% of waste is recycled, while 88.6% is buried and disposed of. Therefore, the parties discussed a project to construct a gas incineration facility as an advanced method of waste disposal, rather than the traditional method of burial.

Regarding the project, South Korean Ambassador Choi stated, "Globally, two types of waste disposal methods are commonly used: burial and incineration. The burial method releases a lot of methane gas, which negatively impacts the global climate. We believe that by incinerating the emitted methane gas, we can reduce greenhouse gases."

Deputy Mayor L. Khosebayar emphasized that waste processing is a crucial part of city management and environmental protection, and it is also tied to the vital interests of the public. He expressed a desire to study good practices from other countries and collaborate in this field.

The Naran Camp landfill, which is being discussed for the project, was established in 2009 with funding from a Japanese company. It is a basic landfill without a leachate treatment system or membrane cover.

This centralized landfill primarily receives waste from Baganuur, Bagakhangai, Bayangol, Songinokhairkhan, and Chingeltei districts. The average amount of waste received daily is about 2348 tons, accounting for approximately 62% of all waste generated in Ulaanbaatar.

Source: City Governor's Office, MONKHH

Choi Jin Won: The landfill method of waste disposal emits a high amount of methane gas, which negatively impacts the global climate

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Currently, there are three centralized landfills in the capital. Of the total waste, 11.4% is recycled while 88.6% is buried and disposed of. Therefore, during a meeting, Choi Jin Won, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Mongolia, and L. Khosbayar, Deputy Mayor in charge of social sector, green development, and air and environmental pollution issues of Ulaanbaatar, discussed a project to build a gas incineration plant using more advanced technology instead of the traditional landfill method.

Ambassador Choi Jin Won stated, "Around the world, two main methods are commonly used to process and dispose of waste: landfilling and incineration. The landfill method emits a significant amount of methane gas, which adversely affects the global climate. On the contrary, we believe that by incinerating the emitted methane gas, we can reduce greenhouse gases."

Deputy Mayor L. Khosbayar emphasized that waste processing is a critical part of city management and environmental protection, directly linked to the vital interests of citizens. He expressed the intent to study and collaborate with foreign countries' good practices in this area.

The landfill at Narangiin Enger, discussed for the gas incineration plant project, was established in 2009 with funding from a Japanese company. It is a simple landfill without a leachate treatment system or membrane cover. This centralized landfill primarily receives waste from the districts of Baganuur, Bagakhangai, Bayangol, Songinokhairkhan, and Chingeltei. The average amount of waste received daily is 2,348 tons, accounting for about 62% of the total waste generated in Ulaanbaatar city.

Source: Public Relations and Communications Department of the Capital City Governor's Office

SOUTH GOBI: Increased Saxaul Forests by Ten Thousand

Published: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

In 2024, South Gobi province aims to plant over 500,000 trees as part of the national "Billion Trees" program.

In this initiative, they are collaborating with mining companies. Together with "Energy Resource" company, which operates in Tsogttsetsii soum of South Gobi province, they have planted 10,000 saxaul trees in a 10-hectare area of the Tsagaan River in Bayandalai soum.

The growth rate of the saxaul forest planted in this area is over 80%.

A Floating Pond Has Been Built in the Habitat of the Reintroduced Ibex

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A floating pond has been constructed in the habitat of the reintroduced ibex. This pond has been established in the Tsagaankhairkhan section of the Khankhukhii Mountains nature reserve in Uvs Province. Specifically, the pond was built at a location inhabited by ibex, measuring 4x6 meters, according to information from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change.


For the First Time in Mongolia, DDSH Broadcasts in 4K

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

As 4K technology enters Mongolia, customers and viewers can watch sports games and broadcasts in high quality, feeling as if they are right there. Content creators can also begin preparing and delivering their movies and content in this format.

For the first time in Mongolia, DDSH, one of the leading companies in Mongolia's telecommunications sector, has fully met the technical and technological requirements to stream in 4K.

Already well-known in the market for movies, sports, and video games, 4K technology is soon to make available the viewing of top sports events. The high-definition 4K technology, with more pixels, allows for the depiction of fast-moving sports events in vivid detail.

4K imagery stands for a clearer, more detailed, high-resolution image. 4K represents a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, which is four times the resolution of Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels).

Speaking on 4K streaming, the company's Director of Technical and Technological Operations, N. Ariunbold, clarified, "From our company's side, the technology and techniques for 4K streaming are in place. 4K depends not only on the transmitter but also on the content provider and the user. Specifically, the content provider or TV station records and broadcasts their program in 4K quality, and we transmit that signal to households with the help of satellites without degrading its quality. At this point, our users will watch it on televisions and receiver devices that support 4K."

As 4K technology takes hold in Mongolia, not only will users and viewers enjoy sports games and broadcasts in high quality as if they were right there, but it also provides an opportunity for content creators to prepare and supply their movies and content in this format in the future.

G. Iderbaatar: It's Time for the Cargo Industry to Leverage Technology and Reach the Next Level

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

"Hi Cargo" LLC, over the past two years, has implemented advanced technological solutions in Mongolia's cargo service sector, offering cargo transport services in the China-Mongolia direction. The company is expanding rapidly and has become a reliable service provider with over 200,000 customers.

By introducing a comprehensive system based on modern electronic technology, customers can now monitor all processes from order to receipt in real time, saving time and making the service more fast and reliable.

Today, when Mongolian businesses and individuals order goods from the international market, finding a reliable and fast cargo facilitator is of utmost necessity. "Hi Cargo" LLC aims to take transportation service to the next level by collaborating with "Mig Insurance" LLC, ensuring all cargo is covered by 100% "International Cargo Transport Insurance" for safe transportation.

In its second year of operation with a special international postal service license, the company is expanding its logistics network to serve all 21 provinces of Mongolia.

Currently, their operations extend to major trading cities in China, such as Erenhot, Hebei, Shandong, Yiwu, and Guangzhou, with five certified warehouses to receive customer goods. They operate in 8 branches across 7 districts in Ulaanbaatar. Customers can monitor real-time images, dimensions, and weight of their shipments from the website, showcasing the technological advantages of the company.

"Hi Cargo" LLC is bringing a new era to the Mongolian cargo service industry by offering reliable, technology-based, and insured services. According to CEO G. Iderbaatar, the time has come for the cargo industry to use technology to progress to the next level.

Chinese Aviation Experts Working with INUT

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

At the invitation of the Director of INUT, the working visit of experts from China's "ROC Aviation" company to Mongolia commenced today.

The experts from "ROC Aviation", a company engaged in airport operations, are visiting from September 8-15, 2024. During this period, they will provide support in comprehensively re-planning the infrastructure and operations of the "Buyant-Ukhaa" international airport, developing a feasibility study, and improving continued usage of the "Buyant-Ukhaa" International Airport and the "Gurvansaikhan" airport in Umnugobi province. Additionally, they will analyze the usage of renewable energy and the environmental impact of airport operations to propose plans to make it a model green airport.

INUT Director E. Törbayar and members of the director's council met with representatives from "ROC Aviation". During the meeting, Director E. Törbayar introduced the activities of INUT to the experts and expressed hope for receiving valuable advice on developing the regional airports to international standards as part of the "Year of Supporting Regional Development". INUT will provide necessary information and support to collaborate in all aspects of the project.

Mr. Li Wei, Executive Director of "ROC Aviation", stated, “Our company is the only one in China that provides comprehensive services for the development of airports, including renovation, re-planning, and construction under the "One Belt, One Road" initiative. We particularly provide consultancy on creating green airports that comply with the requirements of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) without greenhouse gas emissions. We have conducted preliminary research on the "Buyant-Ukhaa" and "Gurvansaikhan" airports. During the visit, we will conduct more detailed research on-site and provide advice on future development opportunities. We look forward to a long-term, beneficial collaboration in establishing green airports.”

Following the meeting, experts from "ROC Aviation" worked at the "Buyant-Ukhaa" International Airport. The meeting was attended by the relevant unit managers from INUT.

Registration for the JDS Scholarship Program to Study at Master’s and Doctoral Levels in Japan is Ongoing

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The registration for the "Human Resource Development JDS Scholarship Program" for the year 2024 has started.

Master's Program Registration: From September 3, 2024 (Tuesday) to October 25, 2024 (Friday)

Doctoral Program Registration: From September 3, 2024 (Tuesday) to December 6, 2024 (Friday)

The JDS Scholarship Program aims to train and prepare young civil servants who contribute to social and economic development and will play an important role in the future by enrolling them in master's and doctoral-level programs at Japanese universities. The objective is for them to apply their expertise to practically solve the social and economic development challenges faced by their home country upon graduation, as well as to establish connections with Japanese people, enhancing bilateral partnerships in the future.

This program, a form of non-refundable aid, has been newly implemented since 1999 and is currently active in 19 countries dominated by Asian nations. By 2024, over 5,000 young people have studied in Japan through this program.

In Mongolia, the program started in 2001, sending 420 citizens to master’s level programs and 12 to doctoral level programs. As of now, a total of 380 have successfully graduated and are working productively in various societal fields, including central government administrative organizations and the Central Bank.

This year, 15 master's students and one doctoral student will be selected to study in English in their respective fields at Japanese universities.

For more information, please visit the website or contact the JICE JDS Project Office in Mongolia (Email: jds.mongolia@jice.org, Facebook: JDS Mongolia).


Living Without Stress is Impossible, But Learning to Relieve Stress Properly is Important

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

According to the 2023 report from the WHO, it is estimated that over 720,000 people worldwide die by suicide every year. As of 2021, suicide was the third leading cause of death among people aged 15-29. In 2019, one out of every 100 deaths was due to suicide, and globally, the suicide rate among men is twice that of women. WHO highlights that 73% of suicides occur in low and middle-income countries.

In our country, according to statistics from the Health Development Center in 2023, the number of people who died by suicide is 14.7 per 100,000 population, which is a decrease of 0.3 from the last decade’s average and 1.6 from the previous year.

Last year, statistics showed that 27.4% of those aged 20-24, or one in four young people, 20.6% of those aged 25-29, or one in five, and 23.6% of those aged 15-19, or one in four, died by suicide, highlighting an issue that requires attention from the Mongolian community, as stated by doctors from the National Center for Mental Health.

Every year, September 10th is observed worldwide as Suicide Prevention Day. This year, it is being marked globally under the slogan "Let’s Change the Conversation about Suicide. Let’s Start Talking."

Researchers have established that macroeconomic crises, poverty, unemployment, and alcoholism are social factors that increase the number of suicides.

The Center for Mental Health organized training for journalists titled “Responsible Reporting on Suicide” last Friday.

N. Altanzul, Deputy Director of the Center for Mental Health, stated that there are many societal, economic, and family reasons behind the decision to commit suicide. It is possible to prevent those who attempt suicide before they end their lives. Journalists are advised to cover news on suicide in a way that prevents the decision to commit suicide and provides access to help.

Reporting suicides without discretion can motivate others. Countries around the world operate hotlines providing information and advice for suicide prevention. Although our country lacks such a dedicated line, the Center for Mental Health offers psychological advice 24/7 at the 1800-2000 hotline. If you are in a psychological crisis or shock and don’t know what to do, you can call this number.

Reporting that someone has died by suicide, without filter, tends to increase and propagate more instances of suicide. Providing true information can inadvertently become a contributing factor to another person's death. Therefore, it is advised not to use words like "suicide" in headlines and not to describe the methods used. Do not provide detailed information such as the specific location. It is unnecessary to describe the reasons or display pictures of the location of the suicide. Excessive details can lead someone who is in a fragile state and facing similar problems to relate it to their own situation.

However, responsible reporting can play a crucial role in preventing suicide. For instance, reporting the story of how someone overcame the struggle with an attempt can be effective. It's suggested that the press provide step-by-step reports of suicide incidents as training for those struggling with similar issues.

Doctor J. Gantulga, Center for Mental Health, states there is a need to improve mental health services to reduce suicide acts. It's nearly impossible to live without stress or mental challenges. The focus should be on how to solve such challenges.

Mental health is defined as the ability of an individual to adapt to their environment, communicate, cooperate, study, work with others, and live a socially contributory life. Mental challenges or stress are physical and psychological responses to external influences. People experience stress in specific events, but everyone handles it differently. Therefore, it is impossible to be completely stress-free, and one must learn to manage and alleviate stress effectively.

Factors contributing to stress:

  • Overworking
  • Alcohol and tobacco use
  • Introverted personality traits
  • Environmental noise, unpleasant conditions
  • Interpersonal conflicts, misunderstandings
  • Moving to new conditions
  • Divorce
  • Loss of job or school
  • Illness or loss of close ones, loss of property
  • Exposure to violence
  • Accidents or disasters
  • Natural disasters
  • Pandemic
  • Poverty, etc.

Symptoms of stress:

  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations, chest pain, high blood pressure
  • Sleep disorders
  • Decreased appetite and sexual desire, or embarrassment
  • Muscle tension /back, arm, and leg pain/
  • Fatigue easily
  • Feeling hot or cold in different parts of the body
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Emotional symptoms including fear, humiliation
  • Anxiety, crying spells, guilt, remorse
  • Blaming oneself or others
  • Depression

Ways to relieve stress:

  • Acknowledge and understand that you are stressed
  • Talk about troubling issues with close ones and share your feelings
  • Focus and meditate /Six minutes of meditation a day equates to two hours of sleep/
  • Sleep and rest adequately at regular times
  • Set 1-2 quality goals a year and focus on achieving them
  • Do breathing exercises
  • Keep a journal - If there is no one to talk to, write down your emotions and dispose of them afterward
  • Create a schedule and implement it in your work-life balance
  • Practice calming breathing exercises
  • Exercise regularly
  • Do things you enjoy and learn new things
  • Talk to a psychologist
  • Contact the Center for Mental Health's 24-hour hotline at 18002000 for professional advice.


Paralympic Gold, Silver, Bronze Medalist Athlete E. Sodnompiljee Returns Home

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Hero of Labor, Honored Athlete E. Sodnompiljee, who won a silver medal in the powerlifting category at the 17th Summer Paralympic Games held in Paris, France, returned to his homeland today. He landed at 07:30 am, accompanied by his coach D. Battulga.

He became Mongolia’s first athlete with a complete set of Paralympic medals, winning a bronze at “Rio-2016”, a gold at “Tokyo-2020”, and a silver at “Paris-2024”. Along with him, the Mongolian team athletes who competed in archery, swimming, and judo have also arrived.

PHOTO: The Mongolian National Team Defeated East Timor but Failed to Qualify for the Preliminary Round of the Asian Cup

Published: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Mongolian national football team played their return match against East Timor today on their home ground in the quest for a spot in the preliminary round of the 2027 Asian Cup.

Our national team played their first match against East Timor in Indonesia, where they lost 4:1. Therefore, today's match required them to win by a margin of four goals over their opponents.

However, the Mongolian national football team won with a score of 2:0. Consequently, with the combined results of both matches (East Timor 4:3 Mongolia), East Timor's national team has secured the right to participate in the preliminary round of the 2027 Asian Cup.