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Mongolia News Summary for September 08, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for September 08, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories










The Case of Arkhangai's Officials to be Discussed

Published: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court will review the case related to B. Ölziiybayar, Ts. Munkhnasan, and T. Batsukh next Monday, based on the complaint filed by the accused T. Batsukh against the decision made by the 162nd judge of the Criminal Court of First Instance of Khan-Uul District on January 11, 2024, and the ruling No. 511 of May 1, 2024, by the City Criminal Court of Appeals.

To introduce the case, former Chairman of the Arkhangai Provincial Citizens' Representatives’ Khural B. Ölziiybayar issued a false resolution on April 18, 2018, stating that "a discussion was held about acquiring land for local special needs" even though the Khural did not convene. Subsequently, the provincial governor Ts. Munkhnasan, fully aware that the meeting did not take place, submitted this fake resolution to the Mineral Resources Authority on April 19, leading to the conclusion that a 4.75-hectare area in the Tsenkher Sum, known as Shoron Valley, could be exploited by small mines. Based on that conclusion, a five-year contract was made with the partnership "Tungalag Tamir Ar" to exploit the land through small-scale mining. The Prosecutor's General Office charged them as defendants under Section 22.1-3 of the Criminal Code.

In addition, former Governor and Khural representative Ts. Munkhnasan was involved in a case where he assaulted T. Batsukh, Director of the Institute of Animal Husbandry Research of the Mongolia University of Life Sciences, causing moderate injury, which gained public attention in those years. The case also included accusations against T. Batsukh for embezzling the institute's budget funds by abusing his official position, which was to be resolved as well.

Vice Speaker of the State Great Khural B. Purevdorj Meets with Members of the French Senate

Published: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Vice Speaker of the State Great Khural and Chairman of the Mongolia-France Parliamentary Group B. Purevdorj met with a delegation led by Philippe Mouet, head of the France-Mongolia Friendship Group in the French Senate.

At the beginning of the meeting, Vice Speaker B. Purevdorj welcomed the guests to Mongolia and expressed his pleasure that they were the first visitors following the parliamentary elections. He noted that the regular ninth parliamentary election of Mongolia was successfully conducted last June, resulting in the establishment of a parliament with 126 members as per the amendments made to the Constitution for the first time. The new parliament represents five political parties and has formed a coalition government participated by three parties.

He emphasized the increase in female representation in the parliament to 25% as a result of the measures implemented to ensure gender equality. The extraordinary session of the State Great Khural recently convened and passed several important legal laws, including approving the "Government's Action Plan for 2024-2028" to create conditions for major projects and programs. He mentioned that Mongolia considers the French Republic as its third neighbor and a close and trusted partner in Europe.

Next year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The parties agreed that the relations and cooperation between the two countries have been actively developing in all sectors in recent years. The members highlighted the importance of deepening the relations between the two countries and enhancing mutual economic and investment cooperation to further the development and progress of both nations.

Philippe Mouet, the head of the France-Mongolia Friendship Group in the French Senate, expressed gratitude to Vice Speaker B. Purevdorj for the warm reception and congratulated him on his re-election to the State Great Khural and his appointment as the vice speaker and chairman of the Mongolia-France Parliamentary Group. He remarked that the France-Mongolia Friendship Group in the French Senate, established in 1992, continuously contributes to the development of inter-parliamentary relations and cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries. He informed that the France-Mongolia Friendship Group in the Senate operates actively with 20-30 members and noted that following the Senate elections last year, the group was re-established with 28 members.

He expressed confidence that the current visit will boost the relations and partnerships, particularly the inter-parliamentary relations between the two nations. The intention is to accelerate collaboration in priority sectors and turn it into practical cooperation. Philippe Mouet also extended an invitation for members from the Mongolia-France Parliamentary Group in the State Great Khural to visit France at a mutually convenient time.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the implementation of the agreements made during the reciprocal visits of the heads of state of the two countries and exchanged views on expanding the scope of Mongolia-France relations. They mutually agreed on the important role played by the cooperation and leadership of the parliamentary friendship groups of the two countries in elevating the ties based on joint efforts, mutual trust, and common values to a new level.

From the Mongolian side, the meeting was attended by O. Nominchimeg, MP and Vice Chairman of the Mongolia-France Parliamentary Group, and G. Temuulen, MP and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Security and Foreign Policy and member of the Mongolia-France Parliamentary Group. From the French side, it was attended by Giselle Jourda, Deputy Head of the France-Mongolia Friendship Group in the Senate, Martin Berte, Deputy Head of the France-Mongolia Friendship Group in the Senate, Étienne Blanc, member of the France-Mongolia Friendship Group in the Senate, and other officials as reported by the press department of the State Great Khural.

A Gathering of Leaders of State Military and Law Enforcement Agencies is Taking Place

Published: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Under the patronage of the President of Mongolia, an assembly titled "A Gathering of Leaders of State Military and Law Enforcement Agencies" is being held at the International Children's Complex in Naadam Valley.

President of Mongolia and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Ukhnaa Khurelsukh, wished success to the generals, officers, and delegates participating in the event. He noted that leaders are a fundamental force of state military and law enforcement agencies, fulfilling their duties for the security of the nation, state, and people with honor. He urged them to remain loyal to their oath, uphold the prestige of state special services, lead by example, and contribute to strengthening a professional and capable state special service.

Over 1,000 leaders representing more than 20,000 leaders are participating in the "A Gathering of Leaders of State Military and Law Enforcement Agencies." Additionally, 111 leaders of the motorized unit of the Armed Forces participating in the UN peacekeeping operations in the Republic of South Sudan joined virtually. The delegates shared and discussed the results of the work done in preparation for the gathering and presentations on "The Development and Leadership of Leaders of State Military and Law Enforcement Agencies."

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces declared 2023 as the "Year of Leadership of Young Officers" and this year as the "Year of Leaders of State Military and Law Enforcement Agencies." The work done as part of this has doubled compared to previous years. Over the past three years, the legal environment for state military and law enforcement agencies and the social security of service members have improved significantly through legal amendments.

However, several pressing issues remain unresolved, which were addressed by the President and Commander-in-Chief, instructing the relevant ministers and officials on necessary measures. Highlighting the fact that 28% of leaders live in rented accommodation or with relatives, and the provision of official housing outside of the border guards is only at 7%, these matters require special attention. He stressed that leaders, on average, retire from military service at the age of 41, during their most productive years, and urged effective policies and activities to harness their knowledge, skills, and experience in transitioning to work in industry, construction, and business sectors.

The President also directed relevant ministers to research and implement salary increments for specialists in arms, technology, information technology, and cybersecurity, as well as for those with high levels of foreign language and physical fitness. He emphasized that experienced, competent leaders should not leave due to discrepancies in service conditions, leadership styles, and pay. The President personally presented awards to the best leaders.

"Best Group Selection Competition":

First Place – Armed Forces Group led by Chief Instructor N. Battumur and Senior Sergeant Kh. Ankhbayar.

Second Place – Ministry of Defense Group led by Chief Instructor M. Gansukh and Senior Sergeant O. Gantulga.

Third Place – General Executive Agency of Court Decisions Group led by Captain B. Jargalsaikhan and Senior Sergeant E. Batnyam.

"Innovative-Creative Leader" Science and Technology Best Invention Competition:

First Place – The "Smart Chip" Device by Police Sub-Lieutenant T. Naranbaatar from the Police General Authority's Patrol and Guard.

Second Place – The "Vehicle Removal Device" by Sergeant G. Usukhbayar from National Emergency Management Agency's 18th Unit.

Third Place – The "Concealed Shooting Device" by Senior Sergeant Ts. Bayarkhuu from Armed Forces' 011th Unit.

The title "Leader" has been awarded in Mongolia since 1942.


931.9 kg of Precious Metal Purchased in August

Published: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The Central Bank of Mongolia purchased 931.9 kg of precious metal in August, accumulating a total of 10.3 tons of precious metal from the beginning of the year. This represents a 1.6% decrease compared to the same period last year.

From the beginning of the year, the branch of the Central Bank of Mongolia in Darkhan-Uul province purchased 429.5 kg, and the branch in Bayankhongor province purchased 828.8 kg of precious metal.

The Central Bank of Mongolia determines the price of precious metals based on global market prices. In August, the average purchase price for gold was 267,835.69 tugrik.


Exclusive Interview: "The Third Neighbor Policy is Not Directed Against the Two Neighbors"

Published: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

"The News" agency presents highlights of exclusive interviews on the most critical issue that attracted public attention last week.

In connection with the upcoming state visit of Russia's President Vladimir Putin to Mongolia at the invitation of Mongolia's President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh, we interviewed D. Ulambayar, a professor at the Humanitarian Sciences University and a doctor of science.

- If agreements related to fuel and energy are concluded during the visit, how will the international community perceive this?

- Both countries are sovereign and have the right to independently enter into agreements on any bilateral cooperation issues. Previously, no agreements or treaties between Mongolia and Russia have included language that harms or targets the interests of third parties, nor is there any legal possibility to do so. It is noteworthy that there is always a concern about the fate of Mongolia's "third neighbor" policy whenever discussions about relations with the two neighbors arise.

If Mongolia retreats from democracy, good governance, human rights, and free press principles, the "third neighbor" policy will face significant challenges.

Mongolia abstained from voting on six UN General Assembly resolutions condemning Russia's aggression against Ukraine during 2022-2023. Abstaining in the vote represents a demonstration of an active foreign policy. Some countries did not participate in the votes, which is akin to absenteeism. An abstention represents a "neutral position."

Read the full interview HERE.

An interview with T. Battsogt, Chairman of the Capital City Democratic Party.

- The Capital City Democratic Party has decided to cooperate with the New Party in the upcoming elections. Why was this decision made?

- The State Great Khural elections were held in June, and we analyzed how the vote proceeded. Since 2016, the ruling MPP only received around 30% of the votes in the city. Yet they govern alone. Around 70% support democratic ideals. Therefore, democratic parties need to unite, respecting each party's rules, to maximize this 70% who desire development valuing human rights.

Read the full interview HERE.

Senior Specialist N. Narantsetseg from the National Registration and Statistics Office reviews the voter registration and movement for the 2024 local elections.

- What’s different in this year’s voter registration list displayed in the online database compared to the National Parliament 2024 elections?

- According to the law, voter lists for the provincial, capital, district, and city representatives' council elections were displayed online as of July 13, 2024. Voter identity details remain consistent across elections.

Read the full interview HERE.

The 36th National Book Festival will be held at the central square on September 13-15. We interviewed B. Suvda, the founder of the "Book's Cultural World" NGO and the fair's organizer.

- Next week marks the annual anticipated "Book Fair." What makes this year's event special?

- This year's fair is under the patronage of the President to encourage reading among youth. Unlike international fairs, we celebrate literature in our central square for three days, aiming to highlight our dedication to books. This year, we have a program focused on men.

Read the full interview HERE.

Mongolian athlete E. Nomindari won a silver medal at the IFBB World Championship in Ecuador. Originally from Altai, Khovd, she now lives in Sydney, Australia, and represented Australia in the championship due to her involvement with their bodybuilding association.

- Congratulations on winning a silver medal at the IFBB World Championship. How long have you been in Mongolia, and can you share some tales from your recent trip?

- I returned two weeks ago but will soon head back to Australia. Despite being Mongolian, the Australian bodybuilding association invited me to represent them internationally, given my past achievements with them.

Read the full interview HERE.


Started the Construction of a 50 MW Battery Storage Station

Published: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The Deputy Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, N. Manduul, and the authorized representative of "Envision Energy" LLC, J. Chen, signed a contract today to execute the construction of a battery storage station.

To prepare for the winter of 2024-2025 in Ulaanbaatar, prevent shortages in electricity and heat energy, and ensure uninterrupted power supply to consumers, an international open tender was announced on June 26 to select a company to build an energy storage station in Baganuur district. "Envision Energy" LLC was selected as the contractor for this international tender.

The Mayor of Ulaanbaatar and City Governor, Kh. Nyambaatar said, "For the first time, Ulaanbaatar sold bonds worth 500 billion MNT in the domestic capital market, investing 300 billion MNT in the Boorojuutiin power plant. This will enable the operation of the first block with a capacity of 150 MW next month. Today's contract with 'Envision Energy' marks the start of the construction of a 50 MW Battery Storage Station, which will be operational by November 30. With the activation of the first block of Boorolzhut and the Battery Station, we can restore the energy shortfall in Ulaanbaatar."

The Battery Storage Station will be built on a 5-hectare plot northwest of the "Baganuur" electricity distribution substation in the 1st district of Baganuur. The station will have a capacity of 50 MW and a capacity of 200 MWh, operating at a frequency of 50 Hz with three phases, and will be connected to the Baganuur distribution substation of 220/110/35 kV.

The battery storage station is related to frequency regulation of the central energy system, easing peak winter loads, addressing power deficits from renewable sources that are environmentally friendly, cutting greenhouse gas emissions, and restoring the system.

The Road to the Junction Will Be Partially Closed Until 8:00 on September 10

Published: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

As part of the work on the Tavanshar underpass in the 20th district of Songino Khairkhan, the road to the junction will be partially closed, and the main road of the underpass will be connected to the junction road.

Therefore, starting from 23:00 yesterday, the road will be closed until 8:00 on the 10th of this month. The closure will be used for earthworks, drainage systems for rainwater, road paving, road barricades, and markings as announced by the City Governor's Office.

Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) must specify the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, whether completely or in part.

The Top 10 Construction Companies and Organizations Selected

Published: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

To commemorate the 98th anniversary of the development of the construction sector in our country, an open-day event called "Constructor's Day-2024" was organized at the Constructor's Square, where the best companies and organizations of the sector were selected for the year.

The top 10 construction organizations of 2024:

  1. The best construction contractor, "Max Urgoo" LLC, with more than three hundred employees, has implemented over 30 projects in mining, agriculture, and other fields over 18 years.
  2. The best construction contractor, "New Tour" LLC, has been operating in the construction sector since 1998.
  3. The best construction materials manufacturer, "Monkh-Od Tsatzral" LLC, operates in Darkhan-Uul province, producing 11 types of goods and materials.
  4. The best construction materials manufacturer, "Monkh's Light Window" LLC, is producing import-substituting products.
  5. "Sky Line," specializing in urban planning documents and construction designs, has implemented over 600 projects.
  6. The best urban planning and construction design company, ""Tatakh Khuch" company," has successfully implemented over 100 projects.
  7. "Wizard Express Consulting," specializing in lifting equipment installation and maintenance, has assembled and repaired over 100 lifting devices and trained more than 5,000 specialists.
  8. The best public utility company, "Ilchleg Shivee," provides heat, clean water, and sewage services to 1,200 consumers.
  9. The best public utility company, "KSIMS" LLC, operates by supplying and regulating heat, providing clean water, and offering sanitation services, serving 3,200 households from 86 enterprises.
  10. "NB" company, specializing in labor safety and hygiene, employs over 850 people and has constructed the underground facilities for the Oyu Tolgoi mine.

During the open-day event organized by the Ministry of Urban Development, Construction and Housing, and the "Construction Development Center" State-Owned Enterprise, government and non-government organizations also presented their activities and provided one-stop services.

Voting on Even-Odd Driving to End Tomorrow

Published: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

A survey is being conducted on the official website of the Capital City Governor's Office, www.ulaanbaatar.mn, regarding the implementation of even-odd restrictions on road traffic. This survey will be collected until the end of this week, which means until tomorrow.

Currently, the majority of citizens who have voted are expressing that they do not support the measure, while a small percentage are in favor of it.

The Standard for Curbs Expected to Change on Monday

Published: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

This year, over 60 locations in the capital are undergoing road repairs and renovations. In doing so, the curbs are being updated according to the requirements of the current standards. However, the public has criticized the decision to replace the curbs instead of fixing the roads.

The mayor stated that all roads in the locations where curbs are being replaced will be repaired. Replacing the curbs indicates that the road section will be repaired. "If there remains a section where the curbs have been replaced but not the road, I will resign," he said. Furthermore, he noted that the standard approved by the Minister of Construction, City Development, and Transportation requires that road curbs be more than 15 cm high, from the traffic lane level. We will change this standard. Once the current curb replacement work is finished, we won't replace any curbs next year and will focus on road repairs instead. Meanwhile, businesses engaged in road repair will not discard the old curbs but will sort and reuse those that can be reused. The Minister of Construction and City Development decided to change the curb standard on Monday and cancel the current regulation.


The Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals Highlighted with a 9% Progress

Published: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The United Nations will organize a "High-Level Meeting on Future Issues" in New York on September 22-23. Ahead of this meeting, the Ministry of Economy and Development and the UN in Mongolia jointly organized a national discussion on "Sustainable Development Goals" today.

UN Resident Coordinator Tapan Mishra highlighted during the event that "Mongolia recently organized the World Women's Summit. UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed participated in this summit. She informed that the global implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals is averaging 15%. However, we should have achieved the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. This means we only have six years left. This statistic shows that there are many tasks left to accomplish during the remaining period.

Globally, the pandemic has affected everyone, geopolitical wars are occurring, and the conditions are worsening due to climate change, which can be reasons to excuse our inadequacies. Nonetheless, we must acknowledge that we are not significantly advancing in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. In this context, Mongolia is performing relatively well. From the voluntary national report submitted by Mongolia to the UN, we can confidently state that Mongolia is performing above the global average."

Director of the Development Policy and Planning Division, Ministry of Economy and Development, L. Balchinluvsan said, "Last year, our country presented its second voluntary national report at the UN high-level meeting. Compared to last year, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals progressed by 9%. It was 27.6% in 2023, and this year it stands at 36.9%." Participants in the discussion sought solutions on how to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals within the framework of the main topics to be discussed at the "High-Level Meeting on Future Issues."

In short, this discussion was organized to convey the voices of the public and stakeholders in the report that Mongolia will present at the UN high-level meeting.

Inspection to be Conducted on Grocery Stores and Stalls Near Schools and Kindergartens

Published: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

According to the directive issued by the Sectoral Inspection Departments of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry, preventive inspections will be carried out in preparation for the 2024-2025 academic year at all levels of educational institutions. Consequently, the Food and Agriculture Department of the Capital City has been conducting inspections since September 3 to ensure food safety and prevent potential risks at places preparing meals and food for school and kindergarten children.

As of today, 18 schools and kindergartens have been included in the inspection. Violations were found in two kindergartens, such as insufficient kitchen equipment and tools, and the absence of comprehensive details about ingredients, calories, nutritional quality, and processing technology in their cooking process documentation. These facilities have been issued official requirements to address these issues with a deadline.

Moreover, based on the Capital City Governor's Decree No. A/1022 from 2024 and the Governor's instructions, the Food and Agriculture Department of the Capital City will conduct unscheduled inspections starting from September 4 for a period of 10 working days.

Inspections are being carried out at: - Shaded and open-air food trade, mobile and outdoor quick-service outlets, - Seasonal vegetable sale points, - Grocery stores and stalls operating near general education schools, kindergartens, and in ger districts, - Ice cream production sites, and small and artisanal packaged food production facilities.

The State Civil Service's Special Exam Will Take Place on the 10th of This Month

Published: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

A notice regarding a special exam to fill 40 vacant managerial and executive positions in various state agencies, as requested by the district governor's office and some agencies under the city governor's jurisdiction, has been submitted to the State Civil Service Council.

The registration for the selection process began on the 16th of last month at 9:00 AM and concluded on the 29th of this month at 5:00 PM. It was announced that 31 officials and citizens applied for the exam to fill 23 vacant positions.

A commission established by the Capital City Branch Council of the State Civil Service Council convened to review and verify the registration of 15 citizens for 14 vacant executive positions, and 4 officials and citizens for 4 vacant managerial positions. Based on the verification, 19 officials and citizens will take the special exam as scheduled by the State Civil Service Council.

The exam will commence at 9:00 AM on September 10 at the local administration complex in Yarmag.

State Honors, Medals, and Awards Presented on the Occasion of the 90th Anniversary of Mongolian Radio

Published: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Mongolian Radio, the President of Mongolia, U. Khurelsukh, issued a decree awarding state honors, orders, and medals to the following artists who have made valuable contributions to the development of the media sector and achieved outstanding success in their work.

Honorary Title of Distinguished Cultural Worker:

The veteran employee of the Mongolian National Public Radio and Television, journalist of television and radio, Ts. Sukhbaatar.

Honorary Title of Art Proponent:

The veteran employee of the Mongolian National Public Radio and Television, Ragchaagiin Ganbaatar.

Honorary Title of Outstanding Communicator:

Advisor engineer of the Mongolian National Public Radio and Television, Chuluuny Tsagaan.

Order of Sukhbaatar:

The veteran employee of the Mongolian Public Radio, Distinguished Cultural Honoree, Tovuujiin Byambadorj.

Order of the Red Banner of Labor Merit:

The veteran employee of the Mongolian Public Radio, Regzen Chuluuntsetseg, the engineer of the Technical Center of the Mongolian National Public Radio and Television, Myagmarsuuren Mandakhnar.

Order of the Polar Star:

Engineer of the radio technical department of the Technical Center of the Mongolian National Public Radio and Television, Purevdorj Zolzaya, Engineer of the radio technical department of the Technical Center of the Mongolian National Public Radio and Television, Baldorj Munkhtuya, Senior Editor of the Mongolian Public Radio, Shagjav Odontsetseg, Manager of the Golden Treasury of the Mongolian National Public Radio and Television, Lundaa Kherlentul, Editor of the "Voice of Mongolia" radio, Nyam-Ochir Baasanjav, Senior Editor of the Russian Language Editorial of the "Voice of Mongolia" radio, Dorjiin Erdenebat, Engineer of the radio technical department of the Technical Center of the Mongolian National Public Radio and Television, Demberel Oyuuntungalag.

Labor Honor Medal:

Translator and editor of the Chinese Language Editorial of the "Voice of Mongolia" radio, Gunregjav Tsend-Ayush, Editor of the Mongolian Public Radio, Namkhain Khorolsuren.


Warning: Sudden Cold Expected in Mid-September

Published: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

In 2024, a total of 318.6 thousand hectares of land were cultivated across Mongolia, with 220.8 thousand hectares for wheat, 8.3 thousand hectares for potatoes, 52.9 thousand hectares for industrial plants, and 7.2 thousand hectares for vegetables. This is a 15.8% decrease in total cultivated area compared to the same period last year. Specifically, the area planted with wheat decreased by 58.5 thousand hectares, or 21%.

As the harvesting season begins, one concern for farmers is the fuel shortage. According to sector ministers, there will be no fuel shortages during this year's harvest.

According to the September forecast, the average air temperature in most agricultural areas is expected to be around the average, with precipitation likely only in the first 10 days. Therefore, a sudden cold snap and frost in mid-September could adversely affect the harvest of cultivated plants. It is necessary to continuously receive short and medium-term weather forecasts and to implement preventive and protective measures without delay.


PARIS 2024: L. Turunaa Achieves Fifth Place

Published: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

At the Paralympics taking place in Paris, France, the judo events are continuing on their third day. So far, our country has won one gold and two silver medals, ranking 53rd overall.

Last Thursday, in the women's 48 kg weight category, T. Suvd-Erden made her first-round fight, losing outright to a Brazilian athlete. She then faced the Greek athlete Masuro Emmanuella in a consolation match but was defeated.

In the women's 70 kg category, L. Turunaa competed yesterday, suffering a loss to a Swedish athlete in the first round. She continued to the consolation matches, defeating an Argentine athlete outright. Although she fought for the bronze medal against a Greek athlete, she ended up in fifth place, concluding the competition with this achievement.

Today, in the men’s 90 kg category, B. Battögs will fight an Italian athlete at 15:30, and in the +90 kg category, D. Ganbat will face a Turkish athlete at 16:00.

U.Sürenjav: Trained Every Day to Win the Olympic Gold Medal

Published: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The Mongolian Taekwondo Association paid tribute to U.Sürenjav, who won the gold medal, and G.Bolor-Erdene, who won the silver medal in the taekwondo category of the "Paris-2024" Summer Paralympic Games, along with their coaches.

The Mongolian taekwondo team, competing under the guidance of national team coaches N.Erdenebaatar and D.Batnasan, ranked fourth among the top 10 taekwondo teams at the “Paris-2024” Paralympic Games. They achieved the first success of the Mongolian taekwondo team at the Paralympic Games.

Olympic gold medalist U.Sürenjav said: "I am very happy and proud to raise my national flag under the Paris sky. I am very proud of myself after hearing that I am the first Mongolian woman athlete to win an Olympic medal. I trained every day to win the Olympic gold medal. Before stepping onto the mat, I talked with my coach and prepared my mindset well, so I was very calm. In the future, I aim to participate in the Los Angeles 2028 Olympics. I truly love taekwondo, and that passion drove me to this success.

Before stepping onto the mat, I had a very good conversation with my coach, which put me in a calm state of mind. According to the training plan prepared by the Sports Medicine Research Center, we practiced every day."

Olympic silver medalist G.Bolor-Erdene, honored athlete of Mongolia, said: "Thank you very much to the Mongolian people. I am happy and feel great after returning to my homeland. I was hopeful and confident that I would win a medal at the Paralympic Games this time. At the moment of winning the medal, the 16 years of hard work I had put in flashed before my eyes. It was wonderful to come and fulfill my dreams at the Paralympic Games. Knowing that my fellow citizens were watching and supporting me, I was in a very good psychological state. The previous day, when my younger sister U.Sürenjav won the gold medal, I was encouraged and thought it was possible to make history by winning another gold medal. So, I went out with hopes in the morning. I played a decisive match that day."

National team coach N.Erdenebaatar said: "The National Team State Committee supported us at this event, and with the support of sports psychology, nutritionists, medical control, massage therapists, and training planning groups, we achieved this success. The support team worked closely together. Even during the Olympics, if our training environment and facilities remain in one place, many champions can emerge, and there is full potential for Mongolian youths."

National team coach D.Batnasan said: "In the last two years, in more than 10 competitions, our two athletes have reached the finals in 90% of the events. They won gold and silver medals consistently. We participated in the Olympics with confidence that we would win medals. Currently, more than 20,000 people are studying taekwondo in over 20 clubs in our country. I believe that Mongolians have at least a basic understanding of the sport's uniqueness. During their matches, we constantly reminded our athletes to remain calm. They implemented the tactics they had prepared."

In addition, U.Sürenjav and G.Bolor-Erdene, along with coaches N.Erdenebaatar and D.Batnasan, visited the hall where they used to practice and expressed gratitude to the director of the National Team Policy Implementation Department, E.Bilegt, and the leaders of the association, as well as the young athletes who are the future successors of taekwondo.

Paris 2024: B. Battögs and D. Ganbat to Compete

Published: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The games of the "Paris 2024" Paralympic Games are ongoing. Today, in the men's judo 90 kg category, B. Battögs will face an Italian athlete, while in the +90 kg category, B. Battögs will compete against a Turkish athlete.

Yesterday, in the women's judo -70 kg category, Lkhajav's Turuu Naa competed for the bronze medal against the Greek athlete Theodora Paschalidou and was defeated by submission, placing fifth.

Twelve athletes from Mongolia are participating in this Paralympics. As of today, in the taekwondo category, U. Sürenjav won a gold medal, G. Bolor-Erdene gained a silver medal, and in the athletics category, Ts. Battulga won a silver medal. The Mongolian team currently holds one gold and two silver medals, ranking 44th out of 168 countries.


Rain's Greetings for Participation in "Super Concert"

Published: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Korean singer and actor Jung Ji Hoon, also known as Rain, along with 2NE1 member Sandara Park, also known as Dara, and BLOO will be performing their creative works at the "Super Concert." The "Super Concert" will take place on the 15th of this month at Hit Park.

It is worth mentioning that these artists are visiting Mongolia at the invitation of "Evandis," the first and official entertainment company jointly established between Mongolia and Korea.

Rain has sent the following greetings to his Mongolian fans.


Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web platforms) must cite their source (ikon.mn) when using this information in any form, whether in full or in part.

The Comfort of Aristocracy from Up Close | Aurug Garden Complex

Published: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

According to historical records, the Great Khan Chinggis had four seasonal palaces. Initially, he migrated with his herds following the seasons across these palaces, but as the territory of the nation expanded, he settled down, leading to the development of towns, among which was the Aurug Palace.

The Khan stored tributes in food and goods from the territories he ruled within this palace, which is believed to have been the treasury and fund of the great empire. We are now creating the Aurug Garden complex, embodying the symbolism of this grand historic palace, to fully meet the needs and comfort of our residents.

Our project is participating in the Construction EXPO 2024 at the Buyant-Ukhaa complex on September 6, 7, and 8. Visitors are welcome to visit our Pavilion A78 to get detailed information.

The golden tulip symbolizing deep love with three stars and three petals has long been a symbol of wealth and prosperity, representing the perfect harmony of loyalty and beauty. When looking at the entire logo, one can see the flame of a burning fire, wishing you and your family a perfectly stable, harmonious, and beautiful life.

Our complex is located at the foot of Mount Bogd in Ulaanbaatar, in the cleanest area with the least smoke and clean soil, in Nukhtiin Zadka, covering a total area of 3.2 hectares. It consists of 7 blocks of a project with the most modern outdoor and indoor facilities, fully planned with smart solutions and resident-friendly designs, comprising a total of 1100 apartments.

The construction uses high-quality full concrete casting with a facade that does not fade in sunlight, snow, or rain, featuring clean metal and glass facades. The spacious windows and balcony window edges are curved and rounded for a luxurious Art Deco architectural style. Additionally, we use the latest technology with triple-glazed windows reflecting ultraviolet rays from the sun and ensuring zero heat loss.

Do you know why European countries use copper-core water pipes? It's because copper pipes don't wear out and affect the water quality like ordinary pipes and are thermally, pressure, and rust-resistant. Considering these advantages, we use German-imported copper-core pipes to contribute to the health of our residents.

Additionally, a crucial aspect when choosing a living space is allowing natural light to enter unobstructed. Therefore, the buildings in our complex are oriented to extend from south to north, ensuring ample natural sunlight for every apartment. Sunlight entering the home destroys moisture, bacteria, and various germs, benefiting the comfort and health of the residents.

Having a kindergarten and school close to home is convenient for both parents and children. Our Aurug Garden complex is planned to include a state-of-the-art 350-children capacity kindergarten building following the Montessori method. This kindergarten will support the physical growth and development of young children, offering play areas categorized by age with high-quality full wooden equipment for outdoor play.

The surroundings of our complex will also feature internationally recognized schools with quality education programs. Notably, it is located near programs like the TomYo School of Ulaanbaatar, a mathematics laboratory, intensive English language training program of Olyan Logi, and the Nomto Naran School with Japanese and English international programs. This proximity offers you the advantage of saving time and energy.

We have prepared the following outdoor facilities for all age groups of our residents:

  • A complete basketball court for teenagers and youth,
  • Outdoor walking areas,
  • A fresh water stream,
  • A picturesque bridge for romantic moments,
  • Couple’s swings and seesaws,
  • Landscaped green area,
  • Special grassy area for pets.

Prioritizing our residents’ comfort, we have prepared facilities including a reputable local chain supermarket, an international franchise coffee shop, a fitness room with state-of-the-art equipment, a yoga studio with internationally licensed instructors, a trendy hair and beauty salon with experienced professionals, and a service pharmacy with crucial health monitoring stations.

The construction of our complex is being carried out by the TOP ZAM company, which has been in the construction industry since 2003, owning a 2800 sqm glass structure, window, and door factory. Since 2008, they initiated a glass facade factory and have improved their manufacturing by integrating technology from Korea and Germany. The “TOP ZAM” company has worked on over 4000 housing projects including the Hanbogd, Arvai, and Aurug View projects, delivering quality work on time, and is currently implementing the Aurug Garden project.

The 7 block construction includes 2 blocks of 12 floors and 5 blocks of 16 floors, designed with only 5-6 apartments per floor. Units are available in 40m², 56m², 62m², 72m², 80m², and 92m² options.

Location: Ulaanbaatar city, 8th khoroo, in Nukhtiin Zadka, 700m from the main road.

Sales Office: 8888-4621, 8888-7674, 8811-6611

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        New adventure,
        New memories


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