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Mongolia News Summary for September 03, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for September 03, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories











EVENT: Information Provided in Connection with the Submission of the 2025 Budget Proposal

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

At 10:00 a.m. at the Department of Physical Fitness and Sports, 90-year-old Ts. Radnaa, who won six gold medals at the Veterans World Championships in athletics, will be received and honored.

At 11:00 a.m. at the Ministry of Finance, a press conference will be held in connection with the submission of the 2025 budget proposal.

At 2:00 p.m. at the State Palace, the National Committee will hold a meeting and make plans to reduce congestion as the new school year begins.

Note: Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social and Web pages) should always cite the source (ikon.mn) when using this information in any form, whether in full or in part.

The State Great Hural Approved the Program of the Coalition Government and Modified the 2024 Budget in a Special Session

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

The special session of the State Great Hural concluded with the approval of the coalition government's program along with modifications to the 2024 budget. The program of the coalition government incorporates objectives from the agendas of three parties and plans to implement 14 major projects aimed at economic expansion.

Additionally, the 2023 budget performance and the government's consolidated financial report for 2023 were discussed. Despite showing a budget surplus of 785.9 billion tugriks for 2023, it was concluded that there is an urgent need to align it with the medium-term Budget Framework Statement adopted by the State Great Hural and to improve accountability and discipline.

Furthermore, the government has submitted the draft of the 2025 Budget Law and accompanying legal projects to the State Great Hural. Prime Minister highlighted that the 2025 budget policy aims to initiate major projects, reduce state involvement, and support the private sector. Specific examples include an allocation of 210 billion tugriks for the construction of a government service complex and 80 billion tugriks for the construction of a facility capable of treating 250,000 m3 of water daily within the "Central Treatment Facility of Ulaanbaatar City" project for 2025.

Additionally, the government’s Public Relations and Communication Office informed that as part of the "Five Rings" road project, a total of 2,120.9 km of new roads are planned to be constructed in 2025.

The Nomination Process for Provincial, Capital, District, and City Local Assembly Elections Concludes TODAY

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The nomination process for the 2024 regular elections of the Citizens' Representative Assembly of provinces, capitals, districts, and cities will continue from August 27 until September 2, according to the election schedule.

Furthermore, nominated parties, coalitions, and independent candidates must submit their nomination documents to the relevant election committee by September 5.

The election committee will decide whether to register the candidate within a week of receiving their documents and will issue a resolution. If the decision to register the candidate is made, the election committee will issue a candidate certificate on September 26 and publicize it, marking the start of the election campaign.

The General Election Commission is organizing methodological trainings for receiving nomination documents of candidates for the 2024 regular elections of the Citizens' Representative Assembly of provinces, capitals, districts, and cities. These trainings are being held in person, by appointment, and online since August 23.

For the 2024 regular elections of the Citizens' Representative Assembly of provinces, capitals, districts, and cities, a total of 2,393 electoral districts have been established, with 8,031 mandates set. Specifically, there are 558 districts with 751 mandates in 21 provinces, 1,642 districts with 6,922 mandates in soums, 12 districts with 45 mandates in the capital city, and 181 districts with 313 mandates in districts.

Local Election Campaign to Begin on the 26th of This Month

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The election campaign for local elections will begin on the 26th of this month. According to the schedule for organizing the 2024 regular election activities for the Citizens' Representative Meetings of aimags, the capital, soums, and districts, nominations will take place from August 27 to September 2. Subsequently, political parties, coalitions, and independent candidates must submit candidate documents to the respective election commission by September 5. The election commission will decide whether to register a candidate within 7 days upon receiving the candidate's documents and will issue a decision. If the decision is to register, the election commission of the respective level will issue the candidate's certificate and announce it to the public on September 26, marking the beginning of the election campaign.

The General Election Commission is organizing theoretical training related to the submission of candidate documents for the Citizens' Representative Meetings of aimags, the capital, soums, and districts in the 2024 regular election. This training will take place in-person, through assignments, and online starting from August 23.

For the 2024 regular elections for the Citizens' Representative Meetings of aimags, the capital, soums, and districts, 2393 constituencies have been established with 8031 seats determined. Specifically, 751 seats in 558 constituencies across 21 aimags; 6922 seats in 1642 soum constituencies; 45 seats in 12 constituencies in the capital; and 313 seats in 181 district constituencies.

Source: General Election Commission

Nomination Process for Local Elections Ends Today

Published: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The nomination process for the 2024 regular elections for the local councils of provinces, capital, districts, and subdistricts will conclude today according to the election schedule.

Subsequently, the nominated parties, coalitions, and independent candidates must submit their election materials to the respective election commission by the 5th of this month. The election commission will decide within seven days whether to register the candidates after receiving their documents and will issue a resolution. Upon the decision to register a candidate, the respective election commission will issue a candidate certificate on the 26th of this month, marking the beginning of the election campaign.

The General Election Commission has also been conducting training for the election commission staff at the local level on receiving candidates' documents since August 23.

Candidates for Local Election to be Announced Today

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The local election voting will take place nationwide on the 11th of next month. Votes will be collected from 07:00 to 20:00 on that day.

Specifically, in this election, representatives for the provincial, capital city, sum (district), and urban district citizens' representative meetings will be elected to lead the region for the next four years.

Therefore, the candidates for the local election will be finalized today. The provincial and capital city party committees will hold meetings today to officially finalize their candidates for the Representatives Meeting. Then, candidates will be awarded their certificates on the 26th of this month, and election campaigning will begin on the same day.

Additionally, this year's local election will be organized according to the old law, specifically the 2020 law. This is because the previous parliament failed to make amendments to the Local Election Law within the legal timeframe. There was a regulation that the local election law should not be changed within one year prior to the election. In other words, the local election law should have been amended before last October. However, the law could not be amended within this timeframe.

Transferred Bribery Case Involving an Officer of MUBIS to Court

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The case of bribery involving an officer from the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUBIS) has been transferred to court.

The prosecution department filed indictments on 232 criminal cases last week and transferred them to court. Among some of the notable cases transferred to the court:

  • The Prosecutor's Office of the Capital City: A state inspector from the Customs General Administration, based at the Gashuunsukhait customs office, was charged with taking bribes for providing support during coal loading operations for certain companies, according to Article 22.4, clause 2 of the Criminal Code /Acceptance of bribes by a public official/ and the case was transferred to the district court of Khanbogd soum, Ömnögovi aimag.
  • An officer from the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUBIS), D.M, exploited their power and position to assist specific students in enrolling in general education schools in return for bribes, charged under Article 22.1, clause 1 /Abuse of power and position/, 22.4, clause 4 /Acceptance of bribes by a public official/, 22.5, clause 1 /Giving bribes/ of the Criminal Code, and the case was transferred to the Primary Court of Criminal Cases in Sukhbaatar District.
  • The inter-district prosecutor's office of Bulgan soum, Khovd aimag: Citizens G.G, C.B, and G.G were accused of conducting mineral exploration and extraction without a license in the aimag and charged according to Article 24.2, clause 1 /Illegal exploration, utilization, and extraction of minerals/ of the Criminal Code, and the case was transferred to the inter-district court of the soum.
  • From the Prosecutor's Office of Chingeltei District: Citizens O.B and C.Z conducted the illegal sale of cultural heritage and sold it to a Chinese citizen named W.H, charged under Article 25.5, clause 1 /Organizing and mediating the illegal sale of cultural heritage/ of the Criminal Code, and the case was transferred to the Primary Court of Criminal Cases in the district.

Is It Justified to Investigate Ts. Garamjav as a "Provocateur" in a Criminal Case?

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Former Member of Parliament Ts. Garamjav was arrested by the Anti-Corruption Agency and the Criminal Police Department through an urgent operation without a court order, yet was soon released. On June 2, 2024, we published an article titled "Political Arrests Developing Like Sport Fishing". This article explained why the arrest seemed unjustified and raised several reasons for suspecting it was a political arrest.

Due to the fact that it was during the regular parliamentary elections, some people view this arrest as politically influenced, while others have linked it to the 10th Bogd, adding further suspicions.

The most important aspect is that the information provided by the appropriate authorities regarding the monitoring and inspection of the operations of one of Mongolia’s major business representatives, once named by the government as a top taxpayer, is contradictory and inconsistent with related legal regulations, thereby lending credence to the suspicions.

In connection with this case, the Anti-Corruption Agency's Public Relations Officer, Commissioner T. Munkhtungalag, provided clarification to some media, while Monpolymet LLC’s attorney G. Natsagdorj and attorney D. Otgonbat gave interviews providing related explanations.

The Anti-Corruption Agency indicated they are investigating allegations including misappropriation of a development bank loan without meeting loan requirements, illegal use of mineral exploration and exploitation permits, changing the Tuul River basin to mine gold causing environmental damage, illegally obtaining state secrets, money laundering, and tax evasion, each related to corruption and abuse of power.

Superficially, the words development bank loan, mineral licenses, river basin, state secrets, and tax evasion may seem to indicate “special” crimes likely to displease any citizen. However, when considered in light of legal provisions and factual circumstances, these suspicions may appear doubtful and unfounded.

Ts. Garamjav is being investigated under Article 3.4 of the Criminal Code as an “instigator” in these crimes. In other words, if they see Ts. Garamjav as an "instigator," then he himself didn’t directly commit a crime. According to the Criminal Code, an “instigator” is understood to have incited the perpetrator to commit the actual crime without being personally involved. Specifically, by identifying the person who committed the crime, they establish whether others, such as an "instigator," were involved. However, in Ts. Garamjav’s case, there isn’t another individual identified as committing a crime, yet he is being solely classified as an "instigator" and investigated in this regard, which is one reason to view these judicial actions as unjustified.

Concerns arise regarding adherence to legal foundations and primary principles, including suspending legal actions in related cases due to reported misinformation being given to the public by the Anti-Corruption Agency, suggesting possible “influence” behind these procedures.

Furthermore, an underlying issue pertains to one of the fundamental criminal law principles, “retroactive application of law.” Both the 12th article of the 2002 Criminal Code and the 1.9th article of the 2015 Criminal Code contain this principle. Briefly explained, if a new criminal law disadvantages a suspect’s legal status, it cannot retroactively apply to events prior to the law’s enactment. This principle is common in criminal law worldwide. However, the investigation is proceeding with the events of 2014-2015 under the law enacted on July 1, 2017, which appears as a clear violation of this basic legal principle.

Another issue is the “arrest without a court order.” Although the legal grounding for “immediate arrest of a suspect” under Article 31.5 of the Criminal Procedure Code appears dubious, law enforcement agencies proceeded with the arrest sans court order. However, even while a court later issued a “permission” decision, he was released. This grants more grounds to suspect procedural missteps in the investigation’s adherence to legal protocol.

Doubt carries on as related legal bases and fundamental principles face contradictions, while misinformation provided to the public by the Anti-Corruption Agency intensifies suspicion of undue “influence” behind these exercises. For instance, while the agency claims investigations for “tax evasion,” the defense attorneys have officially stated there are no allegations raised or charges under Article 18.3 of the Criminal Code defining “willful tax evasion.”

Moreover, the agency notes in its explanation that during the investigation, restrictions were lifted on 18 accounts related to main operations, salaries, and loans, with transactions currently proceeding normally. In reality, only the main operational and savings accounts were opened. The explanation misleadingly presents as though all accounts were reopened. However, all operation-affiliated accounts of related companies very much remain closed and immobilized. These erroneous pieces of information perpetuate concerns over the investigation’s legality.

Additionally, sectoral “chambers of commerce” aimed at protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the private sector and entrepreneurs, as well as improper business operation restrictions, have voiced their stance on the negative impact this has on both business and investment sectors.

While not directly involved in the case and lacking detailed factual information, it is prudent to be aware of such apparent violations of fundamental principles. Accepting these without objection in such cases risks making them ordinary practice, leading other citizens and enterprises to inevitably become victims of legal and procedural incongruities in monitoring and investigative processes.

A Transport Ministry Official Proposes Transferring a Case to Court for Causing 995.8 Million MNT Damage to the State

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Investigation Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) examined 61 complaints and reports related to criminal activities from August 26 to September 1.

From these, four complaints led to the opening of investigations, nine complaints and reports were rejected for opening investigations, and one complaint was proposed to be transferred to the prosecutor according to jurisdiction.

Currently, 47 complaints and reports are under review.

Additionally, investigative activities were conducted on 944 criminal cases, resulting in the proposal to transfer six cases to court, close ten cases, and transfer three cases according to jurisdiction to the prosecutor last week.

At present, 925 cases are under investigation.

  • The head of Zavkhan sum, Uvs province is suspected of accepting bribes,
  • A customs officer from Gashuunsukhait, Umnugovi province is accused of receiving bribes,
  • A leading official from Uvs province misused his official duty and authority,
  • An executive at a local government-owned enterprise in Tuv province received bribes and created an advantageous position for others,
  • A director at the Ministry of Road and Transport allegedly facilitated an advantageous situation for others and caused 995.8 million MNT in damage to the state.

These criminal cases have been concluded in terms of investigation and proposed for transfer to the prosecutor for court proceedings.

According to the Law on Public Information, information related to corruption investigations should be open, transparent, and truthful, following basic principles, and adhering strictly to Article 16, Clause 14 of the Constitution of Mongolia, and Article 29.3, Section 5 of the Law on Criminal Procedure.

Source: Anti-Corruption Agency

The Case of Receiving Bribes in Exchange for Enrolling Students in General Education Schools Transferred to Court

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The case of receiving bribes in exchange for enrolling students in general education schools has been transferred to court.

The Prosecutor's Office oversaw 40,607 cases of registration and 2,680 cases of investigation from August 26-30, 2024, instructing investigators with a total of 545 written tasks, issuing indictments in 232 criminal cases, and transferring these to court.

Some of the cases transferred to court include:

  • The Ulaanbaatar Prosecutor's Office issued an indictment under Article 22.4, Section 2 of the Criminal Code (Taking Bribes by a Public Official) against a state inspector D.U of the Customs Office of Gashuunsukhait under the Customs General Agency for accepting bribes in exchange for assisting the loading of coal from company premises. The case was transferred to the Soum Interlevel Court of Khanbogd Soum, Umnugovi Province.
  • An official D.M from the National University of Mongolia is accused of abusing his power and position to receive bribes for enrolling students in general education schools. Indictments were issued under Article 22.1, Section 1 (Abuse of Power or Official Position), Article 22.4, Section 4 (Taking Bribes by a Public Official), and Article 22.5, Section 1 (Bribery) of the Criminal Code and transferred to the Primary Criminal Court of Sukhbaatar District.
  • The Bulgan Soum Interlevel Prosecutor's Office of Khovd Province issued indictments against citizens G.G, Ts.B, and G.G for conducting unauthorized exploration and mining activities of natural resources without special permits within the territory of the province. The case was transferred to the Soum Interlevel Court under Article 24.2, Section 1 (Illegal Exploration, Use, and Mining of Mineral Resources) of the Criminal Code.
  • The Chingeltei District Prosecutor's Office issued an indictment under Article 25.5, Section 1 (Illegal Trading, Mediation of Cultural Heritage) of the Criminal Code against citizens O.B and Ch.Z for illegally selling cultural heritage items and transferring them to a Chinese citizen, V.H. The case was transferred to the Primary Criminal Court of Chingeltei District.

Source: General Prosecutor's Office

PHOTO: NoWar Movement Protests Demanding Compliance with the International Criminal Court's Arrest Warrant

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The NoWar movement is organizing a protest in the main square today, demanding the fulfillment of obligations under the International Criminal Court's (ICC) mandatory arrest warrant if President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin of the Russian Federation enters Mongolia.

This protest aligns with the commemoration of the 85th anniversary of the Battle of Khalkhyn Gol, with President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin scheduled to make an official visit to Mongolia on September 3, 2024, which is tomorrow.

Management Team of the State Great Khural's Office Changed

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

According to amendments to the Constitution of Mongolia, the State Great Khural (Parliament) of Mongolia now has 126 members, and the newly established parliament has started its operations.

In connection with the increase in the number of parliament members, the functions of the State Great Khural's Office have been refined, and some structural and organizational changes have been made. The Secretary General of the State Great Khural, B. Baasandorj, introduced these changes to the staff of the Office.

The management team of the State Great Khural's Office has been appointed as follows:

  • Chojilsuren Ariunkhuree as the First Deputy Head responsible for legal affairs,
  • Uurtsaykhan Amarbats as Deputy Head responsible for control, evaluation, and monitoring,
  • Erdeniin Lkhagva as Deputy Head responsible for media, legal promotion, and public relations,
  • Chuluunbaatar Dondogmaa as Head of the Legal Department,
  • Enkhtaivan Bolortuya as Head of the Media Department,
  • Khishigbayar Munkhbilgee as Head of the Public and Community Relations Department,
  • Tseveenjav Batbaatar as Head of the Management Department,
  • Maambyn Unenbat as Head of the Legal Analysis Division of the Legal Department,
  • Namsrain Narantsogt as Head of the Meeting Organization Division of the Legal Department,
  • Davaasuren Erdenesambu as Head of the Budget Control and Analysis Division,
  • Jargal Erdenebayar as Head of the Parliamentary Promotion Division,
  • Battumur Tumur-Ochir as Head of the Community Relations and Organization Division,
  • Baatar Lkhagvasuren as Head of the Finance, Supply, and Service Division,
  • Batbayar Khatanthuul as Head of the Standing Committees' Administrative Office.

This information was reported by the Media Department of the State Great Khural.

Warning: Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social media, and websites) must cite their source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, either fully or partially.

The Secretariat Team and Structure of the State Great Khural Introduced

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

According to the amendments to the Constitution of Mongolia, the State Great Khural now consists of 126 members, and the newly established Parliament has begun its activities. In connection with the increase in the number of Great Khural members, the Secretariat of the State Great Khural has refined its functions and made some changes to its structure and organization. The Secretary-General of the State Great Khural, B. Baasandorj, introduced these changes to the staff of the State Great Khural Secretariat.

He mentioned at the beginning of the presentation that, according to the law on the State Great Khural, “The Secretary-General of the State Great Khural will approve the organizational structure of the Secretariat in consultation with the Speaker of the State Great Khural,” and that the structure and organization were carried out in consultation with the Speaker of the State Great Khural.

According to the new structure, the Secretariat of the Great Khural will have a First Deputy Head responsible for legal and law-related matters, a Deputy Head responsible for monitoring, evaluation, and analysis, and a Deputy Head responsible for public relations, media, and legal promotion.

The Secretariat's Parliamentary Research and Training Institute was restructured to meet international standards and now operates independently under the Secretary-General of the State Great Khural. This will allow it to work on parliamentary development, promote international research cooperation, introduce advanced scholarly research methodologies, and conduct research and analysis at a professional level, emphasized the Secretary-General during the introduction of the State Great Khural Secretariat's leadership team and composition.

The leadership team of the State Great Khural Secretariat includes:

  • Chojilsüren Ariunhüü as the First Deputy Head responsible for legal and law-related matters of the Secretariat of the State Great Khural,
  • Üürtsaihan Amarbati as the Deputy Head responsible for monitoring and evaluation of inspections for the Secretariat,
  • Erdeniin Lkhagva as the Deputy Head responsible for media, legal promotion, and public relations for the Secretariat,
  • Chuluunbaatar Dondogmaa as the Head of the Legal Department,
  • Enkhtaivan Bolortüya as the Head of the Media Department,
  • Khishigbayar Munkhbilgün as the Head of the Citizen and Public Relations Department,
  • Tsevenjav Batbaatar as the Head of the Management Department,
  • Maamba Unenbat as the Head of the Legal Department's Legal Analysis Unit,
  • Namsrain Naranjogt as the Head of the Legal Department's Meeting Organization Unit,
  • Davaasüren Erdenesambuu as the Head of the Budget Control and Analysis Unit of the Inspection Department,
  • Jargal Erdenebayar as the Head of the Parliament Promotion Unit,
  • Battumur Tumur-Ochir as the Head of the Organization Unit under the Citizen and Public Relations Department,
  • Baatar Lkhagvasüren as the Head of the Finance and Procurement Services Unit,
  • Batbayar Khatan-Tuul as the Head of the Standing Committees' Administrative Office.

This was reported by the Media Department of the State Great Khural.


Ministry of Finance: Next year's budget will include ₮6.9 trillion in funding from foreign loans, aid, and the national budget for the first time

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

The Law on the Budget for 2025 and other related bills have been submitted to the Parliament by the Government. The draft budget for the coming year is focused on implementing the concept of regional development and executing major infrastructure projects on a regional scale, according to Finance Minister B. Javkhlan. He emphasized that the next four years will be crucial for economic growth and productivity, with a particular focus on directing economic revenues towards infrastructure.

While the social sector infrastructure was prioritized over the last 10 years, the 2025 budget will focus more on infrastructure that enhances economic benefits. For instance, the budget plans to construct 4439 km of roads connecting provinces and their ports, as well as developing new renewable resources, ensuring reliable energy sources, expanding engineering infrastructure, housing development, and supporting the private sector.

For the first time, foreign loans, aid, and the national budget will collectively provide ₮6.9 trillion in financing, with ₮2.9 trillion or 42% allocated to the roads, transport, energy, and utility sectors, as specified by the ministry. Meanwhile, ₮3.5 trillion in new investments from the national budget will see 84% going towards the transport sector, 9% towards infrastructure and housing development, and 7% towards the energy sector.

Moreover, the 2025 budget policy aims to initiate major projects, reduce government involvement, and support the private sector, the Finance Minister highlighted. Notably, the construction of the Government's one-stop service complex will require ₮210 billion, and the building of the “Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ulaanbaatar” with a capacity to treat 250,000 m3 per day will need ₮80 billion as included in the 2025 budget draft.

Additionally, the Government's Press, Information, and Public Relations Department announced plans to build 2,120.9 km of new roads next year under the "Five Rings" road project. Furthermore, the Government introduced major mega projects such as the modernization of ports, ensuring reliable regional electricity supply, improving the capital's water supply, and constructing an oil refinery. Most of these projects will be implemented with partnerships involving private enterprises, state-owned companies, public-private partnerships, and foreign financing.

It Is Necessary to Restart the Government Security Market to Lighten the Load on the Bank of Mongolia

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

To fill the void left by the government securities (GS), the Bank of Mongolia has been compelled to issue a large number of central bank securities to banks, resulting in the outstanding amount of central bank securities exceeding the amount of domestic securities issued by the Ministry of Finance before 2017.

The government has halted the issuance of domestic securities and has been financing its budget deficit by issuing central bank securities instead, which the World Bank highlighted in its new report as weakening the financial performance and independence of the Bank of Mongolia.

At the 2024 Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting, Warren Buffett described government securities as the “safest investment currently available.” As one of the largest investors in this type of security, Berkshire Hathaway held US government bonds equivalent to $153 billion as of the first quarter of 2024, accounting for 84% of the company’s cash and equivalent assets.

Since 2017, the Mongolian government has ceased issuing domestic securities and has turned to foreign sources and short-term central bank securities to finance its budget deficit. According to the Financial Regulatory Commission, from November 2014 to 2017, over 1.4 trillion MNT worth of government securities were traded on the primary market through the Mongolian Stock Exchange.

In August 2016, the Bank of Mongolia abruptly raised its policy rate from 10.5% to 15.0%. At that time, the policy rate of the US Federal Reserve was in the 0.75-1.00% range. As a result, issuing domestic securities became costly, prompting a preference for issuing long-term government bonds on the international market and attracting foreign investment to bring in foreign currency.

According to TDB Securities, as of the first quarter of 2017, 1.7% of the outstanding domestic government securities were held by 68 foreign individuals and two entities, while 98.3% were held by 70 domestic individuals and 539 entities. This data indicates that domestic professional investors and commercial banks are the primary investors in government securities.

Additionally, with the disappearance of this large market, the main tool for controlling dollarization was also lost. From 2022 to 2023, savings in MNT sharply declined, and conversely, foreign currency savings increased by nearly 40%, reaching six trillion MNT by March of last year, creating a risky situation in the financial system.

To fill the void left by government securities, the Bank of Mongolia has been compelled to issue a large number of central bank securities to banks, resulting in the outstanding amount of central bank securities exceeding the amount of domestic securities issued by the Ministry of Finance before 2017. In addition, to reduce foreign exchange rate risks, the Bank of Mongolia allowed commercial banks to engage in foreign exchange swap agreements.

Thus, the increased interest costs associated with expanding the central bank's securities issuance program have begun to significantly burden the financial metrics of the Bank of Mongolia, as highlighted in the World Bank's July report "Key Policy Recommendations for Mongolia's Sustainable Development Goals."

The accumulated deficit related to central bank securities may pose a potential liability on the state budget, making it necessary at some point for the government to re-capitalize the Bank of Mongolia. Therefore, the Ministry of Finance has deemed it necessary to restart the government securities market to support the creation of a benchmark yield curve.

Also, acting as a major counterparty in most transactions on the foreign currency market and engaging in fiscal activities such as mortgages is causing a significant increase in the Bank of Mongolia's non-core assets and liabilities. It has been cautioned that broadly enhancing the independence, governance, and supervisory powers of the Bank of Mongolia is crucial for addressing vulnerabilities in the banking sector and developing the financial market.

Money markets are more optimally defined by both central bank and government securities. This can improve the coherence of fiscal-monetary policy. Additionally, when the government issues domestic bonds, the most crucial result is the formation of a reference yield curve for MNT. The benchmark interest rate will serve as the basis for determining prices and yields of newly issued securities. Foreign investors will find it easier to obtain yield information by maturity for Mongolian government securities, conduct research, and make investment decisions based on that information.

On June 20 this year, the first local government bond of Mongolia, the Ulaanbaatar city bond, was openly offered in the domestic market, raising 500 billion MNT from six commercial banks. The offering was fully subscribed within an hour due to high investor interest. If the government resumes issuing securities in the domestic market, demand is expected to be very high, as evidenced by the Ulaanbaatar city bond's primary market offering.

2025 Budget: 14 Out of Over 600 Projects Next Year Are Mega Projects

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

In relation to the submission of the 2025 budget bill, Finance Minister B. Jargalan and relevant officials from the Ministry of Finance provided an overview of the bill.

The revenue for the 2025 budget is estimated at 33.8 trillion tugriks, with expenditures expected to be 35.8 trillion tugriks. The budget for the upcoming year includes five main policy measures aimed at reducing government involvement and supporting the private sector. These are:

  1. Development construction
  2. Budget and tax policies supporting regional development
  3. A favorable tax environment for supporting manufacturing, small and medium businesses
  4. Five packages of operations aiming at making citizens the owners of resources and housing
  5. Policies supporting human development and respecting human rights

In 2025, over 600 projects and programs are planned, of which 14 are mega projects. These include cross-border railway connections at the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod, Khangi-Mandal, and Shiveekhuren-Sekhee border ports, the Khushigiin khundii tunnel, a 450 MW capacity thermal power station at Tavantolgoi, a 90 MW capacity hydropower station at Erdeneburen, a 310 MW capacity hydropower station at Eg River, and an oil processing complex. These major projects will have their funding resolved in stages.

Finance Minister B. Jargalan stated that major projects and programs will be initiated in 2025 to expand the economy, enhancing projects in the auto road, energy, and infrastructure sectors, as well as housing. Investments are planned for energy projects using a regional development model, with a goal to increase energy capacity by 1200 MW in the coming years. Investment in a 270 MW capacity energy source is planned for the coming year.

Over the coming years, more than 4000 km of auto roads will be initiated, with over 2200 km of these starting next year. Development aimed at border ports is planned.

Many road and energy projects cannot be undertaken by the private sector alone. Infrastructure projects will be done through public-private partnerships. The increasing energy needs cannot solely be met by the government building stations. Therefore, opportunities must be created for foreign direct investment and public-private partnerships in this sector, and liberalization in the sector will be phased.

According to J. Delgerjargal, Director of the Development Finance and Investment Department at the Ministry of Finance, investment proposals amounting to 13 trillion tugriks were submitted for this year's budget project. 24% of the total investment for the upcoming year is allocated for the road transport sector, 10% for infrastructure and housing, 8% for public services, 8% for energy, 9% for education, and 7% for the industrial sector, with 35% allocated for other sectors.

From 2025-2028, a total of 4439 km of auto roads will be built nationwide. The 2025 budget plans to make investments that yield economic benefits. The renewal of ports will begin with works at Borzho, Bulgan, Altanbulag, and Khavirga next year.

Mongolia currently has 7500 km of paved roads. Next year, roads connecting Uvs-Khovd and Zavkhan-Gobi-Altai provinces will be built with external loans and assistance.

In 2025, over 600 projects and programs are planned, of which 14 are mega projects. Examples include cross-border railway connections at Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod, Khangi-Mandal, Shiveekhuren-Sekhee border ports, the Khushigiin khundii tunnel, a 450 MW capacity thermal power station at Tavantolgoi, a 90 MW capacity hydropower station at Erdeneburen, a 310 MW capacity hydropower station at Eg River, and an oil processing complex. These major projects will have their funding resolved in stages.

  • 210 billion for the one-stop service project of the government
  • 100 billion for the Erdeneburen hydropower station project
  • 449.9 billion for the oil processing plant
  • 98.4 billion for New Zuunkharaa city's infrastructure
  • 80 billion for the central sewage treatment plant in Ulaanbaatar
  • 66 billion for the expansion of the Nalaikh and Terelj auto roads
  • 202.4 billion for the project to increase water supply in Ulaanbaatar
  • 30.8 billion for the feasibility study and design of the new Kharkhorum city
  • 30 billion for the housing program for public servants
  • 69.4 billion tugriks allocated for port renewal

Additionally, tax policies tailored to regional characteristics are included in the budget. For example, customs duties on building materials and equipment for major projects aligned with regional priority areas will be exempt and deferred for up to four years.

The property tax for large regional development projects is planned to be reduced to 0%.

Support Construction, Processing Industry, and Social Investment through Tax Policy

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Ministry of Finance held a press conference today in connection with the submission of the 2025 budget draft.

Starting next year, there will be opportunities to implement differentiated tax policies by region, as well as the implementation of three packages of tax policy measures to support the private sector.

Specifically, from next year, regions will have the opportunity to pursue independent economic policies, compete with each other to attract investment and business, and increase the autonomy of local budgets. This will allow over 20 types of taxes to be set differently by region in Mongolia.

In addition, the following three packages of tax policy measures will be implemented to support the private sector:

  1. Support major construction projects related to regional development through tax policy.
  2. Exempt customs duties on building materials and equipment, and defer VAT for up to 4 years.
  3. Reduce real estate tax to 0% as an incentive.
  4. Refund 90% of taxes on projected five-year income for major projects.
  5. Create a favorable tax environment to support the import of equipment for processing industries.
  6. Grant a 100% exemption from customs duties for equipment kits imported by all types of processing industries.
  7. Provide financial support for social investments with a 1% tax discount on sales revenue.

Eligibility includes purposes such as:
* Protecting, restoring, increasing natural resources, reducing environmental pollution, mitigating desertification.
* Care for the elderly, children, and people with disabilities, ensuring their rights, building playgrounds and parks, creating environments with accessibility for people with disabilities.
* Protecting, restoring, creating, disseminating cultural heritage, including museums, libraries, art and cultural activities.
* Construction of sports complexes, public education and health facilities.
* Scholarships for educational and scientific research.
* Compensation for damages from disasters and force majeure, etc.

Note: Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social, and Webpages) must cite the source (ikon.mn) clearly when using this information in any form.

Kh. Nyambaatar: The Company "Tenuun-Ogoo" Owes 1.6 Billion Tugriks, Has Pledged 10 Green Buses as Collateral

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Company "Tenuun-Ogoo" owes 1.6 billion tugriks, and has pledged 10 green buses as collateral.

To reduce congestion, it was reported how 420 billion tugriks were spent.

City Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar stated, "There have been claims of losing trillions of tugriks. We planned three major projects to resolve congestion by not centralizing the 420 billion tugriks, which used to be centralized from the capital's revenue to the state.

These projects include the bridge in Yarmag, the connecting road to Ard Ayush Street, and the purchase of 600 buses. Last year, 600 buses were purchased for 260 billion tugriks.

Efforts were made to settle debts and receivables relating to the company "Tenuun-Ogoo," which previously supplied green buses. The Ministry of Finance withdrew 12 billion tugriks from the company's account. A commission received 50 electric and 50 small buses supplied by them. The company's four auto bases are being appraised by legal entities at an average appraised price. We received them based on the appraised values of these entities. Currently, the company owes us 1.6 billion tugriks, and 10 green buses have been acquired as collateral by the General Executive Agency of Court Decisions."

Media outlets (TV, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using our information fully or partially.

The Rosneft Company Implements a Flexible and Stable Pricing Policy and Offers Favorable Terms

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Ts.Tuvaan received Andrey Bagotenkov, Director of Commerce and Logistics at Russia’s Rosneft Company.

During the meeting, views were exchanged on the supply of petroleum products. At the beginning of the meeting, Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Ts.Tuvaan noted the forthcoming visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Mongolia and expressed his gratitude for the support in developing and expanding long-term cooperation between the two countries in the field of petroleum products.

He mentioned that they have received the drafts of the "Agreement on the Supply of Petroleum between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the Russian Federation" and the "Agreement on the Supply of Aviation Fuel to Mongolia between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the Russian Federation" from the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

Andrey Bagotenkov, Director of Commerce and Logistics at Rosneft, highlighted the relations between Russia and Mongolia, noting that Mongolia is a major strategic neighbor for Russia and pointed out the long history of stable relations between the two countries.

Furthermore, he emphasized the rapid growth of economic demand in Mongolia as an important indicator of development. He noted that Rosneft supplies about 90% of Mongolia's gasoline and fuel, maintaining a flexible and stable pricing policy and offering discounted prices.

Ministry of Finance: The Highest Investment in History Will Be Made in 2025

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Ministry of Finance is presenting the draft budget for 2025. This will be the year with the highest investment in history. Of this:

  • 24% or 1.6 trillion MNT will go to the road transport sector,
  • 8% or 0.6 trillion MNT to the energy sector,
  • 11% or 0.7 trillion MNT will be directed towards engineering infrastructure,
  • The remainder will be implemented in other sectors.

Plans have been made to establish a new environment for distributing social services within 20 minutes, reduce traffic congestion, and implement mega projects like the “Hushigiin Khundii” tunnel and “Striding Mongolia” cable bridge construction, with funding solutions made in phases, which is reflected in next year's budget draft.

BUDGET 2025: No New Schools or Kindergartens to be Built

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The government submitted the draft state budget for the next year to the Chairman of the State Great Khural last Friday. Annually, the draft state budget must be submitted by August 31st and passed by the State Great Khural by October 1st.

Ministry of Finance's Investment Department Director J. Delgerjargal stated, "For the coming year, no new schools or kindergartens are planned to be funded by the state budget. Instead, we are focusing on quickly completing ongoing projects, and the remaining finances are included for this purpose.

According to studies, there are buildings that have been under construction for 4-5 years. There are projects started in 2018 that are still incomplete. Delays occur due to lack of design plan and unresolved land issues. Currently, 136 school buildings are being implemented with state budget investment, and financing for the continuation of 90 schools that need to proceed in next year's budget proposal is included. Additionally, of the 150 kindergarten building projects being implemented, residual financing for 62 kindergartens is included in next year's budget proposal. These are all state-funded establishments, excluding those built with local and municipal investments which are implemented with those resources.

According to information provided by the Ministry of Education, school enrollment is at 96.5%, and pre-school education enrollment in kindergartens is at 94%.

In local areas, school demand is relatively manageable. In the 2023 state budget, 303 billion tugriks were spent to complete projects started with state funding amidst price increases. In the 2025 budget proposal, financing for 42 projects that have not yet had tenders announced is not included. Additional funds might be incorporated during the legislative process if these projects show progress," the Director added.

We are significantly dependent on China's economy. Ministry of Finance's Financial and Budget Research Department Director G. Zolboo stated, "The real estate sector in China has not recovered. Decisions made by the Communist Party Congress were recently announced. The country will shift to a new economic model based on science and technology development. Emphasis will be on research and many factories will be built. Areas like artificial intelligence, space technology, biotechnology, and digital transition will be a focus. International organizations like the World Bank predict China's economic growth to be 4.5% next year. The prices for raw materials supplied by our country to China remain stable," the Director noted.


Mongolia's Position in Central Asia: Understanding its Role as a Buffer State

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

In 1991, the empire known as the Soviet Union collapsed. The current leader of Russia, Putin, described this event as the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century. There's no denying that significant political changes occurred in Eurasia. With the start of the 21st century, a military special operation aimed at Ukraine began in February 2022 and continues to this day. Ukraine is supported by NATO and the European Union, turning the conflict into a life and death struggle between both sides.

By the end of this year, based on the results of the American presidential election, new movements around the ceasefire issue may emerge. Has this war strengthened Russia's position? On the contrary, it appears that China's role as a new player in Eurasia might be overshadowing Russia. How these conditions should be viewed is likely to become the largest topic in Eurasian geopolitics.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida has postponed his visit to Central Asian countries, including Mongolia, putting more emphasis on earthquake issues from the South Seas.

In relation to that, let's consider where political sensitivity, which is often overlooked, should be derived from. Sitting at the gateway to Central Asia, are Mongolians not feeling uneasy about these events? It does not seem like Prime Minister Kishida had any thoughts on this. Additionally, he casually announced on August 14th that he would not participate in the leadership election of the Liberal Democratic Party scheduled for September and left it at that.

In the latter section of the article, let's reflect on how Mongolia should react in the condition where China's influence is expanding while Russia's position is weakening. Mongolia and Central Asia, situated between the great powers of China and Russia, must have strategies to navigate such conditions. Considering Japan's involvement, it urges a serious reflection on such matters.

In connection with Kishida's postponed visit, a scholar named Yan proposed a significant theoretical idea titled "Opening New Paths in Central Asia and Mongolia" in Seiron, a major column of the Japanese newspaper Sankei (August 7). Although the content was a timely proposal, the postponement of Kishida's visit rendered it ineffective.

Professor Yan's reference to "Central Asia and Mongolia" takes into account the geographical positioning of these countries between China and Russia. In that region, implementing Japan's policies aimed at "Shared Development and Prosperity" could relatively introduce new factors into China's Belt and Road Initiative.

Regarding the peripheral area, reinforcing ties with these countries through Japan, a maritime nation, would contribute significantly to creating a buffer zone between the two major Eurasian powers, China and Russia. Thickening this buffer zone would have favorable outcomes concerning Russia, where the status quo cannot be comfortably maintained given the ongoing Ukrainian conflict.

In Mongolia's foreign policy, the declaration of a "Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone" has reinforced its independence as a significant achievement. Both of Mongolia’s neighbors, China and Russia, belong to the limited group of nuclear-armed countries capable of standing against the likes of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France.

  1. China's and Russia's Positions Regarding Mongolia

Ethnically, Mongolia extends beyond the modern-day Mongolian state. There are various ethnic groups such as Mongolians living in Tuva bordering Mongolia within Russia, Buryats around Lake Baikal, and Kalmyks located further away in the northwest of the Caspian Sea. In China, there are Mongolians in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the native region of Professor Yan. They are also spread in former Manchuria (three northeastern provinces of China), Xinjiang, and Qinghai.

Mongolian people, while anthropologically a homogeneous Mongolian nation, have been divided into separate states politically. Modern political and foreign policy initiatives by China and Russia have included various approaches regarding the several Mongolian ethnic tribes. The policies to partition Mongolians were implemented as part of schemes to adjust the interests between great powers. The validity and righteousness of these policies are not addressed here.

How Mongolians are perceived ethnically, whether the current divisions are seen as unusual or regarded as acceptable, influences the nuances of their core essence. China and Russia, through several treaties reached through mutual compromises, have repeatedly considered Mongolia's position as negligible.

In the aforementioned article by Professor Yan, he mentions a moment when Putin was moved to tears during an official visit to Mongolia while the national anthem was played. This evokes the thought that no Chinese political figure would exhibit such emotion. Therefore, China's and Russia's secretive negotiations regarding Mongolia have persistently been on tangential paths that never intersect with each other, and it is anticipated to continue this way. Herein lies Mongolia's unique role as a buffer state, considering the ethnic Mongols living in both China and Russia.

  1. Lessons from Mongolia's Modern and Contemporary History

With the Slavic people, or Russians, moving eastward crossing the Ural Mountains, Mongolia during the Qing Dynasty suffered from the Russo-Qing rivalry. After the 1911 Xinhai Revolution, even after the Qing Dynasty's collapse, interference in Mongolia intensified. During this time, independence movements began to rise among Mongolians, exacerbating the situation.

The October Revolution in Russia in 1917 had a serious impact on Mongolia. The term "Manmo" emerged in Japan, creating considerable inconvenience for Mongolians. Manchuria and Mongolia were not topics to be discussed together. This situation is related to the Japanese lack of a broader strategic policy regarding Mongolia, a buffer contributor between Russia and China.

Japan sent troops to Siberia in 1918, withdrawing them in 1922, and two years later, in November 1924, a socialist government under Soviet leadership was established in Mongolia. This same year in January, the KMT's first congress in China outlined a strategy aligning with the Soviets. The revolutionary leader Sun Yatsen remained detached and implemented policies against Japan.

In 1932, Manchukuo was established. The Soviet-orchestrated Great Purge in the 1930s also affected Mongolia. Out of a population of approximately 500,000, thousands of knowledgeable and talented individuals were executed. Thus, the seeds for an independent policy were eradicated. With the excuse of having ties to Japanese imperialism, key human resources essential for Mongolia's development were eliminated both openly and covertly.

Later, influenced by the revolutionary changes in Eastern Europe during the late 1980s, the Democratic Revolution that took place by the end of 1989 to the early 1990s shaped the present-day Mongolia. The fact that the only political party of the time, the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, and the Mongolian people advocating for democracy did not replicate the violent suppression seen in Beijing’s Tiananmen massacre is commendable. It exemplifies the traditional wisdom inherent in both parties.

Conclusion: Realizing Its Role as a Buffer Between China and Russia

Political independence becomes feasible after achieving economic independence. Mongolia possesses abundant natural resources, much of which remains untapped. Coal and iron ore are raw materials critically needed by China. Over-reliance on China eventually leads to complete dependence on it. Modern Russia offers limited potential for contributing to Mongolia's industrial development, highlighting the inevitable increase of Chinese influence in Mongolia.

Economic cooperation aid from Japan to Mongolia, combining loans and grants, amounts to a staggering 360 billion yen or more. This raises legitimate inquiries regarding the cost-efficiency assessments of this cooperation and the level of disclosure to the public.

To genuinely create a buffer state between China and Russia, strategic thinking is crucial. To what extent is this necessity understood and internalized? Has work commenced in defining this strategic intent, involving government, private sectors, and academic circles jointly?

Since the war in Ukraine began in February 2022, over two and a half years have passed. It's time to contemplate and explore Mongolia's foreign policy contributions and the substantive content it can offer in utilizing the strategic field called Central Asia, situated between the great powers China and Russia, effectively without prolonging unnecessary reliance.

They Talk About Us: Will Mongolia Follow the Rome Statute or Not?

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

In connection with the upcoming official visit of Russian President V.V. Putin to Mongolia, foreign media outlets continue to relate this to the decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC). We provide a summary of the article published on the "Newsx" website.

The Ukrainian side, ahead of Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Mongolia next week, has demanded that Mongolia arrest Putin, marking this as the first visit to an ICC member state since a decision was issued to arrest him.

The court accuses Putin of committing war crimes, particularly the illegal forced transfer of children from Ukraine to Russia since the conflict began. According to a spokesperson for the ICC speaking to the BBC, Mongolian officials are "obliged" to comply with the ICC’s rules, but this does not necessarily mean an arrest must occur.

Regarding the visit planned for tomorrow, the Kremlin has stated there is "nothing to worry about.” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters that they have a very good relationship with Mongolian partners and that the President’s visit has been well-prepared.

Putin will visit Mongolia on September 3

The Kremlin has announced that Russian President V.V. Putin's visit is at the invitation of Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh. The visit will last one day. During this visit, Putin is expected to participate in events marking the 85th anniversary of the victory of Soviet and Mongolian forces over the Japanese on the banks of the Khalkhin Gol.

It is also reported through the Mongolian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website that he will meet with the country's Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Parliament.

Is Mongolia obliged to follow the Rome Statute?

Dr. Fadi el-Abdallah, a spokesperson for the ICC, told the BBC that under Chapter IX of the Rome Statute, which established the court, member states, including Mongolia, are obligated to cooperate. If they do not cooperate, ICC judges will issue an assessment to the Assembly of States Parties, which will decide on appropriate measures, according to Fadi el-Abdallah. Last year, the court accused the Russian President of committing war crimes related to the illegal forced transfer of Ukrainian children to Russia.

The ICC itself has no power to arrest a suspect, and it can only exercise authority through its member states. Ukraine's Foreign Ministry expressed hope that Mongolia “realizes that Vladimir Putin is a war criminal” and urged Mongolian authorities to arrest the Russian head of state and hand him over to the ICC prosecutor in The Hague.

Last year, Putin did not attend a summit in South Africa. As a signatory to the court, South Africa was obliged to detain the suspect on its territory, but President Ramaphosa stated that if such an action took place, Russia would consider it a declaration of war.


84% of the MNT 3.5 Trillion New Investment from the State Budget Will Be Allocated to Roads and Transportation, 9% to Infrastructure and Housing, and 7% to the Energy Sector

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Ministry of Finance held a press conference today in connection with the submission of the 2025 budget proposal.

Director of the Investment Department of the Ministry of Finance, J. Delgersaral, emphasized that the 2025 budget proposal focuses on implementing the regional development concept and major infrastructure projects at the regional level, and provided the following information.

Total investment next year (State budget, foreign loans, aid):

Over the last 10 years, there has been a strong focus on social sector infrastructure. However, the 2025 budget will, for the first time, include a total financing of 6.9 trillion MNT from a blend of foreign loans, aid, and the state budget. Of this, 2.9 trillion MNT or 42% will be invested in roads, transport, energy, pipelines, and infrastructure sectors.

The 2025 budget is especially focused on infrastructure that enhances economic efficiency.

From 2025-2028:

  • A total of 4,439 km of roads will be built to connect provinces and provincial ports and to support tourism.
  • New power sources and reliability will be enhanced in terms of energy sources and capacity.
  • Engineering infrastructure and housing development will be supported to promote the private sector.

A new investment of 3.5 trillion MNT will be made from the state budget, with 84% allocated to road transport, 9% to infrastructure and housing development, and 7% to the energy sector.

Ongoing and new road construction and repairs:

"Most of the mega projects will be implemented through private enterprises, state-owned companies, public-private partnerships, foreign loans, and financing."

Continuing, he introduced some of the highlight mega projects. Most of these projects will be implemented through private enterprises, state-owned companies, public-private partnerships, and foreign loans and financing.


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R. Erdeneburen: In September, the Road Conditions in the Capital will be VERY DIFFICULT

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Within the framework of the '20-Minute City' event, the works being implemented were presented by City Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar and Traffic Congestion Minister R. Erdeneburen at the State Palace.

According to the Traffic Congestion Minister, the '20-Minute City' National Committee had its first meeting today, where several issues were discussed and resolved.

The City Mayor provided information on the current road conditions in Ulaanbaatar. The committee members convened and made decisions on this matter.

In September, the road conditions in the capital are expected to be very challenging. Road repair works will be carried out.

To be specific, almost 60-70% of the city's roads will undergo repairs, causing closures in many areas. Additionally, there will be numerous high-level visits. Therefore, a survey will be conducted based on citizens' feedback.

If the majority of Ulaanbaatar residents agree, the direction has been given to the City Mayor to urgently start implementing license plate restrictions.

He mentioned that even if license plate restrictions are implemented this year, they will not be implemented again next year, as discussed with the City Mayor.

The Cable-Stayed Bridge to Be Built for 2.8 Trillion, and the Khushig Valley Tunnel for 5.5 Trillion MNT

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Next year, the Ministry of Finance received investment proposals totaling 13 trillion MNT. From these, projects worth 6.9 trillion MNT have been prioritized for implementation.

Specifically, the cable-stayed bridge will be built for 2.8 trillion MNT, and the Khushig Valley Tunnel will be constructed for 5.5 trillion MNT. The government will provide debt guarantees for these projects. The Khushig Valley Tunnel will be 15 km long with two lanes. These projects aim to reduce population concentration and traffic congestion in the capital city.

The design will be developed this winter, and construction is planned to start next spring. As tunneling through Bogd Mountain and constructing the Khushig Valley Tunnel is a novel project for Mongolians, an international consultant will be selected. Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene previously expressed at a government meeting that "the idea of tunneling through Bogd Mountain was proposed by engineers in the 1980s, but the authorities have not moved due to the designation of the mountain as a protected area. We cannot resolve the issue with such an attitude."

Another high-budget project for the next year is the National Satellite Project, which will be implemented using a concessional loan from France amounting to 760 billion MNT. The state budget will allocate 68.8 billion MNT next year for the project. As a result of the project, high-speed internet will become available nationwide, said the Minister of Finance B. Javkhlan.

From Today, 215 School Buses Will Serve Students

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

In the capital city, 1100 buses operate on weekdays and 887 buses on weekends for public transportation services. Across Ulaanbaatar City, a total of 215 buses are serving students, with 75 buses dedicated to 72 public schools and 140 buses to non-public schools.

These public school buses transported over 520,000 students last year. Additionally, within the comprehensive reform of the public transportation sector, provisions have been made to pay for bus rides not only via designated bus cards but also through NFC-supporting cards and all types of regular bank cards.

Public Relations, Media Information Office of the Capital City Administration

BEG: Work is Underway to Address the Issue of Eight Schools Operating in Three Shifts This Month

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Minister of Education held an urgent meeting where affiliated organizations provided updates on current issues.

Currently, eight schools are operating in three shifts. The General Department of Education has announced that they are working to resolve this issue by the end of September. In connection with the implementation of the 2023 budget of the education sector, work is underway to improve the repayment of the Education Loan Fund and the accountability system for borrowers.

At the end of the urgent meeting, the Minister of Education, P. Naranbayar, assigned the following tasks to the relevant authorities:

  • Focus on ensuring the safety of children's routes and environments for attending school due to the start of academic activities.
  • Pay close attention to the execution of the 2024 education sector budget, mitigating risks and maintaining supervision.
  • Urgently resolve the issues of schools that are operating in three shifts within the planned timeframe.
  • Take appropriate actions against state-owned educational institutions that did not implement the directive to hold opening ceremonies on September 1st and commence classes on September 2nd, and issue warnings to non-state educational institutions.

Source: Ministry of Education

Traffic Police: Temporary Road Closures on September 2-3, All Vehicles Removed from Guest Routes and Parking Areas

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Due to the ongoing visits of high-level foreign guests and delegates to Mongolia, traffic will be temporarily restricted on streets including Naadam Avenue, Chinggis Avenue, Peace Avenue, and the Great and Small Circle Roads on September 2-3 this year. Protection and coordination measures will be implemented.

This protection arrangement will be conducted at a high-level under the law on State Special Protection, requiring the complete removal of vehicles along the guest routes and parking areas.

Citizens are requested to comply with the legal demands of police officers, respect others, adhere to traffic rules, and participate in traffic with a sense of culture.

Source: Transport Police Office


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Ö. Turbat: Local vehicles staying in the capital city for more than 48 hours will be charged ₮5,000 per day

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Starting from September 1, 2024, a regulation is in effect where local license plate vehicles staying in the capital city for more than 48 hours will incur a daily charge of 5,000 tögrög, as informed by Ö. Turbat, the senior specialist of the Administration and Finance Department of the Ulaanbaatar City Road Development Agency.

He stated, "There are seven checkpoints for entering Ulaanbaatar:

  1. Emeelt
  2. Baruunturuun
  3. Nalaikh
  4. Turgen
  5. Moringiin Davaa
  6. Ar Gunt
  7. Kholt

The fee will be charged electronically through the smartcar application from the vehicles entering through these checkpoints.

If the vehicle enters and exits within 48 hours, no fee will be charged. However, if it exceeds 48 hours, an invoice for a daily charge of 5,000 tögrög will be generated."

R. Erdeneburen: If Supported by Citizens, Vehicles Will Participate in Traffic Based on Even and Odd License Plates

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The first meeting of the National Committee for Reducing Traffic Congestion was held. Mongolia's Minister and head of the National Committee for Reducing Traffic Congestion, R. Erdeneburen, and the Mayor of the City, H. Nyambaatar, provided information. Three issues were discussed at the committee meeting, and certain tasks and directions were given to the Governor of the Capital City.

Head of the National Committee for Reducing Traffic Congestion, R. Erdeneburen, said: With the start of schools and kindergartens, as well as high-level state visits and road repairs, traffic congestion is increasing. Therefore, measures to address this were discussed. Mayor H. Nyambaatar was instructed to consider allowing vehicles to participate in traffic based on even and odd license plate numbers if supported by public opinion.

Limiting license plates is not a new concept. It has been in place for about 10 years. Initially, it seemed effective, but it eventually led to an increase in the number of vehicles. In the future, we will not implement this measure. Even if implemented this year, it will not be used in the next year, and alternative steps will be taken, which the Capital Governor also agreed on.

Secondly, projects approved through budget amendments were planned for design and feasibility studies. Discussions were held on how to organize these tasks. Thirdly, improvements to bus services were discussed. Especially government organizations, such as the State Great Hural and the government, have initiated this work by delivering necessary buses. Members of the State Great Hural, ministries, and cabinets have begun using buses instead of cars, setting an example themselves.

City Mayor H. Nyambaatar mentioned: Buses operating under government and private sector contracts in the city's public transportation are provided, with drivers, to the State Great Hural's office and the Cabinet Secretariat Office. Starting today, 10 buses will be arriving at the State Palace. All employees working in and frequenting the Gray Palace will be provided opportunities to come from all four directions of the city by bus. The transportation allowance previously included in salaries will be reallocated to public transportation in the capital, compensating private enterprises based on time and kilometers covered.

B. Odbayar Appointed as Head of the Capital City Road Development Department

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

B. Odbayar has been appointed as the head of the Capital City Road Development Department by the directive of the Governor of the Capital City.

Batsaikhan Odbayar, born in 1990, completed his secondary education at Alameda High School. He then pursued a Bachelor's degree in Civil and Road Construction Engineering at the University of California, Davis from 2011 to 2014 and a Master's degree in Geotechnical Engineering and Road Construction Engineering from 2016 to 2018. He has five years of work experience abroad in his field.

His work experience includes:

  • From 2011 to 2014, he worked as a foundation and soil settlement calculation engineer at “Stantec” LLC in Sacramento, USA.
  • From 2014 to 2016, he was a technical consulting engineer for roads and bridges at "Oriental Consultant" LLC, the implementing agency of the new airport project in Ulaanbaatar.
  • From 2017 to 2018, he was a project engineer for the expansion and reinforcement project of the Oakland City Metro Station and highway projects at “Brozamer & Wall” LLC in Oakland, USA.
  • From 2019 to 2020, he was the head of the Payment Unit and Traffic Usage Mobile Monitoring Department at the State-Owned Enterprise “Road and Transport Development Center.”
  • In 2020-2021, he was a specialist in the Road Maintenance and Usage Department of the Ministry of Road and Transport Development.
  • In 2021, he was the head of the Traffic Regulation Department of the Urban Traffic Planning, Regulation, and Engineering Agency.
  • From 2021 to 2022, he served as deputy head of the Capital City Road Development Department.
  • From June 2022 to April 2024, he worked as the head of the Road Traffic Planning Department of the Capital City Road Development Department and since April 2024, as a specialist in the Road Policy and Coordination Department of the Ministry of Road and Transport Development.

He is appointed today as the head of the Capital City Road Development Department.

Source: Media, Public Relations Department of the Governor's Office of the Capital City

Note: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) must fully or partially use our information with proper citation of the source (ikon.mn).

New Bus Stops to be Added in Sharga Morit and Khujirbulang from September 4

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In the capital city, from the 4th of this month, two new bus stops will be put into operation.

According to the Public Transport Policy Office, buses on transit routes will stop at the Sharga Morit/Zaswar (west) stop located in the 19th khoroo of Sukhbaatar district.

Transit bus routes:

  • X:1 – Sanzai end – Ikh Tamir – Zunzhin Shopping Center – 7th Stop
  • X:2 – Sharga Morit – Zunzhin Shopping Center – 7th Stop
  • ZU:3 – Bayanbulag – Sukhbaatar Square

Another new terminal bus stop will be put into operation on the Khujirbulang route.

Specifically, due to the construction of a new road in the 6th section of the 28th khoroo of Bayanzurkh district, it is planned to extend the Khujirbulang's old bus terminal 800 meters eastward and circulate buses through the new terminal stop.

A New Kindergarten with 150 Beds Opened in the Seventh Khoroo of Songinokhairkhan District

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The construction, interior decoration, exterior landscaping, and engineering network connection work for the new kindergarten with 150 beds in the seventh khoroo of Songinokhairkhan district have been fully completed.

The building has a basement and two floors, comprising a methodical teaching room, a doctor’s office, sanitary facilities, a storage room, a dressing room for employees, a training room, a hot kitchen, a training hall, and separate rooms for teachers and staff.

The project was implemented through state budget investment by the partnership of "Inertsi" LLC and "Construction Management" LLC, with technical supervision by the Capital City Investment Agency.

Replacing Barriers to Renovate Roads from Yarmag Bridge to Nükht Intersection and from Tasgan Ovoo to the End of the TV Station

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In Ulaanbaatar City, road repair work is about to begin in two locations.

The city administration stated that "The curbs of the road should be at least 15 centimeters high from the driving part to the pedestrian path.

The curbs not only demarcate the footpath from the roadway for vehicles but also help extend the lifetime of the road by preventing water from entering the underlying structure. Therefore, barriers are installed before paving the road surface.

Preparations are underway to replace the road curbs in order to renovate the road from Yarmag Bridge to Nükht Intersection and from Tasgan Ovoo to the end of the TV Station."

A Survey Will Be Conducted Among Citizens on Whether to Impose Traffic Restrictions

Published: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Today, Mongolia's Minister and National Committee Chairman R. Erdeneburen and Ulaanbaatar Mayor and City Governor Kh. Nyambaatar presented the decisions of the inaugural meeting of the "20-Minute City" National Committee.

During this presentation, National Committee Chairman R. Erdeneburen stated, “This month, multiple road repair and renovation works will take place in the capital, and state visits will be received, resulting in partial road closures. This is expected to increase the traffic load. Therefore, a survey will be conducted among citizens regarding traffic number limitations. If the majority of the citizens agree, it is directed to organize the number restriction by the Mayor of the capital city and Ulaanbaatar City Governor Kh. Nyambaatar. Additionally, staff from the State Great Hural Office, the Government Secretariat, ministries, and agencies will use unified staff buses for commuting.”

Ulaanbaatar City Mayor and City Governor Kh. Nyambaatar further stated, “This year, city road repairs are planned to be carried out with 77 billion MNT from the road fund. This work was fully completed last June. The current road repair and renovation work is being conducted with a bond amounting to 270 billion MNT. The road repair work is completed in a maximum of 15 working days. This year, about 70% of the city’s total roads will be repaired and improved. Next year, we plan to renovate roads and pedestrian sidewalks in the ger district.” This information was reported by the Public Relations and Communication Department of the Mayor's Office.

If a provincial vehicle stays in the capital for more than three days, it will incur a fee of 6,000 MNT

Published: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

In Ulaanbaatar, if a provincial vehicle stays for 48 hours, or two days, the fee is 1,000 MNT. However, if the stay exceeds 48 hours, a fee of 5,000 MNT will be charged for every 24-hour period. This decision has been implemented starting from September 1.

On average, between 16,000 to 19,000 vehicles with provincial plates participate in daily traffic in Ulaanbaatar, while this number increases to 38,000 during celebrations. To address this, the City Council has updated the fees for road use to reduce the number of vehicles entering the city. According to the senior specialist at the General Authority for Ulaanbaatar Traffic, Ö.Törbat, fees will be collected from vehicles entering through Emeelt, Baruun Turuun, Nalaikh, Turgen, Argunt, Morning Mountain, and Hooltin Mountain. Payments can be made electronically, and invoices will be sent through the "Smart Car" application.

The collected fees will be allocated to the city's road fund to be used for road maintenance and repairs. Monitoring the use of roads by vehicles with provincial plates and increasing their road usage fees can potentially reduce the number of daily participating vehicles by up to five percent, according to the Communications Division of the Mayor's Office.

If Citizens Approve, License Plate Restrictions Will Begin Immediately

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

This week, we will gather opinions from citizens through the Ulaanbaatar.mn website. If citizens approve, we will initiate license plate restrictions promptly.

The impact of the measure to restrict by license plate was significant in the initial years. Gradually, as it turned into a means to increase the number of vehicles, continued implementation of this measure is unnecessary. We discussed with the city mayor about implementing different decisive measures in the future, despite this year's license plate restrictions.

The first meeting of the national committee on the “20-Minute City” was held. Congestion Minister R. Erdeneburen and city mayor Kh. Nyambaatar provided information about the decisions made in this meeting.


A Suspect Wanted for Robbery Arrested in South Korea

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

According to an "Interpol Red Notice" issued by the International Criminal Police Organization, a Mongolian national, identified as "E", who was wanted internationally, was brought back from South Korea on August 30th, under the provisions of the relevant laws.

The individual is under investigation for allegations of having used force to rob others in multiple instances as part of a group back in 2018. The investigation is currently ongoing, according to the police department.

The suspect was apprehended on August 23rd by the Fugitive Investigation Team of the National Central Bureau of Interpol in South Korea and the police department in Gyeonggi Nambu. The operation to repatriate the individual was organized jointly by the National Central Bureau of Interpol at the General Police Department and the Criminal Police Department.

A warning has been issued to media outlets, notifying them that they must credit the source (ikon.mn) when using any form of the information provided, whether in full or in parts, across Television, Radio, Social Media, or Web pages.

Ulaanbaatar.mn will collect citizens' opinions and decide on number restrictions this week

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

This year, the measure of limiting numbers will be implemented by listening to the opinions of citizens and making a decision.

Specifically, a survey will be conducted on the Ulaanbaatar.mn website this week, and a decision will be made based on the results, said Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar.

If the majority of Ulaanbaatar residents agree, the number restriction initiative will be urgently started.


Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social, and Websites) must mention the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, be it fully or partially!

Searching for a Five-Year-Old Child Who Drowned While Playing in the Onon River

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Last week across the country, 50 calls were registered related to emergency incidents and accidents in 6 districts of the capital and 24 sums in 13 provinces.

In response to these calls, officers from the Emergency Management Agency at both the central and local levels performed duties, saving the lives of 4 people. Unfortunately, 6 people died due to disasters and dangerous events. Out of all the calls, 31 concerned fire incidents, 14 were related to human activity accidents, 2 were weather-related incidents, 2 were biological disasters, and 1 was a geological disaster.

For instance, a call was received at 16:00 on 08.26 about a five-year-old child who was playing and drowned in the “Onon” river in Binder sum, Khentii province. The provincial Emergency Management Agency officers are currently organizing search operations.

Furthermore, a call was received regarding a 19-year-old citizen from the "Tsogtiin Uur" area in Artarkhi bag, Tarialan sum, Khuvsgul province, who went out with his sheep on the 30th of this month and has not been found yet. Following this call, officers from the 46th Fire and Rescue unit of the Emergency Management Agency in Tarialan sum, along with staff from the sum's Governor's Office, and family members are conducting a search operation.

Source: National Emergency Management Agency


Stages and Future Goals of Cleaning Lake Khuvsgul

Published: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The operation to remove sunken vehicles from the "Blue Pearl" Khuvsgul Lake, located in the northern part of the country, has been conducted for four years since 2020 and was completed last Friday.

In connection to this, a ceremony was held in Khatgal village of Alag-Erdene soum in Khuvsgul province, attended by the President of Mongolia and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces, U.Khurelsukh, who expressed deep gratitude to all the personnel who completed the operation at a professional level.

A team of over 120 people from the National Rescue Brigade of the National Emergency Management Agency, military units 113, 115, 119, 123, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, the National University of Science and Technology, the National Defense University, and the company "Geomaster" worked together to overcome many risks and successfully fulfill their duties.

When President U.Khurelsukh was acting as the Prime Minister, he incorporated the goal of placing Mongolia's freshwater resources and ecosystems under special protection into the "Vision 2050" long-term development policy and the Government program. Upon being elected as the head of state, he initiated and began implementing the operation to identify and remove sunken vehicles from Lake Khuvsgul.

The issue of cleaning the lake, which constitutes more than 70% of Mongolia's freshwater resources, had been discussed for many years before it was realized in 2020. The first stage of the operation began three years ago, featuring the retrieval of the "Sukhbaatar" ship, which sank in 1985, using a technology chart developed by scientists, researchers, and military advisory engineers from the National University of Science and Technology.

The ship was submerged in mud, and its weight increased fourfold to 1200 tons from its original 309 tons. Although it was projected that more than 60 excavators and bulldozers would be required, there was no possibility to place such a number of machines in the narrow coastal space. Therefore, military engineers and lecturers from the National University of Science and Technology collaborated to create a traction device that increased its force. Each of the three tractors was able to tow over 200 tons, and as the ship was slightly moved, it could be gradually brought to the surface.

Originally, it was planned to remove the "Sukhbaatar" ship within 14 days, but due to harsh weather and technical difficulties, it faced delays. Thanks to daily precise calculations, the largest sunken transport since 1985 was recovered after 36 days. The distinct location, weight, size, and position of this ship made it easier to conduct calculations and studies.

Following the successful first stage, the second stage removal operation began in February 2022.

According to research suggesting that a total of 28 technical units were sunken in Lake Khuvsgul, "Geomaster" company researchers started locating them between July 22 and November 15, 2022, over an area of 10502.6 hectares and identified five object points.

Based on the detected points, research and planning of the removal operations were carried out on-site, crafting a method tailored to Mongolia's particular conditions. Mongolian scientists developed a crane lifted on a pontoon bridge, referred to as the "Firm."

For the first time, an advanced piece of equipment, a multifunctional Pro-5 model underwater drone from the USA, was successfully tested and used in the investigation, detection, and retrieval of objects from the depths of the lake. The underwater drone identifies whether the located markers are vehicles or rocks by capturing images and recordings. Afterwards, it calculates the depth, size, and location to devise a removal plan. The drone is capable of threading and lashing the object at depth.

If the initial lashing is successful, subsequent lashings are performed, and the removal operation is conducted using the "Firm." Given that this operation is executed in a confined underwater environment, it demands extraordinary skill, precise sensing, and considerable time from divers.

Once the object is hauled up to a depth of 20 meters, diver rescuers check the primary supports and connections, subsequently organizing the lifting operation with the help of the "Firm." This creation of the "Firm" reduced costs 80-fold and significantly saved time. Concurrently, the naval divers of the 234th military unit utilized the floating bridge for the first time.

Ultimately, using a special-purpose KTL vehicle, the object is brought closer to the lake shore, extracted onto the shore, and fuel, combustible, and lubricating materials are transferred and secured into other containers.

Divers have repeatedly submerged to connect, cut, and reconnect the steel wire ropes, and seal the ship, while the military divers assembled the cable structure on the lake's surface, maintained optimal positions with the floating bridge, and performed tasks such as holding ground in strong waves.

The execution of this operation prioritized the safety of all personnel, strictly adhering to the principles of rescue operations and labor protection, and safely completed the operation without any incidents or accidents. Rescue divers were fully equipped with communication equipment for underwater messaging and special protective clothing.

Brigadier General J.Chulthamsuren, the first deputy chief and head of the headquarters of the National Emergency Management Agency, highlighted that members of the agency, including divers, accomplished tasks they had not previously done, enhancing their skills in underwater operations and improving their professional expertise and equipment.

Moreover, this notable event showcased that any pressing issues could be resolved with collaborative effort promptly, if the military and state agencies, scientific institutions, and the private sector work closely together.

With these efforts, during the short summer periods over four years, in some instances under challenging weather conditions, and based on available resources, a total of 11 sunken vehicles, along with the fuel, oil, lubricants, and other hazardous waste contained within, were removed from the lake.

Had hazardous waste been spilled, 2.53% of the lake's surface, or over 70 square kilometers, would have been polluted, potentially affecting the Eg River, Selenge River, and subsequently influencing Lake Baikal, which contains 20% of the world's freshwater. Approximately 50% of the fish, fry, and aquatic microorganisms would have died, significantly damaging the Lake Khuvsgul ecosystem.

This major risk and threat were averted through joint efforts, as emphasized by President U.Khurelsukh in his speech.

After cleaning Lake Khuvsgul of sunken vehicles, protective measures will continue. Establishing a research center on Lake Khuvsgul will systematically study and protect the lake's ecological conditions and forest resources.

Following the instructions and initiatives of the President, the project to protect Ganga Lake from pollution and refilling and improve its streamflow has yielded positive results, marking the beginning of a comprehensive plan to gradually restore Khurlen River, Ugu Lake, Tuul River, Buir Lake, and many more lakes and rivers.

In 2017, while serving as Prime Minister, President U.Khurelsukh launched the project "Protect Ganga Lake from Pollution and Drying, Improve its Streamflow." Through this program, studies on the vegetation of sand dunes and sediments of Ganga Lake were conducted, and a 16 km protective fence was established around the lake.

In an effort to free the lake from livestock trampling, ten wells were drilled and delivered among 45 households in the vicinity, and a project to establish a 10-hectare protective forest belt by planting over 8000 trees on the windward side of the lake was initiated.

Since 2017, intense efforts to protect Ganga Lake led to its ecosystem recovering, raising the water level to that of 2005. As a result, the good news is that in autumn 2022, over 7000 swans gathered at Ganga Lake.

Now, the second stage project of protecting Ganga Lake is beginning, aiming to revive the springs, stabilize the lake shores with stones, expand the protective forest belt, and construct bird-watching towers. This successful project marks a comprehensive restoration initiative for various sites, such as Ugu Lake, Khurlen River, and the Bumbatain Springs.

Considered a lifeline of central Mongolia's freshwater, Ugu Lake, which is 7 km long and 5 km wide, has been seriously polluted, with its ecosystem damaged since 2014 due to several factors. Consequently, a joint team has been assembled to implement a comprehensive protection scheme for Ugu Lake. This task force will remove the large quantity of fishing nets discarded at the lake bottom; guard and improve the streamflow of its main tributary, the Old Orkhon River; fence and protect the Old Orkhon and Hooloi River watersheds feeding into the lake; and conduct shoreline redevelopment planning to prevent pollution arising from human activities.

An allocation of 3 billion tugriks from the 2024 state budget is planned to improve the streamflows of the main tributary river, and to restore the salt ponds, Shorvog and Khoir Melkhit Lakes. Moreover, plans include renovating the fence around the Bumbatain mineral springs located in Songinokhairkhan district, West Tolgoitin, and carrying out landscaping work around the springs.


"World Schools in Mongolia-2024" Educational Fair to be Held

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The "World Schools in Mongolia-2024" educational fair, which is being organized for the seventh year, invites everyone to attend. By attending the fair, you will have the opportunity to meet admission officers from 33 foreign universities and colleges from nine countries, including the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Canada, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Switzerland. You can receive guidance and information on school admissions and programs, as well as participate in lectures on studying for bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, scholarships, and essay writing.

Embassies from countries such as the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Northern Ireland will participate as guest organizations to provide information on study opportunities abroad and scholarship programs.

The "World Schools in Mongolia-2024" educational fair will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on October 5-6 at the International School in Ulaanbaatar (located in front of the Khanuul Imart road).

Register: bit.ly/3sxEOIA


International School in Ulaanbaatar
Educational Consulting Information Center

Contact: 319016, 89069016, 89066941

Please note that media outlets (TV, Radio, Social and Web pages) are required to cite the source (ikon.mn) when they use our information in any form, whether fully or partially.

Rewards Beyond High Scoring Students in Entrance Exams

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A regular meeting of the Gobi-Altai Provincial Citizens' Representative Council was held where the topic of providing rewards was discussed.

It was decided during the meeting to reward not only the students who achieved high scores in the entrance exams and their teachers but also the school's managers, principals, and the district governors.

According to information circulating on social media:

  • Students who scored high in entrance exams are to receive rewards ranging from 3 to 5 million MNT.
  • Teachers are to receive 1 million MNT.
  • School managers are to be awarded up to 5 million MNT.
  • Principals and district governors are to receive rewards of up to 7 million MNT each.

When seeking clarification from the secretary of the Provincial Citizens' Representative Council, it was confirmed that the decision to reward successful students and the associated personnel is indeed true.

However, when asked about the specific conditions or calculations used to determine these reward amounts, and whether the information circulating on social media is accurate, the response was: "This issue will be resolved according to the appropriate regulations. It should not be assumed that everyone receives an equal monetary reward. However, I am unable to provide details about the relevant regulations."

According to the secretary, students who perform well in entrance exams and their preparing teachers will certainly be rewarded. However, it appears from social media posts that school managers, principals, and district governors may receive higher rewards than students and teachers.


Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social, and Websites) must mention the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, either fully or partially.

The State Will Circulate Its Owned Source Code

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Minister of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications, Ts. Baatarkhuu, plans to develop the sector's economy by exporting the good codes written by the state and the private sector to foreign countries. Specifically, the "Law on Supporting Information Technology Production," approved in June, states that "a budget organization can utilize its owned software source code based on agreements with foreign countries."

In this context, requests have been made to the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications, through their ambassadors, to have the e-barimt and e-Mongolia systems studied and experiences exchanged by many countries worldwide.

The law also stipulates that income obtained from exporting the state-owned source code internationally will be used to support enterprises registered in the virtual zone promoting information technology production.

Additionally, it should be noted that Mongolia has declared information technology and communications as one of its leading economic sectors. This sector has generated an income of 2,098.1 billion tugriks in 2023, out of which 356.4 billion tugriks have been transferred to the state budget.

Khuvsgul: Capacity Building for Childcare Service Providers

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

In Khuvsgul province, 27 caregivers are working in 8 childcare centers, serving a total of 110 children, which includes 65 ordinary children and 45 children with disabilities.

In connection with the Child Protection Law and the initiation of educational activities, a retraining program has been organized to enhance the capacity of the childcare providers.

Specifically, training was provided on positive child-rearing methods, recognizing and reporting forms of violence against children, children's nutrition and food hygiene, development of young children, methodologies for working with children with disabilities, and personal skills enhancement, offering guidance and advice on these topics.

BSB Finance NBFI Implements Updated ISO27001:2022 International Standard for Information Security

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

BSB Finance NBFI has implemented the updated international standard ISO27001:2022 for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) and received certification from TNV Certification Limited PVT of the Republic of India.

Since 2011, BSB Finance has been operating to address the financial needs of customers looking to purchase products from BSB Group on credit, providing a solution within 20 minutes. Additionally, they offer various business and consumer loans for individuals and enterprises, resolving requests within 8 working hours and providing fast and efficient service.

By implementing this standard, they have ensured operational security and the safety of customer information, thereby increasing trust in non-bank financial institutions and ensuring business continuity, among other advantages.

Please note that media outlets (television, radio, social and web pages) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using our information, in whole or in part.


B.Damdindorj: We Will Train Not Only Good Doctors but Also Compassionate, Honest, and Ethical Citizens

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The 82nd opening of the new academic year at the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS) took place today.

The university offers a program for training human doctors in English, accredited by the international organization "ASIIN". It also provides opportunities for international students to study in Mongolia through the 2+3 program. Currently, more than 180 international students are studying at this university.

During the opening, B.Damdindorj, the director of MNUMS, stated, "In addition to making our newly admitted students good doctors, we will work on nurturing them into compassionate, honest, ethical, and patriotic citizens who love their country and parents."

He added that MNUMS is launching the new academic year with over 9 associate's programs, 19 bachelor's programs, and over 20 master's and doctoral programs. This year, more than 3,100 new students have enrolled in our school, with a total of over 16,000 students studying.

The MNUMS has five affiliated hospitals, which handle 12% of the total healthcare workload.

Also, this year, students graduating with top grades in their medical program can graduate with a dual degree, including a master's degree. Our school's medical program is accredited by the international organization "ASSIN". As a result, graduates with this degree have the opportunity to work in their field in countries such as the European Union, the USA, and Canada.

Additionally, the nursing and public health programs are internationally accredited. The university's hospital system is very important. Our main goal this year is to focus on human development. We will implement human development programs suitable for not only faculty and students but also all employees working at this school.

"In addition to making our newly admitted students good doctors, we will work on nurturing them into compassionate, honest, ethical, and patriotic citizens who love their country and parents," he said.

Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at MNUMS, E.Jargalkhuu stated, "I am responsible for the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at MNUMS and the department of otorhinolaryngology at the Mongolian-Japanese Hospital. This year, our department and division have expanded our international relations. We are working with "Yonsei" University in South Korea to introduce technologies for treating two types of diseases that are not treated in our country."

Furthermore, our department, in collaboration with a university in Taiwan, is completing research on genetic mutations during hearing loss.

This research is being carried out under the national plan for reducing hearing loss. This work lays the foundation for the future implementation of gene therapy in Mongolia.

Our school is admitting its 82nd group of students and organizing the opening of the new academic year. The MNUMS is comprised of 15,000 organizations and employs 25,000 scientists, teachers, and staff. There are also five hospitals and six schools under its structure. I graduated from MNUMS in 2001 and started working as a clinical teacher in 2008. During this time, I have trained 64 resident doctors, 18 master's degree holders, 14 cyber masters, and 1 Ph.D.," he said.

MNUMS entrant E.Nandin-Erdene stated, "I graduated from the MNUMS high school this year. I successfully participated in the state exams, scoring 800 points in both biology and mathematics.

Since the sixth grade, I have dreamed of becoming a doctor. Since then, I have aimed to study at MNUMS. I am extremely happy to have fulfilled one of my goals and will be studying to become a human doctor. In the future, I aim to specialize and work in cardiac surgery," he said.


Athletes Achieving Success in the Paralympic Games Will Receive Monthly Bonuses of 2-4 Million MNT

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The "Paris-2024" Paralympic Games are currently underway. As of today, our team is ranked 29th on the medal table with one gold and two silver medals. In the Taekwondo category, U. Surenjav won a gold medal, and G. Bolor-Erdene earned a silver medal. In the athletics category, Ts. Battulga won a silver medal, demonstrating excellent performance.

The state provides regular incentives to athletes who have brought fame to their country by winning medals at the Olympics and Paralympics, to recognize their hard work and ensure their livelihood.

By the President's decree, since 2013, Mongolian citizens who have won medals in Olympic sports events or at world championships in various categories have been entitled to a lifelong monthly bonus. Furthermore, bonuses will be given without distinction between summer and winter Olympic or Paralympic athletes. Specifically, for medals from the Olympics or Paralympics:

  • Athletes who win a gold medal will receive 4 million MNT monthly,
  • Silver medalists will receive 3 million MNT,
  • Bronze medalists will receive 2 million MNT.

These bonuses are calculated starting from the first of January of the following year for the achievements made by the athlete. Additionally, a one-time monetary reward of 120 million MNT is given to athletes who win a gold medal at the Olympics or Paralympics, and their coaches receive a reward equivalent to 50% of the athlete's prize money.

In April 2023, at a government meeting, it was decided that monetary rewards and monthly bonuses provided by the government for achievements in Olympics, Paralympics, world championships, and other sports events and competitions would not be given to athletes and coaches who breach ethical standards or face legal consequences.

If an athlete with Olympic or world medals passes away, the athlete's spouse or children can apply to receive a one-time non-refundable grant equivalent to one year's bonus.

Paralympic Silver Medalist Ts. Battulga's Friend: My Friend Fulfilled His Dream of Competing on the World Stage Wearing His Father's Hat

Published: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Ts. Battulga won a silver medal in the men's shot put F40 category at the "Paris-2024" Summer Paralympic Games. We reached out to B. Sainjargal, an international-class athlete and friend of Ts. Battulga, to share his joy. B. Sainjargal is an environmental engineer who has been friends with Ts. Battulga for 30 years.

B. Sainjargal, friend of Paralympic silver medalist Ts. Battulga: I am as happy as if I won the medal myself. It feels great, feeling a mix of excitement, pride, and admiration. When my friend received the medal, I couldn't help but shed tears and feel a chill. My friend is the youngest child in his family, with two sisters and two brothers above him. His father was a renowned provincial wrestler. My friend has fulfilled his dream of stepping onto the world stage wearing his father's hat as he always wished.

We've been friends since we were conscious. Our parents were also friends. My friend's house used to be behind ours. When we were kids, other children would make fun of my friend, and I used to glare at and get angry on his behalf. It was difficult because children would often bully my friend. But he would ignore it as if nothing had happened. Differences should not affect friendship. Ts. Battulga is a person of great perseverance and determination. I would always be there during his training, constantly supporting him. Watching his immense hard work and endurance, I couldn't help but admire and think, "How amazing he is."

There was great anticipation for this Olympics. I was confident that one way or another, my friend would secure a position among the top three. He himself talked about definitely winning a medal in this Olympics. Athletes often face challenging and difficult times, from non-successful competitions to various injuries, but my friend has overcome all these hardships. In addition to training, my friend works as a dentist. He studied at medical school for almost 10 years. He is extremely talented and successful in his profession. I have endless admiration for my friend.

Ts. Battulga has become the first Mongolian athlete to win a medal in track and field at the Paralympic Games. He won the bronze medal at the "Hangzhou-2022" Asian Games last year, and he is also a champion of the Beijing Grand Prix and the All-Russian Gold medalist.