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Mongolia News Summary for September 01, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for September 01, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories












The Bill for Mongolia's 2025 Budget Submitted

Published: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Mongolia's Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene submitted to Speaker of the Parliament D. Amarbaysgalan the draft laws for the 2025 budget of Mongolia, the National Wealth Fund, the Social Protection Fund, the Health Insurance Fund, and other related legislative projects.

Mongolia's Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene stated that 2025 is the starting year for implementing the Government's action program. It aims to solve the most pressing and time-sensitive fundamental economic issues, implement the first stage of comprehensive regional development reform, and significantly address long-standing issues by decentralizing the capital. He emphasized that within this framework, the 2025 budget policy will focus entirely on initiating major development projects, reducing state involvement, and supporting the private sector.

The regional development policy of Mongolia and the infrastructure development projects in the regions mentioned in the "Government's 2024-2028 Action Program" are planned to be financed with a total of 6.9 trillion MNT in national budget investments, foreign loans, and aid, making it a year of unprecedented high investment.

Of this total, 24% or 1.6 trillion MNT is planned for the transport sector, 8% or 0.6 trillion MNT for the energy sector, 11% or 0.7 trillion MNT for engineering infrastructure, and the remainder for other sectors. Efforts to decentralize the capital Ulaanbaatar, create new conditions for delivering basic social services within 20 minutes, and reduce traffic congestion, including the "Khushig Valley Tunnel" and "Aspiring Mongolia" cable-stayed bridge projects, have been stepwise addressed in next year's budget proposal.

210.0 billion MNT will be allocated for the construction of the Government's one-stop service complex, and 202.0 billion MNT for the construction of a deep-water purification facility and a wastewater recycling plant to improve Ulaanbaatar city's water supply, funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation of the United States. Additionally, 80.0 billion MNT is planned for the construction of the "Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ulaanbaatar" with a capacity of treating 250,000 m3 of water daily in 2025. To address the over-centralization of the capital, funding for the infrastructure of the "Khushig Valley-New Zuunmod City" and the study, feasibility research, and design of the "New Kharkhorum City" project, which plans for a population of 500,000, has been settled. The strategy to promote regional economic circulation involves constructing the "FIVE RINGS" regional development highway project to connect provincial centers with border checkpoints and each other. The plan includes constructing a total of 2,120.9 km of new roads in 2025, of which 1079.7 km are to connect provinces, 708.6 km to link provinces with ports, and 332.6 km for tourism.

The development projects are expected to resolve factors limiting economic growth, increase foreign and domestic private investment in rural areas, and significantly improve business conditions and quality of life, forming the basis for achieving economic and social goals. Additionally, tax policies aligned with regional development goals will be implemented to enhance the efficiency of state-owned assets. The policy includes supporting the manufacturing industry through tax policy and implementing a national housing program through the national wealth fund, as reported by the Parliament's Press and Public Relations Department.

Google: Russian State-Sponsored Hackers Breached Mongolian Government Websites

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The Threat Analysis Group of Google reported that from November 2023 to July 2024, Russian state-backed hackers carried out a "watering hole attack" on Mongolian government websites. These attacks involved installing malicious code to steal information from users accessing the sites.

Specifically, Google identified that the affected websites were cabinet.gov.mn (Cabinet Secretariat) and mfa.gov.mn (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The hackers planted the watering hole attack code multiple times, targeting users on iPhone or Android devices. They stole passwords, browsing history, saved credit card information, and cookies stored in Google's Chrome browser.

The APT29 group, linked to Russian intelligence, carried out these attacks. They targeted iPhone users with iOS versions 16.6.1 and older during November 2023 and February 2024. Upon accessing the compromised websites, the attackers used the CVE-2021-879 code to steal cookies for accessing LinkedIn, Gmail, and Facebook.

According to the report, the Cabinet Secretariat and Ministry of Foreign Affairs websites were first hacked in November 2023. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' website was then targeted again in February and July 2024.

In July, the attacks focused on Android devices, with an aim to steal user information through Google Chrome.

Google associates the series of attacks with the Russian state-sponsored hacking group APT29, noting similarities to cookie-stealing techniques used in a 2021 attack by the same group.

This group has been active since at least 2008, organizing cyber attacks on European and NATO governments and research institutions. It was also reported to have hacked the US Democratic Party's website in 2015. This year, The Record website reported cyber attacks on TeamViewer, Microsoft executives, and British government information and emails.

Upon discovering the breach of Mongolian government websites, Google notified Apple and Android and informed the Mongolian Cybersecurity Information and Governance Center to fix the compromised sites.

A recent report mentioned that "It is unclear how APT29 obtained the attack code," but highlighted similarities to codes used by the Israel-based NSO group and the Ireland-registered Intellexa group.

Source: MFCC

The information saying "The International Criminal Court sent a letter to President U. Khurelsukh" is misleading

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The information circulating on social networks stating that "The International Criminal Court sent an alert letter to the President of Mongolia" in relation to the upcoming visit of President V.V. Putin of Russia to Mongolia has been verified by the Mongolian Fact-Checking Center. After conducting a check, it was concluded that the information is misleading. Here is the fact-checking information.

General summary: A letter with the headline "A letter to President U. Khurelsukh from the International Criminal Court:" has been falsely disseminated as if it were from the International Criminal Court.

Fact-checking results: The letter was falsely presented as originating from the International Criminal Court by spreading information from a digital appeal made by a media editorial called Ateo Breaking.

On August 31, 2024, a Facebook user named Bold Tovuu shared a post titled "A letter to President U. Khurelsukh from the International Criminal Court." This post received 186 reactions, 10 comments, and was shared 122 times.

FACTCHECK: We performed the fact-check as follows:

“Ateo Breaking” is a Russian-language Telegram channel. On August 31, 2024, it made an appeal on X (formerly Twitter), urging others to spread it. This appeal, issued by the Ateo Breaking news agency, was translated and disseminated with an added heading "A letter to President U. Khurelsukh from the International Criminal Court:", and the part "Sincerely," was followed by the deletion of "Ateo Breaking."

Regarding this appeal, Ateo Breaking provided the following explanation on its Telegram channel.

The Ateo Breaking editorial organized an advocacy campaign aimed at residents of Mongolia. Every active Twitter user in Mongolia will see our appeal complaint and the decision of the international court in The Hague. Every reader of Ateo Breaking will help spread the message by liking it, retweeting it, and leaving comments.

In summary, the appeal issued by the Ateo Breaking news editorial was misleadingly reported as a letter from the International Criminal Court.


A Direct Contract with Two Chinese Companies for a Semi-Coke Plant Structure, Paid an Advance of 9.1 Billion MNT and was "Defrauded"

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

Previously, we reported that the coal processing plant at "Tavantolgoi Fuel," which aimed to reduce the sulfur content of briquette fuel, has been halted, rendering equipment and facilities worth 44.6 billion useless. You can read the related information HERE.

This time, we are bringing you the news that the 9.1 billion MNT allocated for the feasibility study of the "Semi-Coke Plant," intended to improve the quality of improved briquette fuel at "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC, has been squandered.

The government decided during a meeting on April 27, 2022, to build a semi-coke plant to improve the quality of improved briquette fuel, increase the economic efficiency of "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC, and make it operationally profitable. Officials announced that "Erdenes Tavantolgoi," JSC would provide the initial financing of $220 million.

Last autumn, during the subcommittee meeting on air pollution reduction issues, Minister of Energy B.Choijilsuren and CEO of "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC Ts.Davaatsogt gave information about semi-coke coal, stating that experimental production was conducted using the technology of "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC by modifying the raw materials.

The improved fuel produced entirely from semi-coke showed the best results, with the technical indicators of the experimental fuel reaching levels comparable to standards of countries like the PRC, ROK, FRG, and the Russian Federation.

Particularly, volatile matter is between 7-12%, and sulfur between 0.5-1.0%. Internationally, the primary raw material for briquette fuel is semi-coke, and it is ignited only with specified ignitors. Comparing the technical specifications of improved fuel made of middling and semi-coke, shows significantly lower volatile matter at 41.4-51.7%, sulfur at 54.6-60.8%, and ash at 37.0-37.3%, suggesting that its introduction would directly improve air quality. The need to continue research on ignitors remains.

Instead of announcing a tender or selection process, "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC directly signed contracts worth a total of 18.4 billion MNT with THRU LLC and Zhejiang Xauding Water Conservancy Engineering Co., Ltd for the development of the feasibility study, design, and the establishment of a new laboratory for the semi-coke plant project.

Moreover, an advance payment of 9.1 billion MNT was transferred to these companies before commencing any work. However, lacking supervision over their activities, the project still bears no completed work to date. In other words, the 9.1 billion MNT funding for the "Semi-Coke Plant" project has been wasted, leading "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC to be defrauded. Thus, there is information that the concerned organization has filed a lawsuit to reclaim the financed amount.

Furthermore, it was projected that establishing the semi-coke plant could result in a gas-fired power plant of 17 MW capacity, an 80 MW power plant, export 700,000 tons of semi-coked coal, and produce 65,000 tons of diesel fuel annually, alongside creating numerous specialized, high-paying jobs.

Tax Deductions for Expenses Incurred Under Social Responsibility

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In connection with the amendment to the 2024 budget bill submitted by the government, the Parliament has been presented with a proposed amendment to the corporate income tax law.

This amendment aims to support businesses engaged in investment and development activities that promote human development. In the private sector, businesses spend certain amounts on investments and development projects as part of their social responsibility. These expenses are not considered deductible, as they are not related to the company's operations. In other words, they do not benefit from tax deductions or incentives.

However, the legal amendment will create a legal framework to provide tax deductions on expenses incurred under social responsibility. Specifically, an additional change to the law includes a deduction of one percent of a business's sales income engaged in activities that support human development and development projects. No specific regulation will be issued by the relevant state authority following the law, and it is highlighted that the amendment can be implemented from the day it is announced to the public.

Tax deductions will not be applicable to expenses incurred under social responsibility before the law is enacted. However, a one percent sales income tax deduction will apply to expenses incurred under social responsibility after the law is approved.

Internationally, it is noted that private sector businesses spend 60-70 billion MNT annually on human development investments and development projects. If the above law amendment is passed, it is highlighted by the proponents that businesses operating in Mongolia can increase their expenses incurred under social responsibility.

World Bank: Mongolia needs to transition to a more diversified, high-productivity green economy

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The global economy is transitioning to a lower carbon-emitting economic model, and the projected decrease in demand for Mongolian coal emphasizes the need to reduce Mongolia’s high dependency on coal, highlighted in the World Bank's recommendations released in July.

The World Bank has addressed several important issues in its key policy recommendations aimed at Mongolia's sustainable development goals.

"Mongolia's high reliance on the mining sector continues to weaken economic diversification. Macroeconomic stability is frequently disrupted, making Mongolia vulnerable to the global green transition and its impacts," the recommendations warn.

Additionally, it concludes, "The widespread use of cheap coal for energy and heat production increases air pollution, creates negative health impacts, and leads to economic growth with high carbon emissions."

Furthermore, the World Bank believes that shocks such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and trade restrictions imposed by China have already posed significant challenges and difficulties to Mongolia's vulnerable economy.

"These factors have had a strong negative impact on Mongolia’s budget and foreign trade balance, exhausting economic resources and putting the country in a difficult situation. The current sharp increase in exports observed in the mining sector is supporting improvements in the macroeconomic and financial conditions. However, unless structural reforms and policy measures aimed at reducing economic vulnerability and dependency on the highly volatile mining sector are implemented, the current positive conditions may only be temporary," the recommendations warn. Therefore, it is advised that Mongolia transition to a more diversified, high-productivity, green economy.

Additionally, the importance of balancing the national resource asset package, which includes natural resources, physical, and human capital, and institutional capacity, for this transition is highlighted.

EVIDENCE: The Monthly Salary and Expenses of C. Sandui, Living in Japan Under the Name "Representative of Ulaanbaatar," Amount to 17.2 Million Tugrik, While B. Khajidmaa in South Korea Received 13.1 Million from the Capital

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

Some individuals who once held political positions by following a political party seem to “receive their rewards” and live quietly with state funds in a foreign country for a while.

For instance, C. Sandui, the former head of the MPP in the capital and former chairman of the City Council, who was investigated and jailed for conspiring to illegally acquire state power by raising 60 billion tugriks, is reportedly living quietly as "Representative of Ulaanbaatar City in Japan" and receiving a salary from the state.

In detail, the "60 billion case" involving C. Sandui and his adviser A. Ganbaatar was reinstated for a comprehensive reevaluation in March 2023. Despite this, C. Sandui was appointed as the Representative of Ulaanbaatar City in Japan by D. Sumiyabazar in 2023. The most alarming aspect is that the travel restriction on C. Sandui, who was investigated in the "60 billion case," was lifted, enabling him to travel freely between Japan and Mongolia, whereas the travel restriction on A. Ganbaatar, who was also investigated, had not been lifted. For related information, see HERE.

Additionally, B. Khajidmaa, former director of the Press and Public Relations Office of the MPP's Executive Council, was appointed as the Representative of Ulaanbaatar City in Seoul, South Korea, in 2023. B. Khajidmaa has previously worked as a journalist for the “Daily Newspaper” and served as deputy editor of the MPP's central publication, “Mongolian Truth” newspaper.

Furthermore, E. Tselmuun, the representative in Warsaw, Poland; M. Munkhtsetseg, the representative in Moscow, Russia; and former Deputy Mayor D. Bayanmunkh may be holding the position of "Representative of Ulaanbaatar City" in various countries, receiving salaries from taxpayers' money and living quietly abroad.

As of May 2024, each of the representatives, including C. Sandui, B. Khajidmaa, E. Tselmuun, M. Munkhtsetseg, and D. Bayanmunkh, received a monthly salary and additional expenses ranging from 9 million to 17 million tugriks from the state.

Specifically, under the heading "Representative's May Salary and Other Expenses," 17.2 million tugriks were transferred to C. Sandui, 13.1 million tugriks to B. Khajidmaa, 17.2 million tugriks to E. Tselmuun, 15.5 million tugriks to M. Munkhtsetseg, and 9.1 million tugriks to D. Batmunkh from the capital's budget. This suggests that each member of the MPP holding the title of representative of Ulaanbaatar City might be receiving over 10 million tugriks as their monthly salary. However, the roles and duties of these representatives remain unclear, and no information about their executed work is available. We have contacted relevant officials for information related to these representatives, but no official capable of providing this information was available yesterday (August 28, 2024).


HISTORICAL RECORD: "As Soon as the Peace Treaty Was Signed, the USSR Rapidly Withdrew Its Troops from Khalkhin Gol and Transferred Them to Europe"

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In September 1931, the Japanese Empire used the explosion of a railway near Mukden as a pretext to launch its aggression in Manchuria. By February 1932, they had established the puppet state of Manchukuo, which bordered directly with the Mongolian People's Republic (MPR) and the Soviet Union (USSR). From the 1930s, disputes arose between the MPR and Manchukuo due to undefined borderlines, which Japan used to assert its influence, a fact emphasized by historians.

Between 1935-1937, several border skirmishes occurred at Manchurian stations, but peace talks failed to resolve them. The tensions between the USSR and Japan, coupled with the competition to establish influence over the MPR, culminated on May 28, 1939, when Japanese and Manchukuo forces invaded MPR territory, marking the start of the undeclared war at Khalkhin Gol.

The "Strategic Studies" journal published a special issue commemorating the 85th anniversary of the victory at Khalkhin Gol, highlighting the Mongolian and Soviet efforts in the operation. Brigadier General L. Oncogbayar from the National Defense University described the war as significant, involving over 130,000 troops, more than 1,000 tanks and armored vehicles, and 800 warplanes from four nations on both sides in a relatively small area. He noted that the MPR allocated 60.6% of its budget for this war, the highest defense expenditure in its history during the 20th century.

Celebrations of this anniversary, managed by the Ministry of Defense, are taking place from August 1 to September 3, 2024, marking its importance.

An international conference titled "Khalkhin Gol-85: Research, Outcomes, and Trends" was held on August 20 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, featuring scholars from Mongolia, Russia, China, Japan, and South Korea. They presented research on the roles of cavalry divisions, border troops, psychological and geopolitical strategies, and how foreign media covered the war. The conference was a collaboration between the Military Science Academic Institute and the Institute of History and Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences.

In Japanese history, the battles at Khalkhin Gol are often referred to as the "Nomonhan Incident." During the 1960s to 1980s, research depicted it as a Soviet-Japanese border conflict at the Mongolian-Manchurian border, as discussed by Dr. D. Sodnomtsog, director of the Military Science Academic Institute.

Further research by domestic and foreign scholars is underway, often combining archaeological study with historical research. Japanese experts have been locating the remains of lost soldiers to return them to their homeland. Russia also embarked on searching for remains and artifacts since 2009, recovering numerous items used by soldiers. Emphasis is placed on making these sites safe from unexploded mines and grenades, with support from governmental and UNESCO bodies needed.

Dr. C. Terendorj from the Institute of History and Ethnology presented on the articles and news about Khalkhin Gol published in Korean newspapers, emphasizing the role of periodical publications as primary research materials. Analysis revealed extensive coverage of Mongolia in Korean press up to 1945, with "East Asian Daily News" publishing over 2000 articles about Mongolia, including comprehensive coverage of the Khalkhin Gol conflict.

From April to November 1939, 222 news pieces appeared in "East Asian Daily News," with the peak occurring in July, correlated with the battles of Bayantumen. However, as common in wars, both sides claimed victory in their reports, leading to factual distortions. For example, Japanese news sometimes exaggerated Soviet and Mongolian casualties, drawing criticism even then.

The study found that while a significant portion of the articles contained exaggerations, about 30% either conveyed truth or could not be refuted. The extensive coverage reflects the global attention the conflict drew.

Dr. Han Yu-han, a researcher from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, discussed findings on the Japanese army's use of bacteriological warfare, highlighting the importance of the conflict in Chinese and Mongolian 20th-century history. Dr. Han noted that Khalkhin Gol represents a novel focus for Chinese military historians, with recent expansion in research considering military tactics and war history.

The war's origins are debated among scholars, with some citing the immediate cause as a border dispute between Manchukuo and the MPR, while others highlight Japan's broader aggressive strategy. Japanese leadership, using the border issue, aimed to gain strategically advantageous territory.

Professor G. Myagmarsambuu from the Institute of History and Ethnology pointed out misconceptions regarding the leadership during the Khalkhin Gol conflict. Despite narratives suggesting Marshal Kh. Choibalsan led the operations at the ground level, he only visited the front twice, in June and September of 1939, while primarily managing affairs from Ulaanbaatar.

The operational command on the ground was under Marshal G. K. Zhukov, who assumed direct command in May 1939. However, the oversight of Mongolian Armed Forces was not under Zhukov's purview.

The establishment of the Mongolian Armed Forces Command by Marshal Choibalsan marked a new phase, enhancing combat operations as also acknowledged in reports sent to the Soviet Union. This reflected greater operational success post-July 10, attributed also to Soviet advisors.

In conclusion, efforts to enhance research and emphasize Mongolia's contributions to the Khalkhin Gol victory are deemed necessary, as the conflict is now seen as a prelude to World War II.

Dr. N. Khuderbat provided data indicating that during the Khalkhin Gol conflict, the MAF expanded its ranks significantly, conducting partial drafts and ultimately achieving a combat strength of 17,500, of whom 8,575 participated in the conflict.

Various specialized units, including aviation under Commander Zaisanov, played pivotal roles in combat, executing multiple nocturnal raids and combat flights. Medical units established six hospitals, providing crucial aid to affected personnel.

Recent academic discussions recognize Khalkhin Gol as a significant event marking the onset of World War II, with historians acknowledging the substantial Mongolian contributions to the outcomes of major 20th-century conflicts.


B. Choyjilsuren: We will make an agreement with Russia to expand TPP-III. This is the only option available

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Russian President Vladimir Putin has scheduled an official visit to Mongolia on September 3. During this visit, an intergovernmental agreement on the expansion project of TPP-III is expected to be signed. The issue of this agreement was discussed by the relevant standing committees before the extraordinary parliamentary session adjourned yesterday. Some members of Parliament expressed criticism over this issue, asking questions and receiving responses from the relevant sector ministers.

  • Member of Parliament S. Erdenebold: The criteria for national security issues are related to the sovereignty of the country. What is your stance on the security criteria as a sector minister? Is it right or wrong to violate parliamentary processes every time a head of state visits Mongolia for a matter related to them? What is your stance?
  • Minister of Energy B. Choyjilsuren: I don't know what security criteria exist. Minister J. Enkhbayar might respond. There is no legal infringement related to the Russian President's visit. Members and the government need to work swiftly. We have promised many things to the people. The Russian side expressed their wish to sign the agreement during the President's visit, which we accepted.
  • Minister of Food, Agriculture, Light Industry J. Enkhbayar: I worked as the Secretary of the National Security Council before the election. The National Security Concept is a major legal document that follows the Constitution. It includes components of national security. Its special position is on energy security. Energy security in Mongolia is in serious jeopardy. We all know that our current energy situation is insufficient for the economic development of the country and the growing population. First, we urgently need to liberalize the energy sector; second, our energy system is essentially outdated, having been designed and built with investments and technology from the former USSR. Since the issue of expanding that power plant is being discussed, it is appropriate to expand it with Russian production and equipment.

On the other hand, the credit terms are favorable. When the global market average source doesn't fall below 10%, a 20-year loan with a 2% interest and a five-year grace period on the principal is significant for expanding Mongolia's TPP-III. Also, the national interest lies in balancing the investment from the two neighboring countries in the energy sector. Unfortunately, the balance of investment in this sector has been lost. Assuring this balance is crucial, and the expansion financed by Russia is of particular importance for TPP-III. This was discussed in the National Security Council, and a policy direction was established then. It aligns with many items in the National Security Concept concerning national and energy security. The expansion of TPP-III has been discussed for many years. It is appropriate to sign and begin the project work during the Russian President's visit.

  • Member of Parliament O. Shijir: I understand that the expansion project contract has been discussed bilaterally. However, this is not a contract but a coercive document. It states that without applying procurement procedures specified by Mongolian law, the authorized Mongolian organization will sign a project contract with the authorized Russian organization. Documents related to project development will be prepared in Russian, Mongolian, and English, with Russian language prioritized. It is stipulated that the project design will be verified according to Russian norms, regulations, and standards. Did our side accept such a coercive requirement? This is not a contract but a coercive document. What stance does the working group and the sector minister have on this?
  • Minister of Energy B. Choyjilsuren: Last Wednesday, the government sent a document to Parliament. It was sent to members of the Security and Foreign Policy Standing Committee, Budget Standing Committee, and Economic Standing Committee two days ago. We are discussing establishing a contract with prioritized Russian language. No Mongolian tender law applies as it is an international agreement.

Regarding norms and standards, no such power plant expansion work has occurred in the last 30 years, and our standards are outdated, so since Russian standards and Mongolian standards are nearly identical, we agreed to follow Russian standards. However, Mongolia's special requirements will be included.

  • Member of Parliament B. Jargalan: Expanding the Thermal Power Plant III is imperative. But why was it suddenly introduced? Was it negotiated only with Russia or also with third countries? There are many issues regarding the price presented in the introduction. The total is stated as 1.3 billion euros. Therefore, the price per 1 MW is 4 million USD, seen as excessively high. Although a ruble loan is mentioned, the investment is stated in euros. What is the reason behind this? At this time, how correct is it to take a ruble loan? The third article of the negotiation mentions that without procurement procedures specified by Mongolian law, an authorized Mongolian organization will sign a project contract with an authorized Russian organization. Is this a legal violation?
  • Minister of Energy B. Choyjilsuren: I was appointed Minister of Energy on August 30, 2022. The issue of expanding TPP-III is not a suddenly introduced issue. The previous ministers of energy had been working on this project. A feasibility study was conducted by a Russian company. They presented a proposal for a project costing 1 billion 326 million euros to provide electricity of 300 MW and heat of about 400 MW. We required them several times over two years to reduce the price and agree on financing conditions. Their response was that without a detailed project design, it is impossible to agree on a prior price. They demanded a detailed design financed by us for price negotiation later.

On September 3, when the Russian President visits Mongolia, both governments have expressed their intention to sign the contract. This involves signing for the project development work. The construction contract will be discussed after the project design work concludes around the second quarter of 2026.

Let me answer whether it is right to contract only with Russia. Currently, there are no financial institutions from Western countries willing to finance coal projects. Additionally, China announced in 2021 at the United Nations Assembly that it would not finance coal power stations outside of China's territory. This cooperation with Russia was initiated by the previous government in 2019. Following government succession, we maintain support for this project with Russia, finalizing financing conditions and other terms. It will be presented to Parliament again at that time.

  • Member of Parliament B. Jargalan: If we are to finance the feasibility study ourselves in this agreement, can't we make it a separate contract for only what is related to the feasibility study? Why is it necessary to proceed with a continuous negotiation phase? Since we provide money for our feasibility study, we can perform it with another foreign company and then negotiate with Russia afterward.
  • Minister of Energy B. Choyjilsuren: If we could raise our own funds and do it from the budget, why would we need to ask Russia? We have no alternative. Our energy consumption increases by 260 MW annually. No foreign countries or investors are approaching us, saying we'll finance it. This is the situation we're in, and these are the opportunities available.

A Russian Company to Develop the Project for Power Plant III for 1.3 Billion Euros

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

At a recent meeting of the Budget Standing Committee of the State Great Hural, the draft agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the Russian Federation on the development of the basic design and project for the expansion and renovation of the Thermal Power Plant III was discussed.

Following the meeting in April 2024, a decision was made to accelerate the project to stagewise increase power by 300 MW and heat by 395 MW based on Thermal Power Plant III.

The draft agreement was developed and submitted to the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation last April. The Ministry of Energy of Russia incorporated relevant ministries' proposals into the draft agreement and responded to our side last July. The Ministers of Energy of the two countries agreed and cooperated this month, as reported by Minister of Energy B.Choijilsuren.

The draft agreement consists of 11 articles in total. The project and design involve expanding the high-pressure section of the Thermal Power Plant III with a block station of 50 MW (1x50 MW) and dismantling the 48 MW (4x12 MW) block station of the medium-pressure section to build a new 250 MW (2x125 MW) block station on its base.

The scope and general conditions of engineering investigation and research will be specified, with "TPP-3" JSC as the client and Russia's proposed "Inter RAO Export" as the contractor.

The outcome of the project design work will precisely specify the total construction budget and timeframe for the expansion and renovation project of the Thermal Power Plant III, facilitating further agreements with the Russian side on conditions of the Russian Government's export loan and construction work execution, explained the minister.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit our country next Tuesday. Therefore, the project was urgently submitted to the State Great Hural for the agreement to be signed during his visit.

Many members who attended the standing meeting criticized the project. For instance, member of the State Great Hural, Ö.Shijir, said that distributing the materials just an hour before the meeting is inappropriate. Member of the State Great Hural G.Temyulen distributed it to the members via email on the 28th.

Originally scheduled to be ratified in the autumn session, the government submitted it on an urgent basis, they responded.

Additionally, the members of the State Great Hural stated that it is not an agreement but a coercive document. Since it includes clauses that give preference to the Russian language and disregard Mongolian legislation. The condition for announcing the company implementing the project in Mongolia has not been accepted by the northern neighbor. The government started negotiating with Russia for the project since 2022. Since then, we completed the feasibility study at our own expense. Based on the feasibility study, Russia estimated the total project cost to be 1.326 billion euros.

The Minister of Energy met with the Minister of Finance of Russia three times to discuss this project. Minister B.Choijilsuren said, "This is the state we are in. If we had the money to conduct our own feasibility study, we wouldn't ask others. Our energy demand is beyond our capacity to meet."

The total project cost of 1.3 billion euros was reported as high by member B.Jargalmaa, questioned why it is expressed in euros when it is a ruble loan.

Member J.Enkhbayar remarked, "The loan interest rate is relatively low at 2 percent annually. Currently, even the lowest rate for borrowing from other countries is 10 percent. The loan period is 20 years, with a 5-year grace period. The National Security Council views maintaining equilibrium at a time when our economy heavily depends on our southern neighbor as appropriate, thereby supporting this agreement."

Following the discussion, the project agreement draft on developing the basic design and project between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the Russian Federation for the expansion and renovation of Thermal Power Plant III was supported by 62.5 percent of the participating members.

The opinion and evaluation of the Budget Standing Committee regarding the project will be presented at the meeting of the Standing Committee on Security and Foreign Policy of the State Great Hural, according to the Press and Public Relations Office of the State Great Hural.

BUDGET 2025: 6.9 Trillion Mongolian Tögrög to be Spent on Road, Energy, and Infrastructure Projects

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene presented to the Speaker of the Parliament, D. Amarbaysgalan, the draft laws concerning the 2025 state budget of Mongolia, the 2025 budget of the National Wealth Fund, the 2025 budget of the Social Protection Fund, and the 2025 budget of the Health Insurance Fund, and other related legal initiatives.

Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene mentioned that 2025 is a starting year for implementing the government's action plan, focusing on solving the most pressing and time-sensitive fundamental economic issues. Attention will be given to implementing the first phase of comprehensive regional development reforms and decentralizing the capital to robustly address longstanding issues.

The 2025 budget policy will primarily aim to launch major development projects, reduce state involvement, and support private sector participation.

A total of 6.9 trillion Mongolian Tögrög is planned for investment from the state budget, external loans, and aid to finance the roads, energy, and infrastructure development projects included in the regional development policy of Mongolia and the “Government's 2024-2028 Action Plan.”

This year will be recorded as the highest investment year in history. Of this:

  • 24 percent or 1.6 trillion tögrög will be allocated to the road transport sector,
  • 8 percent or 0.6 trillion tögrög to the energy sector,
  • 11 percent or 0.7 trillion tögrög for engineering infrastructure,
  • The remainder will be implemented in other sectors.

Mega projects aimed at reducing congestion in Ulaanbaatar, establishing a new environment to deliver basic social services within 20 minutes, and realistically implementing traffic congestion reduction measures such as the “Khushig Valley Tunnel” and the “Striving Mongolia” cable-stayed bridge project will be methodically financed and implemented as included in the following year's budget proposal.

210.0 billion tögrög is allocated for the construction of the government's one-stop service complex.

202.0 billion tögrög will be allocated to the construction of the water deep purification facility and wastewater recycling plant of the project to increase the water supply of Ulaanbaatar city, financed by the Millennium Challenge Fund of the USA.

80.0 billion tögrög is projected in 2025 for the construction of the “Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ulaanbaatar,” with a daily capacity to treat 250,000 m3 of water.

In an effort to solve the over-centralization of the capital, finance has been allocated for infrastructure of the “Khushig Valley-New Zuunmod City,” the feasibility study (FS), and the technical and economic feasibility study (TEFS) and design for the “New Kharkhorum City” project designed for 500,000 people.

A total of 2,120.9 km of new roads will be constructed in 2025.

  • 1079.7 km connecting provinces with other provinces,
  • 708.6 km connecting provinces with border points,
  • 332.6 km for tourism and travel roads.

The national housing program will also be implemented through the National Wealth Fund and supported by taxation policy for processing industries.

Reducing Car Demand by 5-7% Can Lower Traffic Congestion by 20-25%

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In the last 20 years, there's been an intense migration from rural areas to urban centers. Statistics show that 57% of the 3.5 million people live in urban areas, with 48%, or 1.7 million people, residing in Ulaanbaatar and within a 25 km radius.

Due to organic and mechanical population growth, Ulaanbaatar is expected to concentrate more than 60% of the total population in the next five years. Consequently, buildings will increase, commerce will expand, transportation demand will grow, and congestion will worsen.

This is not just an issue for people with cars. It affects everyone living in the city, instigating core problems in the economy, health, environmental pollution, and social psychology. Moreover, every city resident is a fundamental factor provoking congestion, regardless of whether they own a car.

Traffic congestion is not unique to Mongolia; all major cities worldwide face this issue. For example, I experience it daily in Washington D.C., the most congested city in America.

Can this issue be resolved? If yes, how and in what time frame?

Some believe that increasing roads and highways is an easy solution if money is available. They propose ideas such as expanding roads, relocating the city, building costly tunnels and bridges, and distributing the population.

Another group blames the government for congestion, advocating administrative measures to solve this problem. The government suggests managing traffic by alternating vehicle usage based on license plate numbers, providing free public transportation, and taxing vehicles entering the city for more than 48 hours.

Indeed, many older and wealthier cities, more congested than ours, only move at a speed of 0-5 km/h during peak times. Therefore, the true cause of congestion is unlikely related to budget or development levels.

Cities are inherently complex and living systems. Predicting and calculating where citizens live, their work, their commuting routes and times, their children's schools, their social interactions, and the services they need is difficult.

Consequently, traffic congestion is dependent on many factors and cannot be eliminated by a single administrative or mechanical measure. However, it's not something we should ignore or leave unmanaged.

Generally, the causes of congestion can be divided into FUNDAMENTAL and TEMPORARY.

A sharp increase in transportation demand due to population growth, resulting in more vehicles, is the FUNDAMENTAL cause. Research by Zebra Agency in America indicates that this constitutes 50% of congestion causes.

TEMPORARY causes include festivities, road repairs, weather conditions, accidents, and road conditions that reduce capacity and slow traffic flow. Weather accounts for 10% while traffic accidents account for 25% of congestion causes.

The capacity of traffic lights and citizens' responses to them account for 5% of congestion, while roadwork causes 15%.

Urban planners and transport experts favor effective methods like limiting and reducing transportation demand instead of increasing road capacity and vehicle supply.

Increasing road capacity by expanding and building more roads encourages greater vehicle supply, leading to more congestion in the medium term, known as the "Rebound effect," which holds true in all cities.

For instance, Houston, Texas, with the world's most extensive road network and the fourth-largest city in the U.S., attempted to reduce its peak congestion by expanding the I10 Katy Freeway connecting suburbs to the city center.

In reality, spending excessive time commuting affects living standards and the city's desired happiness levels. In our country, research and goals to reduce commuting time have not yet been developed, or I haven't noticed them yet.

In Fairfax, where I live, the current commute time is 36 minutes, having increased by 20% over the last 15 years. In the Washington D.C. metro area, the target is to keep it under 45 minutes, currently averaging 43 minutes.

From the examples above, it's more effective to focus on limiting and reducing demand instead of increasing supply. The simplest formula for reducing demand is to minimize reliance on vehicles, encouraging alternatives like walking and cycling.

When car use is unavoidable, encourage using public transport to minimize the number of vehicles on the road and reduce travel distances and times. Reducing demand by just 5-7% can reduce congestion by 20-25%.

Today's Ulaanbaatar is a single-center, collector-type city, with most jobs, education, and services centered within a 2.5 km radius of the city center. More than 60% of morning public transport trips head only to the Ring Road.

New residential areas and districts are emerging in the southern part of the city, such as Zaisan and Yarmag, and in five years, their population density will exceed that of the most populated districts.

However, this new planning lacks social infrastructure and has only six bridges and one main road connecting to the city center, with bottleneck design.

The main transportation demand arises from commuting between work and home, taking children to school, shopping, obtaining services, and social interactions.

Neutralizing this concentration, creating a multi-centered city, dispersing workplaces, planning education and healthcare facilities in living areas, orienting public transport flow, and planning mixed-use areas with housing and services are advisable.

To be continued.

Expert: No Movement in the Foundation of KH Apartment Complex

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The company Mongolyn Alt LLC began the construction of the "Mac Tower" in the territory of the 15th khoroo of Khan-Uul district, during which they dug up to expose the foundation of the neighboring "KH Apartment" complex's buildings 6D and 6E. This image was circulated on social media.

Mongolyn Alt LLC stated that they are carrying out the construction following expert-approved designs and standards under professional guidance, including security measures such as protective piles and foundation pouring. They have claimed that their construction work will not affect the adjacent buildings.

The Geotechnical Research Center of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology conducted an analysis to determine any alterations in the foundation of the KH Apartment complex buildings 6D and 6E. The conclusion was sent to the housing organization of the KH Apartment complex.

The report concluded that according to monitoring controls, no movement has occurred in the foundations of buildings 6D and 6E of the KH Apartment complex. The protective wall structure consisting of reinforced concrete piles made as part of the excavation for the "MAC Tower" has a positive effect on stabilizing the soil foundation of buildings 6D and 6E.

Regarding this matter, N. Tselmuun, President of Mongolyn Alt LLC (MAC), stated on his social media account: "In potential risk conditions such as earthquakes and significant horizontal loading, the protective wall structure consisting of reinforced concrete piles of the MAK Tower has a positive effect on stabilizing the soil foundation of the KH Apartment complex buildings 6D and 6E.

"...There is no scientific basis for the existence of any negative impact or risk condition on these residential buildings."

It is hoped that the unnecessarily halted construction preparations will be resumed promptly," he stated.


My Store LLC Participates in "Korea Week 2024" with Products Imported from Goheung, South Korea

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

My Store LLC is participating in the "Korea Week 2024" event with products imported from the Goheung region of South Korea. The event, organized annually in cooperation with the Capital City Tourism Department and the Embassy of South Korea, is being held in Sukhbaatar Square from August 30 to September 1, 2024.

As a pioneer in introducing the discounter format to the retail sector in Mongolia, My Store LLC is featuring citron tea, seaweed, Korean food seasonings, aloe juice, and premium white rice imported through a partnership with manufacturers from the Goheung region in South Korea.

Goheung County is renowned for its citron products, producing 60% of South Korea’s citron tea. It is one of the warmest and sunniest regions in the country, known for its high-quality rice.

The products showcased at the event are available at all branches of the My Store retail chain. The company aims to directly import and provide quality food products from South Korea that meet consumer needs.

Since 2014, My Store LLC has been importing Jeju mandarins from South Korea, offering fresh, quality fruits and vegetables from over 30 European countries to consumers at the lowest prices. Through its policy, My Store continues to offer the internationally recognized "365" brand at the most affordable prices and plans to expand its "365" private label product range from South Korea.

Over 12,000 Tourists Received from Japan

Published: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

As of July of this year, our country has received over 436,000 tourists, with approximately 12,500 being tourists from Japan.

The Professional Association of Tourist Guides, the Japanese Market Branch Association of the Professional Association of Tourist Guides (PATG), and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) are jointly organizing a B2B meeting for Mongolian-Japanese tourism organizations.

During the meeting, N. Bolormaa, an analyst at the Agency for Coordination of Implementation of Tourism Policy of the Ministry of Nature, Environment, and Tourism, provided information on "Tourism Policy and Implemented Activities," M. Narangerel, Executive Director of PATG, discussed the "Current Situation and Trends of the Mongolian Tourism Sector," and B. Bat-Zorig, Head of the Japanese Market Branch Association of PATG, introduced "Featured Tourism Products of the Japanese Sector."

In this framework, B2B meetings will be held to exchange information with Mongolian tour operator companies working in the Japanese market and Japanese tourism companies, promoting travel programs, traditions, culture, and lifestyle of both countries. A total of 40 Mongolian-Japanese tourism service providers are participating in the meeting.

E. Narantsatsral: People Learn About Sexual Education Throughout Their Lives

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

We spoke with sex coach E. Narantsatsral about sexual education.

There are many definitions of sexual education. What does sexual education mean to you?

Sexual education varies depending on the stage of life, from birth to old age. There are many directions and streams in sexual education. My main focus is on family. I mainly work with women. Women's sexual education, for instance, begins with properly washing their genitals. Then, understanding one's own erogenous zones and how to arouse them becomes a fundamental skill in sexual relationships.

What are some common misconceptions about sexual education in your field of work?

I mainly work with women aged 25-45. One common observation is that they do not love themselves enough, and secondly, they do not educate themselves in this area. Simply put, they do not develop it. They operate on a basic level where if their husband or boyfriend does something natural, they believe they are engaging in a sexual relationship. However, I notice that those under 30 are more eager to learn and change. Yet, those aged 35-45 tend to be more naive. This naivety is partly because their husbands also lack knowledge and education on the matter, as seen in the questions they send me in chats. For instance, husbands ask why their wives are not responding and whether they should find another woman. Men tend to opt for the easiest choice because they dislike dealing with complicated matters. Women, on the other hand, want to know what they need to do to solve the problem.

How broadly is the issue of sexual education discussed? What level of knowledge defines a person as having sexual education?

Sexual education becomes a process of self-discovery. It involves constant learning from physiology to psychology and society, among others. Besides studying oneself, one must also understand their partner or husband. It is an endless source. People take as much as they can comprehend. There is always something to learn. It cannot be measured solely through pornography or social media content. There is much to learn medically and psychologically. Learning practical skills, such as how to please one's genitals, is just a small part of it.

Sexual matters are often joked about and discussed in closed settings. However, open conversations are rare. What is your stance on this?

I have been working in this field since 2021. Recently, things have started to change. Initially, 80% of the people contacting me were men, with relatively few women. But I wanted to work with women. Now, women are becoming more open. It seems that this is not a topic to be secretive about, but one to discuss. It's a sign of progress.

What aspects do you focus on when advising women aged 25-35 about sexual education?

I emphasize making the most of what they already have. Recently, sex toys have become trendy. Some try to compensate by using them, thinking of it as a daily tool when arousal doesn't happen spontaneously or a new experience is desired. Although sex toys have their place, I encourage making full use of one's natural resources before relying on them. Focusing on utilizing their eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, and hands can enhance the experience and provide more pleasure.

How do you perceive the sexual education of the men in the age group you work with?

It is commonly seen that Mongolian men are not keen on learning, not just in sex but in all fields. Women seem to have a desire to learn in some way. Men, however, prefer learning from videos or directly from others rather than attempting to figure things out. They often take the attitude of finding another partner if things don't work with their wife, which is a common trend. So, there seems to be a need for men to focus more on learning.

Do you have any advice for people wanting to enhance their sexual education?

Part of sexual education is doing what you enjoy. Women maintaining their femininity is like keeping their inner fire alive, making it easier to become aroused during sex. One must not lose balance by being too career-focused or too domestically involved, neglecting themselves. To keep everything in balance, women should regularly journal about their main life aspects every three to six months. A woman who balances her life and work well can enjoy sexual relationships at the moment. If her focus is on money or other issues, satisfaction will be elusive. Additionally, health problems can affect enjoyment, such as consuming too much sugar or flour, which affects hormone balance. Recently, many women are experiencing thyroid deficiencies, becoming irritable, gaining weight, or having poor sleep due to urban living and lifestyle. This affects estrogen and, consequently, sexual desire. So, even with a thousand sex toys, the desire might not manifest. Hence, sexual education is linked to many aspects.

Is it ever too late to learn about sexual education?

No, it's never too late. Some people are naturally more or less sexually inclined, which is a physiological trait. A woman with naturally low desire won't suddenly become passionate just through frequent sexual activity. Age doesn't matter. It is not uncommon for someone to be 40, have three children, and have never experienced an orgasm. This is normal. Additionally, in Mongolia, there is a belief that sexual relationships end with menopause, but they do not.

What topic are you currently studying?

I have been studying how diet relates to sexual desire and pleasure for over a year. There is an issue with food allergies and sensitivities. Modern people are exposed to a lot due to urbanization. Additionally, Mongolians consume high levels of alcohol and fat. The liver processes all of this, working hard continuously. If liver function declines, it affects blood quality; when blood has issues, so do the blood vessels, ultimately affecting men's erectile function duration. Minerals and vitamins are sources of sexual hormones. Hormonal deficiencies are becoming common, leading to a long-term trend where people seem healthy but lack sexual hormones. Many husbands complain about wives with low libido who seem disinterested, likely due to hormonal issues. This could pose the largest threat to couples' sexual relations and risk infertility. Thus, it's vital to identify and prevent any food sensitivities.

Thank you for the interview.

Korean Culture and Tourism Days are Happening at the Central Square

Published: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The Capital City Administration, the National Tourism Authority, and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Mongolia are jointly organizing the "Korean Culture and Tourism Days-2024" from August 30 to September 1 at the D. Sukhbaatar Square.

During the cultural days, representatives from 25 companies from the North Gyeongsang and Jeonnam provinces of South Korea, as well as around 60 businesses operating in Mongolia in the fields of food services and cosmetology, are participating and providing their services. The "Yun Myung Hwa" national dance troupe and the "NUMURI" live music band from South Korea are performing their artistic creations. Moreover, there are various performances and shows such as Korean folk art performances, electric national music performances, Jindo drumming dance, and Taekwondo demonstrations.

Additionally, joint performances of Korean national dance and Taekwondo, K-POP dance performances, street dance shows, an "OPEN MIC" competition, and a speed eating contest are being organized.

As a side note, during this event, lucky draw winners for K-POP concert tickets and round-trip tickets to South Korea will be announced among the visitors coming to the square.

A French citizen, being investigated for hitting a large number of camels causing an accident, had an international driving license

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

A French tourist in our country was involved in a traffic accident by hitting a large number of camels while driving a vehicle.

Specifically, a French citizen, B, got into an accident while traveling by car in the territory of Khuld soum, Dundgovi province. As a result of the accident, three camels died on the spot, and a 2024 model Patriot vehicle was left irreparable. The traffic police office of Dundgovi province is investigating this incident.

According to sources, the French citizen was traveling in our country with a 30-day tourist visa and held an international driving license.


Selenge: New Varieties of Vegetables Cultivated Using Japanese Technology

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The local government office of Sukhbaatar district, Selenge province is collaborating with Japan's "Mora J.A. Group" to implement the "Mora Agropark" project.

Within the scope of the project, the "Arvin Agro Selenge" cooperative in the Sukhbaatar district has successfully localized and cultivated new varieties of healthy eco-friendly vegetables using Japanese technology.

The vegetables harvested from this cultivation will be sold through a contractual agreement with the EMART supermarket chain in Ulaanbaatar city.

11,900kg of "Pig" Cucumbers have been "Saved"

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The company "Vidan" presented the report of the first five days of the "Save the Pig" campaign.

The campaign started on the 25th of this month. In the course of five days, 11,900kg of "pig" cucumbers have been "rescued" in the areas of Sodon District, 1st District-Kharkhorin, Narnii District, Bayanmongol District, Wrestling Palace, Zaisan, and 13th District Narnii Road. Citizens have contributed an income of 4,854,279₮ to the farmers.

As of now, one kilogram of "pig" cucumbers is priced at an average of 408 tugrik. Citizens can take large cucumbers that are not suitable for industrial use as much as they want and pay the price they wish. Today, it was supposed to reach Yarmag, but it was postponed due to the weather.

Bring your bag and take as many cucumbers as you want from a stall without a salesperson.

Attention of Herders: Warning About the Danger of Floods

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Attention of herders, citizens, and field workers: Today, in the territories of Khentii, Dornod, and Sukhbaatar provinces, as well as the southern part of Dornogovi province, there will be rain and thunderstorms with the potential threat of hail, lightning, strong winds, and floods. Caution is advised.

The western part of the country will have partly cloudy skies, while the eastern part will be mostly cloudy. Rain and thunderstorms are expected in the eastern parts of the central and southern provinces, and most areas of eastern provinces. The wind will be coming from the northwest at 5-10 meters per second, and in some places, it will temporarily strengthen before the rain, reaching speeds of 13-15 meters per second in the Gobi and steppe areas. Temperatures will cool to 13-18 degrees Celsius in the mountainous regions of Khangai, Khuvsgul, and Khentii, as well as the upper reaches of the Zavkhan River, and valleys of the Orkhon, Selenge, Tuul, Terelj, Kherlen, Onon, and Ulz Rivers; 26-31 degrees Celsius in the southern part of the Gobi region, and 20-25 degrees Celsius in other areas.

ULAN BATOR CITY AREA: Cloudy. Light rain will fall. The wind will be from the northwest at 6-11 meters per second. Cooling to 15-17 degrees Celsius.

IN THE AREA OF BAGANUUR: Cloudy. Light rain will fall. The wind will be from the northwest at 7-12 meters per second. Cooling to 16-18 degrees Celsius.

IN THE AREA OF TERELJ: Cloudy. Light rain will fall. The wind will be from the northwest at 6-11 meters per second. Cooling to 13-15 degrees Celsius.

No Hunting of Marmots in Provinces Except Khovd and Khövsgöl

Published: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

In Ulaanbaatar, by the order of the Minister of Environment and Tourism in 2021, hunting marmots for household and industrial purposes has been prohibited for three years to protect their population, establish the focal areas of infectious diseases, and prevent the spread of the plague.

As the ban ends this year, considering the marmot population and plague activity, the maximum hunting limits have been approved, allowing 1,500 marmots in Khovd province and 240 in Khövsgöl province to be hunted for household purposes. Hunting in Khovd and Khövsgöl provinces is only possible with a hunting permit. However, hunting marmots in other provinces without the approved hunting limit is not permitted. Illegal hunting will result in penalties according to the Law on Violations.

Furthermore, according to the Law on Animals, marmots can be hunted annually from August 20 to October 16. Their raw meat, wet and non-disinfected skins are prohibited from being brought into cities and towns. Citizens with hunting permits must not bring raw meat, wet, non-disinfected skins into urban areas and are forbidden from hunting marmots using methods such as smoke in burrows, flooding, traps, snares, or using dogs.

In a survey on natural plague foci in 137 soums of 17 provinces of Mongolia, it was found that 443.3 sq km or 28.3% are plague endemic areas. Additionally, the Ministry of Environment and Green Development reported that in recent years, 78 soums in 15 provinces have active plague focal points with a risk of human infection.

Districts with Overburdened Pasture Capacity: Sagsai in Bayan-Ölgii, Zavkhan in Uvs, Most in Khovd

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

According to Government Resolution No. 286, the winter and spring pasture capacity for 2024-2025 was calculated for each district based on pasture yield, livestock numbers, pasture area, and pasture usage duration.

As of the 20th of this month, the grazing conditions were rated as good in over 70% of the region, medium in over 20%, and poor in a few districts (weather.gov.mn).

According to the calculated results of pasture capacity:

  • 47% - Sufficient pasture resources
  • 20% - Adequate pasture
  • 21% - Capacity exceeded by 1-3 times
  • 4% - Capacity exceeded by 3-5 times
  • 8% - Capacity exceeded multiple times

In other words, about 70% of the region's winter-spring pasture capacity is adequate, while over 30% is exceeded. By provincial breakdown, some districts and sub-districts in the provinces of Bayan-Ölgii, Uvs, Khovd, Govi-Altai, Bayankhongor, Khövsgöl, Arkhangai, and Övörkhangai have exceeded capacity. The districts where the pasture capacity is exceeded multiple times (marked red) include Sagsai in Bayan-Ölgii, Zavkhan in Uvs, Most, Myangad, and Buyant in Khovd, Altai in Govi-Altai, Galut, Bayangovi, and Bayangol in Bayankhongor, Tömörbulag and Tsagaan-Uul in Khövsgöl, and Narinteel, Uyanga, and Guchin-Us in Övörkhangai.

Meanwhile, conditions in Naranbulag, Talshikh, Ikh-Uul, Tes, Chandmani, Bukhmurun, Mankhan, and Dergekh in Uvs, and other regions are facing capacity issues of 3-5 times (marked orange). Additionally, 21% of the regions are over capacity by 1-3 times (marked yellow).

Overburdened pasture capacity indicates the number of livestock that can be grazed or exceeds the pasture resources of a given area. This year's pasture was relatively good in regions with sufficient reserves. However, during the cold season, heavy snow, compacting and hardening of the surface, whiteouts, and ice conditions often lead to forage shortages.

Therefore, in the regions where pasture capacity is exceeded, it is necessary to take measures such as stockpiling hay and additional feed, relocating herds, selling livestock, and reducing numbers to prepare for winter and spring.

This information was provided by the Department of Agricultural Meteorological Research of the Research Institute for Meteorology, Hydrology, and Environment at the Meteorological and Environmental Monitoring Agency.

Warning to Avoid Hiking at Bogd Khan Mountain Until the 16th of Next Month

Published: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Bacterial preparations have been sprayed via aircraft over the forest of the Bogd Khan Mountain's protected area since yesterday and will continue for two days.

The bacterial preparations are being sprayed with the aim of eradicating pests based on research conducted by professional organizations on forest pest harm. Therefore, residents living in the vicinity of Bogd Khan Mountain and those who frequently walk in the forest paths are advised not to hike in the mountains until September 16, and to refrain from consuming or collecting pine nuts and berries from Bogd Mountain, as warned by professional organizations.

The Bogd Khan Mountain's Strictly Protected Area's Administration and Forestry Department have reported that the effect of the pest control poison will subside over a period of 30 days.


Cooperation with the US to Develop Digital Economy

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The government is placing special emphasis on developing digital economies and science and technology parks, and making information technology sector companies known not only in the region but also globally, and selling their products and services. He noted that they are working to continue the discussions previously held with the US and take cooperation to a new level.

Furthermore, they expressed their aspiration to establish a model park in Mongolia supported by laws and a favorable economic ecosystem in science and information technology, learning from the leading experience of the US in introducing payment systems, studying experiences, and strengthening human resources in cyber security, and aimed at making it a center connecting Asia.

In addition, Minister Ts. Baatarkhuu is meeting with private sector enterprises in the field on Friday and communicated specific proposals from the meeting to the US Ambassador to Mongolia. Specifically, they requested to investigate and resolve the prohibition on selling necessary chips to Mongolia amid the rapid development of artificial intelligence.

US Ambassador Richard Buangan expressed gratitude for the Mongolian government's proactive efforts in accelerating digital transformation across sectors and highlighted that developing the digital economy and preventing cyber security issues are top priorities for both countries' governments. He expressed willingness to support Mongolia and share experiences and cooperate.

The US side expressed their intention to enhance the capacity of Mongolia's cyber security specialists, organize joint training in remote sensing, and work more closely in fields such as information technology parks and space exploration.

ZAVKHAN: The "1000 Books" Program to Be Implemented for Five Years

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Zavkhan province announced that it has started implementing the "1000 Books" program locally for the first time.

According to research from Oxford University scholars and the university's children's book editorial reading program's experience, reading 1,000 books by the age of 18 provides children with all kinds of knowledge. This is viewed as a fundamental step in becoming a global citizen. Therefore, the "1000 Books" program has been initiated locally.

The "1000 Books" program will be implemented in all general education schools in Zavkhan province, with 40 percent of the books in Mongolian, 40 percent in a dual-language format (Mongolian and English), and 20 percent in English.

At the contract signing ceremony to launch the program, the provincial governor G.Önörbayar stated, "The Pearson English program, which we initially introduced locally, proved effective within a year. Previously, our province ranked last among the 21 provinces in English proficiency exams, but this year we improved to 10th place. By localizing major international educational programs, we can further enhance our achievements, hence we are starting the '1000 Books' program with the new academic year.

We are delighted to lay the foundation for our children to become educated and well-developed individuals, as seen in highly developed countries. This program will be implemented for five years. Let's look to the young people of Zavkhan, our future, for the results of this program. In addition to investing in buildings and equipment, we must invest in people and their development," he emphasized.

Furthermore, he noted the importance of cooperation between school administrators, teachers, students, and parents to effectively implement the program.


Seasonal Influenza Immunization Launched in the Capital

Published: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

With the start of the new school year, seasonal flu vaccinations have begun to reduce and prevent influenza illnesses.

In the capital, 180,000 doses of vaccines will be administered, prioritizing those at high risk of contracting the flu or those likely to experience severe complications after infection. Last year's study showed that over 50% of flu patients were children aged 0-4, and over 20% were aged 5-9.

The "Greencross" vaccine from South Korea is used, which targets two types of Type A and two types of Type B influenza viruses. The vaccine helps prevent infection and ensures a milder illness if infected, according to NEMA's Director of the Health Department, E. Erkhembulgan, as reported by the capital's Health Department's Communication and Information Department.

NEMA's healthcare facilities have a capacity of 800 beds for children and expand capacity to 2,000 beds during flu outbreaks.

NRC: Condition of Children Who Suffered Food Poisoning at Nairamdal is Normal

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

30 high school students who were vacationing at the Nairamdal camp have suffered food poisoning. They were admitted and started receiving treatment at the NRC on the 30th of this month. When inquiring about their condition, it was said, "They are in a normal condition. Our doctors worked until 4:00 AM last night."

The doctors worked at the Nairamdal camp and conducted interviews and surveys with the other children staying there. According to the NRC spokesperson, "This summer, no other cases of mass food poisoning occurred among children at the camp; this is the first."


This year, 1.8 billion incentives will be given to athletes, with E. Badar-Uugan receiving 60 million, P. Orkhon 24 million, B. Chinzorig 12 million, and E. Tsendsuren receiving 6 million

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

The government provides monthly monetary incentives to athletes who win medals at the Olympics, Paralympics, and World Championships. This year, a total of 1 billion 896 million Tugriks will be awarded to athletes who win medals at these events. Among the athletes receiving incentives, the highest monthly recipient is the national athlete and World Champion in Para Powerlifting, E. Sodonpeljee, who receives a total of 11 million Tugriks per month thanks to his achievements of one gold and three silver medals in the World Championships, and one gold and one silver medal in the Paralympics.

Other notable athletes include:

  • Kh. Bayamunkh, grand champion of Mongolia, Olympic silver medalist, and holder of gold and silver medals from the World Championships, earning 7 million Tugriks.
  • Kh. Tsagaanbaatar, bronze medalist from the Olympics and holder of gold and bronze medals from the World Championships, earning 4.5 million Tugriks.
  • O. Gundegee, Olympic silver medalist and bronze medalist from the World Championships, earning 3.5 million Tugriks.
  • P. Serdamba, Olympic silver medalist and holder of gold and bronze medals from the World Championships, earning 5.5 million Tugriks.
  • E. Badar-Uugan, Olympic gold medalist and silver medalist from the World Championships, earning 5 million Tugriks.
  • M. Urantsetseg, Olympic bronze medalist and holder of gold, silver, and bronze medals from the World Championships, earning 6 million Tugriks.
  • D. Sumyaa, Olympic silver medalist and holder of gold and bronze medals from the World Championships, earning 6 million Tugriks.
  • M. Ankhtsetseg, holder of gold, silver, and bronze medals from the World Championships, earning 3.5 million Tugriks.
  • P. Orkhon, World Champion with a gold medal, earning 2 million Tugriks.
  • B. Chinzorig, international master and silver medalist from the World Championships, earning 1 million Tugriks.
  • E. Tsendsuren, bronze medalist from the World Championships, earning 500,000 Tugriks monthly.

It is worth noting that the updated draft of the Law on Physical Education and Sports was finalized and approved last spring. According to the new rules, if an athlete violates ethics or doping regulations, the funding for their national team will be suspended. Additionally, if an athlete who successfully participated in the Olympics or World Championships and wins medals is held criminally accountable, their monthly monetary incentives will be suspended during their sentence. As part of this framework, the monthly allowance of Olympic champion N. Tuvshinbayar has been suspended.

Our Athletes Won 6 Medals at the Asian Junior Championships

Published: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Our athletes have won six medals at the 2024 Asian Junior Judo Championships being held in Mungyeong, South Korea.

In the girls' 70 kg category, E. Buyan-Ulzii from the "Mon-Altius Tsaaganbaatar" academy adorned herself with a gold medal, playing the national anthem.

Explanation Will Be Requested from Wrestlers Who May Have Committed Ethical Violations

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Mongolian Wrestling Diversity Association's (MÜBX) Ethics, Discipline, and Responsibility Council convened on the 30th of this month. During the meeting, they reviewed information, documents, and recordings submitted by the public and MÜBX Work Office regarding wrestlers who may have committed ethical violations and made the following conclusions.

Firstly, it was decided to request a written explanation from the following wrestlers by September 10, 2024:

  1. Aimak Nachin G.Boldbaatar, M.Baasantsend, and Sum Zaan M.Baasn, who competed in the 100th anniversary wrestling competition of Bayantsagaan Soum, Tuv Province;
  2. National Kharzaga T.Begzsuren, who competed in the 100th anniversary wrestling competition of Otgon Soum, Zavkhan Province;
  3. National Kharzaga Ts.Munkhbayar, who competed in the 100th anniversary wrestling competition of Zuunkhangai Soum, Uvs Province;
  4. Aimak Zaan Ts.Zayatushig and Sum Zaan E.Ganbold, who competed in the festival wrestling competitions of Dornod Province;
  5. National Nachin B.Batjargal, who competed in the wrestling competition dedicated to the capital city's service workers;
  6. National Nachin B.Chimedvandan, who competed in the wrestling competition to honor new national titleholders of Tuv Province;

Secondly, MÜBX Work Office was instructed to suspend the registration of these wrestlers for MÜBX and local competitions until the matter of potential ethical violations is discussed and resolved by the Ethics, Discipline, and Responsibility Council.

Thirdly, regarding the wrestling registration issue for the Bulgan Province festival related to National Zaan D.Baasandorj, complaints and comments from wrestlers and the public need to be addressed, as well as an explanation concerning National Kharzaga G.Ganhuyag, who left the 100th anniversary wrestling competition of Bayantsagaan Soum, Tuv Province midway, to be received by September 10.

Paralympic Silver Medalist G. Bolor-Erdene's Wife: My Husband is the Embodiment of Patience and Perseverance. Very Proud

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

MUGT G. Bolor-Erdene won a silver medal in the men's 63 kg K44 category of taekwondo at the "Paris-2024" Summer Paralympic Games. We contacted B. Minjirmaa, the wife of MUGT G. Bolor-Erdene, to share her excitement. She is an accountant by profession and attended the Paralympic Games with her husband.

B. Minjirmaa, wife of Paralympic silver medalist G. Bolor-Erdene: This silver medal was as valuable as gold. I don't know how to express or compare his hard work and dedication. He is a great athlete who dedicates unmatched effort, sweat, and all he has to his practice and reaping its rewards. He is a good son to his parents and father to our beautiful-eyed princess. I am very happy that he won an Olympic silver medal. Watching my husband perform on the mat is a tremendous experience. Before each competition, I try not to make any premature predictions and keep my emotions in check. When he stepped onto the Olympic mat, I recited prayers I knew and wholeheartedly supported him with my daughter's small sock tightly in my hand, believing that Mongolia will succeed. I watched with bated breath.

For me, my husband is a legendary athlete who won gold at the Olympics. No one would argue with that. I think the Mongolian people would agree and consider the silver medal as good as gold.

Being the wife of an athlete is a prestigious duty. My husband and I met through social media like many youths today. At that time, I was the girl who loved horses and had caused a sensation on Facebook with a traditional Mongolian dress. My husband also loves horses, so when he saw my picture on Facebook, he promised his friends that he would make me his wife. And now, here I am, his wife. My husband is always very respectful and greets everyone warmly, and he cherishes and protects me to the fullest. I am incredibly proud of these qualities in him.

My husband undergoes two or three heavy training sessions a day. He is the pinnacle of patience and perseverance. Over the past year, he has successfully participated in all the Olympic qualifying events. He has reached the finals over ten times. I quietly observed all his achievements and awaited the Olympics. An athlete's fame is not easily earned. He experienced his biggest downfall after the 2020 Olympics. However, we overcame everything together. There were high expectations for this Olympics. Everyone was saying it was now time for an Olympic medal, so I remained quiet, not to add pressure on my love. Nevertheless, I internally believed he would return with a medal this time. When he smiled and kissed me just by looking at me, we overcame those moments. For me, my husband is the legendary athlete who won gold at the Olympics. No one would argue with that. I think the Mongolian people would agree and consider the silver medal as good as gold.

G. Bolor-Erdene is a five-time world champion and a five-time Asian gold medalist in taekwondo. Additionally, he won first place at the "Hangzhou 2022" Asian Summer Para Games and became the first Mongolian taekwondo player to receive a gold medal from the Asian Para Games. Moreover, he has become a historical figure as the first Paralympic silver medalist in his country.


Love & Nature | Nomadic Reggae Festival

Published: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Reggae music is a form of music with a profound social ideology. Through this, the goal of the festival is to create love for one another and love for nature in society. The concept of loving humans, nature, animals, and plants indiscriminately is a fundamental aspect of Mongolian philosophy. Jamaica views non-discriminatory love as "one love."

The Reggae Festival is being organized for the second year in a row, and this year it is noteworthy for the international reggae artists attending, including the first artist from Africa to visit Mongolia.

Participants with Britto cards from the ХХБ Bank can:

  • Get tickets with a 50% discount
  • Get a 50% discount on Happy Cocktails

Location: At HAPPY PARK, located northwest of Children's Park

Date: August 31, 2024

A Britto card will always be useful to you. Happy Pay - Happy Park


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