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Mongolia News Summary for March 12, 2025

Mongolia News Summary for March 12, 2025
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of MongolBeat or its members.

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URGENT: Member of Parliament D. Tsogtbaatar Receives "Decision" in Development Bank Case

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: isee.mn

In connection with the case involving the Development Bank, the "Decision" from the supervisory stage court session has been handed over to the individuals involved. The distribution of these "Decisions" started on February 21, 2025. We had previously reported that Member of Parliament D. Tsogtbaatar, who is the brother of D. Munkh-Erdene, a noted live streamer, had not yet received his "Decision." However, according to sources, MP D. Tsogtbaatar received his "Decision" from the Supreme Court yesterday evening. This now allows the Parliament to fully discuss the matter of his parliamentary immunity. To recall, MP D. Tsogtbaatar served as the Director of the Credit Department at the Development Bank from 2016 to 2020. During this time, he faced charges of abusing his official position to create advantages for others, becoming involved in the "Development Bank" case as a defendant. Specifically, he was accused of creating benefits for "Mon Dulaa," "Gaz Import," and "Beren" LLCs, leading to significant damage to the Development Bank. The legal proceedings went through three levels of courts, and on December 11, 2024, the Supreme Court found D. Tsogtbaatar guilty under Article 22.1-2 of the Criminal Code. He was deemed guilty, resulting in a two-year prohibition from public service appointments and a fine of 20 million MNT.

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S. Demberel: Russians Have Never Said That the Egiin Gol Hydroelectric Power Plant Cannot Be Built

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Last October, Minister of Environment and Climate Change S. Odontuya worked in Moscow at the invitation of the Russian Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology A.A. Kozlov. During this visit, it was agreed to promptly start a research project to assess the impact of the Egiin Gol Hydroelectric Power Plant on Lake Baikal, with scientists from the Academies of Sciences of both countries collaborating on the environmental impact assessment. Lake Baikal contains 20% of the world's fresh water resources. Since the Selenge River, which accounts for 50% of the total runoff into the lake, flows into Lake Baikal, water resource management cannot be seen as just a bilateral issue, necessitating joint resolution. Regarding the progress of this research task, we inquired with the President of the Academy of Sciences, Academician S. Demberel. "THE RUSSIAN SIDE REQUESTED TO JOINTLY STUDY THE IMPACT ON LAKE BAIKAL" - What stage is the environmental research work related to the "Egiin Gol Hydroelectric Power Plant" project at? - During last year's meeting, a decision was reached to resolve the issue of the Egiin Gol Hydroelectric Power Plant. Scientists and researchers have been tasked with delivering a conclusion as to whether the hydroelectric power plant can or cannot be built on the Egiin Gol. The research activities have started. - What is the main reason for the delay? - The Egiin Gol flows into the Selenge River, which then flows into Lake Baikal. If the Egiin Gol Hydroelectric Power Plant is commissioned, it is believed that the flow regime of the river will change. There is a hypothesis that this will have a negative impact on the environment. In other words, if a reservoir is built on this river, all organic and inorganic pollution would be discharged into the Selenge River. However, the Russians have never said that a hydroelectric power plant cannot be built. The Russian side has only required the impact on Lake Baikal to be studied. "MANY RESEARCHERS ARE OPPOSING THIS PROJECT" - Is there no research on this impact in our country? - It has been studied for many years on the Mongolian side. Previously, both the Mongolian and Russian sides conducted studies. Most recently, a world-renowned French research organization conducted an assessment, concluding "there is some impact, but it is not at a level to cause negative effects." However, the Russian side did not accept this. The response was that the Russian data used in the study was minimal and the findings conflicted with the analysis of Russian scientists. Therefore, at last year's meeting, a request was made to address the issue. In June of next year, Russian scientists will visit the site where the Egiin Gol Hydroelectric Power Plant is to be built, to conduct their study. The Mongolian side is providing answers to all questions. Therefore, a joint working group of researchers from the Mongolian and Russian Academies of Sciences has been established to conduct an environmental impact study of the Egiin Gol Hydroelectric Power Plant. Currently, we are preparing to start our study during the time when the rivers are frozen. In June of next year, Russian scientists will visit the site to conduct their study. We aim to deliver a joint conclusion to the government in the first half of 2026. People might criticize, wondering why so much research is needed, but we plan to finish now. Previously, this project was stalled, like a red light had been on, but now it seems to be turning green. Building the hydroelectric power plant will allow regulation of the Egiin Gol's flow. In years with high water, the level of the Selenge River rises and floods. As the flood flows, it washes away all surrounding pollution into Lake Baikal. With water regulation, in flood-heavy years, the flow of the river can be reduced, whereas in drought years the flow can be increased. This positive aspect is being presented to the Russian side. Two dams are planned to be built on this river. Many researchers oppose this project. It is a very challenging project. - Some citizens criticize that the project is stalled due to political influence. - Our organization is a scientific body. We do not know if there is any political influence. Scientists and researchers are tasked with researching and analyzing the issues that have stalled this project. - Thank you for the information.

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High-Level Officials Whose Terms Are Ending

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: news.mn

The spring session of the State Great Khural (Parliament) is scheduled to open on Monday, March 17th. During this session, the terms of office for some officials appointed by the Parliament will expire. Therefore, it is expected that appointments for these positions will be made during the spring session. THE TERM OF THE PROSECUTOR GENERAL EXPIRES NEXT MONTH According to the Constitution, the terms of office for the Prosecutor General and the Chief Justice are nearing expiration. Specifically, the term of Prosecutor General B. Jargalsaikhan will end on April 05, 2025. Former President Kh. Battulga nominated him, and he was appointed to the position on April 5, 2019. Article 56 of the Constitution states that the Prosecutor General and Deputy Prosecutors are appointed for a six-year term by the President, with the consent of the State Great Khural. According to the Law on the Prosecutor, an individual with at least 10 years of experience in legal practice, who is 35 years or older, can be appointed as the Prosecutor General or a Deputy Prosecutor. Regarding B. Jargalsaikhan: - In 1988, he worked in the Prosecutor's Office of Uvurkhangai province as a supervisory prosecutor. - From 1991 to 1996, he served as a senior prosecutor and deputy prosecutor in the same office. - From 1996 to 2000, he was the provincial prosecutor. - From 2000 to 2001, he was a supervisory prosecutor in the General Prosecutor's Office. - From 2001 to 2009, he worked as a transportation prosecutor in the Transport Prosecutor's Office. - From 2009 to 2010, he was the head of the Department of Case Administration at the General Prosecutor's Office. - From 2011 to 2014, he served again as a transportation prosecutor. - From 2014 to 2016, he worked as the head of the Internal Security Department at the General Prosecutor's Office. - From 2016 to 2017, he was Deputy Prosecutor in the General Prosecutor's Office. - Since 2017, he has been the head of the Department for Oversight of Administrative Offense Investigation and Resolution before becoming the Prosecutor General. Similarly, Chief Justice D. Ganzorig, who is appointed by the President, will have his term end in June 2026. THE TERM OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE ANTI-CORRUPTION AGENCY WILL EXPIRE Z. Dashdavaa, head of the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA), took office in May 2019. Upon assuming office, he reorganized the appointments of lower-ranking officials and increased his salary three times while in his role. However, despite the salary increases for ACA officials, Mongolia's corruption index has not improved, drawing public criticism. Recently, "Transparency International Mongolia," an NGO, presented the "Corruption Perceptions Index 2024." The index covers 180 countries, placing Mongolia at 114th, which is an improvement of seven positions from the previous year. Experts have noted that the ranking is not as significant as the score; Mongolia received a score of 33 out of potential score sources. In the last five years, Mongolia's corruption index scores were: - 35 points in 2019, ranking 106th out of 180 countries. - 35 points in 2020, ranking 111th. - 35 points in 2021, ranking 110th. - 33 points in 2022, placing 116th. - 33 points in 2023, ranking 121st. These scores indicate that, over the past five years, Mongolia's corruption index has not improved, with a decline in score over the last two years. The corruption index measures how government funds are used improperly, whether public servants abuse their power, if the government effectively combats corruption, whether those involved in corruption are held accountable, and the legal protection for whistleblowers and journalists, among other factors. AMBASSADORS TO BE APPOINTED This year, the terms of ambassadors are ending. Thus, 23 new ambassadors will be appointed to various countries, along with consuls. About 50 appointments as ambassadors and consuls began to be discussed at the end of the autumn session. In January, the Parliament's Standing Committee on Security and Foreign Policy discussed the President's proposals for ambassador appointments. Specifically, former Member of Parliament N. Oyundari was nominated as Ambassador to Poland, which was supported by the majority of members present and decided to be brought to the Parliament's session. Additionally, before the Lunar New Year, the Prime Minister met with members of the National Security Council, including the President and the Speaker of Parliament, to discuss proposals for appointing some as Special Purpose Ambassadors. Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg stated that during the past four years, the appointment of ambassadors has become more professional. Non-professional political appointees constitute 22% of current ambassadors. Those appointed from other organizations are experienced in public service and leadership and have political experience. Besides ambassadors, most embassy staff are appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with about 30% coming from other professional organizations. Future appointments are expected to be more professional. THE PRESIDENT OF THE BANK OF MONGOLIA'S TERM ENDS THIS YEAR B. Lkhagvasuren was appointed as President of the Bank of Mongolia on November 22, 2019. The President of the Bank of Mongolia is appointed by the State Great Khural for a six-year term, based on the nomination from the Speaker of the Parliament. Thus, President B. Lkhagvasuren's term will end in November 2025. There were discussions in 2022 about whether to dismiss him. Specifically, Member of Parliament Ch. Khurelbaatar raised the issue several times. However, he continued his work, and his term is now nearing its end. On March 7, President B. Lkhagvasuren presented the decisions of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of Mongolia. The committee met on March 6 and 7 to propose increasing the policy interest rate by 2 percentage points to 12%, updating the maximum debt-to-income ratio for consumer loans to 50%, and making adjustments in pension loans.

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Suspect in Illegal Surveillance and Acquisition of State Secrets Released on Bail

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A senior official from MCS Group was arrested by legal authorities and is now under investigation. According to a court decision, the individual involved has been released on bail at the request of their lawyers. Minister of Justice O. Altangerel commented on the case, stating, "A private business entity conducted illegal operational activities and acquired state secrets." An official statement from the District Primary Court for Civil and Criminal Cases indicates: “Lawyers H. Baatarbileg and E. Bilegsaikhan requested to change the pre-trial detention measure imposed on the suspect, Z. Turmunkh, due to health reasons. The court reviewed the request. After examining the evidence compiled in the case materials, the requests made by the lawyers during the court proceedings, the prosecutor's explanation, and the documents related to the suspect's health, it was deemed that the suspect had conditions such as postoperative complications from liver transplant surgery and diabetes. Considering these circumstances, and upon the prosecutor’s proposal, the precautionary measure of house arrest against Z. Turmunkh was altered to restrict leaving the borders of Mongolia and prohibit meetings with certain individuals." Reiterating the Minister of Justice's comments, "The sovereignty of Mongolia and its legal and security institutions conduct operations according to the law to protect the rights, freedoms, and national security of the Mongolian people. However, it was revealed that a private company carried out illegal operational activities and acquired state secrets unlawfully. It is as if the private entity had its own special service agency. Certain individuals are being investigated in connection with this issue. No matter how wealthy or large a private company is, they cannot carry out operational activities or use special equipment for these purposes in Mongolia. Information exists that a person named Turmunkh is being investigated. The number of people and their connections to any issues are classified as state secrets, thus the information cannot be disclosed.” Warning: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) must always mention (ikon.mn) as the source when using our information, whether in full or partially.

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Decision to Seize Assets Worth One Billion Tugriks of Ulaanbaatar's Mayor Nyambaatar

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: isee.mn

The court has decided to seize assets worth one billion tugriks belonging to Ulaanbaatar's Mayor and City Governor K. Nyambaatar. Specifically, the "Eco Car Importers Association" NGO filed a lawsuit in the Khan-Uul District Civil Court demanding the restoration of business reputation and compensation of one billion tugriks against Ulaanbaatar's Mayor K. Nyambaatar. In their claim, they requested the "seizure of one billion tugriks from K. Nyambaatar to secure the execution of the court's decision." The Khan-Uul District Civil Court reviewed the request and decided to seize one billion tugriks of the Mayor's assets at the request of the business owners. This means that the resolution of this court case will determine whether the one billion tugriks will be returned to K. Nyambaatar or awarded to the "Eco Car Importers Association" NGO in their effort to restore their reputation. Curiously, Mayor K. Nyambaatar had previously stated, "I'm not afraid or ashamed of some car dealers who've only collected a few dirty tugriks," which has contributed to the controversy surrounding this case.

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Coal Prices at Key Mongolian Ports Drop by 300-600 Yuan

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: isee.mn

The price of coal, which constitutes 60% of our foreign currency earnings, has decreased by 300-600 yuan at the Ganqimaodu and Sekhee border ports. Mongolia has budgeted for the export of 83 million tons of coal at an average price of $105 per ton in the 2025 national budget. However, since the beginning of the year, coal prices have fallen and fluctuated between $70 and $80 per ton, according to the Governor of the Bank of Mongolia, B. Lkhagvasuren. - COAL ON THE WORLD MARKET IS AT $103, BUT MONGOLIANS SELL COAL FOR $70-80 ON MINE SITES - According to the website www.tradingeconomics.com, the price of coal reached $138 but has steadily declined to $103. Economist R. Davaadorj explained, "This is indicative of the decline in prices for high-quality Australian coking coal. Mongolians sell their coal for $70-80 directly at the mine site. Inner Mongolian traders purchase it and then add a margin for sale on the Chinese market." - COAL PRICE THROUGH GANQIMAODU, SEKHE PORTS DROP BY 300-600 YUAN FROM LAST YEAR - According to the Chinese raw material price website www.sunsirs.com, the price of imported coal was 1076 yuan last Friday. Three months earlier, the price per ton was 1210 yuan and has consistently decreased. Similarly, according to the website www.SXCoal.com, the price of coal at the Ganqimaodu port was 1,480 yuan at the same time last year, while it has now dropped to 870 yuan. The price of coal imported through Sekhee port was 960 yuan last year but has now decreased to 630 yuan. Economist N. Enkhbayar commented, "The price of coking coal imported in January and February last year was $106, but it has now decreased to $85 in the first two months of this year. The main reason is the global decline in steel demand. In the future, interest in purchasing coal through exchanges may decrease, and coal prices on the world market could decline further."

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Mayor H. Nyambaatar Plans to Increase Road Use Fees and Vehicle Taxes to Repay Bond Debt

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: isee.mn

The tax on auto vehicles and self-propelled machinery is to be increased by 2-3 times, and the fee for road usage is to be set 5 times higher than the previous tariff. This move may be intended to repay the debt incurred by the "Capital Bond" issued before the elections last year. FOCUSING BOND DEBT ON CAPITAL'S INCOME FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS In 2024, ahead of the parliamentary elections, Ulaanbaatar city plans to issue the "Capital Bond", which was put up for public offering in June of the same year. From the 500 billion MNT to be raised from the "Capital Bond", 300 billion MNT were allocated for the "Boerj" Power Plant, while 150 billion MNT were allocated for road and infrastructure repairs and upgrades, and 50 billion MNT for the sanitation of the Tuul-1 sewage collector and flood protection structures. The bond was purchased by "Tavan Bogd Capital" LLC, "Golomt Capital" LLC, and "TDB" Securities. Furthermore, "BDSec" JSC and "MICC" LLC acted as underwriters, while "Tavan Bogd Capital" LLC, "Golomt Capital" LLC, and "TDB" acted as syndicators. The bond is scheduled to be repaid within five years. It is possible that part of the city's income for the next five years will be concentrated on repaying the bond debt. INCREASING ROAD USE FEES 5 TIMES, VEHICLE TAXES 2-3 TIMES The city's budget aims to collect a total income of 3 trillion 856.3 billion MNT in 2025. Of this, 85.9% or 3 trillion 314.4 billion MNT is expected to come from tax revenue, and the remaining 14.1% or 541.9 billion MNT from non-tax revenue. Being a self-financing region, Ulaanbaatar city plans to triple its income from 1.9 trillion MNT in 2022 to 3.9 trillion MNT over three years. Accordingly, in 2025, the tax on auto vehicles and self-propelled machinery will be increased by 2-3 times, and the fee for road usage will be set 5 times higher than the current tariff to generate income for the city. For example, the annual vehicle tax for a Prius, previously 36,000 MNT, will increase to 108,000 MNT. A Lexus 570, which paid 188,100 MNT previously, will now pay 564,300 MNT. A Hyundai Porter, previously taxed at 30,000 MNT, will pay 75,000 MNT. A Land Cruiser 200, previously taxed at 151,800 MNT, will pay 455,400 MNT, while electric vehicles will still be subject to a 0% tax. Additionally, vehicles with more than 100 tons of capacity will require a payment of 1.4 million MNT. With the road use fee now set 5 times higher, the smallest vehicles, such as passenger cars with engines up to 2000 cm³, will pay daily 275 MNT, monthly 8,330 MNT, and annually 100,000 MNT. Medium-sized vehicles with engines between 2,001-3,000 cm³ will pay daily 416 MNT, monthly 12,500 MNT, and annually 150,000 MNT. Large vehicles with engines exceeding 4001 cm³ will pay daily 694 MNT, monthly 20,833 MNT, and annually 250,000 MNT as a road usage fee. Such increases in taxes and road use fees aim to repay the 500 billion MNT bond debt incurred for infrastructure projects such as roads that were executed before elections. Meanwhile, citizens who already pay high taxes face restrictions on their driving rights during school entry, in deep winter for two months, and ten days before Lunar New Year due to license plate restrictions. The high taxes paid by citizens, which should be used for road improvements and additional road construction, are instead intended for bond debt repayment.

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Mongolia's Industrial Development Undermining Trade Agreements

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Mongolia has entered into several free trade and economic partnership agreements to expand its international trade cooperation. These agreements aim to enhance export opportunities, attract investment, and support economic development. However, due to Mongolia's production capacity, export structure, and logistical issues, there are ongoing challenges in fully realizing the benefits of these agreements. In this regard, we will review Mongolia's major trade agreements and their impacts. Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan Mongolia signed an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with Japan in 2015, which took effect in June 2016. Under the agreement, both sides negotiated the reduction of customs tariffs on approximately 5,700 types of goods from Mongolia and about 9,300 types of goods from Japan, across 97 categories. Research indicates that Mongolia's exports account for just 0.03% of Japan's imports. This data suggests that the implementation of the EPA between the two countries yields limited benefits for Mongolia. Conversely, Japan's utilization rate of this agreement was reported to be 24.6% in 2022, with plans to increase it to 26.1%. By the end of 2023, the total trade turnover between Mongolia and Japan reached USD 731.3 million. Specifically, Mongolian exports to Japan amounted to USD 15 million, while Japanese exports to Mongolia reached USD 716.3 million. This means the volume of exports from Japan is 47 times greater than that from Mongolia. Interestingly, 75.3% of the goods imported from Japan to Mongolia were passenger cars. Under the agreement that became effective in 2016, Mongolia can export 97% of its goods to Japan under preferential tariffs. However, statistics show that the variety and value of Mongolian exports and investments have not significantly increased. Challenges Facing Free Trade Agreements Mongolia's export volume remains low, and the overall trade balance continues to favor Japan. This issue is closely linked to Mongolia's limited industrial capacity and product competitiveness. Additionally, high logistics and transportation costs make it challenging for Mongolian goods to compete in the Japanese market. Mongolian meat and food exports also face difficulties meeting Japan’s high standards. Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement By joining the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) in 2021, Mongolia has created favorable trade conditions with regional countries. Mongolia can enjoy customs reductions on more than 10,000 products in markets including China, South Korea, India, Laos, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. These reductions enhance Mongolia's export competitiveness and expand access to foreign markets, presenting new opportunities for domestic producers and exporters, positively impacting economic growth. Membership in the World Trade Organization Mongolia became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1997 and has since worked on following international trade rules and reducing trade barriers. Measures taken within the WTO framework include: - Tariff regulation: Mongolia's average import tariff level fluctuates between 5-10%. - Trade facilitation: Policies to simplify customs procedures are being implemented. European Union's GSP+ Program Mongolia's participation in the European Union's GSP+ program allows it to benefit from reduced tariffs on over 7,200 products. As a result of this program, tax-free access to the European market has increased, and conditions for the export of cashmere, leather, and food products have improved. Main Challenges in Mongolia's Foreign Trade: - Logistics and transportation costs: Being landlocked, Mongolia faces high transportation costs, negatively affecting its export competitiveness. - Production capacity: Domestic production has not fully met international standards, affecting export volumes. - Trade balance: As of 2023, Mongolia faces a USD 2 billion trade deficit. Current Status of Mongolia's Manufacturing Sector Mongolia's industrial sector comprises mining, extraction, manufacturing, electricity, thermal energy production, and water supply. As of 2021, the mining and extraction sectors accounted for 56.7% of total industrial production, indicating Mongolia's heavy reliance on the mining industry. Mongolia’s manufacturing sector faces challenges such as technological development, a lack of skilled workforce, and infrastructure improvements. Consequently, Mongolia is unable to export processed goods to foreign markets and instead imports high-cost products, undermining trade agreements. While Mongolia has established international trade agreements and is expanding economic cooperation, to truly benefit from exports, attention must be paid to the following issues: - Supporting industrial development: To maintain sustainable economic growth, the manufacturing industry should be developed, and Mongolia's reliance on the mining sector must be reduced. - Increasing export competitiveness: Improving the quality and standards of products to meet international requirements. - Developing infrastructure: Addressing logistical issues and reducing transportation costs. - Exploring new markets: Investigating new international trade opportunities and diversifying exports. - Policy alignment in trade: Establishing a comprehensive and integrated foreign trade policy and improving implementation results. To support Mongolia's foreign trade development, it is essential to accelerate infrastructure improvements, such as the development of railways and roads, and improve logistics. In addition, there is a need to thoroughly study the possibility of establishing free trade agreements with countries like the European Union and South Korea and expedite negotiations. However, the most crucial issue is to enhance production capacity. Supporting domestic industries to adopt new technologies and meet international standards is an urgent priority. Implementing these measures can improve Mongolia’s foreign trade environment and increase export competitiveness.

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L. Enkh-Amgalan: We Will Establish an Economic Partnership with South Korea Since It is Beneficial for Our Country

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Director of the Macroeconomic Policy Department of the Ministry of Economy and Development, L. Enkh-Amgalan, stated that our country has established an Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan. The Ministry of Economy and Development is working to conclude the second such agreement with the Republic of Korea. The draft agreement has been introduced to private sector representatives, and their feedback is being collected. An open discussion to ensure the participation of business operators in the conclusion of the "Economic Partnership Agreement" was held recently. The goods trade group was introduced by Director B. Anar of the Investment Unified Policy Department of the Ministry of Economy and Development, while the rules of origin group was presented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Representatives from the Customs General Administration provided explanations and recommendations on related issues. More than 50 representatives from food, wool, cashmere, meat, leather product manufacturing, and foreign trade participated in the discussion. Today, the services trade group was introduced, including sectors such as food, agriculture, culture, tourism, finance, banking, insurance, and telecommunications. Official negotiations on the Economic Partnership Agreement to be established between Mongolia and the Republic of Korea were initiated by Minister Ch. Khurelbaatar in 2023. Over the past period, the two parties have conducted four rounds of official negotiations. L. Enkh-Amgalan stated, "Preliminary studies have shown that establishing this agreement is beneficial for our country. Therefore, we will proceed with the agreement. After meeting with business operators and gathering your opinions, we will negotiate with the Republic of Korea." The Republic of Korea has established economic partnerships with 22 countries, including the USA, Canada, Singapore, and China. The partnership agreement with this country consists of 14 chapters. This agreement does not include topics like service implementation by the state, government procurement, aviation operations, maritime cabotage, government subsidies, preferential loans, labor market, and permanent employment of individuals. OBLIGATIONS AND COMMITMENTS UNDER THE AGREEMENT - Equal conditions will be offered to both domestic and foreign citizens and organizations (only Mongolian citizens and organizations will engage in certain services).

  • Favorable conditions offered to other countries will be provided equally (conditions offered to Japan will also be offered to South Korea).
  • No quota, numeric limitation, or organizational form requirement will be imposed (to encourage competition, no more than two branches will be established in a given area).
  • The establishment of a representative office or branch for the specific activity will not be required (pharmaceutical sales must be conducted through a representative office).
  • No specific nationality will be designated for board or executive management positions (at least 25% of the board must consist of Mongolian citizens).
  • No performance criteria will be imposed (at least 50% of employees must be Mongolian citizens; only goods and materials supplied by Mongolian suppliers will be used, requiring a specified level of goods and services export, etc.). RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY OUR SIDE
  • Land will be used under specific contractual conditions. No rights to use special protected areas.
  • Additional registration requirements will be imposed on foreign-invested companies with a minimum of USD 100,000.
  • The government will determine the number of foreign workers allowed, prioritizing the hiring of Mongolian citizens. At least 30% of foreign workers can be trainees.
  • Mongolian citizens will participate in forced land auctions.
  • Aerodromes will be established by Mongolian citizens and companies.
  • A state-owned legal entity certified under civil aviation rules will provide aviation security services at international airports.
  • The design of the railway infrastructure to be built in the territory of Mongolia will be developed jointly with Mongolian companies.
  • Permission will be required if a foreign state-owned legal entity is to acquire ownership.
  • In the petroleum products market, regulations will be implemented, and preferential rights for subcontractors will be given to Mongolian companies.
  • Radioactive mineral state ownership shares: 51%, 34%.
  • For minerals of strategic importance, a 10% public offering and work force regulation, fertilizer regulation.
  • Explosives can only be made by Mongolian companies, with at least 51% of shares held by Mongolian citizens.
  • Production technology parks will be established by legal entities organized under Mongolian law. SECTORS THAT MIGHT BE RESTRICTED IN THE FUTURE
  • Restricting and balancing foreign investment in strategically important sectors, especially from neighboring, highly developed countries.
  • Government procurement services.
  • Taking differing measures between countries in sectors such as air and rail transportation, mining, energy, agriculture, and telecommunications.
  • Any measures related to emerging services.
  • Management of shares and assets in enterprises under state ownership or control.
  • Control and management of specially protected areas.
  • Ownership, registration, and operational requirements for foreign-owned businesses.
  • Trade and service regulations, requirements, documents, and the rights and obligations of business operators.
  • Aviation services and services at airports.
  • Rail transportation services.
  • Road transportation services.
  • Warehouse operations and freight forwarding services.
  • Mining.
  • All activities related to petroleum.

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News Guide: "Economic Partnership Agreement" Discussion to Take Place

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: news.mn

The News Agency summarizes the events taking place today. The President of Mongolia, U.Khurelsukh, has begun his state visit to the Czech Republic. At 9:30 AM: - The discussion "Preparing for the Wave of Artificial Intelligence" will be held in the Crystal Hall of the Blue Sky Hotel. At 10:00 AM: - The open discussion on the "Economic Partnership Agreement" to be established between Mongolia and South Korea with the participation of business owners will take place at MNCCI. At 7:00 PM: - The drama "Samsara – Two Distant Hearts" will be performed daily on the stage of the Cultural Palace.

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iLease: The Only Real Estate and Car Leasing for Mongolians Abroad

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Invescore Leasing LLC first introduced the "iLease" real estate leasing service in 2021, specifically designed for Mongolians living abroad. It is the only company offering this type of leasing service to Mongolians outside the country. The company has official representative offices in Japan and South Korea. Through contracted agents in ten countries, including the USA, Australia, Sweden, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Hungary, the company provides its services to Mongolians. Mongolians abroad face significant challenges when trying to obtain real estate or cars in their homeland, such as deciding where to buy, verifying the reliability of the location, understanding the payment terms, and knowing who will manage the processes. Additionally, there is no option for them to find, study, and purchase their desired property from afar under stress-free financial terms. iLease by Invescore Leasing LLC addresses these needs effectively. The iLease service offers short-term leases with minimal down payments and is the only company providing leasing services to Mongolians abroad. One of the key advantages of this service is the ability to apply for leasing regardless of where you live in the world. Once you make the down payment and sign the contract, you can rent the property out, have your family live in it, or use it for other personal needs. Furthermore, you can submit a leasing application without being restricted by the type of visa you hold abroad. Differences between "iLease" real estate leasing and mortgage loans: A mortgage is available only to residents of Mongolia with a 30% down payment and strict qualifications, whereas iLease real estate leasing requires only a 20% down payment with flexible terms and fewer requirements for Mongolians living abroad. Importantly, Mongolians overseas can include their income from the respective country while applying for leasing services. You can choose your desired real estate/car from anywhere in the world and submit a leasing application on the "iLease" website. "iLease" will then review your application and assist you in purchasing your desired property. Mongolians living abroad are eligible for leasing services if they meet the following common requirements: - Must be a Mongolian citizen, aged 21 or older, with full legal capacity. - Must not have overdue debts, non-performing loans, or court-ordered repayments with any financial institution. - Must have been working and residing in a foreign country for at least six months in a stable and sustainable manner. The iLease leasing service for Mongolians abroad is open to anyone who wishes to introduce and sell it to potential clients, offering value to them. FROM THE DESIRED INVESTMENT, FROM THE DESIRED COUNTRY - TO THE HOMELAND You can obtain detailed information from the following channels: - Facebook - Instagram - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ileasemn/videos - Website: iLease You can also call 7200 2700 for direct information from a financing lease specialist. Invescore Leasing LLC was the first to introduce the "iLease" real estate leasing service in 2021 for Mongolians living abroad, being the only company offering this type of leasing service to them. Official representative offices are in Japan and South Korea. Through contracted agents in ten countries, including the USA, Australia, Sweden, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Hungary, they provide products and services to Mongolians. Mongolians abroad face significant challenges when trying to obtain real estate or cars in their homeland, such as deciding where to buy, verifying the reliability of the location, understanding the payment terms, and knowing who will manage the processes.

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Taxes and Fees Increasing from Next Month

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: news.mn

Introducing the tax and fee increases starting next spring: Minimum Wage to Become 792 Thousand Tugrik The minimum wage has been increased annually since 1995. For example, in 1995, the minimum wage was 9,600 tugrik. Since then, it has steadily increased, reaching 140,000 tugrik by 2011. Since then, the minimum wage has been raised eight times, an increase of 5.6 times, with the current minimum wage being 660,000 tugrik. From April 1, 2025, it has been decided that the minimum wage will be 4,715 tugrik per hour or 792,000 tugrik per month. With this new minimum wage, a citizen who was previously paying 89,100 tugrik in social insurance from a salary of 660,000 tugrik will pay 106,320 tugrik from a salary of 792,000 tugrik. In other words, the minimum wage is increasing by 20%, and social insurance contributions are also increasing as a result. Additionally, certain sectors, such as mining, construction, and transportation, will have the ability to set their own minimum wages through industry-specific regulations. The following factors are considered when setting the minimum wage: - Minimum living standards of the population
- Productivity
- Appropriate balance with average wages
- Minimum full pension payments from social insurance funds
- Economic growth and employment levels
- Inflation
Heating Prices to Increase by 85% in May The government announced an increase in energy prices ranging from 30-85% based on usage beginning November 15 of last year. Now, they have announced that heating prices will increase in May 2025. As of May 16, the price of heating will increase by 85%. Currently, the tariff for residential heating (excluding VAT) is based on consumption categories. The current tariff is 33,862 tugrik, but the actual cost is 62,960 tugrik, resulting in a loss due to the difference. There have been no changes to residential electricity and heating tariffs since 2019, where they have been maintained. By reforming the prices and tariffs to align with market principles, the financial and economic independence of the energy sector is supported, according to the Energy Regulatory Commission. Hot and Cold Water Prices to Increase from Next Autumn The prices for water supply services will increase starting from September 16, 2025, as announced by officials. The inflationary pressure following state-regulated price increases will likely significantly impact household budgets in the coming months, as mentioned by the leadership of Mongolia's central bank. In October 2024, the Energy Minister B. Choijilsuren announced that "Energy prices will increase, and so will the prices of district heating energy and consumer hot water. Decisions regarding this matter will be made in the coming days. The Energy Regulatory Commission has the authority to make decisions independently as per the Energy Law. "We are currently conducting studies related to this matter. Energy is produced, distributed, and supplied at 285 tugrik per kWh, while it is sold to households for 140 tugrik, which means it covers less than 50% of the cost. Heating is supplied from CHP-3, CHP-4, CHP-2, and the Amgalan Thermal Station. The monthly heating cost for one household per square meter is 506 tugrik. I produce heating at a cost of 90,000 tugrik per household and sell it for 35,000 tugrik. "If energy prices are liberalized, they will increase from their production cost. But that is a long-term issue. First and foremost, we need to find ways to reduce our losses instead of immediately liberalizing energy prices and creating competition. Transitioning to market principles with phase-wise energy price increases may become feasible by the end of the government's full term, around 2027-2028," the minister previously mentioned.

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Over a hundred entrepreneurs to participate in the Mongolia-Czech business forum

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: montsame.mn

During the state visit of the President of Mongolia, U. Khurelsukh, to the Czech Republic, over one hundred entrepreneurs from our country will participate in the Mongolia-Czech business forum. This delegation includes representatives of companies operating in the fields of food, agriculture, light industry, health, education, mining, and energy sectors. The purpose of their participation is to engage in the business forum, partner and make agreements with Czech entrepreneurs, and seek new business opportunities. Today, representatives of Mongolian companies divided into three groups for a business tour. The first group visited a world-renowned textile factory located near the capital city of the Czech Republic, Prague, while the second group shared experience by visiting a meat and meat products factory, as reported by MNCCI. The largest textile factory in the Czech Republic, "Nova Mosilana,” has a 100-year history and a capacity to produce 9 million meters of fabric per year, manufacturing fabric to order. It is known for supplying the main fabrics to major Italian brands, and its products are renowned for their high quality. The Mongolia-Czech business forum will begin today in Prague. Follow @montsame.mn

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Customs General Administration: Export Value Exceeds Import by $294 Million, Leading to Positive Trade Balance

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Customs General Administration (CGA) presented the foreign trade statistics for the first two months of this year. Specifically, for the first two months, the total foreign trade turnover reached 3,715.8 million USD. This figure represents a decrease of 120.4 million USD, or 3.1 percent, compared to the same period in 2024. Moreover, the CGA reported that the export value exceeded the import value by 294 million USD, resulting in a positive foreign trade balance. Warning: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social media, and Web pages) must cite their source (ikon.mn) in full or partial use of our information in any form.

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Over 150 Companies Participating in the Czech-Mongolian Business Forum

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Prague. The state visit of the President of Mongolia U. Khurelsukh to the Czech Republic is continuing. Within the framework of the visit, the Presidents of the two countries participated in the Czech-Mongolian Business Forum held in Prague. Business entities are seeking opportunities to cooperate in a wider range of areas beyond traditional sectors, including advanced technology, innovation, know-how, transport logistics, and more. The heads of state expressed their confidence in establishing agreements and negotiations for mutually beneficial cooperation. The business forum is attended by over 200 representatives from more than 150 companies in about 20 sectors from both countries, including food, agriculture, light industry, trade services, mining, minerals, construction, energy, education, and health. During the opening of the business forum, the "Operational Plan between the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mongolia and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Czech Republic" was signed by the presidents of the two chambers, L. Tord-Od and Zdeněk Zajíček. As of 2024, the trade turnover between the two countries stands at 18 million USD. Our exports are over 300,000 USD, and imports are about 17 million USD. We supply cashmere products, clothing, knitted sweaters, and prefabricated structures from our side, and import detonating cord, blasters, initiator substances, electric heating boilers, medicine, and medicinal products. From 1990 to 2017, 80 companies with Czech-exclusive and joint investment made direct investments of 9.2 million USD. Currently, over 60 of these companies operate in sectors such as trade, geology, mining exploration and extraction, food production, engineering construction, and building materials manufacturing, according to research. The Czech Republic has implemented projects with funding totaling over 50 million USD from 1996 to 2017.

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Inviting Mutual Investment and Cooperation

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The state visit of the President of Mongolia, U. Khurelsukh, to the Czech Republic continues. As part of the visit, the Czech-Mongolian business forum was held in Prague, where the leaders of the two countries participated and invited enterprises to invest mutually and cooperate. Here are the words from the two presidents. PRESIDENT OF MONGOLIA, UKHNAA KHURELSUKH: Honorable President,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Business representatives,
I wish a warm greeting to all the businesspeople and creators of wealth attending this business forum to expand and develop the trade and economic cooperation between Mongolia and the Czech Republic. I am delighted to open this joint business forum with you, dear President, during my state visit to the beautiful Czech Republic, at the invitation of President Petr Pavel. Although this year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our two countries, the relations, trade, and economic ties between our peoples have an even longer history. In the early 1920s, Czechoslovak citizens helped establish the first brewery and install telecommunication systems in our country, while two citizens leased six horse relay stations along the Zamyn-Uud route for six years. Until 1990, the Czech Republic was our second-largest trading and investment partner, cooperating in mining, minerals, infrastructure, industry, health, agriculture, and construction. Therefore, I would like to emphasize our desire to expand and develop this tradition even further today. Czech products like Škoda cars, Karosa buses, Jawa motorcycles, Tatra heavy machinery, footwear, weapons, crystal, and porcelain are familiar to us and are associated with "Czech quality." The Czech government provided over 50 million USD in development aid from 1996 to 2017, contributing significantly to expanding and developing trade and economic cooperation between our countries. This business forum is crucial in further developing this cooperation mutually beneficially. During this state visit, the two countries issued a "Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Partnership" and expressed their intent to localize Czech advanced technology, know-how, and innovation within the frameworks of national movements like "Billion Trees," "Food Supply and Security," and "White Gold." They also pledged to support their businesspeople. The Government of Mongolia is pursuing significant reforms to shift from "welfare to labor," "extraction to processing," and "import to export." We aim to implement 14 strategic mega projects to increase domestic energy production, industrialization, regional development, and new urban development. In this context, developing industry and improving the investment environment are our main priorities. To achieve these initiatives, we rely heavily on the knowledge, experience, advanced technology, innovation, and investment of highly industrialized Czech businesspeople, who are our reliable partners. I am confident that the businesspeople gathered here are eager to work with us in this endeavor. We are improving our investment policies to remain stable and progressive, adhering to the principle of being a "reliable and long-term partner," and implementing reforms to improve the investment environment and protect investors' interests. For our landlocked countries, transportation of goods is a pressing issue. Mongolia adheres to the principle of expanding cooperation in the railway, road, and air transport sectors with "third neighbors." We are interested in seeking new solutions for cargo and logistics in cooperation with Czech enterprises. Although trade turnover between our two countries is increasing annually, our export volume remains insufficient. Therefore, I urge the expansion of business cooperation by utilizing the General System of Preferences of the European Union, allowing 7,200 types of goods to be exported to the EU market duty-free. I extend my deep gratitude to the government organizations, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, businesses, partners, and supporter organizations of both countries for organizing this business forum. I invite you all to invest in Mongolia and collaborate with us on mutually beneficial projects. PRESIDENT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC, PETR PAVEL: Honorable President,
Minister Lipavsky,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am pleased to have the opportunity to speak at the opening of the Czech-Mongolian business forum today. I did not expect such high participation from both sides, which shows that Mongolia is a very interesting market for our enterprises, although it is small in population. I would like to express my gratitude to all the individuals and organizations on both sides for organizing this business forum. Mongolia is our traditional partner for many decades. Today, I proudly conveyed to President U. Khurelsukh that our country has contributed to Mongolia's industrialization and development. Czechoslovak geologists who discovered the copper deposit in Erdenet, engineers who built one of the major hospitals in Ulaanbaatar, and experts who worked in power stations can be mentioned here. Erdenet is a symbol of our friendship. Czech enterprises are planning to construct residential buildings, provide heating services, and even brew Czech beer. We have always supported our enterprises not only to sell their products but to create tangible, long-term added value in the Mongolian economy. We definitely want to continue this, and I am confident that this business forum and the entrepreneurs here will play a role in this. We have been cooperating in mineral exploration and extraction for nearly 70 years, and we wish to collaborate in other areas such as agriculture, the food industry, construction, water management, environmental protection, defense, and transportation. Czech enterprises in this room are ready to discuss these areas. Our dialogue, as we call it, is not only created by politicians but also by businessmen, scientists, athletes, and travelers. I am confident that today you will contribute to enhancing these and ensuring concrete work is done within the framework of the memorandums of cooperation previously established.

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Entrepreneurs Visit Prague Stock Exchange

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: montsame.mn

A business delegation led by the President of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI), L. Tör-Od, visited the Prague Stock Exchange in the Czech Republic. The Prague Stock Exchange was established in 1871 and has a 154-year history. It operated until the World War periods, was paused during the war, and resumed active operations in 1991. It is now one of the major exchanges in Europe, with over 90% owned by the Vienna Stock Exchange in Austria. The exchange has been operating stably and recently expanded and updated its trading varieties. Investment fund trading has been becoming quite active. The Star market service, developed in 2018 for small and medium enterprises, has proven effective, according to the Prague Stock Exchange's CEO, Petr Koblic. The volume of bonds issued on the Prague securities market has steadily increased in recent years. The exchange ranks fifth in Europe in terms of investment fund operations. The increasing number of shareholders indicates that people continue to be interested in the securities market, as highlighted by Petr Koblic. Czechs are raising capital by going for IPOs on the stock exchange. The Vienna Stock Exchange, which owns over 90% of the Prague Stock Exchange, attracts bond investments and has raised around one trillion euros from about 40 countries. Ulaanbaatar, along with the Trade and Development Banks, has raised bonds from the Vienna Stock Exchange. "In the Czech Republic, the securities exchange is developing rapidly and actively penetrates the energy market. The worst case is for companies to remain state-owned, while being publicly open with shareholders is a good option," said the Prague Exchange's CEO in a statement shared by the MNCCI. During the event, MNCCI's Secretary General B. Saruul gave a brief overview of the Mongolian Stock Exchange, and President L. Tör-Od invited the CEO of the Prague Stock Exchange to attend the Mongolia Economic Forum in July 2025 and to enjoy the Naadam festival and explore Mongolia.

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"Erdenes Tavantolgoi" has sold 3.3 million tons of coal since the start of the year

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Due to the economic condition of China, the price of coal has decreased to a certain level. Despite the price drop, "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC is maintaining a policy of continuous and normal sales, and regularly holds stock exchange trades. In January, six trades were successfully organized. In February, four trades were carried out successfully, selling 352 thousand tons of coal valued at 31.6 million USD through the Mongolian Stock Exchange. This month, it is planned to sell thermal coal and enriched coking coal. Since 2025, "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" has accounted for 92% of the successful transactions conducted through the open digital trading of the Stock Exchange. "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC sold 3.3 million tons of coal in the first two months of 2025, generating a sales revenue of 268 million USD, and has exported a total of 4.2 million tons of coal to China.

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6 Mongolian Companies Participate in "FOODEX JAPAN 2025" Exhibition

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The 50th International Food, Food Production, and Beverage Exhibition, "FOODEX JAPAN 2025", which is considered the largest in Asia, opened today at the Big Sight Exhibition Center in Tokyo. From March 11-14, six Mongolian enterprises are participating in the exhibition to introduce products with national characteristics such as natural nuts, sea buckthorn, shimiin arkhi, carrot juice, horse meat, and cheese to the global market. Participation by Mongolian companies in this exhibition expands the export opportunities for our food sector and has the advantage of creating a quality that competes on an international level. Last year, five enterprises from our country were part of this exhibition. Over the past 50 years, the FOODEX JAPAN exhibition has reached more than 80,000 participants and served over 4.0 million buyers, contributing to the expansion of their business activities.

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SME Implementation of ISO Standards Supported by XacBank

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Through the support of XacBank, SMEs are implementing ISO standards. XacBank announced and implemented a "Program for Implementing ISO Standards for Small and Medium Enterprises," selecting and financing up to 80% of the consulting and certification costs for 16 enterprises. The program aims to provide practical assistance to small and medium-sized businesses in expanding their operations, improving the quality of their products and services, enhancing their competitiveness, and eventually enabling them to export their goods. The program not only focuses on financing but also on preparing and providing training and advisory support for skilled personnel, highlighting its important role in the capacity building and specialization of these enterprises. Participants in the program have begun meeting the standard requirements and have started obtaining their certifications. We are featuring these customers serially to recognize them. Khuvsgul Titanic LLC has established a model food production in Khuvsgul province, supplying a variety of food products to local consumers. By implementing the above international standards, they are not only providing quality-assured products to the province but also nearing the potential for export to Ulaanbaatar, Buryatia, and Inner Mongolia, thereby increasing productivity. Yurgana Industry LLC, under the "URGANA" brand, aims to fully substitute imported goods by producing cosmetics and household cleaning products domestically. With the implementation of ISO9001, they have not only provided consumer satisfaction in terms of quality, reliability, and standard compliance, but have also fostered a culture of continuous internal operational improvement. The process flow and collaboration between employees have improved, increasing productivity and optimizing resources while reducing waste. Monpellets LLC processes unwashed wool from Mongolian sheep using advanced German technology to produce 100% wool organic fertilizer. The only company from Mongolia exporting such fertilizer to the United States and the European Union, it has successfully implemented these standards. The internationally recognized symbols officially displayed on their product labels and packaging have piqued the interest of potential buyers and significantly contributed to an increase in sales. After the implementation of the standards, an exclusive contract with agents for Russia and CIS countries was established. Altan Elch LLC is working towards forming an international-standard healthy and safe food chain, branding national traditional foods and drinks based on advanced technology, aiming to contribute to industry development and export their products.

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Financial Growth and Expansion of Premium Nexus LLC: Leadership in Mongolia's Retail Sector

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Since 2018, Premium Nexus LLC has successfully introduced convenience store operations in the Mongolian market, not only introducing consumers to convenience stores for the first time but also establishing service culture and standards, leading the retail sector. Let's look at the key indicators of Premium Nexus LLC's financial and operational growth and expansion. Premium Nexus LLC (MSE: CUMN) reported a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 74.05% between 2019 and 2024. Specifically, the company's revenue increased from 37.47 billion MNT in 2019 to 598.4 billion MNT in 2024, solidifying its leading position in the market. In 2023 alone, Premium Nexus achieved 390 billion MNT in revenue, a 50% increase compared to the same period last year, a clear reflection of the company's successful strategy and effective operations. This strong performance secures Premium Nexus LLC a strong position in the retail sector, offering more opportunities and services to customers. Premium Nexus LLC continues to improve its financial performance by introducing new technologies, boosting branch store sales growth, and accelerating operational speed. In 2024, Premium Nexus opened 81 new stores, bringing the number of CU convenience stores to 445. This is a rapid increase from 374 stores in 2023, and this expansion is a strategic step aimed at increasing consumer accessibility, expanding service scope, and reinforcing its leading market position. Additionally, compared store sales increased by 14% in 2024, indicating an increase in consumer purchasing power. The introduction of the CU Pay payment tool in the CU app has increased the speed of service for consumers, activated usage, and significantly increased purchase frequency. These innovations, combined with updates to CU's HMR (home meal replacement) products, imported beverages, and bakery items, play a crucial role in increasing revenue streams and have a tangible impact on expanding the company's sales. Finally, with a structured supply chain, market expansion, and product and service innovation, Premium Nexus LLC continues to reinforce its leading position in Mongolia's retail sector. Investors undoubtedly have high confidence in the company's long-term sustainable growth and profitability.

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T. Enkhbayar: Focus on Enhancing Women's Economic Capabilities

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The Italian Embassy in Mongolia and the National Gender Committee jointly organized a discussion titled "Empowerment Strengthened Over Time: The Path Toward Gender Equality." This discussion was held as part of International Women's Rights Day and was attended by the Italian Ambassador to Mongolia, Giovanna Piccarreta, Member of Parliament and head of the Mongolia-Italy inter-parliamentary friendship group A. Undraa, Secretary General of the National Gender Committee T. Enkhbayar, Shannon Cowlin, Country Director of the Asian Development Bank in Mongolia, and Matilda Dimovska, Resident Representative of the UN Development Programme in Ulaanbaatar, among other officials. During this event, the Secretary General of the National Gender Committee, T. Enkhbayar, stated, “There is a need to focus on improving women's economic empowerment. In particular, we will focus on increasing the economic capabilities of women working in the livestock and agriculture sectors. Additionally, attention will be given to gender-sensitive budgeting, and development in cooperation with the parliament. Finally, special attention will be given to gender-based violence. Because the number of incidents is not decreasing, significant actions will be undertaken. The National Gender Committee has launched a campaign called 'Mutual Respect.' As part of this, on March 25th, in collaboration with the parliament, we will propose six national-level issues concerning men and women in Mongolia on the occasion of Military Day, including supporting women's employment and enabling work while caring for children. Private sector organizations are planned to be involved.” During the discussion, the film “Everything Stays As It Is” directed by Paola Cortellesi was screened for viewers. The screenplay for this film was written by Giulia Calenda and Furio Andreotti. Released in 2023, it has created quite a stir in the Italian film market as it addresses themes of gender equality and domestic violence. Set in post-war 1940s Italy, the film tells the story of a woman named Delia who, after receiving a mysterious letter, breaks from traditional family roles and strives for a different future. Over the past two years, it has not only won three awards at the Rome Film Festival but has also become one of Italy's top 10 highest-grossing films of all time. Furthermore, at the 69th David di Donatello Awards, it was nominated in 19 categories and won six awards, including Best New Director, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Original Screenplay, Youth Jury Award, and Audience Award.

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Mongolia Establishes Comprehensive Partnership with the Czech Republic

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The state visit of Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh to the Czech Republic is ongoing. Mongolia established diplomatic relations with Czechoslovakia on April 25, 1950, and with the Czech Republic on January 1, 1993. The Czech Republic is one of Mongolia's "third neighbors" and has maintained friendly relations and cooperation. During the state visit, the level of traditional friendly relations and cooperation was elevated, and a Comprehensive Partnership was reached. Presidents U. Khurelsukh and Petr Pavel participated in the signing ceremony of the documents on relations and cooperation signed during the state visit. The "Joint Declaration on the Comprehensive Partnership between Mongolia and the Czech Republic" was signed by Mongolia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Battsetseg Batmunkh, and the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jan Lipavský. The "Agreement on Police Cooperation between Mongolia and the Czech Republic" was signed by Mongolia's Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs, Altangerel Oyunsaikhan, and the Czech Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Lukáš Hendrich. The two countries' competent authorities will be able to communicate directly and cooperate quickly to prevent organized crime, detect it, and find its organizers, as well as prevent violations of public safety and order. The parties will exchange experiences in criminological research and investigative techniques, organize joint training, seminars, exercises, and language training, and train specialists. The "Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Education between the Ministry of Education of Mongolia and the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic" was signed by Mongolia's Minister of Education, Naranbayar Purevsuren, and the Czech Deputy Minister of Education, Youth, and Sports, Jaroslav Miller. Students who qualify for the "President's Scholarship-2100" program will have the opportunity to study at state universities in the Czech Republic. In addition, students, teachers, and researchers will participate in short-term trainings. Every year, in order to study the language and culture of the two countries and deepen knowledge, a summer school of linguistics and literature will be organized jointly. The "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Agriculture between the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry of Mongolia and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic" was signed by Mongolia's Minister of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry, Jambal Enkhbayar, and the Czech Minister of Agriculture, Marek Vyborny. The memorandum was established to expand and develop bilateral economic cooperation and ensure food safety. They will cooperate in the exchange of advanced agricultural machinery, technology, equipment, livestock and animal raw materials, and products, as well as ensuring food safety and agriculture. They began cooperation to explore the possibilities of bringing raw materials and products derived from traditional pasture livestock to the European market. The "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Mongolia and the Prague Zoo of the Czech Republic" was signed by Mongolia's Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Dambin Gansukh, and the Director of the Prague Zoo, Miroslav Bobek. Cooperation with the Czech Republic to protect the Bactrian camel, which is critically endangered in the world, and to preserve its ecosystem has begun. The Czech Republic has experience in successfully implementing the Przewalski's horse reintroduction project. Scientists and researchers from around the world will be involved in expanding conservation work, maintaining stable numbers, intensifying habitat ecosystem research, and jointly improving the effectiveness of conservation plans. The "Memorandum of Understanding on Sports Cooperation between the National Physical Education and Sports Committee of Mongolia and the National Sports Agency of the Czech Republic" was also signed by Ambassador Dambin Gansukh and the Director of the National Sports Agency, Ondřej Šebek. They will strengthen cooperation in sports and physical education, exchange knowledge, develop professional and public sports, digitalization, and the management of sports facilities, and activate cooperation between sports federations and other related organizations.

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Presidents of Mongolia and Czech Republic Hold Official Talks

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The state visit of the President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, to the Czech Republic is ongoing. As part of the state visit, Mongolian President U. Khurelsukh and Czech President Petr Pavel held official talks. The heads of state expressed their satisfaction with the active development of relations and cooperation in many sectors of the economy and society as a result of the efforts of both sides. They affirmed their commitment to further elevate the level of relations and work effectively together in all areas of cooperation. Specifically, within the framework of the common goals outlined in the long-term development policies of the two countries, the cooperation will be expanded and enriched with economic substance, implementing mutually beneficial joint projects and programs that can serve as symbols of their relationship, increasing economic cooperation and investment, and working actively together in fields such as environment, health, culture, education, sports, tourism, transportation, food, and agriculture. During the talks, they discussed maintaining and strengthening the tradition of cooperation within the framework of the United Nations and other international organizations and exchanged views on several regional and international issues of mutual interest. Source: President.mn

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The Speaker of the Senate of the Czech Republic Meets with the President of Mongolia

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, who is on a state visit to the Czech Republic, was met by Miloš Vystrčil, the Speaker of the Senate. The President highlighted the importance of cooperation between the legislative bodies of Mongolia and the Czech Republic, which share common values such as democracy, human rights, and freedom. He expressed his intention to deepen and develop this cooperation. Miloš Vystrčil, the Speaker of the Senate, hosted a luncheon in honor of the President and affirmed his support for expanding cooperation between the legislative and parliamentary bodies of the two countries. The Senate of the Czech Republic's Parliament consists of 81 seats, with members elected for a six-year term. One-third of the Senate is elected every two years, selecting one representative from each of the 27 constituencies. Source: president.mn

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Mongolia to Establish Social Protection Agreement with the Republic of Austria

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Today, the third-level expert meeting to establish a Social Protection Agreement between Mongolia and the Republic of Austria took place. Within the framework of the policy pursued by the Government of Mongolia to ensure the social protection rights of citizens residing abroad, a proposal to establish a social protection agreement with the Republic of Austria was advanced. Last year, two rounds of negotiations were organized in Ulaanbaatar and Vienna, and a draft was developed. This time, the parties aim to finalize the project for implementing the agreement. If the agreement is successfully completed, citizens of both countries will have the opportunity to participate in each other's social insurance systems on an equal footing. Additionally, it will be possible to combine insurance premium payment periods and establish pensions, thereby ensuring social security.

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Support for Negotiating the Agreement on Police Cooperation with the Czech Republic

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The Legal Standing Committee of the State Great Khural (Parliament) of Mongolia convened to discuss the issue of negotiating the draft agreement "On Police Cooperation between Mongolia and the Czech Republic." The draft agreement, which was submitted by the Government, was introduced by the Head of the Cabinet Secretariat, N. Uchral. Minister N. Uchral noted that the government is focusing on establishing mutual legal assistance treaties and agreements with countries where many Mongolian citizens travel, live, and work. The draft agreement specifies the scope of cooperation between the parties, special forms, information exchange, mutual consultation and support, practical exercises, training, protection, transportation, and border crossing of necessary entities. Establishing this agreement will open up opportunities for broad cooperation between the parties in preventing and detecting organized crime, thus enabling rapid collaboration to maintain public safety and prevent law and order violations. Following the presentation by the Head of the Cabinet Secretariat, Members of Parliament asked questions and received answers. Member of Parliament Ts. Sandag-Ochir inquired about which countries have signed such agreements, who usually initiates these agreements, and issues related to Mongolian citizens. MP Kh. Baasanjargal raised concerns about the confidentiality and protection of exchanged information. The Head of the Cabinet Secretariat N. Uchral, Chief of the General Police Department T. Sukhbold, Head of the International Treaties and Foreign Cooperation Division of the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs Ch. Narantuya, and Head of the Legal Division of the General Police Department B. Battsog took turns responding to these questions and provided explanations. Additionally, MP N. Altankhuyag expressed that this agreement would be the starting point for protecting the interests of Mongolian citizens in European countries and learning from European experiences. MP Kh. Temuujin stressed the importance of developing cooperation with European countries that adhere to a legal system sensitive to human rights, as this would have a significant impact on law enforcement and crime fighting by allowing the exchange of experiences and learning to protect human rights sensitively. He also mentioned the need to improve relevant provisions of the Criminal Code related to investigating operations' secrets to align with the agreement's provisions when amending the law. MP S. Erdenebold emphasized the need to improve the translation, composition, and wording of the draft agreement, and advised focusing on aligning certain types of crime fighting measures with European standards. MP P. Sainzorig suggested preparing and exchanging specialists and officials according to the agreement, making plans and budgets for them, and focusing particularly on learning from European experiences in fighting cybercrime. The Standing Committee meeting supported the negotiation of the draft "Agreement on Police Cooperation between Mongolia and the Czech Republic," as reported by the Information and Media Division of the State Great Khural.

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The Presidents of Mongolia and the Czech Republic Made an Announcement

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The state visit of Mongolia's President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh to the Czech Republic is ongoing. During the state visit, it was announced that the level of relations has been elevated to a Comprehensive Partnership. This information is brought from what Mongolia's President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh and Czech Republic's President Petr Pavel shared with representatives of the media from both countries. MONGOLIA'S PRESIDENT UKHNAAGIIN KHURELSUKH: Esteemed President, fellow press representatives gathered here, I express my heartfelt gratitude to the esteemed President who has warmly received all of us, and to the Czech state, government, and friendly people. This visit, conducted within the framework of the 75th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations, opens a new chapter in friendly relations and cooperation and has become a historic visit as it elevated the relations to a Comprehensive Partnership. We see the beautiful Czech Republic as our "third neighbor" and an important partner in Europe, and we always strive to expand and develop relations and cooperation in all aspects. The Mongolian people have always been grateful for the many effective projects and programs implemented by the Czech people, state, and government over the past 30 years. The Erdenet copper deposit was discovered by a Mongolia-Czech joint geological team in the mid-1960s. There is a history of major developments such as the Darkhan cement plant, leather processing plant, and the Central Hospital No. 1 being built with the support of Czech friends and experts. In the past, relations and cooperation have developed in areas such as politics, economics, geology, industry, construction, labor, social protection, health, environment, education, history, and culture. We have discussed reviewing our achievements and successes and exploring mutually beneficial projects and programs that will expand and develop further, bring benefits to the development of the two countries, and increase investment. For example, we proposed cooperation and investment in the development of cities like Kharkhorum and New Zuunmod, developing infrastructure and public transportation. Additionally, documents related to cooperation in education, environment, agriculture, and sports sectors were signed. As a result of our discussions, we have declared elevating the relationship between Mongolia and the Czech Republic to the level of Comprehensive Partnership, and signed a Joint Declaration. We have agreed to align Mongolia's "Vision 2050" and the Czech Republic's "Strategic Plan 2030" development policies, to increase investment and exports, expand economic cooperation, and develop mutually beneficial cooperation in infrastructure, air and land transportation, logistics, and production of food from agricultural products. We decided to work together within the framework of the "One Billion Trees" and European Union's "Forest Partnership." We will develop our domestic production and support intensified animal husbandry within the framework of "Food Supply and Security" and "White Gold" national movements, introduce advanced techniques and technologies, and explore and implement major projects and programs that will become symbols of our two countries' friendship and cooperation. Esteemed President, over the past 30 years, the Czech people, state, and government have successfully implemented many projects and programs, for which our people have always been grateful. It's pleasing to note that more than 20,000 Mongolian citizens who have studied Czech language, culture, and acquired education and professions have become the bridges of friendly relations and cooperation between the peoples of our two countries. Young Mongolians, who are studying in the Czech Republic as part of the "Assignment-2100" scholarship program, will also serve as a bridge of friendship and continue the historical tradition with honor and I am confident in this. We are grateful for the conclusion of the "Agreement on Social Security between Mongolia and the Czech Republic" in 2023, which ensured the social protection of the citizens of both countries. I would like to express my deep gratitude to you, esteemed President, as well as the state, government, and businesses for always working to ensure the well-being of over 14,000 Mongolian citizens living and working in the Czech Republic, and creating favorable conditions for them to work, study, and live. Showing the "Chinggis Khan" international exhibition with the goal of further strengthening friendly relations between the citizens of our two countries, and introducing and promoting our history, culture, and values, I am confident it will make a valuable contribution to increasing friendly relations and cultural exchanges. I have no doubt that citizens from the Czech Republic and many European countries will visit and appreciate the exhibition. I am pleased to have delighted our Czech friends with a performance by the "Morin Khuur Orchestra," a cultural ambassador of Mongolia, bringing joy and creating fond memories together. The participation of many businesses in the business forum held during the visit indicates that entrepreneurs are filled with the desire and ambition to cooperate. This business forum holds great significance for expanding mutual beneficial economic cooperation and supporting entrepreneurs and wealth creators. I am filled with confidence that what we have discussed and agreed upon will fulfill our countries' development and prosperity, and the well-being of our peoples, and that our relations and cooperation will continue to grow and strengthen. I am confident that our two countries, with common values such as democracy, human rights, freedom, rule of law, as well as Mongolia's "peace-oriented, open, independent, multi-pillared" foreign policy will contribute to global peace, security, sustainable development, and the great cause of humanity. Our two countries have supported each other and actively cooperated within the framework of the UN and other international organizations, and confirmed that we are committed to intensifying and developing our regional and international cooperation. I wish to express appreciation for your special contribution and efforts, esteemed President, in developing and expanding the relationship and cooperation between our two countries. I would like to once again invite you, esteemed President, to make a state visit to our beautiful country at a convenient time. May the friendship and camaraderie between the peoples of our two countries strengthen and deepen from generation to generation, and may the traditional friendly relations and cooperation between Mongolia and the Czech Republic blossom forever. PRESIDENT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC PETR PAVEL: Esteemed President, press representatives, although Mongolia is geographically far away, we have developed and expanded our relations and cooperation over the past 75 years. Next month, we will jointly commemorate the 75th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations. In 1912, a Czech composer wrote the national anthem of Mongolia. Despite it being 75 years, we have a deep, 100-year relationship. In 1923, a brewery was established with Czech assistance at that time. As part of the state visit, a business forum will be organized. I am confident there are broad possibilities for expanding and developing relations and cooperation. For instance, there are opportunities in mining, energy, food, agriculture, light industry, and education sectors, and we have collaborated in the past. Since the 1950s, Mongolian youth have been studying in the Czech Republic. I am also grateful for the ongoing collaboration in this regard. Mongolian citizens working in our country work well and have a good reputation. We are creating opportunities for their employment. Employing skilled individuals is useful for our two countries. Mongolian workers are filling the gap in some sectors where there is a shortage of workers. By increasing the quota for Mongolian citizens to work, the number of workers has increased by 80%. A business forum will be organized as part of the state visit. Many enterprises will establish connections and implement mutually beneficial projects and programs. By raising the level of relations and cooperation to a Comprehensive Partnership, opportunities to cooperate in defense and security have opened up. It is important that Mongolia, located between Russia and China, cooperates beneficially with its third neighbor. Although we are geographically distant, we are ready to expand our partnership. As the President of the Czech Republic, I am pleased to contribute to expanding, strengthening, and deepening the relations and cooperation. Source: President.mn

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The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Meets with the President of Mongolia

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

During his state visit to the Czech Republic, President of Mongolia U. Khurelsukh met with the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala. He expressed gratitude to the government and people of the Czech Republic for their warm reception during this state visit. The visit aims to elevate the traditional friendly relationship to a comprehensive partnership, marking the beginning of a new era in the history of relations. The President also thanked the government of the Czech Republic for ensuring social protection for over 14,000 Mongolian citizens living and working in the Czech Republic. Additionally, he expressed confidence that the 29 students studying at Czech universities under the "Assignment-2100" scholarship program will continue the historic tradition of bilateral relations. The parties discussed expanding cooperation in road, transport, infrastructure, construction, trade, investment, and industry, while also increasing collaboration in the fields of health, education, history, culture, labor, environment, food, and agriculture. Source: president.mn

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Presentation of Independent Information by Mongolia's NHRC at the 143rd UN Human Rights Committee Closed Session

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: isee.mn

The 38th regular meeting of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) is being held on March 11-12, 2025. In this context, a working group led by the chair of the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia, D. Sunjid, is working at the UN and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights located in Geneva, Switzerland. The GANHRI regular meeting, which is organized annually in parallel with the Human Rights Council meeting, has the tradition of discussing internal organizational and governance issues of national human rights institutions within the Alliance, as well as exchanging knowledge and experience on selected human rights issues. Additionally, the 143rd session of the Human Rights Committee, which monitors the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by the UN, is convening these days. This session is considering the report on the implementation of the obligations under the international treaties, conventions, and covenants that Mongolia has joined, and recommendations will be issued. On the morning of March 10, 2025, Commissioner G. Narantuya participated in the closed session, providing the committee members with independent information from the Commission. Following this, the UN Human Rights Committee began reviewing the report on Mongolia's implementation of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. During this review, issues such as judicial independence, freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, and political participation are being addressed. The session is being broadcast live on "UN WebTV" starting at 22:00 Mongolian time on March 10, 2025, with official representatives from Mongolia participating as observers.

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State Visit: Memorandum of Understanding Signed Between Ministries of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, is conducting a state visit to the Czech Republic at the invitation of President Petr Pavel from March 9-12, 2025. The state visit is being organized in the context of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. On the first day of the visit, March 10, at the Prague Castle, the "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Food and Agriculture" was signed by Mongolia's Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, J. Enkhbayar, and the Czech Republic's Minister of Agriculture, Marek Vyborny. This memorandum aims to expand and develop economic cooperation between the two countries and to ensure food security. The cooperation will involve the exchange of advanced agricultural techniques, technologies, machinery, and equipment, the production of animal raw materials and products, and the assurance of food safety and crop production. Efforts are being made to seek possibilities for selling raw materials and products from traditional pasture-based livestock farming to the European market, and this collaboration is being initiated. The signing ceremony for the documents of relations and cooperation that took place during the state visit was attended by President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh and President Petr Pavel. On March 11, 2025, Mongolia's Minister of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry, J. Enkhbayar, and the Czech Republic's Minister of Agriculture, Marek Vyborny, will hold a meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture to discuss bilateral cooperation.

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Czech Experts Played a Key Role in Discovering the Erdenet Deposit

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

A Mongolia-Czech business forum was held in Prague. The forum was opened with speeches from the presidents of Mongolia and the Czech Republic. Czech President Petr Pavel stated, "The Erdenet Mining Corporation is a symbol of the friendly relations between our two countries. Experts from our country played a key role in the discovery of the Erdenet deposit. I am confident that just as we have worked effectively together in the mineral resources sector, we can also establish business partnerships in other fields." President U. Khurelsukh expressed his gratitude by saying, "I am pleased to participate in the business forum between our two countries. There is a historical record of Czechs running a brewery in the 1920s and a few Czechs working at the Zamiin-Uud station. I hope business people will strengthen and enrich the trade and economic cooperation between the two countries by implementing joint projects." About 100 business representatives from Mongolia in the fields of food, trade services, mining, health, and agriculture, as well as representatives from over 100 Czech companies, participated in the forum.

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Received the Copy of the Letter of Credentials of the Ambassador of Turkey

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: montsame.mn

State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs L. Munkhtushig received and met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Mongolia, Basak Genc Yüksel, and received the copy of her letter of credentials. State Secretary L. Munkhtushig congratulated Basak Genc Yüksel on her appointment during this significant time when relations between Mongolia and Turkey, with a long history, have been elevated to the level of a Strategic Partnership, and wished her success. During the meeting, they exchanged views on issues of cooperation aimed at deepening and enriching the relationship with economic content, increasing trade and investment in line with the long-term development policies of both countries, within the framework of common goals. They also discussed traditional cooperation within the framework of the UN and other international organizations, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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The Project Stalled for 9 Years Begins

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: news.mn

One of the major issues we face is traffic congestion. For many years, Mongolians have spent most of their day stuck in traffic, seeing many officials promising solutions, yet without achieving much result. Almost a decade ago, discussions began about implementing cable cars and a metro system, but it hasn't started until now. However, the long-awaited beginning of the "Cable Car" project, which has been stalled for nine years and has seen the faces of many ministers and officials, was initiated yesterday. This project aims to reduce road traffic congestion in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, by implementing a cable car transportation system. The construction work of the project has commenced within this framework. Notably, the initial phase includes a cable car line running from Yarmag to Kharkhorin, with a length of 4.2 km, two stations, heights ranging from 7.5 to 42 meters, and a total of 19 support pillars. Of these 19 support pillars, six located in the basin of the Tuul River are being installed first to preempt the flow and floodwaters. Once the poles are positioned, metal structural works will begin. The construction of the project is expected to be completed by December of this year, followed by a three-month testing and adjustment period. Thus, it is planned to be operational in the second quarter of next year, according to officials. The estimated price for riding the cable car, once it becomes operational, is between 1500 and 2600 MNT, although a final decision on the fare has not yet been made. The aim is to make it accessible for every citizen and set the tariffs accordingly. With the operation of the "Ulaanbaatar Cable Car," it will cover 18% of the public transportation passenger flow in the western and southern regions of the capital. The "Ulaanbaatar Cable Car" route, which goes over the Tuul River, flowing through Ulaanbaatar and affecting congestion, will take 12 minutes one way. It includes 98 cabins, each with a capacity for up to ten passengers, and can transport 2300 people per hour. The seats are designed to accommodate special needs passengers, strollers, bikes, and other items, making it accessible to everyone. Moreover, it is an environmentally friendly, fully electric transport vehicle that can withstand cold weather and winds up to 75 km/h. In 2014, rumors began about establishing a cable car, which was actively discussed by the then capital city mayor S. Amarsaikhan in 2019. However, until now, there hasn't been any tangible construction. It has only existed on paper, and during this period, both traffic congestion has worsened and the initial start time has deteriorated sevenfold. "Governmental duty is temporary," as they say. Each new leader promises to open the cable car within a set timeframe, but nothing concrete happens, and the next leader takes over. Thus, three city mayors and two traffic ministers have been involved. Despite ten years of promises and planning, the city authorities and transportation ministers have not managed to provide the capital's residents with a cable car system. The issue isn't that it couldn't be done, but rather the apparent lack of will to implement the project. A PROJECT DISCUSSED FOR 9 YEARS, MAINLY BY OFFICIALS 2014: Initiative to establish a cable car is presented. 2019: S. Amarsaikhan: "The cable car can be introduced starting spring." 2020-2021: The feasibility study for introducing cable car service with financial support from the French Development Government is completed. It could be implemented in 2020. 2020: If the government and Ministry of Finance decide, the project could commence this April. 2021: The Municipal Procurement Office announced a tender for 300 million to provide consulting services for the cable car feasibility study. Specialists supported the project strongly. If the feasibility study is approved, it might be operational in 2021. 2021: The Cable Car Administration is dissolved. Subsequently, the executive meeting of the City Council on July 31, 2020, established the "Pre-operation Administration of the Cable Car" as a local government-owned entity. It was dissolved in December 2021. 2022: Construction should start in spring 2023, and it is expected to be operational by 2024. 2023: The cable car will be ready in 12-16 months. 2024: H. Nyambaatar promised that the cable car would open in December 2025. The Pre-operation Administration of the Cable Car in Ulaanbaatar was established and allocated 414 billion 348 million MNT in 2021, and 498 billion 770 million MNT in 2022. In 2023, 24 billion 865 million MNT was used to settle debts of the Pre-operation Administration of the Cable Car.

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The Impact of Energy Reform to be Monitored

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

Mr. Ch. Unurbayar, Head of the Government's Oversight Office, and Mr. N. Lkhagvadorj, Secretary of the National Council for Oversight and Evaluation, reported on the results of inspections conducted based on citizens' petitions and complaints. In particular, they investigated the issue of increased energy prices. Previously, the energy tariff was calculated in four categories, which has been expanded to 18 categories now. They also changed the method of calculating tariffs, which led to several violations due to insufficient public information. For example, it was found that the electricity bill of a household varies depending on the type of meter they use. They also decided to monitor the impact of energy reform. "Our country will need 1824 MW of energy in 2024-2025. However, we currently produce less than 1000 MW domestically. Since consumption increases by 10-12% annually, importing is inevitable. We are not able to build new domestic resources sufficiently. Although many people have been granted permits to produce energy and build new plants, they do not carry out the work. There are several serious issues here. For example, a person obtains a permit but does not invalidate it. When a new investor wants to build a power plant, the permit is not issued, causing delays for 4-6 years due to heavy bureaucracy. They have no choice but to buy the permit from those who hold it. In such conditions, no one will invest in and construct facilities in the energy sector. Therefore, the permit issuing process needs to be flexible and transparent. We will study why it takes 4-6 years to get a permit and report our findings to the government," said Mr. Unurbayar. Additionally, as prompted by a complaint from certain members of parliament, an inspection in Bayankhongor province revealed that several officials were unlawfully appointed. For example, two members of the local council were appointed to civil service positions, which is a violation. An inspection in Darkhan-Uul province, prompted by citizens' complaints, unearthed several irregularities related to governmental procurement processes. More than 63.8 billion MNT worth of purchases for over 30 projects and activities were made without announcing tenders. Accordingly, official warnings have been issued to the relevant administrators, and accountability measures will be taken against those found guilty. "The violations found in Bayankhongor and Darkhan-Uul are quite common in other provinces, state-owned companies, and governmental organizations. It is our duty to rectify these issues. Therefore, we are conducting inspections in other provinces as well," said Mr. Unurbayar. Incidentally, a building crane touched an apartment, breaking a window. Mr. N. Lkhagvadorj commented on the incident and said, "A building crane at a construction site in the third khoroo of Sukhbaatar district was blown by the wind, breaking a household window. Fortunately, no one was injured. These issues arise due to the lack of coordination among the relevant organizations. According to the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, the crane was barely secured to the building."

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Teacher Exchange Scholarship Program to Continue in Czech Republic

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Teacher Exchange Scholarship Program, which offers the opportunity to study the experiences in higher education institutions in the Czech Republic, will continue. The President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, is making an official visit to the Czech Republic at the invitation of the President of the Czech Republic, Peter Pavel. During this visit, the Ministry of Education of Mongolia and the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic signed a new agreement on cooperation in the education sector, within the framework of the "Presidential Assignment-2100" scholarship program. Under this program, Mongolian students who qualify will be able to study at state-owned higher education institutions in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, students who are studying at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels under the exchange between higher education institutions of the two countries will be sent for short-term visits. The parties appreciate the mutual scholarship practice where annually, three researchers participate in summer courses on Mongolian and Czech languages and literature to learn about the languages and cultures of the two countries and deepen their knowledge, and will continue to implement this cooperation. Additionally, direct cooperation between higher education institutions of the two countries is supported, including sending one teacher of Mongolian language and literature and one teacher of Czech language and literature to state-owned higher education institutions of each country. Moreover, the number of teachers exchanged for short periods was increased from two to five, and the exchange period was extended from two months to five months as part of the agreement. In April 2023, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports, and Tourism of the Czech Republic and Mongolia, to implement the President's Student and Youth Scholarship Program. Source: Ministry of Education Warning: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) must cite their source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, either partially or completely.

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Convoy to Deliver Gers to Families Affected by Fire Departs Ulaanbaatar Today

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: isee.mn

The State Emergency Commission has decided to provide gers to families affected by the fires in eastern provinces. The convoy is set to depart today. Since the beginning of 2025, there have been 11 recorded forest and grassland fires, affecting 18,880 hectares. Experts indicate that approximately 90% of these fires are caused by human negligence. Due to the fires spreading in the eastern provinces, many households have lost their homes and livestock, and are in a dire situation. Therefore, the State Emergency Commission has initially focused on providing psychological and medical assistance to herders and supporting the restoration of their homes. In particular, under the order of Deputy Prime Minister S. Amarsaikhan, a rapid response task force was established yesterday to provide medical services to the families and individuals affected by the fires, organize the reconstruction of homes and surroundings, offer psychological counseling, restore the health of affected livestock, dispose of animal carcasses, conduct disinfection and sanitation, and support livelihood recovery. The task force is led by Emergency Commission Secretary Colonel T. Bayarkhuu and includes members from the Ministry of Health, the National Center for Public Health, the General Veterinary Department, the National Center for Zoonotic Diseases, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, the General Authority for Emergency Situations, the General Police Department, and the Ministry of Defense, along with relevant officials and local government leaders, who will work on-site.

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"The Diplomat": The Mongolian Public Outraged Over Air Pollution and Public Health Issues

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Mongolia's air pollution crisis has reached a peak, with over 7,000 Mongolians dying annually due to air pollution. Since last January, the families of those who have died from air pollution and activists have called for action, demanding open hearings from the government. The Mongolian Parliament's Standing Committee on Environment, Food, and Agriculture organized a National General Oversight Hearing on "The Implementation of Policies and Decisions on Smog and Solutions to Reduce Air Pollution" on February 3 and 4. The hearing included 15 members of parliament, representatives from 29 government organizations, 60 civil society organizations, and seven experts, according to the Mongolian Parliament. The hearings were organized in collaboration with the "Clean Air" coalition and air quality experts in Mongolia throughout January. Organizers who participated believe that the preliminary discussion on air pollution was not effectively disseminated to the public and that there was limited information provided through media outlets. Legislative involvement is crucial for improving air pollution and addressing public health issues. Key decision makers, including the Minister of Energy and the Minister of Health, did not attend the hearing, and the mayor of the capital participated in only one of the four discussions, which drew criticism. Public hearings on air pollution in Mongolia have had poor outcomes. Although air pollution is a profound social and economic issue, research conferences and public hearings have not been able to propose solutions. During the hearing, public opinion was split, with many doubting the effectiveness of the hearings. According to the 2021 audit report, 67.8% of the actions planned under the national program to reduce air and environmental pollution from 2017 to 2020 remained unfulfilled. For years, there has been a tendency to avoid discussing air pollution problems and shirking responsibility. Air pollution levels in Mongolia have continued to rise. The inadequacy of coordination between the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Health, and the capital's administration needs to be addressed. Mongolia's air pollution crisis involves coal producers, coal consumers, government policies, and the public. There has been no concerted effort to tackle air pollution effectively through state policy. Since the ban on household use of raw coal, carbon monoxide poisoning incidents have increased. Compressed coal briquettes were introduced to reduce air pollution from coal burning in the capital. After the 2019 ban on household raw coal use, carbon monoxide poisoning cases in Ulaanbaatar increased fiftyfold. According to the head of the public hearing task force, 779 people died from carbon monoxide poisoning between 2017 and 2024, with the number rising to 811 by February 19, 2025. It is accurate to say that no significant actions have been taken against air pollution in Mongolia since the raw coal ban in 2019. The national committee to reduce air and environmental pollution was dissolved in December 2023, dismantling the institutional framework for coordinating air quality policy, monitoring, and evaluation. The Mongolian public is seeking solutions to air pollution and the elimination of dependence on coal-powered heating systems.

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Event: Update on the Fire Situation and Measures Taken in Eastern Provinces

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: ikon.mn

At 08:30 AM, a nationwide training program for senior inspectors in the transportation sector is being held for the first time at the Ministry of Roads and Transport's building B, "Khosog" conference room. From 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, the second day of an open forum on the participation of business owners in the "Economic Partnership Agreement" between Mongolia and South Korea will continue in room 503 of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry. At 11:00 AM, a briefing will be held at the National Emergency Management Agency regarding the fire situation in the eastern provinces, the measures being taken, and the delivery of aid associated with it. Warning: Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) must mention their source (ikon.mn) whenever they use our information, either fully or partially.

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Artificial Cloud Modification Initiated to Extinguish Fires

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Operations have begun to artificially modify the weather to support firefighting efforts in the eastern provinces, particularly in Dornod and Sukhbaatar provinces. Under the order of the head of the Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring Agency, an expedition to artificially influence the weather has commenced in the fire-affected areas of Sukhbaatar province. The "Sharaga Rain-2" expedition, led by the head of the Sukhbaatar Department of Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring, H. Enkhbayar, has successfully induced two hours of wet snow over the boundary areas of Asgat, Sukhbaatar, and Baruun-Urt soums. As of 08:00 this morning, Baruun-Urt soum received 0.3 mm of precipitation in the form of wet snow, while Bayandelger and Asgat soums recorded 0.0 mm. Operations will continue today in Erdenetsagaan and Sukhbaatar soums, as reported by the Central Agency for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (CUOSH). To support the firefighting efforts in the eastern provinces, weather modification operations have been initiated in Dornod and Sukhbaatar provinces. By order of the head of the Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring Agency, a weather modification expedition has started in the fire-affected areas of Sukhbaatar province. The "Sharaga Rain-2" expedition, led by the director of the Sukhbaatar Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring Center, H. Enkhbayar, has succeeded in inducing two hours of wet snow over the boundary areas of Asgat, Sukhbaatar, and Baruun-Urt soums. As of 08:00 this morning, Baruun-Urt soum received 0.3 mm of precipitation in the form of wet snow, while Bayandelger and Asgat soums recorded 0.0 mm. The operations will continue today in Erdenetsagaan and Sukhbaatar soums, CUOSH reports.

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A Steppe Fire in the Halhgol and Matad Areas of Dornod Province Extinguished

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The fire that started in Erdenetsagaan soum of Sukhbaatar province and spread to the territory of Matad soum in Dornod province was extinguished yesterday around 19:00 on March 10, 2025. To fight the fire, personnel from the Emergency Management Agency of Dornod province and six teams from Halhgol soum worked together and contained the fire to the west of Wang's White Mountain in the territory of Halhgol soum, according to Deputy Governor of Dornod province and Head of the Aimag Emergency Commission, Ch. Ganbat. Just after extinguishing one fire, they received a report about another fire in a place called Burdene Valley in Matad soum, which had rekindled from embers. The team extinguishing the fire moved to the new fire hotspot. The fire, which rekindled from embers, was extinguished at around 01:00 last night. As a result of the steppe fire in Dornod province, more than 20 families’ homes, livestock enclosures, vehicles, and animals were burned, causing significant damage and losses. In the territory of Halhgol soum, Dornod province, a rapid response team was established by order of Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the National Emergency Management Agency S. Amarsaikhan to provide medical assistance to those affected by the fires in the eastern provinces, organize the restoration of homes and environment, offer psychological counseling, ensure the health of fire-affected livestock, dispose of animal carcasses, perform disinfection and sterilization, and support their livelihoods. The task force is led by Secretary of the National Emergency Management Agency, Colonel T. Bayarkhuu, and includes relevant officials from the Ministry of Health, the National Center for Public Health, the General Veterinary Department, the National Center for Zoonotic Diseases, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry, the General Agency for Specialized Inspection, the Police General Authority, the Ministry of Defense, and the Ministry of Environment and Green Development, as well as local administration officials. Additionally, by order of the Deputy Prime Minister, it was decided to provide shelters, food, health kits, and warm clothing to 25 families affected by the fire.

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Task Force Established to Provide Assistance to Eastern Provinces Affected by Fire

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

A rapid task force has been established to provide assistance and services to households, individuals, and children affected by the fires in the eastern provinces of Mongolia, following the order of the Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia and Head of the National Emergency Management Agency, Mr. S. Amarsaikhan. The task force will organize medical assistance, the restoration of homes and surroundings, psychological counseling, rehabilitation of livestock affected by the fire, disposal of carcasses, disinfection, and support for livelihoods. The task force will be led by Colonel T. Bayarkhuu, Secretary of the National Emergency Management Agency, and will include representatives from the Ministry of Health, the National Center for Infectious Diseases, the General Agency for Specialized Inspection, the National Center for the Study of Zoonotic Diseases, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry, the National Emergency Management Agency, the National Police Agency, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, as well as local government officials. Additionally, according to the Deputy Prime Minister's order, it has been decided to provide gers (traditional Mongolian dwellings), food, medical supplies, and warm clothing to 25 households affected by the fires. Source: National Emergency Management Agency

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Collaborating with the Czech Republic to Protect the Wild Bactrian Camel

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: isee.mn

The state visit of Mongolian President U. Khurelsukh to the Czech Republic is ongoing. During the visit, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Mongolia's Ministry of Environment and Climate Change and the Prague Zoo of the Czech Republic. This agreement aims to collaborate on protecting the critically endangered wild Bactrian camel and preserving its ecosystem. The wild Bactrian camel is listed as "critically endangered" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List. It is included in Appendix I of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals and is ranked 13th on the list of 100 mammals most at risk of extinction worldwide. Currently, the wild Bactrian camel lives only in the Gobi Desert of Central Asia, specifically adapting to the harsh conditions of the southwestern region of Mongolia. Protecting this unique animal has become a priority in Mongolia's conservation efforts. The Czech Republic has previous successful experience with the project to reintroduce the Przewalski's horse in Mongolia. This time, they have agreed to expand efforts to protect the wild Bactrian camel by involving international scientists and researchers. The collaboration will focus on maintaining a sustainable population, intensifying research on the ecosystem of their habitat, refining conservation plans, and improving effectiveness.

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Flooding of Spring Water Poses Disaster Risks

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

After the harsh winter with polluted air has ended, the residents of the capital, who are celebrating the arrival of warm spring days, are now confronted with the disaster risk of flooding known as the "disaster after the disaster." In recent days, the weather has warmed up throughout the country, causing the snow and ice to rapidly melt, increasing the risks of flooding and heavy water accumulation. The relevant agencies have been warning about the increased risk of flash flooding and spring water flooding due to increased runoff. Spring water flooding and runoff normally nourish rivers and provide the vital water source for both humans and livestock. However, in Ulaanbaatar, due to violations of river protection zones and the construction of numerous buildings and structures within the riverbeds and floodplains, uncontrolled settlement areas have been created, turning spring water flooding into a disaster-risking hazard. To prevent this danger, enormous amounts of resources and efforts have been spent annually, especially during periods when precipitation and groundwater levels have increased significantly, which experts and researchers have been criticizing. This spring, too, the water-related disasters seem to be worrying the residents of Ulaanbaatar. As the head of the Water Authority has warned, the city's residents are likely to be busy dealing with this issue. Moreover, more flooding areas seem to have emerged this year, as remarked by the head of the "Geodesy, Water Construction and Facilities" department. As of yesterday, large volumes of runoff and accumulation have been reported in several residential areas near the Selbe River, including areas of Bayanzurkh district, in the second and 29th khoroos, and in Chingeltei's seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth khoroos. These areas, which include large gullies, holes, and sections with flood barriers, are at risk of further flooding. Particularly, constant monitoring and measures are necessary to prevent danger in the area of the tenth khoroo of Chingeltei district, the flood barrier in Denjiin Myanga, and around school number 39, where ice mounds have formed. Irresponsible citizens and businesses contributing to the risk by illegally dumping soil and construction waste into river catchments, which narrows the riverbeds and floodplains, have further exacerbated the flooding risks, as reported by the "Geodesy, Water Construction and Facilities" department and the Tuul River Basin Administration.

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Highlighted System Implemented by Mongolian Operator Company

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: news.mn

MWC 2025 (Mobile World Congress 2025) took place in Barcelona, Spain, attracting 109,000 participants from 205 countries, setting a record for the number of attendees. Participants noted that this year's event showcased new systems defining the next level of "5G", artificial intelligence (AI), communication, digital transitions, and transformations in mobile technology. This year's event was particularly significant for Mongolians. Among Central Asian countries, Mongolia was the first to successfully implement a network control intelligent system, introducing this innovation on an international stage as world-leading operator companies began deploying new AI-based solutions and systems. This intelligent system, called AUTIN, has already been implemented by over 100 of the top operator companies in 54 countries worldwide. Engineers and technical staff from Unitel Group have made over 200 additional enhancements to the system during its implementation, which has made it a notable case globally. Last year, Unitel Group employees received the “AUTIN-Outstanding Network Operations Award” at the “Digital Transformation Innovation Contest 2024,” an event where members of the global telecommunications industry share their digital transformation strategies and experiences. GSMA CEO John Hoffman stated, “MWC is the largest gathering and meeting point for global mobile operators and tech industry players, and this year clearly demonstrated how technology is rapidly changing the world around us. Intelligent, AI-driven networks and smart future mobile technologies were showcased, sharing new solutions and setting the stage for discussions in Barcelona that will define next year’s technology trends.” Additionally, the “Mobile Economy Report 2025” presented by GSMA noted that mobile technology contributed $6.5 trillion to the global economy in 2024. The report emphasized that with developments in "5G", "IoT", and artificial intelligence continuing in the global telecommunications and technology sectors, this figure is expected to rise to $11 trillion by 2030. Therefore, the new innovative technologies being developed and implemented by players in this sector are set to have a significant impact not only on national digital transitions but also on the subsequent development and economy.

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TODAY: "Preparing for the Wave of Artificial Intelligence" Discussion to be Held

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Overview of today's events: The state visit of President U. Khurelsukh of Mongolia to the Czech Republic has begun. At 9:30 AM: The discussion "Preparing for the Wave of Artificial Intelligence" will be held in the Crystal Hall of the Blue Sky Hotel. At 10:00 AM: An open discussion involving business owners on the "Economic Partnership Agreement" between Mongolia and South Korea will be held at the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry. At 7:00 PM: The play “Samsara - Two Hearts Afar” is performed daily on the stage of the Central Cultural Palace. The joint exhibition "Today" by the contemporary female painters Z. Uyanga, D. Burdaa, and M. Bayarmagnai is ongoing at the Zanabazar Museum until March 15. The collaborative exhibition "Glow" by artists is showing at the Norphei Art Gallery until March 24. On March 11, the Lunar New Year gathering of the Dundgovi Province Residents' Association and the Provincial Administration Office will be held in Ulaanbaatar. The play "Waiting for You Under the Chinese Elm Tree" is being performed at the National Academic Drama Theatre until March 18. The "Let's Respect Each Other" month-long campaign, organized annually nationwide, continues until April 1.

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Mobile World Congress 2025 presents leading technologies

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

This time, the smart network system introduced in Mongolia was highlighted. Did you hear about the new portable computer that can recharge in 20 minutes of sunlight to allow an hour of video viewing? How about having a personal assistant on your phone that helps you by using your health and financial information from Meta, Google, and others? Mobile World Congress 2025, the largest international information technology and mobile communications gathering, showcases five technological innovations that amazed the guests and exceeded expectations from the technology sector. 1. 3D Visuals Without the Need for Glasses
The RedMagic Gaming Laptop 3D model introduced a technology for playing 3D games without the need for additional glasses. Cameras that track eye movement 90 times per second and the help of human brain processes create 3D effects with 4K resolution visuals. 2. Smart Network System Introduced in Mongolia
This international gathering highlights not only products and devices but also new discoveries and successful systems in the communications and technology sectors. At the Mobile World Congress 2025 event, Unitel Group from our country was noted for successfully introducing the AUTIN system, used by over 100 top operators from 54 countries, to the Central Asian region for the first time, establishing a good practice. Specifically, a network monitoring system that provides users with smart, efficient, and more reliable services with the help of artificial intelligence was deployed. Unitel Group's improvements to the AUTIN system have been highly recognized internationally, earning the "AUTIN-Outstanding Network Operations Award" at the "Digital Transformation Innovation Contest 2024" organized within the OTF event. 3. Phones with Camera Lenses
Realme and Xiaomi brands introduced phones to which camera lenses can be attached. Realme designed their phones so that any kind of mirrorless lens can be mounted using a physical link on the back of the phone, while Xiaomi also introduced their lenses that attach magnetically and connect via laser link. 4. Foldable Gaming Controller
The common feature of 2025's trend products is that they are compact, thin, and light. Among the foldable and rotating screen models introduced by Samsung, the most notable one was a gaming controller that you could place in your pocket after playing. 5. The Thinnest Smartphone
The Tecno Spark Slim model phone, at 5.75mm thick, was introduced as the world's thinnest smartphone. The Spark Slim phone drew participants' attention by breaking the common notion that thin phones cannot have good batteries, with its 5,200mAh battery. Furthermore, with a 13MP front camera, a 50MP rear camera, and a 6.78-inch AMOLED display, experts predict this phone to be a strong competitor in the industry.

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KHUVSGUL: To Collaborate with Irkutsk State University

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Khuvsgul province is expanding its foreign relations by establishing partnerships with the cities of Baruth in Germany, Dun Dun in China, Irkutsk in Russia, and Taejon in South Korea. These collaborations focus on education, healthcare, culture and arts, and tourism. As part of this cooperation, the Chairman of the Khuvsgul Province Citizen's Council, D. Purevdorj, made a working visit to Irkutsk, Russia, where he was introduced to the operations of Irkutsk State University. He was welcomed by Dr. Vladimir Sinichenko, a professor of history, and Anna Litovkina, the associate professor and head of the Department of Russian Language and Intercultural Communication. During the meeting, they discussed the university’s educational programs and agreed to jointly organize a summer training to enhance the skills and professional development of teachers and employees from general education schools in Khuvsgul province. Irkutsk State University, established in 1930, is one of Russia's leading universities. It offers programs in law, economics, and management, and its graduates are highly sought after in the Russian and international labor markets. Currently, 16,000 students are enrolled there.

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KHAN Bank to Support Startups Through Its Innovation Center

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: gogo.mn

KHAN Bank, a leader in sustainable development and digital services, established its Innovation Center a year ago with the aim of supporting startups based on innovation and the development of students and young people in the financial sector. Through this center, the bank collaborates with students and young researchers from universities and colleges, offering support to turn innovative ideas into reality and aims to introduce the best innovations into the bank's products and services. KHAN Bank has signed a memorandum of understanding with Exponential Zaisan Partners (XZP) to take the operations of its Innovation Center to the next level and expand further. Established in 2022, Exponential Zaisan Partners (XZP) is a major professional investment fund that supports tech startups and businesses with global growth potential through investment, strategic advice, and industry networking. By collaborating with this investment fund, KHAN Bank will provide office space for the top startups in its portfolio, offer opportunities to present their products and services to client organizations and investors, and create an ecosystem for technological and digital transformation. In addition, there are plans to work with domestic incubator accelerator programs to establish a community of students and young people interested in technology alongside the Innovation Center. Continuous Growth Together - KHAN Bank

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NEMA: Psychological and Health Assistance Provided to Victims of the Fire Disaster /VIDEO/

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: isee.mn

A rapid response team has been established in the eastern fire zone, and NEMA provided information about the fire situation, measures being taken, and the delivery of assistance. According to Colonel Ts. Nyambayar, Head of the Firefighting Department of NEMA, "This year, the eastern three provinces had an early start to spring drought due to light snowfall, which was known in advance. An official directive was issued by the chair of the State Emergency Commission. Representatives from relevant professional organizations were appointed in accordance with this directive. Emergency service personnel in the eastern three provinces are well-equipped with personal protection equipment, vehicles, and technical resources." First and foremost, psychological and health services will be provided to the citizens affected by this fire disaster. Additionally, efforts will be organized to dispose of animal carcasses affected by the fire and to carry out disinfection and sanitation activities.

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NCCD: A second case of meningococcal infection confirmed

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: news.mn

The National Center for Communicable Diseases announced that another case of meningococcal infection has been confirmed. Specifically, the tests from the suspected case have been confirmed by the laboratory, marking the second case recorded since the beginning of the year. These cases involve young children. According to the information provided by the NCCD, one child has died from the particularly severe form of meningococcal infection since the beginning of the year. The second confirmed case is also a child. Recommendation: As meningococcal disease cases can be life-threatening within moments, it is advised to seek immediate medical attention if any symptoms appear. This disease has been recorded in the Nalaikh district. - The infection is caused by bacteria and can deteriorate rapidly
- It causes inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain
- Bacteria can enter the blood, leading to blood poisoning
- The infection is transmitted through airborne droplets
- The bacteria can reside in the nose and throat region, making healthy individuals carriers
- Young children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems are most susceptible
Symptoms: - High fever (39-40°C)
- Severe headache
- Nausea and vomiting
- Confusion or seizures
- Stiff neck, inability to bend forward
- High sensitivity to light and sound
Prevention: - Regularly wear a face mask
- Avoid crowded places
- Maintain high personal hygiene
- Boost the immune system

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URGENT: MCS Group's Z. Tormandakh Released Due to Worsening Health, Banned from Leaving the Country

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: isee.mn

The legal authorities conducted an operation at "MCS" Group, the parent company of "Energy Resource" Corporation. Z. Tormandakh, identified as the head of the legal department, was arrested near his residence in "Japan Town." He was charged with crimes related to "stealing, collecting, and storing documents and items classified as state secrets" and "conducting operations without executing rights, or acquiring, using, and selling special technical equipment for executing operations." He was detained in custody as a preventative measure for one month. While detained in Section 461, Z. Tormandakh was taken to the hospital due to a deterioration in his health condition. Consequently, his detention measures have been altered. Z. Tormandakh, diagnosed with post-liver transplant complications and Type 2 diabetes, has been transferred from the joint hospital of the closed Section 461 to the supervision of the State First Clinic for surgical intervention. Thus, the preventative detention measures against him have been changed to restrict his travel outside of Mongolia and prohibit meetings with certain individuals. Additionally, there have been reports in certain media outlets about Z. Tormandakh and others using spy and signal jammer devices, operating teams with camera equipment in digital environments, and having contractual representation with legal authorities. However, official sources stated that it is "related to a 'secret' that is under investigation by the intelligence agency, and information regarding this cannot be provided."

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The New Tariff for Services Covered by the Health Insurance Fund Has Been Implemented

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The new tariff for services covered by the Health Insurance Fund has started to be implemented. On January 3, 2025, the National Council of Health Insurance issued Resolution No. 03 to update and approve the payment for medical services that the Health Insurance Fund will cover. This resolution has been in full effect since the 7th of this month. Under the new tariff, the population's health risk groups have been segmented by age category among ger district and apartment residents. The calculation of these payments began on March 7, 2025. For detailed information on the payment amounts financed by the Health Insurance Fund and the revised procedures, you can visit https://emd.gov.mn/legals/793. With the minimum monthly wage of 792,000 MNT starting next month, Mongolians will pay 15,840 MNT per month for health insurance premiums.

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Mongolia Participates in Milan Fashion Week for the First Time

Published: 2025-03-11 | Translated from: isee.mn

For the first time, wool and cashmere producers from Mongolia participated in Milan Fashion Week, which took place in Milan, Italy. Specifically, the Mongolian companies "Top Donj", "Khanbogd Cashmere", "Snow Fields", "Goyo Cashmere", and "NexGen Cashmere" set up a special pavilion under the brand "GoMongolia" to showcase women's fashion designs for autumn and winter made from Mongolian cashmere. The opening event of the pavilion was attended by representatives from Mongolia, along with the editor of "Vogue" magazine, the event's president, media organizations, international fashion influencers, designers, and the owners of Milan's boutique shops.

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