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Mongolia News Summary for March 07, 2025

Mongolia News Summary for March 07, 2025
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of MongolBeat or its members.

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Politicians Created the Negative Perception of Mining

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: itoim.mn

In honor of the work and memory of the renowned journalist and columnist G. Otgonbayar, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of iToim.mn, the "Otgonbayar Fund" announced a journalism competition for the best work. We present an entry submitted by M.A. Sodvoobavuu, a doctoral candidate from MUIS, School of International Relations.
The most important sector of our country's economy is the mining sector. I believe that in the future, mining will be the key sector determining our development, progress, and export potential. Furthermore, the mining sector will be the guarantee of our livelihoods. Many people, of course, do not agree with this. There are quite a few people who think that we can develop our economy and ensure a stable life by producing export products in many sectors and exporting them abroad without relying on mining alone. Yes, these people's ideas are very correct. Recently, there has been a strong desire to diversify the economy and develop agriculture, tourism, and technology. There are many who want to develop these sectors and envision living without depending on mining. However, it is reasonable to consider the actual economic conditions. Although we have discussed and explored foreign experiences in developing animal husbandry, tourism, and technology sectors, and have brought forth numerous developmental perspectives, we have not been able to discuss much about the major sector—mining, which simply brings money. It's not surprising. This sector is laden with intense politics, and only a few specialists and politicians talk about it, as the public has a very negative perception of mining.
The Negative Perception Created by Society and Politicians
When it comes to mining and foreign investment, the majority of citizens are tied to the idea of "losing wealth by sending it abroad," which equates to "emptying out." Even now, there are many concerned individuals in society with this perception. Instead of seeing GDP growth, job creation, and economic expansion as opportunities, they perceive plundering and outflow of wealth. Often, a discussion of the huge economic opportunities of mining, and the need for “blooming mining in Mongolia along the right path,” gets labeled as foreign puppetry, concluding with being called hybrid or traitor without reading or knowing the subject. In numerous instances, modern-day mining development opportunities have been tied to entrenched corruption and theft over the past thirty-five years. The main culprit for this entrenched negative perception of the mining sector is not foreign investors or domestic private mining companies. Rather than embellishing with over-the-top or hidden meanings, it is “Politicians” who are the main culprits. From media interviews, propaganda programs, and parliamentary sessions, we can name the "Politicians" who conveyed distorted information about mining to society. However, lifting all this would lead to "whisper chasing," and to no avail but facing multiple issues of being twisted and interpreted with some facts.
From the time of the Oyu Tolgoi agreement in 2008, politicians stoked social division with empty slogans such as “we won't give natural resources to foreigners” and “Mongolian wealth is in the hands of a few families,” sowing discord and greatly hindering the development of the current mining sector. Have any substantial policies or decisions been made for our national interests?
Discussing the aforementioned politics is a never-ending topic. Much can be written with impressive titles. However, the more we talk, the more we go around in circles. It leads to following and arguing over topics that are not verified or verified. My main point is that it is crucial for us to view mining from a new perspective and discard our overly negative perceptions. Only by doing so can we open new export opportunities with countries around the world. I hope we can focus our attention on the current mining trends, responsible mining, industrialization, critical mineral projects, and mineral financing, if possible, moving away from the political climates of the past. If the previous era's mindset of surrendering natural resources to foreigners continues to drown your attention, exercise your right to skepticism. Question the fact that our small nation's immense mining export potential could be disfavored by some major powers. Skeptically wonder whether certain interests are politically involved, pulling our potential down with all negative bearers focused on just mining. We suspect many things about politicians, true or false, with facts or not. Speculation leads to emptiness, and I do not favor speculation without evidence. Being neither a sector researcher nor a political insider, I cannot provide another way to understand the tremendous politicization of mining. It is not possible to know the truth from any sector’s scientist or politician about this political enigma surrounding mining; just be skeptical.

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Draft Amendments to the Law on Permits to be Submitted to the Parliament

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: news.mn

The regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers was held, and the following issues were discussed and resolved. The draft amendment to the Law on Permits and related law projects were discussed and will be urgently submitted to the State Great Khural for consideration according to the procedure of the plenary session of the parliament. In order to prevent Mongolian citizens from becoming victims of crimes and fraud committed in electronic form and losing a large amount of their assets, to stop the activities that transfer the national currency abroad without any control, causing significant damage to our country's economy, and negatively affecting economic security, a draft amendment to the Law on Permits was developed. It plans to issue special permits for sports betting activities where the probability and outcome can be calculated in advance, while prohibiting activities related to other types of betting and gambling. The responsibilities and penalties for these activities will be regulated in the draft amendment to the Criminal Law. The law also seeks to introduce additional regulations in the Law on Advertising, banning the advertisement of paid betting, gambling, and lottery activities, and the corresponding responsibilities will be included in the amendment to the Criminal Law. In addition, to toughen penalties for those involved in illegal gambling, the amendment to the Law on Violations intends to increase the fine for gambling to 100,000 MNT, amend the Law on Banks, and urgently organize the necessary activities to monitor financial transactions in compliance with Article 22.4 of the Law on Criminal Procedure. An extended session of the regional councils will be organized in each region. Deputy Prime Minister S. Amarsaikhan introduced the preparations for organizing an extended session of the regional councils to the members of the Cabinet. Based on the introduction, the Minister of Mongolia and Head of the Cabinet Secretariat N. Uchral was instructed to ensure the preparations for organizing these extended sessions. Governors of provinces, the capital, districts, and urban centers were instructed to resolve the costs of organizing multi-faceted activities to promote and activate regional cooperation within the approved budget framework for 2025. Based on the decision at the January 14, 2025, meeting of the Government of the State Bank of Mongolia and the announcement made by the National Committee on Regional Development on February 3, 2025, an extended session of the regional councils will be organized in each region. The extended session of the Western region council will be organized in Bayan-Ulgii aimag. The Khangai regional council meeting will be held in Arkhangai, the Gobi regional council meeting in Dornogovi, the Northern regional council meeting in Bulgan aimag, the Eastern regional council meeting in Dornod aimag, the Central regional council meeting in Darkhan-Uul aimag, and the Ulaanbaatar regional council meeting in Ulaanbaatar city within the second quarter of this year. Preparations are underway for these events.

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VPN Usage for Online Gambling Will Lead to Criminal Liability

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: ikon.mn

At today's government meeting, the issue of gambling and betting predictions was discussed, and it was decided to urgently submit the relevant draft law to the State Great Khural (Parliament). N. Uchral, the head of the Cabinet Office, provided information on this matter. He stated, "We are deciding to urgently submit to the Parliament a draft law that allows sports betting predictions but completely bans other types of betting, betting games, and online gambling. According to a survey conducted by the National Statistical Office, in 2023, 200 economic crimes were registered, and due to economic crimes in 2024, a total loss of 417.2 billion MNT was incurred. Summarizing the information obtained during financial investigations, a total of 1.7 trillion MNT, equivalent to 500 million US dollars, was transferred out of our country. From 1xbet, which operates online gambling activities, 976 thousand US dollars were sent to our country for advertising purposes. It was calculated that although less than one million US dollars are brought in under the name of sponsorship for various activities, 500 million US dollars are being drained. Over the past period, the Communications Regulatory Commission restricted access to a total of 6,036 domain addresses that operate online gambling from Mongolia, but by changing links and using VPNs, such activities continue. The Authority for Fair Competition and Consumer Protection has limited activities with violations under the current law and imposed a fine of 13,500,000 MNT under the Law on Infringements. Such a small amount is what the current law enforces. Therefore, changes will be made to the Law on Licensing to fully ban all types of businesses operating with and without a license, as well as agents that support online gambling operations, to be urgently submitted to the Parliament. Criminal liability will be tightened for all actions involved, including playing, organizing, and promoting online gambling. The Law on Licensing says that online gambling is completely banned. Furthermore, regarding the accountability for playing, organizing, or mediating online gambling, if passed by the Parliament, the agent's activities will be fully banned. Once passed and enacted, a requirement will be placed on companies like Apple and Meta to enforce the law, and all types of online gambling apps will stop being downloadable from the App Store and Play Store. If they violate the law and download or run online gambling from other types of links or via VPN, they will incur criminal liability following changes to the Criminal Code, the Law on Violations, the Law on Advertising, and the Licensing Law. In addition, concerning the amendment to the Banking Law, in urgent cases, asset movements will be restricted under the Criminal Procedure Law.

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Spring Session of the State Great Khural to Discuss Mongolia’s Development Plan for 2026

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: isee.mn

The spring session of the State Great Khural will open on Monday, March 17. According to the law, the autumn session starts on October 1 and the spring session on March 15. However, since this year March 15 falls on a Saturday, the session will begin on Monday. In January, the State Great Khural approved the following agenda for discussion during the spring session of 2025. 1. Legislative proposal on the fiscal framework statement of the 2026 national budget of Mongolia and the 2027-2028 fiscal projection. 2. Draft resolution of the State Great Khural on "Approving Mongolia’s Development Plan for 2026." 3. Draft resolution of the State Great Khural on "Approving the Execution of the 2024 National Budget of Mongolia," including the consolidated financial report of the Government. 4. Draft resolution of the State Great Khural on "Approving the Government Debt Management Strategic Document for 2026-2028." 5. Draft resolution of the State Great Khural on the planned oversight and inspection schedule for the autumn session of 2025. 6. Draft resolution of the State Great Khural on matters to be discussed during the autumn session of 2025. 7. Other legislative and decision proposals submitted by the President, the Members of the State Great Khural, and the Government of Mongolia, excluding those mentioned in the first resolution, will be resolved in accordance with the procedure specified in Article 5.7 of the Law on the Procedure of the Meetings of the State Great Khural. During the regular meeting, the project agreement with China Energy to connect the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod railway port will be ratified. The Government announced 14 mega projects and, within this framework, managed to sign an investment agreement for uranium with France. The next major project is the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod railway border connection. Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene visited China from February 13 to 15, meeting with Premier Li Qiang in Harbin to sign the Mongolia-China intergovernmental agreement on the cross-border railway connection of Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod. The session will discuss this matter. To finalize this agreement, 53 meetings have been held, and both parties agreed on the relevant proposals. China Energy focused on proposing to build a terminal for the bilateral railway border connection and offer coal mining assistance in exchange for permission to mine from two deposits in Tavan Tolgoi for 20 years.

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The Capital is Being Poisoned More by Political 'Gifts' than by Smog

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: itoim.mn

In honor of the renowned journalist and writer Otgonbayar Gombojav, and on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the iToim.mn site, the "Otgonbayar Foundation" has announced a journalism competition. Recently, several official appointments were made in the capital. Specifically, NITKh member U. Oyunzula was appointed as the director of the Wedding Palace, while NITKh member L. Ariuntuya was appointed as the director of the Cultural Center. In addition to this, the city mayor, who is supposed to have two deputies according to the State Savings Law, unofficially ended up with five deputy governors. Particularly, members of the Joint Government have appointed their people to the city administration, starting with the title of "Productivity Manager," which holds the status of a deputy. Currently, NITKh member D. Badarsan from the Democratic Party and NITKh member L. Khosbayar from the Mongolian People's Party have been appointed as managers. Meanwhile, it was rumored that E. Zolzaya from the HUN party was on the verge of an appointment. The city is faced with countless issues such as smog, traffic congestion, infrastructure availability, and power shortages. However, one problem that we tend to ignore is the political "gifts" of appointments. Dual-Vested Representatives In October last year, 45 representatives were elected to represent the citizens of the capital from 2024 to 2028. It is no secret that NITKh members are often appointed to head various city agencies or budget-funded organizations, a very open issue. As of now, 27 out of the 45 NITKh representatives have what is known as "dual positions," or have found themselves in the pocket of the city mayor Kh. Nyambaatar. Specifically, - T. Davaadalai - First Deputy Governor of the Capital
- A. Amartüvshin - Second Deputy Governor of the Capital
- G. Uuganbayar - Adviser for Air and Environmental Pollution for the Capital
- N. Manduul - Governor of Chingeltei District
- Ü. Sümiyabaatar - Governor of Bayangol District
- M. Altangerel - Governor of Sukhbaatar District
- Ts. Battor - Governor of Songinokhairkhan District
- G. Jargalsaykhan - Governor of Bayanzurkh District
- D. Nayambayar - Governor of Nalaikh District
- B. Tseren - Governor of Khan-Uul District
- S. Davaasüren - Governor of Baganuur District
- G. Batzorig - General Manager of Ulaanbaatar and Head of UBZAA
- J. Sandagsüren - CEO of Ulaanbaatar Development Corporation
- Z. Tömörtömöö - CEO of Ulaanbaatar Housing Corporation
- Ts. Törkhüü - Head of Ulaanbaatar Water Supply and Sewerage Authority
- J. Enkhjargalan - Executive Director of Central Stadium
- L. Khosbayar - "Productivity Manager" / Deputy Mayor Status /
- D. Badarsan - "Productivity Manager" / Deputy Mayor Status /
- L. Ariuntuya - Director of Cultural Center
- Ch. Mendbayar - Head of Housing and Public Utilities Authority
- B. Myagmar - CEO of "Emeelt Eco Industrial Park" JSC
- Ü. Oyunzula - Director of the Wedding Palace
- D. Undarmaa - Head of SME Support Center
- B. Khuyagbaatar - Director of Passenger Transport ONE
- B. Erdenesukh - Governor of Sukhbaatar District 16th Subdistrict
Aside from these 25, NITKh member B. Dölgöön is actually working as the CEO of the Stock Exchange. Although not head of a city-related agency, being in charge of the Stock Exchange does imply some influence, especially considering that the capital recently issued a $500 million bond. Moreover, there is also representative B. Anu-Üjin, who serves as the branch manager of the Social Democracy Women's Association of the MPP, with the top leader being the city mayor Hu. Nyambaatar. So, B. Dölgöön and B. Anu-Üjin are part of the 27 representatives under his influence. Connections with Kh. Nyambaatar Let’s look back at the 25 representatives who have "dual positions." The most obvious person is, of course, the city's first deputy governor, T. Davaadalai. An engineer by profession, he has worked as the project manager for the "Tavantolgoi Coal Loading Logistics Center" at Bod International LLC since 2021 and served as director of the "R&D" center for Bod Group since 2022. Incidentally, Ulaanbaatar supports the policy of the Bod Group's Boroeljuut power plant project to increase the city's energy supply. It’s easy to suspect that Bod Group is positioning its people in city leadership roles in exchange for providing electricity to the capital. Meanwhile, A. Amartüvshin, the second deputy mayor, was elected from the Khan-Uul District, having worked as deputy governor and district representative in the district. Although he has no previous connections with Kh. Nyambaatar, his current role puts him directly under the influence of the city mayor. Representative G. Uuganbayar, appointed as an adviser on air and environmental pollution, began his career in the prime district of Sunginukhair Khan, a base for Kh. Nyambaatar. He advanced from the head of the food, trade and services department in the district to the manager of landscaping and waste management at UBZAA. Mentioning district governors is unnecessary, as most current governors were previously leaders or deputies in those districts. However, noteworthy is Chingeltei District's governor N. Manduul, who initially served as Development Bank’s director before shuffling through several positions, lately as the city's first deputy mayor before becoming a representative. Political Manipulation and Accountability Technically, government positions such as deputy mayors, district governors, and agency heads are under the direct supervision of the city governor. Thus, the local representatives end up accepting positions akin to a candy gift, becoming mere puppets in the end. 'Double Position' Issue: A Broader Political Problem This pattern of representatives holding "dual positions" is not new and has occurred under previous mayors. But should it simply continue? Although the double position provision was struck from the Constitution in 2022, leading to 23 dual-positioned members in the current government, this practice must not be left unchecked. The capital's administration should be supreme, but the reality suggests that NITKh and the mayor’s office are wholly under the control of Kh. Nyambaatar. It’s time to move away from a power system that fosters cronyism at the cost of capital development, efficiency, and citizen welfare. Limiting the number of officials with "dual positions" must be addressed in relevant laws to prevent politically motivated and inefficient decisions that fail to serve the citizens effectively.

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L.Khaltar Appointed as Mayor of 'New Kharkhorum' City

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: ikon.mn

At today's government meeting, it was decided to appoint L. Khaltar, the former Minister of Road and Transport Development, as the mayor of "New Kharkhorum" city. L. Khaltar is a railway operations engineer and business manager by training. He studied and graduated from the Railway School in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and the Irkutsk State University of Communications in Russia. He has previously served as the deputy head of Ulaanbaatar Railway before taking roles as the Deputy Minister and then the Minister of Road and Transport Development. Additionally, the master plan for the "New Kharkhorum" city, which he will be working on, aims to create a culture, tourism, and high-tech manufacturing center that is environmentally friendly and based on green development, making it an intelligent, eco-friendly city. The city will cover a total area of 189,363 hectares and will have a population of 500,000, with 50% of the residential area being green spaces. L. Khaltar's biography: - Born in 1965 in Darvi soum, Khovd aimag. Education: - Graduated from Ulaanbaatar's 28th Secondary School in 1983. - Graduated from the Saint Petersburg Higher Railway School in Russia in 1990. - Graduated from the Irkutsk State University of Communications in Russia in 1999. Holds an engineering degree and a doctoral degree. Work experience: - 1983: Cleaner at the Administration Department of Ulaanbaatar Railway Co. - 1983-1985: Loader at the Commercial Base of Ulaanbaatar Railway Co. - 1990-1992: Lecturer at the Railway College of "UBTZ" LLC. - 1992-1993: Deputy Head of the Loading and Unloading Department at "UBTZ" LLC. - 1993-2006: Director of the Transportation and Forwarding Center of "UBTZ" LLC. - 2006-2018: Deputy Head of the Governing Division of "UBTZ" LLC. - 2018-2020: Deputy Minister of Road and Transport Development. - 2020-2022: Minister of Road and Transport Development. Warning: Media outlets (TV, Radio, Social Websites, and Web Pages) must mention their source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, either in whole or in part.

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The Draft Law to Tighten Control of Online Gambling Will Be Urgently Submitted to the Parliament

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The head of the Cabinet Secretariat, N. Uchral, has drafted a law to tighten controls on online gambling and announced on social media that it will be submitted to the Parliament as a matter of urgency. He stated, "In order to tighten control of online gambling, more than 6,000 domains including those related to 1XBET were blocked. However, illegal activities continue with new domains. Therefore, we have completed the development of legal regulations to fully solve the issue. It will be introduced to the Government meeting and submitted to the Parliament as a matter of urgency. More detailed information regarding the law will be provided soon." Previously, N. Uchral mentioned that a task force was set up to inspect online gaming sites. As part of this effort, "nine domains conducting online gambling activities similar to 1xbet were blocked by the Communications Regulatory Commission (CRC)," he stated. Furthermore, it was announced that amendments to the Licensing Law are underway to take measures to prohibit online gambling. As of today, at the 11th regular meeting of the Government, the draft of the law on additional changes to the Licensing Law and other accompanying draft laws are being introduced. Notice: When using our information in whole or in part, media organizations (television, radio, social media, and websites) must cite the source (ikon.mn).

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Appointed Head of the Social Insurance General Office: B. Batjargal

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The government appointed B. Batjargal as the head of the Social Insurance General Office during today's cabinet meeting. B. Batjargal was born in 1975 and holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Finance, a Master's degree in Business Administration, a Master's degree in Science, and a Doctorate in Business Administration. Education: - From 1983 to 1993, he attended the 10-Year III Secondary School in Ulaangom, Uvs Province. - From 1993 to 1997, he pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Finance at the Institute of Finance and Economics. - From 2003 to 2005, he obtained his Master's in Business Administration specializing in Financial Management from the Institute of Finance and Economics. - From 2007 to 2009, he studied at the International University of California, earning a Master’s degree in International Business. - From 2010 to 2018, he studied in the Doctoral Business Administration program at the National University of Mongolia. - He completed his Doctorate in Business Administration in 2024. Professional Experience: - From 1997 to 2009, he worked as an economist and senior economist at the Savings Bank, and later as the head of the Special Assets Division at the Integrated Policy Department. - From 2009 to 2011, he taught Bank, Finance, and Social Insurance at the School of Commerce and Industry, National University of Mongolia. - From 2011 to 2016, he worked in the Policy Implementation and Planning Department of the Social Insurance General Office as a senior specialist responsible for social insurance policy, legal reform, and served as acting director of the Foreign Relations, Training, and Information Department. He also worked as a senior specialist in the Policy Implementation Department. - From 2016 to 2024, he worked at the Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Protection, starting as a senior specialist and eventually becoming the head of the Social Insurance and Savings Fund Department.

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Regular Meeting of the Government Scheduled for Today at 14:00

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: isee.mn

Regular meetings of the government are held every Wednesday. A government meeting was supposed to be held yesterday, but due to it coinciding with a public holiday, the meeting has been rescheduled for today. Specifically, the regular meeting of the government has been announced for today at 14:00. Last week's Wednesday meeting discussed and made decisions on changing the schedule of the Lunar New Year holidays and distributing dividends from the 2024 net profits of "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC.

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Kh. Nyambaatar: Disciplinary action will be taken if you cannot explain the delay in announcing new tenders

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In the City’s Procurement Department, a total of 106 project and measure rights have been transferred with the 2025 decree "On the Transfer of Rights" by the mayor of the city. An official letter has been addressed to the organizations monitoring the clients of these 106 projects and measures. Currently, 69 design estimates and work assignments have been received, and for three projects and measures, the design estimates and work assignments have been returned to the client and the tender selection has been announced. During the executive meeting of the city’s management, the head of the City Procurement Department, D. Batsetseg, introduced that "there are 41 projects and measures in total, including 9 ongoing without design estimates, work assignments, and technical descriptions, and 32 new ones." Kh. Nyambaatar, the mayor of the city and governor of Ulaanbaatar, said, "When it comes to getting the budget approved, they are eager to get their budget approved, but if they cannot do their work, they must take responsibility. Organizations that have acquired procurement rights should explain why they cannot announce tenders for new projects and, if unable to execute long-overdue projects, need to rank and withdraw the work. Allocate funds to necessary projects like schools and kindergartens. If they cannot explain why technical descriptions are not provided or why new tenders are delayed, and if they do not fulfill duties with a set deadline, disciplinary measures will be taken. For example, regarding the 'Bus III' base, the tender work was divided among 13 companies back in 2018. Now all are paper companies, and it cannot take 6-7 years to build a single base. The contracts of companies not doing the work should be annulled. It is correct to improve sales figures and company criteria in tenders. There are also companies that delay completion and commissioning of schools and kindergartens, tarnishing efforts with corrupt tenders, stalling investment projects. Such companies should be disciplined, and if necessary, blacklisted and excluded from procurement activities." Notice: Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social, and Web pages) should note that they must always mention the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in full or partially in any form.

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Mongolia Studies Economic Impact of Joining EAEU Free Trade Agreement

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The issue of Mongolia establishing a temporary free trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) was quite actively discussed before the end of the year but has since subsided. Mongolia's Deputy Prime Minister S. Amarsaikhan, who is leading the Working Group on establishing a free trade agreement with the EAEU, has stated, "The temporary agreement to be established with the Eurasian Economic Union will not be stopped. We will postpone and continue it." It is anticipated that the issue of Mongolia joining this agreement will gain momentum again in the spring. Before this, the Policy Research Laboratory of the National University of Mongolia has conducted research on the economic impact of Mongolia joining the EAEU free trade agreement. The findings of the study are as follows: As part of this effort, the following studies were conducted: - The changes in the prices of certain goods exported from Mongolia to Russia and imported from Russia were calculated using a partial equilibrium model. - The trade growth resulting from establishing a Free Trade Agreement with the EAEU was calculated using a dynamic Gravity model. - The parties' relative advantages in terms of export and import were calculated, and the goods that could be traded between Mongolia and the EAEU were identified. Mongolia has a relative advantage in imports, while all five member states of the EAEU have goods with a relative export advantage. There are 67 goods that can be exported by two member states, and 64 goods that can be imported by any one member state. The analysis of Mongolia's foreign trade situation shows that 375 kinds of goods account for a very small share of Mongolia's total exports and exhibit a decreasing trend year by year. The study also highlights that Mongolia is highly dependent on imports from EAEU countries rather than its own production and supply. The index of 58 types of goods with an index greater than one shows that the index of cashmere and wool under Chapter 51 of the HS is the highest, indicating the potential of these goods as materials for textiles and knitwear. The index of processed and canned meat under Chapter 16 of the HS, and horse meat, is high among food products, but if non-tariff requirements are not met, the potential for export growth is low. Of the 58 goods with a relative export advantage that Mongolia can export, 20 goods overlap with Russia's, 19 with Kazakhstan's, and 18 with Armenia's import relative advantage. This overlap shows that while there is potential for these goods to be supplied by Mongolia, the demand in EAEU countries is low. The analysis of Mongolia's relative import advantage indicates that 73.6% of 375 types of goods proposed to have zero customs tariffs under the agreement are those with a relative import advantage. Of these, 227 goods have been consistently imported for more than three years over the last five years. This observation suggests that Mongolia's imports are likely to increase as part of the agreement. Among the 227 goods with a relative import advantage, 126 goods can be imported from Belarus, 80 from Kyrgyzstan, 77 from Russia, 59 from Kazakhstan, and 58 from Armenia, showing that these countries have an export advantage for those products. The evaluation of the trade gravity model mentioned in the study shows that for every 1% increase in the weighted average distance of exports, the export volume from Mongolia is likely to decrease by 0.096%. This indicates that as logistics and transportation costs rise, the competitiveness of our products weakens. The expectation is that a 1% increase in the weighted average tariff in the EAEU will lead to a 0.11% decrease in our country's exports, demonstrating that the tax environment adversely affects exports. The dummy variables indicating the effects of the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war highlight that these have statistical significance, suggesting that the special conditions of recent years might have boosted specific products domestically and increased demand in foreign markets. Despite the negative value of the dummy variable for EAEU, it is not statistically significant, indicating that agreements with the union have not brought significant progress in terms of Mongolian exports, or other factors dominate. The negative impact of the Japan-Mongolia economic partnership agreement and 2007-2008 economic crisis variables also confirms that the unstable global economic situation, external environment, and bilateral agreements significantly influence import flows for Mongolia. If our country concludes a free trade agreement with the EAEU, vodka imports from Russia are expected to increase the most by 94.6%, with imports of condensed or non-condensed milk and cream potentially increasing by 70.3%. The outcomes of this study suggest that Mongolia needs to produce more competitive goods within the EAEU framework, and it is important to implement policies that support domestic production. While the EAEU free trade agreement aims to expand export markets and deepen economic cooperation, it also potentially poses a negative impact on domestic production, as this study mainly warns. Russian President Vladimir Putin supports Mongolia in establishing a trade agreement with the EAEU, and it is reported that during his visit to Mongolia in September 2024, presidents reached a principled position on this issue. However, Mongolia has not yet made a final decision on the agreement, and negotiations continue. Detailed economic calculations and risk assessments are crucial.

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There is no policy in Mongolia to overcome the trade war risk

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: news.mn

Interview with N. Enkhbayar, Chairman of the Fiscal Stability Council and Economist: -As the first three months of the year are passing by, how does the current social and economic situation of Mongolia differ from the goals set at the beginning of the year? -Approximately 10 days from now, customs statistics related to the first two months of the year will be released. From the first month's conditions and current performance, agriculture is faring relatively well this year due to favorable winter conditions, as opposed to last year when livestock loss negatively impacted the sector. However, the foreign trade and mining sectors, which define Mongolia's economy, are facing challenging and unfavorable circumstances. Over the past three years, China's demand for coking coal increased following the post-COVID recovery. From this favorable situation, Mongolia exported 40 million tons of coal annually, which rose to 83 million tons. In 2023 and 2024, coal exports reached 8.6-8.7 billion USD. The last two years saw coal alone accounting for 45% of exports. Although revenue increased, and physical volume grew, things must be handled cautiously. Mongolia's exports are becoming narrower, not diversified. The government's "Vision 2050" and "New Revival Policy" have included economic diversification goals for almost 20 years now. Economists say diversified economies show less volatility and are more stable, but unfortunately, the mining and especially coal export sectors are overly dominant and risky. Furthermore, raw mineral exports constitute 94% of total exports, with coal, copper, and iron ore making up 80% of that. With only one buyer, China, which doesn't have a market economy but a centralized planned one, the amount of coal purchased depends entirely on the Chinese government's policy. Today, at the National People’s Congress in Beijing, the 2024 performance and the 2025 development plans of China are being discussed. This discussion significantly impacts Mongolia's foreign trade and policy as China's developmental goals directly affect the feasibility of Mongolia's 2025 objectives. Sadly, while the coal price was 140-150 USD per ton at the year's start, it has dropped to 80 USD per ton. Also, Chinese research institutions have shown that China's coal imports have fluctuated three times over the past 20 years, indicating a cycle. Now, with a fourth phase likely due to various factors, including the US-China trade war, the peak period for Mongolian coal exports seems to be ending. Last year's 8.6-8.7 billion USD coal export revenue is unlikely to be matched this year. -Mongolia plans to sell 80 million tons of coal for 105 USD per ton in its 2025 budget. Can it be said there is currently a 25 USD loss per ton? -The main issue is how well-researched our budget estimates are. The Ministry of Economy and Development and the Ministry of Finance seem overly optimistic, focusing on maximizing revenue. Planning starts with budgeting, not economic forecasting, with coal viewed as the main revenue product. Increasing physical volume is difficult for copper concentrates and other raw materials, so coal is considered the most feasible to increase for export revenue. If an accurate study of external conditions and potential buyer investments, coal consumption, and the US-China trade war had been conducted, such optimistic targets wouldn't be set. When the budget was discussed last year, an 8% economic growth target came in as "too optimistic," warned by the Fiscal Stability Council and related entities. All international organizations expected a 5-6% growth rate for Mongolia, at best 6%, with a 4.5% lower expectation. Thus, our budget assumptions are incorrect. Political aims lead to overly optimistic budgeting, but in reality, they're unfeasible. -As it's clear the budget revenue will fall short, will a budget revision become necessary? The spring session of the parliament opens soon, and will budget revision be a key agenda? -If budget planning entities had listened, enough warnings were given last August. Mongolia's export growth was rapid in 2023, particularly from coal revenue, but this is declining. In 2023, export income hit 15.7 billion USD, and imports 11.5 billion USD, propping up a 4 billion USD trade surplus. However, this decreases in 2024, with exports declining and imports rising, creating trade imbalances. We can't manage export losses with reduced imports due to 14 mega projects increasing import demand, risking a payment balance deficit. Supposed measures to curb imports were suggested last year. Implementing a "Gold Program" amid falling coal prices is a delayed response. After the flood, discussing flood prevention doesn't reflect proactive policy decisions based on thorough research and analysis. The central bank warned of such outcomes, but import reductions for certain goods weren't implemented last year. Measures aren't for catching up but preventing. -If the coal market is uncertain, what about the prices and demand for other raw materials? -From the second half of last year and information now, there isn't an upward trend in prices for raw materials like gold and copper. Iron ore, linked to coking coal consumption, won't see increased demand due to decreased coal consumption. Mongolia's buyer, China, diminishes expectations for iron ore income. Even with the government's "Gold Program" and increased central bank gold purchases, year-end income beyond 200-300 million MNT isn't expected. Conversely, the potential coal export drop is over a billion. Other exports haven't reached the replacement level for coal. We lack ready diversification projects until connectivity improvements like the Gashuunsukhait railway expected by 2029. -The US announced high tariffs on Chinese imports, affecting China's economy. How? -The newly elected US president announced several tariff policies, starting today, enacting a 10% tariff on Chinese imports and 25% on Canadian and Mexican imports. Two days ago, China declared retaliatory measures across multiple sectors, imposing high tariffs on US imported agricultural products, rare raw materials, and high-tech lab equipment. The US and China engage in reciprocal measures. China's Minister of Commerce promised actions against US trade policies. Consequently, Chinese steel exports and more might plummet without accessing the EU market, as they can't absorb massive exports elsewhere. China's reduced steel production will lower coking coal demand, decreasing Mongolian coal export volume and prices. Even at the National People’s Congress, expectations depict continued price decline in 2025. -What measures should Mongolia take in response to China’s conditions? -Since the 2024 elections, the budget revision was done, the budget passed, and monetary policy confirmed. Listening to the Economic Development and Finance Ministers, Mongolia currently lacks any risk strategy. Everything discussed seems overly positive about economic acceleration. In poor road conditions, increasing speed isn't advisable; maintaining steady advance should be discussed. Amid such crises, decreasing budget expenses, curbing government costs, reducing wasteful expenses, and prioritizing key projects become necessary. A major error follows the Government's 14 mega projects with Ulaanbaatar City's 23 mega projects and parliamentary approvals for urban master plans costing over 260 trillion MNT nationwide, of which 96 trillion MNT comes from national and local budgets only for the capital city. Such unreachable targets spread investment budgets too thinly, with a looming risk of budget constraint halting key project tenders soon after awarding, leaving unfinished work and debts to banks if funding stops. Thus, urgent project prioritization in the spring session is necessary. -Post-Lunar New Year inflation rose. Is there a forecast for its decline? -National statistics for January reveal budget figures of 1.749 trillion MNT, 1 trillion less than the previous year, when income reached 2.764 trillion MNT—a 36% drop. While expenditure last year stood at 2 trillion MNT, now 2.2 trillion MNT, resulting in a 492.7 billion MNT fiscal deficit as of January's end. This excludes investment spending, marking an operational expense phase. April tenders for large projects will intensify expenditure, while revenue drops 30-40% each month. Consequently, inflation and currency value will first affect citizens amid dwindling foreign currency reserves and banking sector instability.

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Exploration Licenses Being Issued Starting Today

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: isee.mn

The decision to issue exploration licenses was made at the Cabinet meeting last month. Accordingly, from today, the issuance of exploration licenses has begun. On this matter, the Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, Ts. Tuvaan, stated: "Since April 2024, Mongolia has not issued any exploration licenses. Currently, Mongolia has about 2,700 licenses, including both mining and exploration. Of these, over 900 are exploration licenses. However, in international practice, exploration licenses are usually 5-6 times more numerous than mining licenses. Exploration activities need to be conducted in this way, and deposits are discovered on the explored areas. In our country, however, this ratio has become reversed. Due to political and other election-related reasons, there have been significant delays in the issuance of exploration licenses. But now, with the Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources' order, a selection procedure has been approved and submitted to the Minister of Justice and registered in the regulation for public compliance, opening up the issue of issuing exploration licenses." New provisions in the exploration license procedure include: - 50% of the total announced areas will be issued exploration licenses through selection procedures. - The selection procedure price ratio has been changed from 70/30 to 60/40. - Previously, only one participant was selected; now two participants will be selected. - The base price has been increased from 4,500 togrogs to 7,000 togrogs. Since 2014, exploration and mining licenses have been issued through selection procedures. Exploration licenses are issued only in accordance with the Minerals Law. According to Article 17 of the Minerals Law, the selection of areas for exploration licenses is the responsibility of the state administrative agency. When determining the coordinates of the area, it should be notified in writing and by email to the respective aimag or city governor. According to Article 17.3, the government approves the coordinates for exploration license areas based on the proposal of the central government administrative agency in charge of geology and mining, as stipulated in Article 17.2 of this law.

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N. Uchral: 1.7 Trillion MNT Flowed Out of Mongolia via Online Gambling

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: itoim.mn

During the Cabinet meeting, a decision was made to urgently submit a draft law to Parliament to amend the Law on Permits, allowing sports betting, but completely banning other forms of betting, games, and online gambling. This was introduced by N. Uchral, head of the Cabinet Secretariat. Additionally, it was decided to submit a draft resolution to Parliament instructing the Prime Minister to take appropriate measures to comply with the law regarding the transfer of a special mining license agreement made without fulfilling the Parliament's 2007 resolution requirement between the government and "Energy Resource" company. This was introduced by Minister of Justice and Home Affairs O. Altangerel. N. Uchral, head of the Cabinet Secretariat, stated that according to a study by the National Statistics Committee, as of 2023, 200 economic crimes were registered, and in 2024, a total of 417.2 billion MNT in damages have been caused due to economic crimes. By age group: - 18-29-year-olds account for 9.2% - 30-39-year-olds account for 47.7%. Summarizing the information gathered during the financial investigation, a total of 1.7 trillion MNT, or 500 million USD, has been transferred from our country to foreign countries. Only from 1xbet, 976 million USD was transferred to our country for advertising purposes, under the guise of sponsoring various activities. In the past, the Communications Regulatory Commission has restricted access from Mongolia to 6,036 domain addresses associated with online gambling activities. However, operations continued by changing links and using VPNs. These entities were fined 13.5 million MNT under the current Law on Offenses. Therefore, amendments will be made to the Law on Permits. N. Uchral announced that a draft law to completely ban all online gambling, except for sports betting, will be urgently submitted to Parliament. Criminal liability will be imposed and strengthened on activities related to agency or intermediary operations, as well as promoting and organizing. The Law on Permits will completely ban online gambling. Furthermore, upon implementation of the law, a demand will be made to IOS, Apple Store, and Meta companies to enforce the law, resulting in the cessation of downloading all types of online gambling applications. If online gambling is accessed through different links or VPNs in violation of the law, criminal liability will be imposed. Amendments are being made to the Criminal, Offense, Advertising, and Permit laws. Additionally, due to amendments to the Banking Law, restrictions on capital movements in criminal proceedings will be established without delay. Within this framework, if activities continue, the possibility of imposing restrictions on foreign currency outflow by the Bank of Mongolia will become available under the law. During the Cabinet meeting, the Prime Minister assigned the Governor of the Capital City and the Minister of the Administration Department to develop a unified concept for the redevelopment of ger districts. Within this framework, a unified concept is being prepared for presentation at the Capital City headquarters, where meetings are held every Saturday. Minister of Justice and Home Affairs O. Altangerel stated that a draft resolution intending to require corrective measures in compliance with the law regarding a special mining license transfer agreement made between the government and the "Energy Resource" company, without complying with the 2007 Parliament's resolution on including a certain deposit as a strategically significant mineral deposit subject to the Law on Minerals, was decided to be submitted to Parliament. The draft resolution suggests conducting negotiations with the legal entity holding the special mining license for the Ukhaa Khudag deposit in the Umnugovi province and submitting the proposal to Parliament according to Clause 1.7 of Article 8 of the Law on Minerals. This resolution needs to be discussed and decided by Parliament and introduced by the government. This process was violated, and therefore it is necessary to revisit the decision to transfer this deposit to the private sector.

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C.Tuvaan: We Will Accelerate Exploration and Discover New Deposits

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: isee.mn

The international mineral exploration and extraction summit is currently being held in Toronto, Canada. During this event, the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources organized the "Mongolia Day" to promote the Mongolian mineral resources sector. During the event, Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, C. Tuvaan, stated, "The Government of Mongolia will accelerate geological research, exploration, and the discovery of new deposits to increase mineral reserves. We will build a comprehensive geoinformation database of the earth's deposits. New mining projects will be launched, and deposits will be exploited without depleting resources. We will expand, update, and enhance processing in mining. Additionally, industrialization will be accelerated, with raw materials and products being deeply processed through heavy industries implemented with public-private partnerships and domestic and foreign investments. Mineral products will be traded on the exchange, and the issuance of special permits will be made transparent and open to the public." At the "Mongolia Day" event, the following topics were introduced: "Legal Framework and Policy Direction – Trends in the Development of the Mongolian Mineral Resources Sector and the Investment Environment," "Uranium and Energy Transition – Mongolia's Uranium Reserves and Its Strategic Role in the Global Energy Market," "Gold and Precious Metals – Major Gold Projects in Mongolia and Growth Prospects of the Sector," and "Critical Minerals and Rare Earth Elements – Strategic Critical Minerals with High Added Value Potential."

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The Bank of Mongolia purchased 645.1 kg of precious metals last month

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Bank of Mongolia purchased 645.1 kg of precious metals in February 2025, bringing the total purchased since the beginning of the year to 1.9 tons of precious metals. This represents a 15.1% decrease compared to the same period last year. Since the beginning of the year, the branch of the Bank of Mongolia in Darkhan-Uul province purchased 52.4 kg, and the branch in Bayankhongor province purchased 254.1 kg of precious metals. The Bank of Mongolia sets its precious metals purchase price based on the global market price. In February 2025, the average price for purchasing gold was 321,506.03 MNT.

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Companies that fail to complete projects and increase costs will be blacklisted

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The city mayor, H. Nyambaatar, has posted the following information on his social media page. He stated, "Companies that take on work but fail to complete it and increase their costs over the years will be blacklisted. For example, the tender for building the Bus Depot III was divided among 13 companies in 2018. Now, they have all become just paper companies. It won't take 6 or 7 years to build one depot. The contracts of companies that do not work will be terminated. It is right to improve the sales figures and the criteria for companies in tenders. There are also companies that delay bringing schools and kindergartens into operation by abusing the time allotted. We will sort out companies that corrupt tenders and delay investment projects. If necessary, they will be registered on a blacklist and measures will be taken not to allow them to participate in procurement activities."

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O. Altangerel: A decision has been made to draft a resolution for negotiations with Energy Resources and submit it to the government

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A briefing was held on the decisions made at the regular meeting of the government. Minister of Justice O. Altangerel stated, “In today’s government meeting, we decided to submit to the State Great Khural a draft resolution that mandates the government to take measures to align with the law in relation to the agreement between the Government of Mongolia and Energy Resources regarding the transfer of a mining license, without fulfilling the 2007 resolution of the State Great Khural that classifies certain mines as strategic deposits. This resolution concerns aligning with Article 8.1.7 of the Minerals Law and Article 8.1 of the Law on State and Local Property. It is necessary to rectify the process that bypassed the appropriate parliamentary discussion and decision, as this involves transferring a strategically important deposit to private ownership. Therefore, the draft resolution instructs the government to negotiate with the legal entity holding the mining license at the Tavan Tolgoi deposit located in Tsogttsetsii soum, Umnugovi aimag, to submit a proposal to the State Great Khural. This is deemed necessary as the authority to make such decisions lies with the parliament, and the draft resolution was prepared on this basis.” Warning: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must cite us (ikon.mn) as the source when using our information in any form, whether fully or partially.

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Financial Regulatory Commission Decides on 30% Down Payment for Car Purchases

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: isee.mn

The Financial Regulatory Commission has amended its regulations, requiring individuals to make a minimum down payment of 30% when purchasing a car on credit. As a result, since the start of this year, the number of people buying cars on credit has decreased by 30% compared to the same period last year. Previously, individuals could buy a car on credit by paying an advance payment equivalent to 10% of the car's price and then paying the remaining 90% in installments. This situation contributed to an increase in car imports, a rise in consumer loans, and a depreciation of the Mongolian tögrög against the US dollar. Therefore, the Financial Regulatory Commission has issued and started implementing this new decision.

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Did the domestic cement prices influence the increase in housing prices?

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: gogo.mn

As of last month, apartment prices in Ulaanbaatar have increased by 13% compared to the same period last year. Prices for new apartments rose by 11% and old apartment prices increased by 15% compared to the previous year. The average price per square meter of new apartments was 4.5 million MNT. The highest price, 5.8 million MNT, was recorded in Sukhbaatar district, located in the city center. News about rising apartment prices is so frequent that we have become accustomed to it. Two years ago, the average price per square meter of new apartments was 3.1 million MNT; now it is 4.1 million MNT, marking a 14% increase. So why do prices rise? What factors have contributed to this increase? Cement is considered the bread of construction. High-quality cement is crucial for pouring building foundations. Therefore, many people believe that the increase in housing prices is directly related to cement prices. However, construction industry representatives state that only about 10% of the total cost of building housing is attributed to cement. The remaining 90% of the costs include workers' wages, social insurance contributions, loans, doors, windows, elevators, wood, plumbing fixtures, and other materials. In fact, among the many types of materials used in construction, only cement is produced domestically; all others are imported, which means they are bought with foreign currency. Since March 2024, the tugrik has weakened against the US dollar. This gradual increase is expected to continue until the fall of this year. As the tugrik weakens, the prices of all imported goods rise accordingly. Cement is used in concrete mixing and plastering in construction. The price of domestically produced concrete mix varies between 280,000 and 310,000 MNT, while bagged cement costs between 250,000 and 280,000 MNT, depending on the factory. During the pandemic years, transportation costs increased and shortages arose, causing prices of all construction materials, including cement, to rise. However, prices have remained stable since 2022. This is mainly because raw materials for cement such as limestone and gravel are supplied domestically, and diesel fuel prices have not changed since September 2024. Labor costs are considered a significant expense in all sectors, including construction. The construction industry is characterized by having more contracted workers than permanent ones. They do not sign long-term contracts with plasterers, bricklayers, and reinforcement workers, but work together until the project is completed. These specialists agree on their wages by the day, not the month. A year and a half ago, the daily wage for plasterers, bricklayers, and plumbing workers was on average 60,000 MNT. Now it has exceeded 100,000 MNT, undoubtedly contributing to the increased expenses for construction companies. In addition to exchange rates and human resources, factors such as housing demand and wage growth among citizens influence the increase in house prices. Therefore, blaming a few cement factories for raising prices is incorrect. Only a few companies, which hold significant portions of the construction market and have years of experience, set housing prices. When they start selling their complexes in the city center or south side at high prices, neighboring complexes follow suit. In other words, there are few companies that set apartment prices, and others use their announced prices as a guide.

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Japanese Government to Provide Aid of 545 Million Yen to Mongolia

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Japanese government has announced that it will provide aid amounting to 545 million yen ($3.66 million) for the improvement of Mongolia's infrastructure. This announcement was made during a meeting in Tokyo, where Japan's Foreign Minister Taro Kono and Mongolia's Foreign Minister Tsogtbaatar signed the document for the aid. The ministers also agreed to continue their cooperation regarding the issue of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea in the 1970s and 1980s. "Strengthening cooperation is becoming increasingly important as Japan and Mongolia are strategic partners united by the common goals of peace and prosperity," said Kono. Minister Tsogtbaatar emphasized that developing relations with Japan is one of the highest priorities of Mongolia's foreign policy. Of this aid, 275 million yen will be allocated for air pollution control equipment, and 270 million yen will be assigned to wastewater treatment facilities. Recently, under its "Official Security Assistance" program, which started in 2023, the Japanese government decided to provide Mongolia's armed forces with an air traffic control radar system valued at 1.3 billion yen. Mongolia, which has historically friendly relations with North Korea, has previously mediated discussions between Tokyo and Pyongyang concerning the abducted Japanese citizens. Source: Kyodo News Note: Media organizations (television, radio, social media, and web pages) using our information in whole or in part must cite the source (ikon.mn) as stated here.

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South Korea to Introduce "Top Tier Visa" for High-Tech Foreign Experts

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: ikon.mn

South Korea, with the Acting President and Finance Minister Choi Sang-mock, announced that the government will introduce a new visa category aimed at attracting foreign experts in high-tech sectors. The "Top Tier Visa", classified as an F-2 visa, will be granted to foreign experts with at least eight years of experience in high-tech fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, electric vehicle batteries, and semiconductors. These experts, if they receive this visa, will have the opportunity to work and live in South Korea for three years with their families, after which they can qualify for permanent residency. "Attracting foreign experts is no longer an option but a necessity in adapting to demographic and economic changes. As a nation with global-standard high technology, we must create the most favorable environment for foreign skilled professionals to grow and settle," said Acting President and Finance Minister Choi Sang-mock during a meeting held at the government building in Seoul. Applicants for this visa are also required to have graduated from one of the world's top 100 universities or have worked for at least three years in one of the world's top 500 companies. The minimum salary for these experts has been set at three times the per capita GDP of South Korea, which is approximately 140 million won (about $96,000) per year. Additionally, South Korea plans to issue a D-10 visa that allows foreign students who have studied natural sciences at top South Korean universities to search for jobs for up to two years after graduation. The requirements for applicants for this visa will be announced in the coming days.

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President U. Khurelsukh to Make a State Visit to the Czech Republic

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, at the invitation of President Petr Pavel of the Czech Republic, will conduct a state visit to the Czech Republic from March 9-12, 2025. This state visit is in honor of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic. It is the first visit by the head of state of Mongolia to the Czech Republic in 10 years. During the state visit, the heads of state of the two countries will hold a private meeting and official talks, following which they will provide statements to the press. President U. Khurelsukh will also meet with the chairman of the Senate, the chairman of the House of Representatives, and the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. Moreover, the visit aims to enhance the traditional and friendly relationship between the two countries. Agreements in areas such as education, the environment, agriculture, sports, and legal matters will be signed between governments and organizations. As part of the visit, a Morin Khuur Ensemble musical performance and a business forum will be organized in Prague to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic. Additionally, an international "Genghis Khan" exhibition will be opened under the auspices of the heads of state of the two nations at the National Museum of the Czech Republic.

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VIDEO: South Korean Fighter Jets Accidentally Bomb Outside Training Area Injuring 15

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: isee.mn

Today, during a training session, South Korean Air Force KF-16 fighter jets dropped bombs outside the training area, resulting in 15 people being injured. At around 10:00 am, an explosion occurred in Pocheon Village, located 40 km north of Seoul, injuring 15 people, including two soldiers and two foreign nationals, with varying degrees of severity. A church and seven other buildings were also damaged. South Korean officials stated, "Two civilians caught in the bombing were seriously injured and taken to the hospital, but their facial and shoulder injuries are not life-threatening." Meanwhile, about 50 residents of Pocheon Village have been evacuated and relocated to a city administration building away from the bombing site. South Korean military officials reported that the KF-16 fighter jets participating in the training each dropped four MK-82 bombs outside the training area at 10:04 am. As a result, a team led by the Deputy Commander of the Air Force is conducting an investigation, and an apology has been issued for causing harm to civilians. "We will actively take all necessary measures to compensate for the damages," they said.

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Discussion on the Use of French Nuclear Deterrence Forces

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: montsame.mn

President Emmanuel Macron has announced that he is ready to discuss the use of France's nuclear deterrence forces to protect allied countries in Europe. Speaking on television, he stated that Russia poses a threat not only to Ukraine but also to European countries. Macron's statement followed a heated exchange between US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a recent meeting in Washington. After this meeting, the US decided to halt military aid to Ukraine. "We have decided to initiate a strategic discussion on using France's deterrence tools to protect our allies in Europe," Macron stated. He mentioned that the request to consider the use of France’s nuclear deterrence came from Friedrich Merz, who is likely to become Germany’s next Chancellor. However, he emphasized that the decision to use France's nuclear weapons rests with the French President. Macron further stated, "I want to be confident that the United States will support Europe," but added, "if not, then European countries must be prepared." He emphasized the need for European countries to strengthen their armed forces to defend themselves and stated the importance of continuing support for Ukraine. Additionally, President Macron mentioned that European military chiefs of staff will meet in Paris next week to discuss several issues, including the deployment of European peacekeeping forces in Ukraine following a ceasefire agreement.

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95,000 Households to be Included in Insulation Project to Reduce City Air and Environmental Pollution

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Last January, the draft law on measures to reduce air and environmental pollution in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar was submitted to the State Great Khural. This draft law includes provisions to establish special regulatory zones and other relevant measures to reduce the negative social and economic impacts of air and environmental pollution in Ulaanbaatar, thereby protecting citizens' health and ensuring their right to live in a healthy and safe environment. In particular: To reduce air and environmental pollution, Ulaanbaatar city will be divided into green and yellow zones. In the green zone, the following are prohibited: - Burning fuels and materials other than those compliant with gas and liquid fuel standards (all types of solid fuel). - Using vehicles that emit air pollutants above standard limits and selling gasoline or diesel to owners of such vehicles. - Using underground water for domestic and industrial purposes in areas with access to engineering networks. - Utilizing pit latrines and drain pits. - Engaging in open trading of auto parts and all types of auto repair services. - Operating waste recycling, incineration, disposal, and burial, and establishing collection points for hazardous waste listed in recycling resources. In the yellow zone to reduce air and environmental pollution, more than 147,000 households will be included. Efforts will be made to introduce standard-compliant double combustion stoves to these households and to include 95,000 households in the insulation project. City Council, City Environmental Protection Office

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22,000 Households to be Connected to Gas Fuel; Green Zone Prohibits Gas Stations and Auto Parts Trade

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: ikon.mn

This year, districts such as Moscow, First District, the backyard of the 3rd and 4th Districts, Ekh Nyalkhas, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, and the central area around 32nd Circle will be included in a green zone. In these areas, over 22,000 households will be connected to the gas fuel infrastructure. According to official sources, in this green zone, it will be prohibited to burn or sell any fuels and materials other than standard-compliant gas and liquid fuels. This includes a ban on the sale of automotive gasoline and diesel, as well as the use of underground water for domestic and industrial purposes, the use of pit toilets and soakholes, the open sale of auto parts, all types of vehicle repair services, waste recycling, incineration, disposal, and burial activities, and the establishment of sites that collect hazardous waste listed as recyclable resources. By converting over 22,000 households to use liquefied natural gas (LNG), air pollution from ger districts is projected to decrease by 15% during the winter of 2025-2026. LNG will be used in private residences, while liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) will be utilized in ger homes. The gas will be sourced from the liquefied natural gas plant in Kingisepp, Russia. Warning: Media outlets (Television, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using this information in any form, fully or partially.

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In the site of the Selbe sub-center, where space is being cleared, compensation will be given to 1,670 citizens out of 2,200 whose land will be vacated

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In the 14th and 18th khoroos of Chingeltei district and the 14th khoroo of Sukhbaatar district, land removal and site clearing are underway on the 158-hectare site for the construction of the Selbe sub-center. More than 80% of the land acquisition for this project has been completed. Specifically, compensation agreements have been signed with 1,670 citizens out of a total of 2,200 citizens and legal entities whose land will be vacated, according to the press office of the Ulaanbaatar City Administration. Currently, the design of the drainage system for groundwater is being carried out, and preparations are being made for the dismantling and relocation of overhead power lines. The Selbe sub-center plans to construct a total of 113 building blocks accommodating 10,063 households. The plan includes 93 blocks of nine stories for 87 households each, 12 blocks of twelve stories for 117 households each, and eight blocks of twelve stories for 71 households each. Three blocks will serve as schools, five blocks as kindergartens, and there will be a hospital with 100 beds. The site will also include a car parking area of 47,530 square meters, and 152,650 square meters will be dedicated to commercial buildings, entertainment facilities, offices, a sports complex, green spaces, roads for cars, bike paths, and pedestrian walkways. This year, 359 billion MNT has been allocated in the city budget for land acquisition and compensations. Warning: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) must always mention the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, completely or partially. Attention is required!

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Take another loan from Japan to expand Chinggis Khaan Airport

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Minister of Foreign Affairs B. Battsetseg conducted a visit to Japan. During the visit, several loan agreements and a note on non-refundable aid were signed. Notably, the note was signed on projects to supply machinery and equipment for the “Repair and Maintenance of Sewer Networks Project” and the “Supply of Air Pollution Measuring Devices Project” implemented by Japan’s Government's non-refundable aid. Under these projects, Japan will supply equipment to improve inspection and cleaning of drainage pipes, valued at 270 million yen, and air pollution measurement stations, stoves, and equipment to monitor emissions from processed coal and coke, valued at 275 million yen. Additionally, it was decided to restore yen concessional loans within the framework of Japan’s Official Development Assistance to our country. Moreover, the two parties discussed the expansion and capacity improvement of the “Chinggis Khaan” International Airport, a symbol of our two countries' friendship and relationship. The expansion and capacity increase of the “Chinggis Khaan” International Airport will be implemented with funds from JICA’s concessional loan, and representatives from JICA will visit our country to conduct research. Currently, there is no information on the amount of the loan, its duration, or how the airport's capacity will be increased. The Chinggis Khaan International Airport was constructed with a 65 billion 657 million yen 40-year concessional loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The airport was designed to accommodate planes taking off and landing from both ends, based on wind and geological calculations. Runway size: 3,600 m
Car parking: 825
Terminal area: 37,000 sq.m
Tower height: 41 m

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Fuel Stations and Auto Parts Sales Prohibited in Certain Urban Areas

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: news.mn

The capital city has announced plans to include some ger districts in the green zone and connect over 22,000 households to gas fuel infrastructure. Specifically, this year, the Moscow district, the area behind the 3rd and 4th district hills, the Maternity hospital, Gandan, and the city's center location around circle number 32, will integrate their ger districts into the green zone with plans to connect over 22,000 households to gas fuel infrastructure. This decision comes as 55.6% of the air pollution in the city originates from chimneys in the ger districts, with 27.8% coming from vehicles. Research indicates that 80-85% of the pollution stems from chimney and vehicle emissions in ger districts. A. Bayar, the Chairman of the City Council, provided information on plans to convert households using compressed fuel to gradually transition to gas usage as part of policies aimed at reducing air pollution by transitioning citizens to apartment living. By 2024-2028, through six sub-centers, 50,000 households will be transitioned to apartment living. By 2025, 20,000 households will transition to using gas fuel. In 2026, 40,000 more households will transition to using gas fuel. By completing these phased activities, a total of 110,000 households will dismantle their chimneys and switch to using gas fuel. As a result of transitioning over 20,000 households to gas fuel, preliminary estimates suggest that air pollution originating from ger districts will decrease by 15%.

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This year, Peace Avenue and Chinggis Avenue, as well as main roads on Ajilchin Street, will be partially closed for resurfacing

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Last year, roads were renewed in 62 locations within Ulaanbaatar city, and this year, road renewal will take place in 41 locations. According to the head of the Ulaanbaatar City Road and Transportation Department, B. Odbayar, road repair and renovation work will continue in 33 locations into 2025, with new repair work in eight locations and new road construction in 11 locations. Road repair work is ongoing in 25 locations that began in previous years. This year's road repair and renovation work will start on April 2. Companies specializing in concrete mixing begin operations when nighttime temperatures reach -8 degrees Celsius. It is planned to start road repairs when nighttime temperatures rise above 0 degrees Celsius. Road repair and renovation will continue during the day. Specifically, sections of Peace Avenue, the Great Circle, Chinggis Avenue, and the main roads of Ajilchin Street will be closed for resurfacing. The roads of Chinggis Avenue and Great and Small Circles will be fully repaired. Tenders have been announced for the repair and maintenance of roads in the six central districts. The contract includes creating a road management system by dividing one district's roads into two packages. The companies selected through the tender process will carry out surface processing work over 30,000 square meters in each district. In other words, road managers will be responsible for maintaining sidewalks, signs, markings, patches, welding, and resurfacing. The city requires that roads not be patched unreasonably. Road managers will resurface roads with many potholes and maintain usage quality above 85%. The condition of the roads will be identified using laser instruments, and if the quality level exceeds 85%, the managing company will receive funding. There will be 12 road managers in the six districts, responsible for making cuts and reconstructions within neighborhoods and streets within those districts, and managing signs and markings. Surface processing is suitable for suburban roads with low traffic. It is done on roads that do not have structural damage, subsidence, or drainage issues. Surface processing on roads with water accumulation is ineffective, as explained. Warning: Media organizations (including TV, Radio, Social media, and Websites) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in part or in full.

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Mongolian Youth Exchange to Train in Japan

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Ulaanbaatar. On the final day of her official visit to Japan, Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg met with representatives of "Onodera User Run" company. In the coming years, our country needs skilled and specialized workers for economic development, investment projects, and major construction initiatives. Discussions were held with the company representatives about training and providing internships for Mongolian youth in various fields in Japan. This initiative aims to equip them with knowledge and skills they can use to contribute to the development of their home country. The program intends to include local youth, utilizing regional centers in provinces to offer basic professional skills and Japanese language training, followed by comprehensive internships without any fees or mediation costs, as expressed by the company representatives. Learning and mastering new techniques, technology, and know-how in a highly developed country is crucial for building a knowledgeable and skilled workforce for the future development of our country. Additionally, it helps prepare the next generation to lead the "people-centered" Special Strategic Partnership between the two countries. Therefore, representatives were invited to visit Mongolia in the near future to observe and research the conditions here, as reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Organized the "Go Mongolia" Event at ITB Berlin 2025

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: itoim.mn

During ITB Berlin 2025, the world's largest travel exhibition, representatives of Mongolia's tourism industry organized the "Go Mongolia" event on the second day, expanding their cooperation with international partner organizations. The "Go Mongolia" event, held at Hall-26C, Stand No. 301 of the Messe Berlin exhibition center in Berlin, was attended by international tourism sector representatives and media organizations. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to Germany, B. Mandakhbileg, delivered the opening speech, highlighting the importance of the Mongolia-Germany tourism cooperation. Additionally, M. Narangerel, Executive Director of AJMHK-NEZHE, introduced the development policy of Mongolia's tourism and its international partnerships. During the event, the Chinggis Khaan National Museum's Khan Symphony Orchestra showcased the wonder of traditional Mongolian music with works such as "Great Mongolia" and "Horse Gathering Song," captivating the attendees' interest. The Khan Symphony Orchestra dancers presented the ceremonial dances of Mongolian kings, allowing the guests to experience the marvel of Mongolian culture and heritage. At the end of the event, a reception was held for the participants, introducing them to traditional Mongolian food, drinks, and national beverages, while also organizing business meetings.

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11 People Killed in Traffic Accidents During Holidays

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The General Police Department provided information on traffic accidents and violations during the holidays. During these days, the police carried out inspections and identified 299 violations where individuals drove under the influence of alcohol. Additionally, 894 people were detained for sobering during these days. It was reported that traffic on rural roads increased, resulting in 11 fatalities due to traffic accidents.

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Ch.Lodoisambu: My Life Has Been Threatened. Spying Has Also Lost Its Meaning

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Member of the State Great Khural (Parliament) Ch. Lodoisambu proposed a motion to remove Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene last February and began collecting signatures from members. He stated through his social media, "Tsagaan Sar (Lunar New Year) is over, now I will get back to work. However, the issue proposed within the framework of the law has reached the wrath of the upper echelons and resulted in threats to my life." MP Ch. Lodoisambu commented: "We had a good celebration. Now I will get back to work. The issue I raised within the legal framework has ignited the wrath of the powerful, and for a whole month I was harassed without a trace of truth. Behind my back, my blood, genes, ancestry, siblings, friends, and acquaintances were thoroughly scrutinized. Under the guise of care and protection, my life was also threatened. Spying has lost its meaning. After all that scrutiny, they can't find anything to talk about other than my life in a rented apartment. Whatever happens, we must not get used to or tolerate oppression. Mongolians have never lived in submission to tyranny. Those people seem to have lost their sanity and gone mad!"

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Engineers and Technical Staff in Public Transport to Have Salaries Increased to Match Drivers' Wages

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The executive meeting of the city's leaders took place today, discussing issues regarding the engineering supply failures and public transport bus services during the Lunar New Year celebration. Specifically, the engineering supply organizations of Ulaanbaatar worked with a responsible duty schedule from February 28 to March 5. During the Lunar New Year holidays, there was one engineering supply failure per day, whereas during the winter, there are typically 2-3 failures per day on average. Additionally, there were 28 complaints related to organizations during the holidays, all of which were resolved. From March 1 to 4, a total of 949 buses were in operation daily, transporting a total of 492,794 passengers, with an average of 15,000 citizens paying in cash daily. The city mayor announced that a performance-based system will be introduced in the city's public transportation, raising the salaries of engineers and technical staff to match those of the drivers. He reminded bus drivers not to linger at the final stops, to work without idle times, to stop accepting personal cash payments, and to fully utilize the bus camera systems. Last year, the monthly salary of public transport bus drivers was increased to 3.5 million MNT.

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"No Dangerous Waste Like Nuclear Fuel Comes from the Zoovch-Ovoo Deposit"

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In our country, the second largest foreign investment project is the Zoovch-Ovoo uranium mining project in Dornogovi province. The joint venture “Badrakh Energy” LLC, a Mongolian-French collaboration with investment from “Orano Mining,” a company registered in the French Republic, has officially signed the investment agreement. Since the project began being discussed, it has sparked division and criticism among the public. There have been reports about animals born with multiple heads and negative effects on people and animals. However, there is no documented case of livestock deaths due to uranium exploration found in veterinary institutions. Last Friday, the Journalists' Club for Sustainable Development invited the Director of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, academician S. Demberel, and the directors of the institutes of the academy for a talk on "The Involvement of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences in Mega Project Programs of Mongolia." Within this project, in 2021, the Mongolian Academy of Sciences formed a working group to implement the "Environmental Monitoring of the Uranium Deposit in Ulannbadrakh, Dornogovi Province" project. Regarding this, Dr. L. Jargalsaikhan, Director of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of MAS said, "In 2021, by the decision of the government, two large independent research projects were conducted on-site. I led the working group from the institute. The research covered analysis in several fields including soil, water radiation, plants, and animal meat and milk. Before starting trial mining at the Zoovch-Ovoo deposit, samples from all areas were taken, scientific methods were applied for research, and the results were presented to the government. After reviewing the recommendations, the government instructed the continuation, leading to the implementation of a scientific and technological contract project from 2023. The project to study the technological impact of mining at this deposit continues. The mining technology has been tested twice in a laboratory in France. We assessed this technology. In-situ leach mining involves drilling boreholes down to the ore body, where a diluted sulfuric acid solution is then injected to dissolve the ore, which is then pumped back. When extracting ore, there are open-pit, underground, and in-situ leach mining technologies. An example of open-pit mining can be seen in the Erdenet mine. This involves removing overburden to reach the ore, followed by blasting, crushing, and milling to extract the necessary concentrate, leaving large pits and significant waste. The underground mining technology is exemplified by Oyu Tolgoi, where ore bodies are deep underground. Tunnels are bored to create working areas, and blasting is done to extract ore, which is then brought up. However, in-situ leach mining does not dig into the earth. Boreholes are installed on-site, and uranium stuck to the sand is extracted using 2% neutralized sulfuric acid. For 100 liters of water, 2 liters of diluted sulfuric acid solution is injected into the ground, where uranium adsorbed on sand dissolves. The uranic solution is extracted, separating uranium from the water to yield yellowcake, which is a solid. There is limited underground water in the Gobi where water is scarce; 10% is water while 20% is sand and soil. Water is reused. The public frequently questions whether radioactive waste will be produced leading to environmental contamination. Uranium is already a naturally occurring radioactive substance, and if it were as highly radioactive as used in nuclear power plants, people, animals, and plants nearby would suffer from radiation poisoning. What happens, however, is uranium oxide is extracted and converted to yellowcake from underground, and this is not as radioactive as nuclear fuel or its waste. Yellowcake is a raw material used to produce nuclear fuel, enriched into uranium hexafluoride to create fuel. This processing step employs highly sophisticated technology, limiting it to few countries; currently, only five nations carry out such processing and fuel production. In our situation, there will be no mining waste from natural radioactive substances, and no high-level radioactive waste from nuclear fuel usage will be produced here. If our country builds a nuclear power plant and uses nuclear fuel, only then would such waste be generated. Therefore, citizens need to distinguish and separate these issues.

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Bichigt Port is Crying for Help

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: itoim.mn

In honor of the legacy of the renowned journalist Gombojav Otgonbayar and on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the iToim.mn site, the "Journalist Otgonbayar" fund announced a contest for the best journalistic work. Submitted by D. Ulaan, the editor of Sukhbaatar's Color newspaper, the following article is presented. Traveling 70 kilometers from Erdenetsagaan soum in Sukhbaatar aimag, you arrive at Bichigt Port. Astonishment is not from the impressive transformation and development similar to Uliastai city in China's Xilin Gol Province. Quite the opposite is true. Large trucks that transport the mined concentrate from companies operating in Erdenetsagaan soum line up as if in a small settlement on the northern side, waiting for their turn to cross the border. The concentrate from Tsairt Mineral LLC also passes through this port. The dust from the dirt roads traveled by these heavy trucks covers the port area in gray. With the windy day, it felt unsettling. For an international port, nothing has been built or improved to renew its appearance, which is heartbreakingly sad. In fact, our country has the full potential to spruce up Bichigt Port, as stated by the residents living at the port and in Erdenetsagaan. Truly, our port is lacking. I met many people lamenting. Such a situation was inevitable there. To get a bus ticket carrying people across the two countries' borders, I entered a small building. It was without any decorations except for a small carpet in the middle. A woman was writing tickets in the unfinished building. Dust and dirt brought by many entering feet made the chilly interior even more uncomfortable. The woman writing tickets wore a thick coat, hat, and scarf. It was impossible not to in that cold, hollow shed-like small building. Despite the grand words our government officials use about the "revival of the ports," and having a Minister of Ports, why can't they spruce up this small port, a face of our nation? This difficult-to-look-at image can only be seen at Bichigt Port. The inspection area serving visitors from the neighboring country is also insufficient in capacity. About ten people can enter, and the rest wait outside. It is hard to stand outside on a cold day for parents with children and others. From Bichigt Port to China’s Hatawchi Port, a lined beautiful paved road welcomes you, leading into counties and cities of the world-renowned development of the neighboring country. Yet, upon entering through the Mongolian border, the described pitiful scene greets you, bitterly. The phrase "only Mongolia's wealth leaves from this port," uttered by a local resident, captures the current bitter truth of Bichigt Port. Covered in dust and chaos, resembling an ownerless house, our country's Bichigt Port is CRYING FOR HELP. A piece of positive news is that during last Thursday's aimag council meeting, Sukhbaatar aimag discussed plans to implement a 10-project economic expansion in 2024-2028, which includes the Baruun-Urt road to Bichigt and revitalization projects for the port. The successful implementation of these projects might save Bichigt Port and, by extension, our land. Most importantly, the governmental organization called the Port Authority needs to perform its duties responsibly and save ports like this one, which are neglected and suffering. Otherwise, granting complete authority to local governments to manage their ports might prove to be beneficial over time.

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China Discovers an 'Infinite' Energy Source

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Chinese geologists have reported that China has discovered an energy source capable of powering the nation for 60,000 years. A national study has found that the Bayan Obo mining complex in China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region contains thorium in quantities sufficient to "almost indefinitely" meet the country's domestic energy needs. Scientists estimate that if the mining complex is fully exploited, it could yield one million tons of thorium. The thorium reserves in the nation's mining waste remain under-investigated, and proper extraction could eliminate global reliance on fossil fuels, the study suggests. The study identified 233 areas of thorium abundance across the country, pointing to much larger reserves than previously estimated in China. "Countries have been warring over fossil fuels for over a hundred years. Now it seems the endless energy source is right beneath our feet," an anonymous researcher told South China Post. Explaining the significance of the discovery, an expert said that "every nation has thorium reserves," suggesting its use could revolutionize the energy sector. Cargo ships powered by thorium reactors could cross the oceans for many years without needing refueling. Last year, China approved the construction of the world’s first thorium reactor (TMSR) plant in the Gobi Desert. This reactor is expected to generate 10 megawatts of electricity, according to a report from the Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Engineering Research and Design. Beijing expects the plant to be operational by 2029, contributing to China's "energy independence." Globally, researchers are seeking to use naturally occurring, slightly radioactive thorium as a primary energy source. Thorium is more abundant than uranium and can produce 200 times more energy, according to the World Nuclear Association. However, the World Nuclear Association highlights challenges in economically extracting thorium. Currently, thorium cannot be used in thermal neutron reactors. Significant research and development investments are needed, with thorium exploration only ongoing in China. Source: MSN.COM

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All Human Resource Operations to Become Digital

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: gogo.mn

By fully implementing an electronic human resources system, it has become possible to digitize all operations including registering and monitoring public servants, issuing and managing orders and decisions, announcing job vacancies, and creating job descriptions, all in a paperless, open, and transparent manner. Training to introduce and integrate new modules and subsystems of the State Civil Service Human Resource Management Information System and to improve the knowledge and skills of human resource personnel in the family, labor, and social protection sector was organized in collaboration with the State Civil Service Council. The training was attended by 280 staff members from the ministry's affiliated organizations both in-person and online. Source: Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Protection

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CENTRAL: Fully equipped chemistry lab is now operational

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: montsame.mn

A fully equipped "Chemistry Cabinet" laboratory is now operational at the Erdene Sum Secondary School in Tuv Province. In 2024, "Green Chemistry" LLC equipped this classroom on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Erdene Sum. This room was set up for students with a keen interest in studying chemistry and is aimed at further promoting chemistry as a subject, and training many young scientists and doctors. The lab is furnished with laboratory furniture and equipment worth 35 million MNT and is fully stocked with necessary glassware, auxiliary materials, and chemical reagents. With the opening of the Chemistry Cabinet, the "Little Wizards of Science" event has begun. This event intends to facilitate various experiments and chemistry lessons among teachers and students. Erdene Sum Secondary School in Tuv Province has more than 670 students this academic year and operates on a single shift. Being a comprehensive 12-year secondary school in the eastern region of Tuv Province, it has many high school students.

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Individuals Attempting to Sell Large Quantities of Painkillers in Ulaanbaatar Face Up to Five Years Imprisonment

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: isee.mn

In the past five years, the misuse of medications intended for patient treatment has resulted in the deaths of 14 individuals and approximately 45 children losing limbs. Despite this, some individuals continue to sell such medications in groups. Recently, a Mongolian citizen with the initials 'D', along with others, attempted to transport and sell pain-relieving medication from rural areas to Ulaanbaatar using intercity transportation. The Anti-Narcotics Division of the General Police Department is investigating 8 individuals aged between 22 and 27 in connection with this case. These individuals have been charged under Article 20.14, Section 2 of the Criminal Code, which carries a penalty of up to five years imprisonment. They attempted to illegally transport and sell a total of 980 pain-relieving pills to Ulaanbaatar. It is worth noting that while this type of crime was first registered in Ulaanbaatar in 2017, it has now been recorded in 10 provinces, indicating its growing spread. The medication is easily accessible, with weak health institution oversight and easy public access. As a result, there are increasing instances of substance abuse through the misuse of this type of medication. Therefore, it is advised to improve supervision over children, check for traces of needle marks on the body, and in case of symptoms, contact the National Center for Mental Health, district narcology departments, or the Anti-Narcotics Division. According to Article 20.14 of the Criminal Code: "Illegal production, export-import, and distribution of medicines, pharmaceutical raw materials, biopreparations, and medical devices: 2. If the production, export-import, supply, sale, or distribution of medicines, pharmaceutical raw materials, biopreparations, and medical devices is carried out without the appropriate authorization, the penalty is a fine ranging from five thousand four hundred to twenty-seven thousand units, or restriction of movement for one to five years, or imprisonment for one to five years."

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Residents Who May Have Been in Contact with Confirmed Measles Cases Advised to Contact NCCD

Published: 2025-03-06 | Translated from: ikon.mn

During the Lunar New Year holidays, the National Center for Communicable Diseases (NCCD) provided an update on the incidence of communicable diseases and food poisoning reports. The emergency department of the NCCD is operating 24 hours a day. No food poisoning cases were reported during the holidays. However, new cases of measles have been confirmed in the laboratory. The incubation period for this disease is on average 7-14 days. Residents who were on two specific flights where measles cases have been confirmed are requested to contact the NCCD: the MIAT flight OM712 from Ho Chi Minh City to Ulaanbaatar that landed at 01:47 AM on February 14-15, 2025, and the VJ3200 flight from Phu Quoc, Vietnam to Ulaanbaatar on February 18, 2025. We ask those who were on these flights and cannot currently be reached or who have incorrect contact details recorded to get in touch with the center. Additionally, children who were patients at the Chingeltei District General Hospital in February 2025 or at the National Center for Maternal and Child Health in March 2025, who have not received the full dose of the scheduled vaccine or are not yet of the vaccination age (9 months), should urgently visit rooms 1 or 2 of the NCCD's emergency department between 08:30 and 17:30 to be screened and receive the measles vaccine. As of March 6, 2025, there have been eight confirmed cases of measles. Measles is highly contagious. Comparatively, one person infected with the coronavirus can spread it to four people, while measles can spread to up to 15 people. Warning: Media outlets (television, radio, social media, and websites) must note that any use of this information, whether in full or in part, must cite the original source (ikon.mn).

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