Mongolia News Summary for March 06, 2025

The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of MongolBeat or its members.
Today's Stories
- National Wealth Fund: Time for Discussion, Not Argument
- Official Announcement of Joining the Sustainable Mining Program
- The Third Portion of Dividends from Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC to be Distributed in April
- Potential to Increase Dividend from 1072 Shares
- DUNDGOVI: Loans Issued to 402 Cooperatives Amounting to 48.3 Billion Tugriks
- Rain of Bonuses Worth One Billion Tugriks
- Japan Expresses Gratitude for Resumption of Concessionary Yen Loans
- Japanese-Mongolian Relations Highlighted as Deepening and Developing Today
- Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg Signed Notes of Exchange
- Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg Visits Japanese Red Cross Society
- Reports of Secret Talks Between US and Russian Representatives
- This Year, New Roads Will Be Built at 10 Locations in Ulaanbaatar
- Flooding of Snowmelt on the Moron-Bulgan Road
- When Citizens No Longer Suffocate, Energy Reform Will Begin to Revitalize
- Two New Routes Added to Public Transport Service
- 95 Thousand Households to Be Included in the Insulation Project
- Gas Explosion Trial to Coincide with Bus Meeting
- Eagle Festival to Start at "Chinggis Khaan Khuree" Tourist Complex in Three Days
- DARKHAN-UUL: Appreciation Given to Companies That Created Jobs
- Traffic Jam During Tsagaan Sar Holidays
- SUKHBAATAR: Artisan J. Sharkhuukhen Awarded Order of the Red Banner of Labour for 40 Years of Craftsmanship
- Honoring the Great Black Military Banner
- Selenge: The Primary Unit Gets a Social Worker
- DUNDGOVI: Two Elder Citizens Over 100 Act as Living Witnesses to History
- State great Byamba-Otgon will sing at a local concert
- Jewelry Worth 56 Million MNT Stolen Case Solved
- DARKHAN-UUL: The Oldest Elders Share the Same Name
- Study on Geothermal Resources Around Ulaanbaatar City
- SELENGE: Corn Cultivation Introduced for the First Time
- BULGAN: Researchers date the burial mound findings at Mount Maikhan to AD 646-657
- NCCD: The eighth case of measles confirmed by laboratory
- NCCD: Children Hospitalized in Chingeltei Hospital to Receive Vaccination
- Paying Health Insurance: Where Do My Contributions Go?
- There will be six wrestling competitions featuring national and regional champions this month.
- The Mongolian Team Will Participate in the "Turin 2025" Special Olympics Winter Games
- Chinggis Khaan National Museum to Open from Tomorrow
- "Swan Lake" Ballet to be Performed This Weekend
- Artists of UDE Theatre to Present “Desire Under the Elms” Under a New Name
National Wealth Fund: Time for Discussion, Not Argument
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
In honor of the eminent journalist and columnist Gombojavyn Otgonbayar and on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the website, the “Otgonbayar Columnist” Foundation has announced a journalism excellence competition. We present the entry submitted by T.Enkhbat, editor and journalist of, which is part of this top competition. The Government, in the process of implementing the National Wealth Fund law, has initiated discussions to concentrate the proceeds derived from 34% of shares in companies like Energy Resources—which exports coal from the Ukhaakhudag license area of the Tavan Tolgoi deposit—and the benefit derived from tailings of enriched ore by companies like Achit Ikht, which extracts copper with advanced technology from Erdenet Mining Corporation’s tailings pile, into the Savings Fund. This has attracted public attention. Some groups seem interested in portraying the negotiations with Energy Resources as a clash between MCS Group owner J.Odjargal and former President and Member of Parliament Kh.Battulga. This subject has spiraled into a campaign of animosity against national wealth holders in the mining sector. Many recognize this as a very malicious maneuver; however, there is no concrete evidence yet about whether J.Odjargal and Kh.Battulga are indeed feuding or whether private companies mining strategic reserves are refusing to fund the Savings Fund. In the broader, long-term view, negotiating with a few companies operating in strategic deposits to concentrate money into the Savings Fund is a small issue compared to the broader policy of sharing the wealth’s benefits with every citizen and the ultimate goals of the National Wealth Fund. There are many tasks requiring solutions aligned with this policy and goal. Do not let each decision be obscured by making it look like individual squabbles. The implementation of the National Wealth Fund law is a broad regulatory framework with wide-ranging impacts on altering the policy, public attitude, and even the economic model of the country's mining sector development. S.Narantogt, the Executive Director of “Erdenes Mongol” and who served as the technical working group leader in drafting the National Wealth Fund law, stated, “Every government has pursued policies to share the benefits of natural resources with its citizens. However, benefits have often been distributed for electoral votes rather than for systematic policy. In essence, the process has lacked systematic policy and planning in delivering the benefits to citizens. This has resulted in debts. Waiving pension loans left us with an 850 billion MNT debt. The Human Development Fund was handed over with over a trillion MNT in debt. More than 10 resolutions have been passed by the Parliament and Government regarding the allocation of dividends for the 1072 shares of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi to every citizen. The 1072 shares were also sold for tuition payment. Such distribution of wealth benefits is very incorrect. It was necessary to clarify the rules. The National Wealth Fund law is a document that clarified the rules for distributing natural wealth by comparing it with good global practices and tailoring them to national characteristics. Further refinement and optimization are needed.” Not every country with abundant natural resources develops. There are plenty of examples of countries that squandered their resource benefits, disrupted their macroeconomic conditions, and faced hard times. Examples include African countries, Venezuela, Peru, etc. Simply having a National Wealth Fund law in Mongolia does not mean we're on the right path. If the fund's assets are dissipated inefficiently or distributed broadly for electoral approval, it will only lead to a “resource curse.” It will follow the path of other “failed” states that broadly distributed their wealth benefits to fulfill politicians' pop promises, thus falling into disrepair. The Norwegian fund is regarded as the world’s most successful example. It’s also the largest. Norway, rich in oil and gas reserves, started accumulating wealth benefits in 1990 to promote citizen and national development long-term. Initially established with USD 300 million, the fund now boasts USD 1.3 trillion. Placed in international financial markets, this wealth has exponentially grown and been successfully managed. Norway’s development fund now earns USD 35 billion annually with a 4.5% return rate. There is a law that allows spending only 3% of the total fund wealth on government fiscal expenses. We have extensively studied the Norwegian fund's operations and regulations to create our legislative framework enabling the establishment of a wealth fund. Also, recently, we’ve deeply explored the operations and regulations of Singapore’s Temasek Wealth Fund. Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene visited Singapore recently, requesting technical assistance in establishing a wealth fund and has been implementing it. Essentially, one can conclude that Mongolia’s National Wealth Fund is established with legal regulation and model derived from the good examples of Norway and Singapore’s national wealth funds. Under the National Wealth Fund, there are three funds: the Future Heritage Fund, the Savings Fund, and the Development Fund. The Future Heritage Fund is intended to distribute natural resource benefits to future citizens, comprising 65% of income from the resources levy of mining. The Savings Fund’s income derives from state shares of 34% in publicly owned and state-participating entities engaged in the mining and mineral processing industries. The funds accumulated in this must be used for citizens to purchase housing and receive health and educational services. The Development Fund’s income is from 50% of budgetary revenue when the balanced budget is positive, and the price of key minerals exceeds the stabilized price calculated in the budget. In short, if the national budget is favorable, 50% of it will be accumulated in the Development Fund, planned for financing socially significant mega projects that the private sector is not much interested in. The Norwegian fund generally leans towards social welfare and stabilization expenditures. If funds from the Future Heritage are dispersed in cash to citizens, it will resemble the welfare orientation of the Norwegian fund. Singapore’s consolidated savings fund allocates its wealth through four focal areas: pensions for retirees, housing purchase, paying for healthcare, and educational loans. We have almost entirely borrowed from Singapore’s savings fund model. If citizens are housed, there will be many positive effects such as eliminating urban pollution, increasing productivity and cultural development among citizens. An educated, healthy citizenry will undeniably contribute significantly to the nation’s development. Copying the Singapore model was the right decision as it suits our conditions. Former Chief Economist of the Central Bank Ts.Munkhbayar remarked, “The law of the National Wealth Fund is fundamentally correct. Our politicians are discussing how to allocate the fund’s assets. Wealth funds play a crucial role in balancing the economy, preventing ‘Dutch disease’ and the ‘resource curse.’ If one squanders the accumulated wealth broadly, inciting populist agendas, the wealth fund will become a source of the ‘resource curse.’ If the accumulated money is to be distributed, it should be absorbed gradually without damaging the macroeconomy. Sometimes our people change laws and decisions and implement populist promises, which harms the economy.” Historically, discussions to equitably share the benefits of natural resources among citizens began during the amendment phase of the 2006 Minerals Law. Before the 2008 elections, the then Democratic Party leader Ts.Elbegdorj promised to distribute an amount equivalent to one million MNT worth of ‘Treasure Shares’ from the natural resource benefits. In response, the MPP leader S.Bayar outbid with a pledge to distribute 1.5 million MNT in the form of ‘Heritage Wealth’. The MPP, upon winning the election, fulfilled its promise by selling the coal of ‘Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi’ in advance, borrowing USD 350 million from China’s Chalco, and distributing monthly allowances of 21 thousand MNT to each citizen. In a bid to win the 2012 Parliamentary election, MPP leader Su.Batbold distributed the rights to own 1072 shares of ‘Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi’ to every citizen. Before the 2016 elections, under the pressure from leaders like President Ts.Elbegdorj, Parliamentary Chairman Z.Enkhbold, and Prime Minister Ch.Saikhanbileg of the Democratic Party, the Central Bank financed their initiated ‘Good’ Program, purchasing 536 of the 1072 Tavan Tolgoi shares from students for 500 thousand MNT, and 322 from citizens for 300 thousand MNT. This was a political scheme that inflicted economic harm by issuing currency through the central bank and purchasing shares to create an impression that citizens were receiving resource benefits. Likewise, in 2020, elderly pension loans were canceled at the proposal of President Kh.Battulga. This too was done by collateralizing natural resources and borrowing funds. Mongolian politicians have historically exploited the policy of equitably distributing natural resource benefits to citizens for electoral majority support, as can be clearly seen from these historical events. Compared to the past two decades, today we have coherent policies and legal documents for accumulating, allocating, increasing, and multiplying national wealth benefits. Implementing this policy correctly and consistently is of utmost importance. There is a necessity for clarity and accuracy in subsequent regulations related to the National Wealth Fund. It is clear that large sums will be accumulated in wealth funds, especially the Future Heritage Fund and the Savings Fund. Erdenes Mongol has calculated an accumulation of 38 trillion MNT in the Savings Fund by 2040. The expenditures of the National Wealth Fund are legislated to be ratified by the Parliament. Such ratification protects against indiscriminate spending of the fund’s assets by any minister or leader. However, what if the ruling party with a parliamentary majority decides to distribute substantial amounts of money from the wealth fund to citizens to fulfill political promises and secure electoral victory? If so, the wealth benefits would transform into a curse. Researchers associate the secret of the Norwegian fund's successful operation with the moral integrity of its people. Peopled with high moral integrity, Norway has successfully managed its wealth fund. The law on the National Wealth Fund is a legal document adopted to implement Article 6.2 of the Constitution. In amending the Constitution, the Parliament newly included Article 6.2. This article states, “Besides the ownership granted to nationals, land, its subsoil, mineral resources, forests, water resources, and wildlife are state public property. The state policy of natural resource utilization shall be based on long-term development policy to guarantee every citizen now and in the future the right to live in a healthy and safe environment, and the proceeds from the exploitation of subsoil resources shall be accumulated in the National Wealth Fund to be distributed equitably and fairly. A citizen shall have the right to be informed about the environmental impacts of utilizing subsoil resources.” Implemented on November 14, 2019, when the Constitution was amended. The law concerning the National Wealth Fund was adopted five years later, on April 19, 2024. This signifies a law five years in the making, considering and analyzing it thoroughly. How will the state execute its policy? Briefly, in accordance with the Constitution, the majority of the proceeds from strategic deposits will be under the control of the state and citizens. They will be accumulated in the National Wealth Fund and allocated to citizens based on specific policies through a parliamentary decision. It has now become clear to operate on these principles. The government’s initiation of negotiations with the companies such as Energy Resources and Achit Ikht to concentrate the dividends from 34% shares in the Savings Fund has been criticized as implementing a “Communist law” and discouraging foreign investors. There were outbursts suggesting that dividends from 34% of J.Battulga’s “Makh Impex” company’s shares be concentrated in the Savings Fund. Only the proceeds from strategic deposits will be accumulated in the Savings Fund. We will not demand all mining companies to contribute to the Savings Fund. It is essential for the public to understand that the Wealth Fund is unrelated to companies operating in other sectors. The limitation for contributing to the Savings Fund is the companies operating in strategic deposits. If one muses that funding should be collected from all private and state-owned companies, then it would become a genuinely communist law. Will foreign investors “flee” if we pursue the policy of distributing the benefits of strategic deposits to citizens through the National Wealth Fund? Our government has signed agreements to gain 53% of the proceeds from the Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold deposit with Rio Tinto and 51% of the proceeds from the Zuuvch-Ovoo uranium deposit with the French Orano Group. These two examples show that if mutually beneficial cooperation is established, foreign investors will not object to Mongolians receiving the majority of natural resource benefits. If foreign and domestic investors enter strategic deposits, it will be in partnership with the understanding that the majority of benefits go to the state, representing the citizens. Such rules will guide future cooperative work. The inclusion of the principle that natural resources belong to the people and that the majority of benefits should be shared with all citizens of Mongolia through the National Wealth Fund is the initiative of then-President Kh.Battulga, with Member of Parliament Ts.Garamjav and 20 Members developing and approving the current formulation. Ts.Garamjav was a staunch supporter of this provision, addressing the parliamentary discussions. The correctness of this initiative to distribute the majority of the benefits of strategic deposits to all citizens through the National Wealth Fund will be confirmed over time. As the revenues from strategic deposits start flowing into the Savings Fund, the government needs to review its understanding of strategic deposits and refine their regulation, according to mining sector professionals. The necessity to add more deposits to the strategic list may emerge to ensure equitable sharing of proceeds with citizens. The 4.1.12 of the Minerals Law defines a “strategic mineral deposit of significance” as one capable of affecting national security, economic and social development, or generating products constituting more than 5% of the gross domestic product annually, or with such potential. This constitutes the criteria for a strategic deposit. If the criteria are to be expanded numerically, the criteria should be revised. If strategic criteria are lowered too much to include all, the National Wealth Fund could end up as a communist solution. Thus, a balance must be struck. This is a function for the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources. Currently, coal from Tavan Tolgoi, Nariin Sukhait, Baganuur, Shivee-Ovoo, uranium from Mardai, Dornod, Gurvanbulag, iron ore from Tumurtei, copper and gold from Oyu Tolgoi, molybdenum from Erdenet, Tsagaan Suvarga, phosphate from Burengaan, gold from Boroo, Gatsuurt, zinc and lead from Tumurtiin Ovoo, silver from Asgat—these 16 deposits are designated as having strategic significance. Since Boroo gold deposit reserves have been depleted, it needs removal from the list. Oyu Tolgoi, Tavan Tolgoi, Baganuur, Shivee-Ovoo, Tumurtei, Erdenet, Asgat silver deposits have licenses held by state-owned or state-participating companies. The page is turned on Oyu Tolgoi and Tsagaan Suvarga deposits with contracts signed dictating that the majority of land proceeds belong to the government. Now the government will probably negotiate with companies like Energy Resources mining coal from Ukhaakhudag in Tavan Tolgoi, M.A.C. mining coal from Nariin Sukhait, Usukh Zoos, SouthGobi Sands, Zinc Mineral mining zinc from Tumurt Owoo’s deposit for contributions to the Savings Fund. Additionally, regulations have classified waste deposits as strategically significant in minerals, so undoubtedly negotiations will be made for revenues from 34% shares in companies like Achit Ikht, Erdenet mining its tailings pile. If the investors state their interest in other strategic deposits, investment agreements will be understood. In 2007, the government drew a list of 39 deposits with potential as strategic deposits. This signifies 59 possible strategic deposits. Slightly lowering the criteria of the Minerals Law could include several deposits from these as strategic deposits, obviously. Mining sector professionals deem Mogoit Gol, Hut, Tugrug Nuur Coal, Bargiltiin iron ore potential strategic deposits. The Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources will need to compile an updated list of strategic deposits and tidy up cases where one deposit's tiny license areas have been distributed to multiple holders. Investors dividing a large deposit into numerous small licenses obscure the rationale for strategic status. Such cases might require some investors to merge. Before the law on the National Wealth Fund was adopted, in 2016, February 5th upon the initiative of then-President Ts.Elbegdorj, the law for the Future Heritage Fund was enacted. The Future Heritage Fund under the National Wealth Fund is also governed by this legal document. Article 9.6 of the Future Heritage Fund law states, “Starting in 2030, 10% of net investment income from the fund shall be transferred to the state budget.” Accordingly, Government Resolution No.224 dated December 20, 2024, prescribed that the Savings Fund assets will start being utilized from 2030 onwards. Therefore, expenditure from the Future Heritage Fund and the Savings Fund won't occur until 2030. Until then, wealth accumulation continues. The government has named the National Wealth Fund “Chinggis Fund.” The “Chinggis Fund” is being established to oversee the National Wealth Fund and its personnel are being recruited. Accruing the fund's assets is one activity, while leading and growing them demands entirely different professional skills and intelligence. Former Chief Economist of the Central Bank Ts.Munkhbayar observed, “In Mongolia, there’s no institution other than the Central Bank capable of managing the wealth fund's assets. The government has the legal capability to task the Central Bank with managing these assets. If a new institution is set up to manage the wealth fund, it should undergo training by technical consultative institutions and begin with a small amount of assets to gain experience.” It is crucial to manage the fund's assets under capable experts to ensure growth. B.Khurelsukh, who moved to the city and is now working as a repairman at the Passenger Transport Three Public Utility Organization, shared on the Savings Fund expenditure, “I haven't received any direct benefits from mineral revenues other than dividends from Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi. Our livestock was decimated in the harsh winter, so we moved to urban outskirts, merely adding another chimney-count for Ulaanbaatar. I heard savings in personal accounts will be accessible in 2030. Our daughter will then be a student, so perhaps she’ll use the money for tuition. My wife and I plan to spend it on a down payment for an apartment, if possible. Paying tuition fees for our daughter and making an apartment down payment will make us grateful to be born citizens in a resource-rich country,” he expressed his future plans. In Mongolia, the attempt to distribute resource benefits equitably across all citizens was implemented by distributing 1072 shares of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi. In 2011, the ruling MPP decided that a nominal price for a share of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi stood at 933 MNT to fulfill the promise to provide 1.5 million MNT to each citizen, distributing shares equivalent to one million MNT. Dividing one million MNT by 933 yields 1072. Thus the “1072” story began. As mentioned earlier, some students sold 536 shares of their 1072 shares back to the government for 500 thousand MNT. Cases of selling all shares exist. Some citizens sold 322 of their shares back for 300 thousand MNT. On April 12, 2012, the government assigned ownership of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi shares to all individuals born before that date. Moreover, a resolution passed on January 31, 2024, pertaining to certain actions regarding Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC, extended 1072 shares allocated to children born between April 12, 2012, and December 31, 2023. Effectively, all except those who sold their shares to the government still own their “1072.” It is difficult to label Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi shares a classic security since citizens do not have the right to trade, gift, inherit, or pledge their 1072 shares. They receive dividends as per government allocation. All possibilities to list Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi shares on the stock exchange exist. The government argues that facilitating trading, gifting, inheriting, or pledging would violate the principle of equitable distribution of resources, as lower-income citizens might sell their shares while those living in wealthier districts, like Zaisan, would buy them up. Such a distribution of dividends would only benefit those living in affluent areas. Regarding the restriction, Interim Executive Director of the Mongolian Stock Exchange B.Dolgion remarked, “If we permitted the ‘1072’ to come to life, well-off residents of Zaisan would buy up shares from their less affluent counterparts in Bayanhoshuu, then it would be just those in Zaisan getting richer with dividend payouts, leaving those in Bayanhoshuu who’ve sold their shares deprived of resource benefits.” We must be cautious on this matter. If the goal is to distribute wealth benefits equitably, opening the rights for gifting, pledging, or trading Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi shares is not advisable, but the actual need to unlock the right to inheritance exists. Many shareholding citizens have now passed away. The destination of dividend proceeds from owned shares is unclear. Allowing inheritance rights for the 1072 shares, thus enabling the descendants to gift their owed benefits, aligns with justice. Erdenes Mongol CEO S.Narantogt stated, “The practice of distributing free shares of companies holding strategic licenses must be stopped. Free share distribution is inherently ambiguous. Public sale should be the mode of share issuance by strategic deposit-holding companies. Now that resource benefits will be distributed to citizens through the wealth fund, distributing free shares is pointless.” In the past, the government once decided every citizen should own preferential shares of Erdenes Mongol, yet it never materialized. This was a pointless gesture, as demonstrated by the “1072” shares case. Ensuring no more free shares are distributed, sharing resource benefits solely through the fund, negotiating with private companies operating in strategic deposits to form Savings Fund income, renewing the list of strategic deposits, growing the “Chinggis Fund” under skilled managers—all demand discussion, not division or dispute, by Mongolians concerning the National Wealth Fund.
Official Announcement of Joining the Sustainable Mining Program
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The PDAC 2025 World Mining Conference is happening in Toronto, Canada. Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Ts. Tuvaan, representatives of the State Great Khural (parliament), the Ambassador of Mongolia to Canada E. Sarantogos, and the Executive Director of the Mongolian National Mining Association (MNMA) G. Erdenetuya met with Mrs. Lisa MacDonald, Executive Director of the conference organizers, the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada. During the meeting, the Mongolian side shared information about the "Mining Week" conference and officially announced that Mongolia's mining sector has joined the global leading initiative for responsible mining, the Sustainable Mining Program (SMP). By adopting the world's best standards and practicing transparent and responsible mining policies, Mongolia aims to increase the trust of international investors and further enhance the sector's competitiveness and long-term investment prospects. PROMOTING MONGOLIA'S MINERAL INDUSTRY The MONGOLIA DAY 2025 event brought together over 200 investors, industry leaders, and policymakers to discuss the current state, legal environment, and investment opportunities of Mongolia's mining sector. During this event, at the invitation of the Ambassador of Mongolia to Canada, Canadian Minister of International Development Ahmed Hussen attended and exchanged views. The main topics discussed were: - Legal environment and policy direction: An introduction to the development trends of Mongolia's mineral industry and the investment climate. - Uranium and energy transition: Mongolia's uranium reserves and the strategic role in the global energy market. - Gold and precious metals: Major gold projects in Mongolia and the growth prospects of the sector. - Critical minerals and rare earth elements: Strategic critical minerals with high value-added potential. This event provided a platform for direct connections between key players in the sector and investors, offering exclusive insights into mining sector development policies and investment strategies. Source: Mongolian National Mining Association
The Third Portion of Dividends from Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC to be Distributed in April
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The third portion of dividends from Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC, allocated from the net profit of 2024, will be distributed in April. According to the Government's resolution No. 225 dated December 20, 2024, based on the annual performance results of Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC, the measure has been taken to distribute the appropriate portion of the total net profit as dividends to citizens according to the law, after accounting for last year's net profit. According to the company's board of directors' resolution, from the net profit of 2024, it is estimated to distribute dividends of 350,000 MNT to each citizen holding 1,072 shares, and it was decided to distribute this in three parts. The first portion of dividends was distributed in December, and the second portion was distributed in February. According to the Parliament's resolution of 2024 and the Government's resolution No. 45 of 2024, a decision was made for every citizen who was born or acquired Mongolian citizenship between April 12, 2012, and December 31, 2023, to acquire 1,072 shares of Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC from state-owned shares free of charge. As a result, 26.4% of the company is owned by Mongolian citizens, 0.06% by national enterprises, and 73.5% by Erdenes Mongol LLC.
Potential to Increase Dividend from 1072 Shares
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
As of February 24 this year, a total of 41 companies announced that they will distribute dividends from their 2024 net profits to their shareholders. Specifically, "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC has calculated a dividend of 350,000 MNT for each citizen holding 1072 shares from last year's net profit and decided to distribute it in three installments. Therefore, the Mongolian Stock Exchange is offering investment opportunities to earn additional dividends from these dividends. In other words, shareholders entitled to dividends can purchase company shares before the registration date and receive additional dividends. This approach allows citizens to reinvest their dividend money in shares and gain further additional dividends.
DUNDGOVI: Loans Issued to 402 Cooperatives Amounting to 48.3 Billion Tugriks
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
In Dundgovi province, 48.3 billion tugriks in loans have been issued to 1,426 herder households belonging to 402 newly established cooperatives. Under the "New Revival Policy" initiated by the Government of Mongolia to revitalize urban and rural areas, efforts are being made to prevent potential disasters that may occur in the livestock sector due to climate change, and to support sustainable development of livestock production and herder cooperatives through the "New Cooperative Movement." Within the framework of this movement, 515 cooperatives have been newly registered in the province, 78% of which have received investment loans. These loans are being utilized for various purposes, including purchasing or constructing animal pens, corrals, and sheds, creating wells and watering points in pastures, growing and producing animal feed, fattening livestock, as well as preparing and processing meat, milk, dairy products, wool, cashmere, skins, and hides. Additionally, the loans are used for primary refinement and the construction of storage facilities and cellars for livestock and livestock-derived raw materials.
Rain of Bonuses Worth One Billion Tugriks
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
There is a saying that life rewards those who are persistent. XacBank is announcing its "Elbev Erdenet" savings promotion at the beginning of the Year of the Snake. The campaign, with a prize fund of 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) tugriks, aims to reward customers who are loyal to their goals, maintain financial discipline, save regularly, and grow stably. The promotion will run for 6 months, from March 5, 2025, to August 31, 2025, and will bring a rain of prizes, including seasonal and super prizes, monthly gifts, and lucky coins. Additionally, today, from 11:00 to 14:00 on March 5, you have a great opportunity to visit this page and receive a savings prize between 20,000 and 300,000 tugriks. Good luck! Each quarter, winners of prizes worth 1,000,000₮, 5,000,000₮, and 10,000,000₮ will be announced, and at the end of the campaign, 3 customers will be selected to receive a super prize of 100,000,000₮. How to participate in the campaign? You can collect three types of prize rights, Bronze, Silver, and Gold, depending on the amount of money deposited in any term deposit, and you can choose your seasonal prize by managing these rights as you wish, either by combining or splitting them. Depending on the amount of income you add to your account, you will be granted the following rights: You have the flexibility to use your prize rights by converting them. In other words, you can combine smaller rights to compete for bigger prizes, or split larger rights to participate in seasonal draws with more opportunities and increase your chances of winning. Your collected rights can participate in your seasonal draws, and at the end of the campaign, you can combine all your rights to become one of the 3 lucky winners of the 100,000,000₮ super prize. Wondering how many rights you have? By registering and logging in at, you can check and convert your rights, as well as receive a variety of gifts as prizes from the monthly opened box. What is the monthly prize? On the 1st of every month, flip a coin and test your luck. To do this, it is enough to contribute 100,000₮ to your term deposit in the previous month, and we will give you 5 coins to test your luck this month. Many interesting and special gifts await you. You can only participate in the monthly prize with the right to flip the lucky coins. Rights do not carry over to the next month. When and how will the draw take place? During the campaign, seasonal draws will be held on June 5, 2025, and September 5, 2025, and the winners of the Super Prize will be announced on September 15, 2025. Each draw will be broadcast live on XacBank’s official Facebook page. Check Your Rights. Along with checking your prize rights at, you can get detailed information about the promotion campaign. Also, today, from 11:00 to 14:00 on March 5, you have a great opportunity to visit this page and receive a savings prize between 20,000 and 300,000 tugriks. Good luck! Keep saving regularly and grow steadily! There is a saying that life rewards those who are persistent. XacBank is announcing its "Elbev Erdenet" savings promotion at the beginning of the Year of the Snake. The campaign, with a prize fund of 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) tugriks, aims to reward customers who are loyal to their goals, maintain financial discipline, save regularly, and grow stably.
Japan Expresses Gratitude for Resumption of Concessionary Yen Loans
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
As an honorary guest of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg, who is on an official visit to Japan, held official consultations with Japanese Foreign Minister T. Iwaya. Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg expressed gratitude to the Japanese Government and people for their steadfast support of democracy, reform, and sustainable development in Mongolia. She highlighted that deepening friendly relations and cooperation with Japan, a "third neighbor" sharing common democratic values, is a priority direction of Mongolia's foreign policy, to which the Government of Mongolia attaches great importance. The parties praised the deepening "Special Strategic Partnership for Peace and Development" between Mongolia and Japan, highlighting the strengthening of high-level political trust. They reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring the implementation of the "2022-2031 Action Program," a ten-year roadmap of this partnership, by working closely together. In this context, they agreed to expand visits and dialogues at all levels, intensify mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation, and work closely to expand investment. Minister B. Battsetseg emphasized the great importance and deep gratitude of the Government of Mongolia for the upcoming first historical visit of the Emperor and Empress of Japan to Mongolia, invited by the President of Mongolia. The parties expressed their intention to pay special attention to and work closely to prepare for this visit. The parties noted the strengthening of political, security, and defense dialogues at all levels, regularization of strategic and policy consultation meetings, strengthening of the legal basis for defense sector relations, and praised the expansion of Japan's support and assistance to Mongolia's defense sector. They expressed their intention to expand inter-agency cooperation between the foreign ministries of Mongolia and Japan and to continue and expand exchange programs and initiatives successfully implemented among senior, middle, and young staff. Minister B. Battsetseg expressed gratitude for the decision to resume concessionary yen loans under the Official Development Assistance (ODA) framework provided by the Japanese Government to Mongolia. The parties discussed expanding the "Chinggis Khaan" international airport, a symbol of the friendship and partnership between our two countries, and agreed to continue discussions and work on implementing the project within the framework of concessionary loans. Mongolia attaches great importance to participating in the "Osaka-Kansai EXPO 2025" and is working to have high-level representation at Mongolia's national day on July 27, wishing success to the event. The parties decided to continue focusing on deepening the "people-centered" cooperation between Mongolia and Japan and strengthening the legal environment of the partnership, further expanding educational, cultural, and local relations, as well as deepening the exchange of children and youth who represent the future generations of both countries. Minister T. Iwaya expressed his intention to continue the human resource development project under the Japanese Government's Official Development Assistance framework, support the "JENESYS" program, and the "Japan-Mongolia Student Forum." They agreed to intensify cooperation on global challenges such as environmental issues, climate change, and combating desertification, with Japan's Government expressing its continuous and determined support for the "Billion Trees" national movement in Mongolia. They expressed their commitment to diversifying environmentally-friendly energy sources, collaborating in producing hydrogen from lignite coal, and advancing the production and processing of hydrogen and its by-products. The parties expressed their intention to work closely on organizing the 12th public-private joint consultative meeting and the 3rd meeting of the Cooperation Subcommittee on the Economic Partnership Agreement in Tokyo. Additionally, they praised the progress in digitalizing certificates of origin to enhance the benefits of the Economic Partnership Agreement. The parties affirmed their active collaboration in regional and international arenas, committing to further coordination within the framework of the United Nations and other international cooperation organizations. Following the official talks, Mongolia’s Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg and Japan’s Foreign Minister T. Iwaya signed notes exchanged between the two governments for projects implemented under Japanese Government grants: the "Project to Provide Machinery and Equipment for Maintenance and Repair of Sewer Networks" and the "Project for Supplying Air Pollution Measurement Equipment."
Japanese-Mongolian Relations Highlighted as Deepening and Developing Today
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
Minister of Foreign Affairs B. Battsetseg participated in a reception held by Japanese and Mongolian friendship societies in Tokyo as part of her official visit to Japan, and delivered greetings. In her greetings, Minister B. Battsetseg highlighted that the relations between Mongolia and Japan have deepened and developed to a high level of "People-centered" "Special Strategic Partnership for Peace, Development, and Prosperity," thanks to the dedication and efforts of representatives from friendship and cooperative society organizations involved in the development of Mongolian-Japanese relations. She also emphasized that the historic first visit to Mongolia by His Majesty the Emperor and Her Imperial Majesty the Empress of Japan is being given great importance by the government of Mongolia, and expressed deep gratitude. She conveyed her confidence that this honorable visit will be of historical significance in deepening the friendship and camaraderie between the people, which is the "cornerstone" of friendly relations, and in further consolidating the achievements of the current relations. Over 100 representatives including members of the Japan-Mongolia Parliamentary Friendship Group of the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, ambassadors from various terms, as well as representatives from public organizations, friendship societies, and the private sector attended the event. Minister B. Battsetseg also met with Chairman Hiroyuki Tsubai of the Japan-Mongolia Economic Committee. They held productive discussions on strengthening cooperation between the government and the private sector, business and enterprise linkages, and ways to increase trade and investment.
Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg Signed Notes of Exchange
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
On March 4th, in Tokyo, Mongolia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, B. Battsetseg, signed an exchange of notes on behalf of the Government of Mongolia, while Japan's Minister of Foreign Affairs, T. Iwaya, signed on behalf of the Government of Japan. The exchange pertains to two projects funded by the Japanese government's grant aid: the "Project for Supplying Sewage Network Maintenance Equipment" and the "Project for Supplying Air Pollution Measurement Equipment." Within the scope of these projects, Japan will supply Mongolia with sewage draining pipes and equipment for inspection and maintenance, valued at 270 million yen, as well as air pollution measurement stations, boilers, and equipment to monitor emissions from processed coal and coke, valued at 275 million yen. These projects, financed under Japan's grant aid "Programme for Economic and Social Development," aim to make invaluable contributions to monitoring urban air pollution and improving sewage network maintenance and renovation, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg Visits Japanese Red Cross Society
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
Minister of Foreign Affairs B. Battsetseg visited the Japanese Red Cross Society. Within the framework of her visit to Japan, Minister of Foreign Affairs B. Battsetseg met with the President of the Japanese Red Cross Society, A. Seike, and became acquainted with the society's Information Center. Minister B. Battsetseg expressed appreciation for the Japanese Red Cross Society's support in broad areas such as climate change, disaster management, health, and social issues, noting the close cooperation. She emphasized that Mongolia is particularly focused on combating desertification, adapting to climate change, reducing its impact, and improving resilience against potential large-scale natural disasters. She stressed the importance of equipping children and young people with the skills for disaster prevention and preparedness and expressed readiness to cooperate and share experiences in providing disaster education. The President of the Japanese Red Cross Society, A. Seike, expressed sincere gratitude to the Government of Mongolia and the Mongolian Red Cross Society for their heartfelt assistance in the post-earthquake reconstruction in the Noto region, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. The parties discussed continuing close cooperation in areas such as risk reduction, response measures, and preparedness training. In recognition of her contributions to humanitarian efforts, Minister of Foreign Affairs B. Battsetseg was awarded an honorary medal from the Japanese Red Cross Society.
Reports of Secret Talks Between US and Russian Representatives
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
Reports indicate that Russian and American representatives have held secret talks regarding the restoration of natural gas flow through the "Nord Stream 2" pipeline to Germany. This information was reported by the German tabloid "Bild," citing anonymous sources. Currently, the Switzerland-based operators of "Nord Stream 2" and other Russian companies associated with the $11 billion pipeline are subject to US sanctions. However, observers see the US-Russian negotiations on reviving the pipeline as part of President Donald Trump's attempts to mend relations with the Kremlin. According to "Bild," Trump's special envoy Richard Grenell has made informal visits to the headquarters of "Nord Stream 2 AG," the pipeline operator wholly owned by Russia's state-controlled Gazprom, located in Steinhausen, Switzerland. Grenell, however, denies this account. The anonymous source claims that investors, including American businessman Stephen Lynch, are interested in taking control of the operators of both "Nord Stream 1" and "Nord Stream 2" as part of these negotiations to restart the flow of Russian gas through "Nord Stream 2." "The Financial Times" published a similar report, stating that US representatives have already drafted a deal proposal. This endeavor is likely being led by Matthias Warnig, the former CEO of "Nord Stream 2," a former East German spy, and a long-time associate of Vladimir Putin. "Bild" further commented on the talks, writing that "in this way, the Americans will gain control over Germany’s gas supply pipeline and will profit from it," while criticizing the US government for participating in negotiations indirectly and not openly. It was also reported that the German government was not involved in the secret talks held in Switzerland. The outcome of the negotiations to restart "Nord Stream 2" remains uncertain. SOURCE: THE MOSCOW TIMES
This Year, New Roads Will Be Built at 10 Locations in Ulaanbaatar
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
In 2025, Ulaanbaatar City will construct new roads at 10 locations and upgrade roads at 41 locations. Last year, across the capital city, 137.1 km of roads were renewed, amounting to ten times more than the average over the last ten years. The year 2025 has been declared as the “Year of Infrastructure Development” with projects aimed at reducing air and environmental pollution, traffic congestion, and improving the quality of life of citizens. For example, plans include constructing an 800-meter bridge connecting Naadam Street with the First District, a new road from Tonyuukiin road to the Playtime tourism complex, and a road leading to the centralized landfill at Moringiin Davaa and Tsagaan Davaa. As part of the mega projects to develop Ulaanbaatar City, the feasibility study for the first circular road is being prepared, with a tender to select a contractor for construction to be announced in June and construction to begin in August. Additionally, a tender for selecting a contractor for the Tuur Speed Road has been announced, with construction expected to commence in April. The road work includes the application of base asphalt concrete, raising manhole covers, installing new stormwater drains, and replacing barriers.
Flooding of Snowmelt on the Moron-Bulgan Road
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
There has been flooding from snowmelt on the A0902 highway between Moron and Bulgan, specifically at the 16th kilometer from Ikh-Uul soum and the 15th kilometer from Tarlian soum. Authorities have notified travelers to adjust their speed according to road conditions when traveling along this route. In spring, conditions for flooding from snowmelt develop as accumulated snow and ice melt. These types of floods can pose significant damage risks, prompting authorities to issue the following warning information to households and institutions. Snowmelt flooding occurs primarily in mountainous areas when the snow frozen over winter melts as air temperatures rise during spring. HOW TO PREVENT THE DANGER OF SNOWMELT FLOODS: - Do not build homes, fences, shelters, or facilities in paths of floodwaters, riverbeds, gullies, dry channels, flood-prone banks, and floodplains. - Relocate from areas at risk of flooding. - Construct levees, channels, ditches, and barriers to protect against flood and water hazards. - Warn and inform children about the dangers of floods and water hazards. - Do not leave children unattended around rivers, lakes, and ponds. - Store important documents and valuables in secure places that prevent them from being washed away or soaked, ensuring family members are aware of their location. - Keep reserves of clean water and food, and store warm clothes in conditions where they will not be submerged. - Obtain sudden accident and property insurance. - Do not build homes or accommodations under high-voltage electrical lines.
When Citizens No Longer Suffocate, Energy Reform Will Begin to Revitalize
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the site, which was founded in honor of the eminent journalist and columnist Gombojav Otgonbayar, the "Columnist Otgonbayar" Foundation announced a journalism competition for the best works. We present to you the submissions of freelance journalists Z. Tselmeg and B. Gandolgor in this leading article competition. Between 2021-2023, a total of 483 people died due to carbon monoxide poisoning, as per the forensic report of the Forensic Department. On average, it seems over 160 people die from carbon monoxide poisoning annually. Calculating from 2019, when raw coal was banned and briquettes were introduced, the number of deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning approaches 1000. There are legal requirements to conduct a post-mortem examination to determine the cause of death for those who pass away at home, making this information closest to reality. During the smoke hearing held about a month ago, representatives of the public criticized experts for reporting a reduced number of deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning. According to the authorities, citizens suffocate due to stoves and improper heating, sometimes leaving in groups. The harsh reality is that if coal is burned, carbon monoxide is inevitably released, leading to suffocation. Officials indicate that people also died from carbon monoxide poisoning before briquettes were introduced, which is absurd. However, independent experts offer different explanations for the poisoning. Chemist B. Altangadas from "Green Crown" laboratory stated, "We conducted tests and research on carbon monoxide. There are issues with the fuel, stove, and ventilation. Coal also releases carbon monoxide, but its porous structure and smell alert people to potential suffocation. However, these improved briquettes do not release any scent and can only be detected with carbon monoxide sensors. Briquettes should be porous, but their excessive density leads to high carbon monoxide emissions. If oxygen can seep in, the fuel becomes porous. These briquettes were manufactured with high density from the start, which is another fault causing the release of carbon monoxide." According to the chief technologist of "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC, D. Ulziibat, at the hearing, the briquettes are produced according to standards and tested in their own laboratory daily and independently in several laboratories. However, it is unclear if these laboratories are accredited or properly register their tests, as reported by a source familiar with the factory operations. Moreover, rumors suggest that the briquettes contain hundreds of times more cancer-causing arsenic than the permissible level. Yet, no organization takes responsibility or transparently discloses what ingredients are used in the briquettes that 1.8 million people inhale. Therefore, the company's claims of producing standard-compliant fuel seem untrustworthy. This is one reason to consider resolving heating in ger districts using alternatives to coal. Furthermore, the "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC, established by government decree during the current president's tenure as Prime Minister in 2018, gained a significant burden of guilt in just a few years. There have been excessive procurement following tenders with ties to political figures, fraud, and losses. According to information provided by Mayor H. Nyambaatar during the smoke hearing, "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC received subsidies of nearly 1.5 trillion MNT, including 1.3 trillion from "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC and 146.2 billion from the city budget. If the company continues as is, its burden of guilt will grow. During the hearing, Member of Parliament and head of the working group investigating "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC's products, D. Enkhtuya highlighted this as a scheme for embezzlement by officials. Ultimately, they placed the blame on "Energy Resource's" middling grade. Even after twisting and turning half a pie, it doesn't become whole. In the movie "Before Promotion," characters try to fool their lord by rotating half of a cake. Here, the citizens demand accountability while the city authorities rotate "the cake." They announced plans to continue causing carbon monoxide poisoning with "Erdenes Tavantolgoi's" coal instead of "Energy Resource's" starting from next winter. Both are from the same Tavantolgoi group of deposits. The key difference is supposedly washed coal. Extracted from the same deposit, it is likely to have high sulfur content and high calorific value. Therefore, sulfur dioxide (SO2) will still be released into the air, and high calorific values will continue to erode stoves and suffocate households. Authorities should stop discussing coal burning in ger districts altogether. Unless new solutions are found within 30 years, even 14 mega projects won’t help. Nevertheless, city policymakers and urban managers mentioned a fantastical solution called gas fuel. Mayor H. Nyambaatar presented at the hearing that starting in 2025, gas networks would connect ger districts annually, and hard fuel would cease by 2030. By installing gas lines to houses and gas cylinders to yurts, over 130,000 households could introduce gas for use by 2032. How plausible is it that officials who failed to reduce coal usage over 30 years will eliminate smoke by introducing gas fuel within 7 years? The mayor also introduced a budget exceeding USD 127 million just for equipment to install gas sourced 3,000-5,000 kilometers away from Russia into homes. Importing and laying lines to switch to gas fuel seems delusional. While not dismissing gas usage, the city administration’s plan appears poorly researched and leaves implementation unclear, giving the impression of another embezzlement scheme. Dr. L. Jargalsaikhan, Director of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Academy of Sciences, stated, "Switching to gas fuel would relatively reduce coal smoke. Yet, carbon dioxide (CO2), contributing to global warming, will still be emitted. It's unsuitable for our country, as both citizens and implementers lack responsibility. In these conditions, explosions and burns will occur. As a researcher, I believe the most reasonable ultimate solution is improving the accessibility of electric power plants and infrastructure."
Two New Routes Added to Public Transport Service
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
In Ulaanbaatar, in order to increase the accessibility of public transport services and to meet the needs of the citizens, two routes along the main road have been re-established from the 1st of this month. Specifically, buses on routes M:1A '5 Shar-Mungun Zawiy' and M:1B 'Sukhbaatar Square-Officer's Palace' will serve the public. Additionally, the main route M:1 '5 Shar-Officer's Palace' will continue to serve the public.
95 Thousand Households to Be Included in the Insulation Project
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
Mayor H. Nyambaatar stated that dangerous waste must be rectified to reduce air and environmental pollution in Ulaanbaatar city. He mentioned, "To reduce air and environmental pollution, the city of Ulaanbaatar will be divided into green and yellow zones. In the green zone, burning of fuel other than gas and liquid fuels that meet standards (all types of solid fuel), the use of vehicles emitting pollutants above the standard limits, selling of auto gasoline and diesel for these vehicles, use of underground water for household and industrial purposes in locations that can be connected to engineering networks, use of pit toilets and waste pits, open sale of auto spare parts, all types of auto repair services, activities involving recycling, burning, destroying, and burying of waste, and establishment of collection points for hazardous waste included in the danger list will be prohibited," it was stated. Additionally, he emphasized that in the yellow zone designated to reduce air and environmental pollution, more than 147,000 households will be included. These households will be equipped with dual combustion stoves that meet standard requirements, and 95,000 households will be included in the insulation project.
Gas Explosion Trial to Coincide with Bus Meeting
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
A year ago, on the night of January 23-24, 2024, around 01:00, a driver from Dashvaanjil company transporting gas at Dunjingarav junction caused an accident resulting in an explosion that tragically killed seven people. Many others were injured, and there was significant damage to property and psychological harm. Unfortunately, a year has passed since the incident, and the compensation issues remain unresolved as we greet 2025. The trial for this case was scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, but it has been reported that the presiding judge is involved with the green bus meeting, leading to a postponement. The green bus trial is set to continue on March 6, 2025, at 13:30. HONORING THE VICTIMS OF THE EXPLOSION Three officers from the Bayanzurkh District Emergency Department stationed at Branch 63 lost their lives while on duty after the explosion. Four other citizens were also performing their jobs when they died. On January 23, 2025, the families of the victims and the residents of the burned-out Building 207 paid tribute to the victims by lighting 108 candles. A representative of the victims said, "A year has passed without resolution by the legal authorities. The preliminary court hearing hasn't even been scheduled. Dashvaanjil company hasn't even apologized to the victims' families. Instead, they have been using tactics to distance themselves from the incident and made statements to protect themselves. Losing a loved one is extremely difficult and has caused immense psychological and financial harm." Dashvaanjil's defense claimed that the driver involved in the accident was an experienced driver with over 30 years of experience. However, was the driver given safety instructions before transporting hazardous fuel? If so, why did he not immediately inform the police, call for medical assistance, place warning signs within 100 meters of the accident site, and alert those nearby? The issue raised is that the driver was not given safety instructions and was unaware of what to do. DEMOLISHING BUILDING 207 FOR 2.4 BILLION, TO RECONSTRUCT IN 2025 The Head of the Capital's Investment Department, B.Munkhbat, stated that due to the explosion caused by the burning vehicle transporting gas, the use of Building 207 was prohibited, and inspectors from the National Emergency Management Agency provided their findings. Based on the findings, the Capital Governor released an ordinance on December 2, 2024, to demolish and rebuild Building 207. Funds required for demolition were allocated from the Governor's reserve. The committee responsible for evaluation has been restructured. The evaluation committee will announce a procurement process for the demolition of Building 207. Subsequently, 207 will be reconstructed in 2025. A meeting with the residents of Building 207 was held on December 2 to officially introduce the ordinance. The demolition costs will come from the Governor's reserve, and if any responsible parties are identified in connection with the accident, steps will be taken to ensure compensation. Specifically, a tender has been announced to select a contractor for the demolition of Building 207. The tender indicates that the total cost of demolishing Building 207 and reconstructing it by 2025 is estimated at 2.4 billion MNT. Three businesses submitted bids in the tender for selecting a contractor to demolish non-compliant residential buildings. The evaluation committee will complete its assessment within 15 days and sign a contract with the winning business. Building demolition is planned to start with the construction season beginning April 1. After demolition, the procurement process for reconstructing Building 207 will commence. DASHWAANJIL LLC: WE HAVE NO INFORMATION Following the explosion, the driver of the truck transporting gas at Dunjingarav intersection and the company's director were questioned by police. Currently, the executive director of Dashvaanjil LLC, N.Baatarjav, and the driver Ch.Rentsendorj are accused and referred to as defendants. After the explosion, the company faced public condemnation and was urged to take responsibility alone. However, representatives expressed a desire to avoid spreading false information, stating the company is ready to take responsibility if found liable by legal authorities. The company has not provided any explanation or information within the year. When contacted, a PR specialist from Dashvaanjil LLC stated that they themselves have not received any information. If there is information concerning the public, a press conference will be held. At present, we are not authorized to provide any information. Previously, the general director of Dashvaanjil LLC, N.Baatarjav, highlighted that their company fully ensured the safety of the driver involved in the operation a year ago. LIVING IN RENTAL HOUSING FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR E.Enkhtuya, a resident and victim from Building 207, said, "We've been living in rental housing for a whole year. The government is covering our rental costs. The rental payment has been extended until May 30 of this year. While it is planned that the building will be rebuilt, we do not know how many years it will take to demolish and complete it. As an elderly person, constantly living in rental housing is difficult. Most rental places require six months of advance payment. Looking for other places is bothersome. At the very least, there's no furniture. We can't afford to buy all the furnishings anew. Although our house wasn't completely engulfed, the impacts and smoke from the blast made furniture scarce. Some items are already breaking down. There are numerous such issues. The person responsible hasn't been identified to this day. N.Baatarjav, the director of Dashvaanjil company, hasn't met us even once to this day. On January 7, the director was supposed to meet with us, but he didn't show up, later explaining that he couldn't because of work. In a media interview, he said, "Whether our company is actually at fault or not." We believe the incident happened due to the company's occupational safety issues. Yet, that director hasn't apologized to us once. It's something that happened and is in the past. The law and courts will decide. However, even with so many citizens suffering losses, they could have at least apologized to us." GAS EXPLOSION CASE TRANSFERRED FOR TRIAL AFTER ONE YEAR The case of the gas truck explosion that occurred on the night of January 24, 2024, resulting in multiple casualties and property damages, has been transferred by the prosecutors to the primary criminal court of Bayanzurkh, Sukhbaatar, and Chingeltei districts for trial on January 21, 2025. The court has reviewed and accepted the case materials. In the Bayanzurkh district at approximately 01:00 on January 24, 2024, a gas explosion occurred. The fire claimed the lives of three emergency service officers and four pedestrians and motorists, leaving five people severely injured, one with moderate injuries, and 35 with mild injuries or symptoms of gas inhalation. The blaze destroyed 36 vehicles and three buildings, causing an estimated 5.4 billion MNT in damages to 228 individuals and 15 enterprises according to authorities. Prosecutors have reported that two individuals are implicated as defendants in the case. Unofficial sources have indicated that the director of Dashvaanjil LLC and the truck driver have been charged as defendants in the explosion case. Since the task force was formed, experts have undertaken 76 analyses across six categories to determine the scale of damages from the fire, as well as the causes and circumstances of the blaze, producing 75 conclusions and gathering testimonies from over 350 individuals.
Eagle Festival to Start at "Chinggis Khaan Khuree" Tourist Complex in Three Days
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The "Eagle Festival," an event organized annually to promote and pass on the unique traditions, customs, and culture of nomadic heritage, is set to begin at the "Chinggis Khaan Khuree" tourist complex in three days. The festival, now in its 19th year, will be held on March 8 and 9. It provides a unique opportunity to experience the lifestyle and customs up close, with activities such as a parade of eagle hunters, performances of Kazakh national art, clothing and accessories markets, and food services. The traditional skill of taming and training birds of prey for hunting, known as "shofalling," originated among the nomads of Central Asia about 6,000 years ago and continues to be preserved today. Mongolia, preserving this heritage, officially registered it in 2010 with UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
DARKHAN-UUL: Appreciation Given to Companies That Created Jobs
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
In March of the year of the Dragon, appreciation was given to organizations that created new jobs and expanded their operations. In 2024, about 200 jobs were newly added. For example, "Mobicom Corporation" LLC's Darkhan Service Unified Center, or Mobicom's 2222 hotline's Darkhan branch, started operations in October 2021 with 27 employees. In 2024, it expanded its workforce by hiring 29 new employees and now operates with about 60 employees. As part of its social responsibility, the branch uniquely employs two special needs and one retirement-age employees. Additionally, "Tavan Bogd Foods" LLC carried out a construction on a 496.8 sq.m area in the 5th subdistrict of Darkhan-Uul province and opened the 20th KFC branch in August 2024, creating 71 new jobs. This branch is located along the main road from Darkhan to Selenge province, allowing residents of Darkhan sum as well as transit passengers to be served 24 hours a day. "Tavan Bogd Foods Pizza" LLC opened its 25th new branch in Darkhan city on July 17, 2024, coinciding with its 10th anniversary. The Pizza Hut Darkhan branch operates on the first floor of the "Grand Yak" hotel with a total area of 204 sq.m and created 34 new jobs. The management emphasized that students, people with disabilities, and others have the opportunity to work with flexible hours according to international standards. In the old Darkhan, or the 5th subdistrict, "Khuslen Zolboot" LLC, a major business representative, has added new jobs. In 2024, they expanded their workplace from a 600 sq.m area to 2400 sq.m based on consumer demand and expanded their operations. As a result, they created 40-55 new jobs, opening in September 2024. In addition to creating jobs, they are also implementing the "Student" and "Mother" programs according to the organization's internal policies, providing both part-time and permanent job opportunities.
Traffic Jam During Tsagaan Sar Holidays
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The traffic congestion during the Tsagaan Sar holidays in both urban and rural areas was significant. Mongolians have a strong dislike for walking due to laziness. During the Tsagaan Sar holidays, the traffic congestion in the capital frustrated many citizens. The Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, who is also the Governor of the capital, expressed his views on his online page. Mayor Kh.Nyambaatar stated, "During the Tsagaan Sar holidays, both urban and rural areas were congested. Mongolians have a strong dislike for walking due to laziness. If they can avoid it, they won't take a step without their horse. Even for a nearby distance that can be reached with a few steps, they will ride a horse. This was recorded by several foreign researchers who passed through and studied Mongolia 100 to 150 years ago. They noted a strong dislike for walking. A city originally planned for 80,000 cars now has 800,000 cars with no space to turn around. People act like unchecked bulls, ignoring or refusing to understand the facts. In truth, the current situation was caused by a few people prioritizing their small personal interests over the public interest, importing 100,000 to 130,000 cars annually to this city. It's an excessively self-serving and unpatriotic act. Instead of working together to find solutions and strive for a way out of this situation, people are quick to bully and attack anyone trying to make a change. A train runs between Ulaanbaatar and Darkhan. How many are using it? Today there are 1,200 buses in service in Ulaanbaatar. Yet, most cars on the road typically carry only one person. No matter how much road infrastructure, metro, tram, or expressways are built, or how much public transportation is developed, congestion will not disappear without changing our mindset. A problem accumulated over 30 years won't vanish like magic in a day. We all need to understand the issue and tighten our belts to overcome it together. We need to support those who are working and creating solutions to break free from this issue. We might not be able to change the entrenched mindset of 'disliking walking,' but at least we can adopt a supportive mindset and avoid dragging down those who are trying to accomplish something, instead of exhibiting a crab mentality.
SUKHBAATAR: Artisan J. Sharkhuukhen Awarded Order of the Red Banner of Labour for 40 Years of Craftsmanship
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
Citizen of Baruun-Urt sum, J. Sharkhuukhen, has been creating crafts for 40 years. She started sewing at the age of eight and has maintained an interest in sewing, particularly in making traditional Mongolian clothing, developing her skills to become a professional tailor through these years. She owns a sewing salon in her local area. Three generations, including her daughters and granddaughters, have continued the craft, preparing traditional costumes for clients. Seeing people, especially distinguished ones, wearing clothes she made brings her the greatest pride. In recent times, there has been a resurgence in wearing traditional Mongolian clothing. While styles and types have changed, the core tradition is preserved and integrated into modern designs, she shared. Thus, as a master artisan preserving, promoting, and passing on the national heritage, she was honored with the Order of the Red Banner of Labour. By decree of the President of Mongolia, on the brink of the 'Elder Enlightened' wooden snake year of the XVII Jaran cycle, individuals who have achieved high success through many years of fruitful work in public administration, education, health, law, agriculture, governmental and non-governmental organizations were awarded the nation's highest orders and medals.
Honoring the Great Black Military Banner
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The ceremony to purify the Great Black Military Banner took place yesterday. The Mongolian people honor this military black banner, sent by the eternal sky, as a unifying spiritual force and source of courage for soldiers. It is said to protect and ward off enemies from the direction it faces. Historically, Chinggis Khan unified the Mongolian tribes and strengthened the state with the help of this banner, leading heroic warriors and troops. Today, this tradition is continued, and the Great Black Military Banner is honored as the supreme emblem for the Mongolian Armed Forces, symbolizing the defense of Mongolia's independence. This ceremony has been passed down through generations. By performing it today, it entrusts the deeds and fortunes of all the personnel of the Defense and Armed Forces, including peacekeepers fulfilling noble missions worldwide, to the banner's protection and blessing.
Selenge: The Primary Unit Gets a Social Worker
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
Mandal district in Selenge Province, with a population of 28,000, is the largest district in Mongolia. According to the law, a total of five social workers are elected to work in this district, but as of today, there are two social workers. These newly appointed social workers are expected to provide comprehensive social services at the primary unit, playing a crucial role in strengthening the system for child and family protection. Since the implementation of the revised Law on Child Protection, a total of 833 child and family social workers are now employed at the national level in primary units.
DUNDGOVI: Two Elder Citizens Over 100 Act as Living Witnesses to History
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
In celebration of the Lunar New Year, gifts from the President of Mongolia were presented to elderly citizens over 100 years old, and the Governor of the province expressed respect to those over 90 years old. In Dundgovi Province, there are seven people aged over 100 and 140 people aged over 90. Among these elderly and wise individuals are Mongolia's Merited Herdsman, the renowned "Front" named veteran Surenkhor's Tsegmid, and Namsrai's Purevjalba, who participated in the Liberation War of 1945. More than 800 soldiers were drafted from Dundgovi Province for the 1945 Liberation War, and among them, Derene's Soul N. Purevjalba remains as a living witness of history. Born in 1924, he was drafted into military service in 1944, serving in the 9th Battalion at Sulingkheer. Meanwhile, the veteran S. Tsegmid resides in Saikhan-Ovoo soum. Since the age of 18, he worked as a herder and, due to his exceptional work, was elected as a delegate to the first conference of the nation’s top herders, from where he delivered gifts to the World War II front as a historical figure. S. Tsegmid became a "National Excellent Herdsman" at the age of 18, earning the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Merit, and 82 years later, he was awarded the title of "Honored Herdsman."
State great Byamba-Otgon will sing at a local concert
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
Mongolian State great Byamba-Otgon Tsogto will collaborate with singer Bayarmaa Erdenesod to perform in the "Our Land Övörkhangai" concert, delighting the audience with their songs. The concert is scheduled to take place at the Children's Palace of Mongolia on March 6 and will be held only once. Byamba-Otgon, in terms of ranking, is among the top wrestlers. He was expected to win in the Lunar New Year wrestling competition but was defeated in the second round. Byamba-Otgon was born on March 11, 1995, in Tögrög soum, Övörkhangai province. He is a wrestler for the "Ikh Mongol Khüchten" support, "Aldar" sports club, the 034 military unit of the Armed Forces, and Nutgiin Buyan group. BYAMBA-OTGON'S ACHIEVEMENTS: 2019 - succeeded in winning six rounds at the Övörkhangai provincial festival and earned the title of "Provincial Falcon." 2020 - finished second, losing to provincial great Lkhagvadorj Batdelger at the Övörkhangai provincial festival, and received the title of "Provincial Elephant." 2022 - earned the title "Falcon of Mongolia" at the 100th and 101st anniversary festival of the People's Revolution by defeating state champion Jargalsaikhan Shar, state falcon Gantulga Khash-Erdene, and provincial elephant Batmagnai Erdene, winning four, five, and six rounds, respectively.
Jewelry Worth 56 Million MNT Stolen Case Solved
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
On February 23 of this year, a case was registered with the police regarding a burglary at a jewelry store located in the Chingeltei district. The burglars used specialized equipment to break the window protection and stole gold and platinum earrings, rings, and necklaces worth 56 million MNT. According to the registered call and information, officers from the Metropolitan Police Department and the First Division of the Chingeltei District Police Department conducted an investigation. They identified and arrested a 30-year-old male named "B" as the perpetrator. The investigation is ongoing. According to the Criminal Code Chapter Seventeen—Crimes Against Property Rights: “Article 17.1. Theft 1. If a person unlawfully and secretly takes another's property without the use of force, they can be sentenced to perform community service for a period of two hundred forty to seven hundred twenty hours, or be restricted in their freedom of movement for six months to five years, or be imprisoned for a period of six months to five years. 2. If the crime is committed by entering a dwelling, workplace, or specially protected premises, warehouse; or by stealing items that are of historical, cultural, scientific, or technical importance; or by causing significant damage, or by stealing a large amount of property; or by eliminating obstacles using weapons or specially prepared tools, or by using machinery, the sentence can be two to eight years of imprisonment. 3. If the crime is: 3.1. repeatedly committed as a means of livelihood; 3.2. committed by an organized criminal group, the sentence can be five to twelve years of imprisonment." Source: General Police Department Warning Media outlets (Television, Radio, Social and Web sites) are reminded to cite their source as ( when fully or partially using our information in any form!
DARKHAN-UUL: The Oldest Elders Share the Same Name
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The provincial and local leaders expressed their respects and extended greetings to the elders, wishing them health and longevity, and presented them with gifts. Specifically, they honored those who are 90 years old and older with greetings from the President of Mongolia, along with personal gifts and tokens of appreciation from the provincial and district governors. In Darkhan district, there are 78 elders who are over the age of 90. The oldest among them are Baramsaii Khand, who is now 106 years old, and Sharavyn Khand, aged 105. These elders, who share the same name, live with their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren in Darkhan district, enjoying a peaceful and happy life.
Study on Geothermal Resources Around Ulaanbaatar City
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
A preliminary fundamental study to identify the geothermal resources around Ulaanbaatar city has been contracted by the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development and the Mayor's Office of the capital to be conducted by scientists and researchers from the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Determining the geothermal resources is of high importance for integrating environmentally friendly and economically efficient sustainable thermal sources into projects and programs. This research by the scientists and researchers of the Academy aims to determine and evaluate the geothermal potential around Ulaanbaatar city and explore possibilities for its use in heat supply. Moreover, the study intends to develop, compare, and interpret detailed geological, hydrogeological, and geochemical reports to integrate the results into applications.
SELENGE: Corn Cultivation Introduced for the First Time
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
On the eve of the XVII cycle known as the "Diverse Treasure" Year of the Wooden Snake, the team of "Anar-Ord" LLC became one of the pioneering companies in Mongolia to introduce corn cultivation, earning them the distinction of National Champion Farmers. In 2024, the team harvested 595 tons of wheat from 400 hectares and 2200 tons of corn from 250 hectares planted with four varieties. Operating in Selenge province's Sant district, this company has been engaging in agriculture based on modern scientific and technological advancements since its establishment in 2019.
BULGAN: Researchers date the burial mound findings at Mount Maikhan to AD 646-657
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The Sui-yen-t'o period burial mound is located 14 km northeast of the center of Bayannuur sum in Bulgan aimag, behind Mount Bayan Ulaan, at the southern slope of Mount Maikhan, on the right bank of the Tuul River, 8 km southwest of the Kherven Denj ruins. Locals call it "Shoroon Bumbagar," and the mound is built in an oval round conical shape covered in soil. The preserved height of the mound is 4.2 m, with a base diameter of 50 m, and the fence of the mound is 200 x 180 meters. The vestibule leading to the tomb is 42 meters long. The walls of the tomb and the vestibule were lined with thin clay on which images were painted. The burial mound is similar to the Zaamar burial mounds, located at a noticeable site south of the Tuul River. Over 200 grave goods were found from this mound. However, no burial inscription dedicated to the owner of the tomb was discovered, leading the research team to date the monument to around the second half of the 7th century. A guardian or "mahranz," a mythical creature, is traditionally placed at the entrance of the burial mound, and by comparing it with findings from Shoroon Dov in Zaamar, it is determined that the tomb was dedicated to Sifu, the father of Ito, the leader of the Pugu tribe, and is dated to AD 646-657. This period corresponds to the late 6th to 7th century Sui-yen-t'o. Bayannuur sum was established as Bayannuur’s fodder farm in March 1979. Currently, it operates with two bags called Ölziit and Shar Tal. The sum is situated 180 km southeast of the center of Bulgan aimag and 190 km west of Ulaanbaatar, extending north to south along the border with Töv aimag's Zaamar, Erdenesant, Lün, Öndörshüüret, and Bulgan aimag's Dashinchilen sums. The terrain of the sum includes mountains, hills, and plains, suitable for animal husbandry and agriculture.
145 Projects to be Implemented in the Capital's Educational Sector
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
In 2024, a total of 168 projects and activities were implemented in the capital's educational sector. Notably, nine schools, 19 kindergartens, and one elementary school-kindergarten complex were put into operation. However, in 2025, a total of 145 projects and activities will be implemented in the capital's educational sector. Of these, 71 will be funded by the state budget, 50 by the city budget, and 14 by the district budget. According to preliminary planning, 25 schools, 50 kindergartens, and 14 elementary school-kindergarten complexes will be put into operation. The 2025 budget for the capital includes projects such as purchasing one school building, purchasing five kindergarten buildings, and constructing two school buildings, totaling eight projects. Additionally, the Bayangol district will fund the construction of one kindergarten.
NCCD: The eighth case of measles confirmed by laboratory
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The National Center for Communicable Disease (NCCD) announced the confirmation of another case of measles. This brings the total number of confirmed measles cases to eight. The confirmed cases consist of children who were hospitalized in the pediatric ward of Chingeltei District General Hospital and at the National Center for Maternal and Child Health. These children were not of age to receive the recommended vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella. Therefore, children who received services at the Chingeltei District General Hospital or the National Center for Maternal and Child Health but have not completed the full series of scheduled vaccinations, or are not yet eligible due to age (9 months), are urged to urgently attend the NCCD's emergency department in room 1 or 2 from 08:30 to 17:30 and get vaccinated against measles promptly! For further details, please contact 89016199 or 75 103 100 as advised by the NCCD. Notice: Media organizations (television, radio, social media, and websites) must cite the source ( when using this information in any form, complete or partial.
NCCD: Children Hospitalized in Chingeltei Hospital to Receive Vaccination
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The National Center for Communicable Diseases (NCCD) has announced that, as of the surveillance study conducted from February 12 to March 2, 2025, a total of 158 children were hospitalized in the pediatric ward of the Chingeltei District General Hospital. During this period, a young child who was hospitalized was diagnosed with measles. Doctors and specialists are urging the families of these children to monitor their condition for 14 days, which is the incubation period for measles, and to refrain from going outside or inviting guests to their homes. The NCCD’s Emergency Department rooms 1 and 2 are available for consultations from 08:30 to 17:30. Urgent vaccinations against measles are recommended for these children. Due to a laboratory-confirmed imported case of measles, local transmission has been reported, prompting the Ministry of Health and the NCCD to organize an expanded meeting at the NCCD. Participants included members of the case management system, surveillance response, financing, and risk communication teams, where they discussed the ongoing surveillance, responses, clinical status of confirmed cases, treatment, services, vaccination, future actions, recommendations, and resource readiness. The meeting was attended by T. Bayarkhuu, Secretary of the National Emergency Management Agency, L. Battor, Head of the Department for Social Health Policy Implementation at the Ministry of Health, S. Monkhsukh, Head of the Finance and Economic Policy Department, Division Heads D. Bayarbold and S. Jargalsaihan, relevant experts, E. Ankhbayar, Director General of NCCD, his deputy directors, relevant NCCD experts, Z. Bolormaa, Head of the Ulaanbaatar City Health Department, S. Gerelmaa, Head of the NEMUT department, Mrs. Socorro, the WHO country representative, and specialists, and medical staff from the Chingeltei District General Hospital.
Paying Health Insurance: Where Do My Contributions Go?
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The Health Insurance Fund consists of taxes, fees, and direct payments from individuals. The fund's 2025 budget is approved at 2.3 trillion MNT. Previously, the budget was approved for the entire year, and hospitals received payments based on invoices for services provided. From this year, this approach is abandoned for a new financing mechanism. Starting in 2025, according to the approval of the National Council on Health Insurance, monthly spending limits from the insurance fund will be set, requiring health facilities to operate within the approved budget. In other words, the 2.3 trillion MNT budget for 2025 will be distributed over 12 months. Spending beyond budget limits is not allowed. The Ministry of Finance has been strict about budget discipline, which is why the Health Insurance Fund is transitioning to a new funding system starting 2025. This was explained by the head of the Health Insurance Organization, S. Enkhbold, who also introduced this policy to hospital management teams. At the end of 2024, the Health Insurance Fund was 316 billion MNT in debt—178 billion owed to state hospitals, and 51 billion to private facilities and suppliers. This debt was incorporated into the 2025 budget and settled during the first quarter of this year. To prevent similar situations at the end of 2025, contracted hospitals were informed at the start of the year to adhere to their budgets and maintain necessary proportions. The income of the insurance fund was 1.2 trillion MNT in 2021, with 390 billion from contributions by employers and insured individuals, and the rest from the state budget. By 2025, health insurance contributions are expected to be 1.1 trillion MNT, with the remainder financed by the state. In 2025, the budget plans include: - Primary health services tariff for one person at household-level hospitals increased from 30,000 MNT in 2022 to 60,000 MNT. - 600 billion from the 2.3 trillion MNT budget will go to primary health care institutions. - 300 billion MNT for outpatient care annually. - 40 billion MNT for dialysis treatment for around 7,000 people. - 56 billion MNT for day treatments. - 27 billion MNT for high-cost equipment-based treatments. - 21 billion MNT for nursing care and other similar services, as carefully budgeted by type. In 2020, laws related to health insurance were amended to prevent financial burdens from diseases and improve quality of life by increasing access to discounted medications. Previously, people, mainly the elderly, lined up at pharmacies early in the morning for discounted medicine, with the budget running out in the first week. Now, medicine is available at a reduced price any day of the month. The budget for discounted medicine expanded from 30 billion MNT before 2021 to 137 billion MNT through 1,500 pharmacies nationwide in 2024. In 2025, 171 billion MNT is budgeted for medication discounts. Inefficiencies in funding and duplicated efforts have been resolved. Citizens can now choose their hospital; if contracted with the insurance department, they can utilize government or private clinics. With performance-based funding, salaries and incentives increase along with the quality and availability of services. Since 2021, individuals received more support: increasing from a limit of 55,000 MNT monthly or 165,000 MNT quarterly to a 2 million MNT limit, with now no ceiling on assistance amounts. In 2024, a single person received a maximum of 202.8 million MNT in support from the Health Insurance Fund. The individual had blood cancer and required monthly treatments, tallying 12 treatments annually, with a total budget of 20.5 million MNT for these needs. The number of service users from the Health Insurance Fund increases yearly—2.2 million in 2022 to 2.8 million in 2024. In 2021, 17,000 received services over 2 million MNT; this number rose to 142,000 by 2024. Since 2021, as the fund's revenue grows, so does the range and complaints about services, similar to other global contexts. Employed citizens contribute 68.7% of the total fund income, with expenditures constituting 23.7%. Citizens under the minimum wage-paying category contribute 3.3% of revenue but receive 8% of services, paying 23 billion MNT and receiving 119 billion MNT in services, creating income-expense imbalance. 2.2 million of Mongolia’s 3.5 million citizens receive state-covered healthcare services; 1.2 million are children, with the rest being elderly, military personnel, and incarcerated individuals. The healthcare system is based on the principle of "collective solidarity," primarily funded by employed citizens, yet focuses finances primarily on "state-dependent" individuals such as children and seniors. Even though countries aim to allocate 6% of GDP to healthcare funds for uninterrupted service, Mongolia is currently at 3% of GDP. Recent legal changes mean the Health Insurance Organization now gathers premium income from non-working sectors since January 2024. Low coverage from farmers and students remains a challenge; while only 35% of farmers were insured by 2024, the benefits from the fund remain high. Emphasis is placed on encouraging insurance enrollment among herders. Pneumonia and lung obstruction top the list of diagnoses among insured, with 34% of these patients being children and 28% seniors. Although a monthly spending cap for hospitals has been set, no financial limits apply in emergencies. Attention is focused on maximizing the fund's efficiency and reducing overseas treatment by finalizing 2025 contracts with healthcare facilities.
There will be six wrestling competitions featuring national and regional champions this month.
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The Mongolian National Wrestling Association traditionally introduces the schedule of wrestling events organized at the wrestling palace every month. This month will begin with an open wrestling competition featuring 128 strong wrestlers with national, regional, military, and local titles, dedicated to the annual gathering of Bayankhongor aimag. This competition will be held on the 13th of this month. In addition, a wrestling match dedicated to the Armed Forces Day and the military celebration will be organized on the 16th of this month. Furthermore, there will be a traditional wrestling event dedicated to the Kazakh Naadam celebration. Additionally, there are two wrestling events scheduled to award ranking points to wrestlers this month. The first congress of aimag and soum wrestling associations is also planned for the 21st of this month. Let us present the schedule of wrestling events to be held in March. March 13: An open wrestling competition featuring 128 strong wrestlers with national, regional, military, and local titles dedicated to the annual gathering of Bayankhongor aimag. March 15: A wrestling event featuring 128 strong wrestlers with national, regional, military, and local titles dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Ulaanbadrakh soum in Dornogovi aimag. March 16: The traditional wrestling event featuring 128 strong wrestlers with national, regional, military, and local titles dedicated to the military celebration. March 22: A wrestling event featuring 128 strong wrestlers with national, regional, military, and local titles dedicated to the Naadam celebration. March 23: A wrestling event in honor of Bulgan soum of Dornod aimag featuring regional, military, local titled, and young wrestlers with a total of 256 participants. March 27: A wrestling event featuring local titled and young wrestlers. March 28: A wrestling event featuring 128 strong wrestlers with national, regional, military, and local titles dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Uvs aimag. March 29: A draw competition featuring the top 64 wrestlers with the highest ranking organized by "Best Buudan" company, known as the "Golden Buzzer." March 30: A wrestling event titled "Treasure of Bogd Khan Uul" featuring 128 strong wrestlers with national, regional, military, and local titles with high rankings.
The Mongolian Team Will Participate in the "Turin 2025" Special Olympics Winter Games
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The Special Olympics Winter Games will be held from March 8 to 16, 2025, in the city of Turin, Italy, with more than 1,500 athletes from 103 countries competing in 8 winter sports. At the "Turin-2025" Winter Games, the Mongolian Special Olympics team will participate in 6 sports: alpine skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, dance, and floor hockey. The team consists of 24 athletes selected from Ulaanbaatar city and regions including Dornod, Övörkhangai, Orkhon, Khovd, Govi-Altai, and Bayan-Ölgii provinces. During the Turin Winter Olympics, the "Global Leadership Alliance for an Inclusive Society" will hold its regular meeting, with Mongolia being represented by Minister of Culture, Sports, Tourism, and Youth Ch. Nomin. This high-level meeting brings together government representatives and members from Special Olympics member countries, partner organizations working internationally, civil society representatives, researchers, and experts in fields such as sports, health, and education to share experiences and present solutions to the challenges they face. Additionally, during the Turin Olympics, the assembly will certify new members and will focus on fulfilling the objectives of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted on December 13, 2006, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Efforts will concentrate on reducing development disparities, protecting the rights of people with special needs, and establishing equal opportunities worldwide. The biggest issue facing children and youth with intellectual disabilities is education. About 43% of these children drop out of school, 49% have never attended school, and 42% cannot read, write, or do basic arithmetic. They are two to three times more likely to be bullied and marginalized compared to their peers. The disparity has worsened since the COVID pandemic. Children with intellectual disabilities are 3 times more likely to contract COVID and 6 times more likely to die from it compared to others. Therefore, Special Olympics is expanding its inclusive education program, successfully implemented in 30,000 schools across 148 countries, to fulfill the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and make a historical decision towards a Humanitarian Revolution, with Mongolia playing a leading role in this initiative. The Special Olympics Winter Games will be held from March 8 to 16, 2025, in the city of Turin, Italy, with athletes competing in 8 winter sports.
Chinggis Khaan National Museum to Open from Tomorrow
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The Chinggis Khaan National Museum will operate according to its regular schedule from March 6. The museum was closed during the days of the Mongolian traditional Tsagaan Sar holiday, from the 1st to the 5th of this month. During the "Elbev Erdenet" year of the 17th cycle, which is the year of the snake, on the second day of the first month of spring according to the lunar calendar, an initiative by the President of Mongolia led to the installation of a golden statue of the Great Khan, the Sacred White Banner, and the State Seal within the museum.
"Swan Lake" Ballet to be Performed This Weekend
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The State Opera and Ballet Academic Theater will perform P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" ballet on March 8 and 9, 2025. P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" was first performed on the stage of our opera theater on June 28, 1975, under the direction of ballet master, State Prize laureate, Hero of Labor, and People's Artist B. Jamyangogva, with People's Artist J. Chuluun as conductor and People's Artist Ch. Gungasukh as the chief stage designer. P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" was originally staged on March 7, 1877, at the Bolshoi Theater. Tchaikovsky first created this work, under the name "The Lake of Swans," as a one-act piece dedicated to his cousin David's children. However, over time, this work gained appreciation and respect not only from children but also from audiences of classical art, becoming a renowned masterpiece. For 49 years, the UDABT (State Opera and Ballet Academic Theater) team has been bringing this world-class classic work to life on their stage. Meanwhile, the opera "Rigoletto" by composer J. Verdi consists of three acts and four scenes and was first staged on the UDABT stage on January 10, 1987. The opening of the 62nd performance season of UDABT is ready to start with this globally acclaimed classical masterpiece.
Artists of UDE Theatre to Present “Desire Under the Elms” Under a New Name
Published: 2025-03-05 | Translated from:
The play "Desire Under the Elms" by Eugene O’Neill, renowned as a remarkable work of American realist drama, will premiere today. This production, presented as a gift to audiences by the UDE Theatre, is directed by the State Meritorious Director N. Naranbaatar. Praised for successfully adapting ancient Greek dramatic thought onto American social soil and unfolding an intriguing psychological drama, this play was first brought to the stage by the UDE Theatre in 1996 under the title "The Love of Hell," causing quite a sensation at the time. Now, 29 years later, it will premiere through the vision of the State Meritorious Director N. Naranbaatar. Since 1924, this celebrated play has captivated theatre stages around the world. The principal artist for the production is State Meritorious Artist T. Gankhuyag, with C. Bydrag credited as the playwright. The lead role of Ephraim Cabot is portrayed by M. Tuvshinkhuu, who received the title of State Meritorious Artist before the Lunar New Year, and MUCTA B. Battumur. The role of Abbie Putnam is played by O. Dolgor and D. Asardari. Additionally, the roles of Eben Cabot, Simeon Cabot, and Peter Cabot are performed by T. Sergelen, T. Namsrai, B. Battogtokh, and N. Munkh-Erdene respectively.
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