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Mongolia News Summary for July 08, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for July 08, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene Reappointed

Published: Unknown

L. Oyun-Erdene was appointed as Prime Minister with a unanimous vote from all 103 members who participated in the plenary session of the State Great Khural.

A resolution was passed regarding the appointment of L. Oyun-Erdene as Prime Minister, which is effective from the date of approval. Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene will continue to lead the Cabinet and has been granted authority by the State Great Khural. Following his appointment, Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene delivered a speech:

"President of Mongolia, Speaker and honorable members of the State Great Khural, Dear Mongolians,

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to you, a citizen of democratic Mongolia, for exercising your rights, fulfilling your duties, and actively participating in the elections.

Since we transitioned to a democratic system, this is the ninth parliamentary election, and we are ushering in a new era with a completely new parliament consisting of 126 representatives, including a voice for diverse sectors and social groups. This election has been compared to the dawn of the democratic changes in 1990.

For the first time, this parliament is composed of representatives from multiple parties, with 32 female members, making up 25% of the total, which surpasses the Asian average. Additionally, this parliament includes the most engineers, researchers, university professors, professional experts, doctors, and teachers, as well as representatives of the disabled community, Mongolians living abroad, civil society organizations, and the media. Of the total members, 81 are newly elected, constituting 64% of the parliament, marking this as a victory for the people and the start of a new 30-year period.

During the Democratic Revolution of 1990, the people of Mongolia, despite having limited resources, were optimistic about the future. The leader of the Democratic Revolution, Sanjaasuren Zorig, prioritized national interest first, party interest second, and personal interest last. Unfortunately, corruption has tarnished the goals and principles of the Democratic Revolution, disheartening and breaking the trust of citizens.

Returning to our forgotten goals and principles, as defined by Prime Minister Amar in the "New Revival Policy," today the people of Mongolia expect the Democratic Revolution to return to its original values and to dismantle the corruption system fully.

Congratulations to the newly appointed members of the State Great Khural, Speaker Dashzegviin Amarbaysgalan, and best of luck in your work."

Translated from: https://www.montsame.mn/mn/read/347354

Power Outages Continue in Ukraine

Published: Sun, 07 Jul 2024

Russian soldiers continue to target Ukraine's power plants and energy systems, causing ongoing power outages in the country. This situation is particularly severe for people with serious illnesses.

Tatiana's son was born with a disability. He needs electrically powered equipment for breathing, eating, and taking medication. They live in the port city of Odessa. Now, they are using a gasoline-powered generator. The generator must be kept full all the time and stopped for cooling every six hours. The war has made life extremely difficult for this family.

"When my son's health deteriorates, we call an ambulance. Sometimes it arrives in 30 minutes, other times in an hour. If my son is without oxygen, he will die. Once, his face turned blue. Some days, we are without electricity for 12 hours," his mother said.

Power outage periods in Ukraine are getting longer, and even areas far from the war are experiencing power cuts. After an air raid on the 6th of this month, 100,000 residents in the northwestern region of Sumy were left without electricity. Some places also face water shortages.

According to Ukraine's "Ukrenergo" company, the country has lost 9 gigawatts of power generation capacity in the past three months. This is equivalent to one-third of the country's total power production. All state-owned thermal and hydroelectric power plants in Ukraine have been destroyed by Russian missiles and drones.

Source: BBC

Translated from: https://gogo.mn/r/qyw0o

The DP’s National Policy Committee Decides to Collaborate with the Government

Published: Sun, 07 Jul 2024

The Democratic Party (DP)'s National Policy Committee (NPC) held an extraordinary meeting today, attended online by over 70% of its members.

During the meeting, they discussed the results of the State Great Khural (parliamentary) elections, whether to cooperate with the newly forming government, and the matter of expressing confidence in the party leader, Lu.Gantomor.

The committee members expressed their agreement to work together to address pressing development issues outlined in the election platform, such as liberalizing the energy sector, implementing tax reforms to reduce debt, industrializing and decentralizing state power, fighting persistently against debt, improving citizens' housing conditions by lowering mortgage interest rates to reduce monthly payments and enhance the quality of life, and eliminating discrimination based on political affiliation.

Most of the NPC members expressed their support for participating in the government, emphasizing that the election took place in a challenging economic period. They decided to collaborate on state policies and decisions moving forward.

With 92% of the members' votes, the DP decided to cooperate with the government, and with 90% of the votes, Lu.Gantomor was re-elected as the party leader.

Translated from: https://ikon.mn/n/36qr

OVERVIEW: The Powers of the New Parliament with 126 Members Have Begun

Published: Sat, 06 Jul 2024

In the past week, significant events have been summarized.

The General Election Commission issued certificates to 126 candidates elected through the ninth parliamentary election last Monday. The results of the elections were as follows: MPP with 68 seats, DP with 42 seats, HUN with eight seats, and each four seats for MNDP and the National Coalition. Thus, representatives from five parties and coalitions will serve in Parliament.

On the same day, the President met with the leaders of the parties and coalitions that have seats in Parliament. The head of state reminded the parties and coalitions elected during the regular parliamentary elections to forget the conflicts and disputes that arose during the elections and work unitedly for the common interests of the country. He urged to focus on ensuring and safeguarding the independence, security, and national unity of Mongolia with mutual understanding and forward-looking actions.

The inaugural session of the new parliament, scheduled by the President of Mongolia, was held last Tuesday. According to the law on parliamentary procedures, the inaugural session should be chaired by the oldest elected member. Thus, President of the Academy of Sciences, Academician D.Regdel, chaired the session, and the other members took the oath of office in alphabetical order, paying tribute to the State Emblem. With the oath-taking, the authority is implemented, and the first issue discussed in the parliamentary session was the appointment of the new parliament speaker.

Based on the decision of the Executive Council of the MPP, the decision to appoint the General Secretary of the MPP, the Chief of the Cabinet Secretariat, and the minister of Mongolia, D.Amarbayasgalan, as the parliament speaker was introduced in the session, and a vote was held. Out of 126 members present, only five did not support the decision, and the majority voted in favor. Thus, D.Amarbayasgalan was appointed as the ninth parliament speaker and began exercising his authority.

Thus, the authority of the parliament formed due to the regular parliamentary elections began. Several new appointments were made in connection with the election results. D.Amarbayasgalan, appointed as the parliament speaker, handed over his role as the MPP General Secretary, and Y.Sodbaatar, who served as the Chief of the President’s Office, was appointed as the acting General Secretary until the next MPP Conference. Meanwhile, G.Zandanshatar, who was previously the parliament speaker and lost in this election, has been appointed as the Chief of the President’s Office and started his new duties last Tuesday.

In the unified session of the Parliament last Friday, the appointments of the deputy speakers were discussed. The MPP nominated H.Bulgantuya as the deputy speaker, and the DP nominated B.Purevdorj, both of whom received majority support from the members. H.Bulgantuya and B.Purevdorj being nominated as the deputy speakers were supported by 100% of the 110 members present in the session, and thus the parliamentary resolution was passed.

Following the appointment of the deputy speakers, the composition of the standing committees was discussed. Members were allocated to 11 standing committees based on their preferences, and the parliament speaker read out and introduced the resolution in the unified session. Thus, the resolution on the composition of the standing committees of the State Great Khural was approved.

Click here to find out which standing committees the 126 members have been allocated to.

Based on the results of the 2024 regular parliamentary elections, the MPP, which won the majority of seats, nominated Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene as the Prime Minister of Mongolia. This nomination was submitted to President U.Khurelsukh on July 5, 2024, and later discussed and approved in the parliamentary session. Out of 104 members present, 103 supported the nomination, and thus, L.Oyun-Erdene was reappointed as the Prime Minister of Mongolia, continuing to lead the executive branch. One member voting against was parliament member Ch.Lodoisambuu.

He stated, 62% of voters were dissatisfied with the government. Therefore, it is not a matter of great joy that the Prime Minister was reappointed. The past three years and recent months have divided and ideologically polluted Mongolian society. The Mongolian people have issued their verdict on this. Thus, this is not a matter of joy but a sad event for the Mongolian people.

Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene remarked, This election is significant not only for starting a new 30-year era for the parliament but also for addressing the fundamental issues accumulated in society over a long period. The country, like a human body, is a living organism. When every cell and organ is healthy, blood circulation accelerates, and immunity remains strong, akin to ensuring holistic development for the country. We should diagnose and undertake fundamental reforms, not just deal with symptoms. Over the next four years, we must implement initiated projects such as port revitalization, tourism, e-governance, and the oil refinery.

He also outlined key tasks for the government over the next four years, including the urgent liberalization of the energy sector without engaging in politics, asking other political parties represented in parliament to work together. The energy sector must operate without losses and develop based on market principles, a well-known fact to sector professionals and successive governments, though rarely implemented. Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene prioritized this in his agenda, urging other parties and coalitions to work together for the nation's development.

The Prime Minister has received his appointment and now focuses on quickly approving the composition of the new government. The leader of the winning party, L.Oyun-Erdene, officially proposed forming a coalition government to other parties represented in parliament. The MPP Executive Council held a meeting, and a working group was established consisting of MPP Chairman L.Oyun-Erdene, Parliament Speaker D.Amarbayasgalan, and acting General Secretary Y.Sodbaatar. The working group will consult with other parties and coalitions on implementing constitutional amendments, legal reforms, forming the new government, and discussing the government’s policy program and composition with parties occupying seats in parliament.

DP's Political Council reportedly supported joining the coalition government in its meeting last Thursday, according to media reports. However, the DP has not made an official announcement. The HUN party has also not yet stated its position. Plans are to form the new government before the National Festival.

Translated from: https://gogo.mn/r/veo4x

GED: Export Figures Surpass Import Figures by $2505.8 Million, Resulting in a Positive Trade Balance

Published: Sat, 06 Jul 2024

In the first six months of 2024, Mongolia traded with 148 countries worldwide, resulting in a total trade turnover of $13,262.6 million. This is an increase of $1,426.6 million or 12.1% compared to the same period in 2023. The export figures surpassed the import figures by $2,505.8 million, resulting in a positive trade balance.

For the first six months of 2024, our country exported goods and raw materials worth $7,886.2 million, which is a 4.3% increase compared to the same period last year.

98.6% of the exported goods were part of foreign currency trade. Foreign currency exports increased by $280.6 million or 3.7% compared to the previous year.

In the first six months of 2024, 97.7% of the exported mineral products consisted of coal, copper concentrates, molybdenum concentrates, fluorite, iron ore, zinc ore, and crude oil, according to the General Authority for Customs (GED).

Translated from: https://gogo.mn/r/69qo0

Intercity Passenger Buses Now Equipped with WIFI

Published: Unknown

WIFI devices have been installed in 231 vehicles serving the provinces of Govi-Altai, Khovd, Khuvsgul, Uvs, Bayan-Ulgii, Darkhan-Uul, Arkhangai, Ovorkhangai, and Bayankhongor.

The Ministry of Road and Transport Development reported that they plan to extend this service to 627 vehicles of 59 companies in 19 provinces. This will not only provide passengers with comfortable travel on long journeys but also allow them to receive timely news and information.

Translated from: https://www.montsame.mn/mn/read/347346

Tul, Kherlen, and Onon Rivers Exceed Flood Levels by 5-30 cm

Published: Sun, 07 Jul 2024

The water levels of the rivers Tuy, Baidrag, Zag, Tsagaanturuut in the foothills of the Khangai Mountains, and Dundzenkher, Doloonuur, Tögörög, which are fed by the Altai Mountains, have increased by 5-20 cm compared to the previous day. Currently, the rivers Tuul (Ulaanbaatar), Khar (Darkhan), Kherlen (Mungunmorit-Undurkhaan), and Onon exceed flood levels by 5-30 cm. The Tuul River near Lun sum has surpassed the hazardous flood level by 50 cm.

The ongoing flood along the Kherlen River is expected to reach Choibalsan city around July 10th and 11th, possibly exceeding flood levels by approximately 10 cm. Residents, especially herders living along the lower reaches of the river, are warned to stay alert and relocate away from the riverbanks to avoid flood risks.

Additionally, the Buunt, Bulgan, Tögörög rivers originating from the Altai Mountains, and Kharhiraa River in Uvs Nuur Basin have exceeded flood levels by 5-25 cm. The Khovd River near Myangad sum has surpassed the hazardous flood level by 10 cm. On Saturday, temporary rains are expected in the mountainous regions of Mongol Altai, Khangai, Khuvsgul, Khentii, and the Orkhon-Selenge basin. The water levels of rivers in saturated and flood conditions may rise sharply in a short period, depending on the intensity of precipitation during this period. Residents, herders, and travelers along the river basins are urged to remain vigilant against flood risks.

Translated from: https://news.mn/r/2737405/

The water level of Tuul River in the Lun area exceeded the dangerous flood level by 50 cm

Published: Sat, 06 Jul 2024

As of today, the Tuul River (Ulaanbaatar), Kharaa River (Darkhan), Kherlen River (Mungunmorit-Undurkhaan), and Onon River exceeded the flood levels by 5-30 cm, with the Tuul River in the Lun area surpassing the dangerous flood level by 50 cm.

The National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring is issuing a warning to prevent flood hazards. As of July 6, the water levels of the rivers originating from the Khuvsgul Mountains, including the Uur, Sishkhed, Khanu, and Shargaljuut of the Khangai Mountains, and the right bank of the Khentii Mountains, Tuul (Zaamar), and the left bank, Herlen (Choibalsan), have increased by 5-15 cm compared to the previous day.

The flood along the Kherlen River is expected to reach Choibalsan city and surpass the flood level by approximately 10 cm on July 10-11 during the Naadam festival. Therefore, residents and herders along the Kherlen River, especially those residing near the river, are advised to exercise caution, avoid the river, and relocate if necessary.

Additionally, the Buyant, Bulgan, and Togrog rivers originating from the Altai Mountains, and the Kharkhiraa River in the Uvs Lake basin, have exceeded the flood levels by 5-25 cm, and the Khovd River near Myangad soum remains flooded, exceeding the dangerous flood level by about 15 cm. Due to the expected brief rain showers in the coming days, residents of cities, towns, and herders camping and residing near these rivers are strongly warned to remain vigilant against the dangers of flooding.

Translated from: https://gogo.mn/r/57qdn

Registration for Wrestlers for National Festival Begins Today

Published: Sat, 06 Jul 2024

On the occasion of the 2233rd anniversary of the first state, the 818th anniversary of the founding of the Great Mongol Empire, and the 103rd anniversary of the People's Revolution, 512 wrestlers will compete in the National Grand Festival. The wrestlers will be registered at the Mongolian Wrestling Palace from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM from July 7 to 9.

Wrestlers are required to bring their title certificate, national identification card, and a photo for registration.

Translated from: https://news.mn/r/2737369/

L. Oyun-Erdene: Let's work together without politicization to liberalize the energy sector that has been awaited for 30 years

Published: Sat, 06 Jul 2024

At the afternoon session of the first parliamentary session of the State Great Khural of Mongolia today, the issue of appointing the Prime Minister of Mongolia was discussed. The proposal to appoint the Prime Minister of Mongolia was presented by President of Mongolia U. Khurelsukh, and the recommendation of the Standing Committee on State Structure was introduced by Member of the State Great Khural L. Enkh-Amgalan. During the discussion, members of the State Great Khural asked questions, received answers, and gave speeches. Out of the 104 members who participated in the voting, 103 supported L. Oyun-Erdene, and with 99% of the votes, he was appointed as the Prime Minister of Mongolia.

The Prime Minister of Mongolia, Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene, delivered a speech. Here is the full text of his speech. He said:

Dear President of Mongolia,
Speaker of the State Great Khural, esteemed members,
Fellow Mongolians,

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to you as a citizen of democratic Mongolia for exercising your right, fulfilling your duties, and actively participating in the election. Since the transition to a democratic system, the election of the State Great Khural for the ninth time has become history, with a parliament of 76 members based on territorial representation, and we are entering a new era with a completely new parliament with 126 representatives representing various parties, social groups, and sectors.

Our people welcomed this election morning with discussions comparing it to the days following the democratic changes of 1990. This parliament consists of representatives from multiple parties, including 32 female members elected for the first time, making up 25% of the total members, which is above the average for Asian countries.

Furthermore, the parliament includes the most engineers, scientists, university professors, professional experts, doctors, teachers, representatives of people with disabilities, Mongolians living abroad, social consensus organizations, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Trade Union of Mongolia, the media, and civil society organizations, fully meeting these representations.

81 members in this parliament are newly elected, making up 64% of the total members.

This is indeed the VICTORY OF THE PEOPLE and the BEGINNING OF A NEW 30 YEARS. During the democratic revolution of the White Horse Year in 1990, the People of Mongolia, despite the rationed goods, had faith in their future. The leader of the democratic revolution, Sanjaasurengiin Zorig, prioritized national interests first, political party interests second, and personal interests last.

Unfortunately, what has blurred the ideology of the democratic revolution that S. Zorig dreamed of and the older leaders believed in and transferred power peacefully, and what has disappointed and broken the hopes of the citizens is CORRUPTION.

What has blurred the ideology of the democratic revolution that S. Zorig dreamed of, and disappointed and broken the hopes of the citizens is corruption.

Returning to forgotten goals and lost principles, Prime Minister A. Amar and others defined this realization as the "NEW TURNING POLICY." Today, the people of Mongolia desire to restore the democratic revolution to its original values and completely dismantle the system of corruption, which is the reason for making this choice.

Congratulations and best wishes to the esteemed members of the State Great Khural who have taken the oath and started exercising their full authority, and to the newly appointed Speaker of the State Great Khural, Dashzegviin Amarbayasgalan.

Speaker of the State Great Khural, esteemed members,
I believe that this election is not only a time to start a new 30 years for the parliament, but also an important time to solve the fundamental issues accumulated over a long period in society. A country is like a living organism similar to the human body. For development, it is necessary to diagnose the underlying causes of dysfunction rather than focusing on symptoms, and fundamental reforms must be made.

In the next four years, besides completing projects such as port revitalization, tourism development, e-governance, and the oil refinery, we need to:

  • Work together without politicization to promptly implement the liberalization of the energy sector that has been awaited for 30 years. Without reviving the energy sector, building cities and expanding the economy would be empty dreams.
  • As the election was held for the first time by regional constituencies, issues should be viewed at the regional level, not just at the provincial level, linking provincial centers and border ports, and accelerating the mega project of the "FIVE CIRCLES" infrastructure.
  • Establish specialized zones and implement differentiated tax policies, promoting industrial, mining, renewable energy, intensive agriculture, and historical, natural, and cultural tourism zones.
  • Strengthen the National Wealth Fund system to ensure environmental protection, benefits for citizens, and clarity for investors in the mining sector, implementing health, education, housing, and savings programs through the National Wealth Fund.
  • Find solutions to determine the next export products and economic sectors for our country following the export of coal and natural resources, and support other economic sectors.
  • Due to global climate change, significant challenges are arising for nomadic livestock farming. Measures against desertification, cooperative systems, disaster management, and upgrading the emergency sector are urgently required. The initiatives "One Billion Trees", "Food Revolution", and "White Gold" introduced by President U. Khurelsukh highlight that these issues concern the entire nation.
  • During this parliamentary term, I am confident that we can resolve the 30-year political debate on decentralizing the overly concentrated state power in the central administrative districts, moving the government to Khushig Valley, following the classical parliamentary principles of separated powers.
  • By doing this, we can create an "alive" city planning with new standards for family and human-centric living, offering safe and green areas, and access to healthcare, education, and cultural services within 20 minutes.
  • We need to build the highway surrounding the capital and Bogd Khaan Mountain, beginning the construction of the bridge connecting the capital and Khushig Valley within this year.
  • Accelerate the urban development plans regionally, addressing the construction and investment issues of new cities like Kharkhorum and New Zuunmod.

To achieve our set goals swiftly, we will work based on innovations, scientific advancements, big data, and technological progress, and with the recommendations of professional experts. The government will fully support active partnerships with investors, private sectors, professional associations, and universities.

To achieve our economic objectives, maintaining a minimum 6-7% annual economic growth is essential. It requires supporting investments in industrialization, mineral exploration, green technology shifts, information technology, tourism, and agriculture.

Implementing this economic plan necessitates drastically improving government productivity. Establishing a classic parliamentary government involves significant reforms on this foundation, aligning with the common practices of countries with developed parliamentary systems. Essentially, this parliament can play a crucial role in transitioning toward a system where government structures are not general but specific, addressing particular issues in detail, accountable, and evaluable.

Speaker of the State Great Khural, esteemed members,
As Prime Minister, I pledge to respect each voter's opinion, identify overlapping supported programs, and formulate a concise, clear, and effective program for the government's operations. I am ready to actively cooperate based on the mentioned principles and supported programs, considering the complex international geopolitical situation to timely implement this program.

We are not billions. We are not even hundreds of millions. For Mongolia to leap forward in development and to start the new 30 years, the active PARTICIPATION of every Mongolian is crucial. May the State of Mongolia flourish under the eternal blue sky.

Translated from: https://gogo.mn/r/1em13

A Lobby Group to Support Education and Science Sector Established in Parliament

Published: Sat, 06 Jul 2024

For the first time, a lobby group to support the education and science sector has been established in the newly formed 126-member Parliament. This initiative was taken without regard to any party or coalition, and the lobby group of Parliament members was formed yesterday.

The proposal to establish the lobby group was put forward by MPs J. Galbadrakh, J. Bayarmaa, L. Gantomor, Ts. Davaasuren, G. Damdinyam, S. Zulphar, Ch. Lodoysambuu, Ts. Munkhtuya, P. Naranbayar, D. Regdel, B. Tulga, Ch. Undram, B. Kherlen, N. Batsumberel, O. Saranchuluun, D. Ganmaa, D. Bumo-Ochir, P. Batchimeg, and A. Undraa. The first meeting was held at the ceremonial auditorium of the State House.

"A unified and correct policy is needed in the education and science sector beyond politics. I appreciate that our lobby group members all have experience working in the education and science sectors. Countries that listen to and focus on their education and science sectors develop with the right policies," stated MP and Minister of Education, Science, and Culture L. Enkh-Amgalan on his social media page.

Translated from: https://gogo.mn/r/xv9jj

Mongolia and India's Joint "Nomadic Elephant-2024" Exercise is Being Held

Published: Unknown

Within the framework of defense sector relations and cooperation between Mongolia and the Republic of India, the joint "Nomadic Elephant" training exercise commenced on the 3rd of this month at the "Integrated Military Training Centre" of the Armed Forces of India located in Shillong, Meghalaya, India.

Participating in the opening of the joint exercise, Mongolia’s Ambassador to India, D. Ganbold, noted in his speech that the "Nomadic Elephant" exercise is a testament to the successful development of defense cooperation which holds an important position in the bilateral relations between the two countries. He expressed confidence that the exercise not only enhances the knowledge and skills of military personnel but also strengthens the friendly cooperation focusing on unity and camaraderie among the soldiers, being an effective training exercise. Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of exchanging experiences, learning military operations tactics, participating in peacekeeping missions, and strengthening diplomatic relations through the mutual exchange of history, culture, traditions, and customs.

The ambassador highlighted the expanding friendly cooperation in the defense sector between the two countries, facilitated through organized exchanges of visits, regular cooperation meetings, support for the training and preparation of Mongolian military personnel, capacity enhancement for peacekeeping operations, mutual study of experiences, and the organization of joint military exercises.

The joint exercise first included the participation of the personnel from the Armed Forces Unit No. 150 when it was organized in Mongolia in 2004. This year, again, the personnel from the same unit will participate, along with a certain number of female soldiers from both sides who are studying and sharing their experiences alongside their male counterparts. The exercise is being directed by Colonel B. Olzbayar from the Mongolian side, commanding the Armed Forces Unit No. 150, and Colonel S.B. Munnoli from the 11th Mountain Infantry Battalion of India, as informed by the Embassy of Mongolia in India.

Mongolia and India will mark the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2025.

Translated from: https://www.montsame.mn/mn/read/347370

"Ivanhoe" to Sell Zinc Extracted from New Mine to "Trafigura" and China's "Citic" Company

Published: Wed, 03 Jul 2024

"Ivanhoe Mines" has announced that it will sell zinc extracted from its significant new mine in the Congo to "Trafigura" and China's "Citic Metal" company. The initial extraction at the "Kipushi" zinc mine started on June 14. This mine is expected to be one of the largest zinc mines in operation, with an anticipated production of 100,000 to 140,000 tons of zinc this year.

Last month, "Ivanhoe Mines" entered into a zinc concentrate sales agreement with "Trafigura" and "Citic Metal" and is expected to increase the number of agreements with these companies in the coming months.

It was reported that these investors are expected to provide $170 million in financing. Since the energy crisis in Europe in 2021-2022, the demand for zinc concentrates in the market has been high and trading activities are active.

Translated from: https://bloombergtv.mn/news/h2q2q4

Renovating the Road from Emeelt to Khui Doloon Khuduk Safety Circle

Published: Tue, 02 Jul 2024

In connection with the celebration of the 2233rd anniversary of the establishment of the Tulgaar State, the 818th anniversary of the establishment of the Great Mongol State, the 113th anniversary of the National Independence, and the 103rd anniversary of the People's Revolution, the road from the intersection that branches to the western provinces to Khui Doloon Khuduk, Emeelt, and Ar Gunt is being renovated.

Within this scope, the 1.1 km road from Emeelt to the safety circle of Khui Doloon Khuduk will be renovated by July 8. As of today, the road is being partially paved, marked, and elevated, with ditches being dug and restored. The completion rate is at 90%.

Source: Public Relations and Information Department of the Mayor's Office

Translated from: https://www.unuudur.mn/a/269609

Local Budget Yields One Trillion Tugriks in Profit

Published: Unknown

According to the National Statistical Office, the local budget of our country showed a profit of one trillion tugriks in the first five months of this year.

The local budget revenue reached 2.7 trillion tugriks in the first five months of this year, which is 1.2 (82 percent) trillion tugriks more than the same period last year. Expenses were 1.6 trillion tugriks, increasing by 702.9 (74.6 percent) billion tugriks.

Translated from: https://www.montsame.mn/mn/read/347371

B.Altangadas: Sheep Wool Organic Fertilizer Has the Advantage of Being Chemical-Free and Making the Soil Healthy

Published: Fri, 05 Jul 2024

As part of the "Food Revolution" national movement under the slogan "Abundant Harvest, Healthy Food", we had a conversation with B.Altangadas, the executive director of "Monpellets" LLC which produces sheep wool organic fertilizer.

  • Can you introduce your factory?
  • The "Monpellets" factory started its operations in 2014. Our main product is fertilizer made from sheep wool. The factory is located 60 km from Ulaanbaatar, 15 km from Gorodok, in the territory of Erdene sum of Tuv aimag, in front of Arjanchivlan spa resort. Since 2019, we have been supplying our products to Germany. Since 2022, we have started to supply 13 tons of fertilizer to the USA, completing all the necessary documentation to enter their market.
  • How did you first come up with the idea to make fertilizer from sheep wool?
  • Scientists from Humboldt University in Germany first observed that a lot of plants and vegetables were growing well in places where sheep wool was present and conducted a three-year study. As a result of the experiment, they developed this technology. We are now domesticating it in Mongolia and producing it here. We are also working on paperwork to export to countries in Asia, including South Korea and Japan.
  • What are the advantages of the fertilizer?
  • It supports the growth of everything from trees, vegetables, fruits, indoor flowers, to open field crops. It is 100% organic fertilizer made from sheep wool, providing nitrogen and phosphate to plants for 10-12 months. It has a very high moisture retention capacity, reducing the need for watering by 20-30%. Sheep wool absorbs 2-3 times more water and releases it to plants and soil when needed, which is its advantage.

Sheep wool organic fertilizer is a chemical-free fertilizer that makes the soil healthy. This creates healthy soil where healthy food can grow.

The fertilizer is 6000 MNT per kg, and 150 grams of fertilizer is used per square meter. Once fertilized, it does not need to be fertilized again for 10-12 months, which is very economical and cost-saving.

  • What is the capacity of the factory?
  • The "Monpellets" factory has the capacity to produce 2000 tons of sheep wool fertilizer annually. Although we have fully automated equipment, we are only utilizing 10% of our factory's capacity. Currently, six people work here, and we have plans to increase our workforce.
  • Where do you source your raw materials?
  • We collaborate with cooperatives in Tuv aimag, Sukhbaatar, and Dornod aimags to acquire wool. We buy cleaned wool from households regardless of the season, provided the wool is dry and clean. We offer a 1500 MNT incentive per kg of wool to our cooperating cooperatives.
  • Where is the fertilizer sold domestically?
  • Our store is located at Sunny Town, 15th unit, southwest of Dunjingarav shopping center. Our contracted sale points include Emart, Soyolj trading center, and Extra stores.
  • How can citizens who want to supply sheep wool contact you?
  • We have a Facebook page called "Sheep Wool Organic Fertilizer". You can also reach us at 94103030.
  • Are there any precautions when using the fertilizer?
  • When fertilizing, the soil should be loosened as much as possible without damaging the plant roots, distributing the fertilizer evenly and covering it with 5 cm of soil before planting the plants. The fertilizer is placed 5 cm below the roots. Some citizens tend to scatter it on the surface, so we need to caution against that.

Translated from: https://www.montsame.mn/mn/read/347260

DORNOGOVI: Mongolia's First Open-Air Swimming Pool

Published: Thu, 04 Jul 2024

Mongolia's first open-air swimming pool, located in the fifth subdistrict of Sainshand, Dornogovi, operates annually in June. This pool, built in 1957 by the workers of an oil refinery, is situated in the village of Zuunbayan.

Despite the aging water pipes of the pool with a history of over fifty years, it undergoes periodic repairs. The pool is 50 meters long, 25 meters wide, and 4 meters deep, with a children's section ranging from 0.5 to 1.45 meters deep. During the 70th anniversary of the oil refinery in 2019, the pool was renovated and put back into operation.

Translated from: https://www.montsame.mn/mn/read/347215

Appointing Ya.Sodbaatar as Secretary General of the MPP

Published: Fri, 05 Jul 2024

The conference of the Mongolian People's Party (MPP) has begun. Ya.Sodbaatar was appointed as the Secretary General of the MPP at the party's conference. Previously, he worked as the Head of the Office of the President of Mongolia and was released from his duties after the parliamentary elections, subsequently being appointed as the acting Secretary General of the MPP. The former Secretary General of the MPP, D.Amarbayasgalan, won the election and was appointed as the Speaker of the State Great Khural (Parliament).

The majority of the members who attended the MPP conference supported and formalized the appointment of Ya.Sodbaatar as the Secretary General.

The MPP conference was scheduled for 18:00, but it has just begun. At the beginning of the conference, Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene addressed the members.

The conference is chaired by the Speaker of the State Great Khural D.Amarbayasgalan and Member of Parliament E.Bolormaa.

The MPP conference is scheduled for today at 18:00. At this conference, Ya.Sodbaatar will be appointed as the permanent Secretary General of the MPP, and the positions of those elected to the parliament and other appointments will be filled.

Since D.Amarbayasgalan, the former Secretary General, was appointed as the Speaker of the State Great Khural, the role of Secretary General was temporarily transferred to Ya.Sodbaatar, the former Head of the President’s Office. Former Speaker of the State Great Khural, G.Zandanshatar, has been appointed in Ya.Sodbaatar’s previous role.

According to the MPP’s regulations, the Secretary General cannot hold any other official position, but this rule was not applied to D.Amarbayasgalan during the 2024 parliamentary elections. Before the elections, it was widely speculated that Ya.Sodbaatar would become the Secretary General of the MPP, and today, the conference will formalize his appointment.

Related News: - M.Gankhuleg and B.Purevdagva to compete for the President of the Youth Federation under the MPP - Ya.Sodbaatar will ensure balance in his work - G.Zandanshatar appointed as Head of the Office of the President - Rumors: B.Javkhlan and B.Enkhbayar to be reappointed as ministers? - The MPP Executive Board will hold a meeting - Why doesn't the MPP report the budget during the Covid-19 period?

Translated from: https://news.mn/r/2737227/

28 Degrees Celsius and Cloudy in Ulaanbaatar

Published: Sat, 06 Jul 2024

Most areas will experience partly cloudy skies. Heavy rain with thunder is expected in the mountainous regions of Khangai, Khuvsgul, and Khentii, and the Orkhon-Selenge river basin. No rain in other areas. Winds will blow from the northwest in the western part and from the southwest in the rest of the country at speeds of 5-10 m/s, temporarily increasing before the rain in some areas. Temperatures will range from 15 to 20 degrees in the mountainous regions of Khuvsgul, from 19 to 24 degrees in the Mongol-Altai and Khangai mountains, the headwater of the Zavkhan river, and Khurenbelchir area, from 30 to 35 degrees in the southern part of the Gobi region, and from 24 to 29 degrees in other regions.

In Ulaanbaatar:

It will be cloudy with light rain and thunder. Winds will shift from the southeast to the north at 5-10 m/s, temporarily increasing before the rain. Temperatures will be between 26 to 28 degrees Celsius.

In Baganuur:

It will be cloudy with heavy rain and thunder. Winds will shift from the southeast to the north at 5-10 m/s, temporarily increasing before the rain. Temperatures will be between 26 to 28 degrees Celsius.

In Terelj:

It will be cloudy with rain and thunder. Winds will shift from the southeast to the north at 5-10 m/s, temporarily increasing before the rain. Temperatures will be between 24 to 26 degrees Celsius.

At 05:00 in Ulaanbaatar: The temperature was 14 degrees Celsius, relative humidity was at 70 percent, and atmospheric pressure was 861 hectopascals. The pressure will remain stable throughout the day.

Translated from: https://news.mn/r/2737312/

It is 30 Degrees Warm in Ulaanbaatar

Published: Sat, 06 Jul 2024

The temperature in Ulaanbaatar is 30 degrees warm.

Precipitation: Most of the region will be partly cloudy. At night, rain and thunderstorms will occur in the mountainous areas of Khovsgol, the Selenge river basin, and the Dariganga steppe. During the day, rain and thunderstorms will occur in the mountainous areas of Altai, Khangai, Khentii, the Orkhon-Selenge river basin, and the steppe areas of Dornod-Dariganga. No rain is expected in other areas.

Wind: In the central part of the country, the wind will be from the northwest, and in other areas, from the southwest at a speed of 5-10 meters per second, occasional gusts before the rain in some regions.

Air temperature: At night, the temperature will be +5…+10 degrees in the Darkhad basin, Mongol-Altai, Khangai, Khövsgöl mountainous areas, and at the source of the Zavkhan river. In the Hövsgöl basin, Ider, Tes, and Terelj river valleys, it will be +11…+16 degrees. In the western and southwestern parts of the Gobi region, it will be +19…+24 degrees, and in other areas, it will be +16…+21 degrees. During the day, the temperature will be +20…+25 degrees in the Mongol-Altai mountainous areas, at the source of the Zavkhan river, and in the Hövsgöl basin. In the Orkhon-Selenge river basin, the Gobi region, and the Dornod steppe, it will be +31…+36 degrees, and in other areas, it will be +25…+30 degrees.

In the vicinity of Ulaanbaatar city: Partly cloudy. No rain. The wind will be from the southwest at a speed of 5-10 meters per second. The temperature will be +14…+16 degrees at night and +28…+30 degrees during the day.

In the vicinity of Baganuur district: It will be partly cloudy at night, and partly cloudy during the day. No rain. The wind will be from the southwest at a speed of 5-10 meters per second. The temperature will be +13…+15 degrees at night and +27…+29 degrees during the day.

In the vicinity of Terelj area: It will be partly cloudy at night with no rain. During the day, it will be cloudy with light thunderstorms. The wind will be from the southwest at a speed of 5-10 meters per second, occasionally strengthening before the rain. The temperature will be +8…+10 degrees at night and +26…+28 degrees during the day.

Translated from: https://news.mn/r/2737367/

Pigeon and Goo.N Brand Hand Over KANGAROO MOTHER CARE ROOM to Amgalan Maternity Hospital

Published: Fri, 05 Jul 2024

The top Japanese mother and child brands, Pigeon and Goo.N, have set up and handed over the 16th Kangaroo Mother Care Room at Amgalan Maternity Hospital.

The “Kangaroo Mother Care” provided to premature infants is the most cost-effective and successful care for improving the quality of premature infant services while reducing illnesses and mortality.

This room offers intensive care for full-term and premature infants, strengthens the precious bond between mother and child through kangaroo mother care by skin-to-skin contact on the mother’s chest, minimizes illnesses and mortality, and supports the child's brain development with continuous 24-hour music therapy and stories read by the mother.

For children:

  • Greatly benefits the development of the child's brain.
  • The preferred comfort of the newborn is lying on the bare chest of the mother or father, promoting peace, happiness, and reducing stress.
  • Prevents the newborn from getting cold.
  • Helps the newborn learn to breastfeed effectively and quickly.
  • Stabilizes the newborn's respiration, heart function, and blood sugar levels.
  • Strengthens the bond between mother-child and father-child, increasing mutual love.

For mothers:

  • Increases breast milk production.
  • Enhances the mother's understanding of her newborn. Recognizing signs of hunger and willingness to breastfeed, allowing on-demand feeding.
  • Encourages the contraction of the uterus, expelling lochia quickly and aiding quicker maternal recovery.
  • Strengthens the relationship between mother-child and father-child, fostering greater love.
  • Improves parent's confidence and ability to care for their newborn.

International studies have shown that kangaroo mother care reduces newborn mortality by 40%, infection risk by 55%, and hypothermia by 65% compared to incubator care, proving it to be a highly effective, low-cost method.

Pigeon and Goo.N’s traditional “Spread the Love” project has equipped all maternity hospitals in Ulaanbaatar with kangaroo mother care rooms, lactation counseling rooms, and pediatric examination rooms. In addition, 16 rooms for breastfeeding and diaper changing have been set up in shopping centers, offices, and public service areas.

From the second half of 2024, the project aims to equip birth hospitals in all provinces with mother and child-friendly rooms under the name "Spread the Love"-21 Provinces, creating a nurturing environment for every little heart.

We hope every little heart, our future, grows in a healthy, supportive environment, spreading joy and love to all Mongolian parents.

May there be many Mongolian descendants.

For every little heart, Pigeon brand.

Please note that when using our information in any form (television, radio, social media, web pages), the source (ikon.mn) must be credited.

Translated from: https://ikon.mn/n/36nm

PHOTO: The Assembly Session for the Reappointment of the Prime Minister

Published: Fri, 05 Jul 2024

During the plenary session of the State Great Khural, issues regarding the appointment of the Deputy Speaker of the State Great Khural and the reappointment of the Prime Minister were discussed and approved.

Photo by L.Enkh-Orkhil.

Translated from: https://news.mn/r/2737246/

Selenge: Citizens Who Enrolled in the "IELTS Course for Selenge Province" Project Received Their Certificates

Published: Sun, 07 Jul 2024

The Governor's Office of Selenge Province initiated and implemented a 3-month project titled “IELTS Course for Selenge Province.”

This “IELTS Course for Selenge Province” aims to help the people of Selenge Province, public servants, children, and youth achieve high scores on the IELTS exam, receive scholarships for studying at foreign universities, and improve their professional skills.

The significance of this training lies in its effective preparation for the English academic exam and providing opportunities to study with scholarships at foreign universities.

The trainer for this project was P. Enkhjin, an ambassador and mentor of the World International Peace Youth Organization.

Citizens who participated in the project celebrated their graduation and received their certificates on July 5.

Translated from: https://www.montsame.mn/mn/read/347376

Wrestlers for the Naadam Festival Will Be Registered for Three Days

Published: Thu, 04 Jul 2024

For the Naadam Festival commemorating the 2233rd anniversary of the establishment of the state, the 818th anniversary of the Great Mongol Empire, and the 103rd anniversary of the People's Revolution, 512 wrestlers will compete.

Wrestlers will be registered at the Wrestlers' Palace from today until the 9th of this month between 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM.

Wrestlers under the age of 16 participating in the children's wrestling competition will be registered at the Children's Palace of Mongolia on July 8-9 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. To register, they need to bring their birth certificate, national ID (or passport), and two passport-sized photos in person.

Source: Mongolian National Wrestling Association

Translated from: https://www.unuudur.mn/a/269614

Thunderstorms with Rain in Central Provinces

Published: Thu, 04 Jul 2024

Precipitation: Mostly cloudy across most regions. At night, rain with thunderstorms will occur in the northern part of western provinces and the western parts of central provinces. During the day, rain with thunderstorms will fall in some areas of western provinces, and in the western parts of central and Gobi provinces. No rain is expected in other areas.

Wind: Winds from the south-west will shift to the north in the northern parts of western provinces, and in other regions, winds from the south-west will blow at 5-10 meters per second, occasionally strengthening before the rain in some areas.

Air Temperature: At night, temperatures will be +4...+9 degrees in the Darkhad depression and mountainous areas of Mongol-Altai and Khangai, the headwaters of the Zavkhan River, the regions around Khurenbelchir, and the valley of the Terelj River. In the south-eastern parts of the Gobi region, temperatures will be +19...+24 degrees, while in the mountainous areas of Khentii, the Orkhon-Selenge basin, and the valleys of the Tuul and Kherlen rivers, and the Dornod-Dariganga steppe areas, temperatures will be +13...+18 degrees. In other regions, temperatures will be +7...+12 degrees. During the day, temperatures will range from +15...+20 degrees in the Uvs lake region, the Darkhad depression, Mongol-Altai, and the mountainous areas of Khangai and the headwaters of Zavkhan River, and around Khurenbelchir. In the mountainous areas of Khuvsgul, temperatures will be +20...+25 degrees. In the Orkhon-Selenge basin, the Gobi region, and the Dornod-Dariganga steppe areas, temperatures will be +31...+36 degrees. In other regions, temperatures will be +26...+31 degrees.

In and around Ulaanbaatar: Partly cloudy at night, cloudy during the day. No rain is expected. Winds from the south-west at 6-11 meters per second. Temperatures will be +16...+18 degrees at night and +29...+31 degrees during the day.

In and around Baganuur: Partly cloudy at night, cloudy during the day. No rain is expected. Winds from the south-west at 5-10 meters per second. Temperatures will be +13...+15 degrees at night and +29...+31 degrees during the day.

In and around Terelj: Partly cloudy at night, cloudy during the day. No rain is expected. Winds from the south-west at 5-10 meters per second. Temperatures will be +7...+9 degrees at night and +27...+29 degrees during the day.

Weather forecast for July 5-9, 2024: On the 5th, rain with thunderstorms will occur in some areas of western provinces, most of the central provinces, and the northern parts of Gobi provinces. On the 6th-7th, rain with thunderstorms will occur in the mountainous regions of Mongol-Altai, Khangai, Khuvsgul, Khentii. On the 8th, rain with thunderstorms will occur in the northern parts of western provinces, and the western parts of central and Gobi provinces. Winds in some areas will strengthen before the rain. In the mountainous regions of Mongol-Altai, Khangai, Khuvsgul, Khentii, the headwaters of Zavkhan River, and the valley of Terelj River, temperatures will be +4...+9 degrees at night and +16...+21 degrees during the day. In the Great Lakes depression, the Orkhon-Selenge basin, the southern parts of the Gobi region, and the Dornod-Dariganga steppe areas, temperatures will be +19...+24 degrees at night and +31...+36 degrees during the day. In other regions, temperatures will be +12...+17 degrees at night and +24...+29 degrees during the day.

Translated from: https://www.unuudur.mn/a/269524

Heavy Rainfall Expected in Altai, Khangai, Khuvsgul, Khentii Regions

Published: Sat, 06 Jul 2024

In the coming days, the southern part of the country will experience hot weather, with rain, thunderstorms, and heavy showers expected in the mountainous regions of Altai, Khangai, Khuvsgul, and Khentii.

Precipitation: In the past 24 hours, 0.0-40.0 mm of rain, with thunderstorms, fell in the western and eastern regions of the western provinces, the majority of the central and Gobi provinces. The highest cumulative amount was 40 mm in Battsengel, Arkhangai, 32.8 mm in Tuvshirukhei, 29.0 mm in Tsetserleg, 16.0 mm in Khaarkhan, 30.0 mm in Tsengelmandal, Khentii, 16.0 mm in Tsagaan-Uur, Khuvsgul, and 15.0 mm in Khutag-Undur, Bulgan. Other regions received 0.0-11.0 mm of rain.

Maximum air temperature: Yesterday, the mountainous regions of Altai, Khangai, and Khuvsgul experienced temperatures between +14…+19 degrees Celsius, +20…+25 degrees Celsius in the depression of Uvs Lake and surrounding areas, and the basins of the Zavkhan and Ider rivers. In the southern Gobi region, eastern Gobi provinces, Orkhon-Selenge valley, the mountainous regions of Khentii, and the valleys of Onon, Ulz, and Khalt rivers, temperatures reached +31…+36 degrees Celsius. Other regions observed temperatures between +25…+30 degrees Celsius.

Minimum air temperature: The mountainous regions of Mongol-Altai, Khangai, and Khuvsgul, and the upper regions of the Zavkhan River and around Khurenbalchir had temperatures between +2…+8 degrees Celsius. In the southern Gobi region, eastern Gobi provinces, the Orkhon-Selenge valley, and the plains of Dornod-Dariganga, temperatures ranged from +16…+23 degrees Celsius. Other regions experienced temperatures between +9…+15 degrees Celsius overnight.

Translated from: https://news.mn/r/2737314/

Kh. MUNKHBAYAR: The Unifying National Holiday for Mongolians

Published: Tue, 02 Jul 2024

Interview with Dr. Kh. Munkhbayar, historian and professor at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, who is the first researcher to analyze the development and evolution of the Naadam festival.

-You are the first to comprehensively study the history of Naadam. Why did you choose this topic for your research?

-I chose the topic based on my passion and interest. History teachers used to teach that the revolution of 1921 was “not a revolution, but a term imposed by the Russians to distort history.” Though often referred to as the "People's Revolution," it was actually a democratic national revolution supported by the entire nation. This interpretation has been clarified through research since 1990. The revolution was national in its scope and democratic in its nature, as reflected in historical documents and university teachings since 1990. However, many people still refer to it as the "People's Revolution." This discrepancy prompted me to investigate when and why the history was misrepresented and how the festival was named.

In half a year, I studied newspapers from the 1920s to the 1930s and outlined the general picture of the Naadam festival during that period. Based on this research, I continued my investigation.

People initially questioned the necessity of studying such a topic. My mother-in-law even criticized, saying, "Why study something so trivial?" But after ten years, when I presented my results, many in my field were surprised by the insights and the numerous unnoticed details that emerged from the research.

-The origin and development of the Naadam festival must be quite fascinating.

-The history of the Mongolian Naadam can be divided into four periods. The first period is from ancient times until the formation of the Xiongnu state, which we call the primordial festive period. The second period is from the establishment of the Xiongnu Empire until the 1700s, known as the state festive period, where the festival served state interests. The third period is from 1700 to 1911, during Mongolia's subjugation under the Qing dynasty. The fourth period is from 1911 onwards, marking the modern National Naadam history.

Historical research always encounters uncertainties, but science must seek the truth despite uncertainties. Nomadic livestock breeding began in Mongolia around 4000 years ago. The claim by equestrian sports and herders' associations that horses were domesticated in Mongolia 10,000 years ago is false. Globally, horses were domesticated approximately 5000 years ago, leading to the development of nomadic livestock breeding. The Naadam festival's formation coincided with the domestication of horses and the ability to migrate from one point to another.

Humanity has two primordial celebrations: New Year and harvest festivals, which include Mongolian Naadam. Traditionally, Mongolians celebrated during the late summer months of July and early August after plant growth and livestock fattening stages. During times of drought and livestock losses, no festivals were held. For instance, until 2000, Naadam was not celebrated in the Gobi region during dry years.

-The transition to settled life must impact the organization of the festival.

-Indeed, significant changes began in the mid-20th century. Traditionally, Mongolians chose natural settings with clear water for their festivals rather than urban centers. Since the establishment of the central stadium in 1958 and the construction of festival grounds in district centers, the shift towards settled life has influenced the festival's organization. However, it is essential to preserve the core values and essence of Naadam.

Gender issues must also be addressed. Over 100 years ago, female participants in racing, archery, and horse training were unheard of. Mongolians have a custom of refraining from ankle bone shooting after a thunderstorm due to their busy spring schedule. However, with settled civilization, such changes have emerged. Nonetheless, excluding women from significant competitions like ankle bone shooting remains. The participation of women in such national events should be reconsidered.

-How would you define the value of the Naadam festival?

-The Naadam festival is significant for human civilization. Having the festival listed as UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage obliges us to preserve and transmit this heritage. Firstly, Naadam guarantees our national sovereignty. Secondly, it unifies and identifies us as Mongolians.

As it is called a national festival, equal participation conditions must be ensured. This means everyone should have the opportunity to wrestle, race horses, and compete in archery. Unfortunately, only those with resources currently enjoy these opportunities, which alienates some citizens from the festival. Equal participation rights should be provided to all, including tourists who may also want to partake.

-What makes the Naadam festival unique?

-The festival is not unique just because of wrestling, horse racing, and archery. The same competitions occur in Inner Mongolia, Tuva, Kalmykia, and Buryatia. What sets it apart is the combination of our sovereign state celebration with traditional joys, making it singular. Foreign tourists often remark on the militaristic nature of our festival, noting the 13th and 21st-century warriors carrying weapons. As a celebration of statehood, this is natural. The uniqueness of Naadam also ties to our pastoral nomadic lifestyle.

-Horse races often involve child jockeys, raising concerns about child labor.

-This relates to human rights protection. As a historian and member of the Civil Society Council of the National Human Rights Commission, I note that devaluing a nation's culture can lead to its destruction. While human rights must be upheld, we should not erase our cultural identity. Instances of cultural erasure, including festival traditions, are cautionary lessons from history.

The debate over child jockeys has two sides. On one hand, children exercising their right to inherit and maintain their heritage is consistent with both international and Mongolian laws. However, exploiting this for political gain or personal fame must be prevented.

Traditionally, the festival period spans from mid-summer to early August. Outside this period, horse racing was not customary. Any extra festival activities involving children outside this timeframe violate their rights.

-Incidents of wrestlers using doping and exhibiting unethical behavior disappoint festival-goers. Some argue that wrestling is not a sport but merely entertainment.

-Sports can be categorized as international and national. International sports are based on principles of equality, while national sports develop rules based on local climate, livelihoods, values, and cultural standards. The three sports of Naadam are rooted in respect and honor. The tradition of allowing a titled wrestler to challenge an untitled one reflects national sports values. Sport is a cultural creation, and wrestling is a part of this culture.

-Recent festival openings have featured modern hip-hop. What are your thoughts on the current festival choreographies?

-Mongolians aim to display their cultural best during festival openings. The songs should align with the festival's essence, emphasizing national pride and unity. Though hip-hop is part of modern culture, its content must resonate with the festival's values.

-You previously mentioned that compressing the festival into two days undermines its fundamental aspects.

-Yes, compressing the festival disrupts its traditional essence. Many might say it is fine for now, but cultural elements should not be limited to a few decades. Initially, in 1954, the law limited the festival to two days, detracting from its traditional length and scope. Cutting traditional elements to fit a modern schedule compromises the festival's core values. Thus, preserving cultural integrity within the festival's structure is paramount.

Translated from: https://www.unuudur.mn/a/269456

B. Khuyagbaatar Appointed as Governor of Songino-Khairkhan District

Published: Sat, 06 Jul 2024

B. Khuyagbaatar has been appointed as the governor of Songino-Khairkhan District, according to information from the district.

At the regular XIX meeting of the Songino-Khairkhan District Citizens' Representative Khural, Khuyagbaatar Batjuluun, who was nominated for the governor position, received unanimous support from all representatives.

He stated, "I am taking on the very responsible role of leading the large entity that is Songino-Khairkhan District. I responsibly declare that I will mobilize all my efforts to make the district a new development zone of the capital."

B. Khuyagbaatar has steadily advanced in his career since 2013, starting as a specialist at the Information and Training Center for the Support of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Songino-Khairkhan District. Over the past four years, he served as a representative and chairman of the Citizens’ Representative Khural in the district.

Notice: Media organizations (TV, radio, social media, and web pages) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using our information fully or partially in any form.

Translated from: https://ikon.mn/n/36qb

Prison Sentence for Illegal Hunting and Transporting of Marmots Set at 1-5 Years

Published: Sun, 07 Jul 2024

If caught hunting and transporting marmots illegally, a prison sentence of 1-5 years will be imposed.

Translated from: https://news.mn/r/2737431/

It Concluded That Relocating Trees and Shrubs for Citizens’ Safety is Right

Published: Sun, 07 Jul 2024

Expanding the Selbe and Dund rivers' channels and constructing retaining walls, the tender for the installation of flood protection structures was won by "Bilguun Mongolia Construction" LLC.

Today, the preparatory work for building the dam was completed, and the construction of a 1.5 km long, 4-4.5 meter high iron-concrete retaining wall has started. In this context, N. Manduul, the first deputy mayor of Ulaanbaatar, responsible for economic development and infrastructure, worked at this location with experts.

During this time, M. Baldandorj, the head of the City Engineering Structures Department of the Ulaanbaatar City Administration (UBZA), stated that it was concluded by the City Environmental Department and relevant professional organizations that relocating the trees and shrubs blocking the river course was the right decision to protect the lives, health, and property of city residents from the dangers of floods. Based on this conclusion, the city's Emergency Commission decided to relocate the trees and shrubs and clean the sediment in phases through the partnership between the public and private sectors. So far, 22 public and private entities have worked together to clear over 70,000 cubic meters of sediment along the Selbe and Dund rivers. Specifically, the sediment in flood ditches and channels about 8.5 km long was excavated and cleaned to a depth of 1-1.5 meters, and the main flow was improved to a width of 25-30 meters.

We are working on a plan to remove a total of 135,000 cubic meters of sediment along the Selbe and Dund rivers. In removing the trees and shrubs, we are only clearing those blocking the main river course, not the trees and shrubs growing on both sides of the dam. We inquired about this with Sh. Baranchuluun, a hydro-engineer consultant of Mongolia.

He mentioned, “The public has expressed negative opinions about the cleaning of sediment in the Selbe and Dund rivers. However, from a professional perspective, there are three main methods to protect the river from floods: raising the retaining walls on both sides, expanding the river channel, and straightening and deepening the river channel. Constructing retaining walls requires significant investment and time, and expanding the river running through the city is not feasible. Therefore, the most efficient measure is to straighten and deepen the channel and clean the sediment. The accumulated sediment has created an ideal environment for plants, resulting in the growth of willows and annual plants. Hence, there’s no technical solution other than removing these weeds to improve the river flow.”

Moreover, the sediment is excavated during the day and dumped at designated sites in "Tsagaan Davaa", "Moringiin Davaa", and "Narangiin Enger" landfills during the night when traffic is lighter. Going forward, trees, shrubs, and sediment blocking the river channels will be cleared, and the river flow will be improved. Batbayar, the director of the Water Authority, stated, “According to international standards, sediment in city rivers is always cleaned. River embankments and flood protection structures are improved through hydraulic engineering, and reservoirs are built upstream. The ice removal operation in the Selbe River last winter, despite criticism, prevented spring floods. Similarly, the sediment removal in the Selbe and Dund rivers will also yield results.”

To protect the lives, health, and property of residents from flood dangers, 10,000 trees and shrubs blocking the river course were relocated. Additionally, 100,000 trees and shrubs, ten times the number relocated, will be planted in necessary areas of Ulaanbaatar’s green space in the fall, as highlighted by N. Manduul, the first deputy mayor.

The Press and Public Relations Department of the Ulaanbaatar City Mayor’s Office

Translated from: https://ikon.mn/n/36qk

Did They Make MPP the Majority to Form a Coalition Government?

Published: Sun, 07 Jul 2024

In the regular elections for the State Great Hural (SGH) on June 28, 2024, the Mongolian People's Party (MPP) secured 54%, equivalent to 68 seats, the Democratic Party (DP) secured 33.3%, equivalent to 42 seats, the National Labor Party (NLP) secured 6.3%, equivalent to 8 seats, the Independent Group secured 3.2%, equivalent to 4 seats, and the National Alliance secured 3.2%, equivalent to 4 seats. This means that MPP, with 68 out of 126 seats, formed the majority in the SGH.

In simple terms, this result can be explained as the trust and decision of the citizens who participated in the election, believing that MPP should govern for the next four years. Legally, this is how it can be interpreted as well.

However, ever since the official results of the regular SGH elections were announced, there has been continuous talk and news about MPP negotiating with other parties and alliances to form a "coalition" government.

At least 5 members from MPP can join other parties and alliances to achieve the threshold percentage needed to decide whether to dismiss the Prime Minister or to vote confidence in them.

In essence, a party that has become the majority choosing to collaborate with other parties and alliances can be seen as disrespectful to the citizenry's choice and can possibly be considered a violation of the Constitution.

For instance, according to Article 39, Sections 2 and 3 of the Constitution of Mongolia, if any party wins the majority of seats in the SGH, that party alone is supposed to nominate a candidate for the Prime Minister, and upon appointment, the Prime Minister forms the government from their own party.

Article 39 of the Constitution:

  1. The President submits to the SGH the proposal to appoint the person nominated by the party or coalition with a majority of seats in the SGH; if no party or coalition has a majority, the proposal to appoint the person nominated by the party or parties which have formed a majority through negotiation.
  2. The Prime Minister, within one week of their appointment, shall submit the structure and composition of the Government, and any changes thereto, to the SGH for approval after consultation with the President.

In other words, the issue of forming a "coalition government" should only arise when no party has secured the majority of seats in the SGH as per the aforementioned clauses in the Constitution.

However, despite MPP having secured a majority with 68 seats (54%), talks of forming a coalition government and the establishment of a negotiation working group with other parties are ongoing. This not only disregards the citizens' choice but also breaches the Constitution.

The threshold for repealing the President's veto on laws and other decisions passed by the SGH is two-thirds of the participating members, or 66.67% (MUUH 33.1.1). MPP currently has 54%, making it nearly impossible to meet this threshold alone.

So, why is MPP, which has become the majority, insisting on forming a "coalition" government, disregarding the citizens' choice and constitutional order?

Some citizens justify MPP's insistence on forming a coalition government under the name of "stability." However, "stability" does not mean maintaining the current status quo. Instead, it means progressing and improving continuously in line with societal and temporal changes.

Furthermore, from the perspective of a democratic parliamentary regime, the principle of "checks and balances" is one of the most fundamental principles of a supreme legislative body. This idea is embedded in the second section of Article 39 of the Constitution. Collaborating with minority parties not trusted by citizens to form a coalition can be seen as contrary to this principle.

In short, the opposition party should act as a check on the ruling majority. Otherwise, disregarding constitutional limitations and collaborating with any party to form a majority despite the electoral outcome sets a dangerous precedent.

Ignoring these principles, laws, and citizen choices indicates that MPP might be concerned about the following constitutional limitations and seeks to circumvent them improperly:

For example, repealing the President's veto on laws passed by the SGH requires a two-thirds majority (66.67%) of the participating members (MUUH 33.1.1). Currently, MPP cannot meet this threshold alone with its 54% majority.

Additionally, passing constitutional amendments requires a three-fourths majority (75%) of the total SGH members (MUUH 69.1). MPP alone cannot meet this threshold either.

Moreover, conducting valid unified SGH sessions and finalizing law enactments require a majority vote (> 50%)—64 members. If 5 of MPP's 68 members do not participate, MPP cannot hold valid sessions or finalize laws without the participation of other parties, posing another risk worth mentioning.

Decisions such as dismissing the Prime Minister or voting confidence also require a majority vote of at least 64 members. Therefore, at least 5 MPP members can join other parties and alliances to reach this decision threshold.

These percentage and threshold requirements ensure that the ruling party acts responsibly, refrains from abusing its majority position, does not violate constitutional and legal procedures, and prevents hasty enactments of new laws. This is particularly important given past instances of rapid constitutional amendments and law enactments.

Therefore, having been trusted by the citizens' votes and becoming the majority, MPP should form the government alone, faithfully adhere to the Constitution and its principles, and avoid decisions that could set harmful precedents.

On June 28, 2024, regular elections for the SGH were held, resulting in MPP securing 54% with 68 members, DP 33.3% with 42 members, NLP 6.3% with 8 members, the Independent Group 3.2% with 4 members, and the National Alliance 3.2% with 4 members, respectively. This means that MPP, with 68 out of 126 seats, formed the majority in the SGH.

In simple terms, this result can be explained as the trust and decision of the citizens who participated in the election, believing that MPP should govern for the next four years. Legally, this is how it can be interpreted as well.

However, ever since the official results of the regular SGH elections were announced, there has been continuous talk and news about MPP negotiating with other parties and alliances to form a "coalition" government.

At least 5 members from MPP can join other parties and alliances to achieve the threshold percentage needed to decide whether to dismiss the Prime Minister or to vote confidence in them.

In essence, a party that has become the majority choosing to collaborate with other parties and alliances can be seen as disrespectful to the citizenry's choice and can possibly be considered a violation of the Constitution.

For instance, according to Article 39, Sections 2 and 3 of the Constitution of Mongolia, if any party wins the majority of seats in the SGH, that party alone is supposed to nominate a candidate for the Prime Minister, and upon appointment, the Prime Minister forms the government from their own party.

Article 39 of the Constitution:

  1. The President submits to the SGH the proposal to appoint the person nominated by the party or coalition with a majority of seats in the SGH; if no party or coalition has a majority, the proposal to appoint the person nominated by the party or parties which have formed a majority through negotiation.
  2. The Prime Minister, within one week of their appointment, shall submit the structure and composition of the Government, and any changes thereto, to the SGH for approval after consultation with the President.

In other words, the issue of forming a "coalition government" should only arise when no party has secured the majority of seats in the SGH as per the aforementioned clauses in the Constitution.

However, despite MPP having secured a majority with 68 seats (54%), talks of forming a coalition government and the establishment of a negotiation working group with other parties are ongoing. This not only disregards the citizens' choice but also breaches the Constitution.

The threshold for repealing the President's veto on laws and other decisions passed by the SGH is two-thirds of the participating members, or 66.67% (MUUH 33.1.1). MPP currently has 54%, making it nearly impossible to meet this threshold alone.

So, why is MPP, which has become the majority, insisting on forming a "coalition" government, disregarding the citizens' choice and constitutional order?

Some citizens justify MPP's insistence on forming a coalition government under the name of "stability." However, "stability" does not mean maintaining the current status quo. Instead, it means progressing and improving continuously in line with societal and temporal changes.

Furthermore, from the perspective of a democratic parliamentary regime, the principle of "checks and balances" is one of the most fundamental principles of a supreme legislative body. This idea is embedded in the second section of Article 39 of the Constitution. Collaborating with minority parties not trusted by citizens to form a coalition can be seen as contrary to this principle.

In short, the opposition party should act as a check on the ruling majority. Otherwise, disregarding constitutional limitations and collaborating with any party to form a majority despite the electoral outcome sets a dangerous precedent.

Ignoring these principles, laws, and citizen choices indicates that MPP might be concerned about the following constitutional limitations and seeks to circumvent them improperly:

For example, repealing the President's veto on laws passed by the SGH requires a two-thirds majority (66.67%) of the participating members (MUUH 33.1.1). Currently, MPP cannot meet this threshold alone with its 54% majority.

Additionally, passing constitutional amendments requires a three-fourths majority (75%) of the total SGH members (MUUH 69.1). MPP alone cannot meet this threshold either.

Moreover, conducting valid unified SGH sessions and finalizing law enactments require a majority vote (> 50%)—64 members. If 5 of MPP's 68 members do not participate, MPP cannot hold valid sessions or finalize laws without the participation of other parties, posing another risk worth mentioning.

Decisions such as dismissing the Prime Minister or voting confidence also require a majority vote of at least 64 members. Therefore, at least 5 MPP members can join other parties and alliances to reach this decision threshold.

These percentage and threshold requirements ensure that the ruling party acts responsibly, refrains from abusing its majority position, does not violate constitutional and legal procedures, and prevents hasty enactments of new laws. This is particularly important given past instances of rapid constitutional amendments and law enactments.

Therefore, having been trusted by the citizens' votes and becoming the majority, MPP should form the government alone, faithfully adhere to the Constitution and its principles, and avoid decisions that could set harmful precedents.

Translated from: https://gogo.mn/r/w12yk

Free Public Transport Service on 7 Routes During the National Festival Days

Published: Thu, 04 Jul 2024

Free public transport service will be available on seven routes during the National Festival days, celebrating the 2233rd anniversary of the State, the 818th anniversary of the Great Mongol Empire, and the 103rd anniversary of the People's Revolution. Preparations have been made to provide free services from July 10 to 13, between 7:20 AM and 9:00 PM on the following seven routes with a total of 32 transport vehicles:

  • BE:1 "Misheel City - Central Stadium"
  • BE:2 "Dunjingarav Shopping Center - Central Stadium"
  • BE:3 "Narantuul Shopping Center - Central Stadium"
  • BE:4 "Vokzal’s 1000 Car Parking - Central Stadium"
  • BE:5 "Davaany Crossing - Khui 7 Khudag"
  • Khui7:1 "Central Stadium - Khui 7 Khudag"
  • Khui7:2 "MUIS - Khui 7 Khudag"

Translated from: https://itoim.mn/a/2024/07/04/capital/fkh

Will the Mistakes of the Lost Eight Years Be Corrected?

Published: Fri, 05 Jul 2024

The Mongolian People's Party (MPP) secured its third victory with 35% of the total votes in the ninth parliamentary election, but winning only 68 out of 126 seats, which is almost a defeat for the MPP compared to their absolute majority in the previous two elections. The Democratic Party (DP) won 42 seats, the Labour Party won eight, the National Coalition won four, and the Republican Party won four seats, making it difficult for MPP to govern stably. Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene is striving to continue his office, but it is clear that he is calculating how long he will sit on his thorny chair. The opposition holds 58 seats and could potentially collaborate with members from Oyun-Erdene's own party for power calculations.

In this election, predictions suggested that MPP would win an overwhelming majority, getting at least 80 seats, while DP would get around 30 seats, and the remaining seats would go to other parties and coalitions. Even political analyst B. Baabar was confident that MPP would secure 80 seats. Thus, it is likely that MPP's strategists and policymakers presented these calculations to party leader L. Oyun-Erdene. Believing in such overly inflated forecasts or being too confident in their black PR, it is evident that they did not anticipate winning only six more seats than the previous parliament's 62 seats. Hence, Oyun-Erdene received the news of victory with shock, as revealed by his words and actions.

Oyun-Erdene, who initially emerged by vowing to fight corruption among his own colleagues, later made the murder of S. Zorig the central theme of his campaign, scaring and tiring the public. Since 2000, MPP has used S. Zorig's murder as campaign material in every parliamentary election. Therefore, the public demanded MPP declassify the case of Zorig's murder, but MPP's disregard for this demand turned out to be a mistake.

In the history of elections, it has never been seen before to campaign with the assistance of serious murderers. Hence, it is possible that two out of three people voted against the MPP in hopes that such practices won't repeat in the future.

Despite the election results, political circles have been hearing that MPP+Jenco (coalition) are planning to form a government. Therefore, those who disrupted DP's nominations at MPP's behest received their desired positions. However, despite incorrect calculations or election results, MPP did not get the desired outcome, and the faction aiming to collaborate with Oyun-Erdene's coalition remained a minority within DP's group.

During nominations, H. Battulga abandoned his followers such as G. Uyanga and P. Nurzed, betting everything to get L. Munkhbayasgalan elected from the southern region. In the northern region, Battulga alone achieved victory, which reflects his true nature. It's not unusual for people following Battulga to be used and abandoned.

DP's group leader election saw O. Tsogtgerel and N. Altankhuyag competing, with O. Tsogtgerel winning, indicating that the people of Uvs have united under O. Tsogtgerel and L. Gantumur.

DP's leader L. Gantumur, who increased their seats from 11 to 42, is now facing criticism from various people. If DP won, everyone would have enjoyed the victory, but in defeat, they blame Gantumur alone. It is ironic that DP, which collected the least amount of campaign donations in the last election, is now criticized. Businesspeople distanced themselves from funding DP's campaigns due to their reluctance to support H. Battulga.

DP might split further if Gantumur is removed. Even his closest friends H. Temuujin, D. Purevdorj, and Ts. Tuvdendorj have ambitions to take DP's stamp from Gantumur. Some started to praise themselves deliberately on social media right after the election, indicating their underlying intentions. There are no unorganized actions or words without a clear purpose in Mongolian politics.

Despite MPP remaining in the majority based on election results, they invited DP and the Labour Party for coalition talks following S. Bayar's tactics. DP leader L. Gantumur and Labour Party leader T. Dorjchand are defending their acceptance of MPP's invitation, claiming it is not for positions. However, if it's not for positions, what else could it be for?

DP promised to rectify the lost eight years. But will they promise to fix 12 years of mistakes in 2028 or begin moving energy projects and developing the economy now? Such choices lie ahead of DP. The private sector hopes for a reduction of state ownership and an end to business takeovers without legal processes. Citizens, on the other hand, want economic growth to impact household livelihoods rather than just filling the rulers’ pockets. It is up to DP to decide.

Note: Keeping Jenco Battulga out of the government is in the national interest and the wish of the Mongolian people.

Translated from: https://news.mn/r/2737230/