Mongolia News Summary for January 06, 2025

The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of MongolBeat or its members.
Today's Stories
- Prime Minister and Mayor are Giving Updates
- Military Registration Begins Tomorrow
- Summary: Pensions and Allowances Increase and Government Affairs to be Conducted in Cyrillic and Traditional Mongolian Script
- Tomorrow, the Mongolian People's Party and Democratic Party caucuses in Parliament will meet
- T. Ayursaihan and B. Gankhuyag to Serve Reduced Sentences Imposed by Court of Appeals
- Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene Inspects the Intersection of Bridge and Tunnel on Tuul Speed Road
- Pay 8,000 to 21,000 MNT Per Month for Road Usage
- BUDGET 2025: Two Cultural Centers to be Built in Sukhbaatar Province
- L. Oyun-Erdene: We will overcome traffic and pollution by aligning with a unified psychological flow
- Tolgoit, Baruun 4 Zam, and Songinokhairkhan District Have Very High Air Pollution
- AQI: Pollution Detected in Tolgoit Area
- GOVI-ALTAI: An Earthquake with a Magnitude of 3.8 Occurred in Bugat Sum
- An Earthquake with a Magnitude of 3.8 Occurred in Bugat Soum, Govi-Altai Province
- Over 40% of the Country at High Risk of Severe Winter Conditions
- CS2 Major Opens Opportunities for Other Mongolian Teams
- Schedule of Wrestling Competitions in January
- Louis Braille: The Benefactor Who Opened the Doors of Knowledge for the Blind
- SELENGE: The Rock Inscription of Khalkha Tsogt Prince
Prime Minister and Mayor are Giving Updates
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene and Mayor H. Nyambaatar are working today at the intersection point of the highway bridge and tunnel of the Tuul expressway.
Military Registration Begins Tomorrow
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
The updated military registration will take place from January 6 to February 10, 2025. The registration includes male reservists aged 18 to 50, reserve officers and sergeants up to age 55, senior reserve officers up to age 60, and higher level reserve officers up to age 65. Additionally, it is possible to submit your request through the "E-Mongolia" online service system. To register in person, the following documents are needed: National ID card and military duty card (reserve officer or sergeant card) for annotation. Citizens who have lost their military duty card or are newly aged 18 must bring two 3x4 sized ID photos, a national electronic ID card, and a work or student ID. Citizens who fail to participate in the military registration within the prescribed period or who evade registration will be subject to the laws and regulations regarding violations.
Summary: Pensions and Allowances Increase and Government Affairs to be Conducted in Cyrillic and Traditional Mongolian Script
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
In the transitioning week into 2024-2025, several significant decisions and newly implemented laws introduced remarkable provisions that are starting to become a reality. The timetable for phasing out expired buses associated with public transportation, increasing fare prices, regulations for obtaining city registrations, and several decisions related to reducing smoke in ger district households have been clearly defined. Here are some highlights from the past week's information. INCREASING CHILDREN'S MEAL FUNDS, 221 BILLION MNT ALLOCATED During an extraordinary cabinet meeting at the end of the previous year, the government of Mongolia decided to increase the cost of raw materials for school lunch by 1000 MNT to 2500 MNT and the cost for boarding-school children's meals by 2000 MNT to 6000-6300 MNT. This was announced by Minister of Education P. Naranbayar. This academic year, 343,289 students are covered by the school lunch service, and 38,871 children live in boarding schools. A study conducted by the Ministry of Education in cooperation with Japan's JICA revealed that children's consumption of milk and dairy products is 3-4 times lower, calcium levels are 2.5 times lower, and 80% lack vitamin D, highlighting the need to increase calorie and nutrient intake and balance nutrition. Therefore, in addition to increasing the cost of raw materials for kindergarten children's meals by 1000 MNT this year, the costs for school lunch and boarding school children's meals have been raised, allocating 221 billion MNT in the 2025 state budget. This will improve the nutritional quality and variety of foods children can consume. STARTING JANUARY 1, SALARIES, PENSIONS INCREASE, AND CORPORATE INCOME TAX LAW AMENDMENTS TAKE EFFECT From this week, specifically January 1, 2025, several notable legal provisions begin to take effect. These include doubling the financial assistance for mothers with the "Mother's Honor" order, aimed at improving the social protection of mothers with many children. This decision provides mothers with the first-class order 400,000 MNT annually, up from 200,000 MNT, and those with a second-class order 200,000 MNT, up from 100,000 MNT. Additionally, the wage increase for special service conditions in the armed forces and border guards, set between 10-25%, took effect last Wednesday. Specifically, per the State Service Law, which stipulates equal opportunities for Mongolia's citizens to serve in the public sector, the amended "Regulation on special service condition wage increase for officers, sergeants, and contracted soldiers of the Armed Forces" was approved by the government. This regulation allows a 10% increase for officers and sergeants in the armed forces and border guards, and a 15-25% increase for domestic force and prison service officers, based on 25% of their basic salary. Starting April 1, the minimum hourly wage is set to be 4715 MNT or 792,000 MNT per month. Measures to encourage continued employment for the elderly and amendments to the Corporate Income Tax law also began to be enforced. FROM JANUARY 1, GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS TO BE CONDUCTED IN CYRILLIC AND MONGOLIAN SCRIPT In accordance with the Mongolian Language Law, which states that the national script program will be implemented step by step, government and local autonomous bodies will carry out their official affairs in both Cyrillic and national scripts starting January 1. Educational institutions will ensure compliance with the law. The Mongolian script is regarded as a valuable contribution of Mongols to the intellectual and cultural development of humanity, and learning, researching, protecting, and inheriting it is considered an essential duty of Mongols. COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE PREMIER LEAGUE AND EAST ASIAN SUPER LEAGUE BEGINS The East Asian Super League, combining Asia's most powerful leagues, has extended an official invitation for the championship team of the National Premier League of the Mongolian Basketball Association to participate starting from the 2025-26 season. This was followed by a visit from the league's Executive Director, Operations Manager, and Marketing Manager, who had an official inaugural meeting with the organizers of the National Premier League of the Mongolian Basketball Association. During the meeting, they exchanged detailed information on the organization of the two leagues, player registration, game schedules, marketing, and media planning. Subsequently, they visited the operations of UG Arena, the venue for the Premier League games, which is organized according to FIBA standards, satisfying the EASL's requirements. The East Asian Super League is recognized by FIBA, with a team playing six matches per season (three at home, three away). The prize pool is $2.5 million, providing opportunities for win bonuses. Participating in the league allows the National Premier League teams to compete with top Asian teams and gain additional financial income. Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and Filipino league champions compete in this league. EASL is broadcast in 18 countries worldwide, with each match watched by 8 million viewers, presenting Mongolia a significant opportunity to promote itself internationally. EASL officials have expressed their pleasure about the Mongolian league champion competing in the league. PUBLIC TRANSPORT TROLLEYS AGE OUT AND SERVICE HALTS A total of 23 trolleybuses used to operate in public transportation until they provided their final service on December 31, 2024, and ceased operation on January 1, 2025. The trolleybuses have aged out, and the public transport department proposed an additional budget for purchasing high-capacity public transport and trolleybuses in the 2025 budget. To increase the availability of public transportation, it is planned to procure 100 high-capacity buses and 50 trolleybuses next year. According to the Public Transport Policy Office, the budget proposal for this is submitted. Each year, the availability of public transport increases. According to data from recent years, 224 buses were brought in during the first half of 2022 and 2023. In the second half of 2023 and the first half of 2024, 600 buses were introduced. In total, 600 high-capacity buses and 50 medium-capacity buses were brought in from 2023-2024, according to officials. Currently, 1132 buses are serving in public transport services in Mongolia.
Tomorrow, the Mongolian People's Party and Democratic Party caucuses in Parliament will meet
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
According to schedule, tomorrow, the caucuses of the Mongolian People's Party and the Democratic Party in the Parliament will meet to consolidate their positions on issues to be discussed in the standing committee and plenary sessions next week. Next week's standing committee and plenary sessions will discuss the following: - The draft law on adding and amending the law on the National Wealth Fund and related drafts submitted by the government for the first discussion. - The draft resolution of the State Great Khural on "Replacing the percentage and size of state ownership in strategically important mineral deposits" submitted by the government for the first discussion. - The draft resolution of the State Great Khural on "Adding to the annex of the resolution" submitted by the government to discuss whether to proceed. - The draft resolution of the State Great Khural on "Immortalizing the merits of Jamsrangiin Sambuu and celebrating the 130th anniversary of his birth" submitted by 101 members including Member of Parliament S. Erdenebold for the first discussion. - The issue of negotiating the appointment of an ambassador submitted by the President of Mongolia. - The draft law on approving the "Agreement on transfer of defense technology and equipment between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of Japan" submitted by the government for approval. These issues have been scheduled for discussion.
T. Ayursaihan and B. Gankhuyag to Serve Reduced Sentences Imposed by Court of Appeals
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
The judicial panel of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court decided not to hear the case involving 11 individuals, including T. Ayursaihan, a member of parliament and former Minister of Labor and Social Protection, and B. Gankhuyag, former executive director of "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC, related to the case known as the "Coal Case." This decision was made after reviewing the appeal complaints of the defendants and their lawyers as well as the prosecutor's protest. The judges concluded that the complaints did not concern matters of judicial interpretation differences as stated in Article 40.1-1 of the Criminal Procedure Code, nor did they involve significant violations of the Criminal Procedure Code that would affect the court's decision, apply different interpretations from the Supreme Court's resolutions and explanations, precede legal concepts, or carry substantial common significance. As a result, T. Ayursaihan, B. Gankhuyag, and others will serve the reduced sentences imposed by the appellate court. This case was deliberated by the capital city's Criminal Court of Appeal, which reduced certain sentences. Specifically, it was confirmed that B. Gankhuyag committed bribery, and it was proven that he laundered money obtained from this crime, with the lower court's conclusion deemed reasonable and the Criminal Code correctly applied. However, the charge of illicit enrichment for funds already acquired through crime by managing, converting, and disguising the forms was parallel with the principle of non-redundancy in criminal liability, as it was determined that the court applied a law that should not have been applied. Therefore, the charge of illicit enrichment against B. Gankhuyag was dismissed, as well as the charge against B. Otgonjargal for using his official position to provide advantages to others. T. Ayursaihan's right to hold public office was revoked for five years, and his prison sentence was reduced to two years and six months. B. Gankhuyag's right to hold public office was similarly restricted for the same duration, with his total combined prison sentence set to three years and nine months. The right to hold public office for B. Otgonjargal was reduced by two years, resulting in a reduced one-year prison sentence. Other defendants' sentences of imprisonment and fines remained unchanged. Some financial penalties imposed were also adjusted. Meanwhile, the initial decision of the first-instance court to disqualify Kh. Batkhuishig, son of B. Khishigdorj, the founder of "Khishig Arvin Industrial" LLC, for two years from holding public office on bribery charges, with a fine of 14 million MNT, was nullified, and the case was sent back to the lower court for re-assessment. Initially, the First Instance Criminal Court of Chingeltei District found T. Ayursaihan guilty of illicit enrichment, sentencing him to three years in an open prison, and revoked his right to hold public office for five years, seizing more than 1.8 billion MNT worth of assets gained through illicit enrichment to be declared state revenue. B. Gankhuyag, former executive director of "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC, was found guilty of organizing and committing crimes of illicit enrichment and bribery, sentenced to five years and nine months in prison, and revoked from holding public office for seven years. Additionally, property worth 9.9 billion MNT was seized as state revenue. B. Otgonjargal, former head of procurement and chief auditor of the same company, was found guilty of illicit enrichment and abuse of power, sentenced to two years and six months of imprisonment, revoked from holding public office for four years, with an additional penalty by seizing more than 400 million MNT worth of property. T. Ayursaihan's chief assistant, I. Davaadorj, appointed as head of the General Agency for Development of Persons with Disabilities, was found guilty of receiving a bribe, had his public office rights revoked for five years, sentenced to two years in prison, with more than 400 million MNT worth of property to be forfeited.
Submit VAT receipt for Q4 by the 8th of this month
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
The deadline for recording payment receipts for the Value Added Tax (VAT) for the fourth quarter of 2024 closes at 23:59 on the 8th of this month. Therefore, the tax office advises submitting receipts into the system by this date to receive refund incentives. Individuals need to register their payment receipts for purchases made from October to December 2024 in the ebarimt system. Even if you have not participated in the lottery, you can still receive your refund. According to the law, two percent of the official tax paid on purchases made with tax-withholding payers during that quarter is refunded. The third quarter refunds are scheduled to be issued by October.
Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene Inspects the Intersection of Bridge and Tunnel on Tuul Speed Road
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
The Prime Minister of Mongolia, L. Oyun-Erdene, along with the Governor of the Capital City and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar H. Nyambaatar and relevant ministers, worked at the intersection of the bridge and tunnel on the Tuul speed road. The government has declared 2025 as the “Year of Supporting Infrastructure Development in the Capital.” Within this framework, a Rapid Response Headquarters has been established to accelerate the implementation of projects and measures in the capital. The Rapid Response Headquarters convened today and decided to expedite the work on the Tuul speed road. A tender will be announced this month, and construction will commence in April. It is planned to be operational within two years. This road starts from the four-lane highway in Nalaikh, or from the Bayanzurkh bridge, and extends to the safety circle that branches towards the western provinces located in the territory of Songinohairkhan district, covering a total of 32 km. The construction of the Tuul speed road will create an uninterrupted traffic flow bypassing Ulaanbaatar city and reduce congestion, supporting the development of the Asian road network.
Pay 8,000 to 21,000 MNT Per Month for Road Usage
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
As of January 1st this year, the resolution of the Ulaanbaatar City Council to increase the excise tax on motor vehicles and self-propelled machinery by 2-3 times and the fee for road usage by five times has been implemented. While this seems to burden citizens with increased taxes and fees, it is actually a significant investment aimed at renewing and improving roads, which will in turn reduce traffic congestion. For instance, if you own a Prius-20 car, you will pay 100,000 MNT per year for road usage, which equates to 8,333 MNT per month or 278 MNT per day. In contrast, if you own a vehicle with an engine capacity of over 5000, such as a Lexus 570, you will pay 250,000 MNT per year for road usage, amounting to 20,833 MNT per month or 694 MNT per day. The revenue from these taxes and fees will be centralized in the city's road fund, with the next year's budget planning to increase the road fund's revenue source by 151.5 billion MNT.
BUDGET 2025: Two Cultural Centers to be Built in Sukhbaatar Province
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
The government has declared 2024 as the year of regional development and has established seven regions. The Eastern Region, comprising Khentii, Dornod, and Sukhbaatar provinces, is designated as a specialized historical tourism area, with plans to diversify its economy and ensure balanced development. The total population of this region is 229,000, and its GDP stands at 2 trillion 444 billion tugriks. In the upcoming year, 95.8 billion tugriks will be invested from the state's budget in Sukhbaatar province. Projects in education, environment, roads, and tourism have been planned for implementation. In the Eastern Region, 23% of the total number of horses and 18% of the cattle population are found. It also accounts for 8.9% of the total grain production. Utilizing the geographical advantages of the region, it has the potential to become a key area for establishing an "Economic Corridor" between Mongolia, Russia, and China, joining the economic integration of Northeast Asia, comprising six nations.
L. Oyun-Erdene: We will overcome traffic and pollution by aligning with a unified psychological flow
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
The Prime Minister and the Mayor, along with other officials, visited the intersection of the highway track's bridge tunnel. The government has declared 2025 as the "Year of Supporting the Development of Capital City's Infrastructure." In this context, a Rapid Response Headquarters was established to accelerate the implementation of projects and measures in Ulaanbaatar. Today, the Rapid Response headquarters met and decided to expedite the work on the Tuul highway. This road starts from the four-lane road in Nalaikh, beginning at the Bayanzurkh bridge, and extends to the safety circle dividing the western provinces in the Songinohairkhan district, covering a total of 32 km. The construction of the Tuul highway is expected to facilitate seamless traffic around Ulaanbaatar city, thereby reducing congestion. Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene stated: "In 2025, we will focus on the issues of the capital city based on regional development policies. Today, the working group of the rapid headquarters visited the intersection of the Tuul highway track's bridge tunnel. This is a constantly active headquarters. Here, a six-lane horizontal axis highway will be constructed without any traffic lights or intersections. The ring road surrounding the ger area will be operational by 2028. Although the aim is to complete it within 24 months from the capital, we wish to do it in a shorter time. This involves several works related to land acquisition and investment. There are always groups of people who delay any task. If it gets delayed, we'll just remain stuck. Therefore, certain administrative measures will be taken. As the Prime Minister, I am making this appeal at the beginning of the year. We have no other solution. Moreover, there are several planning activities related to LRT and metro projects. In addition, efforts to impose such tasks over the capital city for many years have been unsuccessful. Therefore, the State Great Khural, the Government, and the city's leadership will make a package of decisions related to air pollution, energy, and congestion by redirecting 1% of the taxes from enterprises. We can only overcome this by moving together in one stream of social psychology. Therefore, I am appealing to the residents and businesses of the capital. Several laws will be specifically enacted for this." Senior Deputy Prime Minister L. Gantumur commented: "We are directing investment policies towards Ulaanbaatar city. The city has announced that it will complete the Tuul highway in 2 years, and the tender is to be announced this January. Initially, it was planned to have 4 lanes, but now it is planned to have 6 lanes. Also, the ring road surrounding the ger area will be operational by 2028, with the project design underway, and the contractor will be selected in June."
Tolgoit, Baruun 4 Zam, and Songinokhairkhan District Have Very High Air Pollution
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
As of 09:30 today, the air quality index of Ulaanbaatar city shows that the most polluted areas are Tolgoit, Bayankhoshuu, Khailaast, Baruun 4 Zam, and Songinokhairkhan District. You can check the air quality information of your living area by clicking here. The numerical values of the air quality index mean: - Clean: No negative impact on human health. - Normal: Meets air quality standards. However, some hypersensitive individuals may exhibit respiratory symptoms. - Slightly Polluted: Negative impact on the health of hypersensitive individuals may appear. Those with chronic heart and respiratory diseases, especially asthma, are more affected. - Polluted: Negative impact on human health begins to appear. Hypersensitive individuals are heavily affected. - Highly Polluted: Being outdoors for extended periods can have noticeable negative effects on human health. - Very Highly Polluted: Indicates negative effects on human health.
AQI: Pollution Detected in Tolgoit Area
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
According to the information provided by the website, which delivers air quality index measurement data, pollution is noted in the Tolgoit, MNB, and Misheel Expo areas. Source:
GOVI-ALTAI: An Earthquake with a Magnitude of 3.8 Occurred in Bugat Sum
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.8 occurred in the territory of Bugat Sum, Govi-Altai Province. According to the Astronomy and Geophysics Institute of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, the earthquake took place at 15:26 Ulaanbaatar time. It was located 38 km southwest of the center of Bugat Sum, 84 km southwest of the center of Tugrug Sum, and 107 km northwest of the center of Altai Sum. In our country, while tremors from strong earthquakes are felt, due to the low density of buildings and sparse population in rural areas, the damage is relatively small. As an additional note, earthquake strength is measured in two ways. Magnitude measures the central part of the earthquake occurring below ground, while the intensity felt on the ground, affecting people and structures, is measured in terms of the Richter scale. This scale goes up to 12, and earthquakes with a magnitude of less than 3 are usually not strongly felt by people, while a magnitude of 7 or above can cause widespread devastation. To elaborate, when an earthquake of 1-3 intensity occurs, people inside buildings can barely feel the shaking, and dishes on shelves might move a bit. When the intensity reaches 4-5, people may panic, and things like light fixtures can shake noticeably, with poorly supported objects such as sculptures and dishes falling. Most people feel fear during such events. At an intensity of 6-7, it becomes difficult for a person to stand, doors may not open, wall panels crack, window glass shatters, and furniture and other objects move and topple over.
An Earthquake with a Magnitude of 3.8 Occurred in Bugat Soum, Govi-Altai Province
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.8 occurred in Bugat soum, Govi-Altai province. The earthquake took place 38 km southwest of the center of Bugat soum, 84 km southwest of the center of Tögrög soum, and 107 km northwest of the center of Altai soum at 15:26 Ulaanbaatar time, according to the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics of the Academy of Sciences. For our country, the tremors of strong earthquakes are often felt, but due to sparse population and limited construction in rural areas, the damage tends to be relatively minor.
Over 40% of the Country at High Risk of Severe Winter Conditions
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
The National Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environmental Research has conducted an assessment of drought, snow, and pasture conditions using various observational and satellite data. It was found that over 40% of the country is at high risk, around 20% is at medium risk, about 10% is at low risk, and around 20% is risk-free. At the provincial level, most of Bayan-Ölgii, Uvs, Khovd, Zavkhan, and Govi-Altai provinces, and some parts of Khövsgöl, Bayankhongor, Arkhangai, and Övörkhangai, as well as a few districts in Bulgan, Selenge, and Dundgovi, are at very high and high risk. According to Government Resolution No. 286, an evaluation of the current situation shows that 10 districts in 4 provinces face severe snow conditions, while 40 districts in 10 provinces have conditions resembling near-severe snow. The preliminary forecast for January suggests that the central and western regions, which are at high risk of severe winter, will be colder than the multi-year average, while the eastern region will be around average. Precipitation in some areas of the western and central provinces is expected to exceed the multi-year average, indicating that winter could become increasingly harsh in these risk-prone areas. It is essential to continuously ensure preparedness in these regions.
Initiation of AI Readiness Assessment and National Strategy Development
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
In 2024, Mongolia improved by 11 positions in the "AI Readiness Index" and was ranked 98th out of 188 countries, according to a study released by Oxford Insight. The AI Readiness Index is derived based on three main criteria: Governance, Technology, and Data and Infrastructure, encompassing 10 indicators in total. Detailed statistical data indicates that while Mongolia's AI readiness indicators are showing growth each year, the absence of a "vision"—which scored 0—holds back Mongolia on this index. Therefore, the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications is conducting a comprehensive assessment of Mongolia's AI readiness with the support of the UN Development Program using the official methodology of Oxford Insight. In parallel, work has begun to define Mongolia's AI vision using the "Framework and Foresight" methodology developed by the University of Houston. The significance of this methodology lies in enhancing the process of anticipating future prospects and developing scenarios while studying their consequences, by increasing collective participation. According to this methodology, opinions and critiques about the current state of AI applications are being openly gathered from sector experts, researchers, and representatives of the private sector. As a result of these efforts, Mongolia will officially announce the "National AI Strategy" internationally next February. AI is expected to have a strong impact on the global economy in the near future, and it is advantageous for governments to prepare for utilizing AI in order to reduce potential technology-induced risks, gain competitive edges in commerce, manufacturing, security, and protect the rights and freedoms of their citizens. Suggestions on developing Mongolia's national AI strategy can be submitted via the link below. To submit via internet, click HERE. Follow
CS2 Major Opens Opportunities for Other Mongolian Teams
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
Recently, during the Shanghai Major, the Mongolian team "The MongolZ" achieved an inspiring success that delighted their compatriots and loyal fans. Their achievement not only showcased the development of "Counter Strike" in Mongolia but also highlighted Asia's prominence in the global arena. As a result of their success, the game developer "Valve" has decided to organize the 2025 Major competition with 32 teams. This decision was made considering that many teams like "The MongolZ" are waiting for their opportunity. Previously, 24 teams competed in the Major, but starting from the upcoming Major, 32 teams will compete. From Asia, where previously three teams participated, this number will increase to five. Additionally, the top team from Asia will start directly from the third stage, which is the final playoff stage. The remaining four teams will begin from the first stage. In the Austin Major, teams will compete from the following regions: - Europe – 16 teams - America – 11 teams - Asia – 5 teams Previously, only two teams from the Asia-Pacific region competed in the Major. Thanks to "The MongolZ", this number increased to three last year, and now it has become five. This development makes it easier for other Mongolian teams to fulfill their dreams. Teams like "ATOX", "The Huns", "IHC Esports", and "Chinggis Warriors" now have a good opportunity. Chinese and Australian teams are also present.
Schedule of Wrestling Competitions in January
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
The Mongolian National Wrestling Federation is presenting the schedule of wrestling competitions to be held at the Mongolian Wrestling Palace in January. - From the 10th to the 12th at 09:00 AM, the National Judo Championship will take place. - On the 13th at 01:00 PM, there will be a wrestling competition featuring 128 wrestlers from the nation, provinces, the military, and districts in honor of the 33rd anniversary of the new constitution. - On the 17th at 11:00 AM, the regular wrestling competition for district title holders and young wrestlers will be held. - From the 18th to the 19th at 09:00 AM, the National Jiu-Jitsu Championship will occur. - From the 20th to the 22nd at 09:00 AM, the National Freestyle Wrestling Championship will be held. - On the 25th at 11:00 AM, "Bread and Sweets Co., Ltd." will host the traditional wrestling competition for provincial, military, district title holders, and young wrestlers during the "Festival of Biscuits." - On the 26th at 01:00 PM, a wrestling competition featuring 128 wrestlers from the nation, provinces, the military, and districts will be held in honor of the State Falcon title. Warning: Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social and Web pages) must always credit the source ( when using our information, whether in full or in part, in any form.
Louis Braille: The Benefactor Who Opened the Doors of Knowledge for the Blind
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
January 4 marks World Braille Day, the day of the birth of its creator, Louis Braille. Despite becoming completely blind at the age of three due to an unfortunate accident, he courageously overcame the challenges fate presented and inspired millions of similarly blind people around the world to lead hopeful lives. His life story inspires admiration in all. The braille script he invented and his enlightening works significantly changed the lifestyle of blind people. According to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, around 285 million people worldwide are visually impaired, with 39 million being completely blind. Today, visually impaired people have far more opportunities for education and improving their quality of life compared to several centuries ago, largely due to Louis Braille's contributions. Today, braille is a tool of communication for visually impaired citizens and plays a crucial role in their participation in social life. An Unfortunate Early Life Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809, in the small town of Coupvray, France. He was a frail child by birth and had two older sisters and a brother much older than him. His father, Simon-René Braille, was a skilled and respected leather craftsman in his hometown, running a workshop and selling his products at a nearby shop. Despite his frail health, Louis was an incredibly curious child. He spent most of his time in his father's workshop and shop rather than with his siblings, fascinated by seeing and touching various objects. His father patiently answered his endless questions. Once, while his father was briefly talking to a customer, curious three-year-old Louis tried to emulate his father by using an awl to poke at some leather. In a fateful mishap, the awl sprang back and hit him, blinding one of his eyes. Due to the lack of medical facilities in the small town, a local healer was summoned from a nearby village. Despite her efforts, an infection spread to his other eye, leaving Louis completely blind. Even today, the lives of the blind are fraught with challenges, and imagining life for them over 200 years ago is all the more difficult. Most people with blindness lived in extreme poverty, relying on charity. However, Louis' family was exceedingly kind and loving, treating him no differently than before and preventing him from feeling despair. To help their son navigate his surroundings, Louis' father crafted a special cane and would often take him on walks, describing the wonders of the world. They employed various methods to teach him the alphabet and writing. Louis quickly learned these skills. By the age of six, a local priest was teaching him history, music, and providing initial insights into the sciences. Louis wished to attend a regular school. His friends would accompany him to school every morning. He was the most attentive and eager student, memorizing everything taught by his teachers. Unfortunately, he could not read written material independently. A Blind Student Despite this, people around him always showed care and attention. At the age of ten, following recommendations from the school director and the priest, he was sent to a special school for blind children. Founded in Paris in 1785, the Royal Institute for Blind Youth was the first of its kind in the world. Naturally, a school in the capital provided better educational conditions than his previous school in Coupvray. However, resources to ease the lives of the blind were scarce at the time. Textbooks used in schools were created by embossing letters onto thick paper, which students would feel with their fingertips. However, the letters were made large to differentiate them, resulting in short texts spanning several pages, making the books cumbersome and heavy. With slow reading speeds, this was tiresome for the children. The Blind Inventor By age 12, Louis was introduced to a fascinating idea during a visit by retired French Army Captain Charles Barbier. In 1808, Barbier developed a system for military communication at Napoleon's request. This "night writing" enabled silent information exchange between soldiers in the dark, avoiding detection by enemies, thus preventing them from launching attacks. Barbier devised a table listing all French phonemes and combinations, assigning each a two-digit code, represented by raised dots on paper. While sensing the dots was easy in darkness, identifying the numbers and letters simultaneously proved difficult for soldiers. Thus, the "night writing" was not widely adopted. However, Barbier realized his system might be useful for the blind. Though testing "night writing" revealed multiple shortcomings, it was easier to memorize and did not require large spaces, unlike previous bulky texts. Almost the only person interested in "night writing" was Louis Braille. The curious boy immediately saw the potential for enhancing this script to unlock opportunities for the blind. By age 15, Louis developed a new tactile script for the blind based on embossed dots, ready to memorize and use in reading. By reducing the number of dots required for writing, combining six dots in various configurations, and shortening the distance between each, it became easier to recognize each letter by fingertip touch. The school's director was the first to test his creation. During a recital of a newspaper article, Louis pressed the dots to form words and sentences. After the reading, he retraced the dots with his fingertips to accurately repeat the article verbatim. Students unanimously agreed the script was simple to learn. Whereas they previously memorized each lecture, they could now quickly adopt note-taking in their notebooks. The educational process became lighter, more interesting, allowing students time for other pursuits. A Blind Educator and Pioneer The tireless Louis progressively refined his invention, expanding the braille script to include mathematical symbols and musical notation, enabling blind musicians to read and compose their work. An accomplished musician himself, Louis played the organ at a professional level, frequently performing at the nearby Church of Saint-Nicolas-des-Champs. At the age of 17, he began working as a teaching assistant, instructing younger students, and became a full-fledged teacher at 19, teaching language, arithmetic, music, and geography. He authored books and manuals on how to utilize braille, providing guidance on applying the script to music, mathematics, and geography. His first manual, "Method for Writing Words, Music, and Simple Songs Using Dots for the Use of the Blind," was published twice, in 1829 and 1837. Unwavering Effort in the Final Years In 1834, a Paris industrial exhibition showcased France's achievements, including Louis Braille's embossed dot script. He transcribed spoken words into dots, then read them aloud to attendees. Even King Louis-Philippe I of France showed interest. However, people merely observed out of curiosity without adopting braille as an official script or allocating state funds for printing textbooks for the blind. Yet Louis remained undeterred, continuing his teaching, writing, and refining his creation. As he became easily fatigued and frequently ill, doctors diagnosed him with tuberculosis in 1836. Existing in poor health, compounded by the cold, damp conditions of the school, he suffered further. Despite doctors repeatedly advising rest and fresh air, Louis used all his remaining energy to aid the blind in learning. He frequently returned to his hometown of Coupvray during his most fatigued states. While unwell, he wrote several books and manuals, further improving braille, culminating in the first book printed in braille in 1837. Throughout his relentless work, Louis developed a new tactile script in 1839 called "rafigraphy," usable by both the blind and sighted, who found his needle invention helpful for writing large tactile letters. However, Louis encountered challenges with the 10-dot script, leading him to seek help from his blind mechanic friend, Pierre Foucault, who designed a precursor to a typewriter called a raphigraph, printing raised lines in ink. As his health worsened, even short walks exhausted him. In his final years, he only taught music when feeling somewhat better. By late 1851, Louis' strength was severely depleted, and he passed away on January 6, 1852, just two days after turning 43. After his death, friends organizing his belongings found a small box marked "Do Not Open, Burn Immediately," containing records of debts to Louis from hundreds of people. Although he never received significant income, he lived frugally and always assisted others by purchasing textbooks and supplies for impoverished students whenever possible. Great Honor to a Great Benefactor Louis Braille has passed, but his works have not been forgotten. In 1854, two years after his death, the French government officially approved the usage of his script for the blind and named it Braille after its creator. In 1878, a World Congress on improving the lives of blind and deaf people in Rome recognized braille as the official script for the blind, recommending its use globally. Since then, it has been adapted for nearly every language. Louis Braille was buried in his native Coupvray, and as time passed, his extraordinary contributions to humanity became increasingly evident. In 1952, his remains (except for his hands) were reinterred in Paris' Pantheon, alongside France's great figures. The following year, his birthplace was turned into a memorial museum. A plaque in the museum reads, "He opened the doors of knowledge to the blind," honoring his legacy. In 1963, the first school in the Mongolian People's Republic was established to educate visually impaired children, starting to teach braille in 1964. On December 3, 2019, the "Mongolian Braille Standard" was approved at the Technical Committee Meeting on Health and Medical Services Standardization. Since 2019, each January 4th is celebrated as Braille Literacy Day for the Visually Impaired.
SELENGE: The Rock Inscription of Khalkha Tsogt Prince
Published: 2025-01-05 | Translated from:
In Sukhbaatar, according to MONTSAME: In 2021, the Mongolian National Committee of the World Memory Program decided to nominate the heritage "The Rock Inscription of Khalkha Tsogt Prince" for the UNESCO "Memory of the World" program's list of international documentary heritage during a meeting held at the National Library. Subsequently, at the session of the International Advisory Committee of UNESCO's "Memory of the World" program held in Paris, the capital of the French Republic, in May 2023, 64 unique and valuable artifacts were included in the program's international documentary heritage list, among them the "The Rock Inscription of Khalkha Tsogt Prince." If the inscription is translated: Above, being the power of the Eternal Heaven,
And on this earth, being the power of the Great Khans,
Though distinctions exist above and below,
The air of happiness and love is one.
Through the bodhisattvas within the cave of Agnistain,
And those who possess the bodhi mind on the golden earth,
Though the ground of their existence is separate,
The air of compassion is one.
Here, the virtuous officials of the Great Khans
And the mighty lords of the hell turning realm,
Though their formalities differ,
The air of discerning right from wrong is one.
The many greedy humans who devour prey
And the beasts that roam the mountains,
Though their beings are separate,
The air of killing to eat is one.
A person who stealthily acts from far and near
And a wolf that circles the city,
Though their forms and bodies differ,
The desire to eat is one.
Though my sister in the Onon River
And we that reside by the Orkhon Tuul,
Though separated by the land of Khalkha Onigood,
The air of affectionate thought remains one.
If we do not meet in this life,
Let each subsequent life be one of meanwhile helping each other,
Like a mother caring solely for her child,
Let us assist with all deeds.
(This expresses a desired thought: If we cannot meet in this lifetime, then let us cherish each other like a mother and daughter in subsequent reincarnations.)
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