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Mongolia News Summary for February 13, 2025

Mongolia News Summary for February 13, 2025
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of MongolBeat or its members.

Today's Stories










Issues to be Discussed in Today's Government Meeting

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In today's regular government meeting, the following issues will be discussed: - The outcomes of the 5th meeting of the Capital City Emergency Headquarters - The draft government resolution on "Measures regarding the Unified Information Database for Development Policy and Planning" - The draft government resolution "On Approving the Composition, Working Procedures of the Council, and the Charter of the Center" /Composition, Working Procedures of the Economic Development Council, and Charter of the Economic Development Center/ - The draft government resolution "On the Use of Model Conditions for International Agreements" - Some measures to be taken regarding Gashuunsukhait - The selection of the National Champion Livestock Breeder and 26 other issues.

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News Itinerary: Discussion on Uranium Enrichment to be Held

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: news.mn

The "NEWS" agency is presenting a summary of today's notable events: At 08:30 AM: The regular meeting of the government will be held at the state palace. From 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM: A discussion "Around the Technology of Uranium In-Situ Leach Mining" will take place at the central building of the Academy of Sciences. At 11:00 AM: Representatives of the "Mongolian Economic Forum" NGO, MNCCI, AmCham, Ulaanbaatar Chamber of Commerce, Mongolian Food Federation, and Mongolian Business Council will hold a press conference on business environment issues at the "Century News" newspaper's National Information Center. At 02:00 PM: A meeting to discuss plans to enhance cooperation between scientific organizations, government, and private sectors in addressing agricultural sector challenges, within the framework of the project to improve the connection between teaching, research, and production at the Mongolian University of Life Sciences (MULS), will be held at MULS. Tel: 95168797 At 7:00 PM: The play "THE LOVER" will be performed and will be shown on the stage of the State Drama Theatre until the 16th of this month. - Norphei Art Gallery presents a solo "Mongol" art exhibition featuring new and best works by artist Ch. Bolor, a member of the Mongolian Artists' Union, at the BlueMon Center until February 23. - Tourism Week is ongoing. - The "Amar Baina uu" fair is ongoing at "Soyolj Mall" and "Ih Nayad" commercial center until February 27. - The "Hunnu Mongol Erdeniin Shatar" exhibition by artist R. Bayasgalan is open at the "Chinggis Khaan" National Museum until March 12.

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Decisions Made by the Government's Regular Meeting

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The regular meeting of the government discussed and decided on several issues. Naming of National Champion Herdsmen, Milkmaids, Farmers, and Growers Recognizing the success of leading herdsmen and farmers who contributed to social and economic development by creating jobs in rural areas and increasing the productivity of animal husbandry and agriculture, the following awards were given in 2025: 140 National Champion Herdsmen, 14 National Double Champion Herdsmen, 7 National Champion Milkmaids, 10 individuals and enterprises as National Champion Farmers, 17 teams as National Champion Growers, and up to 23 individuals as National Champion Growers. It is a tradition to honor the champions of the country before the Lunar New Year by recognizing the productivity of herders and farmers who are the main workforce in Mongolia's leading social and economic sector, agriculture. This year, the evaluation focused on the introduction of new technologies, increased productivity in animal husbandry and crop production, and contributions to rural development. The group includes dairy farmers who have achieved international standards by milking 9,000 liters of milk per milking cow annually in the conditions of Mongolia, young farming families who have moved from urban to rural areas to establish intensive farms and create models of rural development, herders who have adjusted livestock numbers to pasture capacity to focus on breeding quality, market-competitive cattle, farmers who have introduced advanced technologies and carried out technical upgrades in agricultural production, and growers who have adapted and cultivated new crop varieties. Implementation of the Bagakhangai-Khoshig Valley Railway Project in Two Phases The State Policy and Regulation Department, Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC, Mongolian Railway SOE, and Tavantolgoi Railway LLP have been permitted to finance the Bagakhangai-Khoshig Valley branch railway with funds from their 2024 net profit and 2025 investments, relying on domestic resources. “Mongolian Railway” LLC is responsible for constructing the Bagakhangai-Khoshig Valley railway in compliance with relevant laws, international standards, and quality requirements, as well as its operation. The Bagakhangai-Khoshig Valley railway will branch off from the Bagakhangai station of the Ulaanbaatar Railway JV, pass through Sergelen soum of Tuv aimag, and extend 87.2 km to the Khoshig Valley and 15.6 km in the direction of the Shuvuun Fabric, totaling 102.8 km in length. The railway will have three stations and four passes planned. The project will be implemented in two phases. Relevant officials are tasked with promptly providing the necessary technical conditions and relevant permits for constructing the railway's infrastructure, including engineering structures, energy, water supply, stations, passes, and other buildings and structures per the appropriate regulations. Discussion on the Law on Reducing Traffic Congestion and Housing the Ger District The government session will discuss the draft law to amend the law on housing the ger district using smart traffic management based on artificial intelligence and big data. Minister of Mongolia and Chairman of the National Committee of the 20-Minute City, R. Erdeneburen, has presented to government members the draft law to amend the law on reducing traffic congestion and housing the ger district using information storage and automation systems based on artificial intelligence and big data. The government will discuss the draft law and other related legislative projects developed in connection with this draft at the next government meeting, preparing them to be submitted to Mongolia's State Great Khural. Minister of Foreign Affairs B. Battsetseg was instructed to coordinate with China on the issue of establishing a separate freight crossing point on the national border line at the Bichigt-Zuunkhataavch and Khavirga-Ar Khashaat ports through diplomatic channels and to present on establishing a separate passenger crossing at the Bichigt-Zuunkhataavch port.

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Special Attention Needed for Key Legislation on Licenses and Taxes

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The "Business-Friendly Mongolia" program, aimed at removing all obstacles that hinder businesses implemented by the government, needs better implementation. Business representatives have informed that the tax environment and special licenses should be immediately resolved comprehensively. Oyuna Adya, Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Mongolia (AmCham), said, "One of the 10 proposals our chamber submitted regarding the revision of the tax package laws concerns tax dispute resolution. According to our research, opportunities equivalent to USD 10 billion have been blocked over the last 3-4 years. We are still in a tax dispute with Mongolia's largest investor, the company Rio Tinto. This negatively affects our reputation abroad." Furthermore, conditions should be created to generate jobs and set the Corporate Income Tax and Social Insurance contributions at the lowest possible rate, and for at least the first 5 years, they should be aligned with the standards of other countries. Startups and small and medium enterprises should be completely exempt from taxes and given the opportunity to grow and prosper over a certain period. It was emphasized that obtaining government approval to conduct business involves dozens of steps and an unreasonable number of documents, with waiting periods that can extend to a hundred days, which needs urgent resolution. President of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) L. Turuut-Od said, "Out of the 372 licenses issued nationwide, 251 are special permits and 121 are regular permits. Although the number of licenses seems reduced, the associated fees and charges are very high. This should be dismantled, and the authority to issue permits should be transferred to organizations representing the public and business sectors."

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VS: Support or Oppose Government Dismissal

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: news.mn

Member of Parliament Ch. Lodoi Sambu has proposed a motion to dismiss Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene and has begun collecting signatures from MPs. According to Article 43.1 of the Constitution of Mongolia, "If no less than one-fourth of the Members of Parliament officially propose a motion to dismiss the Prime Minister, the Parliament shall discuss and decide upon the issue within ten days of the proposal being raised." However, some members of parliament have expressed their position against dismissing the Prime Minister. Therefore, in this week's VS column, we highlight the opposing positions of MP Ch. Lodoi Sambu, who proposed the motion, and MP B. Bat-Erdene. Ch. Lodoi Sambu, Member of Parliament According to Article 43.1 of the Constitution of Mongolia, "If no less than one-fourth of the MPs officially propose a motion to dismiss the Prime Minister, the Parliament shall discuss and decide upon the issue within ten days." Furthermore, the Law on the State Great Khural of Mongolia, Article 8.1.11, states that "The motion for the dismissal of the Prime Minister of Mongolia shall be proposed jointly with other members," which is the basis for MP Ch. Lodoi Sambu and other MPs to propose the motion to dismiss the Prime Minister. We call on all 126 MPs to join this official document. When the Prime Minister was first appointed by the Parliament, I was the only one who stood against it in the plenary session. I hope this will not repeat when it comes to holding responsibility. The elections were just a few months ago. What was promised then? What did they promise to defend, remember that, and stand together regardless of party affiliation. So far, MP J. Bayarmaa has expressed her intention to join. The reasons for MPs who join and those who refuse to sign will be communicated to the public. The recent unfortunate incident is just one example. This motion was not proposed because of that. I have been criticizing Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene since 2022. However, if it was a reason to make this statement, then yes. In Mongolia, if human life is not valuable, then what is? Those who are saying it is politicizing over human life should step back. When six citizens have lost their lives, at least the Prime Minister should come out and express condolences. We are waiting for this. I issued the official document today, not yesterday, to allow time. We do not necessarily have to solve things by force. In a civilized society, people should be aware of ethics. B. Bat-Erdene, Member of Parliament Former officials who served as Presidents and Prime Ministers absconded from the country, while Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene, regardless of party affiliation, fought against corruption and returned 2,200,000,000,000 MNT of misappropriated money, including 12,200,000 USD transferred abroad, back to the country. Such a Prime Minister has not been before. I support his fight and the new revival policy. The government of Mongolia should continue its operations. If you ask whether there are ministers who are incompetent and irresponsible, yes, there are. There are those who oppose their own cabinet, do not understand the policy, and evade responsibility. Regarding the issue of pollution, there are related officials. I agree that they should be held accountable. I clearly stated this on the general oversight hearing on air pollution that was held a few days ago. A temporary oversight committee has been set up, and we should check, monitor, and hold those responsible accountable. Those responsible should bear responsibility. We have lost the past 34 years due to our divisions and partisanship. The deficiency in today’s energy, salaries, pensions, education, and healthcare are all due to division, fanaticism, and revenge. The victims are not the politicians who started this; it is always the public. The Joint Government has established and started 14 mega projects. Gold, copper, and steel complex factories will at least create jobs and bring about economic growth. Erdeneburen, Egiin River Hydroelectric Power Plant, Thermal and Power Plant in Tavan Tolgoi will help us overcome the energy shortage. We will save the enormous currency flowing abroad. The cross-border railway connections at border checkpoints will increase foreign trade turnover and exports. Today, we have the time to expand our economy and create more opportunities for our country. We must not lose this opportunity to fanaticism and the whims of politicians and oligarchs. We should not experience the bitter taste of loss again. To increase our GDP per capita over 10,000 USD, and to step over the current poor life, and for economic growth, we must strive.

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Mongolia ranks 114th out of 180 countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

The international organization "Transparency International" has a tradition of compiling and presenting the Corruption Perceptions Index each year. The index for the past year has been released, covering more than 180 countries, as reported by "Transparency International Mongolia". Our country was ranked 114th with a score of 33. This is an improvement of seven places from 2023, although the score itself has not changed. Denmark led the index for the seventh time with a score of 90. Finland and New Zealand followed with scores of 88 and 84, respectively. In contrast, South Sudan scored 8, Somalia 9, Venezuela 10, Syria 12, and Libya, Eritrea, Yemen, and Equatorial Guinea each scored 13, being at the bottom of the list. The average score of the 180 countries included in the index was 43, the same as the previous year, indicating that corruption worldwide has not decreased, and urgent measures are needed, emphasized by "Transparency International". According to Executive Director E. Munkhjargal of the non-government organization "Transparency International Mongolia", “Mongolia has scored 33 points for three consecutive years since 2022. Although the score hasn't changed, the ranking has moved up. The index for our country is based on the assessments and information from eight international sources. For example, the 'World Economic Forum' evaluated our index by asking study participants how common informal additional payments and bribes are for companies to operate, resulting in a score of 23. The 'V-Dem Institute' assessed that Mongolia's ranking in electoral democracy has decreased.” Regarding why our country has not improved beyond a score of 33, independent advisor D. Tegshbayar of "Transparency International Mongolia" mentioned, “Among the total eight sources, the score of three slightly increased, while the evaluations of five sources decreased. Mongolia moved up seven places in the ranking. However, ranking is not as important as the score. In 2022, our country was included among the ten countries with a declining score and intensifying corruption. According to a source related to democratic indicators, Mongolia was in the gray zone in 2023, indicating a retreat from democracy. In 2024, we remained in the gray zone. Democratic indicators significantly influence the Corruption Perceptions Index. Our poor score reflects the lack of necessary actions to protect and strengthen democracy.” "Transparency International" consolidated its recommendations over the past five years for Mongolia this time. This is because our country has not made significant steps to implement the organization's recommendations over the years. Thus, recommendations were given again. For example, it was recommended to make political party financing transparent and to improve oversight. Preventing a few people from misappropriating benefits, assistance, loans, and subsidies meant for others and making the implementation of laws equal were also recommended again. In Mongolia, a notable issue, different from other countries, is the corruption within party factions and other small groups. For instance, in addition to party factions, small groups such as alumni and herders' associations contribute to increased corruption. Further detailed studies in this area are needed, it was explained.

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Will They Terminate Member D. Tsogtbaatar's Parliamentary Mandate?

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The Supreme Court formalized the decision on the Development Bank case yesterday, as required by law. Last December 11, the Supreme Court resolved the case involving 80 individuals and 4 legal entities related to the Development Bank case, affirming the decision of the primary court. As per this decision, the initial court ruling that sentenced Member of Parliament D. Tsogtbaatar for the Development Bank case was upheld. This challenges the parliamentary mandate of MP D. Tsogtbaatar, yet no decision has been made for two months while waiting for the court's decision to be formalized. Typically, the decision would be implemented immediately after the judge's announcement and gavel strike, but in the case of a Member of Parliament, the implementation awaits the formalized court decision. The court decision that the parliament demanded was formalized yesterday. There is a law that suspends a Member of Parliament's mandate once they are deemed guilty by the Supreme Court and sentenced. However, it remains unclear how Parliament will resolve D. Tsogtbaatar's issue. According to Mongolia's valid laws, a court decision is final. Therefore, Parliament is obliged to implement the court decision, not debate it. This is the first case where a sitting Member of Parliament has been sentenced by the court. MP D. Tsogtbaatar was elected to Parliament before the final court decision on his case was issued. According to the law on Parliament, an MP's mandate ends prematurely if "it is established by a court's legally binding decision that the Member has committed a crime." Therefore, from the day the Supreme Court's decision was issued, MP D. Tsogtbaatar's mandate should have ended.

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Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: gogo.mn

We have discovered that over the last two years, the binder for pressed fuel has been made with toxic materials. About 700 people have died due to carbon monoxide poisoning. That's the count now. Are these two sentences irrelevant to the government? A member of the Parliament was convicted of an official crime. The Supreme Court finalized it, as the member committed fraud of 80 million using the name of orphans. The Speaker of the Parliament, D. Amarbayasgalan, is related to the coal theft. We have put the thief on our pedestal. Do these two sentences have nothing to do with the Parliament? Approximately 2,000 cases remain unresolved due to the court. I am speaking with evidence. Because of the court, I am unable to fight corruption. Are these two statements irrelevant to the court and the prosecutor? These are the alarming pieces of information I have heard in just the past month. Yet, the whole nation seems to accept it as just the way things are... Suddenly, they start to muse that as Mongolians, we are from a sovereign democratic state. Should a member of Parliament face such persecution for stating that the government isn't working and should be dismissed? Isn't this something the members of Parliament should be discussing every day? In a country with corruption, there is no democracy. In a country with corruption, there is no independent policy. The only aim is to maintain power and avoid prison. The web of the spider grows larger. Those who speak of democracy are bribed with office positions and leadership roles. The others lick... Corruption is the politics of the rear that you grew up licking. This is a very simple scheme where we flaunt miraculous economic growth numbers to the public and exult them while openly siphoning off for ourselves. The public is used to seeing it. People are dying, and they just think that's normal. Walking and laughing while your head is injured on slippery roads, gnarled in grasping breathlessness with cancer while murmuring that only this will lead us to happiness, there is no other proper governance, we are about to develop, where are the enemies, let's beat them, inspiring everyone to keep licking. Everyone, including you and me, by inaction. What do we do now? Just form the next government, already used to hearing a thousand stories. This young man led the country for four years, and if they gained power, it has already been six years. What has increased in these six years besides the despair, frustration, and stress in your life? Six years is a long time. Take out a picture of yourself from six years ago and look. This man's ability to enhance the corruption devouring Mongolia is only refining it and inflating it more. Look at the structure of the economy. Without any additional examples, the dollar was at 2640 in January 2019. Six years later, it's at 3456. They talked about COVID making it tough during this time. Remember, COVID happened in all countries. Even in the countries being compared with the dollar. The main issue is that while they claim the economy is growing, that immense amount of money isn't reaching the citizens, making them more exhausted and unable to afford anything, indicating we've made this country completely corrupt. The same people, D. Enkhtuvshin, J. Bayarmaa, and Ch. Lodoigoo, who spoke out against the government's failure, are now being judged. Should a member of Parliament face such persecution for stating that the government isn't working and should be dismissed? Isn't this something the members of Parliament should be discussing every day? Look at Argentina; in just a little over 400 days, how did they change that exhausted, crisis-hit country? What exactly are we doing? Corruption is developed under the guise of state secrets, with a single seal on paper to wrap the many corruptions. It is definitely disguised as National Security. Those who protest against the corrupt are belittled, and even if they don't go, they just sit back saying it's organized. A country that is happy in its dying state. Corruption is developed under the guise of state secrets, with a single seal on paper to wrap the many corruptions. It is definitely disguised as National Security. Judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and investigators, knowing all these deceits, are blocked by this so-called secrecy. The ruling ones know how many mouths they've silenced under the label of state secrets. How else could a Supreme Court judge lament in the great hall of Shangri-La about how it's closing off non-secret items as secrecy? They don't know what to hide and what not to. For a chief prosecutor, they say one must work many years within the prosecutorial system. But this is just a state attorney. Prosecutors decide what to send to court or freeze under a hierarchical command, being the biggest political key in Mongolia. If we don't abolish this hierarchy and establish a system protecting human rights, we will continue to be consumed by corruption. They say a chief prosecutor must work many years within the prosecutorial system. But this is just a state attorney. Lawyers with the right to defend can do the job. They have firmly established the barrier against foreigners entering and damaging this system. Other than the Chief Prosecutor, anyone will tell you our prosecutor is challenging and pressured. This system must change. From January 1, 2028, the clause of re-registering all political parties under the Constitution will come into effect. Consequently, we should dissolve our 100-year-old famous party. Register anew not just this party, but all parties. Remove rigid party membership and make all parties based only on supporters. A political party should exist for a humane and civil democratic society, yet our political party law has made them large black chains of corruption, which should be revamped infused with democracy's scent. We should change the regressed election law that always places the People's Party first on the ballot. In the end, it is viewed that if these three laws are rectified, we can make systematic reforms in the country. Consequently, many other things will be renewed. There's a societal need to put forth a bold politician who can lead the people who seem not to awake on their own. Let's reform. Let's make a legal revolution! Only by reforming our system can we escape this black hole. Who cares about the elections? Our only chance to leave is by changing this government. Terrifying corrupt people are making chess moves right on our heads. Young people, friends of the Prime Minister, brothers, old men who grew within his created spider web are protecting their own while belittling and criticizing Lodoigee. Lodoigee is bad, Eebee is bad, Saikhanbileg is bad, MCS is bad, the 30 families are bad, and who knows who else. If it's true, you have the legal clauses to arrest, detain, and take action. They say you will suppress those horrific bogeymen, yet six, eight years have passed. There are reportedly counter protests against the demonstrations. At this moment, they're supposedly about to catch that fearful thief. That's bogus, those corrupt ones. There's never just one group of corrupt, the whole society has plunged its head into a system of corruption. Look into the eyes of the young people counter-protesting. Are you going to organize and corner those who criticize the government, express their beliefs and opinions? The youth of MAN, AN, HUN, would you please have conscience now? Seats and positions will come around again. Even if they do not, remember the principles you talked about just a few months ago. What need is there to obscure today with the thought of a trivial seat? You won't starve to death. Once again, removing a government only requires these two sentences: We have discovered that over the last two years, the binder for pressed fuel has been made with toxic materials. About 700 people have died due to carbon monoxide poisoning. That's the count now. After stating these two sentences, they begin to discuss who will be held accountable from now on. The laws for accountability are ready. Are you crazy? I don't understand what's being said. It's the government's accountability; if they can't, replacing them should be enough, right? Really, isn't that enough? Just the way it is, right? Are you going to organize and corner those who criticize the government, express their beliefs and opinions? Just the way it is, right? Written for you who continue to overlook and support corruption. Keep licking as you read. I too will keep licking. The tongue really gets tired. Also, the taste is unpleasant, huff.

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Member of Parliament Ö.Shijir Questions Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene on Strategic Deposits

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: isee.mn

Member of the State Great Khural, Ö.Shijir, has posed questions to Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene. The questions focused on the current state of the decision to take 34% of strategic deposits under state ownership, and why most deposits previously identified as "strategic" have ended up entirely in private hands. Additionally, the issue of the Gashuunsukhait-Ganqmod border port railway construction was raised, which the "Energy Resource" company proposed to build with the Chinese side in 2015. The company had signed documents such as a "General Financing Agreement" and a "Memorandum of Understanding," which allegedly posed risks to national security. Furthermore, questions were raised about why the Ukhaa Khudag deposit was transferred to "Energy Resource" during Prime Minister S.Bayar's government in 2008. Ö.Shijir asked why, in 2007, the State Great Khural categorized 16 deposits as strategic, yet more than half were not owned by the state. He also inquired about the progress of taking 34% or more of strategic deposits under state control as part of implementing the National Wealth Fund Law. Moreover, what exactly were the "Memorandum of Understanding" and the "General Financing Agreement" on the Gashuunsukhait-Ganqmod border port railway project signed in 2015 by the Energy Resource company with a foreign entity without resolutions from the State Great Khural or the Government, which posed risks to national security? The documents resulted in a claimed loss of 13.97 billion yuan, and the foreign entity stated that this loss would not be pursued further. This agreement, established without prioritizing national interests, could have risked the friendly relations between the two neighboring countries, and clarifications from the officials who supported this agreement are needed. Additionally, why did Prime Minister S.Bayar's government transfer the "Ukhaa Khudag" coal deposit to the "Energy Resource" company as compensation instead of money in 2008? And why did Prime Minister Ch.Saikhanbileg's government provide compensation to the "Energy Resource" company in 2015 amounting to 60.3 million dollars at the 2012 exchange rate? These questions were all mentioned in the inquiry.

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Former MPs B. Bayarsaikhan and G. Munkhtsetseg Seek Consul Positions

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: isee.mn

This year, approximately 50 people will be appointed as ambassadors and consuls. Among them, 21 will be appointed as ambassadors. Those appointed as ambassadors or consuls include individuals who have held political positions. For instance, S. Erdene, who worked as the head of the Democratic Party, has been appointed as the Deputy Consul in Chicago, USA, and has traveled to the country after passing the civil service examination. Additionally, during the plenary session, former Member of Parliament N. Oyundari was appointed as the ambassador to the Republic of Poland. This appointment was expedited to link with the impending state visit to Poland by President U. Khurelsukh. - D. OYUNKHOROL REQUESTED APPOINTMENT AS AMBASSADOR, B. BAYARSAIKHAN, AND G. MUNKHTSETSEG AS CONSULS - It has been discussed in political circles that former Members of Parliament D. Oyunkhorol, B. Bayarsaikhan, and G. Munkhtsetseg have submitted requests to their party seeking appointments as an ambassador and consuls, respectively. Specifically, D. Oyunkhorol has requested appointment as an ambassador, while B. Bayarsaikhan and G. Munkhtsetseg have sought consul positions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarified that these individuals are not on the official list for ambassadorial or consul appointments. However, sources indicate they submitted these requests to their party, not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Soon, a prompt meeting by Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg is expected, where these matters might be introduced. D. Oyunkhorol has been elected to the parliament four times. She has also served twice as the Minister of Environment, Green Development, and Tourism, and worked as an advisor to Prime Minister Khurelsukh without running in the 2020 election. Most recently, she served as the Administrative Director responsible for the Khushig Valley development issues and the government’s plenipotentiary representative until stepping down this January. B. Bayarsaikhan, with a journalism background, has held positions such as Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Member of Parliament, and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Education, Science, Culture, and Sports. During the last election, he ran in the Zavkhan, Uvs, Khovd, and Gobi-Altai regions but was not elected. G. Munkhtsetseg also served as a Member of Parliament for two terms but did not propose substantial legislation or achieve significant accomplishments in eight years. She ran unsuccessfully in the Gobi region during the last election. - ADDITIONALLY, D. SARANGEREL AND TS. MUNKHTSETSEG TO BE APPOINTED AS ADVISOR AMBASSADORS - In addition, last November, the government decided to appoint D. Odbayar, a former member of the Constitutional Court, as the Consul General in Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, and Ts. Jadambaa, a member of the National Policy Council of the Democratic Party, as the Consul General in Busan, South Korea. Lkhagvadorj, a member of the HUN Party, is set to be the consul in Ereen, China. However, it has been three months with no response from "the host side" on whether they accept these appointments, though Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg affirmed that "the host side will accept." D. Odbayar resigned from the Constitutional Court chairmanship due to an ethical violation. Furthermore, former Member of Parliament D. Sarangerel will soon be appointed as the Advisor Ambassador to the Republic of Bulgaria, and former Member of Parliament Ts. Munkhtsetseg as the Advisor Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany. According to official sources, they are awaiting to take language and general knowledge exams as required by the civil service law. Since they will be appointed as Advisor Ambassadors, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will make direct decisions regarding their appointments.

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The Government of Mongolia's "Nomad" Bond Price Hits Highest Level Since October 21, 2022

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The "Hunnu" bond price rose by over one percent in the latest trading. The Government of Mongolia's announcement of a tender to purchase the "Nomad" (MONGOL 26) bond, maturing in 2026 with a value of $566 million, and the "Hunnu" (MONGOL 28) bond, maturing in 2028 with a value of $650 million, led to a significant rise in the "Nomad" bond price, reaching its highest level since October 21, 2022. Meanwhile, the "Hunnu" bond price increased by over one percent in the latest trading, reaching about $106. Additionally, the risk yield of bonds from developing countries has reached its lowest level since the Covid-19 pandemic. The bonds from developing countries are expected to have a yield 314 basis points higher than that of the U.S. Government bonds. This indicates favorable conditions for the Government of Mongolia to issue new bonds.

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EVENT: Press Conference on Business Environment Issues

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: ikon.mn

At 8:00 AM in the Government House, the regular meeting of the government is ongoing. At 11:00 AM at the National Information Center, a press conference on business environment issues will be organized with the participation of representatives from the "Mongolian Economic Forum" NPO, MNCCI, AMCHAM, Ulaanbaatar Chamber of Commerce, Mongolian Food Producers' Association, and the Mongolian Business Council. Notice: Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must fully or partially use our information by citing their source (ikon.mn) as required!

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Businesses to Collaborate with Government in Reducing Social Insurance Contributions and Permits

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Representatives of organizations that protect the interests of Mongolian businesses expressed their support for the "Business-Friendly Mongolia" program initiated by the government. Under this program, business organizations will provide their suggestions on improving the tax and business environment and collaborate with the government. Representatives of business organizations provided this information. The chamber is aiming to comprehensively resolve the tax environment. L. Tor-Od, President of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, stated: "We support the 'Business-Friendly Mongolia' program initiated by the government. We believe this program will eliminate obstacles hindering business, so we are starting collaboration. Our first priority is to comprehensively resolve the tax environment. Instead of simply reducing tax rates, we should undertake systematic reforms to address difficulties faced by businesses. Especially, small, medium, and startup businesses, as well as those run by youth and women, should be fully exempt from taxes, allowing them room to grow over a certain period. When discussing taxes, the issue of social insurance contributions often comes up. The burden on employees and employers must be reduced." Secondly, there is the issue of permits. Three years have passed since the law on permits came into effect. Out of a total of 372 permits, 251 are special permits and 121 are regular permits. Even though the number of permits has increased, excessive regulations and fees, which have characteristics similar to permits, are burdening businesses. The Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry believes it is possible to reduce these burdens by transferring the responsibility for permits to organizations representing businesses and eliminating half of them entirely. B. Khash-Erdene, Executive Director of the Ulaanbaatar Chamber of Commerce, stated: "We are clearly stating the need for social insurance reform. Businesses and enterprises, whether the company or the insured, have no interest in paying social insurance today if the system is not reformed. Social insurance contributions are currently increasing the expenses of business organizations, similar to taxes, so we demand that this aspect be addressed. We have also submitted proposals to amend laws that hinder businesses to the government." In the last 3-4 years, Mongolia has lost an investment opportunity equivalent to 10 billion USD. O. Adyaa, Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce, remarked: "It is good that the government's 'Business-Friendly Mongolia' program has been initiated, incorporating our suggestions. However, it is crucial to achieve specific results. Our organization has submitted more than 10 proposals on protecting investors' interests related to tax issues. The main issue is tax disputes. Due to these disputes, many foreign investors have left Mongolia, and accounts of numerous domestic enterprises have been closed. We are still in a tax dispute with 'Rio Tinto,' the largest foreign investor today. This results in negative and confusing perceptions externally, so tax disputes need to be resolved to move forward. Tax inspectors sometimes demand amounts based on their judgment, require timely payments to be deposited, and freeze accounts. The Ministry of Finance and the tax authority naturally need to collect taxes. However, some methods deter investors who bring in revenue." Secondly, in the last 3-4 years, according to our research institutions, Mongolia has missed out on an investment opportunity equivalent to 10 billion USD. Due to issues with overlapping taxes related to mining operations, new investors are reluctant to enter the mining sector, and state-owned enterprises have become dominant. By enacting the Wealth Fund Law, it sends the message that state-owned enterprises will be dominant again. Thirdly, there is interest in reducing dependency and attracting investment from beyond the two neighboring countries. For example, U.S. President Donald Trump, having been in office for three weeks, is taking decisive actions. Sensing this situation, why shouldn't Mongolia take the initiative? There seems to be potential in two areas. First, there is an opportunity to work in the critical minerals sector. Mongolia possesses rare earth element reserves. The government, local authorities, and citizens support the Halzanburegtei Project, which should proceed in full. By doing so, it will show externally that Mongolia is favorable for rare earth elements and critical minerals. It is better to take initiative rather than waiting. It is necessary to clarify tax disputes and create a favorable business environment. N. Suvd, Executive Director of the Mongolian Business Council, said: "Our council represents over 150 business organizations. We have submitted concrete proposals related to the tax package legislation. We believe these proposals will be supported and realized during the spring session. Although foreign investors are interested in Mongolia, the domestic situation does not inspire confidence. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify tax disputes and create a favorable business environment. For example, implementing a renewable energy project requires collecting over 170 signatures related to permits, which takes approximately three years. Such complicated, phased measures push away investors." The tax-related proposals from the above business representative organizations are planned to be included in the draft amendments to the Tax Package Legislation and submitted for discussion during the upcoming spring session.

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S&P Global Ratings assigns 'B+' rating to the government's new bond issuance

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The yield of the "Khunnu" and "Nomad" bonds has been on a decreasing trend over the past year. Both Fitch Ratings and S&P Global Ratings have assigned a 'B+' rating to the new bond that the government of Mongolia plans to issue. However, they warned that due to Mongolia's economic and fiscal expansion policies, the increase in external risks and potential outflow of financing could lead to a downgrade of the new bond's rating. Additionally, unexpected policy changes that could disrupt the operations of strategic mining projects pose a negative risk. After the Mongolian government announced tenders to buy back the $566 million "Nomad" bond maturing in 2026 and the $650 million "Khunnu" bond maturing in 2028, the prices of these bonds rose and stabilized at the highest level since October 2022. Meanwhile, as the U.S. Federal Reserve began to lower its policy rate, the yields on these bonds have been continuously decreasing over the past year. Currently, the yield on the "Khunnu" bond stands at 5.05%, and the yield on the "Nomad" bond is at 6.28%.

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Banks Begin Using IBAN Account Numbers for Interbank Transactions

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: news.mn

Commercial banks operating in Mongolia are transitioning in stages to the IBAN account numbering system in line with international standards. As part of this transition, Khan Bank has introduced IBAN account numbering into its operations starting today. This allows customers to make interbank transactions using IBAN account numbers, and from March 24, 2025, all interbank transactions must be conducted using IBAN account numbers. However, for transactions between Khan Bank accounts, it is not necessary to use an IBAN account number. What is IBAN? IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is an internationally recognized account numbering format comprising 20 characters, as per the ISO 13616-1, 2 standards. It serves as a unified coding system for interbank transactions and includes the recipient's country and bank numbers. Advantages of using IBAN account numbers: - The IBAN numbering format includes the recipient’s country, bank, and account number, increasing the speed of transactions. - It checks if the recipient’s account number is incorrect, preventing transfers from being bounced back or delayed. - When using an IBAN account number for transactions, there is no risk of duplication, and discrepancies between the name and account number do not occur. Businesses will fully transition to IBAN. Khan Bank’s corporate clients will fully adopt the IBAN accounting system by March 16, 2025. Therefore, customers are advised to use IBAN numbers for interbank transactions in line with international standards and requirements and to quickly adapt to the new system. Instructions for using IBAN account numbers: - To receive instructions on registering in the Unified Account Database, click HERE. - To receive instructions on making transactions with IBAN account numbers, click HERE. - To receive instructions on making inquiries from the Unified Account Database, click HERE. - To familiarize yourself with the instructions on viewing your own IBAN account number, click HERE. The introduction of the IBAN system is not only a technological upgrade but also a significant step towards aligning Mongolia's banking sector with international standards, making it more accessible, reliable, and faster. Khan Bank is working to present this change to its customers in the simplest and most understandable way possible. Together we grow stronger – Khan Bank

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Report: "The Dollar Might Rise, But It Can't Be Predicted"

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: news.mn

Outside, it was slightly chilly, but relatively warmer compared to the previous days. Snow from yesterday had melted, creating some slippery and icy conditions on pavements. The street, known as "Naiman Sharga" around the currency trading exchange, was bustling with activity. "Do you have dollars, selling or buying?" "What do you want to exchange?" "What’s the rate?" were questions freely asked of every passerby by these older individuals clutching domestic and foreign currency notes, wearing masks, thick coats, and hats and scarves for warmth — the currency traders or exchange dealers. They were pacing back and forth, trying to negotiate with everyone passing by. Traders are generally not fond of speaking to the press; thus, when we approached them for information, they insisted on not being shown on TV or giving an interview. We managed to have a brief conversation agreeing not to record any visuals. Trader Tsetsegmaa (name changed), who has been conducting currency exchange on the street outside the "Naiman Sharga" exchange for about five years, said, "Some citizens talk as if we have increased the dollar rate. We take it from the bank and add just 50-60 tugriks. Since October, the dollar has been slightly increasing. The difference between the internal trading rate and the bank rate is about 10-20 tugriks, and with commercial banks, it's around 50-60 tugriks. We stand outside from morning till night, enduring the cold and heat. Typically, around this time of year, the dollar tends to rise. Around this time in 2022, it reached 3,445-3,450 tugriks, and in January 2023, it was 3,490 tugriks. This is due to increased demand related to New Year and Tsagaan Sar. The dollar rate fluctuates daily. Yesterday, the highest rate was 3,495 tugriks for buying, 3,510 for selling. Today, the buying rate is 3,495 tugriks and the selling rate is 3,500 tugriks. With Tsagaan Sar approaching, the demand for yuan is high, and so is the demand for the dollar. Since we are standing outside, we sell for a bit more, which is market principle. Where and from whom to buy is up to citizens. Many people say it’s easier to quickly exchange without minding the 50-60 tugrik difference than standing in line at the bank." While we were talking, several people came to exchange their tugriks for dollars. According to them, because the dollar is rising so intensely, it is likely to continue increasing. Exchanging a million tugriks results in only 200 to barely 300 dollars. The Mongolian tugrik is turning into paper. As a result, the tugrik rate drops, negatively affecting the price of goods and products frequently used. Since the electricity price hike, the price of common goods has been increasing by 50-100 tugriks daily. Despite higher salaries, pensions, and allowances, there is no significant difference in people’s lives. The rising prices are oppressive. Meanwhile, the currency rate strengthening continues to create price inflation. Although it is said that "Mongolians live by the grace of their mouths," the general citizenry’s lives are not so good. Thus, maintaining currency rates through policy is probably the right approach. The purchase price of the dollar inside is 3,480 tugriks, while the selling price is 3,495 tugriks. In contrast, the yuan's selling price was 475.5 tugriks. This year, outward-bound tourism from the country has notably increased, consuming around 1 billion tugriks. Also, car imports have risen. Additionally, some seasonal mining product exports have been neutralized, resulting in the reduced dollar influx, according to the Mongolian Bank. From the Mongolian Bank's perspective, "The currency reserve is adequate; requests for foreign currency from commercial banks are being met by the Bank of Mongolia. In situations where there is significant rate fluctuation, the Bank of Mongolia intervenes. Otherwise, the market operates by its principles. As of February 11, the dollar rate announced by the Bank of Mongolia is 3,457 tugriks. Compared to the "Naiman Sharga" exchange rate, it has an additional 100 tugriks. The central bank doesn’t have the ability to regulate that directly." Currently, the Mongolian Bank is holding a reserve of 4.9 billion dollars. This reserve is enough to supply five months' worth of goods and circulation. Internationally, a three-month supply is considered normal. According to economists, the dollar rate is increasing due to seasonal purchases. In other words, the increased demand is pushing the dollar rate up. Also, this year, with the parliamentary and local elections, government spending has expanded significantly. This budget spending has become a strain on the economy, and its effects are being felt. The future increase of the dollar rate depends on observing macroeconomic factors. No one can say outright that it will rise or not. Any rumors can risk pushing rates up. Therefore, it is important to look at the basics; otherwise, expectations could raise rates again. With a currency reserve of 4.9 billion dollars, it seems that the net currency reserve is high. If the dollar rate continues to rise in the future, it will negatively impact the purchasing power of citizens. In other words, prices of both imported and domestic goods will increase. Consequently, the standard of living for citizens will keep declining. The future increase or stability of the dollar rate will generally depend on the export of goods. For instance, Mongolia's economy is primarily driven by mining products and coal. Therefore, consistently exporting these products is crucial according to economists.

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BANK OF MONGOLIA: Inviting to an Open Auction

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In the scope of efforts to settle receivables of the Bank of Mongolia, an open auction has been announced to sell the following properties that have been transferred to the Bank of Mongolia. This decision is made under the decree number A-43 by the President of the Bank of Mongolia. 1. Introduction to the Properties for Auction: - REAL ESTATE 1. Office Space (SBD, 2nd quarter, Seoul Street 10/1, Room 1201, 59.72 sq.m): 316,516,000 MNT 2. Residential Apartment (Khan-Uul, 4th quarter, Nükht Lane, No. 84, 80% finished, 250 sq.m): 293,359,006 MNT 3. Residential Apartment (Khan-Uul, 4th quarter, Nükht Lane, No. 84/1, 250 sq.m): 338,320,497 MNT 4. Residential Apartment (Khan-Uul, 4th quarter, Nükht Lane, No. 84/3, 250 sq.m): 338,320,497 MNT 5. Building/Land with Lease Right (Golden Villa, land, parking): 5,276,566,843 MNT - VEHICLES 21. Architecture Blueprint of the Youth Residential Area: 314,688,300 MNT 22. Vehicle: Nissan Juke (2023/2024, 7438-UKK): 112,000,000 MNT 23. Vehicle: Nissan Qashqai (2023/2024, 7629-UKR): 142,000,000 MNT 24. Vehicle: Renault Koleos (2024, 4318-UKO): 142,000,000 MNT 2. GENERAL AUCTION INFORMATION - Date and Time: March 14, 2025, at 14:30
- Location: Conference hall on the 2nd floor of the Bank of Mongolia’s extension
- General Terms of the Sale and Purchase Agreement: The buyer must pay for the purchased property within 14 days.
3. APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE AUCTION Interested parties can submit their applications to participate in the auction until 12:00 on March 12, 2025. Late or improperly filled applications will not be accepted. Participants must submit the following documents in an envelope:
- Auction Participation Application Form
- Proof of Deposit
- Notarized copy of ID (or legal registration certificate for entities)
4. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROPERTIES FOR SALE For details about the properties, auction rules, and application forms, visit the website of the Bank of Mongolia: www.mongolbank.mn. Address: Chingeltei, Baga Toiruu-3, 15160, Ulaanbaatar-46. Contact phone: 11-323990.
Notice: Media outlets (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using this information in any form.

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Three Days Left for Personal Income Tax Return Submission

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Taxpayers are reminded by the Mongolian Tax Authority that there are only three days left to file their Personal Income Tax (PIT) returns electronically. The deadline is from January 1 to February 15 each year. Filing the return within the legal time frame allows individuals to claim rebates for purchasing a residence for the first time and for tuition fees. Let’s hear some advice from tax inspector Ts. Undarmaa about how to prepare the personal income tax return and attach the necessary documents. First, citizens need to log into the electronic tax system at e-tax.mn with their username and password. By clicking "Submit Return" in the Return section and saving, they can start filling out the rest of the attachments, making the return form active. Those eligible for deductions and exemptions must ensure all required evidence is fully attached in the "Supporting Documents" section. Additionally, it is important to provide accurate personal details, such as the registered account number, phone number, and email address. For more detailed guidance, CLICK HERE. Note: Media outlets (Television, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) must properly attribute our information source (ikon.mn) when using it, either in full or partially.

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L. Tör-Od: We Must Abolish Over 370 Approvals that Overburden Businesses and Transfer Approval Rights to MNCCI and Business Associations /VIDEO/

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: isee.mn

The "Mongolian Economic Forum", MNCCI, AMCHAM, Ulaanbaatar Chamber of Commerce, Mongolian Food Industry Association, and the Business Council representatives jointly held a press briefing regarding business environment issues. During this event, MNCCI President L. Tör-Od stated, "We consider the 'Business-Friendly Mongolia' program being implemented by the coalition government to be of great importance, and we support it. For us, this program is aimed at removing constraints and obstacles that hinder business operations, hence we are actively cooperating immediately. -YOUTH AND WOMEN'S BUSINESS TAX SHOULD BE COMPLETELY EXEMPTED BY THE GOVERNMENT- In this scope, we believe that, first and foremost, the tax environment needs to be comprehensively reformed without delay. Instead of reducing or altering rates, comprehensive reforms should be made, allowing exemptions from taxes for small and medium enterprises, startups, and businesses led by young people and women for a certain period, enabling them to grow and develop. This tax issue also includes social insurance contributions. Today, enterprises pay up to 25% in contributions. Therefore, awareness must be raised, and reforms should be made regarding this burden and the rights and duties that are improperly infringed upon. -DOCUMENTS ISSUED IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW OR EXCEEDING LEGAL AUTHORITY ARE BURDENING BUSINESSES- On the other hand, the second major issue is the matter of approvals. The Approval Law has been implemented for three years. There are a total of 372 approvals, 251 of which are special permissions and 120 are general ones. Although the number of approvals has been reduced, a significant amount of fees are concentrated on the nature of approvals. Documents issued in violation of or exceeding the law have become a burden on businesses. Therefore, these should be abolished, and approval rights should be transferred to institutions representing business, such as the national chamber and business associations, and more than half of them should be cut, according to MNCCI's perspective," he said.

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B.Dulguun: Coal price has fallen to 70-80 USD, hence the goal to increase the amount of coal traded on the exchange

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: isee.mn

For the 2025 state budget, it was planned to export 84 million tons of coal at 100-120 US dollars. However, today the price of coal has fallen to 70-80 US dollars due to a decrease in steel production in China. Therefore, the Mongolian Stock Exchange is planning to activate the mining product exchange's trading and start trading in the secondary coal market. Regarding this, B. Dulguun, acting Executive Director of the Mongolian Stock Exchange, mentioned that since the beginning of trading mining products on the exchange, a total of 922 trades have been conducted, with 42 million tons of mining products traded, accumulating a total of 16 trillion MNT. As coal prices have been declining since the beginning of the year, we aim to sell our coal through as many channels as possible. Therefore, we are preparing to start trading in the secondary coal market.

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H. Gankhuyag: We Should Move Towards a Standard Where Average Salary Individuals Do Not Pay Personal Income Tax

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: itoim.mn

As of last month, more than 110,000 suggestions have been received on tax-related issues. Both citizens and businesses have most frequently raised the issue of reducing social insurance contributions. Member of Parliament H. Gankhuyag, who is working as the head of the Working Group developing the tax package laws, today expressed the following opinion on how to reduce or exempt social insurance contributions. He stated, "If individuals have a salary of 10 million or more MNT, they pay 40-46% in taxes and social insurance contributions. However, a salary of 10 million MNT is not that of the business owners but of the highest skilled employees in the organization. These people pay 40-46% in taxes. Consequently, a person with a salary of 10 million MNT ends up with only 5 million MNT after paying taxes and social insurance contributions. Therefore, these people are deciding to go abroad. For example, let's consider a person with a salary of 1.5 million MNT. They, too, pay 30-36% in taxes and social insurance contributions. Now, let's compare this to a business entity. If a business has 1.5 billion MNT in sales revenue, it pays only 1% in taxes. When the owner of the business takes their profit, it is not deducted for taxes and social insurance contributions. However, a person with a salary of 1.5 million MNT pays taxes and social insurance contributions and is left with only 1 million MNT in hand. Internationally, taxes and social insurance contributions are only taken from individuals in situations where businesses are in a financially challenging state and the economy and budget are in difficulty. Most countries set a certain level to exempt people from income tax. For instance, individuals earning up to 1-2 million MNT are not subject to personal income tax. If they earn more than that, they might pay around 10%, following such principles. We have given our proposal according to these principles. I believe that reform needs to be carried out in this area," he said.

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Report: Citizens' Purchasing Power Has Decreased This Year

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: itoim.mn

As the Lunar New Year approaches, the prices of meat and dairy products have sharply increased. This report is prepared from the exhibition sales ground "Let's Welcome Happiness" outside the "Aza" circus.
The Lunar New Year fair held outside the "Aza" circus is bustling with people. It offers a one-stop shop for dairy products, meat, and Lunar New Year gifts from local producers. Although the fair is crowded, the traders report that sales are low.
A herder from Sukhbaatar province said, "The Lunar New Year fair has been ongoing outside the circus area for a week now. Comparing this week to last year, purchasing power is lower this year. Our Sukhbaatar province experienced severe weather last year which led to the loss of sheep, leaving only the larger animals. I have brought a fine sheep carcass to this fair, but I'm unable to sell it. I've been standing here for a week and have only sold two or three. We are here hoping to sell meat as the New Year approaches to earn some income. We are selling at prices equivalent to imported meat. The ban on exporting meat impacts herders significantly."
Regarding the prices of meat at the exhibition fair:
- Beef is 14,000 tugriks per kilogram
- Mutton is 12,500 tugriks per kilogram
- Goat is 8,500 tugriks per kilogram
One shopper, Citizen A, remarked, "Meat is generally expensive. It's similar to the market price. The price of dairy is also unaffordable. I wanted to buy one pot of clotted cream for 45,000 tugriks, and half a kilo of curd costs 45,000 tugriks. One kilo of curd is 80,000 tugriks. The prices for dairy are prohibitive. Compared to last year's Lunar New Year, prices have risen a lot this year. I looked everywhere for cheaper mutton but couldn't find it for less than 12,500 tugriks per kilo. Since the prices are the same everywhere, I might get it from somewhere close to home."
Another shopper, Citizen N, noted, "I went to the Dunjingarav shopping center to prepare for the Lunar New Year. The prices there were quite high. Narantuul shopping center was somewhat cheaper. Today I've come here to check the prices of dairy and meat. The meat prices are relatively okay, but dairy is expensive. At Narantuul market, the curd was 45,000 tugriks, but here it's 55,000 tugriks. Dairy prices are high everywhere."
Around 50 companies participate in the fair, including major and small to medium-sized national producers, importers of consumer goods, and domestic meat exporters.
Although it is a long-held belief that meat prices increase as the holiday season approaches, this winter's cold weather has reduced meat supply. As supply decreased, purchases also declined, the traders emphasized.
In addition, to stabilize meat prices, reserve meat is prepared and distributed every year. In the capital, 179 food stores sell reserve meat. To prepare a meat reserve for the spring of 2025, reserve meat will be gradually sold in 446 food stores across the city's nine districts. Specifically, starting on the 7th of this month, reserve meat began being sold in 117 stores, expanding to 179 stores by February 10, and to all 446 stores by February 15.
The price of reserve meat compares favorably to the "Khuchit shonkhor" market's retail prices: beef with bones is 30% cheaper and mutton with bones is 25% cheaper, priced at 13,800 tugriks for beef and 11,800 tugriks for mutton.

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L. Tör-Od: Instead of Reducing Tax Rates, Startups and SMEs Should Be Fully Exempted

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A press conference on business environment issues was held today at the National Information Center, organized by representatives from the "Mongolian Economic Forum" NGO, Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI), AMCHAM, the Ulaanbaatar Chamber of Commerce, the Mongolian Food Industry Association, and the Mongolian Business Council. The parties expressed their views and provided information about the "Business-Friendly Mongolia" program implemented by the government and the reform of the package of licenses and tax laws. President of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI), L. Tör-Od: The program implemented by the government aims to remove obstacles that hinder starting a business. We are working together in two main directions. First, the tax environment needs to be immediately reformed. This should not only involve reducing and changing rates but also providing 100% tax exemption to startups and small and medium-sized enterprises for a certain period to allow them to grow. Issues with social insurance contributions are also being raised. Companies are acting like tax inspectors, paying 25% social insurance contributions. These rights and obligations, which violate the Constitution, must be recognized and reformed. Secondly, it is about licensing issues. There are 372 types of licenses in our country. Of these, 251 are special and 121 are common licenses. Although the number of licenses has been reduced, fees and charges for licenses are heavily concentrated. Documents issued in violation of the law are the main burden for businesses. Therefore, the right to grant permits should be transferred to organizations representing the public and businesses. O. Adiya, Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Mongolia (AmCham): Our organization has submitted ten proposals regarding the reform of the tax package law. The most important issue is resolving tax disputes. Foreign investors have faced difficulties because of this and left Mongolia, and domestic investors have had their accounts closed to this day. We have ongoing tax disputes with Rio Tinto, Mongolia's largest investor. This negatively affects our reputation abroad. Tax inspectors continue to demand payments before disputes are fully resolved, and accounts remain closed. Our member companies' research over the last 3 to 4 years shows that $10 billion worth of investments failed to come to Mongolia. Related to mining, double charging for royalties and taxes occurs, and state-owned companies dominate the mining sector. The United States has the full potential to work with us in the rare earth elements sector. The Halzan Buregtei project, with its reserves assessed and ready to start operations, should be supported by the government, local authorities, and the public. D. Onchinsuren, a member of the governing board of the Ulaanbaatar Chamber of Commerce: One essential need for improving the business environment is the social insurance contribution. Without reforming the social insurance system, payers are reluctant to pay. This contribution increases business expenses like an official tax. Therefore, this issue needs to be addressed. If there is no negative impact on public health or the environment, permits should be eliminated. For instance, 74 permits issued by organizations under the Mayor's Office of the Capital were revoked in 2022.

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Passenger Numbers in Air Transport Increased by 16%

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: news.mn

Here is the latest statistical information from the transportation sector. Between January 1 and February 9, 2025, the total freight transport in the sector reached 11.9 million tons, of which road freight accounted for 7.3 million tons, rail transport for 4.6 million tons, and air transport for 0.8 thousand tons. Additionally, during this period, a total of 14.8 million passengers were transported: 14.1 million passengers by public transport in the capital, 230.7 thousand passengers between cities by road transport, 231.6 thousand passengers by air transport, and 178.1 thousand passengers by rail. According to air transport statistics, an average of 35 thousand passengers traveled by air per week, which represents an increase of 16.6% compared to the same period last year. In terms of road freight transport, the Gashuunsukhait border accounted for the highest number of transports, with 6,492 vehicles carrying a total of 759 thousand tons of freight. SOURCE: Ministry of Roads and Transport

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Trump 2.0: Will the Trade War Return and Deepen the Rare Earth Element Shortage?

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: news.mn

As Donald Trump is once again the President of the United States, he has reignited the trade war with various policies. Consequently, the U.S. is reducing its trade with China and focusing on protecting U.S. economic interests. In this context, the U.S. has started implementing policies to reduce dependency on China in the rare earth elements (REE) market by increasing domestic mining and processing. As part of these policies, the U.S. has raised tariffs on REE imports from China to boost domestic production. The tariff on REE from China was previously 5% and has now been increased to 15%. This tax policy aims to encourage the import of rare earth elements from countries other than China. Situation: Shortage. According to a study by Adamas Intelligence, due to the growth in sectors like electric vehicles and wind energy, the demand for NdFeB magnets is expected to grow on average by 7.5% annually from 2023 to 2040. However, the increase in supply is not sufficient to meet this demand, leading to a potential annual shortfall of 60,000 tons of NdFeB alloy and powder by 2030, increasing to 246,000 tons by 2040. As expected, this shortage is likely to cause inflation driven by demand, leading to an increase in NdFeB magnet prices. The new Trump administration is implementing policies to mitigate this shortage by boosting domestic mining and processing and reducing reliance on China. This includes streamlining the mining permit process and providing financial support to domestic companies. Additionally, Trump is seeking to import rare earth elements and other resources from Ukraine in exchange for the roughly $300 billion in financial aid provided to the country. However, Trump's measures are challenging to yield results in the short term, and issues like rare earth element shortages and supply disruptions are likely to persist in the coming years. As for Mongolia, the government's policy for 2024-2028 includes "supporting rare earth element processing plant projects" under policy Since China alone accounts for 85% of the world's REE processing, the market overall is overly dependent on China and everyone is looking for an alternative importer. The UK has expressed interest in importing REE from Mongolia as a reflection of this trend. Thus, advancing such projects has become a critical issue.

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What is drawing attention during Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene's visit to China?

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Although the discussions with Chinese leaders primarily focus on long-awaited issues such as cross-border railways and coal trade, domestic politics cannot be ignored. The 2025 Asian Winter Games are being held in Harbin, People's Republic of China from February 7-14. As per the tradition of holding international sports events, China has invited prominent politicians and leaders from neighboring countries to participate in the opening or closing ceremonies of the games. Among the foreign leaders arriving in China to attend the opening ceremony are Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah of Brunei, President Sadyr Japarov of Kyrgyzstan, President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan, Prime Minister Paetontarn Shinawatra of Thailand, and Speaker of the National Assembly of South Korea, Woo Won-shik. Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene will attend the closing ceremony. According to the press conference of the Mongolian government, Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Qiang, and other Chinese leaders during his visit to China from February 13-15. This visit marks his fourth trip following visits in February 2022, June 2023, and November 2024, and it will be his first time visiting Harbin city. Mongolian Minister of Industry and Minerals, Ts.Tuvaan, and Minister of Road and Transport, B.Delegrsaihan, informed journalists that the main topics of the Prime Minister's meeting with Chinese leaders will include cross-border railways, coal trade, tourism, and air pollution. Although Chinese Foreign Ministry spokespersons Guo Jiakun and Lin Jian declined to provide specific details about the topics before L.Oyun-Erdene’s visit, they stated that the two countries are committed to deepening cooperation in many areas. As a result, on February 5, during the regular meeting of the Mongolian government's session, ministers were allowed to sign an agreement with the Chinese government regarding "cooperation to increase the capacity of the Tavantolgoi coal mine, and cross-border railways at the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod port". This agreement represents an important step in the railway connectivity project that has been stalled for 16 years. The Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod cross-border railway between Mongolia and China, first proposed in 2009, has faced continuous obstacles due to issues such as mining development, railway gauge disputes, and instability in the Mongolian government. In April 2024, Mongolia and China agreed to jointly construct a cross-border railway bridge, restarting the project. Concurrently, Mongolia included the cross-border railway within the "Mongolian Government's 2024-2028 Action Program" as part of 14 mega projects, laying the foundation for its implementation. During Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene's visit to China in November 2024, both sides signed a supplementary agreement on joint construction efforts. The Mongolian Prime Minister met with Liu Guoyue, a board member and CEO of China Energy Investment Corporation, to discuss the cross-border railway at Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod. The parties reached a consensus on the railway project. On December 25, Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene submitted a draft resolution to the State Great Khural of Mongolia to advance the "agreement to implement the construction of the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod cross-border railway". According to preliminary designs, the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod cross-border railway will have a total length of 8,081 meters, with 5,441 meters being bridge structure. This railway, constructed with UIC 60 steel rails, will have one broad gauge (1,520 mm) and one standard gauge (1,435 mm) main track. The project will be financed by state-owned Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC with a total budget of 976 billion MNT (283 million USD). China Energy and its subsidiaries plan to commence construction in April 2025. Government members claim the implementation of the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod cross-border railway project could offset shortcomings of other cross-border railways. Once fully operational, the railway will have the capacity to transport 30 million tons of freight annually and handle 55-60% of Mongolia's coal exports. With the cross-border railway in service and other measures, the government anticipates Mongolia's coal exports could exceed 120 million tons annually, potentially increasing per capita GDP to 10,000 USD. As a comparison, in 2024, Mongolia exported a record 83.7 million tons, with a per capita GDP of 5,838 USD in 2023. In 2024, Mongolia's coal export to China surged to nearly 83 million tons, a significant increase from 70 million in 2023 and just 31 million tons in 2022. Moreover, Mongolia constructed a 240 km railway from the Tavan Tolgoi mine to the Chinese border in recent years. However, the railway is incomplete at the border, necessitating continued transport via trucks. The Mongolian government is confident that with the completion of the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod cross-border railway, coal sales to China will significantly increase. Another important area of cooperation between Mongolia and China is tourism and people-to-people exchange. Despite the economic downturn following the pandemic, China remains a major source of foreign tourists visiting Mongolia alongside Russia and South Korea. Approximately 177,000 out of 727,000 tourists who visited Mongolia in 2024 came from China. According to China’s official statistics, Mongolia ranked in the top ten, specifically seventh, as a source of foreign tourists to China before the pandemic in 2018. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Mongolia, Shen Mingjuan, mentioned in an interview that Mongolia has started initiatives such as "Years to Visit Mongolia" and "GoMongolia" to attract foreign tourists from China and other countries. He emphasized that China actively supports its citizens traveling to Mongolia. In 2024, among other measures, China and Mongolia restored international passenger train movement, opened road border crossings for vehicles with fewer than eight seats, revitalized one-day cross-border travel, increased flight routes and charter flights, and facilitated payment conditions. However, Ambassador Shen also pointed out that the number of Chinese tourists to Mongolia remains "relatively low." He attributed this to the lack of visa-free travel or simplified visa procedures for Chinese citizens in Mongolia. He noted that Mongolian citizens have the right to travel to China visa-free for up to 30 days. In conclusion, he expressed hope that Mongolia would adopt policies to ease visa regulations for Chinese tourists. Mongolia has taken certain steps towards easing travel conditions. Since 2023, Chinese citizens with ordinary passports can use an online system to apply for an e-visa to Mongolia. Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene's upcoming visit to China has brought into focus significant agreements on cross-border railway negotiations and coal sales. In December 2022, a large-scale protest demanding accountability for coal theft and bribery information was organized in Mongolia. In response, the Mongolian government launched a new anti-corruption strategy in 2023, although coal exports remain a contentious issue. Member of Parliament and former chairman of the MNCCI, D.Enkhtuuvshin, who also served as the vice president in charge of the mining and finance sector for MCS Group, has expressed his deep concerns about this project to the media. In a media interview, he stated that the proposed cross-border railway agreement with a major Chinese state-owned group company runs counter to national interests. He also highlighted potential corruption and bribery issues related to the enormous coal sales under recent agreements. D.Enkhtuuvshin recommended that the government review the cross-border railway agreement to align with national interests per the State Great Khural's 58th resolution of 2024, which defines the project's fundamental principles. Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene's visit to China coincides with a critical period in Mongolian domestic politics. Temperatures in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, plummet during winter. Many residents in ger districts rely on coal and other fuels to heat their homes. This leads to air pollution and toxic smoke, contributing to increased fatalities among children and vulnerable groups. Due to these pollution-related deaths and related social and human rights issues, Member of Parliament Ch.Lodoisambu and other parliament members have initiated legal procedures to gather signatures over the potential dismissal of the Prime Minister. Social and human rights issues, such as air pollution, traffic congestion, corruption, and inefficiency of state institutions, have fueled public dissatisfaction, affecting the reputation of Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene. How these domestic political conditions and dynamics impact his diplomatic activities in China remains to be seen.

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Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene to Meet Xi Jinping during Visit to Harbin, China

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: isee.mn

Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene will visit China from the 13th to the 15th of this month. During this visit, he will finalize and sign an intergovernmental agreement to begin the construction of a cross-border railway at the Gashuunsukhait-Gants Mod border crossing. According to reports, the signing will take place in Harbin, China, which is hosting the Asian Winter Games from February 7th to 14th, 2025. Following the tradition of inviting prominent politicians and leaders from neighboring countries to major international sporting events, China has invited leaders such as Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah of Brunei, President Sadyr Japarov of Kyrgyzstan, President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan, Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra of Thailand, and Speaker of the National Assembly of South Korea Woo Won-shik to attend the event's opening and closing ceremonies. Our Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene will attend the closing ceremony. During his visit, Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Qiang, and other leaders. This will be his fourth visit following trips in February 2022, June 2023, and November 2024, and his first visit to Harbin. According to a briefing by Mongolia's Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Ts. Tuvaan and Minister of Road Transport B. Delgersaikhan to journalists, the Prime Minister's meeting with Chinese leaders will focus on topics such as cross-border railways, coal trade, tourism, and air pollution. The main goal of the visit is to finalize the agreement to begin construction of the cross-border railway at the Gashuunsukhait-Gants Mod crossing. In the past, issues related to this agreement have been presented to the State Great Khural's Security and Foreign Policy Standing Committee and the Economic Standing Committee, which authorized the government to sign the agreement according to law. In accordance with this, the Development and Reform Commission Chairman from China will sign the agreement and the working protocol, while Mongolia's Mineral Resources Minister Ts. Tuvaan and Road Transport Minister B. Delgersaikhan will sign on behalf of Mongolia. Minister of Mineral Resources Ts. Tuvaan stated, "There are three agreements to be signed comprehensively or jointly by the two countries' state-owned companies: a coal sales agreement, the construction of the railway connection, and the expansion of mine capacity. After the intergovernmental agreement is signed and approved, it will be submitted to the State Great Khural for ratification."

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Malaysian Government Ordered to Pay $1.1 Million to Family of Shaariibuu Altantuya

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Federal Court judge Sumati Murugia has ordered the Malaysian Government to pay 4.7 million ringgit to the account of the lawyer representing Shaariibuu Altantuya's family. The Malaysian government must urgently compensate the family of Shaariibuu Altantuya, a Mongolian citizen who was the victim of a contract killing, if their appeal is not successful, a court in the country has determined. On Wednesday, Federal Court judge Sumati Murugia ordered the Malaysian Government to deposit 4.7 million ringgit, equivalent to 1.1 million US dollars, into the account of Shaariibuu Altantuya's family's lawyer within 30 days. This decision will take effect if the government's appeal, to be heard on May 19, is rejected. Furthermore, it was determined that Abdul Razak Baginda, who was an advisor to former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, must also pay 4.7 million ringgit. In 2006, a court ruled that the Malaysian government, Abdul Razak Baginda, and two special forces policemen were responsible for the murder of Shaariibuu Altantuya. Since then, the involved parties have not paid the compensation, prompting the victim's family to seek legal recourse once more. In 2022, both the Malaysian government and Abdul Razak Baginda filed appeals against the ruling. According to witness testimonies, Shaariibuu Altantuya was in a relationship with Abdul Razak and worked as a translator for discussions between the Malaysian government and a French state-owned company regarding the purchase of submarines in 2002. At that time, Najib Razak was the Minister of Defense, and Abdul Razak was involved as a broker in the deal. A joint investigation by Malaysia and France is ongoing to determine whether the deal involved corruption. In October 2006, it was found that Shaariibuu Altantuya had been shot in a forest near Kuala Lumpur and explosives were used to dispose of her body. The Malaysian court sentenced police officers Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azhar to death for the murder. In 2019, Azilah Hadri testified that former Prime Minister Najib Razak had ordered the killing. Sirul Azhar fled to Australia, and the Australian government has refused to extradite him to Malaysia, considering the likelihood of a death penalty if he returns.

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Seminar on the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 Held

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia organized a seminar on the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on "Women, Peace, and Security" on February 10-11 in Ulaanbaatar. The purpose of the seminar was to increase understanding of the "Women, Peace, and Security" resolution, study the implementation experiences of other countries, approve a national action plan, and develop a roadmap. The seminar was organized in cooperation with the Embassy of Canada and the UN Women Asia and Pacific Regional Office, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Met with UNICEF Representative

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: news.mn

Chairman of the Ulaanbaatar City Council, A. Bayar, met with the UNICEF Representative in Mongolia, Evariste Kouassi-Komlan, under the slogan "Everything for Children." Chairman A. Bayar emphasized his pleasure in meeting again with someone who has worked in all 21 provinces and 330 soums of Mongolia on children's health, and expressed readiness to work together to improve the legal environment for Mongolian children to live and learn in a healthy and safe environment. Mr. Evariste Kouassi-Komlan highlighted the constant violation of children's right to live in a healthy and safe environment in Mongolia due to air, water, and soil pollution. He mentioned that chronic anemia caused by a lack of vitamin D and nutrition is prevalent among children and pregnant women in Mongolia, leading to susceptibility to other illnesses. He also stressed the need for efforts to improve mental health. Therefore, he expressed a desire to collaborate on reducing air pollution, improving learning and living environments for children, and promoting the health of the Mongolian people. UNICEF Representative Evariste Kouassi-Komlan introduced studies and information on the real conditions faced by urban and rural children in Mongolia, including issues such as unequal access to education, nutritional deficiencies, healthcare services, quality of medicines, and the need for a violence-free, fear-free, and safe environment. Chairman A. Bayar stated that a healthy, safe, and violence-free household is Mongolia's greatest asset and expressed a desire to expand cooperation focused on children and families. He also mentioned a short-term goal to reduce air pollution by converting 20,000 households to using LPG gas, eliminating chimneys, and plans to increase chimney-free households to 50,000 and install solar panels for 10,000 households, working together on reducing air pollution and connecting to diverse energy sources. Resident Representative Evariste Kouassi-Komlan urged Chairman A. Bayar to lead the policy representation direction and expressed readiness to provide international experience and technical assistance support for all initiatives and policies aimed at ensuring children's rights and the foundation of safe and healthy living conditions.

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T. Davaadalai: We Will Collaborate with Domestic Manufacturing Companies on the City's Mega Projects

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Ulaanbaatar city has declared 2025 as the 'Year of Construction' and has begun implementing major projects aimed at improving air and environmental pollution, traffic congestion, and the quality of life for citizens in the capital. In this context, today, the first deputy mayor of the city, T. Davaadalai, held a meeting with the management of 'Moncement' LLC. During the meeting, discussions were held about collaborating with domestic manufacturing companies on the mega projects to be implemented in Ulaanbaatar. The management of 'Moncement' LLC expressed their willingness to cooperate on major projects to be undertaken in Ulaanbaatar. (NCTC, NACP)

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Ts.Tuvaan: The Issue of the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod Border Railway Connection Will Be Finalized During the Prime Ministers' Meeting

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: isee.mn

During today's government meeting, 26 issues, including measures regarding Gashuunsukhait, were discussed and resolved. On this matter, the Minister of Mineral Resources and Mining, Ts.Tuvaan, said: "In today's government meeting, we discussed the issue of the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod border railway connection, which involves an intergovernmental agreement. This agreement will be finalized during the meeting of the prime ministers of the two countries. We have given the authority to sign the protocol of the decisions made as a result of more than 60 meetings of the working groups established between the two countries. Following this process, the intergovernmental agreement will be ratified by the Parliament of Mongolia in accordance with Mongolian law. After that, the issue of contracts between companies will be discussed. During the meetings of the standing committees, members such as N.Enkhtuvshin made significant proposals on how to make this agreement successful and improve it. For example, they mentioned there are rather unclear provisions regarding renewable energy. We have corrected this in the current agreement by including provisions to cooperate in the field of renewable energy. Additionally, there are issues related to coal purchase agreements, mine capacity, and railway agreements. These will come into effect once signed. Moreover, there were suggestions to create a favorable condition for Chinese companies in terms of increasing mine capacity, so we have revised it to proceed in a mutually beneficial and legal manner."

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Amendments to the Law on Reducing Traffic Congestion and Housing for Ger Districts

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: montsame.mn

It has been decided that a draft law on amending the law on reducing traffic congestion and housing for ger districts will be discussed at a government meeting. The draft law on amendments and supplements to the law on reducing traffic congestion and housing for ger districts of Ulaanbaatar city involves using artificial intelligence and big data-based information systems and automation systems to intelligently manage road traffic congestion. This was presented by the Minister of Mongolia and Chairman of the 20-minute City National Committee, R. Erdenebüren, at today's government meeting. The Minister of Mongolia, Chairman of the 20-minute City National Committee, R. Erdenebüren, and the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, Governor of the Capital City, Kh. Nyambaatar, have been tasked with preparing this draft to be discussed and submitted to the State Great Khural.

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B. Delgersaikhan: Container transport, cargo by train, and terminals will be moved out of Ulaanbaatar and concentrated in the Khushigt Valley

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: isee.mn

At today's government meeting, several measures regarding Gashuunsukhait and 26 other issues were discussed and resolved. Regarding this, the Ministry of Roads and Transport's B. Delgersaikhan said, "Among the things to pay attention to when making agreements with the Chinese side is the inclusion in the contract of the directive issued by the members that as soon as the construction of the Gantsmod-Gashuunsukhait railway starts, the work connecting all the ports should be discussed simultaneously and connected together." Secondly, after the contract is signed, the respective ministries will make the contracts relevant to them. For instance, regarding whether our ministry will establish the railway construction contract with the Chinese 'China Energy' company or choose another company through a selection process is something we will discuss with our southern neighbor. We will announce a tender in accordance with Mongolian law to reduce prices and negotiate with the Chinese side to make it with a detailed contract. Also, one of the issues decided at today's government meeting was the construction of a branch line from Bagahangai station to Khushigt Valley. The government instructed to gradually remove container transport and other cargo arriving by train, forwarding transportation, and terminals from Ulaanbaatar city and concentrate them in Khushigt Valley, and gave this authorization to the Ministry of Roads and Transport.

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The Bagakhangai-Khushigiin Khundii Railway Line to be Built and Managed by "Mongolian Railway" Company

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: ikon.mn

During today's regular Cabinet meeting, the government discussed the implementation of the Bagakhangai-Khushigiin Khundii railway project in two phases. The "Mongolian Railway" SOE and "Tavantolgoi Railway" LLC will finance the branch railway in Bagakhangai-Khushigiin Khundii drawing from their net profits in 2024 and investments in 2025, utilizing domestic resources, as approved by the State Property Policy and Coordination Agency, "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC, "Mongolian Railway" SOE, and "Tavantolgoi Railway" LLC management. The construction and management of the Bagakhangai-Khushigiin Khundii railway, in compliance with relevant laws, international standards, and quality requirements, will be handled by the "Mongolian Railway" company. The railway will branch from the Bagakhangai station of "Ulaanbaatar Railway" JSC and pass through Sergelen soum of Tuv province, reaching Khushigiin Khundii 87.2 km away, with an additional 15.6 km towards the Shuvuunkhanii direction, totaling 102.8 km. The railway is planned to include three stations and four crossings. The project will be implemented in two phases. Officials were instructed to expedite the issuance of technical conditions and necessary permits for the construction of the railway's basic infrastructure, including engineering facilities, power supply, water supply, stations, crossings, and other buildings, as per the relevant regulations.

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Amendments to the Contract for Simultaneous Start of All Port Works

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: news.mn

The Government of Mongolia presented the decisions made at its meeting. Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Ts. Tuvaan stated: "We will make mutually beneficial legal amendments regarding major infrastructure projects in Mongolia. In accordance with Mongolian legislation, the government has given Minister B. Delgersaikhan and me the authority to sign the agreement. Based on the suggestions made by members B. Enkhtuvshin and others to improve developmental contracts, amendments were made to the contract. Specifically, there are key projects such as coal purchase agreements, increasing mining capacity, and railway construction. Once the 'Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod' agreement is signed, other projects will be implemented simultaneously." Minister of Roads and Transport B. Delgersaikhan explained: "Following the instructions given by the members, when signing the agreement with the Chinese side, we will ensure that the construction work at 'Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod' begins together with the work at all ports, to integrate the work and connect them simultaneously. We have agreed with China to include this in the contract. Each ministry will carry out the contracts related to them. For example, the Ministry of Road and Transport will decide, in negotiation with China, whether to build cross-border railway facilities with a company chosen by China or through a different company selection process. Since the cross-border railway construction is a single undertaking, it is considered appropriate for one company to execute it. However, we plan to announce tenders according to Mongolian law to reduce costs. We will further detail this in the contract with China. The designated working group will continue to work on this." Moreover, today's government meeting discussed the issue of constructing a branch line from Bagakhangai station to Khushigt Valley. By doing so, the government has mandated and authorized measures to gradually move container transport, other cargo entering Ulaanbaatar by rail, forwarding agents, and terminals from the city to Khushigt Valley, focusing them there.

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B. Delgersaikhan: Financing for Cross-Border Railway Connection to be Paid in Cash by "Erdenes Tavantolgoi"

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Relevant ministers provided information about the decisions made during the regular meeting of the government. Today's press conference was attended by T. Tuvdendorj, Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, and B. Delgersaikhan, Minister of Road Transport Development, who provided updates on the signing of the agreement regarding the railway connection at the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod port. In today's meeting, a decision was made concerning the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod railway border connection. The official signing of the railway border connection agreement is scheduled to occur on February 14, during a meeting between the Prime Ministers of the two countries. Minister of Road Transport Development B. Delgersaikhan stated that suggestions from parliament members have been incorporated and the agreement has been improved. For instance, when construction on the Ganzmod-Gashuunsukhait railway begins, connections for all ports will also be addressed. Additionally, related ministries will enter into agreements relevant to their jurisdiction. For instance, our ministry will discuss with the neighboring country whether one company will undertake the cross-border railway construction or if it will be subject to a tender. Since it is a cross-border development project, it is considered to be more beneficial for one company to do it. However, under Mongolian law, a tender will be announced to reduce the costs, which will be included in the detailed agreement. Furthermore, today's government meeting decided to build a branch road from Bagakhangai station to Hushigt Valley. This will enable the container transport and goods flowing into Ulaanbaatar to be directed towards and concentrated in Hushigt Valley. The financing for the railway border connection will be paid in cash by "Erdenes Tavantolgoi." In other words, no barter agreement will be made. This financing will not affect the dividends payable to the public. Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources T. Tuvdendorj mentioned that the issues resolved during 60 meetings of the joint working group will also be signed during the meeting between the Prime Ministers of the two nations. This agreement will then be ratified by the parliament. Thereafter, contracts between companies will be signed. The rights to sign the agreement were given to us, Minister B. Delgersaikhan and me, by the relevant committees of the parliament. Suggestions to improve the agreement were provided by parliament members. For instance, it was stated that there were unclear provisions regarding renewable energy. This was rectified to include cooperation in the renewable energy sector during negotiations. In addition, three projects—sale and purchase of coal, increasing the mine's capacity, and railway construction—will be implemented simultaneously upon signing the agreement. Misconceptions about favorable conditions given to Chinese companies for increasing the mine's capacity have been corrected, ensuring mutual benefit and adherence to the law.

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850 billion needed to build a railway from Bagakhangai to Khushig Valley

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: news.mn

To build a railway from Bagakhangai to Khushig Valley, an initial investment of 850 billion MNT is required, according to Transport Minister B. Delgersaikhan. The minister stated that the railway from Bagakhangai to Khushig Valley will be approximately 102 km long, or 140 km in unfolded length as per railway terminology. Construction of the railway will begin on March 20th of next year and is planned to be completed by August 20th. During this period, the relocation of all freight terminals currently in Ulaanbaatar to Khushig Valley will be carried out promptly. In accordance with the directive from the previous government meeting, the design and feasibility study for the railway on this route were prepared in a short time. Today, the government meeting officially granted the rights for construction and use of the railway. An estimated 850 billion MNT is required initially for the construction of the railway. It is worth noting that the funding required for the construction of this railway will be drawn from the net profit of “Mongolian Railways” state-owned enterprise and “Tavantolgoi Railway” LLC for the year 2024, and also from the investment for the year 2025, as decided by today's government meeting.

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Warning: Robbery at Chain Store Involving Knife Threat

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A report of "a robbery at a chain store by an unknown individual threatening with a knife" was registered with the police. Upon investigation, it was found that while a 20-year-old employee, B, was working alone at the store, an unknown male approximately 20-25 years old threatened him with a knife and stole an iPhone 13 Pro Max, along with alcoholic beverages. The General Police Department announced that they are continuing to investigate and have identified the perpetrator of the crime. There have been incidents of misconduct, including assault and robbery, at public places and chain stores. Businesses are advised to anticipate potential risks when operating during night hours. Furthermore, it was reminded that those committing such crimes will be held accountable under the Criminal Code. Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) must mention the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, either partially or fully.

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Viewpoint: Social Insurance is a Penalty

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: news.mn

In Mongolia, businesses and organizations are increasingly complaining about the tax burden and debt, which they claim makes it impossible for them to operate effectively. Representatives from various sectors have shared their perspectives on this issue. B. Lkhagvajav, director of "Urbaniq" company, states: "Social insurance contributions in Mongolia have not developed as they should over the past 30 years. According to the old law's Article 19.2, employees are entitled to receive money for five days of sick leave. This is a flawed system. Originally, back in 1997, when the society faced difficulties, it was the organization at the time that started providing money for sick leave, and this was later incorporated into the law. Consequently, both employers and employees together are paying 25% of social insurance contributions. However, when an employee is hospitalized, the employer pays for the first five days of the leave. Although this provision was previously eliminated, it was later discussed and reinstated by parliament. This contradicts the basic philosophy of social insurance. With employers paying money on behalf of their employees, they also end up paying for the five days of sick leave. On average, 22 billion tugriks are taken from employers annually for this. Secondly, as social insurance contributions start to apply from the sixth day, private hospitals, numbering 159, have begun treating and discharging patients within a week. Hospitals manage to release patients without using money from the Social Insurance Fund, and employers end up paying extra. This flawed system blocks people from getting complete treatment. This is the burden of social insurance contributions. This money should be provided by the enterprise insurance. There is something called unemployment insurance. During the two years of the pandemic when the country was at a standstill, it was supposed to pay money to 1.2 million employees. Nevertheless, government employees received their full salaries for two years. Meanwhile, poor employers who hadn't closed their workplaces were forced to halt operations, and insurance did not cover anything. Ideally, all citizens should have received money from insurance. Does our insurance system even function as it should? Has it turned into a temporary fund feeding the Social Insurance Organization, a few hospitals, and pharmacies? These examples highlight the need for an overhaul of our insurance system. This year, insurance money amounts to 5.9 trillion tugriks. This is an enormous amount, which should be managed separately and reinvested. T. Bayarsaikhan, former president of the Mongolian Leather Association, shares: "I handed over my role in the association last October and am now working in the private sector. Social insurance acts like a penalty levied on employers for keeping people employed. It is more appropriate for employees to pay their own social insurance. Employers only need to provide proof of a two-million-tugrik salary payment. Individuals can then decide how much to contribute to their social insurance, health insurance, and pension insurance, which simplifies the process. Otherwise, paying social insurance from a two-million-tugrik salary and increasing the salary would lead to even higher payments. This feels like a penalty. Increasing taxes is terrifying. For instance, the capital raised its tax from one percent to two percent. This is absolutely wrong. Without supporting industrialization, we are supporting trade instead. A few production businesses remain, yet they are struggling. These businesses, along with manufacturers, face high personal income taxes, social insurance contributions, energy expenses, and fuel costs. During the haymaking season two years ago, there was a fuel shortage. Although there is some regulation this year, businesses continue to face challenges. Even now, the exchange rate of the US dollar is increasing while coal prices are dropping. Overall, the conditions are difficult when viewed in a broad perspective.

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Severe Air Pollution near Bogd Khan Palace Museum

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: isee.mn

As of 9:45 am today, the air near Bogd Khan Palace Museum is extremely polluted. Specifically, the sulfuric acid oxide level is at 701. Furthermore, in the Nalaikh and Bayankhoshuu areas, the air quality index fluctuates between 323 and 335. When the air quality index is between 401 and 500, professional organizations advise avoiding any strenuous outdoor activities and staying indoors. Moreover, when the air quality index is over 300, it is internationally defined as "very polluted" and considered harmful to human health. Currently, the air quality index reaching 500 can lead to pollution levels in Ulaanbaatar reaching 2000-2800 during December and January.

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Air Quality Concerns Near Museum in Ulaanbaatar

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The air around the Bogd Khan Palace Museum is highly polluted, with sulfur dioxide levels exceeding 700. Today, as of 9:30 AM, the air quality index of Ulaanbaatar city has been reported. According to B. Adyaa-Ochir, an expert responsible for air quality monitoring at the City's Department for Combating Air and Environmental Pollution, "Currently, air quality is normal around areas such as Misheel Expo, 100 Ail, Wrestling Palace, and Tavan Buudal. In locations like Nisekh, Yarmag, the Thermal Power Plant, the West Crossroads, Amgalan, Urgakh Naran Residential Area, Sharkhad, Dambadarjaa, and Tavan Buudal, the air is slightly polluted. However, in Nalaikh, Tolgoit, the First Residential Area, Bayankhoshuu, and Zuragt, pollution is at the red level. Meanwhile, the air around the Bogd Khan Museum in Khan-Uul district is highly polluted, with sulfur dioxide (SO2) levels exceeding 700," he reported. Information about air quality can be obtained from the website agaar.mn. The health department advises everyone to avoid doing any physical activities outdoors when the air quality is very polluted, and recommends that people with chronic illnesses regularly check their blood pressure, stay under a doctor's supervision, and take their medications on time. Wearing a mask is also advised. Yesterday, areas such as the First Residential Area, 100 Ail, Urgakh Naran, Khailaast, Tavan Buudal, Sharkhad, Nalaikh, Tolgoit, and Bayankhoshuu saw sulfur dioxide and PM10 particulate levels exceed standards, with PM2.5 particulates also exceeding standards in the First Residential Area, Tavan Buudal, Tolgoit, Zuragt, Dambadarjaa, and Bayankhoshuu. Notice: Media outlets (television, radio, social media, and websites) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, either in full or in part.

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More than 30% of the country is at risk of dzud

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: montsame.mn

According to the weather service, when assessing the risk of dzud last week, results showed that more than 30% of the entire territory is at very high risk, over 40% is at medium risk, slightly more than 10% is at low risk, and about 10% is risk-free. Specifically, this has been observed in most parts of Bayan-Ulgii, Uvs, Khovd, Zavkhan, Govi-Altai, parts of Bayankhongor, Selenge, Khuvsgul, Arkhangai, and Uvurkhangai. Compared to the dzud risk assessment issued on December 31 last year, the size of risk-free areas has decreased, but the size of areas with low and medium risk has increased, the National Emergency Management Agency reported.

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VIDEO: "The electricity bill exceeded 1 million tugriks, so we reluctantly started using briquettes, but they were wet and smoldered like dung"

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: isee.mn

A video has circulated online about the poor quality of briquettes supplied by "Tavantolgoi Fuel" Company, which are delivered in a wet, frozen, clumped state to citizens. Therefore, we investigated whether such briquettes are being delivered to households as reported. Our house is heated by electricity. Since the electricity price increased this autumn, our bill reached 1 million tugriks per month. After the discount, we have to pay 800,000 tugriks. So after paying that 800,000 tugriks, we wondered how we would live. Eating, wearing clothes, how many members of a family earn an income, and so on. Thinking about this, we started using briquettes intensively. We've been burning briquettes for three years now. Briquettes come in various packaging. Some catch fire well, but others don't burn well and smolder like wet dung. How is the quality and burning of briquettes compared to previous years? Recently, there have been complaints that briquettes are delivered in poor drying conditions, wet, and frozen sacks. Sometimes frozen and wet briquettes do get delivered. In recent years, there has been a lot of trash in them. I'm not sure if it's because of poor drying, but the bags of briquettes are getting heavier. When burning them, they don't completely combust, perhaps because they are wet or due to the binders used. The ash doesn't fully settle and comes out in large clumps. Some burn well, but others contain a lot of trash and are full of ash-like waste. I'm not sure if it's due to poor drying or wetness. They have become very heavy. Well-dried coal burns nicely like dry dung. However, wet frozen briquettes are like dung that got wet in the summer rain. How does wet dung burn? Exactly like that. It just smolders. Some briquettes are wet and poorly dried, so they just smolder and don't catch fire completely, causing the house to not warm up well. They leave behind large, hard ash lumps. Without proper combustion, they don't burn properly, and the house doesn't heat up; they just smolder. In the last six years, about 700 people have died from carbon monoxide poisoning caused by briquettes. Does your family use a carbon monoxide detector? We have less fear of carbon monoxide because of the fireplace, but we still check regularly. There are many reports of explosions, so we frequently inspect the stove. Generally, we light the fire three to four times a day. We use briquettes daily. Some burn well, but others don't burn completely and come out as they are. We use briquettes more because we cannot afford the electricity bill, even though it's cheaper. However, it doesn't ensure the safety of the citizens. They either expect us to live with unusually high amounts of money, or they say those who won't get poisoned will just have to live like this. There are only two choices.

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24% of Livestock at High Risk of Severe Winter Conditions

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

The Water, Weather, and Environmental Research and Information Institute reported the "Preliminary Risk Assessment for Livestock Affected by Harsh Winter Conditions" for the first time across Mongolia. According to calculations at the district level, 24% of the country's total livestock are at very high risk of being severely affected by winter conditions, 47% at high risk, 17% at moderate risk, and 13% at low risk. Regionally, the risk level reached 37% in the western provinces, 23% in the central region, 7% in the east, and 5% in the Gobi desert. To create this assessment, data such as consistent drought, harsh winter observations, pasture-related data, mappings, and evaluations that weather agencies regularly produce were utilized.

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The Need to Use Washed Coal for Energy Purposes

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: news.mn

We spoke with Member of Parliament J. Zoljargal about current issues. - Members of Parliament led by Ch. Lodoysambuu have started collecting signatures from MPs to dismiss the government. What is your position on this? - I have not made a decision regarding the dismissal of the government yet. I have not received a proposal to sign at this time. However, I have expressed my position to those who asked if I support it or not. Some people have said I gave a vague answer. But the outcome is a very serious matter, so I have no choice but to approach it this way. The coalition government has been working for more than half a year. They have set big goals. So, if we give them time, the goals we want will also be achieved. On the other hand, the issue of holding accountability due to several issues has arisen. The demand to change the Prime Minister does not stem solely from the dissatisfaction of the MPs who are collecting signatures. There is also a waiting society, which I agree with. But I do not want to speak too quickly on such a serious matter. - Recently, a tragic incident occurred where six members of one family died from carbon monoxide poisoning. As someone who worked on the hearing on smog, how do you assess the issue of many citizens losing their lives due to carbon monoxide? - In cases where a citizen loses their life from poisoning, endless debates can be made about what caused it exactly in that situation. Anything could be the cause on that particular day. But we need to look at the statistics. It is important to make conclusions about what caused a sharp increase in statistics. In recent years, it has increased due to fuel. This is shown by the statistics of the last 5-6 years, and we need to accept it and take further measures. We spent a year being happy that soot decreased, and the next year the statistics for carbon monoxide increased. We should have taken measures. The decision to stop using high-ash, poorly burning raw materials and to use ones that burn well has not been made till now. This in itself is a very irresponsible act. Therefore, now first of all, the raw materials for fuel need to be changed. If the raw material is made of shiny black coal with 10% ash instead of 20-30% ash, then the smoke will decrease, or at least the statistics of poisoning will decrease. I am confident about this. Citizens will also be satisfied. - Currently, citizens do not have confidence in the fuel they are using today. They are fearful of whether they will wake up in the morning. You said we need to change the raw materials of the fuel. What is the real solution to this? - Coal is coal. When coal is burned, carbon monoxide is produced due to incomplete combustion. It does not depend much on the binders contained in the coal. So, it is not because its chemical composition is toxic that people are poisoned. If any harmless, pure coal, wood, or natural gas is burned with insufficient air, carbon monoxide will be produced. If the produced carbon monoxide escapes through the chimney, there is no problem. Some coal blazes and burns easily. If it burns easily, there is less carbon monoxide. However, some coal has less soot but does not burn easily, producing more carbon monoxide. Therefore, more carbon monoxide is coming due to slow combustion, which is causing the issue. Hence, the raw materials for fuel need to be changed. The coal currently used is semi-washed and partially used coal. Therefore, we need to use fully washed coal intended for clean energy purposes.

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A plan to establish a livestock production consortium

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: montsame.mn

As part of the Science, Technology, and Production Eco Park Project of Livestock, there is a plan to establish a livestock production consortium. This consortium aims to create a service platform that integrates information flow, production processes, and financing methods, based on international industrial cooperation principles and the application of the digital economy. Additionally, it aims to develop systems of standards, quality, branding, and technology that are based on Mongolian traditional heritage, with the goal of integrating into the international economic community and creating a valuable economic environment. The technology park to be established in Bayantal soum of Govi-Sumber province will support the development of agriculture, livestock, food, light industry, and auxiliary service sectors. It aims to support livestock production clusters and create an integrated supply, production, service, investment, and trade network with the help of digital technology, thereby improving the efficiency of livestock production and enhancing the regional economy and the living standards of the population, according to information provided by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry. Bayantal is noted as one of the few soums that do not engage in mining activities, highlighting its potential to develop eco-tourism based on traditional livestock practices, as emphasized by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry and the Head of the Department for Policy Implementation Coordination in Light Industry during their meeting with the "Science, Technology, Production Eco Park" project team.

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Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: isee.mn

The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change has submitted an official letter to the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs to nullify 10 regulations in accordance with the implementation of the Law on Permits. This letter is part of the efforts to implement the Law on Permits and follows the conclusion of the Permits Council to nullify regulations related to issuing, extending, and suspending special and ordinary permits in the environmental sector. Specifically, a total of 10 administrative acts that contain elements of authorization, such as granting rights, conclusions, requirements, and documentation, are being nullified and removed from the national registry according to the official letter sent to the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs.

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Creating Textbooks for Mongolian Children Living Abroad

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

The Minister of Education met with the leadership and teachers of the School of Mongolian Studies and the Department of Mongolian Language and Linguistics at the National University of Mongolia. He explored eight projects focusing on linguistic education and research titled "Mongolian Linguistics" to be implemented from 2025 to 2027. Under these projects, it is planned for the first time to create the "NUM-Dictionary," an explanatory dictionary of the Mongolian language for university students, a multimodal dictionary of local dialects, a graded dictionary of author D. Natsagdorj's literary language aimed at children, and a search system. Additionally, a comprehensive textbook on Mongolian language grammar, based on linguistic research achievements, will be developed in accordance with international standards and methods for foreign nations, Mongolian nationals, and Mongolian children born and raised abroad.

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Implementation of New Pilot Projects

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: montsame.mn

During the meeting of the National Council on Employment Promotion, several resolutions were made, including approving the activities for the current year, introducing amendments to the experimental Employment Promotion project and the Labor Relations Program, discussing the draft of the Occupational Standards project, and approving the 2025 budget allocation for the Employment Promotion Fund. The Employment Promotion Fund will implement 5 activity packages this year, as determined by the Government and the National Employment Council, and 6 identified activity packages. Additionally, new pilot projects aimed at promoting employment will be carried out. These will be implemented through public-private partnerships to enhance employment services, making them more accessible. An experimental project will support and operate a "Job Center" that aligns with international standards. The "Development Bridge Project" will also be tested, which supports micro and small enterprises established by citizens from target groups. According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, a special focus will be placed on improving the planning process of the activities to be funded by the Employment Promotion Fund this year, as well as making progress in addressing issues related to the implementation and performance of previous years.

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The World Bank has implemented a $75.7 million project in the health sector

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: montsame.mn

A project titled "Preventing and Preparedness against COVID-19 in Mongolia," funded by the World Bank and implemented by the Ministry of Health, has concluded after five years. The project, with a total funding of $75.5 million, has significantly contributed to strengthening the operations of soum health centers. Specifically, 75 soum health centers were equipped with new emergency vehicles, and 294 soum health centers received waste disposal autoclaves. Additionally, a national vaccine and biological products warehouse meeting modern standards with a comprehensive cold chain, 205 ventilators, four sets of CT scan equipment, 37 portable ultrasound devices, and 15 X-ray machines were provided to hospitals. 50% of the project's funding was allocated to purchasing COVID-19 vaccines, about 40% was invested in enhancing the capabilities of the health sector, and the remainder was used to enhance specialists' readiness for future pandemic prevention, monitoring, and risk management.

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Mongolians Still Affected by Nutritional Deficiencies

Published: 2025-02-12 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

The Ministry of Health, the National Center for Public Health (NCPH), and the United Nations Children's Fund jointly announced the results of the sixth national survey on "The Nutritional Status of the Mongolian Population" for 2023-2024. This survey covered 2,789 households from 112 soums across 21 provinces and eight districts of the capital, including 2,786 children under five, 2,513 women of childbearing age, 2,788 pregnant women, 1,950 men aged 15-49, and 4,742 students from grades 1-12. This national survey is conducted every five years. Comparing the results with previous ones, it has become clear that Mongolians still suffer from nutritional deficiencies, poor dietary quality, and inadequate consumption of health-promoting products such as vegetables and fruits. The conclusion that Mongolians were suffering from nutritional hunger five years ago remains unchanged this time as well. Especially children and women are still experiencing micronutrient deficiencies. For instance, it was found that one in two children cannot consume appropriate food products with suitable variety and frequency for their age. Also, 31.8% of children do not eat fruit or vegetables, while 42.2% consume fried or unhealthy foods, which researchers say are indicators requiring immediate attention. Moreover, one in three children consumes sugary drinks. The eating habits of young children have not improved compared to previous survey results. As a result, 8.4% of children under five have stunted growth, 1.5% are underweight, and 1.3% suffer from wasting or acute malnutrition. Meanwhile, 11.3% are overweight as shown in the survey. Among children of this age, 21.3% have anemia and 48% have vitamin D deficiency. According to NCPH researchers, children's growth indicators show normal progress up to the age of 10, after which it slows down.

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