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Mongolia News Summary for February 08, 2025

Mongolia News Summary for February 08, 2025
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of MongolBeat or its members.

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Member of Parliament Ch. Lodoy-Sambuu is preparing a proposal to dismiss Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Member of Parliament Ch. Lodoy-Sambuu has announced that he is preparing a proposal to dismiss Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene. He has repeatedly expressed the position that accountability should be taken for the issue of citizens who have died due to carbon monoxide poisoning. After a child, who lost all his family members to carbon monoxide poisoning and was left alone, gave a report yesterday, society is raising the issue of the citizens who died from carbon monoxide poisoning while using improved coal briquettes and is demanding accountability. Meanwhile, from a certain tag, information was spread by the police about the child's mother being dependent on alcohol and the child being previously involved in a criminal offense, which has angered the public. In connection with this, Member of Parliament Ch. Lodoy-Sambuu said, "I am developing my official letter proposing the dismissal of the Prime Minister. Before formalizing it, I am waiting for the Prime Minister to make a statement like a national Prime Minister." If Member of Parliament Ch. Lodoy-Sambuu submits a proposal to dismiss the Prime Minister, at least 32 members need to support and sign it for the matter to be discussed. According to Article 40.3.1 of the Constitution, if at least a quarter of the members of the State Great Khural officially propose the dismissal of the Prime Minister, the State Great Khural shall begin discussion three days later and make a decision within ten days. If the majority of the total members of the State Great Khural support the proposal, it shall be considered that the resolution to dismiss the Prime Minister has been adopted, and a new Prime Minister shall be appointed within thirty days.

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MP Ch. Lodoysambuu Proposes Dismissal of Prime Minister

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: isee.mn

Member of Parliament Ch. Lodoysambuu has proposed the dismissal of the Prime Minister. He stated in his proposal, "According to Article 43.1 of the Constitution of Mongolia, 'If at least one-fourth of the members of the Parliament officially propose the dismissal of the Prime Minister, the Parliament shall begin to discuss it three days later and make a decision within ten days.' Based on Article 8.1.11 of the Law on the Parliament of Mongolia, which states that 'The proposal to dismiss the Prime Minister of Mongolia shall be made jointly with other members as stipulated in Part 1 of Article Forty-Three of the Constitution of Mongolia,' I, Member of the Parliament Chuluunbilegyn Lodoysambuu, along with other members, am proposing the dismissal of the Prime Minister based on the following grounds," he wrote. If 34 Members of Parliament support his proposal by signing it, it will be submitted to Speaker of the Parliament D. Amarbayasgalan to formalize the process.

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Member of Parliament Ch.Lodoisambuu Calls for the Urgent Dismissal of Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene Due to Lack of Competence

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: isee.mn

A member of the State Great Khural (Parliament), Ch. Lodoisambuu, held a press conference at the State Palace regarding his proposal to dismiss the Prime Minister. He stated, "I am officially ready to collect signatures for the proposal to dismiss the Prime Minister. This document is addressed to Speaker of the Parliament D. Amarbaysgalan about proposing the Prime Minister's dismissal. According to Article 43.1 of the Constitution of Mongolia, if no less than one-fourth of the Parliament members officially propose the dismissal of the Prime Minister, the Parliament begins discussions three days later and decides within 10 days. Based on Article 8.1.11 of the Law on Parliament, which states the procedure for proposing the dismissal of the Prime Minister according to the first part of Article 43 of the Constitution, I, Member of Parliament Ch. Lodoisambuu, along with other members, am proposing the dismissal of the Prime Minister for the following reasons. Reasons: Violation of human rights and freedoms. In violation of the Constitutional guarantee of the right to enjoy rights stipulated in Article 16 of the Constitution of Mongolia, the Supreme Court of Mongolia had issued a decision to prohibit winter horse racing to protect children's life and health, but the Government issued a decision denying it. This denies the constitutional guarantee of the right to life, ignoring the Supreme Court's decision, and is against the fundamental legal principles of a constitutional state. The Government has also been exposed for organizing the harassment of citizens expressing their opinions within the framework of political and civil rights that form the core of a democratic system, orchestrating defamation campaigns on social media, and disseminating false information to manipulate public opinion. Furthermore, the Government is unlawfully restricting freedom of expression by prosecuting citizens for allegedly spreading false information and attacking reputations, conducting audits on relatives and affiliated individuals of those who expressed opinions within the Government's jurisdiction, and exerting pressure on them. The implementation of the law has led to a governance crisis. Instead of organizing work to prevent crimes, ensure legal enforcement, and implement investigative duties, the Government repeatedly interferes with judicial independence, aiming to influence court decisions, thereby undermining the reputation and credibility of the judiciary among the public, pushing towards a governance crisis, and posing a real risk of dictatorship. The Government submits matters for parliamentary discussion without proper consideration or research as urgent agendas, and when members have differing opinions on bills submitted by the Government, it organizes campaigns to vilify them publicly, hacking dignity and undermining the independence of the legislative body and the full rights of Parliament members, leading to serious consequences. Corruption is increasingly plaguing the state of Mongolia, making it the fastest-corrupting nation in the world, with the chances of eliminating corruption diminishing. The economic policy has faltered, suffocating the free market, with a budget overly reliant on reckless spending derived from mineral resource revenue, driving inflation and preventing poverty reduction. A significant portion of the workforce relied on small and medium enterprises that are now burdened by bureaucratic hurdles like excessive permits and inspections, which are contracting further, leaving many to permanently close their doors. The tax policy is suboptimal, with systemic corruption and bureaucratic proliferation harming taxpayers and businesses, creating an unfair system where non-taxpayers benefit. Although all policy failures and responsibilities during Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene’s tenure are not fully expressed, there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate the incapacity to fulfill the duties prescribed in the Constitution and other laws. Therefore, to restore rule of law, protect democratic governance, and prevent social instability, it is deemed necessary to urgently dismiss Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene. During the appointment of the Prime Minister by the Mongolian Parliament, I was the sole accidental dissenter in the assembly chamber. I hope this situation will not repeat itself. Elections were held a few months ago, and I expect that members, recalling everything that was promised during those elections, will unite irrespective of political party to protect our democracy, the most valuable asset of Mongolian society. I also call upon the members. As of today, Member J. Bayarmaa has expressed that she will sign this proposal. As the number of supporting members increases, I will keep informing, as well as those who refuse to sign.

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The Prime Minister Should At Least Come Out and Express Condolences

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: news.mn

Member of Parliament Ch. Lodoysambuu announced that a formal letter to dismiss Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene has been drafted. He stated, "We have officially prepared the letter to dismiss the Prime Minister and are ready to collect signatures. It requires more than 32 members to sign in order to formalize it. According to Article 43.1 of the Constitution of Mongolia, 'If at least one-fourth of the members of the State Great Khural formally propose the dismissal of the Prime Minister, the State Great Khural shall begin deliberation three days later and decide within ten days...' and according to Article 8.1.11 of the Law on the State Great Khural, 'The proposal to dismiss the Prime Minister of Mongolia shall be made together with other members in accordance with the first part of Article Forty-Three of the Constitution...' Based on these, I, Lodoysambuu Chuluunbileg, along with other members, propose the dismissal of the Prime Minister. We urge all 126 members of the State Great Khural to join in. When the parliament first appointed the Prime Minister, I stood alone in expressing opposition in the assembly hall. I hope the same will not be repeated upon holding him accountable. The election happened just a few months ago. Remember what was promised, what was to be protected, and I have no doubt that we will unite without regard to party lines. As of now, Member of Parliament J. Bayarmaa has expressed her willingness to join. In the future, information about the members who have joined or refused to sign, along with their reasons, will be publicly announced. Yesterday's tragic event we heard about is just one example. We did not propose dismissal solely because of this. I have been criticizing Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene since 2022. However, if asked whether this influenced today's announcement, yes, it did. What is more precious in Mongolia than human life if not life itself? Those who say this is politicizing human lives should step aside with their political words. Today, at least six citizens have lost their lives, and the Prime Minister should come out and express condolences. We are waiting for that. I am issuing the official letter today, not yesterday, allowing time. We do not have to force solutions. In civilized society, people need to be aware of their ethics. Human rights and freedoms have become devalued in Mongolia. I, as a journalist, have experienced pressure from Minister L. Oyun-Erdene. The methods used to maintain, expand, and consolidate power reflect this person's attitude. The Mongolian state and government should not be in the hands of people with such attitudes. Today, people can't even talk on the phone or hold demonstrations. If they want to hold a demonstration, companies that fund such activities are pressured. They have lost the ability to do anything. They believed they could seize everything, but global history tells otherwise. This is not just an issue I am speaking about; it is the pressure experienced by the public," he said.

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Officials Investigated for Taking Bribes to Approve Buildings

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

Several officials from agencies under the Ulaanbaatar City Governor's Office have been investigated by the Anti-Corruption Agency for abusing their power to accept bribes. Notably, former head of the Ulaanbaatar Investment Authority, S. Tseden-Sodnom, has been accused of taking large bribes repeatedly, ordering expensive private residences, and buying a Mercedes-Benz car, while failing to explain the source of his wealth. Meanwhile, before him, several other officials, such as the city’s chief architect Ts. Tulga and other high-ranking officials, have been under investigation, but their cases remain unresolved. In connection with this case, Ts. Togtokhbuyan's activities of accepting bribes have been isolated for prosecution. He allegedly accepted bribes while working with the State Commission for the Acceptance of Buildings, facilitating advantages for others. Specifically, he has been accused of taking money from S. Erden-Odo, an investor and shareholder in 'Bat Hereid,' the company behind the six to nine-story housing complex 'Serene Town Mongolia' in Bayanzurkh district, to accelerate the state commission’s approval process in 2020. Additionally, he allegedly arranged for the commission to urgently assess an automotive repair and service building in Bayangol district, taking bribes via another's bank account from citizen D. Otgonbayar. This case was previously submitted to the prosecutor's office for indictment preparation, but further investigation was required, and it was re-submitted to the Prosecutor General's Office after completion last week.

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MP Lodoysambuu Proposes Prime Minister's Dismissal

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Member of Parliament Lodoysambuu announced that he is proposing the dismissal of Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene. MP Lodoysambuu held a briefing about his proposal to dismiss the Prime Minister. If more than 32 members of the parliament sign this proposal, it can be formalized and discussed at the plenary session of parliament. According to the law, if more than 32 members support and sign this proposal, it must be discussed within three days and decided within ten days. The proposal to dismiss the Prime Minister is based on the following reasons: 1. Human rights and freedoms have been infringed. Despite the Supreme Court's decision to stop horse racing in winter to protect children's lives and health, the government made a contrary decision, which is against the rule of law. 2. The government has been revealed to facilitate the oppression and organized defamation of citizens expressing their views on social media. Furthermore, individuals expressing their views have been pressured by investigating them through legal organizations, and relatives and related entities are subjected to pressure from organizations within the government's jurisdiction. Regarding the enforcement of law and governance crisis, repeated interference with the independence of the judiciary to obtain specific decisions has tarnished its reputation and weakened public trust, pushing towards a governance crisis, and fostering the risk of authoritarianism. The government repeatedly attacks members of parliament with different opinions and organizes actions to tarnish their reputation on social media, infringing upon MPs' rights and provoking a constitutional crisis. Mongolia is reported to be one of the fastest corrupting countries in the world. Economic policy is being restricted, stifling the free market. The macroeconomic policy lacks direction, and the over-reliance on the income from the mineral sector along with the extravagant budget is accelerating inflation. MP Lodoysambuu stated: "I am ready to formalize the proposal for the Prime Minister's dismissal on my official letterhead and gather MPs' signatures. I have no doubt that MPs will recall what they discussed and promised during the recent elections and unite to protect their values, regardless of party affiliation. MP Bayarmaa has expressed support, and we will continue to inform about other MPs who will sign. Additionally, information about MPs who refuse to sign and their reasons will be shared. This is not just about demanding the Prime Minister's resignation due to the unfortunate incident of citizens dying from gas poisoning being talked about. That incident is just one reason. Since becoming Prime Minister in 2022, the measures and methods employed are gradually stifling democracy and establishing authoritarianism, which has been criticized. When citizens are dying in families, instead of trying to suppress the information, the Prime Minister should come forward and express condolences, which is expected. The methods being used to maintain power are indicative of this person's attitude. Mongolia's state and government cannot remain long in the hands of someone with such an attitude. Authoritarianism has become established. Government officials today cannot talk on the phone or meet with people. When they meet people, suspicions and distrust arise. Protests cannot be held. When protests are held, suspicions arise that companies are financing them. Everything is controlled like this. But it's impossible. World history shows it's impossible. If that young leader had read even one book thoroughly, he should have realized it's impossible," he said. Warning: Media organizations (television, radio, social and web pages) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, whether in full or in part.

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MP J. Bayarmaa Supports Proposal to Dismiss Government

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: isee.mn

MP Ch. Lodoisambuu has initiated a proposal to dismiss the government and has begun collecting signatures from supporting MPs. MP J. Bayarmaa has expressed support for the proposal and signed it. Additionally, three other MPs have stated that they will also sign the proposal. Regarding this matter, MP J. Bayarmaa commented, "For example, just a few days ago, an entire family disappeared. Recently, many people have been losing their lives unexpectedly. The deceased are labeled as alcoholics, and the survivors are called thieves. This is all connected to the government."

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Request to Convene an Extraordinary Meeting of the City Council

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: isee.mn

A request has been sent to urgently convene an extraordinary meeting of the City Council to deliver accurate and truthful information to citizens. B. Erdenesukh, a representative of the City Council, has sent an official letter to A. Bayart, the chairman of the City Council, demanding that the council be urgently convened to provide truthful information about the current situation in the capital city. The letter states, "In these times, when many lives are at risk even in peaceful moments, and citizens of the capital are gripped by fear, there are many unclear issues regarding the forced use of allegedly toxic coal briquettes and stoves. Therefore, we demand that the City Citizens' Representatives Council be urgently convened to deliver accurate information to the citizens."

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The Roots of Socialism Associations Serve Rulers, Not Citizens

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

Even after a hundred years, the appearance doesn't change, the beliefs and activities still "smell" of socialism, and it's time to dismantle these professional-sounding, moribund associations born for profit. In other words, associations that originated from socialism, that dance to the tune of political parties, and "bow" to all the wealthy ones are now being ridiculed and dreaded by the modern generations. The only association representing the youth, for instance, has become a distributor of worthless medals and decorations, a follower of the rulers, vote gatherers, and briefcase carriers. It's no wonder, is it? In Mongolia, there are many types of associations operating in professional sectors. Among the most recognized by citizens are the Mongolian Women's Association and the Mongolian Youth Association. These associations should be carrying out professional activities to protect the rights and interests of their members and supporters, but instead, they are blatantly serving political parties, becoming tools in politicians' elections, and this is what the citizens are dissatisfied with. Numerous members of parliament criticized the way professional associations are secretly controlled and financed by high-ranking government officials and politicians, politicized on demand, and blatantly incited to organize protests during the sessions of parliament. "In a place without gods, the cauldron goes crazy." The leadership of the Mongolian Women's Association (MWA) in 21 provinces and nine districts are all members of the ruling party. Since 2018, a woman named B. Oyungérel has served as its president, reappointed in 2023. To put it bluntly, people know her as the president who does not know how to direct the activities of her professional association, does not adhere to rules and regulations, and is therefore displeased for trading away the rights of Mongolian women to the ruling party. During the association's meetings, even forcing a one million tugriks admission fee from members shows how much censorship there is, and what chance is there for her to effectively work for the protection of citizens' rights? M. Naraantuyaa-Nara was not yet a member of parliament when she attended an association meeting to express her voice and opinion, only to be expelled for criticizing B. Oyungérel and her association's activities, which readers do not forget. B. Oyungérel, in her seven years at the helm of the MWA, has not left a sector untouched or a task undone, they say. Yet, she is consistently criticized by the public for frequently tagging along on state visits with taxpayers' money, "selling" the name of women, collecting large amounts of money from domestic and international sources and embezzling it. People even claim she is now "selling out" historic women, referring to two historical films produced on the lives, works, and paths of prominent figures such as S. Udval, a renowned state and social leader, and D. Pagma Dulam (wife of D. Natsagdorj), the first chairwoman of the MWA. The films "Red Flower" and "Pagma Dulam," both produced by B. Oyungérel, received a lot of criticism from the public upon their release and continue to do so. It's like the old saying "In a place without gods, the cauldron goes crazy," as there is not a single provision on creating films about the duties of professional associations, yet she ambitiously pursues it. "If you have nothing to do, go find a job." The Mongolian Youth Association (MYA) has not been silent either. The head of the association, a young man named B. Sergelenbaatar, recently clashed with the Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs, O. Altangerel. He declared, "U. Boldkhüü, who was the Head of the Legal Department of Sukhbaatar aimag's Governor's Administration Office, has been appointed Head of the Information System Center. Why did you choose someone with no capacity to lead? This individual used his power to change the MYA leadership without our knowledge. Then, some of his party's youth came, broke into MYA's premises, changed the lock's core, and sat there as if owning it." In response, Minister O. Altangerel stated, "I have not made any illegal appointments. The Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs does not appoint the head of the Information System Center. Young people should be ashamed of talking about party and state and chasing after positions. If you have nothing to do, go find a job." Thus, the argument calmed down. The activities of the MYA are no better than those of the women's association. They have always served political parties and politicians across generations rather than the citizens, which is why the public continuously calls for their urban center to be converted into a children's hospital. In other words, citizens require this organization, which plays no clear role in the development of Mongolia and youth development, to be dissolved and the premises used for other purposes. Besides coming to life around elections to brainwash citizens with "blacklists" of viable and unviable candidates, essentially invading their choice rights, the public agrees that the MYA should be dismantled. According to the National Statistical Office, as of the first half of 2024, 245,800 legal entities are registered in the business registry, with 32,000 or 13% being NGOs and professional associations. Only about 30% of these are active. In other words, there are many professional associations with fancy names and NGOs that operate without much popularity but are capable of brainwashing you and me, serving political parties and politicians. The law's implementation and monitoring system is absent. Our country actually aimed to streamline such NGOs and associations, clarify their membership, activities, duties, and organization, and update the basic law in 2024. Specifically, the revised version of the Law on Non-Governmental Organizations was developed into the "Law on the Legal Status of Associations," adopted last year. According to this law, a professional association is defined as "an association comprised of businesses, NGOs, and professionals in a particular field to protect sectoral or professional interests" in Article 4.1.1, and a "professional unified association" as "an association with the membership of professional associations operating within a particular sector, aimed at protecting the common sectoral interests" in Article 4.1.2. The law, upon its adoption, made provisions for registering associations as taxpayers, subjecting them to oversight, identifying entities conducting business activities under the guise of non-profit organizations, and enabling the monitoring and accountability for unlawful activities. Moreover, it created mechanisms for strengthening the capacity of legal entities by increasing interaction with the state, cooperation, and partnership, improving internal governance, ethics, and accountability, and enhancing public understanding and support. However, systems to ensure and monitor the implementation of this law have not developed yet. Due to the lack of clear regulations regarding compliance, NGOs and professional associations are acting as they wish. Let's learn from the world. In many countries, women's and youth associations work with the goal of bringing positive change to society, protecting their rights, and supporting leadership. For example, Women's Associations actively protect women's rights, ensure equality, increase economic participation, prevent violence, and make education and healthcare services more accessible with numerous programs, training, and mentorships. They also focus on increasing economic opportunities by creating financing networks, supporting small and medium businesses, advocating for policy inclusive of women's employment provisions, and conducting career-supporting trainings and advocacy. Youth associations, similarly, enhance youth participation in societal issues, support innovation, startups, and business development, provide scholarships for education, implement social projects, and run international volunteer exchange programs, ensuring the voices of the youth are included in governmental policies. However, our voluntary organizations, despite 100 years, have not been able to break free from the influence of parties. Thus, only during election periods do they wash the public's mind and "fill their stomach." This hinders the real development of civil society. Hence, there is a need to release associations from their dependencies by attracting donations and project funding from abroad, implementing membership models, transparently reporting their sources of financing to the public, restricting the involvement of political parties in civil society spaces, increasing public and citizen participation, distinguishing associations pursued by interests, changing socialist methods, and adopting international best practices where needed.

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The Minister of Justice O.Altangerel is the Prime Minister's Left Hand

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Member of Parliament (MP) Ch.Lodoisambu stated that a proposal to dismiss the Prime Minister has been submitted to Speaker of the Parliament D.Amarbayasgalan. He and other MPs have submitted this proposal on the following grounds: - Violations of human rights and freedoms, - Disregard for the Supreme Court's decision to ban winter horse racing, - Organized defamation and insult of the deceased citizens and restrictions on the expression of opinions of citizens by accusing them of slander, - Continuous interference in the independence of the judiciary aiming to obtain specific decisions, undermining public trust in the judiciary, - Economic policies being disrupted, and the free market being strangled, - An excessively extravagant budget has aggravated inflation and made poverty reduction impossible, - An inappropriate taxation policy, leading to a system where those who do not pay taxes benefit. Therefore, it is deemed reasonable to urgently dismiss Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene to protect the democratic system and prevent social instability. He expressed confidence that members, regardless of party affiliation, should unite for the sake of Mongolian democracy and its most valuable aspects, urging them to unite. Member J.Bayarmaa has already expressed her intention to join, making two MPs now committed. Furthermore, he stated, "The Prime Minister seems to consider that he can do anything. However, the young man must know the impossibility of this if he had read at least one complete book. The situation has developed to where one cannot protest, talk on the phone, or meet with people. I have experienced various forms of pressure from Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene while being a journalist." Additionally, there is ongoing criticism that the government should take responsibility concerning the incident where six members of a family died from carbon monoxide poisoning at their home, and sensitive information about them was publicly disclosed. MP Ch.Lodoisambu is preparing a formal proposal for the Prime Minister's dismissal and awaits the Prime Minister to make a statement befitting a country's prime minister before it is formalized. "In his four years as Prime Minister, he should ask for forgiveness for not saving the lives of so many people and graciously bow out with an announcement of resignation, both as the Prime Minister and as a human being," he posted on his social media. He has been giving information regarding this to journalists.

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Golomt Bank Secures Green Loan Financing from SIMPL Investment Organization

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: news.mn

Golomt Bank has successfully secured long-term green loan financing from Singapore's Saison Investment Management Private Limited (SIMPL) for the second time. The funding from this green loan is intended for financing environmentally friendly projects and aims to support a variety of green loan initiatives such as renewable energy and green buildings in accordance with Mongolia's Green Taxonomy. SIMPL, founded in 2021, is a subsidiary of Saison International Pte. Ltd., which is responsible for the international investment operations of Credit Saison Company Limited, a leading credit company in Japan. Within the framework of its primary objective to enhance financial accessibility and inclusion, Golomt Bank secured its first loan financing from this organization in 2024, with the funds used to support loans for clean water and water purification facilities, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as female entrepreneurs. In 2015, Golomt Bank introduced the Sustainable Financing Policy and Environmental and Social Risk Assessment for Borrowers into its lending operations and maintains a leading position in Mongolia's sustainable financing sector. Furthermore, Golomt Bank aims to increase its green loan portfolio by 5% by 2030 and 10% by 2050, compared to its baseline levels in 2023, and is working towards achieving these medium and long-term goals as planned.

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S. Narantsogt: Companies within the "Erdenes Mongol" Group Earned a Net Profit of ₮5.6 Trillion in 2024

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The results of the mid-term strategy implementation for 2024-2028 of the "Erdenes Mongol" group were presented recently. The executive director of the group, S. Narantsogt, highlighted that this mid-term strategy serves as a foundation for developing the processing industry in Mongolia and creating an industrial chain. The companies led by "Erdenes Mongol" play a significant role in increasing revenues from the mining sector, diversifying the economy, and improving the quality of life for citizens. However, there are constant controversies regarding frequent losses and corruption. Over the past year, three groups of reforms were implemented: leadership governance, strategic governance, and operational mechanism governance. As part of these measures, ineffective project units and companies were dissolved or consolidated, reducing the number of legal entities from 42 to 31 and decreasing the board of directors from 269 to 66 members. In 2024, the companies within the "Erdenes Mongol" group accounted for 80% of the foreign currency reserves, paid taxes amounting to 4.6 trillion MNT, and achieved a net profit of 5.6 trillion MNT, as informed by executive director S. Narantsogt. He emphasized, "A state-owned company is very unique; it is the property of the people through the government. More than just business profit, the interest of the state and the public should come first, and the strategy should be directed towards it. The state-owned companies must play a key role in implementing the policies issued by the Parliament and the Government. Our group's strategy aims to make the policies of the state and government a reality. Its main content is to bring about an industrial revival. Only by creating an industrial chain will the industry be revived. Establishing an industrial chain is a substantial task, so it was decided to implement it in the model of industrial technology parks by state-owned companies. Our concept is to develop the primary infrastructure by the state, provide proper planning, and have the private sector invest and proceed." Additionally, it is aimed to evaluate and update the strategy annually, thus keeping it as a "living" document. "Wealth theft occurs in three ways," explained director S. Narantsogt about the three channels through which wealth theft happens and how they can be addressed: Firstly, by "offshoring" sales from the beginning. Contracts would be made for seemingly low-content but valuable resources at cheap prices and take the difference in money through an offshore company beyond the border. To completely stop this, instead of exporting raw materials, standard products should be produced and sold through the exchange. Secondly, procurement. To streamline procurement operations, daily consumption goods should be procured electronically akin to "Amazon." The system should allow orders for specific quantities of items, processed through the system. Tenders should be conducted according to legal regulations and evaluated with artificial intelligence. "Erdenet Mining Corporation" has successfully adopted such a system, and it will be introduced to other companies in the upcoming 1-2 years. Thirdly, projects. Influential individuals with access to information often pocket projects, leading to the implementation of ineffective projects and frequent stalls. Thus, transparency on why a project needs to be implemented and its benefits should be maintained. The "Erdenes Mongol" group structure consists of: - Baganuur JSC - Gashuun Sukhait Road LLC - Darkhan Metallurgical Plant LLC - Mon Atom LLC - Mongolian Oil Refinery SOE - Mongolrostsvetmet SOE - Cement Lime LLC - Shivee-Ovoo JSC - Erdenes Gold Resource LLC - Erdenes Ashid LLC - Erdenes Bayanbogd LLC - Erdenes Methane LLC - Erdenes Oyu Tolgoi LLC - Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC - Erdenes UTP LLC - Erdenet Mining Corporation SOE It is no secret that these state-owned companies operating in the fields of minerals and mining face many issues. They are often perceived as "money-making" schemes for individuals with political influence. If the leadership and staff at various levels of these companies minimized their personal gain motives and genuinely fulfilled their duties, the country would not face electricity restrictions or health issues from pollution, and people would not lose their lives due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

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EVIDENCE: State-Owned Companies Operate with 7.6 Trillion MNT Discrepancies, Plan to Dissolve 50% Due to Increased Losses

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: isee.mn

The head of the Government's Cabinet Secretariat, N. Uchral, stated in an interview that they plan to reduce state and local government-owned companies by 50%. Initially, the relevant laws will be passed. After that, decisions will be made on which companies to merge or dissolve. Also, they will decide whether to privatize through auction or offer shares on the market at that time. State ownership has become abandoned. Companies cannot continue to operate at a loss while increasing salaries and cars. Some key positions are appointed as someone's protégé. In some organizations, there are few professional engineers but many managers. The National Audit Office has consolidated information about companies that need to be dissolved due to unprofitability and has submitted its report. Based on this, a comprehensive decision will be made. According to the National Audit Office, 462 legal entities were audited to assess which companies were unprofitable and the common discrepancies found. The audit revealed discrepancies amounting to 7,622.3 billion MNT in state and local government-owned companies. Furthermore, it was noted that there is no evaluation made of state-owned companies, no mechanisms to hold accountable or supervise the performance of rights and responsibilities, and that board members are often appointed through official appointments resulting in frequent changes in members. Moreover, revenues are planned without proper research or estimation; according to the audit, some board members received compensation, rewards, and salaries illegally. Management bonuses were not linked to organizational performance, and the impact of measures taken within the framework of social responsibility was not evaluated. They spent 319.8 billion MNT on 158 measures that were not included in the investment plan. The state and local government-owned companies do not maintain an open selection process for executives, with 316 legal entities lacking official websites. Corporate governance is neither transparent nor publicly accessible. For example, the discount on the price of briquettes by Tavan Tolgoi Fuel LLC impacted revenue negatively, causing a decrease in basic operational revenue by 57.1% in 2019, 59.1% in 2020, and 27.0% in 2021. New Airport LLC did not receive any dividend income from 2019-2021, with primary revenues decreasing by 64.6% in 2020 and 75.6% in 2021. The General Department of Civil Aviation experienced a significant decrease in its basic revenue collection due to the pandemic, with a 74.2% reduction in 2020 and 76.9% reduction in non-core revenue in the same year. The audit also pointed out significant discrepancies in many other companies, with their operational losses increasing over the years. As such, the government plans to implement measures by selling these entities through auctions, dissolving some, and using the proceeds to strengthen and support the Health Insurance Fund. For more information, click HERE.

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Chinggis Khaan, Capital Banks Collect 47 Billion MNT for Social Insurance Fund

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The regular meeting of the National Council for Social Insurance was held yesterday. A court decision has been issued to recover and centralize a total of 207 billion MNT owed by Capital Bank LLC (104 billion MNT) and Chinggis Khaan Bank LLC (103 billion MNT) into the Social Insurance Fund. Out of the total debt, 22% or 47 billion MNT has been settled through money and assets. Going forward, measures will be intensified to recover receivables based on the professional committee's methodological and legal advice of the law enforcement agencies and the National Council for Social Insurance's Public Monitoring Council. Additionally, the unrestricted balance of the Social Insurance Fund will be placed in commercial banks, and the calculation of interest on time deposits was discussed at the meeting. The insurance for industrial accidents and occupational diseases, which collects the most premiums, does not protect the rights and interests of the insured. In the future, efforts will focus on improving labor health, enhancing preventive and rehabilitative services, and improving the insurance system. Additionally, discounts on premiums will be given to places with no labor accidents. The draft law on Labor Health and Safety is planned to be submitted to the Spring Session of the State Great Khural (Parliament) of Mongolia, and the Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Protection reports that it will incorporate suggestions from the Mongolian Trade Union, the Employers Association, as well as businesses and citizens.

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Distributing Dividends Before Lunar New Year Could Increase Inflation

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: news.mn

An interview with economist B. Lakshmi. - The Lunar New Year is approaching soon. How do you expect it will affect inflation? - During the Lunar New Year, citizens make large purchases. As a result, the demand for goods and products increases, which in turn influences inflation. Additionally, since we import most of our goods from China, base prices tend to rise. Moreover, this holiday is of great importance to the elderly, and they receive a "longevity gift" around this time. However, seniors do not save or use this money in ways other than for Lunar New Year spending. Therefore, it becomes one reason for increased cash circulation in the economy, thereby exacerbating inflation. Once prices increase, they rarely decrease, and it is expected that inflation will remain steady even after prices rise during Lunar New Year. - In 2024, inflation was at 9%. The Mongol Bank aims to reduce it to 6%, correct? - Yes, the Mongol Bank has set a goal of maintaining a certain target, either increasing or decreasing by 2%. However, it seems unlikely that this target will be met. Currently, energy prices have increased by 30%. The main factor affecting inflation is fuel prices, which will have a significant impact. In addition, there is the issue of how the prices of imported goods will change. These factors combined are expected to fuel inflation. - There is speculation about distributing the dividends from the 1072 shares before the Lunar New Year. What is your opinion on this? - Dividends from the 1072 shares are quickly circulated in the market by the citizens. Thus, distributing dividends before the Lunar New Year would be a primary factor in fueling inflation. This would affect the economy because it involves distributing money to all shareholders. In addition, there is an issue related to the financial condition of the "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" company regarding whether they are in a position to distribute dividends. Reports and information related to the company are not transparent. Although coal exports increased last year, there was a previous decline. We cannot determine whether we were profitable based on the export volume alone. Furthermore, from an economic perspective, the dividends have been distributed multiple times to citizens in the past year. The exact period to which these dividends relate is a curious issue. Moreover, how the distribution of these dividends affects the company's finances and budget is not clear. Even the number of citizens holding shares is not openly available. Thus, providing this information is challenging. - You mentioned coal exports. Do you think coal exports in 2025 will meet expectations? - This year, I don't expect exports to meet the anticipated or budgeted levels. This is due to external environmental changes and difficulties. For example, there is anticipation regarding the U.S. decision to impose high tariffs on Chinese goods. Major countries imposing high tariffs on each other could stifle each other's economic growth. Since about 90% of Mongolia's exports rely on China's economy, a slowdown in China's economic growth would have a significant impact on Mongolia. Previously, projections showed China's economy growing by about 5-6% in 2025, but by early February, this forecast had been revised down to 4%. For next year, it has been further adjusted to an expected growth of 3.5%. This suggests a trend of declining export volumes and prices for Mongolia. However, it is difficult to predict this in advance. - What significant legislative proposals are expected for Mongolia's economy in the upcoming spring session? - There is anticipation around the tax package law, which could bring substantial changes to the country's economy. It is predicted that this will be introduced in the spring session. The tax package law will involve significant legal changes linked to businesses, the business environment, enterprises, and companies, and is seen as a way to invigorate the economy. Also, there are high expectations regarding the recently signed uranium agreement and its economic impact. With the arrival of spring, certain construction projects are expected to begin, potentially contributing to economic growth as well.

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The Government that Bankrupted Flour Producers Now Cornering Meat Exporters

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

The "Food Revolution" national movement, with the slogan "Soil, food, and people are interconnected," has been implemented in our country for four years. The main goal of this movement is to ensure food safety, develop animal husbandry and agriculture, and become a regional exporter of organic food. Furthermore, by 2027, an ambitious target was set to meet 100% of the demand for 19 main products domestically. In connection with this, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry, the Ministry of Economy and Development, and other relevant government agencies have collaborated to implement numerous projects and programs under the name of ensuring food safety and supporting production, continuously holding meetings, consultations, and discussions.

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The 850 billion debt from pension loan cancellation remains unsettled

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: news.mn

Six years ago, 736 billion MNT was spent on canceling pension loans of senior citizens, and 236 billion MNT was allocated to provide 1 million MNT in cash to seniors without pension loans. However, the debt associated with these measures has not been settled as we enter the sixth year. According to S. Narantsog, CEO of the "Erdenes Mongol" group, the government directed "Erdenes Silver Resource" to settle 930 billion MNT from its operations. Yet, only 80 billion MNT was settled by 2024, leaving 850 billion MNT of the debt outstanding. Initially, when the decision was made to cancel pension loans of up to six million MNT for seniors, the government announced plans to use the Salkhit silver deposit to generate economic benefits to pay off the debt. However, as we are now in the sixth year, the deposit has not been exploited. Consequently, "Erdenes Silver Resource," which has been renamed to "Erdenes Gold," is set to implement a gold project aimed at settling the debt.

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Apartments up to 60 sq.m can be purchased with a SIX percent loan, 61-80 sq.m with an EIGHT percent loan

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

According to government resolution number 483, the year 2024 has been declared the "Year of Supporting Regional Development." Section 2.3 of this resolution discusses increasing the availability of preferential loans necessary for providing housing to citizens with average incomes. It was decided to adjust the financing criteria for these preferential mortgage loans based on the area of the residential property and the annual interest rate: - 6 percent for areas up to 60 square meters, - 8 percent for areas from 61 to 80 square meters. Furthermore, it is planned to diversify state preferential loan products according to the varying income conditions of citizens, using the principle of applying a 10 percent rate for properties between 50 and 100 square meters, and a 4 percent rate for properties up to 40 square meters. Source: Ulaanbaatar Housing Corporation LLC.

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"Citizens Bear the Burden of Over 40 Types of Taxes and Fees"

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

The Mongolian Trade Union Confederation organized a discussion in connection with the revision of the tax package law. Within this framework, representatives of citizens, businesses, and organizations exchanged views. Participants in the discussion emphasized their desire to increase the VAT refund for people who live solely on salary income. They also highlighted the need for a full VAT refund for those with incomes below the minimum living standard. The Deputy Chairman of the Mongolian Trade Union Confederation, B. Ragchaa, stated, “In relation to the state budget discussions, we have repeatedly conveyed proposals and requests to the State Great Khural and government organizations to increase the real income of citizens. However, our proposals have not been accepted. They submitted a proposal to increase the salaries of civil servants by six percent. In 2024, inflation was 8.3 percent. Moreover, prices of other goods and products have risen due to the increase in electricity prices. Currently, under the laws, regulations, and procedures in force in our country, citizens are paying about 20 types of taxes, over 10 types of contributions, and about 10 types of fees. Thus, citizens are bearing the weight of over 40 types of taxes, fees, and contributions. Meanwhile, citizens' wages and real incomes have not increased. Therefore, proposals and requirements have been repeatedly submitted to amend the tax law. There is actually a possibility to increase citizens' real income in the Individual Income Tax Law. For example, the income tax for individuals earning up to five million tugriks per month should be calculated at up to five percent,” he said. He also noted that “10 percent tax is taken from those with income up to 120 million tugriks, 15 percent for 120-180 million, and 20 percent for those above that. In essence, there is a 10-20 percent tax scale. This scale should be shifted down by one step, making it five percent for those earning up to 60 million tugriks. Secondly, with tax policy, it is possible to own a home. People buying homes for the first time can receive a discount of up to six million tugriks. In 2019, the average price of housing was 2.5 million tugriks, whereas today it is about four million per square meter. Compared to previous years, home prices have almost doubled. Therefore, the amount of discounts should be doubled. I propose a minimum incentive of 10 million tugriks. In addition, it is appropriate to support businesses and organizations to some extent with tax policies. Also, with regard to VAT, refunds should be increased from two percent to five percent.” U. Suren.

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United Airlines Becomes the First U.S. Company to Operate Flights to Mongolia

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

United Airlines will become the first U.S. airline to fly to Mongolia, with operations starting this May. The company announced that they will begin flights to Mongolia. Starting from May 1st, they will be taking reservations for flights between Tokyo and Ulaanbaatar. These flights will operate three days a week using Boeing 737-800 aircraft. With this, United Airlines becomes the first U.S. airline to serve Mongolia. Flight Information: - UA007 NRT1630 – 2055UBN 738 247 - UA006 UBN0955 – 1545NRT 738 135 Preparations for direct flights between the U.S. and Mongolia began last year. The exact start date for direct flights is still unclear.

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S. Amarsaikhan Met with Uzbekistan's Deputy Prime Minister J.A. Khodzhaev

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Deputy Prime Minister S. Amarsaikhan and other relevant officials have visited Uzbekistan for work. The meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific, and Technical Cooperation between Mongolia and the Republic of Uzbekistan began in Tashkent. During this event, the head of the Mongolian section of the Commission, Deputy Prime Minister S. Amarsaikhan, held a bilateral meeting with Uzbekistan's Deputy Prime Minister J.A. Khodzhaev to discuss cooperation between the two countries. J.A. Khodzhaev expressed gratitude for the rapid development of bilateral cooperation over the past two years and conveyed confidence that effective, practical, and business-like decisions would emerge from this first-ever intergovernmental commission meeting being held in Tashkent. Deputy Prime Minister S. Amarsaikhan highlighted that many initiatives for bilateral cooperation discussed during their meeting in Ulaanbaatar last August are coming to fruition during this conference. This meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission is significant as it is the first such meeting since the establishment of diplomatic relations with Uzbekistan in 1992. Uzbekistan, like Mongolia, is a landlocked developing country with many similar features. Therefore, discussions are focused on collaborating in the areas of infrastructure, transport, logistics, agriculture, and light industry, leveraging mutual advantages and reducing trade barriers between the two countries. This working visit aims to expand the cooperation of business leaders from both Mongolia and Uzbekistan and open new opportunities. Source: The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

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Ministers to Sign Railway Border Connection Agreement

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: news.mn

The government has taken the initiative to establish an agreement for the railway border connection on the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod route, which is one of the 14 mega projects, and has submitted the relevant bill to the Parliament. The Parliament has directed the government to make certain agreements, and the government has instructed the Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry, Ts. Tuvdendorj, and the Minister of Road and Transport Development, B. Delgersaikhan, to sign the agreement. After many years of discussion and stagnation, Ts. Tuvdendorj and B. Delgersaikhan are set to sign the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod railway border connection agreement on February 14th in Harbin, China. Once the agreements and negotiations related to the railway border connection are signed, it is planned to discuss the border connection issue in the upcoming spring session.

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If the Solar Power Plant Investment Project is Implemented, Ulaanbaatar Can Solve Its Energy Problem

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Representatives of Vietnamese construction industry businesses visited "Ulaanbaatar Housing" LLC to exchange ideas on construction and development issues. During the meeting, an introduction to the projects implemented by "Ulaanbaatar Housing" LLC, information on the "Hunnu Smart City", and housing planning based on the Selbe sub-center were presented. Mr. Z. Tumurtomoo, a representative of the Ulaanbaatar City Council and Director of "Ulaanbaatar Housing" LLC, stated that the Government of Mongolia has announced 2025 as the year to support Ulaanbaatar city. The majority of the 14 mega projects proposed by the government are planned to be implemented in Ulaanbaatar city. From the construction of the circular highway and the Selbe sub-center to defining the development of Ulaanbaatar city, such years are beginning. To avoid repeating past mistakes of Ulaanbaatar, we are going to start new infrastructure work in satellite towns, initiate investment, and begin construction activities. Director of the Capital City’s Housing Policy Department, Mr. G. Gankhuyag, mentioned that currently, 56% of the population of Ulaanbaatar live in housing connected to engineering infrastructure, while the remaining 44% live in ger districts where such infrastructure is insufficient. Ulaanbaatar city is working to approve the general development plan for the city until 2040, which is being discussed by the Parliamentary session. According to the development plan, it is aimed to have 84% of the population live in housing units and the remaining 16% in single-family homes. To accelerate the process of providing comfortable housing to citizens, "Ulaanbaatar Housing" LLC will continue with support and policy coordination within the framework of public-private partnership. By 2028, there is a plan to provide housing to 76,000 families. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Nguyet Huong, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of ROX Group from Vietnam, remarked on the 70-year partner relationship between the two countries. They see a favorable business environment developing as a result of this cooperation. Business exchanges and collaboration efforts between business representatives of the two countries continue to intensify. They were pleased to familiarize themselves with the operations of "Ulaanbaatar Housing" LLC and get acquainted with the current conditions of construction and development in Mongolia. They visited with two teams, one of which is presently meeting with the Mongolian Minister of Energy. They introduced a renewable energy project that could offer a solution to Mongolia's energy needs. By using renewable energy technology, air pollution and environmental cleanliness can be improved, and the city can become greener and more citizen-friendly. If the solar power plant investment project is implemented, Ulaanbaatar city could potentially resolve its entire energy issue. Mr. M. Batbayar, an envoy tasked with overseeing city development and construction under the authority of the Mayor of the New Zuunmod city, highlighted Mongolia's ambition to become the hub for passenger and freight transport in Northeast Asia by 2050. The satellite city being planned in this region is designated to become a vital junction for air, rail, and road transport. Preliminary statistics indicate that 150 citizens are expected to relocate to the New Hunnu city. It is envisioned that this satellite city will house governmental organizations, including ministries and agencies, transportation logistics centers, and form a free economic zone. The future vision is to derive over 80% of the economic activity in Hunnu city from the services sector. Mr. M. Govsaihan, Executive Director of the National Affordable Housing Corporation (NOSK), pointed out the rapid transition from a nomadic cultural economy to a settled urban lifestyle in Mongolia. Approximately 70% of Mongolia's population currently resides in Ulaanbaatar city. Due to this concentration, Mongolia faces the same challenges that major cities worldwide have encountered. Over the past decade, urbanization and housing projects have been progressing very rapidly and intensively. Yet, the number of citizens living in ger districts has not decreased, becoming a persistent issue. Therefore, a meeting was held today with representatives from "Ulaanbaatar Housing" LLC to manage the process under policy and control levels, and to exchange ideas with internationally reputable construction companies. ROX Group from Vietnam is a major organization providing services in real estate, renewable energy, banking, and information technology to citizens. It has made real estate and financial investments, and operates hotels in many countries worldwide, including in the UK and France, having implemented over 400 projects. Recently, they invested 2 billion dollars in Kyrgyzstan. Warning: When using our information in any form (Television, Radio, Social Media, or Websites), media organizations must cite the source (ikon.mn).

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Agreement Signed to Begin Work on the Fourth Package of Oil Refinery

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

Yesterday, the Mongolian Oil Refinery state-owned joint-stock company signed an engineering, procurement, and construction contract with India's "Megha Engineering and Infrastructures" (MEIL), the company selected to build the licensed technological facilities at the oil refinery being established in Altanshiree soum of Dornogovi aimag. This marks the beginning of construction on the seven facilities that include hydrogen supply, sulfur extraction, liquefied petroleum gas separation, gasoline processing, and diesel hydro-treatment, which are the most crucial components of the refinery. These deep processing facilities will be built over 36-38 months as per design documentation developed with technology and license holders from the USA, France, Italy, and the Netherlands. The construction of the oil refinery consists of four packages. The work on the nine buildings and facilities under the first package was completed and handed over to the State Commission in November of last year. The second and third packages involve continuing with steel structure assembly and foundation casting for the thermal power plant. The fourth package will be initiated this year based on the contract signed with MEIL.

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Public Transport Timed Cards No Longer Available

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: montsame.mn

In Ulaanbaatar, the "Ulaanbaatar Smart Card" company had been issuing monthly timed cards for bus services to increase the number of public transport passengers. Specifically, the timed cards were of two types: for adults and for children. Children paid 8,000 MNT and adults paid 25,000 MNT per month. This allowed for unlimited travel on public transport within one month. However, it has been announced that the timed card service will be discontinued. According to the resolution of the Capital City Council meeting and the directions from the Public Transport Policy Office of the Capital City, timed cards will no longer be usable starting from the 1st of next month. Therefore, passengers who have been using this card will, starting next month, have to pay 1,000 MNT like others and can transfer three times a day free of charge.

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Bus Rides with Temporary Cards to Be Unavailable Starting Next Month

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Ulaanbaatar Smart Card LLC has issued a notice regarding the discontinuation of the temporary card service. From March 1, 2025, it will no longer be possible to use temporary cards for travel. Therefore, Ulaanbaatar Smart Card LLC has advised users not to make payments for the extension of temporary cards. Research is being conducted to enable the use of temporary cards in the form of regular Umoney cards, which would allow them to be recharged for travel.

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Vietnamese Entrepreneurs Interested in Participating in the Development of the Capital City

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Mayor of Ulaanbaatar city, Kh. Nyambaatar, met with a delegation led by Tran An Tuan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vietnam's "Rox" Group and Chairman of the Board of MSB Bank, at City Hall. The Mayor mentioned that in recent years, relations between the two countries have been expanding in areas such as politics, defense, trade, economy, tourism, and agriculture. He expressed interest in working more closely with Ulaanbaatar city in the future. Tran An Tuan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vietnam's "Rox" Group and Chairman of the Board of MSB Bank, elaborated on the projects and programs they are interested in and stated that they are pleased to support and cooperate in strengthening bilateral cooperation in all aspects. ROX Group is a major entity providing services in real estate, renewable energy, banking, finance, and information technology for citizens. It is one of Vietnam's leading corporations operating in urban and industrial park development, management, real estate leasing, commerce, services, hotels, energy, banking, and finance. Representatives of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the construction sector visited "Ulaanbaatar Housing" LLC on February 6. During the meeting, they were briefed on the projects implemented by "Ulaanbaatar Housing" LLC, including the "Hunnu Smart City" and the residential planning based on the Selbe sub-center. ROX Group provides services in real estate, renewable energy, banking, finance, and information technology, having executed over 400 projects in various countries including the UK and France, and recently invested $2 billion in Kyrgyzstan. Tran An Tuan expressed that the two countries have over 70 years of cooperation, and that there is a favorable business environment forming under this framework. Businesspeople from both countries are intensifying their efforts to learn from each other's experiences and work together. They were pleased to familiarize themselves with the current state of construction and development in Mongolia while visiting "Ulaanbaatar Housing" LLC, having come to Mongolia in two teams. Today, the remaining team is meeting with Mongolia's Minister of Energy. They plan to introduce renewable energy projects that can serve as energy solutions for Mongolia. Utilizing renewable energy technology not only reduces air and environmental pollution but also creates an opportunity for a more citizen-friendly green city. If the solar power plant investment project is implemented, Ulaanbaatar city can completely resolve its energy issues.

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800-1000 Jobs May Be Created During the Construction of Erdeneburen Power Plant

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: isee.mn

The Speaker of the State Great Khural, D. Amarbaysgalan, and a member of the State Great Khural, E. Bolormaa, worked in Hovd aimag’s Khovd and Erdeneburen soums. One of the mega projects that have been resolved during the autumn session of the State Great Khural, after being stalled for 30 years, is the Erdeneburen hydropower plant with a capacity of 90 MW. The western region imports 75% of its energy consumption from Russia and China. Therefore, once the hydropower plant being built in the Shijigt gorge of the Khovd River is put into operation, the five aimags of the western region can be supplied with energy, and during the construction period, 800-1000 jobs may be created. Moreover, having a sufficient source of energy in the western aimags will increase the opportunities for conducting business and services. Thus, conditions will be created for the western region to become an energy hub, and projects related to renewable energy will start to be implemented, attracting investments, as stated by the Speaker of the State Great Khural, D. Amarbaysgalan, during the meeting. The residents of the soums in the western region raised the issue of having dental clinics in their health centers. The Speaker pointed out that it is necessary to establish dental offices in the soums and equip them with essential equipment using the local development fund, due to the increase in dental diseases among children locally. The residents of Khovd and Erdeneburen soums are discussing the renovation of the health center, school dormitory, kindergarten repairs, and the construction of a cultural center. The residents of Erdeneburen soum expressed their request to resolve the infrastructure of the wastewater treatment plant. The Speaker emphasized that he will prioritize and pay attention to including important infrastructure investments related to the daily living conditions of citizens in the budget, as reported by the Press and Public Relations Department of the State Great Khural.

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The Capital Plans to Install 51,000 Smart Carbon Monoxide Detectors with 7.6 Billion Tugriks

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: isee.mn

The Deputy Governor of the Capital City, A. Amartuvshin, stated, "In 2025, 51,000 smart carbon monoxide detectors will be installed in households. Additionally, gas detectors will be installed in 52,389 households connected to gas. Each smart device costs 150,000 tugriks." He also noted that the purchase of the 51,000 smart carbon monoxide detectors will cost 7.6 billion tugriks from taxpayers' money.

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The Repair of the Heating Line is Completed

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: news.mn

The information was given last Monday that the heating line had burst, which left schools and kindergartens unable to conduct classes due to the lack of heating. More specifically, kindergartens No. 69 and 234, school No. 16, four other business entities, and 12 households were without heating. Upon inquiring whether the pipe was finally repaired, the Customer Service Center-5 of the Public Housing Management Department reported that adjustments were made to the heating line system last Friday. On that day, employees worked until midnight to resolve the issue following a call. The reason for the heating failure was that nearby schools and kindergartens received low heat, and despite recommendations to give less voltage, kindergartens No. 69 and 234 installed powerful, high-consumption pumps on their return lines. As a result, school No. 16 had its heating taken away and was left completely without heating by Sunday evening. The engineers from the Customer Service Center-5, in cooperation with the Eastern Distribution Center, identified the damage in the 150 mm diameter shared heating distribution pipeline for school No. 16, kindergartens No. 69 and 234, building No. 30, and shared ownership of citizen Soronzonbold, located in the 10th koro of Sukhbaatar district. They replaced an 8-meter section of the line over two days and restored the heating. It was confirmed that the heating of the schools, kindergartens, and apartments is now normal. The heating line is an aged one that has been repeatedly repaired. Despite many repairs, the line cannot withstand pressure and frequently breaks, requiring extensive time for repairs.

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Converted Garage Areas Have Been Developed for Public Use

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In the municipality, efforts are being made to ensure citizens' rights to live in a healthy and safe environment, improve land use, dismantle garages at designated locations, and develop these areas for public use. As part of this effort, old garages located in public spaces in four areas of Bayangol District, specifically khoroos 4, 12, 13, and 18, have been dismantled. The development project for these freed areas intended for public use has been completed and has been accepted by the state commission. The development includes installations of: - Car parking spaces - Ramps - Pedestrian paths - Cycling paths - Sports fields - Playgrounds - Stages - Lighting - Fitness equipment - Green areas - Benches with shades - Trash bins The project was executed by the partnership between "Luxdiamond" LLC and "IYIZet Group" LLC with funding from the state budget, and the technical inspection was overseen by the city's Investment Department, according to the Public Information and Communication Department of the Municipal Government. Last year, it was announced that plans were made to dismantle over 1,500 garages and 15,000 meters of fences across 121 locations to free up and develop public access areas. Warning: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) must mention the original source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, whether fully or partially.

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33,000 Tourists Arrived in January

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: news.mn

For the first time in history, Mongolia has seen over 33,000 tourists visiting in a single month. Specifically, from January 1 to 31, a total of 33,462 tourists were received. During the same period last year, Mongolia received 28,000 foreign tourists. The majority of tourists coming to Mongolia are from China. Officials emphasize the importance of active cooperation among the government, private sector, and the public to improve attitudes and psychology towards receiving foreign tourists. Most tourists visit Mongolia during the warm summer and autumn months. However, 23% of foreign tourists are welcomed in the winter. This is because Mongolia has one of the coldest winters in the world with a harsh and extreme climate. Although there are specific winter tourism events such as the Snow and Ice Festival and the Eagle Festival, the number of tourists coming to Mongolia significantly decreases starting from October. Studies also show that these events are mainly of interest to business travelers visiting Mongolia temporarily. Additionally, short-term tourists who travel for 3-4 day trips across borders show great interest. In 2024, the number of tourists visiting by country were as follows: China 217,712, Russia 213,231, South Korea 193,019, Japan 25,643, Kazakhstan 24,237, America 16,368, China-Taiwan 12,334, Germany 12,134, Turkey 7,755, and France 6,777 tourists.

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NHRC: Prohibition on Collecting, Processing, and Using Sensitive Personal Information

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has reminded the public about the legal provisions regarding personal, sensitive information. Sensitive personal information pertains to individual privacy. Specifically, according to the Personal Data Protection Law, it is prohibited to collect, process, or use sensitive personal information. Warning: Media outlets (Television, Radio, Social media, and Websites) must mention the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, whether in full or partially.

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LAW: Up to 5 years imprisonment for leaking personal information

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: news.mn

In Bayangol district's 22nd subdivision of the capital city, a tragic incident occurred where six family members reportedly died from carbon monoxide poisoning. The private information of the deceased and victims was spread on social media, leading to public criticism. O. Altangerel, the Minister of Justice and Home Affairs, stated that they will identify and hold accountable the person who disseminated this information, as it not only constitutes a severe violation of the Personal Information Protection Law currently in force in Mongolia but also breaches Articles 13.10 and 13.11 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Furthermore, if someone used their official position to disclose information, the penalty could increase to up to five years of imprisonment. The minister emphasized that accountability would extend not only to the individual officer but also to their supervisors if they were found to have exploited their position. Article 13.10 of the Criminal Procedure Code pertains to breaching personal privacy: 1. If someone unlawfully obtained or conveyed legally protected personal secrets to others, they can be fined between 451 to 5,401 monetary units, or sentenced to perform 240 to 720 hours of community service, or have their freedom of movement restricted for a period of one month to one year. 2. If committed using communication or digital tools, or by an authorized official violating the legal basis and procedures, penalties range from 5,401 to 27,001 monetary units in fines, or restricting movement for one to five years, or imprisonment for one to five years. Article 13.11 of the Criminal Procedure Code concerns the disclosure of personal secrets: 1. If a person discloses legally protected personal secrets without authorization, they may be fined between 1,351 to 10,001 monetary units, or face movement restriction for six months to two years, or imprisonment for six months to two years. 2. If such disclosure occurs through the use of communication or digital networks or while performing official duties, the penalties include fines from 5,401 to 27,001 monetary units, or movement restriction for one to five years, or imprisonment for one to five years.

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Determine the geothermal resources around Ulaanbaatar

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: isee.mn

As part of the Government's 2024-2028 program for urban redevelopment and housing policy of ger districts, a preliminary baseline study is planned to identify geothermal resources around Ulaanbaatar as a sustainable heat source. This effort will be executed under a contract signed with the team of scientists and researchers from the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics of the Academy of Sciences, commissioned by the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing and the Ulaanbaatar City Governor's Office. The main goal of this work is to assess the geothermal potential of Ulaanbaatar and evaluate whether it can be used for heating supply.

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Air Pollution High in 1st District, Tolgoit, Yarmag

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

According to the preliminary forecast of the Air Quality Index as of 10 a.m., air pollution is expected to be high in the following areas: - 1st District - Tolgoit - Zuragt - Yarmag - Dambadarjaa - Power Plant - Sharkhad Therefore, it is recommended that you wear a mask when going outside.

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TMK Energy's 'Gurvantes XXXV' Project Increases Gas Extraction by 300% in January

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

TMK Energy, a company that has started extracting natural gas from six wells in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia, announced that its extraction in January reached unprecedented levels. 300% Increase The amount of gas extracted in January from the 'Gurvantes XXXV' site's coal seam methane project in Umnugovi Province is reported to be breaking its highest record, as communicated to its investors by TMK Energy, which is registered on the Australian Stock Exchange. The trial extraction from three additional wells drilled by the company began on January 10. Consequently, nearly 8,000 cubic meters of gas were produced from the six wells of the "Lucky Fox" site throughout the past month, which is a 300% increase compared to December 2024. It also surpasses the previous month's highest extraction level by 40%. Although the operations of the new wells were not yet fully efficient last month, these outstanding results are in line with the company's aim to significantly increase production to a commercial level by 2025, as highlighted by TMK Energy's CEO Dugal Ferguson. However, the company noted in its statement that it is still too early to predict whether the current gas flow of the wells will remain stable or increase in the near future. Vision for Energy If natural gas extraction and production based on it, which offer low-cost and low-pollution fuel, are accelerated in Mongolia, it will bring significant advantages to the economic and energy security. TMK Energy has already reached an agreement to supply extracted gas to energy production. In December, the company signed a memorandum of understanding with Germany's Jens Energie to sell 5,000-15,000 cubic meters of gas per day starting in April. Jens Energie, a supplier of power plants and generators, plans to import a natural gas power generator from Germany at the beginning of 2025 and install it at the 'Gurvantes XXXV' site. In addition, projects by Jade Gas Holdings and Elixir Energy, which operate in the Tavantolgoi coal seam methane area, are also making significant progress. Jade Gas Holdings, conducting drilling in the "Ulaan Nuur" and "Baruun Naran" sites, reported that it is nearing completion of its gas commercialization strategy and is now accepting pre-orders from buyers. The project aims to liquefy the extracted gas to replace regional diesel fuel consumption. Meanwhile, Elixir Energy, which owns the "Nomgon" project, continues its trials and drainage of coal seam water. It is likely that both companies will establish stable gas flows in their projects by the end of this year.

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Scientists from the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics to Determine Underground Heat Reserves around Ulaanbaatar

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Scientists and researchers from the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences have decided to conduct a preliminary base study to determine the underground heat reserves around Ulaanbaatar. Determining the underground heat reserves is significant as it introduces environmentally friendly, economically efficient, and sustainable heat sources into projects and programs. The scientists and researchers plan to consolidate and summarize the results of previous geological, hydrogeological, and geophysical studies conducted around Ulaanbaatar, perform geophysical measurements and geochemical sampling at potential locations, and draft a geothermal potential map by compiling past and new geophysical measurements around the city, identifying prospective areas. As a result of the study, they aim to produce a geothermal potential map of the area around Ulaanbaatar, showing the conceptual model of geothermal and hydrogeological reservoir characteristics, and a detailed 3D electrical resistance model for the target space. They will prepare geological, hydrogeological, and geochemical reports, which could be feasibly applied in practice in the future. Warning: Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social and Web pages) must always cite their source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, fully or partially.

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B.Adyaa-Ochir: There is air pollution around Yarmag, the First District, and Dambadarjaa

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: ikon.mn

During the past 24 hours, sulfur dioxide levels exceeded air quality standards in Ulaanbaatar's First District, Tavan Buudal, and Tolgoit areas, while nitrogen dioxide, PM10, and PM2.5 levels remained at normal levels at all sites. "As of 09:30 today, the air is clear around the Bogd Khaan Museum and normal around BÖKhÍn Örgöö, 100 Ail, and Tavan Buudal. However, the air is slightly polluted in the areas of Nalaikh, Amgalan, Sharkhad, Khailaast, Urgah Naran, Nisekh, Baruun Dörvön Zam, and Misheel Expo, while it is at a red level, meaning polluted, in Yarmag, Power Plant, First District, Zuraagt, Tolgoit, and Dambadarjaa," said B.Adyaa-Ochir, an air quality control specialist at the Ulaanbaatar City Agency for Combating Air and Environmental Pollution.

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"Magnaitrade" LLC fined for selling non-standard fuel

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

Fuel importer and seller "Magnaitrade" LLC was fined for selling products that did not meet standards. The fine, issued by a state inspector of the then Consumer Protection and Advertising Department of the Authority for Fair Competition and Consumer Protection (AFCCP), amounted to 9 million MNT, equivalent to 9000 units. A directive was approved by AFCCP, the General Agency for Specialized Inspection (GASI), Ulaanbaatar City Specialized Inspection (UBCSI), the Standard and Metrology Agency (SMA), the General Customs Administration (GCA), and the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority (MRPA) to conduct joint inspections, and a working group was formed to inspect enterprises importing and selling petroleum products. During these inspections, samples of AI-92 gasoline and diesel fuel were taken from "Magnaitrade" LLC's fuel station in the 13th district and the company's bonded petroleum product warehouse in Songino Khairkhan district 20th khoroo. These samples were tested in two laboratories: the Minerals and Petroleum Central Laboratory of MRPA, and the Diagnosis and Metrology Laboratory of the National Civil Aviation Center under Civil Aviation Authority. According to the laboratory conclusions, AI-92 gasoline did not meet the "Engine Fuel. Unleaded Gasoline. Technical Requirements MNS 0217: 2017" standard enforced in Mongolia, and the diesel fuel did not meet the "Diesel Fuel. Technical Requirements MNS 68615: 2020" standard. Therefore, a state inspector of AFCCP concluded that "the goods, work, and services supplied by the manufacturer, seller, or executor to the market must meet mandatory standards and technical regulations, ensuring that they do not harm consumer life, health, or the environment" as per Article 12.1 of the Law on Consumer Protection, which was violated. Consequently, under Article 10.2-5 of the Law on Infringements, responsibility was assigned, stating that if the goods, work, and services supplied by the manufacturer, seller, or executor to the market harm consumer life, health, or the environment, or do not meet mandatory standards and technical regulations, the responsible entity shall be fined an amount equivalent to 900 units of monetary value, and a legal entity shall be fined an amount equivalent to 9000 units. "Magnaitrade" LLC viewed this penalty by the inspector as unfounded and appealed to the Capital City Administrative Court, which completely rejected the request to invalidate the inspector’s decision of the current Monopolies Authority. The Administrative Appellate Court upheld the decision of the first instance court, and the Judicial Chamber of the Supreme Court's Administrative Affairs declined to hear "Magnaitrade" LLC’s complaint.

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Bayan-Ulgii, Zavkhan, and Uvs Provinces at "Very High" Risk of Severe Winter

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In a nationwide assessment of winter disaster risk, the risk level is "medium"; however, Bayan-Ulgii, Zavkhan, and Uvs provinces are at "very high" risk. According to information from the meteorological agency, during the end of the first ten days, the beginning of the second ten days, and the middle of the third ten days of the coming months, temperatures are expected to be 1–3°C colder than the long-term average across most areas, and in the other periods, temperatures are expected to be around the long-term average or slightly warmer. At the end of the first ten days and the start of the second ten days, snow is expected to fall over most regions, with winds intensifying in some areas, potentially causing snow and dust storms. Meanwhile, during the middle and end of the third ten days, light snow and strong winds are expected, indicating that winter conditions could worsen, and continuous readiness must be maintained in potentially affected and already affected areas.

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Warnings Issued for Harsh Winter in Bayan-Ulgii, Zavkhan, and Uvs Provinces

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

The National Emergency Management Agency has reported that there is a high risk of severe winter conditions in Bayan-Ulgii, Zavkhan, and Uvs provinces due to potential zud (a Mongolian term for a severe winter disaster resulting in the death of livestock). Given the increased cold across the country, these provinces face a greater risk of exacerbated winter conditions, and authorities have been urged to maintain constant preparedness. Meteorologists have indicated that from the end of the first ten days of this month to the beginning of the second ten-day period, as well as in the middle of the third ten-day period, most areas will experience temperatures dropping 1-3 degrees below the long-term average. However, during other times, it is expected to be slightly warmer than the long-term average. At the end of the first ten days and the beginning of the second, most regions will see snowfall, and some areas will experience strong winds, leading to potential snowstorms and dust storms. In the middle and end of the third ten-day period, there may be light snowfall and increasing windstorms, which could lead to a worsening of winter conditions.

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PHOTO: Although "MICS 2024" Concluded, the 10 Selected Teams Will Continue Their Projects with Japan

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The "MICS 2024" program, aimed at supporting projects that initiate solutions for social issues faced by Mongolia and Japan using new advanced technology, has concluded and the results were presented today. When the program was announced, over 200 teams submitted new initiatives, of which 10 were selected. These teams received support from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which included methodical guidance to implement their projects, as well as connections with Japanese investors and entities in the same field, along with university researchers. Miyagi Kensuke, the head of JICA's Mongolia office, said, "Our program aims for participants from both Mongolia and Japan to solve social issues together based on their investments, initiatives, experiences, and accumulated knowledge. Today, we have 10 projects with distinctive and significant results in their research and development. Although the program is concluding today, all participants have established relationships with Japanese partners and supporters, which they will maintain and expand. JICA will continue to be a bridge and support in this endeavor." The most attention-grabbing project among the selected ones was the "Mini Plant by the School" project. Due to climatic conditions, Mongolians consume fewer fresh vegetables, and the hygienic quality of imported vegetables is questionable. This project, developed by the "Tana" Laboratory of the National University of Science and Technology (MUST) in collaboration with Waseda University's School of Business, could be a solution. They aim to build small greenhouses inside schools to improve students' nutrition and ensure sustainable agricultural development. D. Odonchimed, Director of MUST's "Tana" Laboratory, stated, "In Mongolia, the growing season is very short, only 110 days. There is low consumption of fresh vegetables and a high reliance on imports. Therefore, we are researching ways to cultivate in indoor environments during winter for school meals, developing new technology. Initially, we plan to implement a project to supply school lunch vegetables by establishing a greenhouse inside the school of Khanbogd soum, Umnugobi aimag. Additionally, Harumafuji school's people are in talks to collaborate with us, and we plan to test our new technology at the school in Battsumber soum. We aim to test and develop our project in urban, rural, and Gobi conditions. Through this project, students will learn how vegetables grow, their nutrition, and what vegetables and fruits are good for. Moreover, it will lay the foundation for training future agricultural professionals. Our country has not succeeded in implementing sustainable agriculture, which requires a change in mentality and management. Locally adapted, efficient technologies need to be tested and turned into business." The project involves installing small greenhouses in schools with areas of 3x3 and 3x6 meters to grow food vegetables and fruits. In the first two years, they will receive methodical advice and assistance, and as schools become proficient, they can expand the greenhouses, meeting their lunch needs and having the potential to engage in business. Another significant project is producing eco-friendly toilets in Mongolia. A collaboration between the Mongolian Kosen Technical College and Japanese universities and companies is developing a Japanese bio toilet for Ulaanbaatar's ger districts and rural pasture households. The aim is to develop a product that can be manufactured in Mongolia, thus localizing Japanese technology. Tetsuya Hoshi, President of "Star Engineering," said, "There are many types of bio toilets. A distinctive feature of the toilet we are developing is the bacteria used. There is very resilient bacteria in Japan’s hot springs that thrive in acidic conditions. While the current price of such a bio toilet in Japan is equivalent to 11 million tögrög, selling it at that price in Mongolia would pose challenges. Therefore, the Japanese side will provide the bacteria, while Mongolians will manufacture it. The goal is to create a product made in Mongolia. Many parties are collaborating on this project, including Mongolian Kosen, Japan’s "Star Engineering," Japanese universities, researchers, and consulting companies, with the aim of pooling our capabilities for successful results."

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For those interested in studying abroad with a scholarship

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Are you unsure of where to study and what opportunities are available to you? Do you not understand how to apply for a scholarship? If so, graduates who have studied abroad and excelled in various fields, along with leaders of graduate associations from different countries, are ready to provide you with accurate information and advice specifically tailored to you on February 9, 2025, at the Independence Palace. By attending this event, you will have the opportunity to receive truthful information about scholarship programs and the benefits and specifics of studying in countries such as the USA, China, France, Russia, South Korea, Japan, the UK, Turkey, Taiwan, Cuba, Germany, Austria, Australia, Ukraine, Ireland, and others, without any middleman involvement. Organizers: United Council of International Graduates Consultative Council of Mongolians Abroad When: February 9, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Location: Independence Palace, 7th Floor Detailed information can be obtained by clicking HERE.

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Equipment and Supplies Worth 139 Million MNT Provided to Veterinary Services

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: isee.mn

The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry and the World Bank's Livestock Economy Intensification Project have jointly been working to supply necessary equipment and materials to veterinary laboratories and veterinary service units at the soum (district) level in Tuv, Selenge, and Darkhan-Uul aimags (provinces). They aim to train and improve the skills of veterinary doctors and specialists, expand the types of veterinary health services, improve the quality of primary services, and increase accessibility. As part of this collaboration, an event was held at the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry building in Darkhan-Uul aimag, where equipment and supplies worth a total of 139.4 million MNT, consisting of 20 items, were handed over to the Veterinary Services of Tuv, Selenge, and Darkhan-Uul aimags. The provision of modern, precise, and high-capacity equipment to veterinary laboratories is making a significant contribution to diagnosing animal infectious diseases and ensuring food safety. In addition, tools and equipment to support the daily activities of primary veterinary practitioners were handed over by Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry J. Enkhbayar, Member of Parliament S. Lundeg, and project coordinator L. Bayartulga. Aiming to empower the veterinarians and specialists of the soums in Tuv, Selenge, and Darkhan-Uul aimags, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry and the Livestock Economy Intensification Project plan to organize targeted measures to ensure the effective use of newly supplied equipment. By implementing these measures, it will be possible to conduct clinical examinations of livestock, perform vaccinations, disinfections, and implement parasite control measures while improving their quality and accessibility. This project is currently being implemented in 14 aimags.

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Children's Lung Function in the City is 40% Less Than in Rural Areas

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The primary source of air pollution in Ulaanbaatar is stoves burning raw coal in ger districts. Ulaanbaatar, home to half of Mongolia's population, is considered one of the world’s coldest and most polluted cities. In December and January, the coldest months of the year, the daily average PM2.5 pollution reaches 687 micrograms per cubic meter, 27 times higher than the safe level recommended by the World Health Organization, according to UNICEF. Since the issue of air pollution emerged, children have been the most affected. Climate change and environmental degradation are violating children's rights, warns UNICEF. Pneumonia is the second leading cause of death among children under five nationally. UNICEF emphasizes that lung function in children living in Ulaanbaatar's most polluted districts is 40% lower compared to children living in rural areas. Due to air pollution, children suffer from severe illnesses such as bronchitis and asthma, preventing them from attending school and thereby missing other learning and developmental opportunities. In addition, pregnant women affected by air pollution risk having premature births or needing surgical intervention because the pollution affects the fetus's lung and respiratory development. Over the past ten years, respiratory diseases among Ulaanbaatar’s residents have increased rapidly, with cases of respiratory infections rising 2.7 times per 10,000 people. Moreover, miscarriages noted between winter and summer have increased 3.5 times, highlighted in a UNICEF study.

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Asian Championship Belt Tournament to be Held in Mongolia

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: news.mn

The "Night of Champions, Ulaanbaatar-2025" tournament, for the central Asian championship belt of the "WBA" association, is set to take place on the 15th of February 2025 at the ASA Arena. Mongolia is set to host this event, which is notable for being the first time a Mongolian athlete will fight for the championship belt on home soil. Erdenebat's Tsendbaatar, a distinguished Mongolian athlete, will compete in the main event against Pedro Bernal Rodriguez, a Mexican pugilist with a record of 14 wins, 1 loss, and 2 draws from a total of 17 matches, including 6 wins by knockout. Pedro is also the WBC youth lightweight world champion. Adding to the anticipation of this event is the participation of N. Tögstsogt, another elite Mongolian athlete who has won silver at the Olympics and the World Championships, and is the IBO world professional boxing champion. Since turning professional in 2015, Tögstsogt has accumulated 12 wins, 2 losses, and 1 draw from 15 fights. The preliminary matches will feature the top 6 Mongolian boxers in various weight classes, who will face competitors from Mexico, Russia, the Philippines, India, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. The match lineup is as follows: * E. Tsendbaatar (MGL) vs Pedro Bernal (MEX) * N. Tögstsogt (MGL) vs Mark Antony (PHI) * B. Tögoldör (MGL) vs Rakhmatillo Sharikov (UZB) * B. Mishilt (MGL) vs Sunil Kumar (IND) * O. Byambaa-Erdene (MGL) vs Ruslan Kirichenko (RUS) * X. Beknur (MGL) vs Toktosun Uulu Bekbolsun (KGZ) * E. Bayarsaikhan (MGL) vs Ibrahim Abdullaev (UZB) * X. Enkh-Amar (MGL) vs Michael Escobio (PHI)

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Asian Winter Sports 'HARBIN-2025' Games Officially Begin Today

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The 9th Asian Games in Harbin, China, officially begin today. Short track speed skating events for men and women in the 1500-meter distance are being held on this day. In the women's category, Mongolia's team flag bearer B. Gereltuya is competing. Our athlete competed in the group featuring athletes from South Korea, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, China, and India's national team, and with a time of 2:38.674, she remains in the competition as a qualifier. The 9th Asian Games are being broadcast live across the country by the MNB Sport channel. Source: Mongolian National Olympic Committee

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Mongolian Sumo Wrestler Ichinojo's Film 'The Wide West' to Premiere at Cannes

Published: 2025-02-07 | Translated from: isee.mn

Mongolian sumo wrestler Ichinojo, also known as A. Ichinnorov, announced that he was retiring due to a chronic back injury. Known as "The Giant," Ichinojo's sudden decision to retire surprised sumo enthusiasts. Shortly after his retirement, he ventured to the United States to try his hand at cinema. He produced a feature film titled "The Wide West," which tells the story of Japanese sumo wrestlers traveling to America in the 1900s. This film is set to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in May. In the movie, Ichinojo and Hishionofuji, who wrestled in Juryo, play sumo wrestling roles. However, Ichinojo plans to pursue his acting career in the U.S. under the stage name "Ichi." The film's executive producer, Andrew Freund, explained, "Since he has retired, it seemed inappropriate for him to use his sumo name. Our team discussed it and chose the name Ichi. It's easy for foreigners to remember and connects with his Mongolian name, Ichinnorov. Ichi memorizes his lines well and practices a lot. Even when the director says OK during a shoot, he insists on doing another take, aiming for perfection, which is expected from someone who once excelled in professional sumo." Alexander Nevsky, a three-time world bodybuilding champion, who stars alongside Ichinojo, commented, "I have acted with athletes from many martial arts, but this is the first time working with a sumo star. I knew sumo wrestlers were disciplined, but seeing him portray a character was truly impressive," he told reporters.

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