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Mongolia News Summary for August 29, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for August 29, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories











B. Enkhbayar: The practice of foreign loans and aid always being implemented in the finance minister's district continues even now

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The session of the Parliament discussed the 2023 budget execution of the unified budget of Mongolia and the consolidated financial statements of the government. During this session, MP B. Enkhbayar criticized the report on spending foreign loans and aid.

He stated, "With the law on fiscal stability, decisions are being made to not count the costs of foreign loans and aid in the state budget expenses. In the coming years, the budget execution report that we are reviewing today won't include the report on the spending of loans from foreign countries to the highest representative institution of the people. It seems we are hearing the last of its reports.

In 2024, 400 billion MNT or 100 million USD will be paid for loan settlements from foreign countries. According to the finance minister's statements, every year in the coming years, around 400 million USD will be paid for the payment of loans taken from foreign countries. In other words, this amount will quadruple in the coming years. The spending report, which amounts to about 1.3 trillion MNT, will not be presented to the Parliament.

If the changes to the fiscal stability law are being forcefully carried out by the majority, there is a need for a detailed hearing of reports related to foreign loan spending.

In the past, I have emphasized one expert thief, stating that foreign loans and aid would always go to the finance minister's district. The Mongolian people would pay for this. This situation continues with the current finance minister. A project to build a hospital in Darkhan-Uul aimag was started with 30 million USD. This was not brought to the Parliament, nor included in state budget investments.

There, one minister showers their district with 100 billion MNT. What special privilege is this? There was a proposal to build fences for herders with a 50 million USD loan, which was brought to Parliament. It always went to the ministers' districts. When the issue was exposed, they suggested expanding it to 14 soums.

In the 2024 budget draft, there is only one number written for the interest payment of foreign loans and aid, stating 400 billion MNT. No report about the project, execution, or spending is presented to Parliament. This report must be discussed in Parliament."


Media organizations (television, radio, social networks, and websites) must mention their source (ikon.mn) when fully or partially utilizing our information in any format.

Some members of the MPP oppose the appointment of Ch. Khurelbaatar as the President of Mongolbank, while G. Saikhanbayar is proposed by the President for the position of Head of the General Intelligence Agency

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

Following the results of the parliamentary elections, a new Parliament and Government have been formed, and appointments are being made in all institutions. The appointments, which were being made intensively, were temporarily postponed due to the overlap with the discussion of the budget amendment and the Government's program by the Parliament. For instance, once the budget amendment and program are approved by the Parliament, the "acting ministers" will be appointed to the positions previously held by deputy ministers, and appointments to the leadership of state-owned companies, Erdenet Mining Corporation, Erdenes Mongol, the State Property Policy and Regulation Agency, and other organizations will be discussed in political circles.

In addition to the above, there was information about the appointment of Ch. Khurelbaatar, former Minister of Economic Development, as the President of Mongolbank. However, due to the dissatisfaction of some members of the Parliament elected from the MPP, his appointment has been temporarily delayed. Ch. Khurelbaatar ran for the 2024 parliamentary elections in the western region, which includes Uvs, Khovd, Zavkhan, and Govi-Altai provinces but was not elected. Before his candidacy, in an interview with isee.mn, he stated, "I will run in my constituency. When I first entered politics, I promised the people of Uvs province that I would represent them in the government and that I would not change constituencies or be on lists. The people of Uvs gave me the right to represent them in the government. If they vote for me to stop, I will leave Mongolian politics without hesitation and teach at the National University of Mongolia. Whether the university accepts me is another matter. I am one of the members who proposed the most laws, and I am among the top five in the Parliament in terms of law proposals." Soon after, he became a possible candidate for the Presidency of Mongolbank, but his appointment has been temporarily delayed. Mongolbank falls within the scope of the Speaker of the Parliament's authority, and the President is appointed by the Parliament according to the law.

There is also information about the possible appointment of G. Saikhanbayar, former Minister of Defense, as the Director of the General Intelligence Agency. It is reported that his friend, President U. Khurelsukh, is proposing him for this position. The current director, P. Odonbaatar, was appointed in September 2020 during a Government session. As for G. Saikhanbayar, he ran for the parliamentary elections in the Arkhangai, Bayankhongor, and Uvurkhangai constituencies but his name was withdrawn by the MPP due to allegations that his campaign worker was involved in a fatal incident. According to the law, the appointment of the next director of the General Intelligence Agency is made through consultations between the Prime Minister and the President, and it is appointed during a Government session. The director of the General Intelligence Agency is appointed for six years with a person who has worked in public service for at least 15 years and continuously for the last five years. Additionally, under the Intelligence Agency Law, if the new director or deputy director is appointed, their term will continue until the end of the period specified in Articles 14.1 and 15.2 of this law from the day they are appointed.

The Government's 2024-2028 Action Plan Finalized

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

The "Resolution on Approving the Action Plan of the Government of Mongolia for 2024-2028" was finally approved during the plenary session of the State Great Khural (Parliament) of Mongolia. Among the 111 members who participated in the voting, 74, or 66.7%, supported the government's 2024-2028 action plan.

Additionally, the draft resolution on making amendments to the annex of the "Concept of Regional Development of Mongolia" was decided to be approved at the initial discussion as reported by the State Mass Media and Public Relations Department.

The proposal to establish the locations of copper concentrate smelting and processing plants based on Mongolia's copper deposits and to conduct economic indicator studies was supported by the Standing Committee on State Structure.

Decisions Made at the Government Meeting

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The regular government meeting was held, where the following issues were discussed and resolved.

They were tasked with urgently organizing the restoration and repair of roads and road facilities damaged by floods.

A total of 4.9 billion MNT required to restore and repair unexpected damages caused by floods to state-level roads and road facilities will be allocated from the Government of Mongolia's reserve fund.

The Minister of Roads and Transport, B. Délger Saikhán, was instructed to urgently organize the restoration and repair of state-level roads and road facilities damaged by floods, ensuring the constant readiness and safety of the national road network.

Relevant officials were tasked with exploring and resolving the possibility of fully financing the costs necessary to eliminate obstacles, restore damages, and prevent future incidents caused by natural factors on state-level roads and road facilities from the "National Road Fund" in the future.

  • The draft laws on the amendments to the 2025 Budget Framework Statement of the United Budget of Mongolia, the 2026-2027 Budget Outlook, the 2025 Budget of Mongolia, the 2025 Budget of the Health Insurance Fund, and the 2025 Budget of the National Wealth Fund, as well as other legislative projects developed in connection with these draft laws, were discussed.
  • The project agreement to be concluded between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the Russian Federation on "Development of Basic Design for the Extension and Renewal of the Third Thermal Power Plant" was discussed and approved for consultation with the relevant Standing Committees of the Parliament.
  • The agreement "On the Mutual Recognition and Exchange of Driving Licenses" signed between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the Republic of Belarus was ratified.
  • A financial award of 65 million MNT will be granted to Üyengiin Anar, a student at the Mongolian Conservatory of Dance and Circus Arts Professional School, who won first place in the Arabesque International Classical Dance Competition held in Perm, Russia, and a financial award of 9 million MNT to Gan-Erdeniín Gansüld, a student at the Mongolian Conservatory of Classical Music Professional School, who won third place in the prestigious Kosian International Young Violinists Competition held in the Czech Republic.
  • The agreements on Air Relations between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the Republic of Latvia and between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan were ratified.
  • Lkhanaajavíın Mönkhtüshig was appointed as the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mönkhöögíín Batbayar was appointed as the Plenipotentiary Representative responsible for the city's construction and development issues to implement the duties of the Mayor of New Zuunmod City.

The Chief Auditor D. Zagjjav Transferred Former Presidential Work to Prosecutor's Office Due to Criminal Nature

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Mongolia discussed the execution of the state's 2023 budget in a parliamentary standing committee meeting.

During this time, in response to questions from a member about investments and losses related to the briquette coal factory, Mongolia's Chief Auditor D. Zagjjav provided answers. He stated that the 1.1 trillion MNT subsidy transferred from Erdenes Tavantolgoi Company to the briquette coal factory as part of social responsibility was forwarded to the prosecutor's office due to its criminal nature. Hearing this, Standing Committee Chairman Ts. Davaasuren repeatedly asked, "Are you saying that the President did wrong?" and seemed visibly nervous.

Here is an overview of the responses during the committee's inquiries.

Member of Parliament G. Damdinyam: The briquette coal factory initially worked effectively. Now, it no longer exists. Almost 1.1 trillion MNT from Erdenes Tavantolgoi was injected into this factory. It seems an attempt is being made to transfer ownership of this coal factory to Ulaanbaatar city. However, city representatives seem to have decided not to accept it with its debts. Did the National Audit Office work on this organization?

Head of the National Audit Office D. Zagjjav: There is investment from Erdenes Tavantolgoi here. After identifying discrepancies related to the 1.1 trillion MNT, actions amounting to a criminal offense were uncovered, and it was transferred to the Chief Prosecutor of Mongolia by the National Auditor.

Chairman of the Budget Standing Committee Ts. Davaasuren: Do you consider that subsidy a breach? The current President was the Prime Minister at the time. What irresponsible things are you talking about? How is that criminal? The government had made the decision to provide a subsidy through Erdenes Tavantolgoi based on social responsibility. You are suggesting the President did wrong.

Head of the National Audit Office D. Zagjjav: That is not a subsidy. This is reflected in the performance audit report. It was considered having criminal characteristics and was referred to the prosecutor's office. There were discrepancies with criminal traits.

Chairman of the Budget Standing Committee Ts. Davaasuren: Are you sure you are answering correctly? We're talking about subsidy. How could there be criminal characteristics?

The Government Meeting Discusses the 2025 Budget Draft

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The government meeting is ongoing. At the meeting:

  • They plan to discuss and get acquainted with 19 issues, including the amendment of the law on the 2025 budget framework statement of Mongolia, the 2026-2027 budget projection law, the 2025 budget law, the 2025 budget law of the National Wealth Fund, the 2025 budget law of the Social Insurance Fund, the 2025 budget law of the Health Insurance Fund, and other legislative drafts related to these.
  • The progress of the oil refinery project.
  • The unified online portal of government organizations.

D. Togtokhsuren may be appointed as the director of "Erdenes Mongol" or "Mongolrostsvetmet", S. Narantsogt to the SSPA, and either B. Tsengel or Kh. Kherlen as the director of Erdenet Factory

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

Regarding the formation of a new Parliament and Government due to the results of the Parliamentary elections, we have previously reported that new appointments are being made in all institutions. These appointments, which were being made intensively, have been temporarily postponed as they coincided with the discussion of the budget amendments and the Government's action program in Parliament.

In particular, if the budget amendments and the Government's action program are approved by the Parliament, "ministers" will be appointed to the positions where deputy ministers had been working. Additionally, appointments for the leadership of state-owned companies, Erdenet SOE, Erdenes Mongol LLC, and the State Property Policy and Regulation Agency are expected to be made. Read the previous information HERE. Although there were real discussions about appointing "ministers" from among the members of Parliament, it is considered that public resistance may occur, so appointments will be made from outside. The "minister" will perform the tasks and responsibilities that deputy ministers have been performing. Initially, the leaders of the coalition party reached an understanding to work without deputy ministers, but due to many of their members being without work or position, there was no other option. Currently, there are over 250 people in the Democratic Party and the Mongolian People's Party who have submitted their applications to work as "ministers" or state secretaries.

As for appointments other than the "minister," D. Togtokhsuren, former chairman of the Mongolian People's Party group in Parliament, may be appointed as the chairman of the board of "Erdenes Mongol" LLC or as the executive director of Mongolrostsvetmet SOE. Meanwhile, S. Narantsogt, who is currently the director of this company, may be appointed as the head of the State Property Policy and Regulation Agency, and there is a possibility that its current head B. Tsengel may be appointed as the director of Erdenet Factory.

S. Narantsogt was appointed as the director of Erdenes Mongol LLC in December 2022. B. Tsengel was appointed as the head of the State Property Policy and Regulation Agency in July 2020. However, due to the lack of support from his supervisors because of criticisms from the factory's directors, he is reportedly pushing for the position of director at Erdenet Factory. Instead of him, they prefer to appoint Kh. Kherlen, the director of Ulaanbaatar Railway LLC, as the director of Erdenet Factory. Thus, people who have been rotating around key positions in state-owned major companies and factories for the last 10 years are being reassigned. D. Togtokhsuren, who led the Mongolian People's Party group for the past eight years, was a candidate in the Khangai region in the parliamentary elections held in June but was defeated. His appointment to a position has been discussed for a long time within the Mongolian People's Party.

For the Sustainable Development of Mongolia: Recommendations and Suggestions at the Policy Level

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The World Bank released its latest report titled "Agenda for Action: Key policy recommendations for Mongolia's sustainable development vision."

International organizations often provide policy recommendations for newly established parliaments and governments. This time, the World Bank's advisory report is presented under the overarching theme of "VISION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT."

While recommendations and suggestions from international organizations are sometimes criticized for not being "grounded," they have the advantage of speaking straightforward truths about the situation in an independent, transparent, and professional manner.

Today, such opinions and criticisms are more essential for Mongolia than ever. The World Bank stands out from other organizations by not focusing solely on finance and economics but looking at a broader range of issues, such as social issues, urbanization, rural development, and infrastructure, at a high professional level, providing recommendations, and offering funding for projects and programs.

Whether these suggestions and recommendations are fully reflected in the government's four-year plan remains uncertain, but incorporating them into the main directions and operational plans for the coming years would be highly beneficial. Let's share the eight policy directions related directly and indirectly to sustainable development. These cover topics from economic and financial sector stability to housing, green development, human capital development, and energy sector reform:

  1. Ensuring sustainable, equitable macroeconomic management:
  2. Ensuring macro and fiscal stability.
  3. Improving the sustainable and equitable distribution of the budget.
  4. Securing financial stability.
  5. Strengthening governance and institutions:
  6. Supporting public administration reform, including improving transparency and oversight of state-owned enterprises.
  7. Enhancing the management of budgetary investments.
  8. Improving governance at different levels: strengthening fiscal discipline and equity in the relations between the government and local administrations.
  9. Establishing key policies and institutions for green transition.
  10. Supporting private sector growth, financial inclusion, and quality non-mining jobs:
  11. Unlocking private sector capacity: Defining concrete action plans to improve the business environment and creating monitoring mechanisms.
  12. Improving financial inclusion by enhancing the functioning of the financial market and increasing credit supply: Reforming (or discontinuing) credit subsidy schemes and checking if the remaining subsidies significantly support the private sector.
  13. Supporting the creation of quality non-mining jobs: Strengthening labor market information systems and the effectiveness of labor market programs.
  14. Improving infrastructure connectivity, logistics, and digital development:
  15. Developing sustainable transport infrastructure and improving logistics to create physical connectivity.
  16. Supporting digital development: Enhancing domestic and international digital services, increasing data speeds, and reducing network latency by upgrading Mongolia's digital infrastructure.
  17. Promoting more sustainable, inclusive housing, and urban development:
  18. Establishing a more efficient and sustainable urban system: prioritizing green infrastructure and risk-based comprehensive urban planning.
  19. Creating a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive housing system: Introducing flexible, energy-efficient new housing types; improving financial accessibility for low-income groups for housing demand, and creating financial levers for ger district housing that match needs and choices.
  20. Establishing a technically and financially sustainable energy sector:
  21. Greening the heating and electricity sector: Improving energy efficiency by reducing distribution network losses of energy and heat systems; creating opportunities to utilize wind and solar energy by enhancing the capacity and flexibility of the network (including energy storage, smart grid technology, and automation of industries).
  22. Successfully implementing energy tariff/subsidy reform: Increasing electricity and heat tariffs annually in stages from 2024 to 2030 to fully cover costs and improve the sector's financial capacity; conducting energy auctions for produced capacity (effective and efficient means) and setting economically feasible PPA tariffs to enhance the sector's financial capacity.
  23. Improving air quality: Implementing regional and sectoral goals for reducing air pollution and adopting the "air-shed approach" for managing air pollution reduction strategies.
  24. Developing sustainable human capital:
  25. Improving education quality: Providing targeted support to schools to address shortages in teaching materials and infrastructure paired with performance-based financing.
  26. Enhancing the quality and efficiency of health expenditures: Establishing and strengthening the most optimal, cost-effective system for purchasing healthcare services.
  27. Creating a more effective social protection system: Developing an integrated social registration system, social protection, and employment information systems to improve the efficiency of social assistance systems.
  28. Ensuring food and water safety, increasing economic opportunities, and supporting the sustainability of agriculture and forestry:
  29. Ensuring the sustainability of the agricultural sector: Reforming agricultural subsidies and taxes to enhance productivity, competitiveness, and resilience by revising concessional agricultural loan programs; improving agricultural water use efficiency; reformulating livestock foot taxes.
  30. Enhancing the sustainability of forestry: Investing in the national forestry management capacity after evaluating the operations of forestry organizations.
  31. Preparing for floods and adapting to uncertain climate change: Focusing on disinfection and restoration and managing climate risks encompassing drought and flood dangers.

These policy recommendations and suggestions are developed at a more pragmatic level to address urgent challenges, resolve incorrectly implemented policies and actions swiftly, promptly initiate necessary reforms in fundamental areas such as education, healthcare, and energy, and manage new arising risks. It is crucial for the Mongolian government to move from "heavenly dreams" to grounded actions, addressing the pressing foundational issues in stages, and finding the golden balance in the triangle of "growth needs <=> macro stability <=> industrialization" to progress further.

Z. Batyrbek Appointed as Advisor to the Mayor of the Capital City

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Mayor of the Capital City and Governor of Ulaanbaatar has appointed Z. Batyrbek as an advisor responsible for investment and economic affairs.

Z. Batyrbek has 18 years of experience in management teams in the banking and finance sector and four years in the mining and infrastructure sector.


  • From 1998-2002, he graduated from the School of Mining Engineering at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology with a bachelor's degree in Mining Management and Engineering Economics.
  • From 2013-2016, he graduated from the Shikhikhutug Law School with a law degree.


  • From 2003-2007, he was the Branch Manager of XacBank (Nalaikh, Umnugobi, Khutul, Bulgan).
  • From 2007-2010, he served as the Regional Manager of XacBank.
  • In 2010, he was the Director of the Amar Service Center of XacBank.
  • From 2010-2016, he was Deputy Director of the Mining Business Service Center and Corporate Bank.
  • From 2016-2018, he held the position of Regional Manager at XacBank.
  • From 2018-2021, he was the Executive Director of "Premier Capital" LLC.
  • From 2022-2024, he worked as Deputy Director of Business Development and head of the Risk Management Department at the Development Bank.

Starting today, he embarks on his role as an advisor responsible for international investment for the Mayor of the Capital City and Governor of Ulaanbaatar.

Z. Batyrbek Appointed as Adviser to the City Mayor

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Z. Batyrbek has been appointed as the adviser responsible for investment and economic issues to the Governor of the Capital City and the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar as of today.

Z. Batyrbek has 18 years of experience in the management team of the banking and finance sector and 4 years in the management team of the mining and infrastructure sectors.


  • From 1998 to 2002, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in mining management and engineering economics from the School of Mining Engineering at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology.
  • From 2013 to 2016, he graduated in law from the Shikhikhutug School of Law.


  • From 2003 to 2007, he served as Branch Director at XacBank (Nalaikh, Umnugovi, Khutul, Bulgan).
  • From 2007 to 2010, he was the Regional Director at XacBank.
  • In 2010, he became the Director of the Amar Service Center at XacBank.
  • From 2010 to 2016, he was the Deputy Director of the Mining Business Service Center, Corporate Bank.
  • From 2016 to 2018, he served as Regional Director at XacBank.
  • From 2018 to 2021, he was the Executive Director of "Premier Capital" LLC.
  • From 2022 to 2024, he worked as the Deputy Director responsible for business development and as the Head of Risk Management Department at the Development Bank.

He starts his new role as the adviser responsible for investment and economic issues to the Governor of the Capital City and the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar today.

B. Enkhbayar: The Person Who Swore to Work Independently Has Decided to Become an Advisor to the Speaker of the Parliament

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The request for resignation of N. Otgonchimeg, a member of the Judicial General Council (JGC), was discussed at today's session of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Legal Affairs.

During this session, a member of the standing committee asked N. Otgonchimeg questions.

Member of Parliament B. Enkhbayar: Three years ago, the judicial law was passed, and the Judicial General Council and the Judicial Disciplinary Committee, which are constitutional organizations, were appointed on the open democratic principle.

Previously, the nomination process was done by the head, but it was changed to a system where one can nominate themselves and compete. Under this criterion, you were elected, stating that you could do it and work for the independence of the judiciary. This is not your issue.

Because you are a member of a constitutional body appointed for four years by the Parliament, there should be no supervisor above you. Not the President, not the Speaker, not the members of Parliament, nor the Government. You swore to work independently, yet now they're saying you're set to become an advisor to the Speaker of the Parliament, thus creating a problem.

They're talking about swapping the people's mandate for a position serving one boss, saying it's all decided and agreed. As a member of the JGC, you should not meet with the President, the Speaker of the Parliament, members of Parliament, or the Prime Minister. It’s in the law. Yet here you are, sitting, saying you've met, agreed, and discussed job positions.

JGC Member N. Otgonchimeg: I would like MP B. Enkhbayar not to twist my words. There is no agreed upon issue. There is another process for appointments. I said a proposal was made. I have made my decision at my discretion, and that’s why I am submitting my resignation today.

In reality, the term of the ten members of the JGC ends after four years. After this, the continuity of this organization’s policy will reach an uncertain state.

In order to overcome this, we are empowering our working staff. Even if you decide to relieve me, the next person will also have a term of four years.

For me, this is indeed a huge decision. During my 26 years of working in the legal organization, I have never held a political office. If the process continues, I will be appointed to a political office for the first time. It was not an easy decision.


When using our information in any form, media agencies (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) must always mention the source (ikon.mn).


The Tugrik Exchange Rate Has Strengthened by 4.2% Against the Won Since the Beginning of the Year

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

The Tugrik exchange rate has strengthened by 4.2% against the South Korean won at the highest rate since the beginning of the year. The anticipation of the US Federal Reserve lowering its policy rate has increased, leading to a strengthening of Asian currencies.

Since the beginning of 2024, the Tugrik has shown the most significant changes against the South Korean won, Canadian dollar, British pound sterling, yen, and Australian dollar. Specifically, as of August 28, the Tugrik has strengthened by 4.2% against the won and 3% against the Canadian dollar since the start of the year.

The US Federal Reserve's signal to lower the policy rate in September has led to the won's exchange rate strengthening against the US dollar over the last week, with the won's spot rate strengthening by 2.3% for the week ending August 23.

During this period, although the Tugrik weakened by 1.6% against the won, it remains over 3% stronger compared to the beginning of the year. The won's rate tends to move in line with the yen and yuan, and with the expectation of a US interest rate cut, the currency rates of Asian countries have strengthened.

Meanwhile, although the Canadian dollar has strengthened against the US dollar since the start of August, it has weakened against other "G10" currencies. Analysts predict further weakening of the Canadian dollar due to Canada's decision to impose a 100% tax on Chinese electric vehicles.

Since the beginning of the year, the Tugrik depreciated by 2.8% against the pound sterling, the most significant decrease, while it strengthened by 1.7% against the Australian dollar.

Analysts at "Bank of America" have pointed out that if the USD continues to weaken, buying the pound sterling and the Australian dollar would be the most advantageous. "Bank of America" believes that the Reserve Bank of Australia will be the last among the "G10" group to lower its policy rate. Meanwhile, the pound sterling has been the best-performing currency this year and is expected to maintain its growth.

The Debt of "Beren" Group, which Borrowed 173.6 Billion MNT with Government Guarantee from China, Becomes Hopeless Receivables

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The debt of the "Beren" Group, which borrowed 173.6 billion MNT from China with a government guarantee, has become a hopeless receivable.

The Standing Committee on Budget discussed the 2023 budget execution of Mongolia's unified budget, the Government's consolidated financial report, and the draft resolution of the State Great Khural on the approval of the budget execution for 2023.

Member of Parliament Kh. Gankhuyag: What percentage of the Health Insurance Fund has been spent on health, and what percentage on rest and treatment? Are there any projects or programs spent without tender?

Secondly, over 100 billion MNT from the Health Insurance Fund and the Social Insurance Fund are placed in Chinggis Khaan Bank. How can this be recovered? It’s registered as a hopeless loan.

How many people received loans from the Education Fund? Are there hopeless receivables?

What surprised me is the large amount of foreign loans and aid channeled to private and state-owned companies. A total of 239 billion MNT was given to the "Beren" group. What is the status of repayment for this?

Director of the National Audit Office D. Zagdjav: The audit results related to health insurance will be detailed in the relevant standing committee. If asked here, our performance auditor will answer. We are taking legal measures for all irregularities and deficiencies identified by the audit.

An “opinion with qualifications” was given by the audit conducted on the Health Insurance Fund and the Education Loan Fund in 2023.

Performance Auditor: The Health Insurance Fund spent 1.4 trillion MNT on financing assistance and services to health organizations, 80 billion MNT on medication discounts, 10.3 billion MNT on operating expenses, and 0.3 billion MNT on premium overpayments. A total of 1.6 trillion MNT was spent. 85-87% of the total budget was spent on health insurance services.

Director of the Fiscal Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance Ts. Tsogbadrakh: In 2023, 860.7 billion MNT was provided to 111 national hospitals from the Health Insurance Fund, 217.2 billion MNT to 231 hospitals, 175.8 billion MNT to 328 soum health centers, 171.8 billion MNT to 216 family hospitals, 89.9 billion MNT to 1,656 pharmacies, and 36.8 billion MNT for early detection financing to 50 laboratories.

Department Head of the Ministry of Finance Tulga: Let me answer the question related to the "Beren" group.

This project was initiated in 2012 with a concessional loan of 239.2 billion MNT from China, under which contracts were concluded to channel the loan through the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Road and Transportation Development to “Beren” group for 173.6 billion MNT and “Tsagaan Huaran Consulting” LLC for 65.6 billion MNT. It was agreed that any issues related to debt or receivables would be resolved in arbitration court. There has been no arbitration dispute registered yet. It is recorded as overdue receivables.

The foreign loan was approved by the State Great Khural. It is a commercial loan with economic benefits that must be shared through the Debt Management Law.

Member of Parliament Kh. Gankhuyag: I need a clear answer on the expenses related to treatment centers. Many patients are sent to these centers by various politicians. Meanwhile, they claim to run out of funds for treatment.

The government has provided guarantees for the "Beren" group. What measures have been taken regarding these violations?

Director of the National Audit Office D. Zagdjav: For the project without tender, in 2023, a budget of 7 trillion 376.3 billion MNT was allocated for 1,139 projects and measures funded from the state budget. A performance audit revealed no projects or programs announced without tenders.

Director of the Fiscal Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance Ts. Tsogbadrakh: The Health Insurance General Department has a remaining balance of 30.8 billion MNT in Chinggis Khaan Bank and 78.5 billion MNT in Capital Bank, totaling 109.3 billion MNT.

Note: Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social, and Web sites) must cite their source (ikon.mn) when partially or fully using our information in any form.

"Mongolian Mining Corporation" Achieved a Net Profit of $133 Million in the First Half of the Year

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

The revenue of "Mongolian Mining Corporation" reached $541.1 million in the first half of 2024, showing a 4.5% increase from the previous year.

Listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, "Mongolian Mining Corporation" reported a net profit of $133 million in the first half of 2024. This represents a decrease of over 2.7% compared to the net profit of $136.6 million during the same period last year. Meanwhile, the company's revenue rose to $541.1 million during the reporting period, up 4.5% from the previous year.

In the first half of the year, Mongolia exported 40.6 million tons of coal to China, a more than 38% increase from the same period last year, according to data from the National Statistics Office. "Mongolian Mining Corporation" maintains its position as the largest producer and exporter of washed coal in Mongolia.

This year, "Mongolian Mining Corporation" acquired a 50% stake in "Erdene Mongol". It also highlighted in its report the sale of a 20% stake in "Khangad Exploration".

Recently, the Moody's rating agency maintained "Mongolian Mining Corporation"'s credit rating at "B3" and assessed the credit outlook as "Stable".

India Actively Exploring the Possibility of Importing Coal from Mongolia

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Republic of India is actively seeking opportunities to import coal from Mongolia in order to stabilize the price and volume of imported coal and reduce dependency on importing countries.

At the 4th "Coal Market Outlook" forum organized by India's BigMint agency, MSE's Director of Operations, I.Javkhlan, participated, introducing the Mongolian coal market and exchange trading, and took part in discussions about the potential for exporting coal to India.

Ranked 5th in World GDP and 2nd in steel production, India produced 144 million tons of steel in 2024, with an expected 47% increase by 2030. Correspondingly, the country's coking coal consumption is projected to rise by 50% to 117 million tons by 2030, with 95% needing to be imported, according to BigMint research agency.

In 2023, India imported a total of 70 million tons of coking coal, with 55% from Australia, 21% from Russia, 11% from the USA, 4% each from Canada and Indonesia, and 2% from Mozambique. The country is actively exploring the opportunity to import coal from Mongolia to stabilize import prices and volumes and reduce reliance on importing nations.

During the event, MSE presented on the possibilities of purchasing coking coal through exchanges, post-trade transportation conditions, and the ongoing port, railway, and infrastructure renewal projects implemented within the scope of the "New Revival Policy".


L.Munkhtushig Appointed as State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A regular meeting of the Government was held today.

During this meeting, appointments for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and other responsible positions were made.


  • L. Munkhtushig has been appointed as the State Secretary of the MFA.
  • M. Batbayar has been appointed as the plenipotentiary representative to implement the functions of the Governor of the new Zuunmod city, handling issues of urban construction and development.

Source: Government Press Office

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Raising Funds from the International Market to Transform Ger Districts into Apartment Complexes

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The legal framework for raising funds from the international market has been established, allowing for the execution of developmental projects within sub-centers through foreign investment. Plans are in place to transform the ger districts into apartment complexes, creating a residential community comprising 12,000 apartment units along with social infrastructure, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and green spaces, all financed through capital raised abroad. This approach could facilitate the construction projects to be cost-effective and long-term.

In connection with this, N. Manduul, the First Deputy Governor of the Capital City in charge of economic development and infrastructure, met today with representatives from foreign banks, financial institutions, and investment funds. During the meeting, the constructions within the framework of the Selbe sub-center project were presented, and opinions were exchanged.

N. Manduul, the First Deputy Governor in charge of economic development and infrastructure of the Capital City, stated, "Plans to raise funds from the international market to build housing in ger districts are underway. In conjunction with this project, we have been arranging a series of meetings with foreign investors since last spring. Foreign investors are focusing more on the environmental and social benefits of any project. Through the Selbe sub-center project, 12,000 households in ger districts will be accommodated in apartments, which could reduce the number of chimneys and thus cut down air and soil pollution. The households in the area where the project will be implemented, as well as those in neighboring residential zones, can also benefit from this project. The undertakings within the Selbe sub-center project hold significant social importance. Therefore, investors are showing interest in and supporting our project."

Ben Wan, Director of the Chinese Investment Bank, said, "Today we met with the Deputy Governor of the Capital City to exchange views on the construction and investment issues underway in Ulaanbaatar. During this time, we became acquainted with the Selbe sub-center project. Establishing sub-centers in Ulaanbaatar could reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, hence we view this as a green project. Therefore, we would be pleased to invest in such a green project."

No Resolution on Revised Electricity Tariff from the Energy Regulatory Commission

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Reports have surfaced on social media claiming that electricity tariffs will be increased starting September 1. However, Ulaanbaatar Electricity Distribution Network Company LLC has issued a statement deeming this information inaccurate. They clarified that the company adheres to the electricity tariffs set by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), and as of today, no resolution or decision to revise these tariffs has been received.

The Ulaanbaatar Electricity Distribution Network Company serves over 450,000 households and businesses across eight districts of the capital and 16 soums of Tuv province, channeling its sales revenues into the consolidated account of the energy sector.

Deputy Prime Minister T. Dorjkhand has announced plans to revise the electricity tariff to ensure the sector operates without losses. Although specific details on the percentage increase were not disclosed, it is stated that the tariff revision will be implemented starting November 1.

The City Administration Urges Residents to Carpool and Walk to Reduce Traffic in Ulaanbaatar

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: isee.mn

The City Administration is encouraging residents to share their cars and walk in order to reduce traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar.

Traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar has become a major issue for the city's residents in recent years. While authorities have implemented various measures to address this problem, no effective long-term solution has been achieved beyond alternating traffic between even and odd-numbered vehicles.

Now, the city administration is preparing to launch a campaign called "Eco Mobility." The initiative encourages people traveling in the same direction from the same starting point to carpool, and for those who live close to their workplaces to walk, cycle, or use public transportation.

Additional measures include restricting vehicles that have not undergone technical inspections from participating in road traffic, utilizing only 50% of governmental vehicles from the city administration's autobase on the roads in the mornings, timing the distribution of goods to major shopping and food stores during non-peak hours (between 10 PM and 6 AM), and adjusting the operation modes of traffic lights in Ulaanbaatar to enhance traffic management.

Raising Funds from International Markets to Provide Housing for Ger Districts

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The legal environment for raising funds from international markets for the capital has been established. This facilitates the implementation of development works within the sub-center through foreign investments.

The plan is to use international market funds to build a comprehensive district in the Selbe sub-center that will include 12,000 households' apartments, social buildings, sidewalks, bicycle paths, and green spaces.

By raising funds from international markets and carrying out construction works, it is possible to achieve low-cost and long-term outcomes.

In relation to this, Manduul N, the First Deputy Mayor responsible for Economic Development and Infrastructure, met with representatives of foreign banks, financial institutions, and investment funds today.

During the meeting, the development projects within the Selbe sub-center project were presented and discussed.

First Deputy Mayor of the Capital Manduul N “We are planning to raise funds from foreign markets and construct buildings in the ger district. In connection with this, we have been organizing step-by-step meetings with foreign investors since last spring.

Foreign investors have started paying attention to the environmental and social significance of any project. Within the framework of the Selbe sub-center, 12,000 households in the ger district will be accommodated in apartments.

As a result, the number of chimneys can decrease, reducing air pollution and soil contamination. Not only households located at the project site but also those living in settlement areas near the project implementation sites can be involved in this project.

The work to be done within the Selbe sub-center project has great social importance. Therefore, investors are interested and support our project,” he said.

Ben Wan, Director of the Investment Bank of China “Today, we met with the Deputy Mayor of the capital and exchanged ideas about the construction activities and investment issues being carried out in Ulaanbaatar.

During this time, we were introduced to the Selbe sub-center project. By building sub-centers in Ulaanbaatar city, the traffic congestion can be reduced, and air pollution can be minimized, so we see this as a green project.

Therefore, we would be pleased to invest in this green project,” he said.

4.9 Billion Togrog Allocated for Repairing Roads Damaged by Floods

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

4.9 billion togrog will be spent from the reserve fund of the Government of Mongolia to restore the unexpected damage caused by floods to national roads and related infrastructure.

A directive has been issued to the Minister of Roads and Transportation, B. Delgersaikhan, to quickly organize the restoration work of national roads damaged by the floods and ensure the continuous readiness and safety of the national road network.

Additionally, relevant officials have been tasked with studying and implementing a solution to fully finance the costs necessary to eliminate obstacles and restore damage caused by unexpected natural events on national roads and related infrastructure from the “State Highway Fund”.

Source: Government Press and Information Department

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It is said that the electricity usage of households with unpaid bills will be limited

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Households and businesses with unpaid electricity bills are urged to urgently pay their electricity consumption charges without causing difficulties to themselves or the power supply company, according to the announcement by UBCSTS THK.

UBCSTS THK has started to suspend the consumption of users with accumulated debts for electricity in accordance with Article 32.2.1 of the Energy Law of Mongolia and is implementing measures to reduce debts.

No Odd-Even Restriction on Vehicle License Plates

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

As the new school year begins, the traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar increases significantly. Last year, a system was implemented that allowed vehicles to participate in traffic based on whether their license plate numbers were odd or even.

However, this year, although the Traffic Management Center included this measure in the list of proposals collected from citizens to reduce congestion related to the start of the new school year, it has been canceled.

A decree No. A/988 by the Governor of the capital was issued, approving a short-term action plan aimed at reducing traffic congestion and load. In this connection, from August 19 to September 14, it was decided that 50% of the vehicles from state institutions registered in Ulaanbaatar participate in traffic. Additionally, starting September 1, vehicles with provincial license plates entering the capital for more than 48 hours are required to pay 5,000 MNT per day.

Since 2021, the Number of Imported Sur-Rons and Accidents Has Continuously Increased

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

According to information, a total of 8,637 electric bikes and Sur-Rons were imported into Mongolia between 2021 and August 15, 2024. However, there is a lack of research and information regarding their manufacturers and specifications, as previously reported by the Human Rights Commission (ХЭҮК).

Consequently, the number of people involved in traffic accidents caused by two-wheeled vehicles and the number of children aged 0-18 who were involved in traffic accidents while riding have shown a continuous increase since 2021.

By July 31 of this year alone, the number of children involved in traffic accidents due to two-wheeled vehicles exceeded that of previous years.

"Sixty percent of people injured in accidents related to Sur-Ron and scooters are children aged 10-18."

In 2020, 48 citizens sought assistance for injuries related to this type of transport at the National Trauma and Orthopedics Center, which increased to 273 in 2023. As of this year, 178 citizens have received assistance.

Approximately 80% of those who received treatment were injured from falling off these devices, while incidents involving collisions with cars and pedestrians also comprise a significant portion.

In terms of age, children aged 10-18 constitute 60%, with 18% of total injuries involving the brain, 26% the elbow and forearm, and 18% the knee and shin.

During a meeting with authorized government bodies, the traffic police stated, "The Sur-Ron was designed for professional athletes. Its maximum speed is 120 km/h. On the other hand, an electric scooter can reach speeds up to 50 km/h. Countries such as the Netherlands, Ireland, Greece, France, Canada, Indonesia, and China have fully banned their participation in traffic."

Deputy Mayor L. Khosbayar stated that they are conducting a study to provide designated areas, as the capital plans to propose a legal amendment to prohibit Sur-Ron riding for individuals under 18 years old.

What proposals have official bodies made?

The Mayor's Office of the Capital City: Suggested a legal regulation prohibiting minors from riding Sur-Ron and participating in traffic, submitting the proposed legal amendment to the Ministers of Justice and Interior and Transport.

Registration and Supervision Center of the General Police Department: Proposed issuing Sur-Ron riding permits to citizens over 18 years old upon completion of training, based on examples from some countries.

Traffic Police Authority: To involve electric scooters and Sur-Rons in traffic, it is necessary to issue registration numbers and certificates, grant permission to rental companies, limit movement in case of traffic violations, introduce electronic registration, and intensify training programs, particularly for children from an early age. Separating pedestrian and bicycle paths with dedicated lanes is also required.

National Trauma and Orthopedics Center: Most of the accidents involve young children, so it is necessary to provide people with knowledge and information about handling such transport and improve legal regulations.

Driver's Professional Council: By providing teachers of general education schools with traffic safety and rule-awareness training conducted by specialized driving instructors, children will become aware of traffic safety from a young age.


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Temporary Closure of the Road Near School No. 16

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

The road near School No. 16 in the 16th Khoroo of Sukhbaatar District will be temporarily closed from 7:00 AM on August 29 until 5:00 AM on September 1 to install stormwater drainage pipes.

Additionally, the road from the crossroads of Urgoo Cinema on Khingunzhav Street in the 19th Khoroo of Bayangol District to the intersection of Dilav Khutagt Jamsranjav Street will be closed from 11:00 PM on August 30 to 6:00 AM on September 2 for renovation. The road will be resurfaced with asphalt concrete, and works will include leveling uneven surfaces, replacing sunken barriers to match the new surface level, and adjusting the level of manhole covers of engineering networks.

Citizens and drivers are advised to use alternative routes during this period.

The Road Near Capital's School No. 16 to be Temporarily Closed

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The road near School No. 16 in the Sukhbaatar district of the capital will be closed from 7:00 AM tomorrow until 5:00 AM on September 1.

During this period, rainwater drainage pipes will be installed, and drivers are advised by the city's Department of Information and Communication Technology to choose alternative routes for their travel.

ORKHON: A Bus Station Capable of Transporting 1600 Passengers Daily Opened

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

A bus station with the capacity to transport 1600-1800 passengers daily across nine intercity routes has been inaugurated.

The station was constructed by “Shinjoo” LLC with an investment of 4.9 billion MNT from the state budget. It covers a total area of 2480 square meters and comprises four floors, including a basement, as well as a 7000 square meter parking lot for 300 vehicles.

The bus station includes a reception area for passengers, a restaurant, a bank branch, a public service kiosk, and the office of the Auto Transport Center.

Additionally, a 5000 square meter parking lot is planned to be built on the eastern side of the building.

The road near School No. 16 will be closed at 07:00 tomorrow for drainage pipeline installation

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The road near School No. 16 in the 16th khoroo of Sukhbaatar district will be temporarily closed for repairs. A drainage pipeline will be installed for rainwater removal.

Start time: August 29th at 07:00
End time: Until September 1st at 05:00.

Therefore, citizens and drivers are advised to choose alternative routes, as informed by the Public Relations and Communications Department of the Capital City Governor's Office.

Warning: Please note that media organizations (television, radio, social and web pages) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using this information in any form, completely or partially.

The Road from Urgoo Cinema Theatre to the Intersection of Dilav Khutagt Jamsranjav Street Will Be Temporarily Closed and Renovated

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The road from the intersection of Urgoo Cinema Theatre, located in the 19th khoroo of Bayangol district, on Kh. Chingunjav Street, to the intersection of Dilav Khutagt Jamsranjav Street will be temporarily closed and renovated.

Specifically, the closure will occur from 11:00 PM on August 30th until 6:00 AM on September 2nd. During this period, the road will be paved with asphalt concrete, and work will be carried out to replace damaged and subsided barriers to match the level of the pavement and adjust the level of manhole covers for the engineering utility networks.

Therefore, citizens and drivers are advised to choose alternative routes for their travel, according to the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ulaanbaatar City Mayor's Office.

Drainage System Installed Around Erdenetolgoi in Bayanzurkh District

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Around Erdenetolgoi in the 24th Subdistrict of Bayanzurkh District, groundwater has surfaced in five locations, causing water accumulation and damage along the road from the intersection of Erdenetolgoi Street to the Gazarachin College. Consequently, the Mayor of the capital's reserve fund initiated the construction of a drainage system to halt the water flow, undertaken by the city’s Urban Infrastructure Authority.

Today, the Urban Infrastructure Authority completed the installation of a 188-meter-long stormwater drainage system and assembled catchment wells in 17 locations. Chief Engineer S. Batsaikhan from the Urban Infrastructure Authority stated, "The groundwater from this area has been merged with the eastern canal along the western side of the Bagana housing complex, leading through the area of the ‘Sunjin Grand’ hotel to the Tuul River. This has addressed water accumulation in three depressions along the Sharkhad road section. Provided there are no additional sources of groundwater, rainwater will not accumulate on these roads."

As a result, plans can now commence for the repair and renewal of the 1.7 km section of road from the Tsaiz market intersection to the Erdenetolgoi intersection. The tender for this road repair and upgrade work was announced on August 15 and is set to be opened on August 30.

The road renovation project will include adjusting the manhole covers to the level of the asphalt surface, marking, and laying asphalt on the main road sections.

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A new kindergarten with a capacity of 240 children opens in the 25th subdistrict of Bayanzurkh district

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In the 25th subdistrict of Bayanzurkh district, a new kindergarten with a capacity for 240 children has been put into operation.

This kindergarten includes a changing room, kitchen, art room, medical room, bathroom, storage room, sleeping room, group rooms, and other various rooms and facilities.

The construction of the kindergarten building was carried out by the company "Ogtoorgui Tulga" LLC with funding from the city's budget.

The Capital City Investment Agency has reported that the construction and expansion of new kindergartens are ongoing to improve the quality and accessibility of pre-school education and to enhance the working conditions for teachers and staff.

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A Non-Standing Council Will Operate to Protect Children from Harmful Content Online

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The revised version of the Child Protection Law will come into effect on September 1. The implementation of Article 25 (Child Protection in Media, Broadcasting, and Online Environment) is being ensured, and a draft regulation has been developed. The government has discussed a draft of the "Regulations and Composition for a Non-Standing Council" responsible for evaluating whether media content, news, and creative works disseminated through electronic environments and broadcasting by media and multi-channel transmission service operators contain harmful content for children. Additionally, a draft regulation titled "Regulation for Preventing and Protecting Children from Prohibited and Harmful Content in the Online Environment," which will be jointly approved by the Ministers of Digital Development, Justice and Internal Affairs, and Health, Labor and Social Welfare, was presented, and feedback was gathered.

Representatives from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Digital Development, the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs, the Fiscal Regulatory Commission, the UNICEF, and World Vision Mongolia NGO, along with state inspectors for children's rights, participated in the discussion and provided their inputs.

B.Munkhgerel: The Registration of Domestic Violence Perpetrators in a Unified Database Enables Comprehensive Monitoring

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In an interview with B. Munkhgerel, Senior Specialist and Deputy Lieutenant of Police at the Prevention Department of the General Police Department (GPD), the activities and current situation regarding the prevention of domestic violence were discussed.

  • Could you provide information on the crime and violation situation related to domestic violence?

Good day. At the level of the police department, 24,811 crimes were registered in the first 7 months of 2024, which is an increase of 2,779 cases or 12.6% compared to the same period last year. Of these, 1,014 crimes were committed due to domestic violence, representing an increase of 64 cases or 6.7% compared to the same period last year. The proportion of these crimes in all cases accounted for 4.1%, which decreased by 0.2 percentage points from the same period last year.

Among crimes committed due to domestic violence, 912 or 89.9% were classified as minor, and 102 or 10.1% as serious crimes. Compared to the same period last year, minor crimes increased by 5.2% and serious crimes by 22.9%. Of these crimes, 46.3% were registered in Ulaanbaatar city and 53.7% in rural areas.

If a person is registered once for committing domestic violence, any subsequent involvement in such crime or violation anywhere in Mongolia will bring up information on previous calls, reports, and resolutions.

  • What activities and measures have been organized by the police to prevent and reduce crimes and violations related to domestic violence?

With the "ECS" program used by the police to receive calls and information, the frequency of domestic violence committed by individuals is now recorded by their registration number, allowing for effective monitoring of each occurrence. The degree of danger posed by domestic violence calls and reports rated as "High" are communicated monthly to the joint teams of the Child and Family Development and Protection Departments of the Capital City, Districts, and Sub-districts, collaborating to connect victims to protective services.

In other words, if registered once for committing domestic violence, the person's registration information will notify the officer examining subsequent crimes or violations anywhere in Mongolia.

Additionally, the police department, in collaboration with the Government of Mongolia, the National Committee on Gender, and the United Nations Population Fund, have organized awareness campaigns such as "Love Doesn't Hurt," "Right Now," "I Am Here," "Violence Concerns Everyone," "Let's Protect What is Precious," and "Let's Respect Each Other" to improve public awareness about gender equality, gender-based violence, and its consequences. These campaigns aim to protect victims' rights and interests by fostering a social attitude intolerant of violence. The results have shown an increase in understanding and knowledge regarding the societal role and responsibility in establishing a violence-free environment.

Moreover, in collaboration with the Mongolian United Military Organization, consultations on "The Role of Men in Preventing Domestic Violence" were held, and events such as "The Foundation of Family Success" were organized with the assistance of the United Nations Development Program and a project promoting human rights and gender equality in law enforcement operations.

  • How does your organization collaborate with state and non-state institutions on this matter?

In terms of preventing crimes and violations of this type, we cooperated with state and non-state organizations to organize training and awareness activities with the aim of preventing family and child violence, enhancing citizens' legal knowledge, and fostering a social attitude intolerant of violence. We engaged with 230 governmental and non-governmental organizations and 110 businesses to produce and disseminate educational posters, video clips, and content via social media and mass media to inform the public.

With the United Nations Population Fund, we organized regional training on "Methods to Combat and Prevent Crimes Against Family and Children," targeting law enforcement and judicial workers to strengthen a victim-centered approach in combating domestic violence.

Psychologists provide counseling 24 hours a day at the special hotline 107 under the police department.

Additionally, following Order A/73 of March 13, 2023, the General Police Department, in collaboration with IDLO International Organization, regularly conducts training on topics such as "Domestic Violence," "Gender-Based Violence, Services for Victims and Perpetrators," "Police Participation in Preventing Domestic Violence," and "Victim-Centered Approach in Combating Domestic Violence" to enhance knowledge and skills among law enforcement and internal military personnel.

  • Where can citizens affected by violence seek help?

If you or someone around you is affected by domestic violence, you can approach the nearest police station. Police stations have specialists assigned to prevent domestic violence and address children's issues. You can directly contact an official in charge. For advice and information, you can call the special hotline 107 for free. Psychologists are available to provide advice 24/7 at the special hotline 107. You can also provide information by calling the special hotline 102.

  • What responsibilities do citizens face if they commit domestic violence?

According to Article 5.4 of the Law on Violations, perpetrators of domestic violence are subject to mandatory training and a detention sentence of 7-30 days. There is no option for a fine for domestic violence crimes. According to Article 11.7 of the Criminal Code of Mongolia, penalties include restrictions on travel for 6 months to 1 year or imprisonment for 6 months to 1 year. Alternatively, travel restrictions for 6 months to 2 years or imprisonment for 6 months to 2 years can be imposed. In the first 8 months of this year, authorized officers imposed detention penalties on 6584 individuals and fines on 490 individuals under Article 5.4 of the Law on Violations (Violations against the Law on Combating Domestic Violence).

  • Do you have any advice for parents and guardians?

With the new school year starting, parents should pay attention to preventing children from experiencing various risks and household accidents.

For instance: Establish good habits for participating in road traffic, do not leave children under the supervision of other children, install appropriate barriers on windows and balconies at home, ensure sharp objects, medicines, and household chemicals are kept out of children's reach, teach children not to play with electrical cords, extensions, matches, or lighters, provide information on how to call police at 102, emergency services at 105, and quick response medical assistance at 103 in case of need, and ensure they know their home address.


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As of Today, 40,036 Children Have Registered to Attend First Grade

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

As of today, 40,036 children have registered to attend first grade.

In the electronic registration for first grade in public schools, out of 78,461 children expected to register, 73,270 children have the opportunity to do so. Meanwhile, 2,131 children are under review, 2,476 children have temporarily been put on hold, and 584 children have pending registrations.

As of 17:00 on August 27, 2024:

  • Of the 73,270 children who can register, 40,036 or 54.6% have been confirmed and their enrollment at the school has been secured.
  • 3,150 children, or 4.3%, have withdrawn from enrollment, indicating that their parents or guardians had declined the offer.
  • 30,084 children, or 41.1%, have not completed their enrollment process through their parents or guardians.

Therefore, it was reminded to finalize enrollment applications in the E-Mongolia system.

Registration for children entering first grade will close this Friday at 17:00.

Source: General Department of Education


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A. Amartuvshin: Healthy, Educated Children are the Future of Mongolia

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

With the start of the new 2024-2025 school year, we interviewed A. Amartuvshin, the Deputy Governor of Khan-Uul District, about the readiness of schools and kindergartens operating in the district.

The new 2024-2025 school year is about to begin in a few days. How is Khan-Uul District preparing for this?

As the Deputy Governor in charge of social policy for Khan-Uul District, we are taking great importance at all levels of the district regarding the readiness of schools and kindergartens and enrollment issues. Between August 16-24, meetings were held with officials from the Khan-Uul District Education Department and heads of government-owned general education schools and pre-school institutions, meeting with residents of 25 districts to provide information, recommendations, and support.

How many children are expected to attend schools and kindergartens in the district this year?

For Khan-Uul District this year, an estimated 61,430 students in 63 state and non-state general education schools and 29,537 children in 180 pre-school education institutions are expected to enroll. In the first phase of registration, 19,882 children are ready to attend kindergarten. Among them, 46,992 students will be accommodated in 24 state-owned schools, and 19,000 children will be prepared to attend 40 pre-school institutions.

The enrollment registration for schools and kindergartens is being conducted on the E-Mongolia system. What issues are citizens facing with this system?

The 2024-2025 school and kindergarten enrollment registration continued throughout the capital on the E-Mongolia system from August 1-18, 2024. During public meetings, we resolved issues like system errors leading to misallocated neighborhood schooling or siblings assigned to different kindergartens, with the help of education department specialists. Major issues faced by citizens were address discrepancies, being temporary residents, or personal reasons leading to missed registration. Necessary information and advice were given to these parents. The second phase of enrollment will last from September 5-15, allowing them to register in time and start their studies from September 20. Support teams at the district education office and each school and kindergarten are available for additional help or information.

There have been several complaints about children not being able to get into state kindergartens despite registering on the E-Mongolia system and being assigned to private ones. Is there a possibility to accommodate all children in state kindergartens?

Currently, this possibility is limited. Kindergarten capacity and class sizes are generally full. In Khan-Uul District, 5,982 children have the opportunity to attend private kindergartens with state subsidies. Parents can pay the difference in fees to enroll their children in private kindergartens located near their homes.

The issue of school and kindergarten accessibility affects all districts. What measures are being taken to address this?

Of course, issues like building capacity and population density significantly impact schools and kindergartens. Aside from the main premises, branch kindergartens will operate at 30 rental locations to accommodate 4,778 children, while 6,280 students will be received at 10 rented locations by 9 highly crowded schools. Schools and kindergartens are taking measures to open additional classes and setting up temporary structures.

With new housing, the demand for new schools and kindergartens is increasing. How is this demand being met?

As of now, work on 11 schools and 21 new or expanded kindergartens is between 5-95% completed. Preparations to receive a total of 640 children are complete, with 3 kindergartens finished. Once all construction activities are completed, there will be opportunities for over 10,000 children to attend school or kindergarten.

What plans are in place to improve the quality of schools and kindergartens in the future?

Nationally, much importance is being placed on the quality of education. Along with fulfilling the duties, orders, and directives from various authorities, our district plans to focus more on the following issues:

  1. The most pressing issue is the accessibility of schools and kindergartens. We are working with related experts to utilize current resources effectively to reduce the load on schools and kindergartens.
  2. Ensuring the health and safety of school and kindergarten meals by monitoring and promptly resolving the kitchen situation in 4 schools operating under rental agreements without their own kitchens.
  3. A quality education system is inseparably connected to qualified personnel. Like everywhere else, teacher shortages also affect our district. We will propose initiatives to ensure social security for teachers and bring their salaries closer to global standards.

As healthy, educated children are the future of Mongolia, I consistently raise my voice about these issues to improve, develop, and resolve them, and I am happy to be actively involved in this process.

Four Children Aged 6-9 Hit and Injured by a Car While Playing in a Playground

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A car entered a children's playground and injured children, according to information posted on social media, which was clarified by the police department.

D. Oyun, an expert from the Public Relations Division of the General Police Department stated, "A report about a car hitting and injuring a child at the children's playground in the Shinee-Urguu residential area of the fourth district in Khan-Uul was received by the police at 13:10 today."

When police officers conducted an inspection, it was found that a Prius20 car had hit four children aged 6-9 who were playing in the playground. The children received medical assistance.

It was determined that the driver of the vehicle had not consumed alcohol. Further investigation of this report is ongoing," he said.

A Non-permanent Council Will Work to Protect Children from Harmful Content in the Digital Environment

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The revised version of the Child Protection Law will take effect from September 1 of this year.

Article 25 of the law, which aims to ensure the implementation of child protection in media, broadcasting, and digital environments, had its draft procedures developed and discussed yesterday.

  • The government has introduced a draft for the "Composition and Working Procedure of the Non-permanent Council", which has the responsibility to assess whether the content, news, information, and works distributed by media outlets, multi-channel broadcasters, and digital service providers are harmful to children.
  • The draft for the "Procedure to Prevent and Protect Children from Prohibited and Harmful Content in the Digital Environment", which will be jointly approved by the ministers of the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications, the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, was presented and feedback was gathered.

The discussion on the draft procedure was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications, the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs, the Communications Regulatory Commission, the United Nations Children's Fund, World Vision Mongolia, and the state inspectors for children's rights.

If You Have an Income of at Least ₮10 Million per Month, You Will Live Happily in Mongolia...

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

As of the end of 2023, the group with the highest salaries in Mongolia, namely managerial positions, has an average monthly salary of 6.5 million MNT.

Questions like "Is money a measure of happiness?", "How much money do you need to live happily?", "How much monthly salary is needed to live well in Mongolia?" are subjective, so it's hard to find definitive answers.

However, a study based on the philosophy that how you spend your earnings is more important than how much you earn, presents interesting results that can answer the above questions.

The Australia-based currency trading firm "S Money" noted in their study "The Cost of Happiness in Every Country" last year that where a person spends their earned money is highly correlated with their sense of happiness.

In 2018, Purdue University in the USA conducted a study based on data from 1.7 million citizens in 164 countries to determine how much annual income is sufficient for a happy life, concluding with a global average of $60,000-$75,000. "S Money" then converted these results into national currencies and recalculated them, taking into account each country's purchasing power and cost of living.

According to the ranking of 173 countries, to live genuinely happily in Mongolia, you need an annual income of at least $37,629 or approximately 126 million MNT based on recent exchange rates.

Thus, if calculated solely by fixed income or salary, you would need a monthly salary of 10 million MNT to live happily.

According to the 2023 study by "Zangia Portal", the average salary of the highest paid group, which is the managerial positions, is 6.5 million MNT per month by the end of 2023. When categorized by industry, the mining sector's average monthly salary is the highest at 5.1 million MNT, as reported by the National Statistics Office.

Based on data from the General Department of Taxation in 2021, it was estimated that there are 700 citizens in Mongolia with a monthly salary of 10-15 million MNT, and 660 citizens with a salary of 15-20 million MNT. By the end of 2023, the average salary per employee is 2.2 million MNT per month or 26.4 million MNT annually, and only 13.2% of employees earn more than 3 million MNT monthly, which might give you a general picture of how many people in Mongolia live happily.

Over the last 20 years, most newly created jobs have been in relatively low-paying sectors, which is also noteworthy.

For example, the "World Bank's Key Recommendations for Mongolia's Sustainable Development Goals" report released last month shows that about 60% of jobs created between 2010-2020 were in sectors with below-average salaries.

Furthermore, high-paying jobs in the mining and construction industries are not the primary source of new jobs.

Incidentally, in the 2024 World Happiness Report, Mongolia ranked 77th out of 143 countries, showing a sharp decline in ranking.

  • The country with the highest cost of happiness was Iran. It was calculated that a yearly income of $239,700 is needed to live happily there.
  • In contrast, in Sierra Leone, Africa, a yearly income of just $8,658 is enough.
  • In Finland, which has been ranked as the happiest country in the world for seven consecutive years, this figure is $94,177.
  • Singapore, which topped the list of cities with the highest cost of living in 2023, has a cost of happiness of $75,320.
  • In Asia, the cost of happiness is $73,994 in Japan and $62,461 in South Korea.

A Non-Standing Council to Protect Children from Harmful Content in the Digital Environment Will Operate

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The revised version of the Child Protection Law will come into effect on September 1 of this year. A draft regulation has been prepared and discussed to ensure the implementation of Article 25 of the Law on child protection in media, broadcasting, and the digital environment.

The government has discussed a draft related to "Forming a Non-Standing Council," which will have the duty and authority to evaluate whether the content, news, information, and creations distributed by media outlets, multi-channel broadcasters, and digital service providers in the digital environment and broadcasting are harmful to children.

Drafts of regulations to prevent and protect children from prohibited and harmful content in the digital environment, to be approved jointly by the ministers of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Information Technology, Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, and Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, have also been presented for feedback.

Representatives from the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Information Technology, Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, Communications Regulatory Authority, UNICEF, World Vision Mongolia, and state inspectors on children's rights participated and provided their opinions during the discussion of the draft regulations.


It Is Unclear Who Will Be Responsible for the "Smoke" of the Upcoming Winter

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Winter is approaching. Experts continue to warn that the residents of the capital will face a challenging winter due to a lack of reliable sources of electricity and heat. The Mayor's Office of the capital suggests that if the first block of the 150 MW power source from the Boroogoltuul Power Plant is put into operation before winter, the risk of losing heat can be prevented. However, experts have warned that it might not be possible to have the initial part of this construction operational and adequately adjusted before winter, so alternative plans should be in place.

In addition to electricity and heat, it remains uncertain which fuel the 280,000 households in the ger areas will use this year, as there seems to be no one taking responsibility. Although two major factories for improved briquette fuel, which often sparks controversy, have been established, most of the equipment in these multi-billion factories is broken and cannot operate. Although Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC has invested more than MNT 40 billion into the briquette fuel factory and has provided the necessary operational funding in a timely manner, a professional assessment has concluded that this investment has been ineffective. Since the losses amount to billions, it is unclear who will be responsible for the improved briquette factory in the future. As of today, there is no information available to the capital and the Ministry of Energy regarding how fuel will be produced for the upcoming winter, who will be responsible, and whether the necessary financial resources are available.

The Governor of the Capital, H. Nyambaatar, stated: "I have no information related to the improved briquette factory. It has just been discussed to transfer the ownership issue of the improved briquette production to the Capital by a resolution of the Parliament."

For the winter season of 2024-2025, a contract has been made to procure 400,000 tons of middlings for the improved briquette factory.

Secretary of State for Energy, N. Tavinbekh, said: "The Ministry of Energy holds a 39% stake in Tavantolgoi Fuel LLC. The investment work of Tavantolgoi Fuel is financed by investment loans from Erdenes Tavantolgoi. All investment-related work is resolved at Erdenes Tavantolgoi and Tavantolgoi Fuel. The Ministry of Energy has no specific information about this project."

As the last month of autumn sets in, and ger district households begin intensive heating, only two months remain until the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, yet it is still unclear whether or not improved briquettes will be produced, having not even started preparing reserves. It seems that the heads and ministers are not fully acquainted with their work, and preparations for the winter are progressing slowly.

The pasture capacity is sufficient in 70% of the area and exceeded in 30%

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The information on the pasture capacity for the winter and spring of 2024-2025 was delivered by the National Agency for Meteorology, Hydrology and Environmental Monitoring (NAMHEM).

According to the calculated data of the pasture capacity, the overall country's:

  • 47% has pasture reserves
  • 20% has sufficient pasture
  • 21% exceeds capacity by 1-3 times
  • 4% exceeds capacity by 3-5 times
  • 8% has exceeded the capacity multiple times.

In other words, about 70% of the winter and spring pasture capacity is sufficient, while over 30% has been exceeded.

Source: National Agency for Meteorology, Hydrology and Environmental Monitoring

Note: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must mention the source (ikon.mn) when fully or partially using our information in any form.

524 Violations of Purchasing and Transporting Marmot Meat Uncovered in the Capital

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In an effort to intensify prevention against plague and other infectious diseases affecting humans and animals, law enforcement officials are organizing inspections at vehicle checkpoints in the capital.

Officials are performing duties at ten vehicle checkpoints and non-route paths in the districts of Bayanzurkh, Baganuur, Bagakhangai, Nalaikh, Songinokhairkhan, Khan-Uul, and Chingeltei. These inspections will continue until October 15.

There is a risk of infectious diseases spreading from animal to animal, from humans to animals, and through vehicles. Therefore, inspections are being carried out on the sale and purchase of livestock and raw animal products from rural areas.

As of July this year, a total of 524 violations involving the purchase and transportation of marmot meat have been identified in Ulaanbaatar.

524 Violations Detected for Purchasing and Transporting Marmot Meat in Ulaanbaatar

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In the capital city, officers from the Emergency Management Department, the Ecological Police Department, the Metropolitan Police Department, the Traffic Police Department, the City Environment Department, the City Veterinary Department, the National Center for Zoonotic Diseases, and officers from the City Health Department are conducting control checks. This is part of efforts to prevent plague and other infectious diseases affecting both humans and animals by intensifying measures at vehicle checkpoints.

Given that infectious diseases can spread from animal to animal, from animals to humans, and through transportation means, checks are being carried out on the sale and purchase of livestock and raw animal products from rural areas.

As of July this year, a total of 524 violations have been identified in Ulaanbaatar related to the purchase and transportation of marmot meat.

Officers are stationed at 10 vehicle checkpoint locations and non-routable roads in the districts of Bayanzurkh, Baganuur, Bagakhangai, Nalaikh, Songinokhairkhan, Khan-Uul, and Chingeltei. These control checks will continue until October 15.

Source: Emergency Management Agency

It was warned that the water levels of the Kherlen, Orkhon, and Tuul rivers have exceeded the dangerous flood levels

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

According to the information provided by the hydrometeorological agency, the water levels of the Khovd, Buyant, Chigertai, and Turgan rivers originating from the Altai Mountains, the Kharaa River on the western side of the Khentii Mountains, and the Khalkh River fed by the Greater Khingan Range have risen by 5-10 cm from the previous day.

It was warned that rivers such as Kherlen (Mungunmorit), Ulz (Dashbalbar), Khurkh, Khalkh (Yalalt bag), Buyant, and Kharkhiraa have exceeded flood levels by 5-25 cm, while rivers like Tuul (Lun), Orkhon (Orkhontuul), Balj, Onon, and Kherlen (Undurkhaan, Choibalsan) have dangerously exceeded flood levels by 10-70 cm and continue to flood strongly.


Why Should Businesses Transition to a Circular Economy?

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

2030 is projected to be a risky year for businesses not aligning their business models with the "Circular Economy." The purchasing behaviors of consumers worldwide are shifting towards eco-friendliness.

Research shows that 1 in 3 consumers today has expressed intention to make environmentally friendly purchases. Is your product and production ready to meet the demands of future consumers?

In the framework of the "Green Economic Transition" project funded by the European Union's "SWITCH-Asia" program, a "Learning Experience Tour" focusing on environmentally friendly production was organized in Darkhan-Uul and Selenge provinces to introduce the principles of a circular economy and eco-certification systems in Mongolia.

This tour aimed to provide Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and retailers in the food, water, and beverage sectors with the necessary knowledge and experience to implement the principles of the circular economy in their businesses, conduct environmentally friendly production, and support in obtaining eco-certification for their products.

Representatives from the food, water, and beverage sectors from Ulaanbaatar, Khovd, Orkhon, Selenge, and Darkhan-Uul provinces, as well as from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, research centers, and universities, participated in the program held from August 24-26.

This was the first time Mongolia organized such a learning experience tour, consisting of a Green Business Acceleration Program and a tour to familiarize participants with environment-friendly industries.

The learning experience tour started when participants arrived in Darkhan city from Ulaanbaatar city. During the two days, food producers evaluated their current business models and were energized with new knowledge and insights on how to transition and innovate towards an environmentally friendly circular model.

What is a circular economy, why is it essential for businesses and manufacturers to transition to this model, and who benefits from it?

Trainer B.Erkigül explained on the first day of the training, "Businesses follow consumers to increase sales. Their needs and requirements are changing. Research shows that 30% of consumers would choose products that improve the environment, 23% would prefer products that reduce manufacturing waste, and 22% would like products that minimize the ecological footprint. Therefore, the most opportune time to prepare for future consumer demands is today.”

A key feature of this tour was that participants shared environmentally friendly practices and learned from each other.

Erdenes's participant, vegetable farmer B.Bolortsetseg said: "At our morning market in Erdenet city, farmers incentivize customers who come with cloth bags with a 5-10% discount. We also try to avoid using plastic bags as much as possible when supplying vegetables directly from greenhouses."

Ulaanbaatar participant, retailer and coffee shop service provider B.Bolortutungalag shared: "We are changing our packaging. We've chosen bags made from cornstarch. This type of bag has properties no different from plastic, but the main thing is it degrades in nature within 365 days instead of 500-1000 years."

On the second day of the tour, consultant Bat-Orshikh conducted a methodological training on analyzing current business models and redesigning them to transition to a circular model. After the practical session, a participant from Orkhon province remarked, "I thought business renewal required changing everything. But now I understand that vision remains the same, business models can be updated according to needs."

During the two-day training, participants also received information on the eco-certification systems being introduced in Mongolia under the Green Economic Transition project and opportunities for green financing. Participants of the European learning experience tour held in Germany in June this year shared their insights on European eco-certification systems and practices they implemented in their production.

The tour group then moved to Selenge province to gain on-site experience with good practices in environment-friendly production after accumulating knowledge and receiving certificates.

The first place visited was the Selenge Tavan Hairhan Cooperative in Shaamar soum. Representatives shared experiences in practices such as producing clean organic products and greenhouses. Batjargal, who has been in beekeeping for over 20 years, produces 100% organic products, while greenhouse owners grow Dutch varieties of tomatoes, eggplants, and cucumbers using organic methods and use nettle and bird guano as fertilizer.

Most importantly, participants learned about how farmers transition to a cooperative structure to deliver healthy, organic products to consumers and efficient zero waste agricultural practices in vegetable farming.

On the third day, the tour group visited the Vio Millenna water bottling plant of MCS Coca-Cola LLC and the dairy factories of APU DAIRY LLC in Mandal soum, Selenge province.

The Vio Millennia water bottling plant chooses energy-efficient motors for its equipment, recycles plastic water bottles, and uses fast-degrading materials for glass packaging – these are the circular economy principles integrated into their production.

APU DAIRY LLC’s dairy factory fully utilizes the circular economy principle by not producing any waste in processing milk sourced from herders' homes. The Khonin Nuga brand cheese undergoes 9 processes before reaching consumers, where the resulting whey is fermented and used in a "nano" filtering process to produce Shüüder brand spirits. The production waste is then used as animal feed, resulting in a zero-waste factory.

Additionally, participants built networks, exchanged experiences, and laid foundations for transitioning to a green model of business on this learning experience tour, beyond gathering abundant knowledge and practice in circular economy principles and environment-friendly production.

In the future, such comprehensive training and best practice tours will be organized step-by-step under the Green Economic Transition Project. The project's first Learning Experience Tour was organized in Germany, followed by the second tour in Darkhan-Uul and Selenge provinces.

The next learning experience tour is scheduled in Erdenet city in October and in Ulaanbaatar city in November. If you are a producer or entrepreneur in the food, water, and beverage sectors interested in participating in these trainings and tours to learn environment-friendly practices, you can apply for participant selection.

Cooperation with Kazakhstan in the Field of Digital Development and Innovation

Published: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Minister of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications Ts. Baatarkhuu received Mr. Gabit Koishibayev, the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Mongolia.

Minister Ts. Baatarkhuu emphasized that Kazakhstan is considered a model country worldwide in terms of digital development and innovation. He highlighted Kazakhstan's support for nurturing startups in Asia to reach the global stage, and expressed Mongolia's desire for its startup companies to operate in Kazakhstan and exchange experiences at the Astana Hub.

Furthermore, the Government of Mongolia wishes to develop a unified electronic platform that centralizes all governmental information and seeks to learn from Kazakhstan's experience.

Ambassador Gabit Koishibayev from Kazakhstan expressed his pleasure with Mongolia's government program for 2024-2028 and its steps toward creating a unified platform for all ministries and state organizations.

Additionally, Kazakhstan is open to sharing experiences in digitizing public services, which save citizens time, and in creating unified state agency platforms. They also intend to support enhancing cooperation in the field of information technology, according to the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications.

For the First Time in Mongolia, Youth Interested in Data and Artificial Intelligence Gathered in One Place

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

For the first time, "Datasummit 2024," which brought together youth interested in data and artificial intelligence—the most valuable assets of the digital era—as well as leading experts working in top global companies, recently concluded at the Khaan Theatre located on the 1st floor of Khaan Bank's Seoul office.

Experts from companies such as Tesla, Samsung, Uber, Doordash, and SpaceX participated in the event, sharing their knowledge and experience, presenting innovative research findings with the young participants, and engaging in interesting discussions.

Organized for the first time this year, "Datasummit 2024" was supported by Khaan Bank, whose Director of Business Transformation and Data Analytics, G. Chinzorig, delivered a presentation on "Generative AI in banking," sharing leading practices of artificial intelligence in the banking and financial sector.

The number of young people interested in the artificial intelligence sector is increasing year by year, demonstrating a strong demand for events that provide innovative information and real experience. This was evident from the atmosphere of the young attendees at "Datasummit 2024."

To support innovative youth and invest in turning their ideas into realities, Khaan Bank this year launched its Innovation Center, the first such center in the banking and financial sector. Through this center, which aims to support start-up businesses based on innovation and the development of young people, further competitions, trainings, and a community uniting children and young adults interested in the artificial intelligence sector and young researcher scholars are planned. This provides not only the opportunity for the youth to gain skills and knowledge in data analytics, artificial intelligence, and information technology but also a chance to genuinely support their social participation.


B. Tsogbadrakh: 109.3 Billion MNT from the Health Insurance Fund Stuck in Chinggis Khan and Capital Banks

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

During the meeting of the Budget Standing Committee, members obtained information from relevant organizations regarding the free funds being placed in banks by the Health Insurance Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

Member of Parliament Kh. Ganhuyag: We should discuss and review the budget execution with set deadlines, not in a rushed manner. Firstly, there is a question related to the Health Insurance Fund. What percentage from the Health Insurance Fund is spent on health and on rest and relaxation? Can you provide the figures? I would like to ask how much was spent on projects and programs. We inquire about this because the Health Insurance Fund has stopped financing. We are spending more money on rest and relaxation than on people's health. I'm asking this in relation to the previous fund's expenditures. Secondly, over 100 billion MNT from the Health Insurance and Social Insurance Funds are placed in Chinggis Khan Bank. How can we retrieve it? Who will be held responsible for this? These have been registered as non-performing loans. Is there anyone following up on this? Thirdly, is the expenditure of the Educational Loan Fund carried out according to the law? How many people have received money from the ELDF so far? What is the amount of non-performing receivables? There is information circulating on social media about non-tendered expenditures related to the 2023 budget. How much budget in each, each ministry has been spent without tender? The "Beren" group has received a total of 239 billion MNT. What is the current status of repayment? There are many long-term loans given to state-owned companies. The government competes with the private sector. This leads to taking loans from the budget, which are not repaid. This has become quite widespread. Please provide an answer on what measures will be taken regarding this.

Director of the State Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance B. Tsogbadrakh: In 2023, 860.7 billion MNT was provided to 111 public hospitals, 217.2 billion MNT to 231 private hospitals, 175.8 billion MNT to 328 soum health centers, 171.8 billion MNT to 216 family health centers, and 89.9 billion MNT to 1565 pharmacies, and 36.8 MNT for early detection in 50 laboratories from the Health Insurance Fund.

Department Head of the Ministry of Finance S. Tulga: Let me address the question related to the Beren group. This project was initiated under a concessional loan of 239.2 billion MNT from the PRC in 2012 based on a loan agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the then Ministry of Road, Transport, Construction, and Urban Development. Subsequently, the Ministry of Road, Transport, Construction, and Urban Development signed a sub-loan agreement with "Beren" group for 173.6 billion MNT and with "Tsagaan Khuarang Consulting" LLC for 65.6 billion MNT. In the event of any debt collection disputes, it was agreed to resolve these through arbitration court proceedings, entering contracts with those private companies. However, arbitration cases have not been initiated with these two entities, and these loans are recorded as overdue receivables. They are project loans and not financial loans meant to cover budget deficits. Since the project allowed for revenue generation by constructing buildings, the government approved the transfer loan. Through the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development as an intermediary lender, the government facilitated the loans. The ultimate borrowers are these two companies, with the intermediary lender bearing full responsibility for repayment.

State General Auditor D. Zagdjav: In 2023, 7 trillion 376.3 billion MNT was allocated for 1139 projects and measures using state budget investment funds. Performance audits revealed no violations regarding non-tendered announcements in the procurement of goods, services, and works using state and local budgets. However, identified discrepancies led to the determination of 11 payment acts totaling 8 billion 249.9 million MNT and the issuance of 15 official demands totaling 28 billion 615.4 million MNT.

Director of the State Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance B. Tsogbadrakh: Chinggis Khan Bank has an outstanding balance of 30.8 billion MNT from the Health Insurance General Directorate. Capital Bank has an outstanding balance of 78.5 billion MNT. In total, as of the end of 2023, there is an outstanding amount of 109.3 billion MNT.


The Paralympic Games to be Broadcast Live in Mongolia for the First Time

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

For the first time, the “Paris 2024” Summer 17th Paralympic Games, a symbol of equality and peaceful coexistence for humanity, will be officially broadcast live in Mongolia with exclusive rights by Central Television and PSN. You can watch the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games on Central Television at 01:00 on the night of August 28th to 29th.

In this Paralympic Games, 12 athletes from our country will compete in six types of para sports. The games will continue from August 28th to September 8th.

The main sponsors of the live broadcast are “M bank” and “Netcapital Financial Group”, while “Coca-Cola Mongolia” and “APU Company” will act as sponsors and “BSB Service LLC” as a partner.

The Paralympic Games Will Be Broadcast Live in Mongolia for the First Time

Published: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Symbolizing equality of humanity and peaceful coexistence, the "Paris-2024" Summer 17th Paralympic Games will be broadcast live in Mongolia for the first time with exclusive official rights by Central Television and PSN.

Please tune in to Central Television for the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games on the night of August 28-29 at 01:00.

This time, 12 athletes from Mongolia will compete in six para sports categories at the Paralympic Games. The events will continue from August 28 to September 8.

“M bank” and “Netcapital Financial Group” are the main sponsors of the live broadcast, with “Coca-Cola Mongolia” and “APU Company” as sponsors, and “BSB Service LLC” as a partner.