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Mongolia News Summary for August 27, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for August 27, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories












B. Batbaatar: Our Right to Know and Right to Represent Citizens is Being Lost

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Members of Parliament from the IZZN party gave a briefing on current issues.

MP and IZZN party leader B. Batbaatar stated that the Civil Courage Council of the IZN party in the Parliament has been established. At the inaugural meeting of the council, it was decided to initiate and implement several issues. This included consolidating our stance on how we participate in the government's action program, budget amendments, and related draft legal changes being discussed in today's extraordinary session of the Parliament.

The current political situation is that the Parliament now has 126 members. Out of these, an overwhelming majority of 118 have formed the government. The agreement regarding how the government should work within the framework of laws and regulations has been made under the name "Courage for Rapid Development." We have requested the government to submit this agreement to the members of Parliament, but it has not been provided yet, leaving us without information on the agreement. We believe the government should not hide or shield this agreement from the public when formed based on political party consensus and agreements within the framework of the law. According to the Constitution and the law concerning the Parliament, the subjects forming the government should establish a group together. The MPP has participated as the majority, and the DP as the minority. The Parliament represents the people, not the government.

The chairmanship of 11 standing committees in Parliament has been divided between the DP and the MPP. We have expressed that we will not participate in the government in any way. However, since the Parliament represents the people, attention should be given to involving all parties, coalitions, and members in the Parliament. The council under the Speaker of Parliament drafts the issues and plans to be discussed in Parliament. Currently, we are preparing the agenda for the autumn session as the current session concludes, but the members of the National Coalition and the IZN party haven't been able to get information. In a certain way, our right to know and our right to represent citizens is being lost. Therefore, representatives from parties with seats in Parliament should be included in the council under the Speaker of Parliament. The 118 cannot just decide on everything. The case of S. Zorig's murder has remained in the public eye. Identifying the perpetrator and establishing the truth is the duty of the government and judicial bodies. As the bearer of the ideals of the IZN party, we will propose the establishment of a temporary committee in the Parliament. We will convey our party decisions to the Speaker of Parliament today. The issue cannot be politically manipulated by the DP and the MPP for personal gain before every election.

The law concerning Parliament and the procedure of the Parliament, as confirmed by the previous sessions, allow members to inadequately represent their citizens and voters, which creates obstacles. To speak at the general sessions of Parliament, a formal letter should be written in advance. We need to move past this outdated practice with the current advancements in technology.

Based on the budget projection, we expected the 2024 budget to be approved at 22.7 trillion, but it was increased by 5 trillion and approved at 27 trillion. Today, an additional 3.1 trillion has been added, changing it to a budget amendment of 30.2 trillion. The total money supply is 40 trillion, of which 30 trillion is linked to the national budget. The Bank of Mongolia will tighten its monetary policy. There will be no large sources of finance available for citizens and business enterprises. We will propose changes to the Law on Budget Stability.

IZNN advisor and economist N. Dashzeveg criticized the government’s action program for neglecting the people. There is not a single sentence on how the real income of the people will increase or how the living standard will improve in the coming four years. In connection, the basic directions for Mongolian development in 2025 mentioned increasing the proportion of middle and upper-class citizens from 71% to 80%. However, not a single word or sentence is included on how to improve these proportions in the government’s program for the coming four years.

Secondly, they plan to increase the GDP per capita to 8,000-10,000 USD, advance the human development index by 10 ranks, and halve the poverty level. There are no other figures or sentences. There is no impact basis for the government’s claim to halve poverty. Over the past 30 years, we have seen that poverty does not decrease when GDP per capita increases. In the 2000s, the GDP per capita was 500 USD, but today it has reached 5,000 USD, yet poverty remains at 27%.

The Extraordinary Session of the Parliament Will Be Extended

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A directive has been issued to convene the extraordinary session of the Parliament from August 15 to 27, 2024.

During this extraordinary session, it was decided to discuss the "Approval of the Activity Program of the Government of Mongolia for 2024-2028," amendments to the law on the 2024 budget of Mongolia, draft laws on the 2024 budget of the National Wealth Fund, and other laws and resolutions submitted together with these.

However, a meeting of the council under the Speaker of the Parliament extended the duration of the extraordinary session to August 30, 2024, and included the draft resolution on "Approval of the Execution of the 2023 Budget of Mongolia" in the order of issues to be discussed.

D. Amarbaysgalan: A One-Day Break Has Been Granted to the MPP Group

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The extraordinary session of the State Great Khural began today with 79% attendance. During last Friday's meeting, the MPP group had taken a break until today.

The MPP group requested an additional one-day break related to the amendments to the Law on Fiscal Stability.

In this regard, Speaker of the State Great Khural D. Amarbaysgalan stated, "In accordance with Article 12.1 of the Law on the Procedure of the State Great Khural, a one-day working break is granted to the MPP group. The extraordinary session of the State Great Khural will convene again tomorrow. After the break period ends, the discussions on the agenda items will resume," he said.

B.Jargar: The Saliva of the 126 Members of Parliament Has Not Dried Yet

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

B.Jargar, the leader of the Good Democratic Unity Party, and Ts.Oyungerel, the leader of the Citizens' Participation Unity Party, held a press conference today. They gave show-like promises not to increase taxes or burden citizens further. However, the day after being elected, they started talking about increasing costs.

They are aware that increasing energy prices will significantly harm citizens. Meanwhile, this decision benefits the associates, assistants, and dictators of the 126 members. We will officially demand the resigning parties to stop this illegal decision. The daily lives of citizens are deteriorating day by day. This is a decision made at the wrong time. With rumors of a 30% increase in energy prices, the prices of goods have already risen.

In November, the prices of common consumer goods will rise again. It is unreasonable to blame companies for raising their prices. Instead of troubling citizens, Parliament should discuss cutting down their extensive desks, chairs, and structure. The government continues to increase spending indefinitely, but no one is held accountable for it. Lu Gantömör, L.Oyun-Erdene, and T.Dorjhand have created an unstable economy. They are playing with people's lives to allocate seats and distribute projects.

The Break of the MPP Group in the State Great Khural Will End Today

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The break of the Mongolian People's Party (MPP) group in the State Great Khural will end today.

During the plenary session of the special parliamentary meeting, a vote was held on the draft resolution of the State Great Khural regarding the "Approval of the Government Action Plan of Mongolia for 2024-2028," which involved proposals with fundamental differences.

Furthermore, the initial discussion of the draft law to amend the law on the 2024 budget framework statement, the 2025-2026 budget estimates, and accompanying laws such as the additional amendments to the Law on Budget Stability and changes to the Law on Debt Management was conducted.

The Chairman of the Budget Standing Committee, Ts. Davaasuren, mentioned changes to the criteria for the balanced and basic fiscal balance of the state budget, explaining that limits have been set so that current expenditures do not exceed 30.0% of GDP and the debt amount does not exceed 60.0%. He clarified that expenditures financed by loans are not included in the budget expenses.

Finance Minister B. Javkhlan emphasized that the basic fiscal balance is calculated to be +2.0% annually, which amounts to 1.6 trillion MNT, and noted that Mongolia is expected to pay 1.0 trillion MNT in debt by 2025, with 0.6 trillion MNT of additional opportunities being freed.

He explained to the members of the State Great Khural that the national budget would remain consistently profitable, and rather than weakening, the special budget requirements are being improved. J. Delgersaikhan, a member of the Budget Stability Council, expressed concern that the extensive increase in expenditures due to changes in the budget framework statement, projections, and the Law on Budget Stability might lead to income shortfalls, currency rate fluctuations, and inflation risks in the long run.

After the members of the State Great Khural gave their speeches, voting began on the proposals with fundamental differences presented by the Budget Standing Committee. However, during the voting process, it became necessary for the MPP group in the State Great Khural to unify their stance on various draft laws, such as:

  • The 2024 budget framework statement of the unified budget of Mongolia,
  • The draft law on amendments to the 2025-2026 budget estimates, and accompanying amendments,
  • The additional amendments to the Law on Budget Stability,
  • The amendments to the Law on Debt Management, and the draft law on changes to the 2024 budget of Mongolia,
  • The 2024 budget draft law of the National Wealth Fund and the accompanying laws and draft resolutions.

Therefore, the leader of the group, L. Munkhbaatar, requested a break until 10:00 today, as reported by the Public Relations and Communications Office of the State Great Khural.

Established Mongolian Parliamentary Group and Elected H.Bulgantuya as Executive Committee Chair

Published: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The inaugural meeting of the Mongolian Parliamentary Group was held at the end of today's plenary session.

During the first meeting, issues such as endorsing members of the State Great Khural to be part of the Mongolian Parliamentary Group, issuing a resolution to newly establish the group, approving the group's regulations, electing the Executive Committee's chairperson, vice-chairperson, and members, and setting up the Executive Committee with resolutions were discussed. At the beginning of the meeting, State Great Khural Speaker D. Amarbaysgalan read and presented the draft resolution regarding the newly established Mongolian Parliamentary Group in the State Great Khural based on the 2024 election results.

Aimed at supporting and expanding relations and cooperation within the activities of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, this group is a voluntary public organization of members, which the majority of participating members endorsed and approved the revised parliamentary group's regulations aligned with 126 members. Continuing, State Great Khural Speaker D. Amarbaysgalan read aloud the names of candidates nominated for the Executive Committee's chair, vice-chair, and members from political parties and alliances with seats in the State Great Khural, as specified in Articles 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 of the regulations. H. Bulgantuya, Deputy Speaker of the State Great Khural, was nominated as the Executive Committee Chair; O. Tsogtgerel, group leader of the Democratic Party in the State Great Khural, as the Deputy Chair; and N. Batsumberel, O. Batnairamdal, E. Bolormaa, S. Zulkhar, Ts. Iderbat, M. Mandkhai, B. Jargalan, S. Erdenebold, B. Munkhsoyol, A. Undraa, and B. Batbaatar as members.

Nominees for the positions of the Mongolian Parliamentary Group's Executive Committee Chair, Vice-Chair, and members were fully supported by the participating members, as their composition was confirmed unanimously, with the draft resolution of approval read and introduced by the meeting chair. State Great Khural Speaker D. Amarbaysgalan congratulated all the parliamentary group members, the newly elected Executive Committee Chair, Deputy Chair, and other members, with the meeting continuing under the chairmanship of Deputy Speaker of the State Great Khural and Chair of the Executive Committee of the Mongolian Parliamentary Group, H. Bulgantuya. She emphasized the stipulation in the group's regulations that a parliamentary group member should submit a written request to establish and chair a bilateral parliamentary group and join as a vice-chair or member.

She also highlighted that it is appropriate to consider the relevant professional experience and targeted cooperation initiatives when establishing and joining an inter-parliamentary group with other countries. At the end of the meeting, it was noted that the Executive Committee Chair's order on establishing bilateral parliamentary groups could enhance their daily activities in a multifaceted way, with the State Great Khural's Secretariat providing support, according to the State Great Khural's Media and Public Relations Department.

Established the Mongolian Parliamentary Group and Appointed Kh.Bulgantuya as Chair of the Group's Executive Committee

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The inaugural meeting of the Mongolian Parliamentary Group was held at the end of today's plenary session. During the inaugural meeting, issues such as approving members of the State Great Khural as members of the Mongolian Parliamentary Group, issuing a resolution to re-establish the group, approving the group's charter, electing the chair, vice-chair, and members of the Executive Committee, and issuing a resolution to establish the Executive Committee were discussed. At the beginning of the session, the Speaker of the State Great Khural, D.Amarbayasgalan, presented the draft resolution on forming the Mongolian Parliamentary Group in the new State Great Khural, which was established based on the 2024 election results.

This group is a voluntary public organization aimed at supporting and expanding the relations and cooperation of the State Great Khural with the activities of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and the revised charter of the parliamentary group, which involved 126 members, was supported by the majority of the attending members. Speaker D.Amarbayasgalan continued by explaining that the charter's section 6.1 sets the Executive Committee of the Mongolian Parliamentary Group to consist of 13 members, and according to sections 6.2 and 6.3, the chair, vice-chair, and members of the Executive Committee will be nominated by party groups and coalitions with seats in the State Great Khural, and presented the list of nominees as submitted in writing. Kh.Bulgantuya, Vice Speaker of the State Great Khural, was elected as the chair of the Executive Committee, and O.Tsogtgerel, member of the State Great Khural and leader of the Democratic Party group in the State Great Khural, as the vice-chair. Members of the Executive Committee include State Great Khural members N.Batsumberel, O.Batnairamdal, E.Bolormaa, S.Zulphar, Ts.Iderbat, M.Mandkhai, B.Jargalan, S.Erdenebold, B.Munkhsoyel, A.Undraa, and B.Batbaatar.

The members participating in the session fully supported and approved the resolution on the chairs, vice-chair, and members of the Mongolian Parliamentary Group's Executive Committee presented by the meeting chair. Speaker of the State Great Khural D.Amarbayasgalan extended well wishes to all members of the group, the newly elected executive chair, vice-chair, and other members as the meeting continued under the leadership of Vice Speaker of the State Great Khural and Chair of the Executive Committee Kh.Bulgantuya. She emphasized the provision in the group's charter that members of the State Great Khural may establish bilateral parliamentary groups and undertake responsibilities as chair or vice-chair, or join as members upon submitting a written request.

Furthermore, she highlighted the appropriateness of considering relevant professional experience and targeted initiatives when establishing and joining inter-parliamentary groups with respective countries. The Executive Committee Chair, Vice Speaker Kh.Bulgantuya, noted at the session's conclusion that day-to-day operations will be intensified in a multifaceted manner with support from the State Great Khural Office upon the issuance of the Executive Committee Chair's directive on the formation of bilateral parliamentary groups, as informed by the State Great Khural's Public Relations Department.

L. Munkhbaatar: We Decided to Return the Amendments to the Tender Law Due to Provisions Infringing on the State Great Khural's Full Authority to Approve the Budget

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The extraordinary session of the State Great Khural started today with an attendance rate of 79%. The MPP faction took a break until today during last Friday's session.

In this regard, the position of the MPP faction was presented by the faction leader L. Munkhbaatar.

He stated, "During last Friday's session, the MPP faction took a break from the discussion of three draft laws. The MPP faction convened and discussed three issues.

The draft law to make amendments to the Law on Fiscal Stability came with changes addressing many issues such as budget planning, control, responsibility, and economic security.

Therefore, it is necessary for the faction members to unify their positions. In this regard, it is appropriate to extend the break and continue discussing this issue.

The draft law to amend the Law on Budget included relations related to submitting the budget.

The law currently in force requires the state budget to be submitted by September 1 of the current year. It has been proposed to change that date to October 1.

The MPP faction members believe it would be better to submit it on September 1, as before. An audit conclusion is obtained after submission.

Parliament members need time to familiarize themselves and initiate public discussions, which is why it was considered appropriate to return the draft law to the initiators.

The third issue is the law on procurement of goods, work, and services with state and local property, which was submitted along with the budget amendment or the tender law.

This draft law included provisions not complying with the law. The State Great Khural has exclusive authority to approve the state budget. There are sections that may infringe upon this authority, so they need to be reviewed.

For example, it is stipulated that tender selection can begin for projects and measures listed under capacity-based negotiation before the funding source is approved.

This may infringe upon the right to approve the state budget. If tender selection starts this way, there is no other option but for the State Great Khural to approve its cost and funding.

Moreover, instead of changing the tender law for a specific project, we should propose legal amendments to enable faster processing of major projects and programs.

It is necessary to fully overhaul the legislation on tenders. Because it needs to be organized in line with the requirement for participation by the public, and independent of human intervention, using artificial intelligence. Therefore, the MPP faction decided to return this draft law to the initiators.

Additionally, the draft law on amendments to the law on the procedures for implementing the State Private Partnership Act was submitted. It contradicts certain laws and regulations.

In 2023, the Concessions Act was annulled. However, it stated that in case a selection is announced under the Concessions Act, a contract should be concluded with the selected entity, which does not comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

There is a need for the faction to continue discussing the Law on Fiscal Stability. Therefore, we request a one-day break for our faction," he said.

Following this request, the Speaker of the State Great Khural D. Amarbaysgalan granted a one-day recess to the MPP faction.


Apex Capital

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ardbond.mn

"Apex Credit NBFI" JSC is a continuously operating and leading company since 2011. Since offering 25% of the company to the public in 2019 and becoming a joint-stock company, it has not only upgraded to the 1st classification of the Mongolian Stock Exchange but also continuously remained in the TOP-20 index for the 4th consecutive year. As of 2024, it has over 14,660 shareholders, making it the company with the most shareholders among NBFIs.

Financial Indicators:

  • Total Assets: 83.7 billion
  • Loan Portfolio: 54.5 billion
  • Liabilities: 55.0 billion
  • Of which, Trust: 29.1 billion
  • Shareholders' Equity: 28.7 billion
  • Of which, Retained Earnings: 11.4 billion
  • Total Shares: 364 million
  • Market Valuation: 37.4 billion
  • P/B Ratio: 1.3
  • Average Daily Trading Value: 26 million
  • Average Daily Trading Volume: 173 thousand
  • Total Traded Value: 26.4 billion

High yield interest and favorable tax environment: The interest rates are 13.4 percentage points higher than the inflation rate, 7.5 percentage points higher than the policy rate, and 6.2 percentage points higher than deposit rates with a 5% withholding tax on interest income.

Financial Forecast:

Projection of Total Loan Portfolio

Projection of Interest Income

Projection of Net Profit

Billion MNT: 150.0, 131.4, 112.8, 94.1, 75.5, 56.9, 38.3, 19.6, 1.0, Billion: 18.9, 47.9, 62.5, 87.2, 1456.3, 12.8, 18.1, 26.7, 46.3

Years: 2020, 2023, 2024F, 2025F, 2028F

IZN: Let's Invest Budget Funds in Income-generating Projects

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Members of Parliament elected from the IZN party provided information on current issues.

Regarding the budget amendment to be discussed in the session, party leader B. Batbaatar stated, "Although the 2024 budget was approved at 22.7 trillion MNT, it was increased by 5 trillion MNT, making it 27 trillion MNT. Today, with the budget amendment, an additional 3.1 trillion MNT is being added, changing the budget to 30.2 trillion MNT."

Regarding the budget, Doctor of Economics D. Amgalan noted risks and problematic aspects in the 2024 budget amendment of Mongolia and the 2025-2026 budget framework statement, which pose economic and business risks.

Following the budget amendment and budget framework statement, changes are being introduced to the Budget Stability Law and 13 other laws. This leads to conditions where the budget lacks control, is managed disorderly, and becomes ownerless. For example, a legal environment has been created to manage and utilize budget funds without tenders.

Moreover, the condition where the minority group could monitor budget management is being violated, with the majority controlling the subcommittee for budget expenditure oversight. In other words, conditions have been established where they manage and audit themselves.

Therefore, there is a proposal to maintain budget control, align the budget with economic needs, and invest it in income-generating activities. Additionally, it is necessary to study internal and external economic shocks when planning the budget.

ХасБанк received approval to operate a payment card clearing system

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

ХасБанк has received approval from the Mongolian Bank to operate a "Payment Card Clearing System," based on the Law on the National Payment System and relevant regulations.

By obtaining approval for the payment card clearing system, it is now fully possible to provide clearing services for interbank card transactions through payment service providers, such as other commercial banks, NBFIs, and fintech companies in Mongolia.

With this approval, the joint service allows our partner commercial banks, NBFIs, and fintech companies to reduce the large expenses associated with ensuring the reliable and continuous operation of the card payment system.

Opposition to 30% Increase in Electricity Prices

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The leader of the Democratic Unity Party, B. Jagar, and the leader of the Citizen Participation Unity Party, Ts. Oyungerel, held a press conference today.

They announced that they have submitted a demand to the Prime Minister. The demand states, "The government decided to deregulate the price of electricity and increase the price by 30% at the meeting on the 21st of this month. This will lower the standard of living for citizens and stimulate inflation. It is an untimely and misguided decision.

Citizens are being burdened by high bank interest rates, taxes, social insurance premiums, and high government expenses. We have not been able to escape the pressure of price increases that have significantly escalated during the pandemic. In recent years, the government has excessively increased its expenses and sharply raised foreign debt. By leveraging the transport and logistics crisis, they have placed the economy in the hands of a few monopolies, leading to the collapse of many small businesses and a corresponding decrease in the income of ordinary citizens.

We oppose the continued economic persecution. Therefore, it is necessary to stop the theft that is causing budget deficits and to reconsider the Licensing Law, which has strangled small business entrepreneurs. We demand that citizens be given the opportunity to freely operate their businesses within their means.

The error of exempting a few monopolies from taxes should be corrected, the VAT rate should be reduced, and when reforming the energy sector, it is critical to ensure the continuous use of energy and to address the issues of major consumers as a priority. However, they are planning to increase the price of household electricity, placing the burden on the citizens. This is an untimely policy and the reform should be postponed," they said.

They stated that they will send their demands to the leaders of the MPP, DP, and HUN parties.


The Agreement to Exempt Diplomatic Passport Holders from Visa Requirements with Oman

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg and Oman's Minister of Foreign Affairs Badr Bin Hamad Bin Hamood Al-Busaidi conducted official talks.

Our two countries have maintained friendly political relations for over 30 years since establishing diplomatic ties, and both parties agreed that there is a need to elevate cooperation to a new level.

Going forward, the parties agreed to investigate possibilities for mutually beneficial cooperation in trade, the economy, mining, energy, education, environmental protection, and agriculture through joint projects and programs. They also emphasized continued cooperation within international organizations.

In addition, to strengthen exchanges between citizens and expand cooperation in the tourism sector, the parties agreed to conclude an intergovernmental agreement to exempt diplomatic, official/special, and service passport holders from visa requirements, and to work towards concluding an agreement to mutually exempt all types of passport holders from visa requirements.

Following the talks, the foreign ministers signed the "Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman on Consultative Meetings."

They About Us: The Decision of the Mongolian Government is a Sign of the Failure of the Natural Gas Pipeline Project

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The Mongolian government's decision not to include a natural gas pipeline connecting Russia and China through its territory in its four-year plan indicates that the mega-project might stall, according to Radio Liberty, an influential global media outlet.

Mongolia's new coalition government presented its four-year operational program to the Parliament on August 16. The absence of the 2,594 km long pipeline project in this program signals that the government does not expect this ambitious mega-project to commence construction within the next four years. While the majority of the energy project details are negotiated between Beijing and Moscow, Mongolia must participate in the construction and transmission fee agreements.

The "Power of Siberia-2" project, a joint venture between the China National Petroleum Corporation and Gazprom, is expected to take at least five years to build, delivering gas from the vast reserves of Western Siberia's Yamal Peninsula to China. Initially aimed at supplying the European Union, the Russia-Ukraine war shifted Moscow's focus towards seeking a new market with China, the world’s largest natural gas consumer. However, Beijing currently has no interest in approving a new pipeline, and vehement negotiations about pricing and supply levels continue between China and Russia. Last June, the "Financial Times" reported, citing "people familiar with the matter," that talks stalled due to China's unreasonable demands. Some analysts view the Mongolian government's decision as an indication of the pipeline's failure.

Alexey Chigadayev, a visiting lecturer at Moscow's Higher School of Economics and an expert on China, stated, "It is too early to declare the project completed, but the omission indicates significant challenges."

There are also questions about Gazprom's ability to handle such a complex business. The pipeline to bring gas to Northern China remains uncertain, as China transitions towards renewable energy and seeks to avoid heavy dependence on any single exporter. Joseph Webster, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, notes, "The opportunity to access the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market in Northern China is expanding, and the global LNG market will remain oversupplied."

Establishing agreements for a project as extensive as "Power of Siberia-2" is indeed challenging, but China holds a better negotiating position. Beijing has alternatives to obtain cheaper gas. President Xi Jinping offered support for constructing the D line, the fourth pipeline to transport Turkmen gas to China. According to Chigadayev, Turkmenistan’s pipeline has several advantages. He explains, "It will be much shorter than the Russian line, and China will fully control the investment, construction, and operation process."

It is anticipated that the D line will supply gas to southern China, potentially competing with the liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US and Australia. However, neither the D line nor the route of the Power of Siberia-2 has been finalized. Everything could change.

Attention for Residents in Japan

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

A very strong typhoon, referred to as "Typhoon-10," is expected to pass through Japan from the west to the east on August 27-28.

It is predicted to bring extremely strong winds, along with some areas experiencing 300-400 mm of rainfall per day, potentially increasing the risk of tornadoes, flooding, and high waves.

Therefore, residents are advised to closely monitor weather and emergency updates.

Preparations to implement during the typhoon:

  1. Stock up on food and water (For several days)
  2. Have a two-day supply of canned and ready-to-eat food
  3. Charge your electronic devices (phones, iPads, games, flashlights, batteries)
  4. Collect and secure items that may be blown away by the wind (Don't forget the balcony area)
  5. Cook rice and have it ready in your rice cooker (Prepare to eat it in forms like onigiri when needed)
  6. Fill your bathtub with clean water
  7. Ensure the full operability of your vehicle (Fuel, engine parts, oil, etc.)
  8. Study typhoon response instructions (Available in English and Japanese)

Measures to take when the typhoon approaches your home:

  1. Do not leave your house unless it is essential
  2. Close windows, balconies, curtains, etc.

For useful information, see:

  • The website of the Embassy of Mongolia in Japan and related links you need to know in the event of natural disasters.
  • The Japan Meteorological Agency: Provides news and warnings in about 20 languages, including Mongolian, 24/7.
  • NHK World (TV): Disaster site
  • JTWC/Joint Typhoon Warning Center
  • The Japan Times' Disaster Site
  • Japan Living Guide: About living in Japan
  • Studying in Japan: How to prepare for a typhoon in Japan

Source: Embassy of Mongolia in Japan


Media outlets (television, radio, social and web pages) must cite the source (ikon.mn) if using our information in any form or part.

PHOTO: Joint Field Training of Mongolian and Russian Armed Forces Concludes in Dornod Province

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The joint "Selenge-2024" field training of the Mongolian and Russian Armed Forces was organized on the vast plains of Dornod to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the victory in the battle of Khalkh Gol, and concluded yesterday.

On August 25, the joint shooting exercises involving military personnel from both countries were organized as an open event for local citizens in addition to official guests.

Major General S. Ganbyamba, Chief of the General Staff, stated, "This large-scale military cooperation between our two countries began as 'Darkhan' in 2008 and has been organized 16 times since 2011 under the name 'Selenge.' This year, it holds a tactical field exercise with live firing.

This joint exercise coincided with the commemorative events for the 85th anniversary of the victory of the battle of Khalkh Gol and was uniquely held on the territory of Dornod Province, which is renowned for the heroic friendship between Mongolian and Soviet soldiers and their valiant victory.

The 'Selenge-2024' field training fully achieved its policy objectives, enhancing the capabilities and execution potential of the combined units and branches of the armed forces of the two countries, increasing the professional skills of military personnel, exchanging experiences, and strengthening military camaraderie.

Furthermore, based on modern combat tactics and lessons, the exercise successfully enhanced the coordination between units of the Armed Forces of the two countries and increased the capability of the different military branches, including the air force, thereby resulting in a highly effective training."

The exercises also included multifaceted activities and events aimed at promoting and explaining to citizens, children, and youth the historical significance of the victory at Khalkh Gol and the value of independence, organized together by Mongolian and Russian soldiers.

The Sultanate of Oman's Foreign Minister Arrives in Mongolia for an Official Visit

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

At the invitation of Minister of Foreign Affairs, B. Battsetseg, Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamood Al-Busaidi, the Foreign Minister of the Sultanate of Oman, arrived in Ulaanbaatar on August 25, 2024, for an official visit to Mongolia.

Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Al-Busaidi and his accompanying delegation were welcomed at the Chinggis Khaan International Airport by Acting Secretary of State L. Munkhtushig of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador E. Bulgan from Mongolia to the Sultanate of Oman, Ambassador Nasser Al-Busaidi from the Sultanate of Oman to Mongolia, and other officials.

During his visit, Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Al-Busaidi is scheduled to meet with President U. Khurelsukh of Mongolia and hold official talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs, B. Battsetseg. They are also planning to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Consultative Meetings between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries.

This visit is notable as it is the first official visit to Mongolia by a Foreign Minister of Oman.

A Memorandum of Understanding Signed Between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Mongolia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, B. Battsetseg, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman, Sayyid Badr Bin Hamad Bin Hamoud Al-Busaidi, held official talks today.

At the beginning of the discussions, Minister B. Battsetseg highlighted that this is the first high-level official visit from Oman to Mongolia since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992. She emphasized Mongolia's intention to establish close ties with the Gulf countries and develop long-lasting, strong partnerships and cooperation.

The relations between our two countries have progressed within the framework of friendly political relations since the establishment of diplomatic ties over 30 years ago. Both parties agreed on the necessity to elevate the cooperation to a new level. They decided to work on increasing trade and economic cooperation and explore opportunities for mutually beneficial collaboration in sectors such as mining, energy, education, environment, and agriculture. The parties also prioritized continued cooperation within international organizations.

Additionally, they agreed to strengthen people-to-people exchanges and expand collaboration in the tourism sector. Initially, they planned to sign an intergovernmental agreement to waive visa requirements for holders of diplomatic, official/special, and service passports, with an eventual goal of concluding agreements to waive visa requirements for all passport holders.

Following the talks, the Foreign Ministers signed a "Memorandum of Understanding on Consultative Meetings" between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman. Ministers Battsetseg and Al-Busaidi provided a joint briefing to media representatives on the outcome of their official discussions.


Tender Announced for Construction Works of the Residential Project in Ger District Based on Selbe Sub-center

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The project to convert the ger district into residential apartments centered around the Selbe sub-center will be implemented in the 14th district of Sukhbaatar and the 14th and 18th districts of Chingeltei. Within the scope of this project, 2,206 plot units are being vacated with compensation, and as of today, agreements have been made with 1,349 households, with full funding provided to 1,270 families.

The residents who signed the initial agreements and received their compensation have started vacating their land. In connection with this, a tender has been announced for construction works on 13 hectares in the 18th district of Chingeltei.

On the planned 13-hectare plot, a school for 960 children, a kindergarten for 240 children, ten blocks of nine-story residential buildings, eight blocks of five-story residential buildings, and two and twelve-story service buildings are planned to be constructed.

This project is planned to adhere to the principles of a 20-minute city, aiming for a comprehensive development. This will bring government services closer to the citizens, reduce air and soil pollution, and partially solve the issue of traffic congestion.

Construction of a Park with an Underground Parking Facility Begins on the Long White Site

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The decision to demolish the building known as the “Long White” shopping and service center, located in the third district of Chingeltei district, was made last November. Following this, public opinions were gathered, and 96% of the citizens who participated in the survey supported the establishment of a park with an underground parking facility.

Consequently, the development tender was announced in March, and “Bodi Properties” was selected as the contractor. They signed the contract last Friday and commenced the construction work. The contractor aims to complete the underground parking facility this year and finish the park landscaping by next spring.

The Deputy Mayor for Social Sector, Green Development, and Air and Environmental Pollution Issues, L. Khosbayar emphasized that it’s crucial to ensure safety and high-quality development without disrupting traffic, especially since this work is being carried out in a densely populated area of the city center.

Construction of the Winter Sports Palace Begins

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Construction of the Winter Sports Palace has begun in the 20th sub-district of Songinokhairkhan District with government budget investment. The palace, which will be a complex comprising three blocks with a total area of 5,300 square meters and two underground floors, is being constructed by “Total Ideal” Construction. The company has stated that the project will be completed by 2025.

Once the Winter Sports Palace is operational, it will provide opportunities for the residents of Songinokhairkhan District and the capital city to spend their leisure time in a constructive manner and engage in sports activities. Additionally, athletes preparing for the Winter Olympics will have the chance to train in a facility that meets international standards.

Press, Media, and Public Relations Department of the Capital City Administration

Note: Media outlets (television, radio, social media, and websites) must credit their source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, either completely or partially.


List of Necessary Items for Kindergarten Children

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

With two weeks left until the start of the new school year, we are providing a list of necessary items for parents to prepare for kindergarten children.

Applications for Kindergarten admission and registration for the 2024-2025 school year were accepted through the E-Mongolia system from August 1 to August 18. Allocations are made based on the child's information, so it is necessary to complete the address transfer by 5:00 PM on August 12, 2024.

Registration continues until August 12 and from this day until August 25.

With two weeks left until the start of the new school year, we are providing a list of necessary items for parents to prepare for kindergarten children.

The list specifies that educational and sanitary supplies should meet quality requirements that are not harmful to the child's body.

The list of educational materials and sanitary supplies for parents to prepare for a kindergarten student for one school year:

What should the handsoap for children be like?

The primary requirement is a high level of antibacterial properties. Following this, the ingredients in the soap should be gentle and non-irritating to children's skin. Children's skin is five times thinner and more sensitive than that of adults, so it should not cause irritation or dryness. If the skin lacks moisture and dries out, the child is at risk of developing various types of eczema and allergies. These requirements are considered international standards for children's hand soap. In our country, Monos Cosmetic Company is the only manufacturer that meets these requirements with their children's liquid hand soap.

Monos Cosmetic Company produced Sanitaz children's liquid hand soap in 2015. Since its launch, this soap has been a highly demanded brand among parents. The soap, created by Mongolians, is softer than similar products. It contains essential aloe extract and vitamin E for children's skin, ensuring that sensitive skin remains moisturized and soft. The Sanitaz children's liquid hand soap destroys 99% of various germs and bacteria without containing chemically originated antibiotics, making it superior to other antibacterial soaps. Therefore, Sanitaz hand liquid soap is a national brand suited for the skin characteristics of Mongolian children.

"Sanitaz-50" Program

Additionally, the Sanitaz brand, in cooperation with the Road Traffic Police, has launched the "Sanitaz-50" program within the framework of social responsibility. This program, now successfully running for its eighth year, allocates 50₮ from every product purchase to efforts in preventing child traffic accidents. Since 2019, this program has been implemented in collaboration with state kindergartens through the Kinder police campaign under the motto "Let's reduce child traffic accidents to zero."

This Week in Mongolia

Published: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Overview of events from August 26 to September 1.

From August 15-30: An extraordinary session of the State Great Khural will be held.

On August 25-26: At the invitation of Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg, the Foreign Minister of the Sultanate of Oman, Sayyid Badr Bin Hamad Bin Hamood Al Busaidi, will visit Mongolia.

On August 26: A joint ceremonial parade of the Mongolian and Russian Armed Forces will be held in Choibalsan city, Dornod aimag, in honor of the 85th anniversary of the victory of the Battle of Khalkhin Gol.

From August 26-28: The "Mongolian Buddhist Studies" conference, organized by the International Association for Mongolian Studies, National University of Mongolia, and Gandantegchinlen Monastery, will take place.

From August 26-29: The "American Documentary Film Days" will be organized at Gegeenten cinema in collaboration with the Embassy of the United States and the Mongolian Film Institute. All screenings are free of charge.

On August 28: The regular meeting of the Government will be held at the State Palace.

From August 27 to September 2: The registration and nomination of candidates for the 2024 Provincial, Capital city, District, and Subdistrict Representative Council elections will continue from political parties, coalitions, and independent candidates.

Until August 28: The "2 Day in Mongolia" exhibition by 15 artists from Mongolia and Germany, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, will be displayed at the Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts.

September 1: The opening of the new academic year 2024-2025 will be held nationwide. During the opening ceremony, President of Mongolia U. Khurelsukh will conduct an online class on "The Constitution of Mongolia."

From August 22: A two-week military archaeological excavation will be conducted in Khalkh sum, Dornod aimag.

Until September 16: The "Khalkh Gol-85 Years" exhibition dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the victory of Khalkhin Gol will continue at the Chinggis Khan National Museum.

Until September 18: The "Stories of Resilience: Women Leading Change" photo exhibition will continue.

Until September 22: The "17 Faces of Leadership" photo exhibition will be held at the Chinggis Khan National Museum, as part of the "World Women's Summit."

In Uliastai sum, Zavkhan aimag, the 15th Sports Festival for Librarians will take place from August 24-26.

"UBTZ” LLC: Maintenance Workers to Receive Additional Allowances

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

As the volume of railway transport increases, there is a growing demand for regular and timely maintenance to ensure the safety of operations. This has led to an increase in the workload of the maintenance workers responsible for railway upkeep, necessitating the need to increase their salaries.

Following the railway manager's inspection last spring, the head of “UBTZ” LLC, Kh. Kherlen, personally observed the workers in action and tasked the relevant officials with investigating and reporting on how the workers' salaries could be improved.

The Department of Railway Maintenance and the Department of Planning and Economics have studied the issue and developed a regulation to provide additional allowances to maintenance workers based on the cargo volume of specific railway sections. This regulation will be implemented starting from September 1, 2024, according to a decree issued by the UBTZ head. Under this regulation, the salaries of maintenance workers will be increased by 150,000-350,000 MNT.

Source: “UBTZ” LLC

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Ulaanbaatar Declaration for a Sustainable Future

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Under the patronage of the President of Mongolia, U.Khurelsukh, the World Women's Conference with the theme "For a Green Future" was successfully held on August 22-23 in Ulaanbaatar.

During the conference, six panel discussions were organized to address the interconnected challenges such as climate change, economic instability, and gender inequality. The discussions focused on the role of women, environment-oriented activities, food systems, gender-equal economy, digital economy, education, sports, and culture. The outcomes of these discussions culminated in the issuance of the "Ulaanbaatar Declaration for a Sustainable Future." Below is the full text of the declaration.


We, the participants of the World Women's Conference held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, on August 22-23, 2024:

Reaffirming our commitment to international law and the United Nations Charter, its goals, and principles, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We affirm our commitment to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action of 1995, the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030, including the implementation of Goal 5, ensuring gender equality in all sectors, and intensifying efforts to empower women and girls.


Recognize that ensuring the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women in political, civil, economic, and cultural life at national, regional, and international levels, and eliminating all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls are among the top priorities of the international community in the field of gender equality and human rights.

Note with concern the negative impacts of geopolitical tensions and conflicts, including humanitarian consequences, particularly those affecting women, children, and food security.

Acknowledge that women and girls face significant barriers in achieving full gender equality due to factors such as their gender, race, age, language, ethnicity, culture, religion, and disability, as well as structural inequalities and socio-cultural positions.

Recognize that climate change is a common challenge facing humanity, and women and girls, particularly in developing and small island countries, are disproportionately affected by the negative impacts of climate change, environmental degradation, and disasters, which further influence issues such as food security and hunger eradication.

Acknowledge the vital role of women as agents of change in combating climate change and ensuring universal nutrition and food security.

Emphasize the crucial role of comprehensive and meaningful participation of women and girls in the digital arena to eliminate gender inequality and advance inclusive sustainable development.

Recognize the increasing contribution of sports, arts, and culture to the development of socio-cultural peace, tolerance, and respectful attitudes as critical drivers of sustainable development, while emphasizing the important role of empowering and engaging women and girls in sports, arts, and culture.

Commit to implementing the following policies and actions:

Strengthen the role of women in global multilateral cooperation by increasing their involvement in achieving internationally agreed development goals, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030.

Acknowledge the significant contributions of women to international peace, security, and food security, and support their equal and full participation in conflict resolution and peacebuilding processes.

Integrate gender equality considerations into all policies and programs to implement the three pillars of sustainable development - economic, social, and environmental - in a holistic manner.

Guarantee women's and girls' political participation and representation at all levels, and ensure equal participation and representation in decision-making processes in all areas, including environmental management.

Enhance the economic empowerment of women and girls through various means, such as providing access to economic resources, financial services, decent work opportunities, and business management training, to increase their participation in the informal digital economy. Support women's and girls' access to agricultural inputs, support services, land, water, sanitation, irrigation facilities, global markets, supply chains, and innovative technologies.

Implement climate change policies and actions that fully respect human rights, gender equality, women's empowerment, and consider the interests of present and future generations.

Develop comprehensive, inter-sectoral systems aimed at conserving, protecting, and restoring nature and ecosystems based on scientific achievements, evidence, and accumulated knowledge of indigenous and local communities through gender-sensitive and participatory approaches tailored to country-specific contexts.

Promote gender-sensitive approaches to resilient agricultural policies and practices that address climate change, supporting women, girls, persons with disabilities, household producers, herders, fishers, and small-scale food producers in poverty reduction, hunger eradication, food security improvement, and nutrition gap elimination.

Substantially increase investments to eliminate gender gaps in all areas and reinforce support for institutions at all levels working to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls.

Eliminate gender inequities in education and training, providing equitable access to quality education and training for women and girls at all levels and in all fields, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Formulate and implement policies promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, particularly enhancing women's and girls' participation in digital technology markets, increasing female leadership in digital startups and small, medium-sized enterprises, and supporting women-owned digital businesses, especially in developing countries.

Implement policies and actions aimed at offering equal opportunities in the sports, arts, and culture sectors, building on the growing contributions of women and girls.

Continue collaboration within UN systems and international and regional organizations' initiatives to enhance efforts for achieving Sustainable Development Goals, including fully realizing gender equality and empowering women and girls, thereby intensifying efforts for sustainable development goal implementation. This includes South-South and triangular cooperation involving the mobilization of resources, knowledge, experience, technology, and finance, in collaboration with civil society, public initiatives, private sectors, researchers, etc.

We affirm our support for the following issues:

Support the initiatives under the UN Secretary-General's "Our Common Agenda" and commit to supporting the "Summit of the Future," gathering world leaders in New York on September 22-23, 2024, to establish international consensus on current and future issues.

Over 1,000 Waste Violations Detected Through Public Reports and Camera Surveillance

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

On the initiative of the Mayor of the capital, the Office of the Governor of Ulaanbaatar City, the Metropolitan Police Department, the Ecological Police Department, and the Transport Police Department have jointly organized a special campaign titled "Clean Citizen - Clean City," which started on June 18th and will run for two months.

Within the scope of this special campaign, the Transport Police Department investigated 133 cases of violations of the Law on Road Traffic Safety and littering on roadways, 18 violations of cargo transport regulations, and 141 violations reported by the public, ensuring accountability was enforced.

In addition, the district police station and related departments have conducted awareness talks with 4,488 citizens and 331 legal entities regarding waste and environmental pollution. Furthermore, 506 violations were detected through citizen reports, 626 through surveillance cameras, and 12,156 by patrol officers, totaling 13,288 violations identified. As a result, 474 kg of waste has been collected and cleaned up.


Issues to Consider When Including Children with Different Needs in Early Childhood Education for Teachers, Parents, and Others

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The General Department of Education has provided the following information regarding issues to consider for equal inclusion of children with different needs in early childhood education.

According to the General Education Law, a child with a disability can participate in early childhood education at the age of six.

Participants in the Equal Inclusion of a Child with a Disability in Kindergarten Have the Following Roles:


  • Enroll children who have not been diagnosed but wish to enter kindergarten and organize activities for their equal inclusion in early childhood education.


  • Regularize the activities of the support team.
  • Provide professional advice and recommendations.


  • Develop and implement an individualized education plan.
  • Assess the child's development.
  • Provide professional advice.
  • Improve collaboration.


  • Participate in the development and implementation of an individualized education plan.
  • Organize public awareness activities.
  • Improve collaboration.


  • Conduct health screenings.
  • Implement corrective measures.
  • Provide professional advice and recommendations.

Regarding Financing for Including Children with Different Needs:

Government Resolution No. 39 "Regulations for funding based on variable expenses, performance, and results" (4.1.4. The variable cost per student with disabilities studying in kindergartens and general education schools of all types of ownership will be calculated by tripling it).

Order No. A/296 by the Minister of Education, Culture, Science, and Sports
"Instructions for providing additional pay to teachers and assistant teachers working with children with disabilities in kindergartens and general education schools."

Order No. A/170 by the Minister of Education and Science
"Average Normative and Methodology of Variable Expenses" (up to 5% of the required suitable materials for students with different needs in kindergartens and schools).


Media outlets (Television, Radio, Social and Webpages) must always cite the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, in whole or in part.

EVENT: Information will be provided on issues discussed in the Minister of Education's urgent meeting

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

At 10:00 AM, an extraordinary session of the State Great Khural will be held.

At 10:30 AM, Sayyid Badr Bin Hamad Bin Hamoud Al Busaidi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman, who is visiting our country, and Minister of Foreign Affairs B. Battsetseg will have a meeting and provide information.

At 10:30 AM, information will be provided on the issues discussed in the Minister of Education's urgent meeting.

At 11:00 AM, the SAIHAN party and IONN will deliver a joint demand to the Prime Minister regarding the increase in electricity prices and state budget issues.

At 11:20 AM, a press conference for the XMF 2024 “Tsetse vs Bilgee” concert will be organized.

Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) are reminded to always mention the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, in whole or in part.

An Assistant Teacher Will Work in First and Second Grades with More Than 44 Students

Published: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

In Ulaanbaatar, from September 1st, assistant teachers will be working in first and second grades that have more than 44 students, in order to ensure inclusive education for every child and to reduce the workload of teachers.

According to Article 8.4 of the Law on Supporting Teacher Development, "First and second grades of general education schools with more than 44 children may have an assistant teacher."

In addition, to improve the quality of education, disseminate good practices, and support teacher development, a draft regulation on the transfer of teachers and administrative staff will be formulated under the General Law on Education. In the first year, up to 20% of the management and teachers of state-owned general education schools will be rotated only within the center of provinces and the capital, as discussed during the Minister of Education's rapid meeting.

Minister of Education P. Naranbayar has instructed to promptly approve and officialize the regulations on transferring teachers and administrative staff, and expedite the development of regulations related to the employment of contract teachers.

Enrollment in Kindergartens and Schools Without a Permit Cannot Be Recorded in the Education Electronic System

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The General Authority for Education has issued a warning to verify the special permit when enrolling a child in kindergartens or schools and provided the following advice.

You should familiarize yourself with the authorization related to the educational activities of the organization when enrolling your child in newly established kindergartens or schools and arrange the training contract accordingly.

Once an organization obtains permission, it ensures that it meets the conditions and requirements stipulated by the General Law on Education and the Law on Permissions. This implies it can implement its training programs with professional teachers and staff and provide services that meet hygiene standards, including safe internal and external environments, and officially operate as an educational organization.

If you sign a contract with an organization that does not meet the training conditions, your child cannot be registered in the electronic education information system, risking educational delay and dropouts. Therefore, improve your control and prevent unwanted outcomes.

Warning: Media outlets (Television, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) must cite their source (ikon.mn) when using this information in any form, whether in whole or in part.

First Grade Online Registration Extended Until August 30

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The online registration for first-grade students has been extended until 17:00 on August 30.

The online registration for public school first graders started on August 12. Originally scheduled to end on the 25th of this month, it has now been extended to 17:00 on the 30th.

For the upcoming academic year, 78,464 children are expected to be enrolled in the first grade. Of these, 72,769 children are in a state eligible for registration, 2,647 children are under review, 2,554 children are temporarily suspended, and 494 children have been refused registration.

As of August 26, 2024:

  • Of the 72,769 children eligible for registration, 36,624, or 50.3%, are confirmed enrolled and registered at their school.
  • 2,668 children, or 3.6%, have refused enrollment, which means their parents or guardians have opted not to enroll them.
  • 33,477 children, or 46%, still have pending enrollment decisions by their parents or guardians.

Therefore, the General Education Department urges you to finalize your enrollment applications via e-Mongolia.

Please note that media organizations (Television, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using this information in any form, either in whole or in part.

B.Odbayar: Training Laboratory to be Established to Improve Citizens' Digital Skills

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Globally, all important social sectors such as the economy, tourism, trade services, education, and government services are being digitized. This has great advantages such as saving time and costs and making issues quick, orderly, and understandable. However, this can be misused for cybercrimes, attacks, and fraud.

For example, in the People's Republic of China, traditional pickpocketing has decreased and digital fraud and attacks have become prevalent. This phenomenon is also increasingly occurring in our country.

Therefore, our organization conducts training to improve digital skills on topics such as how individuals can protect their information, modern advanced technologies, cyberbullying, E-Kids usage and its importance, and the use of digital signatures.

Citizens residing in the capital, teachers, staff, students of general education schools, and civil servants are provided with digital skills training by our Systems Integration, Training and Development Department. For citizens residing in rural areas, our provincial electronic service departments are organizing and conducting digital skills enhancement training.

Currently, our organization has successfully conducted digital skills development training for more than 70,000 citizens nationwide in Mongolia.

Certainly. As the number of internet users increases every year, the number of crimes and attacks committed in the digital environment is also continuously increasing.

According to a 2021 data security survey, 29.41% of citizens have lost personal information in some way. The survey indicates that citizens who fell victim to cybercrime lacked knowledge and understanding of how to protect their personal information.

To ensure the security of personal information, first, regularly update your password to include a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols and make sure it's over 10 characters long. Second, avoid clicking on quiz links that appear on Facebook, such as "What Will You Be Doing in 2025?". Lastly, using two-factor authentication helps citizens protect their information security independently.

Moreover, the concept of information security is not limited to the digital environment. It encompasses everything containing your personal information. For instance, leaving documents containing personal information exposed in an office setting could lead to information loss. Also, many people log into personal information platforms on someone else's computer without logging out, or access internet banking via public networks in malls or coffee shops, increasing the risk of security threats.

Therefore, to ensure information security, individuals should encrypt, store, and secure documents containing personal information, and avoid logging into applications or platforms with personal information on public networks.

Additionally, the State Electronic Services Regulatory Agency plans to establish a digital laboratory. The digital laboratory is a process where citizens can practically apply and study the skills they have learned in improving digital skills.

Please note that media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when fully or partially using our information in any format.

Ministry of Education: An Assistant Teacher Will Work in Grades 1-2 With More Than 44 Students

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Ministry of Education held a prompt meeting today where current issues were discussed.

To improve the quality of education, disseminate good practices, and support teacher development, a draft regulation is being developed following the provisions of the General Law on Education for the transfer and appointment of teachers and administrative staff. In the first year, up to 20 percent of the leadership and teachers of state-owned general education schools will only be transferred within the provincial centers and the capital.

Additionally, to include every child in the educational process equally and reduce the workload of teachers, starting from September 1st, an assistant teacher can work in grades 1 and 2 with more than 44 students. The Law on Supporting Teacher Development's Article 8, Clause 8.4 stipulates that first and second-grade classes in general education schools with more than 44 students can have an assistant teacher.

At the end of the prompt meeting, Minister of Education P. Naranbayar instructed the urgent approval and formalization of the regulation on transferring and appointing teachers and administrative staff, and to expedite the process for formulating related regulations for hiring contract teachers, as reported by the Ministry of Education.

Nationwide, there are 97 classes in grades 1-2 with 45-60 children, as the Minister of Education stated during last week's government decision introduction meeting.


T.Munkhsaikhan: Funding of the Health Insurance Fund has decreased. However, no services have been stopped due to lack of funding

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Some private hospitals providing services through health insurance have announced that they will start charging due to stopped funding.

We asked Minister of Health T. Munkhsaikhan about this issue.

He stated, "All state and private organizations make contracts with the General Department of Health Insurance. This year, they contracted to provide such types of services within a specified budget. It has been exceeded. Notifications have been sent to those who have exceeded the contract amount. There is no such thing as stopped funding. It's just a matter of whether to extend the contract or not. Funding has not been stopped.

In general, the Health Insurance Fund is under strain. Since 2021, the financial cost of services provided during the COVID period, and especially during the Omicron period, was very high.

By 2021, the funding that was supposed to be collected in the insurance fund has not been fully collected, leaving us with a debt of 218 billion MNT to date. A solution to address this in next year’s budget is being discussed.

The funding for the Health Insurance Fund has decreased. However, no services have been stopped due to the current lack of funding.

Private sector providers were only notified that their contracts have reached such levels and have hit the budgetary limits.

Moving forward, we will study which hospitals and for what types of services to continue contracts with," he said.

The Veteran of the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Ts.Chimedtseren, Receives the Title of Honored Healthcare Worker

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

These days mark the 85th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol. Ts.Chimedtseren, who recalls "running through the ranks," is now over 100 years old. She was the most honored guest at the Victory Day celebration and was one of the 16 girls, aged 14 to 18, who voluntarily participated in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol. She also served as a military nurse in the Liberation War, being a veteran.

When the Battle of Khalkhin Gol began in 1939, Ts.Chimedtseren was 15 years old and studying at the temporary girls' school in Bayandun. Upon hearing about an unexpected attack, she urged her comrades to go to the battle site to help, saying, "Let's do what we are told," and went to the front lines.

The President of Mongolia, Khurelsukh Ukhnaa, issued a decree awarding her the title of "Honored Healthcare Worker," which was presented by the President's Chief of Staff G.Zandanshatar, wishing her health and well-being.

She participated in the historical victory celebration meeting, congratulating the representatives of Mongolian and Russian veterans, generals, officers, non-commissioned officers, guests, and citizens.

She highlighted that this victory was a historic event that laid the foundation for protecting the integrity of Mongolian territory, the inviolability of its borders, and safeguarding independence and sovereignty.

Additionally, she emphasized the importance of passing on the value of freedom and independence and the lessons of history to future generations, promoting patriotic values.

To commemorate the 85th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, a statue of Hero of the USSR and MPR, Marshal G.K.Zhukov, was unveiled in Choibalsan, Dornod Province, and flowers were laid at the memorial statues of Soviet and Mongolian soldiers.

Military parades by the units and branches of the Mongolian and Russian Armed Forces were held. The battle flags of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army units that participated in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol were brought forth and honored.

The "Anti-Hypertension Campaign" Successfully Implemented in 21 Provinces of Mongolia

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The "Anti-Hypertension Campaign," aimed at reducing cardiovascular diseases and preventing hypertension, which are the leading causes of mortality among the population, has been successfully implemented with the support of the Khan Bank Foundation in collaboration with the State Third Central Hospital named after P.N.Shastin, the National Center for Public Health, and the Mongolian National Broadcaster (MNB) since 2017, and concluded successfully today.

Every year, the campaign has been implemented in selected provinces, and it has now covered the entire country, providing over 61,000 citizens with risk assessments for cardiovascular diseases and hypertension, specialized medical examinations, and diagnoses. During this time, training was organized for more than 1,500 doctors and specialists in the provinces and localities, contributing to the enhancement of their professional skills.

This year, the "Anti-Hypertension Campaign" took place in the eastern region of Mongolia, specifically in Dornod, Sukhbaatar, and Khentii provinces, and concluded with detailed medical examinations and diagnoses and health advice for the residents of Govi-Sumber province.

"The campaign did not just focus on examinations and diagnostics but also played a critical role in spreading awareness about hypertension and other related diseases for prevention, encouraging people to change their lifestyles," concluded C.Tumur-Ochir, the General Director of the State Third Central Hospital.

M.Mandakmyagmara, Director of Sustainable Development at Khan Bank, highlighted, "It is indeed a proud achievement that this campaign has been successfully implemented in 21 provinces of Mongolia, reaching the goal of protecting the health of citizens across all provinces."

The Khan Bank Foundation, embodying the corporate social responsibility of Khan Bank, invested one billion MNT in supporting this campaign, marking one of the largest investments made by a private sector organization in Mongolia's healthcare sector. It also serves as a clear example of how private enterprises can contribute to social welfare.

Although the "Anti-Hypertension Campaign" is concluding at this stage, Khan Bank and its partner organizations express their commitment to continue implementing new initiatives for the healthy lives of their citizens.

Heartfelt gratitude is extended to the State Third Central Hospital, the National Center for Public Health, the MNB, and the medical teams from all 21 provinces for their collaboration in successfully implementing this campaign.

A Project to Improve Food Safety is Being Implemented

Published: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization are conducting activities under the slogan "Food Safety - Preparedness for Potential Risks" for the year 2024.

The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, in collaboration with the FAO of the United Nations, has been implementing a project in our country since last April. This project aims to use the "One Health" concept as a tool to improve food safety and ensure fair trade, providing support to low-income countries (GCP/GLO/1195/ROK).

Within the framework of the project, countries will work to prioritize, classify, and offer appropriate risk management strategies for food safety risks. They will also focus on planned monitoring, prevention, reduction, and response strategies to sustainably manage food safety risks. Furthermore, the project supports changes in behavior management among all stakeholders. This involves a comprehensive approach with significant inter-sectoral coordination, requiring active participation from both governmental and non-governmental organizations, and involves all sectors of society.

Regarding this matter, UN FAO's Project Coordinator D. Batchuluun mentioned that three issues were discussed. These include the impact of meat and animal-based product trade on animal health, the roles and scrutiny systems of veterinary organizations, and areas of concern regarding mutual trade agreements among countries with differing animal health statuses. Discussions were also held on the potential establishment of a segregated production system with a single-window service for regulation and the improvement of international certification and control systems for meat processing plants, as reported by the Standard and Measurement Agency.


Construction of Winter Sports Palace Begins

Published: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The government has started the construction of a Winter Sports Palace in the 20th khoroo of Songinokhairkhan district with funding from the state budget.

The complex is set to include three blocks and cover an area of 5,300 square meters, featuring a two-level basement. The construction and assembly work is planned to be completed by "Total Ideal" Construction in 2025.

Once the Winter Sports Palace is operational, residents and youth of Songinokhairkhan district and the capital will have new opportunities for recreational activities and sports. It will also provide athletes preparing for the Winter Olympics with facilities that meet international standards, as reported by the Public Relations and Information Office of the Ulaanbaatar's Mayor's Office.


"The 17 Faces of Leadership" Women's Photo Exhibition Opened

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In the framework of the "World Women's Summit" held in Ulaanbaatar, the "17 Faces of Leadership" photo exhibition is being displayed at the Chinggis Khan National Museum from August 22 to September 22.

The United Nations has been organizing a series of exhibitions since 2022 to highlight the contribution of women from around the world towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This exhibition has previously been held in eight countries including Vietnam, Georgia, and Portugal. For Mongolia, which is hosting the ninth series of exhibitions, it collaborates with the UN's Geneva center and the Swiss Women's Association to spotlight 17 leading women from various sectors.

An attendee of the exhibition, D. Batchimeg, commented: "It is commendable that women’s influential positions are increasing in all areas in Mongolia year by year. Women face many obstacles in any field they choose to work in. When I started my first year of work as a female physics teacher, people acted like they were seeing a 'rabbit with horns'. At that time, subjects like physics and mathematics were considered male domains. Times have changed now, with women occupying a significant portion of roles from teachers and nurses to small and medium business owners."


  1. L. Erdenechimeg - Worked for over 30 years in the health sector and provided employment for over 3000 women.
  2. S. Tsetseg - Has been working in Mongolia's food and agriculture sector for 42 years.
  3. Dr. Prof. A. Altantsetseg - Experienced in developing, proliferating, and participating creatively in research related to traditional Mongolian medicine.
  4. D. Tungalag - Has over 20 years of experience in the education sector.
  5. D. Munkhoo - Started as a rural doctor and has served as the deputy minister of the sector and a member of the highest legislative body.
  6. E. Enkhgerel - Leader of a construction project aimed at preventing water shortages.
  7. A. Oyun-Erdene - Renewable energy engineer.
  8. B. Yumjirmaa - Has over 10 years of experience in the environment and tourism sector.
  9. D. Khulan - Founder of "Tavan Bogd" Group, board member and shareholder of "Gobi," Mongolia's largest cashmere product manufacturer.
  10. Kh. Zaureh - Executive director of "Arular" Women's Association in Bayan-Ulgii province.
  11. Z. Tuya - Architect and urban planner aiming to create a favorable city and ensure citizen participation.
  12. Ch. Gantsetseg - Founder of "Khanbogd Cashmere," which supports environmentally friendly, responsible production and job creation.
  13. S. Oyun - Led in laying the foundation for a suitable green economy policy in Mongolia, head of foreign relations at the Climate Green Fund.
  14. A. Dulmaa - Honored as a distinguished researcher of Mongolia, academician, and professor.
  15. B. Erdenechimeg - Has continuously worked in forestry organizations for 30 years.
  16. G. Bolor - Mongolia's first female general.
  17. D. Gerel - Member of the UN's Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Images of these women are displayed in the exhibition.

An attendee of the exhibition, D. Batchimeg, commented: "It is commendable that women’s influential positions are increasing in all areas in Mongolia year by year. Women face many obstacles in any field they choose to work in. When I started my first year of work as a female physics teacher, people acted like they were seeing a 'rabbit with horns'. At that time, subjects like physics and mathematics were considered male domains. Times have changed now, with women occupying a significant portion of roles from teachers and nurses to small and medium business owners."


  1. L. Erdenechimeg - Worked for over 30 years in the health sector and provided employment for over 3000 women.
  2. S. Tsetseg - Has been working in Mongolia's food and agriculture sector for 42 years.
  3. Dr. Prof. A. Altantsetseg - Experienced in developing, proliferating, and participating creatively in research related to traditional Mongolian medicine.
  4. D. Tungalag - Has over 20 years of experience in the education sector.
  5. D. Munkhoo - Started as a rural doctor and has served as the deputy minister of the sector and a member of the highest legislative body.
  6. E. Enkhgerel - Leader of a construction project aimed at preventing water shortages.
  7. A. Oyun-Erdene - Renewable energy engineer.
  8. B. Yumjirmaa - Has over 10 years of experience in the environment and tourism sector.
  9. D. Khulan - Founder of "Tavan Bogd" Group, board member and shareholder of "Gobi," Mongolia's largest cashmere product manufacturer.
  10. Kh. Zaureh - Executive director of "Arular" Women's Association in Bayan-Ulgii province.
  11. Z. Tuya - Architect and urban planner aiming to create a favorable city and ensure citizen participation.
  12. Ch. Gantsetseg - Founder of "Khanbogd Cashmere," which supports environmentally friendly, responsible production and job creation.
  13. S. Oyun - Led in laying the foundation for a suitable green economy policy in Mongolia, head of foreign relations at the Climate Green Fund.
  14. A. Dulmaa - Honored as a distinguished researcher of Mongolia, academician, and professor.
  15. B. Erdenechimeg - Has continuously worked in forestry organizations for 30 years.
  16. G. Bolor - Mongolia's first female general.
  17. D. Gerel - Member of the UN's Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Images of these women are displayed in the exhibition.

“The Film Industry Economically Provides More Profit Than Mining”

Published: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Film Arts Council under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, Tourism, and Youth, in collaboration with DNC Dankook University and the New Cinema Institute from South Korea, is organizing a practice-based Casual Cinema training for artists.

The training will last from August 26-31, 2024, and specialized teachers from South Korea's film industry have prepared a total of 48-hour training program for Mongolian artists.

Today, young new artists were selected to participate in the training. Over six days, the artists will be divided into four groups to create a 20-minute short film. The training aims to deepen perceptions of the film industry and implement initial and creative filmmaking techniques.

Ch. Undral, the head of the Secretariat of the Mongolian Film Arts Council, said, “Currently, Mongolia's film industry needs new personnel, human resources, and infrastructure. Since the establishment of the Film Arts Council under the Ministry of Culture, its main goal has been to seek out opportunities for foreign filmmakers to shoot films within Mongolia. In addition, we are also promoting tourism. AFAN or the Asian Film Associations was established in collaboration with the Mongolian Film Arts Council. One of the outcomes of these ongoing activities is today's Casual Cinema workshop.

Globally, filmmaking is said to be more economically profitable than mining. Film arts embody a country's culture and independence. Therefore, to further develop, we plan to bring film teachers and artists from countries with well-developed film industries, not limited to Korea, to distribute, showcase, and promote the films of young Mongolian filmmakers at international film festivals."

The training aims to free filmmakers from the stereotypical notion associated with large-scale film production budgets, a large workforce, and the necessity for expensive professional equipment, encouraging them to learn free creative filmmaking techniques.

Park Ki-Young, a master’s instructor and producer at Dankook University, stated, "The purpose of this training is to prevent young Mongolian filmmakers from thinking of filmmaking as a monumental and burdensome task. After the course, plans are in place for Mongolian and Korean filmmakers to collaborate on a movie."

Surveys and site selections for filming have been conducted in Erdenet, Bulgan, and Darkhan provinces. It is hoped that film shooting will begin around this time next year. Looking back at Mongolia's old films, they were made under the Russian system. However, modern films have started to change. If this trend continues, Mongolian cinema will develop further.

By integrating Mongolia's unique characteristics into films, the country's film industry will advance. Mongolian and Korean filmmaking structures are generally similar. The difference is in equipment and financial condition. Although everything seems to be the same, understanding that things have to be approached in the simplest manner and with a different mindset is the main significance of the Casual Cinema workshop.

Actor G. Lkhagvatsereg said, "Koreans have become leaders in the global film industry. Therefore, I came to this training to study and learn from how Koreans have developed their film industry's methods. We will collaborate with Korean filmmakers to make a film. Preparations are set, and shooting will begin soon. Our film shooting will be entirely in Korea and we will work with Korean actors.

Koreans work with very long-term and meticulous planning when making films. On the other hand, due to limited budgets, we prioritize fast execution, leading to time misunderstanding issues. Naturally, learning from them, we are beginning to adopt their methods. In Mongolia, the concept of a ‘film script’ has diminished. Previously, those who studied in Russia specialized as screenwriters, which is no longer the case. Specialist scriptwriters with a focused education are now rare," he said.