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Mongolia News Summary for August 13, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for August 13, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories











The Government's 2024-2028 Action Program and Budget Amendment Project Submitted to Parliament

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The Prime Minister of Mongolia, L. Oyun-Erdene, along with First Deputy Prime Minister L. Gantumur and Deputy Prime Minister T. Dorjkhand, submitted the government's 2024-2028 action program and the proposed amendments to the 2024 budget law, as well as other accompanying legal projects, to the Speaker of the State Great Hural, D. Amarbaysgalan, today.

The Prime Minister noted that the government’s 2024-2028 action program represents the beginning of essential reforms in social and economic development, setting a new course for the next 30 years. The project was developed in alignment with Mongolia's long- and medium-term development policies such as “Vision-2050” and “Regional Development Concept,” and incorporates the electoral programs of the Mongolian People's Party, Democratic Party, and the National Labor Party, which won seats in the State Great Hural during the 2024 elections. In addition, it reflects the input from government, private sector, academia, civil society, and international organizations.

The government’s action program defines four main policy directions, under each of which four goals are outlined, totaling 593 planned activities.

The main reason for amending this year's budget is to address the financial requirements needed to immediately start the mega projects included in the newly formed government's 2024-2028 action program following the regular elections of the State Great Hural.

Members of Parliament Kh.Temujin and B.Jargalan Appointed as Deputy Leaders of the Democratic Party's Parliamentary Group

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

An extraordinary meeting of the Democratic Party's parliamentary group was held today. During the meeting, the issue of appointing a deputy leader of the Democratic Party's parliamentary group was discussed, and Khishigdemberel Temujin was supported and appointed with 86.7% of the votes.

Additionally, Batbayar Jargalan was supported and appointed as the Deputy Leader of the Democratic Party's parliamentary group with 86.7% of the votes.

L.Gantömör Signed the Joint Government Agreement Without the Decision of the Party and Group

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The leaders of the MPP, DP, and HUN parties working together in a coalition government today signed the “Courage for Rapid Development - Joint Government Agreement.” However, following the signing of the agreement, members of the DP began criticizing their party leader for signing the agreement without the resolutions of the National Policy Committee, the Political Council, and the DP group in the Parliament.

DP member and MP L.Mönkhbayasgalan stated: "While the DP members were discussing the joint government program and agreement, the party leaders rushed to approve and sign the agreement. The group is against this decision. We do not accept it! The group will not bear responsibility."

DP member and MP Ö.Shijir added: "The Joint Government Agreement was not discussed or approved by any decision-making body of the Democratic Party, such as the National Policy Committee, the Political Council, or the party group. Our party group has not discussed it, and as we speak, the group is meeting. Even the acting secretary-general and the group leader did not cast a final vote on this agreement, and yet it has been signed. This is too much."

The members of the DP’s working committee were given the agreement at 13:46 and the group meeting began at 15:00. At the beginning of the meeting, group leader O.Tsogtgerel mentioned that the Russian minister had arrived, and thus party leader Lu.Gantömör asked for leave. However, instead of attending a meeting or welcoming a guest, the agreement was signed without a completed discussion or vote. DP-elected parliament members were supposed to discuss it in detail by content and each clause.

DP member and MP D.Tsogtbaatar expressed: "The DP group is currently meeting. It is inappropriate for Mr. L.Gantömör to represent us and sign with the leader of the MPP when the group decision has not been finalized. We all need to adhere to ethics."

Joint Audit to Examine Mongolian Railways' Financial Expenditure and Contract Implementation Since 2015

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The National Audit Office has announced the initiation of a joint audit with Russia on the implementation of the 1949 agreement between the Soviet Union and the Mongolian government, as well as the financial expenditure of the joint-stock society of the Mongolian-Russian Ulaanbaatar Railway (UBTZ).

Director of the National Audit Office, D. Zagdsjav, stated, "This joint performance audit stands out as it coincides with the 85th anniversary of the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, during which Russia is conducting military operations in Ukraine. We aim to provide auditors with necessary working conditions and all information required. Our team will lead this initiative. The Ministry of Transport Development will be involved in the audit.

We are collaborating with the Russian Accounts Chamber and will conduct this audit according to the topics approved by the State Great Khural (Parliament). We will review the financial documents of UBTZ for 2021-2023. The audit will also encompass the implementation of the original 1949 bilateral agreement and its subsequent amendments. It will cover a broad range of topics including UBTZ's operations and its societal impacts. The audit report will be compiled by the end of this year, after which it will be discussed mutually between the two nations."

The performance audit intends to monitor revenue collection and expenditure. Given that UBTZ is a joint-stock company between the two countries, independent auditing by a single nation is not possible. The last audit of this organization was conducted in 2015. Today's activities involved the participation of the Ministry of Transport Development and UBTZ leadership.


The Owners of the Most Profitable Bank Are Reluctant to Divest Their Ownership

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

In accordance with the Banking Law enacted in 2021, systemically significant banks have traded their shares publicly and became public companies. Banks such as Khan, Trade and Development, Golomt, Xac, and State Bank have successfully laid the foundation for public ownership by trading 5-10% of their total shares openly. This is the first outcome of amendments made to the Banking Law. However, the subsequent key provision has faced an impasse in implementation.

This involves a provision related to reducing the concentration of bank shareholders.

According to Article 36.1 of the Banking Law, "No entity or related party shall own more than 20% of the total issued shares and securities related to shares of any bank."

The deadline to implement this provision expired on December 31, 2023, and the Bank of Mongolia made a proposal to postpone the implementation deadline in June, which was approved by the Parliament.

Originally, according to the previous law, the concentration of a single bank shareholder was supposed to be limited to 20% from 2024. Unfortunately, the implementation of this provision remains uncertain, and before the elections, they managed to amend the law to delay its enforcement until 2026.

Today, the banks in Mongolia are making the highest profit. For example, as of the second quarter of 2024, the total profit of the five systemically significant banks amounts to 870.9 billion tugriks. Given this high profit, it is evident that bank owners are reluctant to dilute their shareholder concentration and share their profits. Therefore, in June, they quietly postponed the implementation of the provision to restrict a single shareholder's concentration to over 20% until 2026. It is possible that banks will lobby to delay it further beyond 2026. However, it is hoped that during the 126-member parliament, the tendency to amend laws in favor of someone's interests or lobby will change.

While the systemic banks' having public shareholders is a positive step, real reform should begin with reducing the concentration of large shareholders. Despite the appearance of distributing dividends to shareholders with hundreds of billions of tugriks in profit annually, it is mainly the major shareholders who benefit from the cake.

Kincora Copper Agrees to Sell Its Projects in Mongolia to Woomera Mining

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

Kincora Copper, listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, announced an agreement to sell its main assets in Mongolia, such as the "Bronze Fox" copper-gold project, to Woomera Mining.

Woomera Mining will have the opportunity to make a four-million-dollar investment over five years and acquire 80% of the project. Following this, they can either purchase the remaining 20% for ten million dollars or pay a 1% royalty on sales of the produced metals to Kincora.

Additionally, in order to strengthen the partnership agreement, Woomera Mining plans to raise two million dollars in the near term. Under this agreement, Kincora Copper will become the largest shareholder in Woomera Mining, allowing the company to focus on its major projects in Australia.

As a result of the announcement, Kincora Copper’s share price rose by more than nine percent, while Woomera Mining’s share price increased by 33 percent.

Ts. Dashitseren: Proposes to Increase Investment for 300 Investors by “10-11” Times

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In connection with the upcoming "Khöröngötön" closed forum, we interviewed Ts. Dashitseren, the General Director of "Master Group", a company with 16 years of experience in the real estate sector, which has successfully implemented projects based on market research and international standards, about the "Investment Fund" established by the "Master Investment Management" company founded by them.

Although substantial amounts of money circulate in the real estate sector, only a few large group companies and wealthy individuals have been reaping benefits. Many people are interested in investing in real estate and gaining returns, but an individual does not get such an opportunity. On the other side, there are many projects needing investment development. In other words, there was no real estate specialized fund in Mongolia to bridge these two needs. In contrast, alternative investments have developed worldwide, and Americans, for example, have become accustomed to obtaining high returns from the real estate sector. Whereas in Mongolia, money is often locked up in purchasing apartments, largely because the operation of real estate funds has not developed. Therefore, we started the operation of the fund, which is included in the company's vision, because we have, first, sector knowledge, second, research know-how in terms of techniques and experience, and third, projects ready for direct investment. The main goal of the fund is to unite people interested in investing in projects with the potential to appreciate in value in the future, in the most profitable locations, and on the other hand, to provide funding to good projects. In other words, we are setting up a "bridge" that connects the demands of both parties.

We recently received approval from the Financial Regulatory Commission. Golomt Capital, a company introducing fast reforms in the Mongolian securities market, works as the financial advisor. This cooperation provides a big advantage for advancing this fund towards international platforms. We are preparing to make the first closed auction of the fund's shares on the Go.to Market shopping service center project. In the future, following the investment management company's research, we will invest in valuable locations with projects that match international trends and have long-term management.

We estimate that this project will provide investors with a 11X+ yield over a ten-year period. For example, if you invest MNT 100,000 in the fund today, it will be equivalent to MNT 1.1 million after ten years. Additionally, since 2023, investment funds are tax-free, which allows investors to receive high returns. Real estate protects against inflation and is less correlated with other investment instruments such as stocks and bonds. We also plan to employ a strategy linking the fixed returns of real estate to the growth of the project implementers.

We are very pleased on behalf of investors for introducing a very interesting, innovative product into the financial market.

Unauthorized Access to Loan Application Causes Damage of 900,000 MNT

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The police department reported last week:

  • Located 29 fugitives in the direction of search operations,
  • Found 39 suspects in criminal cases,
  • Discovered 68 missing persons who disappeared from their residences,
  • Identified 2 unidentified corpses,
  • Seized 0 firearms or ammunition,
  • Found 56 individuals assigned by the court,
  • Identified 23 individuals committing offenses.

Highlighting noteworthy cases resolved:

A certain individual illegally accessed a loan application under the name of a citizen B.A in the territory of Chingeltei District on October 20, 2023, causing damage of 900,000 MNT.

In this case, on August 06 of this year, the Chingeltei District Prosecutor's Office initiated criminal proceedings against citizen J.U, conducting an investigation under Article 26.1, Section 1, of the special part of the Criminal Code of Mongolia, charging them as a suspect.

30% of Citizens are Poor, and Liberalizing Energy in an Environment Where 40% are in Poverty is a Major Challenge

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

We interviewed J. Delgersaikhan, a lecturer and associate professor at the Department of Financial Management at the Institute of Finance about a few issues.

The leader of the AN party, L. Gantumur, referred to the formation of a coalition government as having enabled the "Oyu Tolgoi" example, stating that the project could move forward. Can today’s Mongolian situation be compared to those times? Do large projects begin with the establishment of a coalition government? Are there any large projects written on paper waiting only for signatures?

The concept of coalition itself is uncertain and twofold. If we look at it from the perspective that coalition is necessary today, it might be the right timing. However, comparing the situation with 2008 is limited, as our economy and external and internal conditions have changed since then.

In the last ten years, while there have been few significant advances, the economy has expanded. However, we have not been able to solve basic issues like unemployment, poverty, health, and education. Looking at coalitions positively, the three parties have acknowledged the tax errors of the past 30 years. Coalition might be necessary to correct these mistakes.

There should be a sufficient energy reserve. To create this reserve, freeing the price might trigger significant political disputes.

Talking about major projects, we should implement infrastructure projects like "Transit Mongolia," related to uranium, energy, and the vertical axis. Moreover, the primary issue for producers is how to reduce unemployment and poverty, which are crucial economic factors.

To engage in production, one must not only be independent of energy but also have a sufficient energy reserve. To create this reserve, freeing the price might trigger significant political disputes.

As stated, if it’s genuinely not for power or position but for the fundamental interests of Mongolia, then there’s a need to collaborate and unite. It is essential for the parties trying to form a joint government to remain genuine in their mission, reduce corruption, implement economic reforms, and be true to their governance controls and execution.

We have previously heard excellent explanations from the political realm. We must see how well these explanations have been realized in reality. If a national consensus is formed and the three parties unite to work and achieve, much can be accomplished. If not, the bitter experiences of expanded budgets, increased state theft, mounting debt, and continued disorder may be repeated.

The Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene mentioned liberalizing the energy sector at the economic forum.

This issue has been discussed for over 20 years. There is an organization called the Energy Regulatory Commission that sets energy prices by force, limiting the space for private entities wishing to enter this sector, resulting in no competition.

The private entities that have entered are facing extremely challenging conditions. We have politicized basic consumption items like energy, gasoline, and fuel. Liberalizing the energy sector is right. At the same time, we must address how to improve the livelihoods and real incomes of the people. We must have citizens with incomes sufficient to withstand price increases.

Today, over 30% of our citizens are poor, more than 40% are in a state of poverty, and over 10% are on the verge of falling into poverty. In such a state, liberalizing energy will be a huge challenge for the parties.

If electricity and heating prices are freed, they will increase 2-3 times, raising the financial burden on citizens and businesses.

Simultaneously, we must increase citizens' incomes, jobs, and limit the welfare policy. Energy price is a fundamental consumer price, so it must be accompanied by major economic reforms.

In other words, freeing the price of electricity and heating means it will increase 2-3 times, which will raise the financial burden on citizens and businesses. We have no choice but to overcome this burden with economic growth, jobs, and income.

Did you review MAN party's pre-election platform, and were there any notable points?

All parties have stated they will fight corruption and bribery, which are indeed among Mongolia's biggest issues. They also mentioned reducing government involvement and renewing fiscal policy. They aim to reduce budget expenses by 20% and the GDP share by 25%. The citizens and the public should demand these from the parties.

Finally, Russian President Putin proposed building a medium-sized nuclear power plant for the second time. To what level is this proposal being discussed? Should we accept this proposal?

In this time of heightened national security concerns, we must make significant economic decisions related to foreign policy with a lot of thought.

It is gratifying that the parties are talking about independence and national interests. To ensure our economic security, we should reduce our dependency on a single sector of other countries and implement energy and infrastructure projects.

We are directly dependent on Russia for energy, fuel, and oil. In the case of nuclear power plants, I believe there are several alternatives for discussions with countries other than Russia. From these, we should choose the most suitable one that fits Mongolia's economic and national security interests.

Thank you for the interview.


Chairman of the State Great Hural D. Amarbaysgalan Meets with US Ambassador Richard Buangan

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Chairman of the State Great Hural D. Amarbaysgalan expressed satisfaction with the rapid development of the relationship and cooperation between Mongolia and the United States, which is based on common democratic values. He emphasized the full support of the State Great Hural in strengthening the strategic third-neighbor partnership relationship between the two countries and expanding cooperation.

Ambassador Richard Buangan congratulated D. Amarbaysgalan on his election as Chairman of the State Great Hural, expressing his commitment to expand and develop relations between Mongolia and the US in all sectors and to enhance cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries.

The parties exchanged views on activating cooperation between the State Great Hural of Mongolia and the US Congress parliamentary group, according to the Public Relations Department of the State Great Hural.

D.Zagdjav: Joint Audit Being Conducted During Russia's Special Military Operation in Ukraine is Unique

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The joint meeting of the working group for the implementation of the agreement made between the governments of the Soviet Union and Mongolia in 1949, regarding the utilization of the capital of the Mongolian-Russian joint venture "Ulaanbaatar Railway", was opened today at the National Audit Office with the participation of the National Audit Office and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

The opening of the meeting included members of the Audit Team from the Accounts Chamber of Russia, representatives from the Ministry of Road and Transport Development, representatives of the Ulaanbaatar Railway, and members of the working group established by the National Audit Office.

Before the working group meeting, General Auditor D. Zagdjav remarked, "There is a history of collaboration agreements between the supreme audit institutions of the two countries.

The joint stock company 'Ulaanbaatar Railway' has significantly contributed to the economic development of Mongolia. Appreciating this contribution, the state of Mongolia awarded the title of Hero of Labor to the railway sector on its 75th anniversary.

This year marks the 85th anniversary of the victory of Khalkhin Gol. Also, during the challenging period of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, conducting a joint audit is unique.

We ask that the organization subject to audit provide all necessary assistance to complete the work, ensure working conditions, and provide relevant information promptly."

"The Joint Audit Team Will Present Their Report by the End of This Year"

Continuing the meeting, Deputy General Auditor Ya. Sambuunyam provided information on the mission of the working group.

He stated, "This review is being conducted based on the September 2022 resolution 'On Approving the Audit Topic' by the Standing Committee on Budget of the State Great Khural.

This audit will examine the operational results, economic, and social impacts, and profitability of the 'Ulaanbaatar Railway' joint venture.

The audit will be conducted during 2021-2023. Additionally, the implementation of the intergovernmental agreement made between the Soviet Union and Mongolia in 1949, and its amendments will be included in the audit.

Furthermore, efforts made to improve the production and economic indicators of the 'Ulaanbaatar Railway' joint venture will be covered.

By the end of this year, the joint audit team plans to complete the report, coordinate with the National Audit Office and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, and present the results to the Ministry of Road and Transport Development and the management of the 'Ulaanbaatar Railway' joint venture.

Subsequently, the final report will be presented to the media."


Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) are reminded to always cite the source (ikon.mn) when reproducing our information in any form, whether in full or in part.


In the framework of implementing the Egiin Gol Hydropower Plant construction project, a joint research working group of Mongolian and Russian experts will be established

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Deputy Prime Minister S. Amarsaikhan held a meeting today with representatives of the Russian Federation's Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment led by A.A. Kozlov, the head of the Russian section of the Russia-Mongolia Intergovernmental Commission.

At the beginning of the meeting, views were exchanged on cooperation in the energy and mining sectors.

Deputy Prime Minister S. Amarsaikhan expressed gratitude to Alexander Alexandrovich for taking control of the stable supply of fuel from Russia to Mongolia, specifically the efforts to increase the supply of Euro-5 fuel as much as possible.

He stated, "It is important to finalize the discussions on the draft agreement 'On Trade of Oil and Oil Products' between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the Russian Federation soon.

Furthermore, cooperation on upgrading 'Thermal Power Plant-3' and initiating construction, as well as establishing a joint research working group of Mongolian and Russian experts within the framework of implementing the Egiin Gol Hydropower Plant construction project, will lead to decisions that are in line with the interests of all parties," he said.

Additionally, he emphasized the importance our side places on concluding the temporary free trade agreement between Mongolia and the Eurasian Economic Union within this year.

Furthermore, the 75th anniversary of 'Ulaanbaatar Railways' JSC, which has solely managed 72% of the total freight turnover of our country, was just celebrated a few days ago.

He expressed his view that the development of the 'Bogdkhan' railway project is of significant importance in increasing the efficiency and expanding the operations of this symbol of Mongolian-Russian friendship.

N. Manduul: Green infrastructure, quality infrastructure, and effective investment in Ulaanbaatar will be increased

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Mayor's Office of Ulaanbaatar and the Asian Development Bank have launched the "Strengthening the Governance and Institutional Capacity of Ulaanbaatar's Infrastructure Investment" project starting last year.

Within the framework of this project, it aims to create opportunities for green infrastructure, quality infrastructure, and effective investment in Ulaanbaatar.

Today, the First Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Infrastructure of the capital, N. Manduul, met with Raushan Mamatkulov, Principal Urban Development Specialist of the Asian Development Bank.

At the beginning of the meeting, Raushan Mamatkulov, Principal Urban Development Specialist of the Asian Development Bank, was presented with the preparation report of the project.

First Deputy Mayor of the Capital N. Manduul stated, “Within the scope of this project, we will improve the policy and regulatory framework, enhance the transparency and accessibility of relevant government services using digital technology, and strengthen the planning of investments, project implementation, and institutional capacity.”

The Bogdkhan Railway Project is Crucial for Expanding Operations Between Russia and Mongolia

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia, S. Amarsaikhan, met today with representatives led by A.A. Kozlov, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and head of the Russian section of the Russia-Mongolia Intergovernmental Commission.

At the beginning of the meeting, discussions were held regarding cooperation in the energy and mining sectors, and Deputy Prime Minister S. Amarsaikhan expressed gratitude for Mr. Alexander Alexandrovich's attention to ensuring stable fuel supply from Russia to Mongolia, particularly focusing on increasing the supply of “Euro-5” fuel as much as possible.

He stated, “It is important to finalize the negotiations on the draft agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the Russian Federation on the trade of oil and petroleum products as soon as possible.

In addition, we aim to cooperate on the modernization of “DCS-3” and to initiate construction projects. Implementing the Eg River Hydropower Plant project by establishing a joint research team of Mongolian and Russian experts, we are confident that a decision meeting the interests of both parties will be made.” He also highlighted the significant importance placed on concluding the provisional Free Trade Agreement between Mongolia and the Eurasian Economic Union within this year.

Additionally, noting the recent 75th anniversary of the “Ulaanbaatar Railway” JVC, which has traditionally handled 72% of all domestic cargo turnover, he stated that the Bogdkhan Railway project is crucial for increasing the efficiency and expanding the operations of this entity, a symbol of Mongolian-Russian friendship.

The construction of 51 general education schools, 87 kindergartens, and six sports halls is ongoing in the capital

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

During the urgent meeting of the city's administrative officials, the preparations for the 2024-2025 academic year, the investment work being done in the education sector, and the construction work of schools and kindergartens that have not yet been put into operation were discussed.

B. Amartüvshin, the Head of the City Education Department stated, “In the city, the construction work of 51 general education schools, 87 kindergartens, and six sports halls is ongoing. The construction and installation work of 11 kindergartens and 16 schools is delayed due to reasons such as revised assessments of design and increased construction budgets. As a part of school and kindergarten construction work, 44,870 square meters of land have been freed up in eight locations across five districts of the city."

In the 10th subdistrict of Khan-Uul district, 20 schools are being newly built, and in the 14th subdistrict, 14 kindergartens are under construction.

Preparations for the new academic year in Khan-Uul district are 90% complete. This academic year, 63 general education schools and 141 kindergartens will be operating. As of today, with the state and city budget investments, construction work is ongoing in 10 subdistricts for 20 schools and in 14 subdistricts for 14 kindergartens.

Meanwhile, preparations for the new academic year in Chingeltei district are 90% complete. This academic year, 28 general education schools and 48 kindergartens will be operating. Before September 1st, work is being done to complete and put into operation an extension of the 5th school and the construction of the 276th kindergarten.

In the 13th subdistrict of Chingeltei district, a special needs children's kindergarten is planned. Currently, land clearance work is ongoing, according to district governor B. Munkhbat.

Sukhbaatar district governor M. Altangerel stated, “Preparations for the new academic year are 85% complete in Sukhbaatar district. This year, 51 general education schools and 56 kindergartens will operate. In the district, three new schools and three kindergartens are being built.

Due to ongoing school construction work, four schools are planned to operate in three shifts. The issue of staffing in EBS (general education schools) is pressing, with ongoing recruitment to fill vacant teaching positions,” he said.

Preparations for the new academic year in Bayangol district are 85% complete. This academic year, 49 general education schools and 78 kindergartens will operate. By 2024, two new schools and three kindergartens will be brought into operation.

In the district, nine kindergartens and three schools will operate in rented buildings. Due to ongoing school construction work, six schools will operate in three shifts, the district governor reported.

Songinokhairkhan district governor B. Khuyagbaatar expressed, “Preparations for the new academic year are 60% complete in Songinokhairkhan district. In the district, 35 general education schools and 117 kindergartens will operate.

Seven new schools and 12 kindergartens are being built. Some investment projects are proceeding slowly due to issues related to state and city budget investments, additional financing, and land clearance,” he stated.

Bayan-Zurkh district governor G. Jargalsaikhan stated, “This academic year, 185 kindergartens and 70 general education schools will operate in Bayan-Zurkh district. Seventeen kindergartens and five schools are under construction. School buses will serve kids. An issue of additional financing is arising for quickly putting into use the schools and kindergartens being built.”

During the urgent consultation, city mayor and Ulaanbaatar city governor Kh. Nyambaatar instructed to accelerate the construction work of schools and kindergartens and to pay special attention to quality and standards. He also gave the following assignments to the relevant officials.

  • Study and implement possible activities and measures within the framework of public-private partnerships;
  • Establish zones for purchasing raw materials and make plans;
  • Ensure labor safety for employees of organizations performing construction projects;
  • Accelerate the sale of foreign and domestic bonds both openly and closed;
  • Study and determine necessary locations for groundwater drainage;
  • Expedite pedestrian walkway work and other tasks.

Source: Public Relations Department of the City Mayor's Office


Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must cite their source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, fully or partially.

"UBTZ" LLC is Transporting All Necessary Petroleum Products and Energy Coal for the Country

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

"UBTZ" LLC plays an important role in the social and economic development of our country. In the first half of this year, it transported 16.4 million tons of cargo, which is an increase of 3.3% compared to the same period last year. During the said period, "Ulaanbaatar Railway" LLC transported 95.1% of the 1.4 million tons of petroleum products imported into our country, 49.7% of the 142.3 thousand tons of food products, 24.2% of the 1.4 million machines and equipment, and 16.6% of the 1.8 thousand tons of medicines and medical supplies.

Furthermore, in the first half of this year, our country exported 45.6 million tons of mining products, of which 5.2 million tons or 11.4% were transported by UBTZ. However, UBTZ exclusively handles the transportation of domestic energy coal, i.e., coal for thermal power plants.

N. Manduul: Increase in Green Areas, Quality Infrastructure, and Effective Investments in the Capital

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Ulaanbaatar City Administration and the Asian Development Bank launched a project last year to strengthen the governance of infrastructure investments and institutional capacity in Ulaanbaatar.

Within the framework of this project, the goal is to create opportunities for green area development, quality infrastructure, and effective investment in Ulaanbaatar.

Today, N. Manduul, the first deputy responsible for economic development and infrastructure issues at the City Administration, met with Raushan Mamatkulov, the Chief Urban Development Specialist of the Asian Development Bank. At the beginning of the meeting, the progress report of the project's preparatory work was presented to Raushan Mamatkulov.

First Deputy N. Manduul stated, "Within the framework of this project, we aim to improve policy and regulatory frameworks, enhance the transparency and accessibility of relevant government services using digital technology, and strengthen investment planning, project implementation, and institutional capacity."


An Official Has Been Prosecuted for Renting Out a Training Hall and Misappropriating the Payments

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The prosecutor's office supervised 38,840 cases of investigation and 2,277 cases of inquiry from the 5th to the 9th of this month.

Consequently, the investigators were given a total of 329 written assignments to carry out specific operations, and indictments were drawn up and transferred to court for 105 criminal cases.

To elaborate on the cases with indictments drawn up:

  • 56 cases against the inviolability of health
  • 24 cases against property rights
  • 11 cases against traffic safety and vehicle usage regulations
  • 5 cases of illegal use of narcotics and psychotropic substances
  • 3 cases of corruption and official misconduct
  • 2 cases each for forgery of documents and illegal use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
  • One case each against the right to life and human sexual freedom and inviolability.

Some of the cases transferred to court include:

  • From the city prosecutor's office, against C.M, a former kindergarten director, who used her official position for personal gain by appointing certain individuals who did not meet the job description requirements, and paying them salaries in cash without performing any job duties. The indictment was filed in accordance with Article 22.1, section 1 (Abuse of Power or Official Authority) of the Criminal Code and transferred to the primary court for criminal cases in Songinokhairkhan district.
  • From the transportation prosecutor's office, against Ch.E., a train driver, and B.Z., an assistant driver, who violated movement safety rules and regulations, resulting in an accident that caused damage worth 117 million MNT to the Ulaanbaatar Railway Joint Stock Company. The indictment was filed under Article 27.2, section 1 (Causing Danger to Railway Movement) of the Criminal Code and transferred to the primary court for criminal cases in Darkhan-Uul province.
  • From the Govi-Altai province prosecutor's office, against A.A, a governor of a soum, who used his position to grant financial support to selected individuals without conducting proper selection for projects on growing fruits, berries, medicinal plants, and vegetables, creating economic advantages for others. The indictment was filed under Article 22.1, section 1 (Abuse of Power or Official Authority) of the Criminal Code and transferred to the primary court for criminal cases in the said province.
  • From the Darkhan-Uul province prosecutor's office, against B.Ö, an official in the Department of Education and Science in the province, who misused his official position by renting out a training hall without any agreement and misappropriating the payments for personal gain. The indictment was filed under Article 22.1, section 1 (Abuse of Power or Official Authority) of the Criminal Code and transferred to the primary court for criminal cases in the respective province.

Source: State Prosecutor's Office of Mongolia

The trial regarding the "Green Bus" case has been postponed again and rescheduled for October 21

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The trial regarding the "Green Bus" case has been postponed again and rescheduled for October 21.

The trial was initially set to take place today at 10:00 AM at the primary criminal court of Bayanzurkh, Sukhbaatar, and Chingeltei districts. However, it was postponed again at the request of the defense lawyers.

When introducing the court's decision, the judge explained, "According to the Criminal Procedure Code, the defense lawyers have submitted a request, along with evidence, indicating they are unable to attend the trial due to valid reasons. The prosecutor has expressed that there is a legal basis to postpone the trial. Therefore, the trial is being postponed.

Until the next trial, the restrictions and preventive measures of imposing personal guarantees on the defendants will remain in place.

The next trial is scheduled for October 21, 2024, at 10:00 AM. The judges are on their annual leave, and the date accommodates the lawyers' requests.

The case cannot be postponed more than twice on the same grounds. Since this is the second postponement, any further requests for delay will be considered as hindering the proceedings. In other words, the preventive measures will have a legal justification," the judge mentioned.


Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Websites) must cite the source (ikon.mn) when using this information, either in full or in part, in any form.

WARNING: Lost 33 million MNT by Attempting to Work Online for an Unknown Person

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

During the past week, the police department received a total of 632 complaints and reports of crimes from citizens and organizations, of which 45 were related to fraud, causing a total loss of over 280 million MNT for citizens.

If we categorize the registered fraud crimes based on the method of operation:

  • "Transferring money after receiving a message asking for a loan" - 10 cases
  • Contacted via Telegram and Facebook for part-time work, completing tasks to increase money as advertised - 15 cases
  • Transferring payments for online purchases of goods and products - 8 cases
  • Other - 12 complaints and reports registered

Some notable registered fraud cases include:

  • In Ömnögovi Province, 33,000,000 MNT was transferred to an unknown person contacted through Telegram for online work
  • In Khövsgöl Province, according to an online job announcement declared by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection through a Telegram account, 13,445,700 MNT was transferred as an advance and lost to fraud
  • In Chingeltei District, responding to an advertisement "Do you want to earn income by working from home?" on a Telegram account, 14,000,000 MNT was lost through 9 transactions
  • 2,500,000 MNT was transferred to a request from a Telegram account called "Relative..." asking for a loan
  • Attempted to order goods through an online ad, transferred 4,200,000 MNT over 3 transactions, and was defrauded
  • Responding to an ad saying "Grow your money by working online," several accounts were transferred a total of 5 million MNT over 13 transactions for ordering goods and receiving bonuses through the "NOONSMALL.VIP" online account

In the first 7 months of this year, 7,063 fraud crimes have been registered, a decrease of about 10% compared to the same period last year; however, due to these crimes, citizens have suffered a total loss of 209 billion MNT.

In other words, such an amount of money fraudulently taken by scammers could allow 1,500 citizens to own 2-3 room apartments, enable around 600 students to study in the USA for 4 years, or construct 38 schools with 320 student seats in the capital city.

To avoid becoming the next TARGET of scammers, it is advised not to trust any online advertisements and services related to money and finance, to verify requests for transferring money received through chat messages by calling first, not to send money for advances, fees, or test payments requested by unknown persons, and to keep your bank and credit application information confidential.

Citizens Arrested for Group Theft at Tsogttsetsii Soum Festival

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

During the 100th anniversary celebration held on August 07 and 08 of this year in Tsogttsetsii soum, Umnugobi aimag, police officers uncovered a case involving the theft of approximately 20 mobile phones and one snuff bottle.

Specifically, a group of individuals aged between 22-41, identified as M, U, E, M, and A, stole mobile phones and snuff bottles from citizens during this significant local festival.

As these group members were heading towards Ulaanbaatar city, police officers carrying out duties at Nalaikh district’s checkpoint stopped them, searched their vehicle, and seized around 20 mobile phones and one snuff bottle as evidence.

The investigation is being continued jointly by the Pocket Theft Crime Division of the City Police Department and the police officers of Umnugobi aimag.

WARNING: Went Swimming in the Tuul River and Had an Accident

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In Tuv Province, Lun District, at the location known as "Ulaan-Uzuur" (175 km west from the provincial center, 8 km west from the district center), one person went swimming in the "Tuul" River and had an accident.

Specifically, the emergency call was received at 19:57 on August 11th by the Rescue Division and Firefighting Unit 24 of the Emergency Management Department of this province. An operation to search for citizen I (23 years old, male) is being organized, as reported by the National Emergency Management Agency.

Therefore, with the onset of the holiday season, citizens are advised to always keep watch over their safety as well as the safety of those around them when relaxing near rivers, lakes, and beaches. They are also cautioned not to leave young children unattended.

The Case of a Selenge Province Police Officer Involved in Child Rape Resolved by Court

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

A 26-year-old former patrol officer and police driver from the Selenge Province Police Department was charged with the crime of repeatedly engaging in sexual intercourse and rape of a minor, aged 13 years, 2 months, and 26 days, within his home and vehicle. The prosecutor's office submitted an indictment to the court.

The defendant's lawyers argued that he was unaware the girl was 13 years old and believed her to be 16; hence, they requested a lighter charge under the provision for sexual intercourse with a person under 16.

However, the court determined that this claim was unjustified because the police officer had previously apprehended the girl several times, according to internal electronic records, and had handed her back to her family. Therefore, it was unreasonable to assert he was unaware of her age.

As a result, the defendant was found guilty under Section 12.1, Part 4 of the Special Part of the Criminal Code, which stipulates “Crimes of Rape against a Minor.” He was sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment in an open correctional facility.

12.1. Rape

4. If the crime is committed against a minor; if the victim dies as a result of the crime, a sentence of imprisonment from twelve to twenty-five years, or life imprisonment, is applicable.

Source: First Instance Court of Criminal Cases, Selenge Province.


Road Warning: Mandalgov-Dalanzadgad Route Damaged Due to Flood

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The road connecting Dalanzadgad in Ömnögovi Province and Mandalgov in Dundgovi Province has been damaged due to flooding.

Specifically, damage has occurred on the Mandalgov-Dalanzadgad route at kilometers 305-301, 295-296, 271-272, 259-260, 254-255, and 230-231 due to the flood.

Therefore, the Ministry of Roads and Transport Development has advised to adjust speed and proceed with caution.

Efforts are underway to extinguish a fire at the Bulgan district landfill site in Bulgan Province during the burial process

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Environmental specialist organizations are working on-site following complaints from residents that a landfill site in Bulgan district, Bulgan province is being burned, releasing a large amount of smoke and polluting the air and environment.

Specifically, the governor of Bulgan district in Bulgan province has contracted Toson Bumbin Oron LLC, which operates in Orkhon province, to cover the landfill site using the landfill method.

According to the contract, during the burial process, the company started burning the landfill, resulting in a large amount of smoke released into the air, and they were unable to extinguish the fire.

Toson Bumbin Oron LLC, the governor of Bulgan district in Bulgan province, and the Emergency Management Department of Bulgan province are taking joint measures to extinguish the fire, informed the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change.


Preparations for the New Academic Year 2024-2025 in the Capital are 85% Complete

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

At a quick meeting of the capital's management, preparations for the new academic year 2024-2025, investments made in the education sector, and the construction works of schools and kindergartens that have not yet been commissioned were discussed.

B. Amartüvshin, Head of the Capital's Education Department, stated, "Construction works are ongoing for 51 general education schools, 87 kindergartens, and 6 sports halls. Due to reasons such as revised project validation and increased construction budgets, construction works for 11 kindergartens and 16 schools are progressing slowly. In relation to the construction works of schools and kindergartens, 44,870m2 of land has been vacated in eight locations across five districts of the capital."

In Khan-Uul district, preparations for the new academic year are progressing 90% complete. This academic year, 63 general education schools and 141 kindergartens will operate. As of today, construction works for 20 schools across 10 khoroos and 14 kindergartens across 14 khoroos are underway with state and city budget investments.

In Chingeltei district, preparations for the new academic year are also 90% complete. This academic year, 28 general education schools and 48 kindergartens will operate. Efforts are being made to complete and commission the extension building of the 5th school and the building of the 276th kindergarten by September 1st. A kindergarten for children with special needs is being established in the 13th khoroo of Chingeltei district. Currently, land clearance work is ongoing, as stated by the district governor, B. Munkhbat.

M. Altangerel, Governor of Sukhbaatar District, stated, "Preparations for the new academic year in Sukhbaatar District are 85% complete. This academic year, 51 general education schools and 56 kindergartens will operate. Three new schools and three kindergartens are being built in the district. Due to ongoing school construction works, four schools are expected to operate in three shifts. There are staffing issues in schools, and work is ongoing to hire teachers to fill vacant positions."

In Bayangol district, preparations for the new academic year are 85% complete. This academic year, 49 general education schools and 78 kindergartens will operate. By 2024, two new schools and three kindergartens will be commissioned. Nine kindergartens and three schools will operate in rental premises in the district, and six schools will operate in three shifts due to ongoing construction works.

B. Khüiagbaatar, Governor of Songinokhairkhan District, stated, "Preparations for the new academic year in Songinokhairkhan District are 60% complete. This academic year, 35 general education schools and 117 kindergartens will operate. Seven new schools and 12 kindergartens are being built. Some investment projects are progressing slowly due to national and city budget investments, additional funding, and land clearance issues."

G. Jargalsaikhan, Governor of Bayanzurkh District, stated, "This academic year, 185 kindergartens and 70 general education schools will operate in Bayanzurkh District. 17 new kindergartens and five schools are being built. School buses will serve 265 children. Additional funding is required to quickly commission the currently under-construction schools and kindergartens."

During the rapid consultation meeting, the mayor of the capital city and Ulaanbaatar City Governor Kh. Nyambaatar tasked related officials with accelerating the construction works of school and kindergarten buildings while ensuring quality and standards. Furthermore, he issued the following directives:

  • Study potential actions and measures within the scope of public-private partnerships;
  • Determine and plan the zoning for purchasing raw materials;
  • Ensure labor safety for employees and staff of enterprises carrying out construction works;
  • Accelerate the open and closed sales of external and internal bonds;
  • Investigate and determine locations where groundwater drainage is required;
  • Speed up pedestrian path works.

Preparations for the 2024-2025 School Year in the Capital are 85% Complete

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

In the capital, the readiness for the 2024-2025 school year is 85% complete. A direct meeting among city officials discussed the preparations concerning the upcoming academic year, including investments in the education sector and unfinished construction of new school and kindergarten buildings.

For this academic year, plans are being made to open 51 general education schools, 87 kindergartens, and six sports halls throughout the city, with construction works ongoing. Due to updates in project designs and increased budget allocations, the construction of 11 kindergartens and 16 schools has been delayed. Regarding the school and kindergarten building projects, 44,870 m² of land has been freed up across eight sites in five districts.

In Khan-Uul District, 63 schools and 141 kindergartens will be operational this school year, with preparations at 90%. Currently, construction of 20 schools and 14 kindergartens is being carried out across several regions using state and city budget funds. In Chingeltei, 28 schools and 48 kindergartens are ready to commence operations. The expansion of the fifth school and the construction of kindergarten number 276 will be completed before September 1. Meanwhile, in Sukhbaatar District, 51 schools and 56 kindergartens will operate, with four schools planning to conduct three shifts. In Bayangol, 49 schools and 78 kindergartens will be open, with two schools and three kindergartens fully set to operate by the end of the year. Additionally, measures have been taken for nine kindergartens and three schools to use rental facilities, while six schools will conduct three shifts.

In Songinokhairkhan, one of the largest districts, preparations for the new school year show only 60% completion. According to the district governor, 35 schools and 117 kindergartens will be operational. Additionally, seven new schools and 12 kindergartens are under construction. In Bayanzurkh, 185 kindergartens and 70 schools will operate, and 265 school buses will be available for student transport. It has also been reported that five new schools and 17 kindergartens are being built in this district.

This year, English will be taught to third-grade students in 100 schools, starting the trial

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The opening ceremony of the team responsible for revising the curriculum of the Pre-school Education (SÖB) and General Education School (EBS) was held today.

During the event, a journalist asked about the introduction of English lessons starting from the third grade, and the Minister of Education, P. Naranbayar, gave the following response.

"This year, English has become the primary foreign language. In this regard, English will be taught to students beginning from the third grade. However, we will first trial this in 100 schools.

The implementation of the "Pearson" English program will involve a combination of classroom and online learning.

In the education sector, one cannot make excessive, sudden decisions. Therefore, we will first observe the trial phase," he answered.

"Policies will be implemented to send teachers who have been teaching for five years to study for a master's degree abroad."

The Minister also spoke about the plan to send teachers abroad for English programs: "The government's action program specifies preparing 2,000 English teachers.

Furthermore, there will be policies to facilitate teachers who have been teaching for five years to pursue a master's degree in developed countries."

Important Notice:

Media outlets (TV, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must mention the source (ikon.mn) when using our information, either entirely or partially.

B.Bold-Erdene: I Created a Free Lesson Review Website to Ensure Equal Education for All Children

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Software engineer B.Bold-Erdene initially created the site Blesson.bbe.mn as a lesson review platform based on the initiative to help his daughter with her studies. Now, this site is accessible to all children for free.

In a time where the need for equal education is greater than ever, he discusses the significant opportunity he has opened for young students with the consideration for his daughter in mind.

We visited the lesson review site Blesson.bbe.mn. There are a lot of assignments available. Could you provide more details about this site? It's very appealing that it is free for children to use.

Yes, it is free of charge. My daughter is an elementary school student. I initially created the site to help her with the assignments and exercises where she made the most mistakes or had doubts and didn’t fully understand. However, since it’s for children, I made sure the tasks are interesting, not repetitive, and without any incorrect answers to prevent boredom. Although I initially made it only for my daughter, I wanted all children to use it and not lag behind in their studies or, if they are behind, to complete assignments on the site and catch up. This led to making it open for everyone to use.

Currently, there are assignments for grades 1-3 in Mongolian language and mathematics. This year, I plan to program and upload lessons for grade 4. The site can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, including computers, phones, and tablets. Therefore, it can be used any time and anywhere, whether in city traffic, during free time, or on summer holidays.

So, it's a website initially created for your daughter?

Yes. But just because only my child receives a good education doesn’t mean she can live alone in this society, in this world. It’s better if her peers have equal education, and comparable knowledge and abilities, allowing for better understanding, more progress, and improvement among them.

In the future, when they enter the workplace, they will be able to quickly understand each other and work harmoniously together. Only by preparing many educated individuals can our surroundings improve beyond today. That’s why I made the site accessible for as many children as possible to promote the creation of more knowledgeable and skilled individuals.

How do you prepare your lessons? Do you work with elementary school teachers?

Currently, I prepare and upload all the lessons that my daughter makes mistakes on, is uncertain about, and needs to repeat multiple times, based on her books and notebooks. I don’t collaborate with teachers. However, I do observe the feedback and wishes that teachers write on the BBE.mn Facebook page, where the lesson information is updated, to incorporate and add possible lessons for programming.

When financial resources grow, I intend to collaborate with elementary school teachers to compile and program neglected subjects and all lesson topics. Nevertheless, I don’t have any teachers volunteering, unpaid, to help me. I myself develop the site alongside my job, during my free time, so I’m not able to pay salaries to others.

Individuals, business enterprises, or organizations can freely support the activities of our site. We express gratitude to those who donate or sponsor by posting their names in the sponsors' section of our site. There are names of people who contributed as small as the cost of a cup of coffee and those who helped purchase a damaged server device.

Besides students reviewing their lessons, there was a part for teachers to prepare assignments. Could you provide more information about this?

My research shows that teachers spend 1-2 hours a day preparing teaching materials and assignments for their next classes. By using our site, all these can be prepared in just 5-10 minutes. Thus, teachers can spend the 1-2 hours they save every day on self-development, family time, and other benefits.

The most valuable thing for everyone is their time. Our expertise allows us to create opportunities to save time for others. How one spends that time is up to the individual.

On the homepage of your teaching site, there were excerpts from the Mongolian Child Protection Law. This seemed important considering our country doesn’t adequately address child protection?

Yes. Even teachers and parents are unaware of the law and often impose and demand, “You must do this, you must do that,” on children. Actually, children have many rights, and parents and teachers have many obligations. I placed these on the homepage, hoping at least one parent, teacher, and child reads, knows, and respects their rights and fulfills their duties.

Of course, there’s not just one provision visible. Different provisions are designed to appear in the lower corner of the site with each access. If a parent or guardian sees that section, hopefully, they read it to their child and discuss, “You have these rights, and I have these obligations.”

How many children visit your educational site per day?

In the previous school year, 500-1,000 children visited our site daily to review their lessons. The peak was 16,000 visits in one day. During summer break, around 100-500 children visit and revise their lessons. I think if children consistently review their studies for 20 minutes a day during the break, they won’t overload, won’t forget their studies, and will fully recover.

When creating the educational site, I also devoted a set amount of time daily to add assignments. When starting, I began with lessons for the first grade’s 35 letters, and now have programmed assignments up to the third grade. With the start of this school year, I will begin preparing lessons for the fourth grade.

Consistently doing something in small portions grows like a snowball, becoming an unstoppable strong habit along the way, whether for good or bad. Therefore, I’m developing and enhancing the site with my capabilities, believing it will benefit many children in the future.

EVENT: Minister of Education P. Naranbayar to Organize Meeting with University Directors

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

At 09:00 AM, the opening ceremony for the team developing updated curriculums for Pre-School and General Education Schools will take place.

During the ceremony, Minister of Education P. Naranbayar will give an open press interview.

At 11:00 AM, a preliminary meeting for a joint audit by Mongolia’s National Audit Office and the Accounts Chamber of Russia regarding the implementation of the 1949 agreement between the Soviet Union and the Government of Mongolia and the utilization of the joint assets of the "Ulaanbaatar Railway" joint-stock company will be held.

At 10:00 AM, a court session will be held regarding the guilt determination in the "Green Bus" case.

At 12:00 PM, the Minister of Education will organize a meeting with the directors of universities and affiliated institutions.


Media outlets (Television, Radio, Social, and Websites) are reminded to credit their sources (ikon.mn) when using this information in any form or in part.

Information on Announced Vacancies in Capital City's State-owned Kindergartens

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the Capital City Education Department has announced the information on vacancies for teachers and staff in state-owned kindergartens operating in the capital.

The kindergartens in Songinokhairkhan and Bayanzurkh districts have announced the highest number of job openings. Specifically, 60 kindergartens in Songinokhairkhan district and 56 in Bayanzurkh district have announced vacancies.

Citizens interested in job positions should contact the respective organizations.


The Treatment of Diseases Incurable in Mongolia Will Be Gradually Introduced and Localized

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Within the framework of healthcare sector reforms, one of the essential tasks is to diagnose and treat diseases that are currently incurable in Mongolia. Initiated by MP and Minister of Health T. Munkhsaikhan, 12 national teams will be empowered to study in leading hospitals and universities in developed countries by 2024.

During the study period for the national teams of doctors and medical professionals, hospital management has been tasked with ensuring the readiness of necessary equipment, medical tools, and other resources for introducing these treatments and diagnostics.

As a result, among the 25 diseases currently incurable in Mongolia, the following will be possible to diagnose and treat domestically, providing equitable access to medical services and positively impacting both citizens and the national economy:

  • Surgery and treatment for deep, complexly positioned, infiltrative spinal cord tumors, and tumors requiring surgical intervention.
  • Surgical treatment for severe stages of Meniere's disease.
  • Surgical treatment for severe congenital heart defects in children.
  • Treatment for severe stenosis and vascular dysplasia of the coronary arteries.
  • Treatment for severe aneurysms and dissections of major blood vessels.
  • Surgical and comprehensive reconstructive treatment for head and neck organ defects.
  • Surgery for severe spinal curvature and vertebral replacement.
  • Treatment for congenital severe deformities of the lower extremities, surgical treatment during post-traumatic ankle instability, and reconstructive bone tumor surgery for lower limb underdevelopment.
  • Surgery for severe congenital underdevelopment and trauma of upper and lower limbs in children.
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis before embryo implantation.
  • Disorders within the autism spectrum are also included.


Mongolia Reaches Lowest Rank in History in Population Per Olympic Medal

Published: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Mongolia concluded the 33rd Paris Summer Olympic Games with one silver medal.

When compared by the number of people per medal, Mongolia is ranked 57th in the world, with 3,504,751 people per medal.

This is the worst record since Mongolia first participated in the Tokyo Games in 1964. However, this does not include the 1964 Tokyo and 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics, when Mongolia returned without a single medal.

Mongolians led the world in 1968 by taking four medals from the Mexico City Summer Olympics, with 296,798 people per medal. At that time, the population of Mongolia was 1,187,194.

In recent years, the population has increased, but the number of medals won at the Olympics has decreased, resulting in poorer performance.

During the Paris Summer Olympic Games, the Caribbean island nation of Grenada, with a population of 112,579, won two bronze medals, ranking first worldwide in terms of people per medal.

At the bottom of the list, India, with a population of 1.4 billion, won six medals, with 234,151,666 people per medal.

The top six countries in the world in terms of people per medal:

Source: medalspercapita.com, BBC