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Mongolia News Summary for August 08, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for August 08, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories










INTRODUCING: The Maximum Expenditure Limit for Candidates in the 2024 Election for Citizens' Representatives Councils of the Capital and Districts

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The regular election for the Citizens' Representatives Councils (ITKH) of provinces, the capital, sums, and districts in 2024 is scheduled for October 11.

The maximum expenditure limit for candidates participating in the election was determined by an auditor's decree on June 27 of this year. Let's highlight the maximum expenditure for candidates in the ITKH of the capital and districts.

For instance, candidates in Khan-Uul district can spend the highest amount of 897.7 million MNT, while candidates in Bagakhangai district can spend up to 99.5 million MNT, which is the lowest set amount.

In Nalaikh district, the limit was set at 247 million MNT, and in Baganuur district at 216.9 million MNT. Meanwhile, a candidate in Bayangol district could spend up to 883.5 million MNT, which is almost four times higher than the limits in Nalaikh and Bagakhangai districts.

Additionally, candidates in Chingeltei, Bayanzurkh, Sukhbaatar, and Songinokhairkhan districts can spend 613-658 million MNT. Notably, the 2024 election of the capital's ITKH will take place in 12 constituencies. Specifically, the relatively populous Bayanzurkh district is divided into three constituencies, while Songinokhairkhan is split into two.

Moreover, the maximum expenditure limits for candidates in district ITKH elections are set as follows.

About 20 Issues Being Discussed in the Cabinet Meeting

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

A regular meeting of the Cabinet is currently underway where about 20 issues are being discussed. These include:

  • The draft agreement for the Coalition Government
  • The draft resolution of the State Great Khural regarding the approval of the 2024-2028 Action Program of the Government of Mongolia
  • Amendments and additions to the law on the budget of Mongolia for 2024
  • Projects and measures to be implemented at the municipal level
  • The current situation of the measles disease, measures being taken in Mongolia in connection with registered cases, and future actions planned for about 20 issues to discuss and review.

The Capital Election Committee Meets and Establishes District Election Committees

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The seventh session of the Citizens' Representative Khural of the Capital City (NITKH), held on July 24, approved the composition of the Capital Election Committee responsible for organizing the 2024 regular elections of provincial, capital city, district, and sum Citizens' Representative Khurals.

Today, the committee held its inaugural meeting and discussed seven issues.

Specifically, during the meeting, the plan for organizing the election and the distribution of duties were approved, and district election committees were established, and a resolution was issued.

Source: Capital City Election Committee

General Election Committee: Parties and Coalitions Must Submit Participation Requests for Provincial, Capital, Soum, and District Council Elections Before August 12

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The voting for the 2024 regular elections of the Provincial, Capital, Soum, and District Citizens' Representative Councils will be held on October 11th.

In connection with this, the General Election Committee (GEC) has announced that parties and coalitions must submit their requests to participate in the elections to the relevant election committee before August 12, 2024.

Representing the party or coalition, the local branch organization in the province, soum, capital, or district must express its commitment to abide by the Constitution of Mongolia, this law, and other related legal acts, and submit a request to participate in the local council elections no later than 60 days before the election day.

Requests to participate in the party elections must be submitted with the following documents:

  • Decision of the party organization in the relevant province, soum, capital, district to participate in the elections, and the decision to appoint the party leader;
  • A copy of the party's state registration certificate;
  • A copy of the party's charter registered in the state registry;
  • The electoral program and the conclusion of the state audit institution on its economic calculation;
  • The party's internal regulations on nominee procedures in accordance with this law;
  • A report certified by the state audit institution on contributions given to the party by citizens and legal entities from January 1st of the previous year to June 1st of the election year for the regular, by-elections, and repeated elections;
  • Information on the structure, composition, address, contact phone number, email address, and number of employees of the party's election committee.

Requests to participate in coalition elections must include the following documents:

  • The decision of the organization representing the coalition to participate in the elections;
  • Copies of the state registration certificates of the parties joined in the coalition;
  • Copies of the charters registered in the state registry of the parties in the coalition;
  • The electoral program approved by the organization representing the coalition and the conclusion of the state audit institution on its economic calculation;
  • The coalition's internal regulations on nominee procedures in accordance with this law;
  • A report certified by the state audit institution on contributions given to the parties in the coalition by citizens and legal entities from January 1st of the previous year to June 1st of the election year for the regular, by-elections, and repeated elections;
  • Information on the structure, composition, address, contact phone number, email address, and number of employees of the coalition's election committee;
  • A copy of the coalition agreement;
  • Each party's decision to form the coalition.

The election committee of the respective stage will review the documents and make a decision on whether to register the party or coalition within 5 days.

Subsequently, parties and coalitions registered to participate in the local council elections, as well as independent nominees, will conduct the nomination process from August 27 to September 2.

EVENT: A Regular Session of the Government Meeting is Taking Place

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The 10th International Children's Sports festival continues for its second day.

At the State Palace

08:00 AM A regular session of the Government meeting is taking place.

At the "National Information Center"

11:30 AM The Chairman of the Board of "Onom Foundation," the director of "Onom" School, Doctor of Science, biophysicist D. Naranbaatar, along with lawyers, will provide information about the ongoing legal case regarding the cancellation of management privatization related to a large-scale corruption case against the State Property Policy Regulation Agency.

N.Uchral: The Coalition Government Agreement Presented at the Government Meeting

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Chairman of the Cabinet Secretariat, N.Uchral, is currently consolidating recommendations from sector ministries, specialized associations, and NGOs in the development of the Government's action program. Last week, we organized meetings with Members of Parliament regionally. Today, we are working to include feedback from members elected from the list, particularly expert suggestions, into the Government's action program.

The main highlight of this Government's action program is that it will be based on the Coalition Government Agreement, enabling the possibility to measure its implementation. Parties have obligations under the agreement. For instance, one of the five categories the action program is divided into is the "Regional Development Program." It includes planned works for regions and the 15 mega projects prioritized by the Government.

The second category examines Human Development policies, covering three areas: education, health, and employment. With the implementation of the National Wealth Fund Law, the third category will coordinate cross-sectoral implementation of housing, health, and education policies as affected by this law. Fourthly, the Government will focus on creating an inclusive economy. Fifthly, it will concentrate on efficient governance.

Chairman of the Cabinet Secretariat N.Uchral is currently consolidating recommendations from sector ministries, specialized associations, and NGOs in the development of the Government's action program. Last week, we organized meetings with Members of Parliament regionally. Today, we are working on including feedback from members elected from the list, particularly expert suggestions, into the Government's action program.

The main highlight of this Government's action program is that it will be based on the Coalition Government Agreement, enabling the possibility to measure its implementation. Parties have obligations under the agreement. For instance, one of the five categories the action program is divided into is the "Regional Development Program." It includes planned works for regions and the 15 mega projects prioritized by the Government.

The second category examines Human Development policies, covering three areas: education, health, and employment. With the implementation of the National Wealth Fund Law, the third category will coordinate cross-sectoral implementation of housing, health, and education policies as affected by this law. Fourthly, the Government will focus on creating an inclusive economy. Fifthly, it will concentrate on efficient governance.

Parties and Coalitions to Announce Election Participation Before the 12th of This Month

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The parties and coalitions will announce their participation in the election before August 12, 2024, according to the schedule for organizing the 2024 regular elections for provincial, city, district, and municipality representatives.

Representing the party or coalition, local party branches in provinces, districts, cities, and municipalities must declare their intention to participate in the local council elections, adhering to the Constitution of Mongolia and related laws. This request must be submitted to the respective election commission no later than 60 days before the day of the vote.

The request to participate in the election must include the following documents:

  • The decision of the local party organization in the respective province, district, city, or municipality regarding election participation, and the decision appointing the party leader;
  • A copy of the party's state registration certificate;
  • A copy of the party's charter registered with the state;
  • The campaign program and an economic evaluation conclusion by the state audit organization;
  • Internal regulations of the party concerning the nomination process in compliance with this law;
  • A verified report audited by the state audit organization detailing contributions by citizens and legal entities to the party during the reporting year prior to the local regular elections year, from January 1st of the prior year to June 1st of the election year, including irregular, additional, and repeat elections;
  • Information including the party election committee's structure, composition, address, contact telephone number, email address, and the number of people working.

For coalitions, the request must include:

  • The decision of the representative organization of the coalition regarding election participation;
  • Copies of the state registration certificates of the parties in the coalition;
  • Copies of the charters registered with the state for parties in the coalition;
  • The coalition's campaign program and an economic evaluation conclusion by the state audit organization;
  • Internal regulations of the coalition concerning the nomination process in compliance with this law;
  • A verified report audited by the state audit organization detailing contributions by citizens and legal entities to the coalition during the reporting year prior to the local regular elections year, covering the same period as stated for parties;
  • Information including the coalition election committee's structure, composition, address, contact telephone number, email address, and the number of people working;
  • A copy of the coalition agreement;
  • The decision of each party to establish the coalition.

The respective election commission reviews the documents and makes a decision on whether to register the party or coalition within 5 days.

Subsequently, registered parties, coalitions, and independent candidates participating in the local council elections will conduct the nomination process from August 27 to September 2.

N.Uchral: The People Will Oversee the Coalition Government

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The Cabinet Secretariat of the Government, Mr. N. UCHRAL, recently made an announcement following the Cabinet's session.

Ministers recently visited Germany, which has experience in forming coalition governments since 1949. A contract was signed with clarified roles and responsibilities, aiming to incorporate successful practices of coalition governments into our own agreements. Specific advice was received and presented to the Government today. The coalition government's agreement and budget amendments will be submitted.

Under the leadership of the Prime Minister, the government has discussed and studied relocating and improving connectivity between the new location for the Government's office and the Tuul expressway via a tunnel. The budget for consultancy services on this project has been allocated. The pressing issue we face is urban congestion, which the three-party coalition government was established to tackle. Proposals have been sent to the National Coalition and Independence Movement Party. In Germany, meetings were held with ministries representing different parties. The implementation of the government's program will focus on the Mongolian People's Party's agenda, with economic provisions led by the Democratic Party, the governance policy guided by the National Labor Party, and reforms on foreign trade, education, and energy.

A proper structure is crucial for implementing the government's program. The Prime Minister has lawfully led various initiatives, reducing the number of committees from 51 to 20 and integrating eight committees. Some committees previously led by the Prime Minister have been transferred to the relevant ministers. Within the Prime Minister's role, ensuring interdepartmental coordination is paramount. Creating a paperless government is vital. Today, "e-cabinet 2.0" was introduced, organizing the Government's session. A unified "ERP" system will be implemented. Districts and provinces will communicate digitally rather than via paper. A compact and efficient government will be established. Proposals for restructuring the civil service have been sent to international consulting services. The Prime Minister's directives directly reach ministers, creating a system that assigns responsibilities to relevant officials. The people will exert their oversight. In the coalition government's agreement, the public will oversee and evaluate its functions. In the next parliamentary election, each party will be assessed on whether they improved the sectors they led.

Political parties of the coalition will present their program and budget amendments next Monday and sign their agreement.

The parliamentary factions of the three parties will assume oversight. This will ensure transparency in the government's operations to the public. Citizens will have the opportunity to oversee the program's implementation. All government websites are being consolidated. The aim is to create a government that works more closely with its citizens.

-All parties will be cautious against making unexpected decisions in this coalition government.

News Guide: Regular Cabinet Meeting to be Held

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

09:00-11:30 AM: At the Anti-Corruption Agency, a conference will be organized in collaboration with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime titled "Enhancing the Role of Civil Society and Media in Detecting and Preventing Corruption."

A regular cabinet meeting will be held.

11:30 AM: At the "ZM" Information Center, the chairman of the board of directors of "Onom Foundation" and the director of "Onom" School, D. Naranbaatar, along with lawyers, will provide information about the nullification of privatization related to a corruption case by filing a lawsuit against the Government Procurement Agency in the Administrative Court.

The tenth International Children's Sports Games will be held in Ulaanbaatar city.

In the Provinces:

  • The 100th anniversary festivals of Gobi-Altai province's Biger district, and Ömnögovi province's Bayandalai, Khankhongor, and Shivee-Gobi districts will take place.
  • The "Orkhon Valley Horse Keeper's Festival" will be held in Tsetserleg city, Archangai province.

The Policy Committee of the Coalition Government Agreement Will Adhere to the No Surprise Principle

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The regular meeting of the government took place today, discussing the Coalition Government Agreement among the three parties.

Regarding the decisions made, N. Uchral, the Head of the Cabinet Secretariat, provided information.

He stated, "There is a policy committee under the Coalition Government Agreement of the three parties. This policy committee includes the leaders of the three parties, the general secretaries, and the group leaders.

Thus, this policy committee will adhere to the principle of no surprise, meaning they will not make unexpected decisions. The government is stating that it will not make sudden decisions.

The group representing political parties in the Parliament is open to exercising its power and making decisions.

This is about ensuring the coalition government does not make unexpected decisions, and both parties are discussing this carefully.

The main feature of the coalition government agreement is that decisions are made through the central organization representing the three parties. It is not a document issued by the Parliament or the government. They are merely introducing it to the government.

Parliamentary groups will evaluate the implementation of the government’s program. We are consulting with all members of Parliament. Members elected from regions will discuss their pressing issues.

If the proposals of members elected from regions and the capital are incorporated within the scope of consultation, conditions for oversight will be established.

It is understood that the right of members of Parliament to speak and express their opinions is being freely guaranteed.

Since three parties are working together, we should have a policy committee in mid. This committee will handle unexpected issues as they arise.

For example, in 2021, Germany established a coalition government of three parties and had to change its action program and agreement due to the pandemic.

If natural force majeure circumstances arise, necessitating unexpected decisions, the Policy Committee will convene to timely update the agreement.

The party group will only oversee the government’s action program. The group leaders will oversee the implementation of the government action program and will not bear any obligations.

The agreement is signed by the leaders of the three parties. In developing the agreement, it is based on the long-term development policy "Vision 2050" ratified by Parliament.

The agreement aims to ensure political stability, with a commitment to promote the project collectively, with no one having the right to retreat due to changes in circumstances once a decision is made."

TODAY: "Khaan Quest-2024" International Military Exercise Closing Ceremony to be Held

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Overview of some events happening on Thursday, August 8:

10:30 - At the Tavantolgoi Armed Forces Training Center: The closing ceremony of the international peacekeeping exercise "Khaan Quest-2024" will take place. Contact: 8510-0098, 9979-5099, 8912-5099.

11:00 - At the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development: The quality of cement will be checked, and information will be provided on-site at the building materials market. Contact: 9507-1740, 9999-4426.

11:30 - At the "ZM" Information Center: Citizens of Khan-Uul district will provide information about the rusty water pipelines affecting their lives, health, and safety.

14:00 - At the "Mongolian Truth" newspaper: Information about the "Children's Fashion Week" to be held in South Korea will be provided by the Capital City Children's and Family Development and Protection Center, and the "Little Miss" International Children's Organization. Contact: 9919-5752.

The major e-sports "Counter Strike" tournament "IEM Cologne" is taking place in Cologne, Germany, with Asia's top-ranked team from Mongolia, "The MongolZ," competing.

In the Provinces:

  • The 100th-anniversary festivals are happening in the province centers of Tsetseg in Khovd, Tes in Uvs, Bayandelger in Umnugovi, and Manlai soums.
  • The Khentii VI Grand Festival of the Khentii tribe is being held in Erdenetsagaan, Sukhbaatar province, and Matad soum, Dornod province. The international research conference "The Khentii Lineage" and the unity and sports festival of the Khentii tribe will continue until August 8.

State Elections and the "MONEY MARATHON"

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The local government elections for aimags, the capital city, districts, and subdistricts are scheduled to be held on Friday, October 11. The National Audit Office has determined the maximum expenses that can be incurred by a single party, coalition, or candidate during the regular elections of the capital and district citizens' representation councils in 2024 as follows.

The elections for the capital's City Council will be held in enlarged districts, similar to the parliamentary elections. Some researchers believe this has influenced the increase in expenses for parties, coalitions, and candidates. For instance, a candidate from Bayangol District will spend 883.5 million MNT, whereas a candidate from Bagakhangai District will spend 99.5 million MNT, making the allocation easily noticeable as unfair.

In other words, candidates competing in the City Council elections must have the financial capacity to spend at least 100 million MNT and up to 1 billion MNT, which becomes the initial qualification criterion.

In the context of constitutional amendments and changes to the Law on Political Parties and the Election Law, efforts were made to reduce the percentages of election costs at all levels, with many promising talks. Although there have been improvements such as reducing the number of campaigners and their wages, cutting down the number and scope of printed pages, and consolidating candidate promotions on a unified billboard, politicians have criticized the increased costs.

For instance, for the 2024 regular Parliament elections, the National Audit Office set the maximum expenses for candidates between 894.7 million MNT and 1,526.1 million MNT, which candidates felt has become a significant barrier.

Former Member of Parliament Ts. Munkhtsetseg stated, "In this election, my elected Sukhbaatar District has merged with Chingeltei District to form a larger district, significantly increasing candidate expenses. Approximately one billion MNT is required to cover wages for campaigners, media, and promotional costs. As someone from the academic world entering politics without private business, I do not have the financial capability to compete in the district. Therefore, although I requested my party for list nomination, my party, the MPP, decided not to nominate Members of Parliament and Ministers on the list but to include representatives from various sectors to ensure broad social representation." She announced through her social media account that she supports this approach, emphasizing that the Parliament should ensure population representation.

In addition, former head of the MPP Group D. Togtokhsuren and Deputy Speaker of the Parliament B. Purevdorj, who "kneeled" in the Khangai region, reported that there was no other choice but to request assistance and fundraising from the public, relatives, and elders to cover election expenses. Even though such open criticism is rare, most admit that money was a crucial factor in the election.

Soon, in the local elections two months away, it will become a "money marathon" determining which party, coalition, or candidate has more financial resources to compete.

For example, the cost for a candidate from Bayangol District in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar is eight times greater than that for a candidate from Bagakhangai District. Until the system of election financing is reformed, representatives who are financially capable will continue to sit in Parliament and other representation councils rather than true representatives of the people. Naturally, it is a clear issue for everyone which interests are served once the spent money is restored in the system. As long as the oversight of state representatives’ elections by the citizens remains financially dependent, expecting candidates who are committed to working for their people and country to be elected is just a dream.

Without Protecting Whistleblowers and Keeping Journalistic Sources Confidential, Corruption Continues

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

A conference on "Increasing the Role of Civil Society and the Press in Detecting and Preventing Corruption" was held today.

The national program to fight corruption has been approved. The activities included in this program will be implemented based on the cooperation among the state, private sector, civil society, international organizations, media, and citizens.

Researcher L. Galbadrakh stated, "The transparency of information and the understanding and knowledge of citizens and public servants are insufficient. A non-staff council responsible for the implementation of laws operates under the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs. It is necessary to intensify the activities of this council to ensure public information transparency. Additionally, the National Human Rights Commission is tasked with receiving, investigating, and resolving complaints to ensure information transparency. Factors such as activating this Commission's activities are important in combating corruption.

According to Article 33 of the anti-corruption convention, it is necessary to adopt laws and regulations to protect whistleblowers. However, our country does not have a law to protect whistleblowers. Even though the government submitted a draft three years ago, it has not been approved yet. Without legal protection for whistleblowers and confidentiality for journalistic sources, the transparency of information is limited, which negatively impacts the fight against corruption.

Without protecting whistleblowers, corruption and crime information become more concealed, remaining undiscovered, and corruption worsens. Hence, there is a need to explore how to make information public and how to prevent unwarranted secrecy of information. This seminar is being conducted in this context."

UNODC Anti-Corruption Advisor John Haida mentioned, "One key issue discussed during this symposium is the proposal to establish a unity of civic organizations to collaborate on anti-corruption efforts in Mongolia.

This unity can be either a formal or informal arrangement.

By creating a civil society network, the Anti-Corruption Agency can better receive the views and voices of the public and engage in consultations and exchanges of opinions with the people."

Megumi Hara, Legal Advisor for the UNODC Southeast Asia and Pacific Region, stated, "Conference participants discussed many issues. They identified five main issues that need to be prioritized. First, they emphasized the importance of strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations and establishing an umbrella organization to support their cooperative efforts.

Second, it is necessary to increase the scope of publicly accessible information shared by government agencies to enhance transparency. Third, the opportunities to support the involvement of citizens and civil society organizations should be explored. Fourth, it is necessary to conduct influence activities that promote integrity, widespread dissemination, and businesses free from corruption in the private sector. Fifth, discussions were held on organizing influence activities to support young people and children to grow up as honest and fair citizens in a corruption-free society."

The symposium was held at the Anti-Corruption Agency headquarters.


The operating income of "Mongolian Stock Exchange" JSC increased by 72.6%, and net profit increased by 754.1%

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

The stock price of "Mongolian Stock Exchange" JSC has increased by over 242% since the beginning of the year, and its market valuation is estimated at approximately 140.5 billion MNT.

"Mongolian Stock Exchange" JSC had an operating income of 8.6 billion MNT in the first half of 2024, which is an increase of 72.6% compared to the same period of the previous year. During the reporting period, its net profit grew by 754.1% compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching 17.8 billion MNT.

In the first half of the year, the company organized securities trading worth 797.08 billion MNT. On average, 6.28 million securities were traded daily at a value of 6.37 billion MNT.

The company reports that they are planning to make amendments to the relevant regulations to relax the requirements and criteria for the top 100 enterprises in the next reporting period. It also emphasizes its efforts on expanding international cooperation and increasing the conditions for international investors to actively participate in Mongolia's financial market.

The stock price of "Mongolian Stock Exchange" JSC has increased by over 242% since the beginning of this year, and its market valuation is estimated at approximately 140.5 billion MNT.

In the First Seven Months of the Year, Export Surpasses Import by $2.9 Billion, Resulting in a Favorable Foreign Trade Balance

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The General Customs Administration (GCA) reported the performance of Mongolia's foreign trade for the first seven months of 2024, based on 435,983 export and 226,696 import customs declarations as well as other sources.

During the mentioned period, the total foreign trade turnover reached $15.7 billion, showing an increase of $1.9 billion or 14.2% compared to the same period in 2023. The export amount exceeded the import amount by $2.9 billion, resulting in a positive foreign trade balance.

Specifically, in the first seven months of the year, $9.3 billion worth of goods and raw materials were exported, a growth of 6.5% compared to the same period last year.

In terms of total export goods:

  • Mineral products accounted for $8.2 billion or 88.3%;
  • Pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, precious metals, jewelry, and coins accounted for $481.8 million or 5.2%;
  • Textile materials and textile products accounted for $271.6 million or 2.9%, with these items comprising 96.4% of the total export value.

In the first seven months of 2024, 46.1 million tons of coal were exported, marking a 35.5% increase compared to the same period in 2023. Moreover, 15.2 thousand tons of meat and offal were supplied to foreign countries, although this represented an 18.8% decrease from the previous year.

Report: Apartment Prices Increased by 11.9%

Published: Thu, 08 Aug 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The owner of an ad in the "Buy and Sell Apartments" Facebook group about selling a three-room apartment in the city center for 260 million updated their price to 265 million just a week later. When calling to inquire about the price of the apartment according to the ad, a middle-aged man casually replied, "The price of apartments is rising every day. We won't lower the price for sale." Compared to recent years, apartment prices have increased, drawing criticism from the public. Specifically, in June 2024, apartment prices in Ulaanbaatar increased by 11.9% compared to the same period of the previous year, and by 1.3% compared to the previous month. Therefore, we investigated how apartment prices in the capital have increased.

As of the first quarter of 2024, 42,588 new apartment units are on the market in Ulaanbaatar. Of all the projects being implemented, 64.7% are standard-grade apartments. Supply of mid-range, business, and high-grade projects has decreased compared to previous years. Furthermore, the supply of standard-grade apartments is expected to account for about 70% of total supply in the coming years. 42.9% of all new apartment market projects in Ulaanbaatar are being carried out in Han-Uul District, with a total of 100 projects or 18,283 apartment units under development. This shows that the demand for high-end apartments in the real estate market has decreased, possibly leading to increased demand for standard-grade apartments, affecting price growth.

Several factors influence the increase in apartment prices. One such factor is the location of the apartment. Regardless of when they were commissioned, apartments labeled as "City Center" are the most expensive. Apartment prices are highest in Bayangol and Han-Uul Districts, with a price per square meter of 4.17 million tugriks. However, the most expensive old apartment is in the Sukhbaatar District, with an average price per square meter of 4.62 million tugriks. Breaking down the price increase of new and old apartments, the price of old apartments in the capital has increased by 14.7%, and new apartments by 7.3%.

Annually, around 2,000 buildings are commissioned nationwide. Due to policies from the government like mortgage loans with a six percent annual interest rate and housing price stabilization programs, the number of businesses operating in this sector is continuously increasing. The government decided to transfer 500 billion tugriks from "Erdenes Mongolia" to housing mortgages. As a result, the source for mortgage loans increased to 1.2 trillion tugriks, allowing more than 10,000 citizens who meet the bank's criteria to obtain housing. On the one hand, there's a positive increase in households eligible for housing, but on the other hand, there's the risk of rising prices following this demand.

In the week when transferring mortgage loan sources to commercial banks began, mortgage issuance increased by 42%. This is a 59% increase compared to the same period last year.

Specifically, under the housing mortgage program, from the beginning of the year (2024-05-17), 397.3 billion tugriks in loans were issued to 3,361 households, of which 267.3 billion tugriks went to 2,082 households in Ulaanbaatar, and 130 billion tugriks to 1,279 households. Mongolia typically disbursed a maximum of 700 billion in financing annually for mortgage loans, but with an additional 500 billion from the Accumulation Fund, the source for mortgage loans increased to 1.2 trillion tugriks.

Real estate brokers are defined as those who provide professional advice to choose a living space or work environment together with people, helping them make future investments. However, according to citizens, real estate brokers are the biggest reason for apartment price inflation. Specifically, real estate companies operating in Mongolia connect with individuals who have placed ads for selling apartments and offer to help sell them. Although this seems to simplify the apartment selling process, it undoubtedly burdens buyers with price pressures. According to brokers in the real estate sector, "Price increases have already been felt. New residences have increased in price by an average of 300 thousand tugriks per square meter in line with the increase in material costs. This is true for both new and old apartments, as the price of rebar per ton increases, it results in price hikes on each unit as well."

Financial Markets Stabilize after the "Great Storm"

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Although major global stock market indices fell on August 5-6, they have stabilized from today.

Fearing a contraction of the US economy, the world's largest, the stock prices fell. On August 2, which was last Friday, the unemployment rate in the United States was presented. It was announced that 114,000 new jobs were created in non-agricultural sectors. Economists had estimated the creation of 175-185 thousand new jobs.

Additionally, the shrinking manufacturing sector in America has worried investors.

Japan, considered the world's third-largest economy, suffered the most damage in its stock market but rebounded by ten percent yesterday (August 7, 2024). On Monday, the Nikkei index fell by 12.4 percent, the first occurrence since 1987. The US S&P 500 index declined by 3 percent, and the Nasdaq by 3.43 percent.

The sharp fall in the main indices, unprecedented in recent years, has pressured the US Federal Reserve to reconsider whether to lower its policy interest rates.

However, some economists believe it is not advisable to cut the policy rate earlier than planned to halt the decline in stock prices.

What did the Economists say?

  • Any sensible person would go crazy upon seeing Japan's stock market index fall by 10-12 percent upon getting up in the morning. Panic among people is understandable. What is important is whether this trend will continue further.
  • After this wave, investors will certainly be more cautious in buying stocks and bonds compared to before.

Has this Event Affected Mongolia?

Currently, it is too early to answer this question. As the US dollar strengthened, the price of copper on the London Metal Exchange slightly decreased. The TOP20 index, the main indicator of our country's stock market, fell by 2.74 percent on August 6, reaching 49,350.66 points.

In 2024, the following securities constitute the TOP-20 index portfolio:

  1. KHAN - Khaan Bank JSC - 1,039 - 1,986,773,722,000
  2. TDB - Trade and Development Bank - 26,000 - 1,315,624,102,000
  3. APU - APU JSC - 1,015 - 1,080,144,276,295
  4. INV - Invescore NBFI JSC - 6,850 - 518,848,324,850
  5. GLMT - Golomt Bank JSC - 1,160 - 938,042,474,960
  6. TTL - Tavan Tolgoi JSC - 34,780 - 1,831,695,656,000
  7. GOV - Gobi JSC - 261 - 203,983,816,500
  8. CUMN - Premium Nexus JSC - 195 - 216,944,871,020
  9. BOGD - Bogd Bank JSC - 82 - 103,100,000,000
  10. SBM - State Bank JSC - 475 - 358,670,718,750
  11. MSE - Mongolian Stock Exchange JSC - 411 - 144,149,158,226
  12. TUM - Tumen Shuvuut JSC - 370 - 73,948,000,000
  13. SUU - Suu JSC - 428 - 146,837,360,430
  14. MNP - Mongol Post JSC - 600 - 59,751,817,800
  15. MLG - Monlogistics Holding JSC - 180 - 71,254,587,960
  16. SEND - Sendly NBFI JSC - 142 - 31,791,654,000
  17. MNDL - Mandal Insurance JSC - 80 - 49,944,128,000
  18. MFC - Monos Foods JSC - 85 - 34,735,932,363
  19. ADB - Ard Credit NBFI JSC - 101 - 36,869,560,000
  20. GAZR - Gazar Shim Uildver JSC - 49 - 59,186,792,426

2024 First Half Year Real Estate Market Overview

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Real estate is considered one of the most beneficial resources when it comes to living and establishing a livelihood, compared to other wealth. It is also one of the most significant and valuable investments in a person’s life. This is why many factors are considered when making a choice, such as proximity to schools and kindergartens, playgrounds, green environment, and construction quality. Although real estate may seem like a primary need, it is a lifetime asset that falls under the definition of a dream.

In 2023, the economy stabilized with a growth of 7.0% compared to the previous year. The operation of borders and ports returned to pre-pandemic normalcy, with the mining sector growing by 23% and the transport sector by 39%. Meanwhile, the agricultural sector contracted by 9% due to severe winter conditions, showing varying growth rates across different sectors.

By 2020, 46.0% of the total population lived in Ulaanbaatar, and this number continues to increase every year. According to the population growth forecast until 2050, Mongolia's total population is expected to rise by 50% from 2022 to reach 5,003,938, with 50.5% residing in the capital.

As of 2023, 19,196 housing units have been put into operation nationwide in Mongolia, along with school and cultural buildings accommodating 21,316 seats.

In 2024, by May, new loans amounting to 336.55 billion MNT were issued, bringing the total outstanding loans to 8.28 trillion MNT. Of this, 82.3% or 6.81 trillion MNT of the loan balance is attributed to borrowers in Ulaanbaatar.

Real estate transactions are registered by the state when transferring ownership from one possessor to another, providing insight into how many properties enter the market annually.

By June 2024, the average price per square meter for new apartments reached 4.1 million MNT, while for old apartments, it was averaged at 3.87 million MNT.

In the first half of 2024, there are 308 licensed real estate brokerage firms with 1,284 agents and 328 brokers operating in Mongolia, as reported by the regulatory body, the Financial Regulatory Commission. It is advised to use professional licensed companies and agents when purchasing real estate.

About 85% of all licensed agents work for RE/MAX company.

The RE/MAX MONGOLIA region's sales report for the first half of 2024 is ready for readers.

In the first half of 2024, RE/MAX agents made sales of 677 billion MNT, achieving 121% of their target and showing a 31.6% increase from the same period last year.

Leading RE/MAX agents have put 9,265 real estate properties into circulation in the first half of 2024, helping clients find their dream properties with a growth of 22.6%.

In the first half of 2024, RE/MAX agents achieved 677 billion MNT in sales with a 31.6% growth rate.

RE/MAX aims to ensure gender equality from the second half of 2024.

According to the agent data, the average age of RE/MAX MONGOLIA region agents is 36.

In the first half of 2024, the region's commission income was 23.3 billion MNT, a 59.7% increase compared to the same period last year.

In the first half of 2023, the commission income per agent was 2.8 million MNT, which increased to 3.9 million MNT in the first half of 2024.

The average income of RE/MAX agents is 62.5% higher compared to the average salary in Mongolia, indicating high demand for this profession.

The RE/MAX real estate database currently includes 269,800 properties and information on 330 projects in Mongolia, making it the largest database in the country. RE/MAX agents can advise you on which apartment or location has been the most profitable over the past 9 years using their database.

The average price of residential properties sold by RE/MAX agents is 207.9 million MNT.

When making real estate decisions, always seek advice from a professional agent. Especially for first-time property buyers, emotional decisions can lead to wrong choices. Deciding on which district of Ulaanbaatar to buy or rent an apartment is one of the most important decisions in your life as it should best match your needs and expectations.

Lastly, staying updated with real estate news and information will guide you toward making smart decisions.

"BDSec Securities" JSC's Net Profit Reaches ₮3.8 Billion in the First Half of the Year

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: bloombergtv.mn

As of the first half of the year, "BDSec Securities" JSC executed 52.5% of all trades on the Mongolian Stock Exchange, amounting to ₮839.95 billion.

During the first half of 2024, "BDSec Securities" JSC reported operating revenue of ₮5.8 billion, which is double the amount from the same period last year, as reported to the Mongolian Stock Exchange. During the reporting period, its net profit increased 8.3 times, reaching ₮3.8 billion.

In the first half of 2024, the company opened over 33,000 domestic and international securities accounts within its brokerage activities, expanding its client base.

During the reporting period, the company executed 52.5% of the total trades conducted on the Mongolian Stock Exchange, amounting to ₮839.95 billion. Additionally, it highlights the continuous growth in the size of over-the-counter market trades and the number of investors.

In the first half of this year, the company completed trades amounting to ₮14.2 billion through the over-the-counter market.

Considering its underwriting activities, "BDSec Securities" JSC offered and sold the "Ulaanbaatar Bond", the city's first bond, along with the closed bonds of "City Oil" LLC and "Tsogt Zeel" LLC in the over-the-counter market, raising a total of ₮134.5 billion from the market.

Golomt Bank Signs Memorandum of Understanding with “Inner Mongolia Bank”

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The conference, organized jointly by the People's Bank, the Chamber of Commerce, the Committee for the Promotion of International Trade of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the Erenhot City Party Committee and City Government, under the theme "Effectively Linking Financial and Capital Preferential Policies and Expanding Open Policies Towards Mongolia," successfully concluded in Erenhot City on August 4 of this year. Golomt Bank was invited to participate in this meeting, during which it signed a "Strategic Cooperation Memorandum" with the Inner Mongolia Bank to renew their collaborative efforts towards financing trade between China and Mongolia under favorable conditions.

During the event, a tripartite roundtable meeting was held involving the Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Sino-Mongolian commercial banks, and enterprise representatives. This meeting resulted in effective discussions addressing issues related to cross-border payments, overseas investments, and the legal environment.

Golomt Bank's Corporate Banking Director, B. Sugar-Erdene, stated, "In addition to providing various financial services to our clients, Golomt Bank offers tailored financial advisory services to each client. This ensures that entrepreneurs can access new markets, attract foreign investments, and obtain innovative financial services in a timely manner. Therefore, Golomt Bank is working with China's Inner Mongolia Bank to offer letters of credit, guarantees, and import-export loan services under the most favorable conditions based on the needs of our clients."

Inner Mongolia Bank, established in 1999 with the investment of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government, is a local bank recognized in the market for serving Chinese enterprises and organizations engaged in foreign trade and investments.

As of 2023, Golomt Bank has accounted for 68.5% of the total market for foreign guarantees and letters of credit. It collaborates with over 250 global partner organizations, including major international development financial institutions such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), Agricultural Bank of China (ABC), and Mengshang Bank.


Philippine Foreign Minister Familiarizes with Nomadic Culture and Enjoys a Mini-Naadam Festival

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The official visit of the Republic of the Philippines' Foreign Minister Enrique A. Manalo to Mongolia, which took place from the 3rd to the 6th of this month, has concluded.

During his visit, Foreign Minister Enrique A. Manalo had an audience with Mongolia's Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene, meetings with Deputy Prime Minister S. Amarsaikhan and Chair of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Security and Foreign Policy G. Temuulen, and held official talks with Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg.

Additionally, Foreign Minister Enrique A. Manalo participated in a roundtable meeting with representatives from Mongolia's security and strategic studies institutes. Minister Manalo also became acquainted with Mongolia's nomadic lifestyle and traditions, observing a mini-Naadam festival that showcased the three manly games, as well as Mongolian national music and dance.

This visit is notable as it is the first official visit to Mongolia by a Philippine Foreign Minister since the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries in 1973.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Measures to Ensure Fuel Supply and Prevent Disruptions

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The regular government meeting was held today, and some decisions were announced.

During this meeting, the Government of Mongolia's resolution regarding the preparation for the 2024-2025 winter and spring seasons in the agricultural sector was approved.

Within the framework of the resolution:

  • Ensure an adequate supply of wheat reserves
  • Petroleum products
  • Urgently implement all necessary measures to ensure the supply of fuel and prevent any disruptions, with special attention directed to the sector ministers.

Supporting Projects to be Implemented in the Capital and Submitting Budget Amendments to Parliament Next Monday

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Projects to be implemented in the capital that require necessary support through budget amendments were presented by Cabinet Secretary N. Uchral.

He stated, "The pressing issues of the capital are very clear. A political decision has been made to relocate the administrative and public service complexes. We are discussing where these locations will be and today we are allocating the budget for the initial consulting services and tasks in the budget amendments.

Additionally, there is an urgent need to implement a major project to reduce traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar, including the construction of a tunnel. We have negotiated and are introducing several options.

To finalize these options, recommendations and conclusions from professional organizations for the project must be obtained, and the plan should be evaluated thoroughly. If solutions are not made this way, the issues cannot be resolved simply by holding meetings.

The Ulaanbaatar metro project has also been initially announced as PMC (Project Management Consulting), and progress is being made.

Therefore, financial resolutions through budget amendments are being made to provide the necessary support for the projects being implemented in the capital. By submitting this to the Parliament next Monday, the Minister of Finance and the Deputy Prime Minister will provide additional information related to the budget amendments.

Combined with the government's action plan, the government's agreement, and the budget amendments, it is decided to submit these to the Parliament next Monday," he said.

Furthermore, he added, "When formulating the government's action plan, it was based on the parliament's long-term development policy and Vision 2050. This is distinct as it represents Mongolia's long-term development policy.

If it is decided to ensure political stability, discuss together and advance the projects, no one can reverse or retract halfway; thus, an agreement is made.

We have started many projects and programs in the past, but political consensus was needed. All task forces have been renewed.

For example, there are several projects like the uranium project, oil refinery, and border connection roads. These task forces have been renewed with the composition of new ministers."

UBTZ Transported 821.6 Million Tons of Cargo and 148.8 Million Passengers

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

As the role of railroads is considered crucial in the development of countries worldwide, the establishment of the "Ulaanbaatar Railway" joint venture in 1949 has played a significant role in accelerating our country's development. Following the path of the railway, new factories, mines, towns, and villages have emerged, and this association has fulfilled the main function of transportation in the country's development.

Since its establishment, the "Ulaanbaatar Railway" joint venture has transported a total of 821.6 million tons of cargo and 148.8 million passengers.

Even today, "UBTZ" alone handles more than 70% of Mongolia's total cargo turnover and over 90% of railway transport, which shows its significant contribution to the social and economic development of the country.

UBTZ transports about 90% of the country's total oil, petroleum products, energy coal, and consumer goods by itself. Without the involvement of this association, it is unimaginable to maintain the economic stability of the country and the normal life of the people.

Ulaanbaatar Railway: Transports Over 90% of Consumer Goods

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

Just as the railway plays a crucial role in the development of countries worldwide, the establishment of the "Ulaanbaatar Railway" joint stock company in 1949 has significantly accelerated our country's progress. Following the railway's path, new factories, mines, cities, and towns have risen, with this association fulfilling the main transport role in the country's development.

"Ulaanbaatar Railway" has transported a total of 821.6 million tons of cargo and 148.8 million passengers since its inception.

To date, "Ulaanbaatar Railway" accounts for over 70% of Mongolia's total freight turnover and more than 90% of railway transportation, demonstrating its substantial contribution to the country's socio-economic development. The railway transports almost 90% of the nation's oil and petroleum products, energy coal, and the population's consumer goods. Without the involvement of this association, it is impossible to envision the country's economic stability and the normal lives of its people.

A School with 640 Student Capacity to be Built in the 18th District of Khan-Uul

Published: Thu, 08 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In the territory of the 18th district of Khan-Uul, 7,000 square meters of land from the 69,944 square meters owned by "Nominreoltor" LLC will be acquired by the city to build a school with a capacity of 640 students. The management of the company has been consulted.

This land, 69,944 square meters in area, has been under the ownership of "Nominreoltor" LLC since 2020 for a period of 15 years. In the 18th district of Khan-Uul, there are over 3,000 school-aged children. The project to build a 640-student capacity school on the company's 7,000 square meters of land was designed in 2022, with funding secured. Due to unresolved negotiations regarding the land with "Nominreoltor" LLC, the construction of the school has been delayed for more than two years.

The Governor of the city and the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, H. Nyambaatar, mentioned during his inspection of the location, "This district is one of the most densely populated in Ulaanbaatar, lacking accessibility to public schools and kindergartens. I have previously met with the President of ‘Nomin Holding’ group, Sh. Bayarsaikhan, three times regarding this issue. To expedite the matter, we are meeting again today.

Legally, the land required for building a school for 640 children will be transferred to ‘Nominreoltor’ LLC in exchange for land near the airport. Initially, the company will submit a request for land compensation. Consequently, after transferring equivalent land to the company, the city will acquire the school construction land,” he stated.

The Director of Construction and Real Estate Business of "Nominreoltor" LLC, I. Galbuyan, said, "Initially, the plan for this land was to build a private school. We are positively responding to the proposal by Director H. Nyambaatar, and we will promptly proceed with negotiations and submit our request for equivalent land next week.”

Source: Public Relations Department, Mayor's Office

Renovation of the Water Pipeline from the Victory Square to the Geser Temple Intersection without Digging Trenches

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

From the area in front of Victory Square to the Geser Temple intersection, a central water pipeline with a diameter of 400 mm and a length of 450 meters is being renovated without trench digging.

Specifically, the Municipality's Water Supply and Sewerage Authority of Ulaanbaatar, together with Austria's "RTI" company, implemented a project to introduce trenchless rehabilitation technology for the renovation and repair of the water supply network between 2018-2023.

Currently, this technology has been localized, and the authority is independently conducting the pipeline and network rehabilitation. This method allows for quick repairs and renovation without the need to excavate roads or restrict water supply, and requires less cost and reinstatement work.

Ulaanbaatar's General Manager and Head of the Mayor's Office, Ts. Turkhuy: "The water pipeline we are working on was originally built in the 1950s. Today, we are using modern technology for relining.

The principle of this trenchless technology is to begin by thoroughly cleaning old steel pipes with high-pressure water to remove all rust buildup on the internal walls. This is followed by a visual inspection with a camera and the installation of a fiberglass lining.

In the future, this type of technology will be applied to the aged water pipelines of Ulaanbaatar city. This will prevent disruptions to the work and lives of citizens and enterprises and completely solve problems related to rusty water leakage from old pipelines. We are providing a guarantee of 100 years for this pipeline."

Project Engineer B. Odbayar of the Pipeline Maintenance and Repair Department of the Ulaanbaatar Water Supply and Sewerage Authority: "Since the start of the pipeline relining project, we have relined and renovated 16.6 km of pipelines with diameters ranging from 150-400 mm, and the work has been fully commissioned.

With maximum capacity, we can renovate a pipeline within one night, or 12 hours. In other words, renovation of the utilities under the first lane is carried out at night to avoid traffic disruptions. This year, we plan to reline and renovate 2.4 km of clean water pipelines at six locations in the capital."

Monos Group LLC - INVITATION FOR OPEN TENDER: Selection of Contractor for "Employee Housing" Construction Project

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Monos Group is implementing a Health Service project located in Gorkhi Terelj, 53 km from Ulaanbaatar city. They are inviting tenders for the selection of a contractor for the two-story "EMPLOYEE HOUSING" building with a basement.

Complete construction and assembly work for the two-story building with a basement for the Rehabilitation Center.

Documents to be submitted by participants:

  • Company introduction (UB certificate, tax, and social insurance declarations)
  • Copy of the special permit certificate
  • Information on similar projects executed in the last 3 years
  • Information on the workforce
  • Price proposal including construction details

Applications for participation in the selection will be accepted via the emails info@monos.mn, uranbayar@monos.mn from August 1 to August 12.

The Road Near "River Garden" Complex in Khan-Uul District's 17th Subdistrict to Become Four Lanes

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In the vicinity of Khan-Uul District's 17th Subdistrict, requests have repeatedly been made to the management of the constructions in the area for the creation of standard pedestrian paths and a two-way four-lane road near complexes such as "Khan Hills", "Erdeniin Tögöl", and "River Garden".

In regards to these issues, the Mayor of the capital, H. Nyambaatar, along with the complex administrators and relevant officials, has worked on-site.

Over the last ten years, the pedestrian paths and roadways around "Khan Hills", "Erdeniin Tögöl", and "River Garden" complexes have not met the required standards, resulting in restricted access for residents.

It has been found that unauthorized constructions have been built in public spaces, obstructing traffic lanes, and transforming them into narrow two-lane, two-way roads with parking areas established in front of service centers.

Therefore, it has been suggested to demolish unauthorized buildings and structures in the public domain of this location and to construct standard roads and pedestrian pathways for the convenience of the citizens.

"Certain individuals must not compromise public interests for personal comfort. It is unacceptable."

According to the city’s Mayor H. Nyambaatar, the roadways planned for this area in a partial plan cannot be compromised by a group of individuals thinking only of their comfort.

Unauthorized buildings will be demolished, and the property will be restored to the state. It will be developed into a standardized path with pedestrian lanes on both sides and two-way lanes. Even ordinary citizens, not just those with disabilities, face hurdles on this road, hence efforts will be accelerated collaboratively with relevant authorities.

"We agree to transform it into a four-lane road."

The CEO of “NCD Group” LLC, B. Khurelkhüü, expressed support for the four-lane road initiative. Previously attempting to create a four-lane road, we were compelled to construct a two-lane road at our expense due to spatial constraints from both sides.

Although the road was proposed to be handed over to the city, budget constraints led to a refusal to accept it, meaning that maintenance has been managed by our homeowners’ association at our own expense to this day. We are prepared to start with phased demolition of structures to clear the traffic section as stated.

Source: Press and Public Relationship Department of the Mayor’s Office


School Uniforms from National Factories Squeezed by "Imitations"

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: unuudur.mn

It is believed that students wearing the same uniform daily enhances the sense of equality among children, prevents economic disparity in the school environment, reduces competition based on appearance, and decreases teasing and bullying. In 2011, our country ratified the “MNS6232:2011 Student Uniform Wool Blend Fabric: Technical Requirements” standard. Two years later, in 2013, a Government Resolution supporting the national production of student uniforms was adopted. Based on this resolution, starting from the 2013-2014 academic year, national factories began supplying student uniforms to the market. Consequently, a total of MNT 23 billion was granted as repayable, low-interest loans from the Employment Support Fund and the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund to those engaged in manufacturing student uniforms. Are national factories conscious of their responsibilities, producing light, warm, non-toxic, quality materials that fit children well and do not obstruct their movements?

With less than a month until the start of the new school year, choosing the right student uniform for their children is a headache for parents. When they want to support their domestic industry by buying local uniforms, they are faced with prices that skyrocket each year without a proportional increase in quality. As a result, people resort to buying Chinese-made uniforms, widely available in markets and shops. A mother mentioned, "I bought my daughter's pinafore from Eren for about MNT 15,000. It’s several times more expensive here. It's not like she'll wear it for life." Many, like her, opt for inexpensive Chinese uniforms when comparing prices. When asked what experienced mothers, who have 2-3 school-going children, consider when selecting uniforms, opinions were divided. Some claimed that national products were of higher quality and posed no health risks. Others felt that Mongolian-made uniforms were equally low in quality and expensive. In fact, one said, "Initially, we bought Mongolian-made ones, but later switched to Chinese. We end up getting from both and alternating. My son, who is in high school, changes pants and shirts three times a year. My younger daughter had to get a new one in spring too."

National production intent on supporting local production is faced with quality issues. For instance, shirts lose color quickly, tear easily, pants and jackets wear out from friction, and they aren't ergonomic for children. Yet, another mother mentioned, "Chinese shirts I bought were easier to iron and wash." An ongoing irony is that people should not have to doubt these products. The government had mandated national factories ten years ago to supply students with reasonably priced, quality, semi-wool uniforms without negative health impacts. Unfortunately, factories have not upheld this responsibility.

An estimate of how many students wear locally produced versus imported uniforms nationwide lacks. However, a glance at schools shows many students in Chinese uniforms. Chinese shirts are often more vibrant, and their jackets bear larger "EBS" insignia.

Last year, 771,000 children enrolled in general education schools. About 10 national companies produced uniforms for these children. This year, eight companies, including "Buteelch Uils", "Shilmel Zagvar", "Uulen Mench", "Torgon Khiyts", "Temur Trade", "Erd Sulj", and "Shuten Uul", will supply the student uniforms. The sectoral ministry and educational institutions tasked ensuring that students have healthily qualified, wool-containing fabric uniforms made by domestic sewing factories. Since 2013, these factories have collaborated to produce student uniforms and sell them through contracted sales points in provinces. The "Back to School" exhibition sale commenced on the 1st of this month.

In 2019, the technical requirements for school uniforms were updated to ensure warmth retention, air permeability, moisture absorption capacity, and safety standards conducive to human health. However, it's challenging to ascertain if Chinese-made clothes adhere to these standards. Given the market for uniforms in Mongolia, many Chinese factories have taken part in this sector. From the onset of local school uniform production, "imitations" have dominated markets like Narantuul and Kharkhorin. Chinese manufacturers vary in pricing, depending on the company, with shirts averaging MNT 25,000. In comparison, Mongolian shirts cost between MNT 35,000-40,000.

Here's a price overview from two national factories: a primary school shirt from “Shilmel Zagvar” is MNT 35,000, a girl’s sarafan or boy’s jacket is MNT 78,000, pants are MNT 49,000, and a tie is MNT 6,000. For middle school students, a jacket is MNT 95,000, a skirt is MNT 56,000, pants are MNT 60,000, a shirt is MNT 38,000, and a tie is MNT 9,000. High school jackets range between MNT 108,000-120,000, skirts are MNT 58,000, pants are MNT 65,000, shirts are MNT 40,000, and ties are MNT 9,000. The prices of uniforms by “Buteelch Uils” are close to those of “Shilmel Zagvar”. Complete sets from Buteelch Uils for primary schools range from MNT 116,000-165,000, for middle schools from MNT 192,000-196,000, and for high schools from MNT 211,000-230,000. Little has changed in pricing compared to last year. Other national factories offer prices similar to these two, with some differences ranging from MNT 2,000-3,000. The public remains uncertain about the quality materials used, making it challenging to make an informed choice. Some companies claim to use materials ordered from South Korea, ensuring compliance with standard requirements.

Minister of Education, P. Naranbayar convened an urgent meeting yesterday. Among the issues discussed was the matter of student uniforms. Related specialists had previously been instructed to take this up during an urgent meeting. It seems they are gathering opinions on offering choices like polo shirts for primary school uniforms, with assigned experts tasked to conduct thorough research on standards, materials, and pricing. Parents, hearing this, are delaying purchasing uniforms for their primary school children.

Since production began, the design and material choices for student uniforms have been criticized. The uniforms have remained uncomfortable, constrictive, and too cumbersome, drawing criticism without much repair. National manufacturers have reasoned, “Due to the wool content, the fabric is prone to wear. In a country with extreme climates, children’s clothing needs to be warm.” While this may hold true, finding designs comfortable for children should be possible. In other countries, the comfort of school uniforms is paramount, with polo shirts and light, aesthetic tops preferred. In our country, private school students have worn polo shirts for a significant time. If public schools implement this too remains to be seen. With little time left, whether national factories can supply polo shirts to primary students is questionable. When consulted, “Temur Trade” remarked, “We’ve received no official statements from the ministry. We’re sewing polo shirts for some private schools, but China imports cheap polo shirts made from synthetic materials, causing allergies and sweating. We use cotton. While fabric samples for import undergo lab testing, student uniforms’ quality often isn't checked.”

Countries prioritize clothing production for defense and children due to health and safety concerns. Favoring domestically made, reliable, quality garments is a preference among citizens.


The Ministry of Education Issues Recommendation for Primary Students to Use Pencils

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In order to create opportunities for students to learn from their mistakes rather than fear them and to correct them, starting from this academic year, teachers, parents, and guardians are advised to have primary school students use pencils for writing. By using pencils, children can easily erase their mistakes and have the opportunity to learn and develop independently.

Considering the developmental characteristics of the hands of six-year-old students, as well as international experience and significance, pencils are the most suitable tool for writing.

Regarding this, Minister of Education P. Naranbayar stated, "From the first grade, primary school children are made to write with pens. When they make mistakes, they are made to underline the incorrect word and copy it again. This is a form of punishment for the child. We must grant the right to make mistakes to that child. We will work to ensure that children are not afraid of their mistakes but can fix them and have the opportunity to resolve issues in their own way."

The practice of using pencils, in addition to pens, when initially teaching children to write is common internationally. For example, Finland, a global leader in education, considers writing with pencils as a means to allow children to correct their mistakes and subsequently reduce the stress that students may experience.

Meanwhile, in Germany, conditions are created so that children do not worry about making mistakes by ensuring they have a good grasp of fundamental skills such as writing and drawing with pencils before gradually introducing the use of pens.


UNTE: Collaborating with the Australian Medical Association

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The directors of the National First Central Hospital (UNTE) met with representatives from the "Sight for all" Australian Medical Association. The "Sight for all" Australian Medical Association has started the next round of training aimed at specializing ophthalmologists from UNTE and other hospitals.

The association travels to our country not only to perform surgeries but also to train and develop our medical professionals sustainably, offering both online and workplace training.

The initial training, led by glaucoma consultant Dr. Sartaj Sandhu from Sydney's Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, was conducted from July 29 to August 2, focusing on eye pressure or glaucoma. This week, from August 5 to 9, workplace training is being organized in the field of eye neurology.

M. Oyuungerel: People who received the measles vaccine are protected against the disease and should not be afraid

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

In Mongolia, a case of imported measles was registered on August 1, 2024. As of today, there are a total of two imported cases, two domestic infections, and one suspected case. Therefore, in order to avoid misconceptions about measles, we sought clarification from professional organizations regarding the preventive measures taken against the disease, its symptoms, and prevention methods.

Measles is a highly contagious viral acute infectious disease. It is transmitted from person to person through airborne droplets. All ages are at risk if they have not been vaccinated or previously contracted measles. We clarified this matter with M. Oyuungerel, a senior doctor at NCCD.

  • How can one identify if they have measles? How is measles different from other infectious diseases?
  • The main symptom of measles is a distinctive rash on the skin and oral mucosa. It also manifests as inflammation of the conjunctiva, nasal mucosa, and cough. These symptoms appear before the rash on the skin. The disease progresses acutely, characterizing as an acute feverish condition with rash.
  • Where should one turn first if they suspect a measles infection?
  • It is essential to contact soum (district) and family health centers first. These centers are conducting sample tests to distinguish measles from other diseases.
  • Is there a stage for measles? Are there home treatment methods?
  • Clinically, measles can occur in three forms: mild, moderate, and severe. It can be treated at home in mild cases. If complications occur, hospital treatment is necessary. Children with underlying chronic conditions also need to be hospitalized.
  • There is information that measles affects the brain. Under what circumstances does it affect the brain?
  • Measles can cause early and late complications. In late or severe cases, there is a risk of affecting the brain. However, not everyone with measles will experience brain complications.
  • What treatment is provided if one is infected?
  • Measles is caused by a morbilli virus infection. There is no specific treatment against the virus. However, symptomatic treatments are provided depending on the symptoms and complications present. When children are hospitalized, Vitamin A is recommended first. Vitamin A is used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. Therefore, the use of Vitamin A is encouraged.
  • Can people who have been vaccinated against measles relax?
  • Yes, if vaccinated, immunity is established against the disease.

In Mongolia, a significant outbreak of measles occurred in 2015-2016, with over 53,000 cases registered. Among them, 52% were children aged 0-2 years, and around 120 children died of measles during those years. Those children were either unvaccinated or had only received the first dose. Therefore, we sought clarification from O. Dashpagam, head of the Immunization Department of NCCD, regarding how the risk of measles spread is being prevented, and the progress of vaccination.

  • How is the work being done to prevent the spread of measles?
  • One specific method to prevent measles is through vaccination. Vaccination is administered in Mongolia according to its national immunization schedule at the ages of nine months and two years with a combined vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella. Although vaccination coverage in Mongolia is considered high, there are cases each year where certain children miss or do not receive their vaccines for specific reasons. In such cases, a supplementary immunization arrangement is available for children up to 15 years of age. Parents can contact their assigned family health centers, district health centers, or soum health centers to receive supplementary immunization. Parents of children not yet eligible for vaccination should be mindful of not taking their children to crowded places.
  • Is the risk of children contracting measles higher?
  • People who have not previously been vaccinated against measles or lack specific immunity and have not contracted measles are at risk of getting infected regardless of age. However, the infection tends to be more complicated in young children. Therefore, it is more necessary to prevent measles in young children.
  • Is there enough vaccine supply nationwide for everyone to be immunized?
  • Not enough to immunize everyone. The immunization process is targeted. The target group includes doctors and healthcare workers. Since they provide assistance and services to sick people, they are at high risk of contracting and spreading the infection. It is necessary for parents to ensure their children are vaccinated according to the schedule and catch up on missed vaccinations.
  • Globally, since 2023, there has been a high spread of measles. What is the situation now?
  • In the years following the pandemic, the risk of measles spreading has increased in every country. Additionally, the number of countries where measles outbreaks have been registered has increased since 2022. As of the first seven months of 2024, over 200,000 cases have been registered in more than 170 countries, indicating that measles poses a risk of spreading everywhere, and most countries are reporting the illness. The high-risk group is those who did not get vaccinated during the pandemic years or are not fully vaccinated, increasing the risk of measles infection. Therefore, we must ensure vaccination at the scheduled times. Being vaccinated as scheduled is the most critical preventive measure.
  • Is there a guarantee that people who have had measles will not get infected again?
  • It is considered that lifelong immunity is established in people who have had measles, so they are not expected to get the disease again.
  • There is conflicting information among the public that the measles vaccine could potentially cause the disease. Does the vaccine have any negative effects?
  • All countries perform the measles vaccination according to a schedule, though the schedules differ. The schedules vary depending on the disease conditions. Before the measles vaccine, the disease spread widely like COVID-19 with high mortality rates, affecting mainly young children. Therefore, the rapid spread and high complication of the disease necessitated vaccination as a specific preventative measure. Even with personal high protection, unvaccinated populations do not acquire immunity against measles since it spreads through the respiratory tract. People should apply a filter to the information circulating online and follow advice provided by professional organizations. As misinformation spreads and participation in vaccination decreases among the public, the risk of infection rapidly increases in unprotected communities.

Individuals born before 2020 can verify their vaccination status through health booklets and vaccination cards. Since 2020, vaccinated children have been recorded in the electronic vaccination registration system, viewable through the e-Mongolia system. In response to registered measles cases, D. Bayarbold, director of the Public Health Department of the Ministry of Health, stated, “Within our operational response framework for public health emergencies, a rapid management team led by the state secretary is actively working at MOH. This team consists of representatives from MOH, NCCD, NEMC, Ulaanbaatar Health Department, Health Development Center, Drug Agency, and National Health Insurance General Agency, forming a headquarters. This headquarters is actively ready and taking response actions. Due to registered infections, within the framework of the headquarters’ work, MOH has organized and given phased training on professional and methodological advice, clinical differentiation skills, conducting surveillance, and immunization activities to over 1,500 doctors and hospital staff across aimag (province) and city health departments, specialized clinics, general clinics, and primary health centers, including family and soum health centers,” he said.

By Implementing and Localizing Advanced Technology for Brain Cooling Treatment, Infant Mortality Can Be Reduced by 40%

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

In Mongolia, infant mortality accounts for 64% of child deaths under the age of five, with 71.6% occurring in the early neonatal period.

In response to this, a national team has been formed to lead comprehensive efforts aimed at reducing infant illness and mortality and increasing the average lifespan of Mongolians.

This team will head five national teams, including:

  1. The national team for localizing brain cooling treatment for infants
  2. The national team for localizing the diagnosis and treatment of neonatal pulmonary hypertension
  3. The national team for localizing open-heart surgeries for infants
  4. The national team for the comprehensive early detection of infants
  5. The national team for preventing premature births

Successful implementation of these comprehensive measures could potentially reduce total infant mortality by up to 75%, while also providing the means to localize early detection and preventive measures for mothers and infants.

Specifically, by implementing and localizing the advanced technology for brain cooling treatment, infant mortality is expected to decrease by 40%.

The national teams have planned to train the first batch of human resources starting August, in accordance with plans to enhance human resource capacity, approve treatment and diagnostic guidelines, and ensure the readiness of new technologies, equipment, and medical supplies. Furthermore, some teams plan to commence their services from November of this year, as reported by the Ministry of Health.


Mongolia Expresses Interest in Hosting the Youth Olympic Games

Published: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Mongolia has expressed its interest in hosting the Youth Olympic Games.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) held a roundtable meeting among national Olympic committees that have expressed their desire to host the Youth Olympic Games. Representatives from over 10 countries were invited to this meeting as the second half of the "Paris 2024" Games begins.

In this roundtable meeting, Mongolia was represented by Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Nomin Ch., and B.Battushig, a member of the IOC and president of the Mongolian National Olympic Committee (MNOC), who confirmed Mongolia's request to host the Youth Olympic Games and gave a brief presentation.

Our nation has already expressed its interest in hosting the Youth Summer Olympic Games in either 2030 or 2034, as well as the IOC session in 2027, during the IOC assembly held in Mumbai in 2023.

The event was chaired by IOC member and double Olympic champion K. Coventry. It was attended by distinguished guests, including I. Wade, head of the organizing committee for the "Dakar 2026" Games, and L. Larrosa, head of the organizing committee for the "Buenos Aires 2018" Games.

Guests shared their experiences regarding the vision of the Youth Games, the characteristics of sports competitions, and the implemented cultural programs.

The Youth Olympic Games were first held in Singapore in 2010 and are unique in featuring athletes between the ages of 15-18. Beyond just sports competitions, the IOC implements a policy of organizing the Youth Games comprehensively, emphasizing sustainable development, eco-friendliness, youth-oriented infrastructure, education, and long-term investments in personal development.

The most recent Youth Winter Olympic Games were held in January 2024 in Kangwon, South Korea. The next Summer Games are scheduled to open in Dakar on October 31, 2026, with over 5,000 athletes expected to participate in 244 events across 35 sports. This marks the first time the Olympic Games are being held on the African continent.