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Mongolia News Summary for August 02, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for August 02, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories











LAW: From today, law enforcement agencies do not have the right to arbitrarily detain under the name of "urgent"

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

From today, August 1, 2024, the amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law will come into effect. The law was passed by the Parliament on January 17, 2024, and lawmakers explain that several important contents have been included in the law to ensure human rights, freedoms, equality, and transparency of law enforcement agencies. In particular, the practice of law enforcement agencies detaining individuals without a court decision under the name of urgent action ends today. If the suspect is involved in a crime punishable by imprisonment, they will be detained urgently, but detention on other grounds or conditions has been restricted.

The overly general and arbitrary grounds for detaining a person in "urgent" cases have been removed from the law, and the grounds and conditions for detaining a suspect in connection with crimes punishable by imprisonment and those not specified for imprisonment have been made much clearer and more understandable. There will be no detention on other grounds.

The law states: "The decision of the investigator to urgently detain a suspect in accordance with Article 31.5 of this law shall be reviewed and decided by the court of jurisdiction where the crime occurred, or if it is not possible to bring the detained suspect to the court of jurisdiction where the crime occurred within 24 hours, by the court where the detention took place."

Article 31.5. Urgent detention of a suspect

  1. A suspect may be urgently detained on the following grounds in connection with a crime punishable by imprisonment as specified in the Special Part of the Criminal Code:

1.1. Caught in the act of committing a crime, or immediately after, or while fleeing from the crime scene;

1.2. Directly identified by a witness or victim immediately after the crime;

1.3. Traces found at the crime scene or on the person's clothes, body, residence, belongings, or vehicle.

  1. In addition to the grounds specified in paragraph 1 of this article, a suspect may be urgently detained in connection with a crime not punishable by imprisonment as specified in the Special Part of the Criminal Code if any of the following grounds are established:

2.1. Identity not established;

2.2. Unable to summon by notice due to lack of a definite address of residence in Mongolia or unemployment;

2.3. Not a permanent resident of Mongolia.

  1. If suspicion based on grounds other than those specified in paragraph 1 of this article is established immediately after a serious crime specified in the Special Part of the Criminal Code has been committed, the suspect may be urgently detained on any of the grounds specified in paragraph 2 of this article.
  2. The investigator shall immediately notify the prosecutor of the urgent detention of a suspect, and the prosecutor shall review whether the detention is in compliance with the law and make one of the following decisions:

4.1. Approve the investigator's decision and immediately submit it to the court;

4.2. If the prosecutor considers the investigator's decision unfounded or that continued detention is unnecessary, refuse to approve it and make a note.

  1. The prosecutor shall immediately release a suspect who has been detained without grounds.
  2. If there are grounds specified in Article 30.17, paragraph 2 of this law, the investigator shall immediately submit to the prosecutor a proposal to initiate criminal proceedings and charge the urgently detained suspect as an accused after the detention of the suspect.
  3. If the prosecutor considers the investigator's proposal justified, they shall decide whether to initiate criminal proceedings and charge the detained suspect as an accused within 6 hours of receiving the proposal.
  4. The prosecutor shall submit to the court their proposal to validate the decision to detain the suspect, conduct specific activities, suspend the performance of official duties, impose restrictions, or apply a preventive measure of detention no later than 24 hours before the expiration of the detention period.
  5. The court shall immediately, or within 24 hours of receiving the prosecutor's proposal specified in paragraph 8 of this article, schedule and conduct a court hearing to review and decide whether to validate the detention and apply a preventive measure to the accused based on the prosecutor's proposal.
  6. A suspect released by decision of the prosecutor or the head of the detention facility, their legal representative, or defense counsel may file a complaint about the detention to the court of jurisdiction where the crime occurred within 10 days of the suspect's release. The prosecutor shall immediately submit the relevant materials to the court of jurisdiction.
  7. The court shall, within 14 days of receiving the complaint specified in paragraph 10 of this article, schedule and conduct a court hearing in accordance with the general procedure specified in this law to review and decide whether to validate the detention. This decision cannot be appealed.
  8. If a person released in accordance with paragraph 10 of this article does not file a complaint, the relevant decision shall be submitted to the court of jurisdiction within 30 days.

Announced that they are working to include the objectives of the three parties in the Joint Government Agreement

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Joint Government aims to resolve the pressing issues and challenges facing Mongolia's development more quickly and effectively, and to work together sustainably. The three parties that are part of the composition are working to establish a cooperation agreement.

The Working Group drafting the agreement includes members of the Government, sector researchers, and scientists, and is being led by N. Uchral, the head of the Cabinet Secretariat.

The agreement aims to prioritize national unity in consideration of the current complex international relations and geopolitical situation, to consistently implement Mongolia's long and medium-term development policies "Vision-2050" and "New Revival Policy," and to quickly resolve the pressing issues of Mongolia's development without delay.

In addition to the common objectives reflected in the election platforms of the parties, they are working to include in the Joint Government Agreement the following: the Mongolian People's Party's program objectives of social policy reform, regional development policy, anti-corruption state, strengthening justice through e-governance, and advancing major ongoing projects; the Democratic Party's program objectives of human development, protection of private property rights, knowledge-based economy with technology, business and investment environment, guaranteeing economic freedom, and fair state objectives; and the objectives from the Khun (People) Party's program regarding energy sector reform, improving trade, investment, and business environment, and education sector reform.

This was reported by the Government's Press Office.

Chairman of the Standing Committee D. Tsogtbaatar Expresses Commitment to Human Rights Issues

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Chairman of the State Great Hural's Legal Standing Committee and members of the Human Rights Subcommittee met to discuss current issues related to human rights violations and the incident where a 21-year-old young man lost his life while being detained in the 461st closed detention center.

On July 30, 2024, the meeting was held after the Chairman of the State Great Hural supported the proposal to convene on the matter of a 21-year-old young man who lost his life while being detained in the 461st closed detention center and other current issues related to human rights violations.

Yesterday (07/31/2024), the Chairman of the Legal Standing Committee, D. Tsogtbaatar, met with some members of the Human Rights Subcommittee to exchange views on the issues raised. They also discussed the tasks and directions given to relevant organizations such as the National Human Rights Commission, the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, the Anti-Corruption Agency, the National Police Agency, and the General Executive Agency of Court Decision.

They also discussed future measures and plans to be implemented by the Legal Standing Committee and the Human Rights Subcommittee. During the meeting, Chairman D. Tsogtbaatar noted that he has been paying special attention to human rights and freedom issues and expressed his support for the policies and decisions that will come from the subcommittee.

L. Munkhtushig is Acting as Temporary State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has been contacted to clarify whether a new appointment has been made to the position of State Secretary.

It was stated that L. Munkhtushig is currently serving as the Acting State Secretary of the ministry.

He previously held the position of Director of the Consular Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Minister Ts. Tuvaan visits "Achit Ikht" cathode copper plant

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

At yesterday's regular meeting of the Government, Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Ts. Tuvaan informed Cabinet members about his visit to the cathode copper plant of "Achit Ikht" LLC, which is utilizing the ore dumps of "Erdenet Mining Corporation" SOE.

Due to restrictions on electricity and water supply for the company's ore dump and cathode copper production operations, the reservoir filling has increased, leading to potential overflow of the reservoir dam. The evaporation of the solution has decreased due to temperature drop, the acidity of the solution has decreased, copper precipitate has formed, and conditions have arisen for crystallization and sedimentation in the plant's pipelines and equipment, causing blockages.

In connection with the situation, Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Ts. Tuvaan was instructed to take measures and resolve the issue within the framework of relevant legislation.


Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The bell-ringing ceremony for the initial public offering of the second Sendly 2.0 bond issued by "Sendly NBFI" JSC took place solemnly in front of the bull statue, which is the symbol of banking and finance, at the Financiers' Square.

The bell-ringing ceremony was attended by the leadership of the Financial Regulatory Commission, the Mongolian Stock Exchange, the underwriters of the bond "Olzii & Co Capital", "Golomt Capital", "Rhinos Investment" securities companies, and the management of "Sendly NBFI" JSC. During this time, they introduced the advantages of the Sendly 2.0 bond worth 10.0 billion tugriks, which can be said to be the highest yield in 2024, as well as the current operations of "Sendly NBFI" JSC and the work planned for the future.

The Sendly 2.0 bond has a nominal value of 100,000 tugriks, a term of 24 months, an annual interest rate of 18.5%, and the interest will be paid quarterly. The interest income tax is 5% as it is issued on the stock exchange.

The subscription for this bond, which provides a favorable opportunity for investors, was filled in eight minutes, successfully raising 10 billion tugriks from the public. The company plans to use the raised funds as a source of loans to support small and medium businesses through its 51 branches in rural areas and 7 branches in Ulaanbaatar city.

"Sendly NBFI" JSC successfully traded an 18-month, 8.5 billion tugrik open bond to the public through the Mongolian Stock Exchange in January 2023, which was fully sold within 1 hour, and has fully repaid this bond to its investors on July 29, 2024.


U.S. Secretary of State Pays Courtesy Call on President of Mongolia U.Khurelsukh

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is on an official visit to Mongolia at the invitation of Foreign Minister B.Battsetseg, paid a courtesy call on the President of Mongolia, U.Khurelsukh.

President U.Khurelsukh conveyed greetings to U.S. President Joe Biden, and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken relayed President Joe Biden's greetings to the President of Mongolia.

During the meeting, the parties exchanged views on issues of mutual interest regarding international relations and bilateral cooperation.

The President of Mongolia emphasized that Mongolia attaches great importance to its relations with the United States, which is an important "third neighbor" and a trusted partner.

He noted the significance of the second Compact Agreement being implemented jointly by the Government of Mongolia and the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation, which has become a symbol of friendship between the two nations. The agreement aims to address water supply issues in Ulaanbaatar city and is crucial for ensuring Mongolia's sustainable economic development. The President affirmed his commitment to successfully implementing the Compact Agreement according to schedule.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed support for Mongolia's proposals and initiatives at the international and regional levels, and conveyed his willingness to deepen and develop bilateral relations and cooperation.

The parties agreed to actively develop mutually beneficial cooperation in areas such as clean energy, education, environment, food, agriculture, trade, and economy within the framework of the Strategic Third Neighbor Partnership between Mongolia and the United States.

VISIT: USA to establish English language training center in Mongolia, provide $1 million support for child protection

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is making an official visit to Mongolia at the invitation of Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg. Mr. Anthony Blinken landed in Ulaanbaatar this morning, and a welcoming ceremony was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before noon.

After the ceremony, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Mongolian Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg held talks and made a joint statement.

In connection with Mongolia making English its second foreign language, the U.S. announced its decision to establish an English language training center in Mongolia during the visit. They discussed and agreed on investing a certain amount of funds, training teachers, building capacity, and improving professional skills in this direction.

Mongolian Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg: Thank you, Honorable U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, for accepting my invitation and making an official visit to Mongolia. This visit is taking place 7 days after my visit to the U.S. for strategic talks. I would also like to highlight that this is the first visit I'm receiving after being reappointed as Foreign Minister.

The visit of U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to our country is an important contribution to developing and taking the future relations between the two countries to a new level. We just had official talks and discussed concrete things about strengthening the strategic third neighbor partnership between Mongolia and the U.S., and deepening mutually beneficial cooperation and investment in all sectors. We exchanged detailed views on regional and international issues of mutual interest.

Mongolia-U.S. relations have been developing intensively for 37 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1987. Relations are expanding as a clear expression of our commitment to common values of democracy, human rights, and freedom, as well as common interests in establishing peace, stability, and development.

The U.S. holds a leading position in Mongolia's third neighbor policy. In this context, the political relations between our two countries and bilateral and trilateral talks are strengthening, cooperation is deepening at the regional and international levels, and the U.S. has become a close friend and strategic partner of Mongolia. I am pleased to note that the relations between our two countries have reached a peak in their history.

The Prime Minister of Mongolia made an official visit to the U.S. in August 2023. As a result of this visit, Mongolia and the U.S. issued a joint statement on the Strategic Third Neighbor Partnership, noting the achievements in the relations between the two countries over the past period and defining future goals for cooperation. On behalf of Mongolia, I express our desire to strengthen and develop it further in accordance with the concept of the Strategic Third Neighbor Partnership.

The visit of the U.S. Secretary of State is important in advancing our joint goal of expanding and increasing trade and economic relations between the two countries and attracting American investment to Mongolia, as outlined in the Economic Cooperation Roadmap of the Strategic Third Neighbor Partnership document. It has been reported through the Secretary of State that many U.S. companies and businesses are ready to invest in Mongolia as Mongolia improves its investment environment.

Also, as a result of this visit, in connection with Mongolia making English its second foreign language, the U.S. announced its decision to establish an English language training center in Mongolia. We discussed and agreed on investing a certain amount of funds, training teachers, building capacity, and improving professional skills in this direction.

We reached agreements on starting direct flights between the two countries, organizing energy talks in Ulaanbaatar this year, and extending the Child Protection Partnership Compact Agreement signed between the two countries in 2020.

We will work to support good governance, rule of law, justice, anti-corruption, and fundamental principles of human rights. The U.S. will provide $1 million in support for child protection.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken: Thank you to Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg for the warm welcome. We are pleased to continue the discussions we had in Washington a week ago here in Mongolia. This visit is my 18th to the Indo-Pacific region, following visits to Laos, Vietnam, Japan, the Philippines, and Singapore. My presence here is related to President Biden's statement that "our shared future will be written in this region." This region shares common interests in being open, forward-looking, free, and secure. Mongolia is at the center of this region.

The U.S. is proud to be Mongolia's third neighbor, united by common values and interests. Today, our two countries are becoming closer in all aspects of our relationship.

We will work together to support economic resilience and human development. Following the economic roadmap, we will collaborate to reduce supply chain dependencies and create new jobs.

The Millennium Challenge Corporation compact agreement implemented by the U.S. government is expanding, increasing Mongolia's drinking water supply by 80%. This is a major advancement in our relationship and regional development. We also signed an open tender agreement last year, which we believe will increase trade and tourism between our two countries.

We will also work to increase opportunities for Mongolian citizens to learn English both in Mongolia and in the U.S. Today, we are announcing an initiative for Mongolian citizens to master English. This initiative will focus on supporting English language learning in secondary schools and increasing the capacity of universities. We will establish a special English language center at the National University, implementing it in collaboration with organizations such as the UK, Canada, Google, and Tech Mongolia. This project will be led by Mongolians themselves.

The U.S. and Mongolia are working together on leading regional and international security priorities. The U.S. always appreciates Mongolia's consistent stance on establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula. We will continue to develop our common values further. We will work to support good governance, rule of law, justice, anti-corruption, and fundamental principles of human rights. We will work together to protect children who are victims of human trafficking and child labor. In this context, we will provide a total of one million dollars through the child protection compact agreement.

He emphasized that American-Mongolian relations are expanding every day.

During his visit, Secretary of State A. Blinken will conclude his trip by meeting with Mongolian President U. Khurelsukh and Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Arrives in Mongolia for Official Visit

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Mongolia today for an official visit at the invitation of Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg.

During his visit, Secretary Blinken will pay courtesy calls to President U. Khurelsukh and Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene, and hold official talks with Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg.

During the meetings and discussions, the parties will exchange views on expanding and strengthening the Strategic Third Neighbor Partnership between Mongolia and the United States, as well as on regional and international issues of mutual interest.

Anthony Blinken: ONE MILLION dollars will be invested to create opportunities for children to live in a healthy and safe environment

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State of the United States of America (USA), is paying an official visit to Mongolia at the invitation of Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg.

During his visit, he held official talks with Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg and will pay courtesy calls on President U. Khurelsukh and Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene.

Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State, said: "Let me express my gratitude for the warm welcome from Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg. Our negotiations were successful. We had our first talks in our capital Washington last week. I am glad to continue it today in Mongolia.

My visit to Mongolia is the 18th visit to this region after Laos, Vietnam, Japan, Philippines, and Singapore. This visit is related to President Joe Biden's statement that "Our shared future will continue in this region."

During this visit, I saw a common vision from the countries in this region. Specifically, I felt that they have common interests in freedom and security. In other words, it is an expression that we will openly discuss any issue, create any rules transparently, and implement them fairly.

I would like to emphasize that Mongolia is an important partner in this region. As Mongolia's third neighbor, the US pays special attention to the relations between our two countries.

Today, our two countries are developing close relations in all aspects. We will work together to create a roadmap for the economy, reduce supply chain and economic dependence, and create new jobs.

I hope that we will further expand our partnership under the Millennium Challenge Corporation agreement. Under this agreement, Mongolia's water supply resources will be increased by 80 percent. I believe this will take the business partnership between our two countries to a new level.

As a result of the agreement made during last week's visit, trade and tourism between the two countries will expand further.

In addition, thousands of Mongolians are working and studying in our country. One example is your country's Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene.

Therefore, it is important to increase the opportunity to learn English in Mongolia. In this regard, I am announcing an initiative for perfect English proficiency in Mongolia. This will focus on teaching English in high schools, and addressing human resource issues for teaching English at universities.

We will also establish a new English language training center in cooperation with universities. We will implement this project in collaboration with the UK, Australia, Canada, and Google. This project will be led and managed by Mongolians themselves.

The US and Mongolia work together on regional security issues. We always appreciate Mongolia's consistent position on the Korean Peninsula issue.

Mongolia has a history of holding elections and voting for Democracy 35 years ago. We will help to further strengthen democracy. In this context, we will support good governance, rule of law, anti-corruption efforts, and fundamental human rights and freedoms.

In this regard, we will continue to focus on protecting religious freedom and the interests of vulnerable groups. It is especially necessary to protect children who have been victims of human trafficking.

Therefore, we will invest one million dollars in the coming years to create a healthy and safe living environment for children.

We see every day that American-Mongolian relations are reaching a new level."

B.Battsetseg: We discussed establishing an English language training center and capacity building for Mongolian teachers with the US side

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, is visiting our country.

Today, he held official talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, B.Battsetseg. The parties made a joint statement about the issues discussed during this time.

Foreign Minister B.Battsetseg said, "Today we discussed that we need to further improve the investment environment of Mongolia. I am pleased that through the Secretary of State, the US side has announced that many businesses are ready to invest in Mongolia. We exchanged specific information about investment projects.

As a result of this visit, in connection with Mongolia making English the second foreign language, the US side announced their decision to establish an English language training center as a first step. We also discussed and agreed on training, capacity building, and professional development for Mongolian English teachers.

I am satisfied that we have reached agreements on starting direct flights between the two countries, holding energy talks in Ulaanbaatar within this year, and extending the child protection partnership compact agreement established in 2020."

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Meets with Students and Pupils Studying English Diligently

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met today with graduates of the English Access program as part of his visit to Mongolia.

During this meeting, he announced the launch of the "U.S. Mongolia Excellence in English Initiative".

He also expressed support for improving the English language skills of Mongolian students, youth, teachers and pupils through English education programs, and wished the students success in their studies.

Specifically, the "U.S. Mongolia Excellence in English Initiative" aims to:

  • Increase the number of students studying under the Access program,
  • Increase the number of students and professionals working to improve the capacity to teach English in Mongolian universities,
  • Open a new English language training center at the National University of Mongolia (NUM) to further improve local English language training standards and quality.

"It is important to increase opportunities to learn English in Mongolia. In this regard, we are announcing an initiative for mastering English in Mongolia. Within this framework, we will focus on the issue of English language teachers and human resources in high schools and universities.

We will also establish a new English language training center in cooperation with the university. We will implement this center in collaboration with the UK, Australia, Canada and Google. This project will be led and implemented by Mongolians themselves," Blinken said.

In particular, since the Access program began in 2004, about 150,000 students from more than 80 countries around the world have participated.

This program is unique in that it provides basic English language skills to international students aged 13-20 from low and middle income countries.

At the same time, it has benefits such as: - Improving job prospects - Gaining educational prospects

Participants in the program have the opportunity to participate in exchanges and open doors to study in the United States through English.


Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social and Web pages) must always cite the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in full or in part in any form!

Speaker of the State Great Khural D. Amarbayasgalan Receives Ambassador Helmut Kulitz

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Speaker of the State Great Khural of Mongolia, D. Amarbayasgalan, received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Mongolia, Helmut Kulitz.

Speaker of the State Great Khural D. Amarbayasgalan emphasized that common values such as democracy, human rights, freedom, and the rule of law are bringing our two countries closer, and the relationship and cooperation are increasingly strengthening. He also expressed that active communication between legislative bodies is crucial in expanding the relations and cooperation between the two countries, and stated his support and importance for cooperation between the State Great Khural and the Bundestag.

Ambassador Helmut Kulitz highlighted that cooperation between Germany and Mongolia is expanding and developing at all levels. He expressed his commitment to actively work on expanding cooperation between the newly established 126-member Mongolian parliament and the Bundestag.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Federal Republic of Germany, as reported by the Press and Public Relations Department of the State Great Khural.


Road traffic will be partially closed from the 1st to 4th of this month in connection with state visits to our country

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

At the invitation of the President, US Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken and Swiss Confederation President Viola Amherd, along with their delegations, will pay an official visit to Mongolia between August 1-4 this year.

In connection with this, some roads will be temporarily restricted for a short period.

Therefore, we kindly ask citizens to be respectful to others, follow traffic rules without frustration, comply with the lawful requirements of police officers, and participate in traffic in a cultured manner.

Bridge over Onon River closed due to flooding

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Onon River near Dadal soum in Khentii aimag has risen 1-2 meters above the dangerous flood level as of July 31, overflowing its banks and causing severe flooding.

Due to the flooding, the embankment of the Onon River bridge has been breached, making it impossible for vehicles to pass. Houses along the riverbank have been submerged, and a passenger car has been swept away by the river.

Traffic towards Binder, Bayan-Adarga, and Dadal has been prohibited due to the flooding of the Onon River, and the Onon River bridge has been closed.

In 1990, the Onon River in the direction of Binder soum reached a flood level of 300 cm, exceeding the dangerous flood level. Now, 34 years later, it has reached 305 cm.

International open tender for Tuul Expressway to be announced in August

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

At the regular meeting of the Government, the "20-minute city" concept to reduce traffic congestion and decentralize Ulaanbaatar city, as well as major projects were discussed. The Mayor of Ulaanbaatar city, H. Nyambaatar, presented the decisions made at the meeting.

He stated that preparations are underway to announce an international open tender for the construction of the Tuul Expressway through a public-private partnership within this August. In addition, a decision was made to include the funding for the international consulting service tender (PMC) for the construction of a ring expressway around the Grand Circle, which originates from this road, in the state budget.

There are plans for a 35 km highway connecting from Bayanzurkh junction to the expressway to Darkhan-Uul province. Once this expressway is operational, it will reduce the traffic load on the small ring road section of Ulaanbaatar city. Also, the "Go Mongolia" or Upward Aspiring Bridge will originate from the Tuul Expressway. A unified state administrative center will be built in the Kuwait Valley area south of Bogd Mountain, in the 14th khoroo of Khan-Uul district, expanding the new settlement area. He said that they plan to expand Ulaanbaatar's new settlement towards the south side of Bogd Mountain, connecting with New Zuunmod city.

The international open tender for selecting the contractor for the metro construction will be organized in two stages. Preparations are underway to announce the first stage on October 1, 2024. After the two stages of the tender selection process are completed, the construction of the Ulaanbaatar metro will begin in 2025.

Mayor H. Nyambaatar emphasized, "The feasibility study for the metro was first completed in 2014. At that time, the feasibility study estimated it at 1.3 billion US dollars. Recently, before announcing the consulting service tender, a working group was established to review the feasibility study again. The working group concluded that it is possible to complete 17.5 km of metro work within a budget of 1 billion 350 million US dollars. The international open tender for selecting the contractor for the metro construction will be organized in two stages.

As preparation for this, an international open tender for selecting the consulting service provider for the metro construction project was organized in two stages. The consulting service provider is led by the South Korean company 'Dohwa Engineering' partnership, while 'Korea National Railway', 'Korea Railway Corporation', and 'Suseo Engineering' companies were selected. Japan's consulting service company 'Nippon Koei' will work as a subcontractor for the partnership. The consulting service agreement with this partnership was signed on July 5, 2024."

In the framework of housing the ger areas of Ulaanbaatar city, technical solutions for engineering and heating supply have been made for Selbe sub-center, Bayankoshuu sub-center, and Shar Khad sub-center, focusing on developing sub-centers. In connection with this, the tender for the construction of 12,000 household apartments based on the Selbe sub-center will be announced in August. Such large infrastructure projects aim not only to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar city but also to provide all services according to the "20-minute city" principle, bringing government services closer to citizens.

Specifically, 2,206 unit plots of 158 hectares in the Selbe sub-center will be cleared and converted into apartments. As of today, contracts have been signed with owners of 1,250 unit plots, and an order from the Mayor of the Capital City has been issued to provide compensation for 885 citizens. Furthermore, the general plan for the development of Ulaanbaatar city until 2040 will be submitted to the Parliament in October. In this context, Mayor H. Nyambaatar mentioned that they are working with an external advisory team for urban planning.

Work on expanding the Selbe River channel and building a retaining wall is 40% complete

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The construction work on the flood protection facility to expand the Selbe River channel and build a retaining wall is 40% complete. As of today, the formwork for the embankment and other preparations have been fully completed. The relocation of engineering infrastructure and utilities on the west side of the embankment is 50% complete, and concrete pouring is scheduled to begin on August 15. Additionally, work on groundwater drainage and utility relocation on the east side of the embankment is planned to start on the same day.

M. Baldandorj, Head of the City Engineering Facilities Department and Chief Engineer of the Ulaanbaatar City Governor's Office, said, "As part of this project, we will construct a 1.5 km long, 4.1-6.1 meter high reinforced concrete flood embankment from the Natur Bridge to the railway crossing in the south. It has a service life of 30-40 years."

Meanwhile, as part of the flood prevention efforts, the construction of rainwater drainage networks and flood protection structures at 25 locations is 60% complete.

Specifically, the construction of a new flood protection facility has begun in the Jargalant Valley, while tenders for the construction of reservoirs in the Dari-Ekh and Gants Khudag areas have been opened, with work scheduled to start on August 10. He also emphasized that in accordance with the instructions given by the Mayor, they are preparing tender documentation by developing project designs and conducting calculations for the construction of new flood protection structures from the iron bridge near Natur to the Arslantai Bridge, and from the Narny Bridge to the bridge near "Taigam-Altai" LLC.


EVENT: Food Vegetable and New School Year Exhibition Sale Starts Today

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

At Room 402 of the Lawyers Association

At 10:40, there will be a press conference to provide information about the Lawyer's Professional Examination.

At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

At 13:10, Foreign Minister B.Battsetseg and U.S. Secretary of State A.Blinken will hold a joint press briefing.

At 21 locations in nine districts of the capital

The "Golden Autumn 2024" expanded food vegetable sale is taking place.

At 15 locations in the capital

The new school year exhibition sale is taking place.

Kindergarten Registration Requests to Begin Online from Today

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Kindergarten registration requests in the capital city will be accepted through the E-Mongolia system.

If you are unable to submit a kindergarten registration request through the E-Mongolia system, you can contact the working group at your district's kindergarten for advice and support.

List of contact numbers for kindergarten enrollment and registration:

  • Capital City Education Department: 7011-3039
  • Bayangol: 7611-9595
  • Bayanzurkh: 7010-4005
  • Sukhbaatar: 7011-1606
  • Songinokhairkhan: 7017-1110
  • Khan-Uul: 11-342470
  • Chingeltei: 11-315442
  • Baganuur: 7021-3815
  • Bagakhangai: 7049-1017
  • Nalaikh: 7023-3008


Five out of nine people who went to pick berries have gone missing

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

In Zavkhan province, Tosontsengel soum, at a place called "Shivteriin dood hashaa" in Bayan-Ulaan bag, 5 out of 9 people (including 4 children) who went to pick berries have gone missing.

The call about this was received yesterday (07.31) at 21:48. Officers from the 39th Fire Extinguishing and Rescue Unit of the Emergency Department in Tosontsengel soum of the province's Emergency Management Agency, and officers from the Police Department of the soum traveled 25 km and arrived at 00:30 to organize the search for a 40-year-old man and four children aged 11, 9, 6, and 3.

Source: National Emergency Management Agency

Applications for establishing new schools and kindergartens in the capital will be accepted online until 17:30 on the 7th of this month

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Applications from individuals and businesses to establish new schools and kindergartens will be accepted online by the Capital City Education Department (CCED) from August 1, 2024, until 17:30 on the 7th.

When registering a request to establish a school or kindergarten, it is required to prepare the materials in accordance with the Law on Permits and Article 20 of the General Education Law.

For related information, you can call the CCED at 70113039 - 6.

Two People Drowned in Tuul River

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

Two tragic drowning incidents have occurred in the Tuul River near the 20th khoroo of Bayanzurkh district, in front of the Mongol Shiltgee, over the past two days.

Specifically, on July 30 at 16:49, the emergency services received a call reporting that a person had entered the Tuul River to swim in front of the Mongol Shiltgee and had not resurfaced. When the Capital City Rescue Team arrived at 17:27, they found that a 36-year-old man, E, had entered the river while intoxicated and had an accident. The search operation was then initiated.

The rescuers traveled 15 km by boat from Mongol Shiltgee to Marshal's Bridge, performed five dives at a depth of four meters in an area called Khar Usan Tokhoi, but were unsuccessful. They suspended the search at 20:40 and resumed it the next day, July 31, at 07:00. At 16:03, they found the body 10 km west of the original accident site and handed it over to the police.

On the same day, July 31, at 16:08, the relevant authorities received another call about a woman drowning in the Tuul River on the west side of Mongol Shiltgee. The Rescue Team traveled 10 km and arrived at 16:35 to find that a 68-year-old citizen A had drowned. They recovered the body at 16:37 from a location 2.5 km west of the accident site and handed it over to the police.

LAW: Did the Wheelchair User Make the Right Demand?

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

A citizen parked their car in a parking space with special markings for people with disabilities. A person in a wheelchair opposed this and made demands to that citizen. As a result, an argument ensued.

"Why are you insulting people? Saying "crippled" or "incomplete" is a form of insulting people."

"I actually treated you quite well. If you want to file a complaint, go ahead. You're not just pulling my leg, are you?"

"You fool, there's a law called the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act that makes my rights equal to yours."

"Don't call me a fool. You're just some creature I happened to run into."

This conversation took place between them. Mongolia has a Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This law states that persons with disabilities have the right to participate equally in social life. It states that they have the right to not tolerate any form of discrimination in such participation. Not tolerating means having the right to make demands, express dissatisfaction, and not accept any form of insulting words.

Also, according to this law, if a person with disabilities believes their legal rights have been violated, they have the right to demand that the violation be remedied by the citizen or legal entity, and to file complaints or claims in accordance with the relevant law.

"This is a parking space for people with disabilities."

"This is a residential parking lot. It's not a government or entertainment venue parking lot."

"There's a standard."

"In a residential area?"

"There should be one such parking space for every 25 spaces."

Article 3.8.1 of the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities states that "Housing, public buildings, roads and squares, public transport, information and communication technologies shall be accessible to persons with disabilities."

To ensure accessibility, one-fourth of the members of the building commission for putting housing and social infrastructure facilities into operation shall include representatives of non-governmental organizations with the function of protecting the rights and interests of persons with disabilities. The state commission is prohibited from accepting buildings and facilities that do not meet the needs and requirements of persons with disabilities.

This suggests that not only government institutions, entertainment venues, and service organizations should provide parking spaces for people with disabilities, but also residential areas, as specified by law.

In other words, there can and should be parking spaces for people with disabilities in residential areas. So where should these parking spaces be and how should they be used?

There is a standard issued by the Agency for Standardization and Metrology called "Pedestrian Path Planning. Technical Requirements MNS 6808:2019". According to the standard:

  • For up to 100 parking spaces, 1 for every 25 spaces,
  • For 101-200 parking spaces, 1 for every 50 spaces,
  • For over 200 parking spaces, 1 for every 100 spaces should be designated for people with disabilities.

These parking spaces are larger than regular ones to ensure accessibility. The width of the parking space is 2 meters 45 cm, and the length is 5 meters. Next to the parking space, a 1.5-meter wide space for wheelchairs, lifts, and other assistive devices should be planned and marked with diagonal lines.

Vertical and horizontal markings will be placed to make them stand out from other parking spaces. The parking spaces should be planned to be as close as possible to entrances and exits.

There is also Resolution No. 4/27 issued by the City Council in 2009. It states, "11.1 In case of parking vehicles in areas designated for fire and ambulance services, people with disabilities, or in unauthorized areas, the user shall pay the hourly fee increased by twenty-five times."

Let's say you parked your car in a parking space marked for people with disabilities with a fee of 2000 tugriks per hour. If you park your car for 4 hours, the base fee would be 8000 tugriks. If this parking space was marked for people with disabilities, you would have to pay 25 times more, which is 200,000 tugriks.

Two People Drowned in Tuul River Near "Mongol Shiltgeen" Within a Day

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

A call was received at 16:49 on July 30th reporting that a person had entered the Tuul River to swim near "Mongol Shiltgeen" in the 20th khoroo of Bayanzurkh district and had not resurfaced.

The Capital City Rescue Unit personnel traveled 15 km and arrived at 17:27 to find that a 36-year-old man, E, had entered the Tuul River to swim while intoxicated and had an accident. They began the search operation.

The search was conducted by boat from "Mongol Shiltgeen" to Marshal's Bridge, covering 15 km of water. Five dives were made to a depth of 4 meters at a place called "Black Water Bend," but with no results, the search was suspended at 20:40.

The search operation resumed at 07:00 on July 31st, and at 16:03, the body was found 10 km west of the initial accident site. It was recovered from the water and handed over to the Police.

Another call was received by the Emergency Situations Department at 16:08 on July 31st about a woman drowning in the Tuul River on the west side of "Mongol Shiltgeen" in the 20th khoroo of Bayanzurkh district. The Capital City Rescue Unit personnel traveled 10 km and arrived at 16:35 to find that a 68-year-old woman, A, had drowned. At 16:37, her body was found 2.5 km west of the accident site, recovered from the water, and handed over to the Police.

In Khövsgöl aimag's Jargalant soum, Tsetsüükh bag, at a place called Tsetsüükhiin-Am, a local resident G went missing on July 30th while riding a motorcycle to tend to his livestock. This call was received at 14:08 on the 31st.

The 76th Fire Fighting and Rescue Unit of the aimag's Emergency Situations Department, along with the local Police, Jargalant soum Governor's Office staff, and family members, organized a search operation suspecting that the 65-year-old man G might have had an accident in the Ider River. At 21:08, his body was found at a place called Mukharyn-Am, 14 km east of the initial accident site, recovered from the water, and handed over to the Police, as reported by the National Emergency Management Agency.


AFP: Aiming to make Khishig-Undur in Bulgan Mongolia's first "zero waste" zone

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Mongolian herder Batmunkh sighs deeply as he picks up trash scattered across the steppe...

Mongolia leads the world in per capita plastic waste production, and with no centralized recycling program, about 90 percent ends up in landfills. In an interview with AFP, Batmunkh said, "Most people living in Khishig-Undur soum of Bulgan aimag in northern Mongolia only focus on the present and don't think about their future at all, so they throw their garbage wherever they like."

Littering in the steppe has become common, and some of it blows into pastures where animals eat it. One day, Batmunkh's cow couldn't get up or move, and eventually died. He said, "We found a plastic raincoat in the cow's stomach."

Global plastic production has doubled in 20 years to 460 million tons, and if left unchecked, it could triple in 40 years. Only nine percent is recycled, and according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, its contribution to global warming is expected to double by 2060.

Since 2018, the local NGO "Eco soum" has been urging herders and people to collect and process local waste, and has created one of the first recycling facilities. Partially funded by the European Union, they aim to make Khishig-Undur Mongolia's first "zero waste" zone.

For Naranbat, the day begins by going out with his team to collect garbage from people who can't bring it themselves. Then they sort the plastic into what can and cannot be reused. Next, they compress the plastic into one-ton cubes, load them onto trucks, and take them to the capital Ulaanbaatar for processing. Batmunkh, a 58-year-old herder, also decided to help and now collects trash from the steppe on horseback every week and delivers it to Eco soum.

The fourth UN-led negotiations to establish the world's first treaty to address global plastic pollution were held in Canada in April. The agreement is scheduled to be finalized in South Korea in November, but limiting plastic production is not included in the draft and remains a key issue. However, Batmunkh said he believes everyone has a role to play in making the world a better place. "What separates us from animals is our intelligence. All of us living on this earth should take responsibility for caring for our planet," he said.


English Teacher Training Center to Open in UB, Child Protection Project Extended

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg and United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken held official talks on August 1, 2024.

During the talks, the parties reaffirmed their commitment to expanding and developing the Strategic Third Neighbor Partnership between Mongolia and the United States. They exchanged detailed views on implementing the topics discussed during the Comprehensive Strategic Dialogue held last month in Washington, D.C., and reached the following agreements.

Specifically, they agreed to open a professional center in Ulaanbaatar to enhance the skills and capabilities of Mongolian English teachers. Additionally, it was decided to organize the Mongolia-US Energy Dialogue in Ulaanbaatar this year to exchange ideas on joint projects and programs in the renewable energy sector.

They also decided to extend the "Child Protection Partnership Compact Agreement" between Mongolia and the United States, established in 2020, until 2025.

Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg and US Secretary of State A. Blinken held a joint press conference for media representatives following the official talks.

US Secretary of State A. Blinken is on an official visit to Mongolia at the invitation of Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg. This is the first visit to Mongolia by a US Secretary of State in 8 years.

Agreed to develop cooperation in space research, renewable and clean energy sectors and achieve concrete results

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

At the invitation of Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who is on an official visit to Mongolia, paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene of Mongolia on August 1, 2024.

During the meeting, the parties expressed satisfaction with the active development of relations between the two countries and noted their commitment to further strengthen the Strategic Third Neighbor Partnership based on political, economic, defense and people-to-people, educational, cultural and humanitarian ties.

The Prime Minister of Mongolia L. Oyun-Erdene expressed satisfaction that the work agreed upon during his official visit to the United States in August 2023 is starting to yield concrete results, especially in launching direct flights between the two countries, digital development, and capacity building of our English language teachers in connection with the provision in the general education law that English should be the main foreign language of instruction.

They agreed to continue to develop cooperation and achieve concrete results in the implementation of joint projects and programs within the framework of the United States Mineral Security Partnership Initiative, as well as in the fields of space research, renewable and clean energy.

On this day, a "Mini Naadam" event was organized at the "Great Sky" complex in honor of the visit of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

Academic Knowledge and Field Work: "Summer School of Sociology" Program Begins

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The "Summer School of Sociology" program will be held from the 1st to the 10th of this month in Ulaanbaatar city and Khutag-Undur soum of Bulgan aimag. Seventeen students from six different countries studying in various fields have been selected for this program.

As part of this program, the selected participants will attend research methodology classes in Ulaanbaatar for the first two days, and then spend the remaining time in Khutag-Undur soum, implementing group and individual projects under the theme "School of the Soum."

There are three notable aspects of this program. Firstly, it provides an opportunity to learn academic knowledge and research methodology directly from the teachers of the National University of Mongolia. Secondly, it's not just about learning theory, but also applying what they've learned in the field by going to Khutag-Undur soum of Bulgan aimag and implementing a research project within the main theme. Thirdly, as emphasized by the Public Interest Foundation, the program aims to prepare the participating young students to become researchers capable of recognizing and revealing issues in Mongolian society, with the aspiration to participate in solving problems realistically.

M. Enkhbadral, Executive Director of the National Center for Comprehensive Development, said, "Our organization has been initiating the 'Sociology Development Program' since 2023, working in collaboration with the National University of Mongolia, the Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Social Research to implement the roles of sociology in society. The main event organized under this program is the 'Summer School of Sociology'."

P. Tserenbazar, a lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Social Work at the National University of Mongolia, stated, "People don't know much about the profession of sociology. This profession can be considered relatively new, having existed for about 200 years. It's a science that objectively studies human behavior, social life, and interpersonal relationships. Since Mongolia has been training specialists in this field for 32 years, there are few sociologists. Policies and activities implemented in society, and decisions made, often lack precision due to insufficient research. Therefore, it's necessary for professionals to better present their research, and for decision-makers to understand and implement the research in real life."

Z. Khairlal, a participant from Inner Mongolia, said, "First of all, I'm very excited to be participating in this program. I aim to further enhance my capabilities through this program. I also expect to gain more detailed examples, materials, and research on rural development, lifestyle, and social conditions, which is my area of study."

As part of the "Sociology Development Program," graduates of the summer school will be given internships in research projects, and grants will be provided for research initiated by graduates, thus continuously supporting the development of researchers.


ADVICE: Symptoms that appear during measles

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Ministry of Health has reported that a case of measles has been imported and confirmed in Mongolia.

What is measles?

Measles is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus. It is transmitted very easily through the air-droplet route, meaning it can be contracted simply from a infected person coughing or sneezing. When young children contract this disease, there is a high risk of complications and death.

Is measles dangerous?

Among infectious diseases, it is one of the highest in terms of transmission capacity, with an infection index of 96-98%. One in every 5 people who contract measles is at risk of complications. It can be complicated by pneumonia and meningitis, which can potentially lead to death.

The Ministry of Health has reported that a case of measles has been imported and confirmed in Mongolia.

What is measles?

Measles is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus. It is transmitted very easily through the air-droplet route, meaning it can be contracted simply from a infected person coughing or sneezing. When young children contract this disease, there is a high risk of complications and death.

Is measles dangerous?

Among infectious diseases, it is one of the highest in terms of transmission capacity, with an infection index of 96-98%. One in every 5 people who contract measles is at risk of complications. It can be complicated by pneumonia and meningitis, which can potentially lead to death.

Nura Zaisan Center for Early Detection and Diagnosis, Serving 40,000 People Annually, Opens

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

Tavan Bogd Group, in collaboration with FUJIFILM Corporation, a world leader in medical equipment manufacturing, opened their second health early detection and diagnosis center, the Nura Zaisan branch, on August 1.

The Nura Zaisan branch is notable for its ability to serve multiple people simultaneously, its high capacity, being fully equipped with the latest equipment, and its capability to serve 40,000 people annually.

During the opening, Ts. Baatarsaikhan, President of Tavan Bogd Group, said, "Since the opening of the Nura Mongolia Center in September 2023, over 15,000 people have been screened for early health detection. We consider this result as contributing to changing the public's perception of early detection, eliminating the stereotypical understanding that 'it's useless to go to the hospital unless severely ill or that it takes many days to get an examination at the hospital'. We are happy to open our NURA ZAISAN center today, which is twice as large as our first center and has the capacity to examine 40,000 people annually.

I'm pleased to announce that over 300 medical staff are currently working at the two branches of the Nura Mongolia Center. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the government and non-governmental organizations that have supported and collaborated with us, the partner and implementing organizations that worked hand in hand in a short time to open the Nura Zaisan Center, and all our business partners who work with us for the health of their employees."

Goto Teichi, President of FUJIFILM Holdings, who was invited from Japan, shared his impressions: "We decided to open our second center because of the high number of clients using the Nura center and the 100% continuous operation. Last year, during the opening of the first center, I talked with Ts. Baatarsaikhan about achieving such success today, and I'm very happy that we have reached this goal today. I'm also proud of our partner, Tavan Bogd Group."

The first branch of the Nura Center in Mongolia is located in the Gerlug Vista complex in Khan-Uul district. Regardless of which branch is used, it takes less than 3 hours on average to diagnose the most common cancers and chronic diseases caused by lifestyle in Mongolia, with a 32-indicator package examination using artificial intelligence with 99.7% probability. Clients evaluate that this has changed the issue of spending many days and a lot of money to get examined.

For more detailed information, please contact 7588-7588 or visit www.nura.mn.

Branch No. 1: UB city, Khan-Uul district, 18th khoroo, Gerlug Vista complex, NURA GERLUG BRANCH Branch No. 2: UB city, Khan-Uul district, 22nd khoroo, Ar Zaisan Street, NURA ZAISAN BRANCH

"Campaign Against High Blood Pressure - 2024" Continues in Sukhbaatar Province

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

The "Campaign Against High Blood Pressure" aimed at protecting citizens' health, providing medical examinations, and offering knowledge and information is being implemented for the 8th year in the eastern provinces of Mongolia. This year's campaign started on July 29th in Choibalsan city of Dornod province and is successfully continuing on August 1-2 in Baruun-Urt city of Sukhbaatar province.

In Sukhbaatar province, circulatory system diseases have been rapidly increasing in recent years, becoming the leading cause of death. As non-communicable diseases, especially cardiovascular system diseases, have been the main cause of death since 1995, this campaign plays an important role in increasing the protection and prevention of citizens' health.

As part of the campaign, specialized doctors are providing examinations for cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, neurological issues, strokes, kidney problems, and digestive system disorders to targeted groups of citizens. They are also organizing training sessions to provide health knowledge and information. By attending the event, citizens have the opportunity to receive medical examinations as well as advice and information on monitoring their health and preventing diseases.

The campaign is jointly organized by Khan Bank, the P.N. Shastin State Third Central Hospital (STCH), the National Center for Public Health (NCPH), and the Mongolian National Public Radio and Television (MNPRT). Over the past 8 years, they have successfully conducted medical examinations for 45,876 people in 18 provinces, trained 1,500 doctors, and screened thousands of citizens for early detection. The next stops for the campaign will be Khentii and Govisumber provinces, and this health protection activity for citizens will continue in the future.


Paris 2024: Today, Five of Our Athletes in Judo, Boxing, Shooting, and Archery Will Compete

Published: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The 33rd Paris 2024 Summer Olympics continues its sixth day. Today, five of our athletes will compete in the Olympic Games.

  • 15:30. Archery. Men's Individual. First Round (1/64). Baatarkhuyagiin Otgonbold.
  • 16:00. Judo. Men's -100 kg. Batkhuyagiin Gonchigsuren.
  • 16:00. Judo. Women's -78 kg. Otgonbayaryn Khuslen.
  • 16:22. Archery. Men's Individual. Second Round. Round of 32. Baatarkhuyagiin Otgonbold*
  • 18:00. Shooting. Women's 50m Rifle 3 Positions Qualification. Oyunbatyn Yesugen.
  • 22:00. Judo. Men's -100 kg and Women's -78 kg Medal Matches*
  • 23:22. Boxing. Women's -54 kg. Round of 16. Munguntsetsegiin Enkhzargal