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Mongolia News Summary for August 01, 2024

Mongolia News Summary for August 01, 2024
The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.

Today's Stories











President of Mongolia U.Khurelsukh Presents Highest State Titles, Orders, and Medals

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh issued a decree and presented the highest state titles, orders, and medals to individuals who have achieved outstanding success in their respective fields and made valuable contributions to the development of the country. This was on the occasion of the historic 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Mongolian-Russian joint venture "Ulaanbaatar Railway" and the historic 100th anniversary of the establishment of "APU" Joint Stock Company.

DARKHAN-UUL: Ten issues to be discussed at the regular session of the Provincial Citizens' Representative Khural

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The 24th regular session of the 8th Provincial Citizens' Representative Khural will be held with 70% attendance and will discuss the following issues:

  • Registration of fixed assets and granting permission
  • Decommissioning and writing off fixed assets
  • Dismissal from the Board of Directors of Darkhan-Us Suvag JSC
  • Extension of permission for temples and monasteries
  • Dismissal from the founder's representation of schools and kindergartens
  • Determining the percentage of fees for using natural plant resources, approving the partial general plan
  • Approval of the cost standard for veterinary services to be performed with local budget funds, and establishment of the Provincial Election Committee in connection with the local elections

According to the rules of the Provincial Citizens' Representative Khural, Deputy B. Erdenetulga was elected as the deputy chairman of the session, and deputies A. Yanjmaa, M. Batbayar, and S. Batjargal were elected to the Document Preparation Commission with 100% of the representatives' votes.


Net profit of five influential banks reaches 867.8 billion tugriks

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

According to the first half of 2023 report, the after-tax net profit of the 5 banks with systemic influence in banking and financial indicators was 546.7 billion tugriks, while in the first half of this year it increased to 867.8 billion tugriks.

According to the financial statements of commercial banks for the second quarter of 2024, KHAN Bank's net profit for the first half of the year reached 290.4 billion tugriks, taking the lead. Meanwhile, in the first half of 2024, Golomt Bank's net profit reached 273.1 billion tugriks, increasing by 249.1 percent compared to the same period last year.

In the first half of 2024, the net profit of the top 5 banks increased to 867.8 billion tugriks.

  • Golomt Bank's after-tax net profit became 273.1 billion tugriks, increasing by 249.1 percent compared to the same period last year,
  • XAC Bank's net profit reached 174.1 billion tugriks, increasing by 89 percent,
  • Khas Bank's became 85.3 billion tugriks, increasing by 37.2 percent,
  • KHAN Bank's reached 290.4 billion tugriks, increasing by 6.8 percent,
  • State Bank's became 44.8 billion tugriks, increasing by 6.3 percent.

Source: Mongolian Stock Exchange, Bank of Mongolia.

D.SANJAA: Mongolians Will Fully Utilize Their Mining Resources

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

We interviewed D.Sanjaa, the Executive Director of "Green Development National Union" JSC, who is going to present a new mining reprocessing technology project at a closed forum for investors.

  • What new mining technology are you talking about?

The era of "taking the gold and throwing away the chest" in the mining sector, where waste piles are discarded after extraction, is now behind us. Our project is introducing new technology that increases the efficiency of mining utilization and economic benefits by conducting detailed research and analysis on all layers from soil to resources. Specifically, since 2019, we have taken samples from several coal mines' soil and oxidized soil dumps, had them analyzed in several domestic and foreign laboratories, and in collaboration with our partners such as the "Kazakhstan National Center for Complex Processing of Mineral Resources" and the "National Coal Chemistry Institute", we have determined that it is possible to produce reducing agents, which are considered very important raw materials in steel production, and Humic fertilizers. Based on this research, we are now working on building a processing plant.

  • How will you implement the processing plant project?

There have been few instances of such technology and innovation-intensive industrial projects actually being implemented in our country before. The few that have been implemented have had significant foreign participation. Now is the time for Mongolia to implement its strategic projects independently. Therefore, we are planning to implement this processing plant project in collaboration with domestic engineers, professionals, and investors. We are offering preferred shares of the company to our strategic investors. Through preferred shares, governance will be implemented where investors can monitor the implementation, progress, financial expenditure, and returns of the project they have invested in.

  • How is your project calculating risks?

Of course, we have conducted risk management calculations and studies even at the initial stage of the project. To reduce risks, we are working with foreign and domestic consultants and internationally specialized, reputable, and experienced companies in the mining field. We are collaborating with major companies such as Colliers and Deloitte in the areas of project finance and technology selection, plant management, and human resource management. The project feasibility study will be carried out jointly by PWC and several domestic businesses. These professional major companies are giving us very good advice. Also, in connection with implementing a major project, we are exchanging proposals to work with international insurance companies for Business Insurance.

Investor Closed Forum Registration




Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social and Web pages) must always cite the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in whole or in part in any form!

Mortgage Loan Applications Are Facing Long Waiting Periods

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

Information that commercial banks have stopped issuing mortgage loans has been drawing criticism from citizens. Specifically, before the 2024 parliamentary elections, mortgage loan financing was increased by 500 billion tugriks and transferred to commercial banks, resulting in a 42% increase in mortgage lending in 10 days. Officials also reported a positive result of a 59% increase compared to the same period last year. So we asked commercial banks about whether mortgage lending has really stopped today and what the current situation is.

Khan Bank, considered the largest in Mongolia, is issuing mortgage loans to citizens as usual. While there was high demand during the 2024 parliamentary elections due to increased mortgage funding sources, they have now managed to get past the peak load period. Therefore, they are operating with a normal workload similar to the same period last year. Loan applications are being processed in order, and new applicants can apply for mortgage loans at branches that are able to accept applications.

Other major banks used by many citizens, such as State Bank, Trade and Development Bank, and Golomt Bank, are also issuing mortgage loans normally, although the waiting period for loan applications varies by bank. Experts noted that due to the large number of loan applications received in recent months, loan applications are being processed and waiting for relatively long periods.

The average mortgage loan amount at commercial banks is 160 million tugriks, with a term of 360 months. From January 1 to April 30, 2024, before the mortgage financing source was increased, loans were issued to 245 borrowers in the capital and 149 borrowers in rural areas. After the decision to increase funding from the Savings Fund, between May 1-17, loans were issued to 353 borrowers in the capital and 227 in rural areas. Specifically, as of May 17 this year, 397.3 billion tugriks in loans had been issued to 3,361 households since the beginning of the year.

Of this, 267.3 billion tugriks in loans were issued to 2,082 households in Ulaanbaatar city, and 130 billion tugriks to 1,279 households in rural areas. The central bank reported that this is about a 60% increase compared to the same period last year. A total of 1.2 trillion tugriks will be spent on mortgage loans this year.

Report: Russian and Mongolian flour prices differ by 300 tugriks

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

At the Government meeting last spring, a draft law on exempting flour from import duties was discussed and approved by the Parliament. Former Chief of the Cabinet Secretariat D. Amarbayasgalan had stated that this law would come into effect on May 1, 2024. It was said that "Once this law is implemented, the price of one kg of flour could decrease by 1600 tugriks or 50%". However, three months after the law took effect, the price of flour did not decrease by 50%. Traders have mentioned that they are selling Russian and Mongolian flour with a difference of 300 tugriks. They said that even though Russian flour has entered the market, the price of domestically produced flour has not decreased by 50%.

The cheapest high-quality flour produced in Mongolia costs 2800 tugriks per kg, while Russian high-quality flour is priced at 2500 tugriks.

The grocery and food products section of the "Sodon Bumbugur" shopping center was quiet in the afternoon with few customers. Sellers were busy with their phones at their respective counters, some chatting among themselves, watching passersby with curious looks. Only a few people were seen shopping at the two flour and rice counters in the shopping center.

G.Khaliunaa Wins Silver Medal at International Economics Olympiad

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The 7th International Economics Olympiad concluded in Hong Kong.

Out of the five students who participated from our country, G.Khaliunaa, a student from the British School of Ulaanbaatar, won a silver medal.

The Olympiad is organized jointly by the World Association of Certified Public Accountants, which has a 120-year history, and the International Economics Olympiad Association with the aim of identifying and preparing the best future economists.

U. Amarbat Selected as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the "Northern Region Development Center"

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

At the meeting of the Board of Directors of the "Northern Region Development Center", U. Amarbat was selected as the Chairman of the Board after discussing the restructuring of the center and the action plan. U. Amarbat has a law degree, was born in Erdenet city, and is one of the founders of the center.

The Northern region, consisting of Khuvsgul, Orkhon, and Bulgan provinces, has identified heavy industry, science and innovation, agriculture, and tourism as its priority development areas in the Regional Development Concept. The "Northern Region Development Center" was established in December 2023 to accelerate development in the region and support the achievement of Regional Development goals. Over the past period, the center has successfully organized major activities involving the public, as well as policy document development and research work.

D. Uuriintuya, who had been serving as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the "Northern Region Development Center", has been elected as a member of parliament and will now work as an advisor to the center.


French Ambassador to Mongolia Received in Audience

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg received in audience H.E. Sebastien Surun, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Mongolia, on the occasion of the completion of his term and his permanent return to his home country, and presented him with the "Golden Gerege" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

She praised his contribution and efforts in actively expanding and developing relations and cooperation between Mongolia and France, and wished Ambassador Sebastien Surun success in his future endeavors.

Ambassador of Kazakhstan Received for a Meeting

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

L. Monkhtushig emphasized that the relationship and cooperation with Kazakhstan plays an important role in Mongolia's foreign policy towards the Central Asian region. He expressed his commitment to work closely to strengthen the traditional friendly relations between Mongolia and Kazakhstan, and to develop cooperation in trade, economy, and investment.

The parties exchanged detailed views on the relations and cooperation between Mongolia and Kazakhstan, upcoming high-level visits and events to be implemented in the near future, as well as deepening and developing cooperation in international and regional platforms.


R.Erdeneburen: We will build a 900-meter cable-stayed bridge called "Mongolia Striving Upwards" and a tunnel through Bogd Mountain on the other side

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The decisions made at the regular meeting of the Government are being presented.

During this time, Minister of Mongolia and Chairman of the 20-minute city-National Committee R.Erdeneburen provided the following information about the tunnel project to be implemented in the capital:

"We see an urgent need to move certain parts of the capital, namely government agencies, to the south side of Bogd Mountain. In this context, we presented our projects and programs at the Government meeting.

These projects are not something that has suddenly started being discussed. Calculations and studies were done during the previous Government's time as well. We will build a 900-meter cable-stayed bridge called Go.mongolia or 'Mongolia Striving Upwards', and construct a tunnel through Bogd Mountain on the other side of the bridge.

This tunnel will be 5.6 kilometers long with a six-lane road, and the unified complex of state administrative bodies will be located in the 14th khoroo of Khan-Uul district of Ulaanbaatar city, or as we commonly say, towards the Kuwait Valley.

Also, within the framework of the Khushig Valley development work, we presented major projects to the Government meeting, such as implementing a light rail line project in conjunction with high-capacity public transport and metro, and starting work on the Tuul expressway and the new ring road.

Many projects will be implemented in Ulaanbaatar city to reduce traffic congestion and within the framework of the 20-minute city project," he said.

NOTICE: Schedule for electricity restrictions and repairs in August

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

We are presenting the August schedule for repairs and maintenance of electrical lines and equipment.

If there are changes to the schedule due to weather conditions, information will be sent to the phone numbers registered in the contract.

The Ulaanbaatar Electricity Distribution Network (UBEDN) JSC has informed that they ask for patience, considering the conditions under which repair work is carried out after the equipment is completely de-energized.

Schedule for electricity restrictions and repairs in August:

[The body of the article then lists the schedule, which is represented by images in the original text. Since I cannot include or describe images, I've omitted this section.]


Working group to support development of "New Kharkhorum" city established

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The Parliament of Mongolia approved Resolution No.7 on the establishment of the "New Kharkhorum" city in the Orkhon Valley. This initiative aims to create an appropriate system of population localization and settlement, ensure balanced development between urban and rural areas, and support history, culture, and tourism.

As part of this framework, an International Competition for the New Kharkhorum City Concept was announced, and the best works of 36 teams from 8 countries were presented to the public. D.Amarbayasgalan, Chairman of the Parliament of Mongolia, participated in the exhibition.

D.Amarbayasgalan emphasized that the Parliament of Mongolia will provide full support for the establishment of "New Kharkhorum" city and the implementation of major construction works. He also established a working group to support the development of "New Kharkhorum" city.

The plans include the construction of an international airport, a highway network connecting Choir to Mandalgovi, Arvaikheer, and Kharkhorum, and a tourist highway connecting Murun to Tsetserleg and Kharkhorum.

Additionally, there are plans to build a railway connecting Ulaanbaatar to Kharkhorum. As a result, regional development, especially in the Gobi region, Khangai region, and the Western region, is expected to bring significant changes in the activities of citizens and enterprises.

The best 5 works of the International Competition for the New Kharkhorum City Concept will be selected on August 1.

Top Five Designs for "New Kharkhorin" City Master Plan Competition to be Announced

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The President of Mongolia, U. Khurelsukh, visited the exhibition of the international open competition for the development concept (concept) of the General Development Plan of "New Kharkhorin" city.

In his speech, the President of Mongolia emphasized that it is the sacred duty of Mongolians, who are guarding the hearth of the Great Mongol Empire, to honor and follow the glory, deeds, and wise teachings of Genghis Khan and the great khans who succeeded him, to pass on the precious values and cultural heritage of statehood to future generations, and to promote and spread it to the world.

He mentioned that the long-term development policy of Mongolia "Vision 2050" states that "in 2021-2030, the location of a new city in the Orkhon Valley will be determined, and the feasibility study and general development plan will be developed, and construction work will begin."

Therefore, the President of Mongolia noted that he had issued a decree to rebuild Kharkhorin, the capital of the Great Mongol Empire, in the Orkhon Valley, a world heritage site of history and culture that was the sacred hearth of ancient Mongolian states, and emphasized the need to intensify work to ensure the implementation of the decree.

He clarified that the New Kharkhorin city should be planned as an eco-smart city that incorporates the valuable state traditions, history, and cultural values established by ancestors, supports sustainable development, combines nomadic and settled civilizations with modern trends, and becomes a center for tourism and administration.

He stated that this historic construction will require a lot of time, budget, labor, and effort, and if the government and the public unite and persistently strive for one goal, we can rebuild our New Kharkhorin city.

He also expressed deep gratitude and wished success to the urban planners, architects, engineers, scientists, researchers, judges, and all organizers who are actively participating in the Urban Planning International Exhibition being held in Ulaanbaatar, submitting their works to the international open competition for the development of the concept (concept) of the General Plan of "New Kharkhorin" city.

The urban planning exhibition, which opened on July 28 to introduce the works of 36 teams that passed the second stage of the international open competition and to get public opinion, will end today, and the top five teams' works will be finally selected on August 1, 2024.

36 teams from countries such as China, Russia, Turkey, Australia, Italy, South Korea, Great Britain, Kazakhstan, Poland, Bulgaria, Brunei, Mexico, Bangladesh, Singapore, Indonesia, Croatia, and Serbia have been selected for the second stage of the competition.

Kh.Nyambaatar: Tender for construction of 12,000 apartment units will be announced in "Selbe" sub-center

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

Minister Kh.Nyambaatar and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar H.Nyambaatar provided information on issues discussed and decided at today's regular meeting of the Government.

During this time, Mayor of Ulaanbaatar H.Nyambaatar informed, "We presented a project to reduce traffic congestion and centralization in Ulaanbaatar city, to be included in the joint Government action program. We presented five interconnected projects to move central government administrative buildings located inside the Big and Small Ring Roads of Ulaanbaatar to the south of Bogd Mountain, create a flow towards New Zuunmod city. The tender for the Tuul Expressway, which has been budgeted, will be announced as an open international tender through public-private partnership. We will announce a consulting services tender related to building a circular expressway that encircles the Big Ring Road, starting from above the Tuul Expressway in a crescent shape. The 'Upward Aspiring' bridge will start from the Tuul Expressway. We presented all infrastructure projects and projects to be implemented through public-private partnerships, including water reservoirs and roads.

The first phase of the metro project will be selected on October 1, with the first phase already announced. Construction work related to the cable car transport project has begun. The production of fine concrete has started in foreign countries, and preparations are being made to bring and assemble it within this year.

Within the framework of providing apartments for ger districts of Ulaanbaatar, we have made engineering and heating supply technical solutions for development based on sub-centers in 'Selbe', 'Bayanhoshuu', and 'Sharkhad' centers. In this regard, we informed that we are ready to announce a tender for the construction of 12,000 apartment units in the Selbe sub-center."

Kh. Nyambaatar: The Total Budget for the Metro is 1.3 Billion US Dollars

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

A project program to reduce traffic congestion and decentralize was presented at today's Cabinet meeting. Kh. Nyambaatar, Governor of the Capital City and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, provided information on this matter.

He said, "Five interconnected projects to reduce traffic congestion and decentralize were presented to the Cabinet today. Firstly, an international open tender will be announced for the Tuul Expressway project. A circular expressway around the Grand Ring Road will be built, and a tender for consulting services will be announced, with related funding to be included in the state budget amendment.

The metro budget will be 100% funded by the Capital City.

With the aim of expanding the new settlement area, a state administrative center will be established in the area of Kuwait Valley, south of Bogd Mountain, south of the Tuul Bridge, in the 14th khoroo of Khan-Uul district. It will expand to connect with the New Zuunmod city.

Preparations are underway to select the first phase of the metro project by October 1 of this year. The necessary equipment for cable transport, concrete structures, and construction have already begun to be manufactured abroad and will be brought in and assembled this year.

The legal environment for the town will be changed to transform the ger districts of Ulaanbaatar into apartment complexes, with the city comprising 11 units based on sub-centers. Therefore, tenders for housing construction will be announced in the Selbe, Bayankoshuu, and Sharkhad centers. It was presented that there will be new planning to bring public services closer to citizens.

When the preliminary feasibility study for the metro was done in 2014, it was estimated to cost 1.3 billion US dollars. Recently, when the working group reviewed it, they concluded that it's possible to build 17 km of metro line within a budget of about 1 billion 350 million US dollars. After examining the capital city's budget until 2028, the Mayor's Office will provide 100% of the budget. This year, about 240 billion tugriks will be allocated from the state budget. Currently, there are no issues deviating from what's planned for the metro project."

Kh. Nyambaatar: A unified building for central government agencies will be built and relocated to Kuwait Valley

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Mayor of the Capital City Kh. Nyambaatar: Today at the Government meeting, I presented an introduction about the main infrastructure projects and programs to be included in the joint Government action plan to reduce traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar city, decrease centralization, bring public services closer to citizens.

To achieve this, five interrelated projects were introduced with the content of moving central government agencies to the south of Bogd Mountain and creating a flow towards the New Zuunmod city.

The Tuul expressway will be announced through an international open tender under a public-private partnership by August. An orbital expressway will be built in a crescent shape above this road. A decision was made to include the budget for announcing an international consulting service tender related to the construction of the orbital expressway in this year's budget amendment.

The "Forward-looking Mongolia" bridge will extend southward from the Tuul expressway, and centralization will be reduced by building a unified building for central government agencies in Kuwait Valley. Furthermore, a plan was introduced to expand Ulaanbaatar city's new settlement towards the south of Bogd Mountain, connecting to the new Zuunmod. In addition, infrastructure projects that are starting to be implemented in the capital were introduced.

Minister of Mongolia and Chairman of the National Committee for the 20-minute city project, R. Erdeneburen: We presented an introduction about major projects to be included in the joint Government agreement at today's meeting. We presented specific projects, considering it appropriate to move government agencies to the south of Bogd Mountain.

In this context, a 900-meter bridge named "Go Mongolia" or "Forward-looking Mongolia" will be built. A 5.6 km, six-lane tunnel will be constructed beyond the bridge, and a unified complex for government administrative agencies will be built in the territory of the 14th khoroo of Khan-Uul district.

Top Five Designs for the General Development Plan of "New Karakorum" City to be Selected

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh, familiarized himself with the exhibition of the international open selection for developing the concept of the General Development Plan for the "New Karakorum" city.

In his speech, the President of Mongolia emphasized that it is the sacred duty of Mongolians, who are guarding the hearth of the Great Mongol Empire, to honor and follow the glory, deeds, and wisdom teachings of Genghis Khan and the great khans who succeeded him, to pass on the valuable traditions of statehood and cultural heritage to future generations, and to promote and spread them worldwide.

He mentioned that Mongolia's long-term development policy "Vision 2050" states, "From 2021 to 2030, the location of a new city in the Orkhon Valley will be determined, and the technical and economic feasibility study and general development plan will be developed, with construction work to begin."

Therefore, the President of Mongolia noted that he had issued a decree to rebuild the capital city of Karakorum of the Great Mongol Empire in the Orkhon Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage site that was the sacred hearth of ancient Mongolian states. He emphasized the need to intensify work to ensure the implementation of the decree.

He clarified that New Karakorum city should be planned as an eco-friendly, smart city that incorporates the state traditions, historical and cultural values established by ancestors, supports sustainable development, combines nomadic and settled civilizations with modern trends, and serves as a center for tourism and administration.

He stated that this historical construction project will require considerable time, budget, labor, and effort, and that if the government and the people unite and persistently strive towards a common goal, they can rebuild the New Karakorum city.

The President also expressed deep gratitude and wished success to the urban planning specialists, architects, engineers, scientists, researchers, judges, and all organizers who have submitted their works to the international open selection for developing the concept of the General Development Plan for the "New Karakorum" city and are actively participating in the International Urban Planning Exhibition being held in Ulaanbaatar.

The urban planning exhibition, which opened on July 28 to introduce the works of 36 teams that passed the second stage of the international open selection and to gather public opinion, concludes today. The top five team projects will be finally selected on August 1, 2024.

For the second stage of the selection, 36 teams representing countries such as China, Russia, Turkey, Australia, Italy, South Korea, Great Britain, Kazakhstan, Poland, Bulgaria, Brunei, Mexico, Bangladesh, Singapore, Indonesia, Croatia, and Serbia have been selected.

Work continues to connect drinking water for over 5000 households and organizations around Zaisan to the central pipeline

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The issue of connecting to the centralized drinking water pipeline and installing heating networks and substations in the Zaisan area of Khan-Uul district, which has been a pressing problem for citizens and businesses in the settlement area, has been discussed for many years but implementation has been slow.

Specifically, the work to connect the water supply of residential complexes around Zaisan to the central pipeline began in 2019 with state budget investment, but it was delayed due to land acquisition and restoration issues.

To accelerate this work, on July 30, Member of Parliament J. Aldarjavkhlan and L. Khosbayar, Deputy Mayor of Ulaanbaatar for Social Sector, Green Development, and Air and Environmental Pollution, worked in the Zaisan area.

S. Tsedensodnom, Head of the Capital City Investment Agency, said, "Preparations were fully completed and ready to start work in May of last year. However, it was postponed for two months due to the urgent need to calculate restoration costs. For instance, issues such as businesses along the road route and technical clarifications of the pipeline network caused delays, but these have been resolved and work is now progressing normally."

L. Khosbayar, Deputy Mayor of Ulaanbaatar for Social Sector, Green Development, and Air and Environmental Pollution, stated, "4,516 households in Zaisan, or over 20,000 citizens, and 135 businesses were getting their domestic water from 38 deep wells. The labor costs for the pipeline network have been amended twice since 2019. This year, it was delayed again due to budget clarification issues. As per the mayor's instructions, additional costs are being covered by the city budget, and the work is continuing."

To solve the centralized water supply system for residential complexes around Zaisan, a total of 3.5 km of pipeline work is being carried out. The budget approved in 2019 has been updated based on 2024 calculations, including all restoration costs for areas affected by the route.

Additionally, Kh. Tserenbat, Director of "Bat Complete" LLC, the contractor, emphasized, "The city is resolving the challenges of underground pipeline networks along the route. We are working with a plan to complete it in November."


On average, 1-2 citizens fall for fake ads promising to grow their money, losing 2-76 million tugriks daily

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

On average, 1-2 citizens fall for fake ads promising to grow their money, losing 2-76 million tugriks daily

A person was scammed out of 76 million tugriks through 11 transactions after connecting via Telegram chat with the aim of growing their money.

Recently, there has been an increase in fraud crimes using platforms such as Telegram, TikTok, WeChat, and WhatsApp, with fake advertisements and news like "Work online part-time", "Complete tasks and grow your money", "Opportunity to earn money from home", "Grow your money by doing online advertising", and so on.

In July 2024 alone, 36 such crimes were registered, causing about 680 million tugriks in damages. On average, 1-2 citizens are being victimized daily, with losses ranging from 2 to 76 million tugriks.

Nationwide, 20,507 crimes were registered in the first six months of 2024. Of these, 5,910 or 28.8% were fraud crimes. Over the past five years, a total of 41,562 fraud crimes have been registered, with an average of 9,236 per year, 769 per month, and 28 per day, showing an average annual increase of 10.5%. The fraudsters commit these crimes by gradually gaining the trust of others.

For example: First, they will take a brief questionnaire as if you're starting a job. They will convince you that you only need one hour to earn 150,000-500,000 tugriks per day. After completing all tasks and work, they claim you can directly receive your increased money in your bank account, offering suggestions for easy money-making in a short time. Then, using a fake website showing the process of completing tasks, they make it appear as if your money is growing, convincing you that it's possible to increase your money by 10-30% if you complete the given tasks.

To grow your money, they say you need to transfer money to the account we send, in any possible amount. They deceive by saying that the higher the amount sent, the more beneficial it is, as rewards depend on the amount sent. After convincing you that you've successfully completed the first task, they keep taking money through multiple transactions, saying that the reward money can be given after completing the next task.

The perpetrators of these types of crimes use accounts from several commercial banks. The account holders are often vulnerable members of society, including those without specific jobs, alcohol-dependent individuals, those who don't use banking services or online banking, or those living in remote rural areas without internet or network access. If you receive offers to do online advertising work or grow your money by completing tasks, we advise you to thoroughly check if it's legitimate and verify the information before taking any action.

Source: Crime Prevention Department of the National Police Agency


Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social and Web pages) must always cite the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in any form, in whole or in part!

Introducing the Program for the Danshig Festival

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

The "Danshig Festival - Khuree Tsam 2024" will be organized on August 3 and 4 at Khui Doloon Khudag.

The "Danshig Festival - Khuree Tsam 2024" will be organized on August 3 and 4 at Khui Doloon Khudag.

Private Employment Agencies to Support Raising Public Awareness About the Benefits of Social Insurance Contributions

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

There are currently 62 organizations operating as private employment agencies in our country. Of these, 42 agencies are actively operating, according to G. Otgontsetseg, Director of "Great Deeds Productivity" LLC, who spoke during a meeting between the Minister of Labor and Social Protection L. Enkh-Amgalan and representatives of the Association of Employment Agencies.

The association was established in 2010 and works effectively with the General Office of Labor and Welfare Services to implement some state functions, including organizing job placement services for citizens.

Private employment agencies received funding of 299 million tugriks in 2021, 816 million tugriks in 2022, 718 million tugriks in 2023, and 729 million tugriks in 2024.

During the meeting, Minister L. Enkh-Amgalan informed about the government's plan to implement systemic reforms in welfare and employment policies. He also said, "Countries around the world are developing more in the direction of social services rather than welfare. There is a need to differentiate and separate welfare. Therefore, we will separate labor and welfare in the future. We will also process Big Data based on labor market supply and demand, vocational and technical education, overseas workforce issues, and other needs."

Minister L. Enkh-Amgalan stated that if informal employment is not addressed, this sector will remain stagnant like a car stuck in mud. Therefore, the people who will play a major role in developing this sector are those who operate employment agencies. He mainly discussed with agency leaders how the state implements policies and enforces standards, while professional organizations effectively carry out work and services on behalf of the state.

Private Employment Agencies operate within the framework of three legal documents: several provisions of Chapter 9 of the Law on Promotion of Employment, the "Regulation on Registration and Financing of Employment Agencies" approved in 2013, and the International Labor Organization's Convention No. 181. The 2013 regulation has become outdated and needs to be changed. Although they have submitted a draft of the updated regulation to the ministry, it has not been updated yet due to frequent changes in sector ministers. The Minister of Labor and Social Protection said he would focus on urgently updating and approving the regulation.

Agency representatives stated that people who are not socialized do not understand the benefits of social insurance contributions. They want to provide information about the support provided by the state for consistent payment of social insurance contributions, and to educate citizens about social insurance through permanent job placements, vocational training, and incentive systems. They also expressed their readiness to collaborate on this matter.

15 LOCATIONS where the new school year exhibition sale will be organized starting tomorrow

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The exhibition sale for the new 2024-2025 school year is planned to be organized at 15 locations starting from August 1, 2024.

The Office of the Governor of Ulaanbaatar City announced that they are working to organize the exhibition sale at approved locations with the aim of providing students, parents, and students with the opportunity to purchase school supplies, uniforms, and other necessary items at relatively low prices, close and accessible to them.

They also stated that by widely involving national manufacturers and trade and service providers, they will provide conditions and opportunities for traders and students to sell and purchase necessary goods from one place at low prices with a wide selection.

Media organizations (TV, Radio, Social and Web pages) must always mention the source (ikon.mn) when using our information in full or in part in any form!


ZAVKHAN: Equipment for climate change risk research handed over

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: montsame.mn

The Deputy Resident Representative of the UN Development Programme, Lin Cao, visited Zavkhan aimag and met with the Deputy Governor of the aimag, Ts. Ulam-Orgikh, and representatives of relevant offices.

During this time, they exchanged views on the activities, implementation, and future cooperation of the ADAPT project. Also during the meeting, in order to increase the local capacity to adapt to climate change, some tools and equipment necessary for water resource research, monitoring, and research to support adaptation planning considering climate change risk and vulnerability were handed over to the Zavkhan aimag Water, Weather and Environmental Research Center and the Khyargas Lake - Zavkhan River Basin Administration.

The ADAPT project, which is being implemented with the support of UNDP in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry with funding from the Green Climate Fund, is being implemented in 4 target aimags. One of them is Zavkhan aimag.

This project is working in Zavkhan aimag to jointly manage and plan the natural resources of herders, establish herders' cooperatives and groups, properly use pastures, protect drinking water sources for humans and animals, increase water sources by planting trees in flood plains, and build fodder storage facilities to prevent disaster risks, according to the Governor's Office of Zavkhan aimag.

The ADAPT project, which aims to improve the climate change adaptation capacity of rural people dependent on natural resources, started in 2021 and will run until 2028.

WARNING: Lightning strike causes one death and 61 livestock losses in the past week

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

The Emergency Management Agency recorded a total of five lightning strike incidents in Uvs, Khovd, and Zavkhan provinces last week.

Specifically, in Uvs province, lightning struck a family's ger (traditional dwelling), resulting in the death of one person. Due to these five incidents, a total of 61 livestock were lost, including 31 large animals and 30 small animals, affecting three herder households.

The Meteorological Agency warns that thunderstorms and heavy rains will continue in the central regions in the coming days.

Therefore, the General Emergency Management Agency strongly urges herders and citizens to be cautious of potential dangers from hail, lightning, and possible flooding.

Land use requests for specially protected areas fully digitized

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

The service related to land use in specially protected areas has been fully digitized and is now being provided through the unified state service system (www.e-business.mn).

To ensure the implementation of Government Resolution No. 100 of 2023 and to provide state services efficiently and accessibly, citizens and legal entities using land in 17 specially protected areas nationwide can now send land use-related service requests digitally and have the full ability to monitor the progress of their requests. Specifically, the Administration of Gorkhi-Terelj National Park has started providing the following state services digitally from February 14, 2024:

  • Request and application for extension of land use rights
  • Request and application for changing land use coordinates
  • Requests for cancellation of land use rights are only accepted digitally through the website (www.e-business.mn).

The digitization will lead to the following results:

  • Elimination of bureaucracy in state services and elimination of corruption and bribery;
  • Improved coordination between government agencies;
  • Elimination of document duplication and time-saving;
  • The state will no longer need to request information it already has from citizens and legal entities;
  • Reduction of paper archives and creation of digital archives;
  • Reduction of steps in state services, making the decision-making process transparent and open;
  • The number of steps in state services will be reduced by half, and citizens and legal entities will be able to monitor the progress of their request processing.

Instructions for submitting requests digitally can be obtained through the website of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (www.met.gov.mn) and its official page.

High soil pollution detected in Bayanzurkh and Songinokhairkhan districts of the capital

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

Over 400,000 households live in Ulaanbaatar city. More than 200,000 of these families live in ger districts. There is a high level of soil pollution throughout the capital. The National Center for Public Health conducts soil pollution monitoring tests in spring and autumn. They take samples from 74 points.

As a result, four districts of the capital - Bayangol, Bagakhangai, Bayanzurkh, and Songinokhairkhan districts - have high levels of soil pollution.

Officials say that Bayanzurkh and Songinokhairkhan districts have high soil pollution related to pit latrines because they are areas with many ger districts. Also, these districts have large technical markets such as "Da Khuree" and "Ugumur", which causes soil pollution from heavy machinery exhaust and heavy metals.

Regarding this, B. Altangerel, a researcher at the Environmental Health Impact Assessment Office of the National Center for Public Health, said, "Research shows that as the weather gets warmer, children aged 0-5 are at high risk of contracting intestinal infectious diseases due to soil pollution. Also, during rainy seasons, floodwater transports pollution from one place to another. Most families living in the capital have non-standard pit latrines. As a result, when sudden heavy rain occurs, pit latrines overflow, and the pollution appears on the surface of the ground. Consequently, the risk of people contracting household infectious diseases is very high.

Over 80 percent of households in the capital use pit latrines. The first step in preventing infectious diseases is to build standardized pit latrines.

It is also necessary to develop simple hygiene habits such as washing hands regularly, not walking into the house with shoes worn in the latrine, and making sure to wash children's hands well after they play outside.

The Governor's Office of the Capital City is carrying out disinfection and sanitization in apartment complexes, ger districts, children's playgrounds, flood channels and ditches, markets and shopping centers where many people travel, and garbage points where water accumulates.

They advised not to throw garbage and wastewater containing various substances in open streets and squares, as it increases soil pollution.


Students will do independent work and study online in the coming academic year

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

There is just over a month left before the new school year begins. The new Minister of Education and Science has taken office and approved the structure of the 2024-2025 academic year.

The structure of the academic year will consist of independent work, online training, and vacations.

Specifically, the first and second term vacations for students are scheduled to start on Monday and end on Friday. For students in the capital, the first term vacation is scheduled for December, the second term vacation for April, and the third term vacation for June.

The upcoming academic year will have three terms, with the final week of each term designated for grade promotion and graduation assessments for students in grades 4-12.

The independent study week will take place in October and will be counted as part of the instructional time.

During the 18th week of the academic year, students in grades 10-12 will attend classes online.

Preliminary estimates show that the number of general education school children nationwide will increase by about 40,000 this academic year.

According to a study by the Capital City Education Department, in the 2024-2025 academic year, 23,188 students in 560 groups from 36 general education schools in the capital will need to attend classes in three shifts.

In the past academic year, rental facilities were used in 27 locations to address the three-shift issue. For the 2024-2025 academic year, plans are to continue using rental facilities in 13 locations and add new rental facilities in 16 locations.

These include:

  • Bayanzurkh district: 11 schools (Schools #14, 97, 21, 111, 120, 68, 142, 30, 53, 69, 155)
  • Khan-Uul district: 9 schools (Schools #15, 34, 59, 75, 115, 130, 32, 52, 156)
  • Songinokhairkhan district: 5 schools (Khögjil, Schools #62, 122, 123, 154)
  • Bayangol district: 4 schools (Schools #141, 38, "Oyuuny undraa", "Erdmiin örgöö")

In addition, there are seven schools in rural areas with 40 or more groups.

Collaborating with CMTU on System Reform

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: itoim.mn

Minister of Family, Labor and Social Protection L. Enkh-Amgalan met with representatives of the Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions (CMTU). During the meeting, they discussed issues such as the Government's action program, laws and regulations for cooperation between the CMTU and the ministry, wages, social security, and prevention of workplace accidents.

Minister of Family, Labor and Social Protection L. Enkh-Amgalan said, "The new parliament has 126 members for the first time, with representatives from large regional constituencies including trade unions, employers, and scholars from each sector. The government also has the unique feature of party collaboration. We are meeting with the CMTU, representing a large social group, at a time when the government's action program and budget are being discussed. We are working to implement policies such as family-based employment, education, health, social protection, and housing, which are included in our action program to be solved comprehensively. The participation of trade unions and employers is crucial in working with a broad and comprehensive system. Therefore, we will work closely with the CMTU based on previous experiences and successes."

Member of Parliament and President of the Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions S. Erdenebat emphasized the importance of deepening new social agreements to accelerate the development of social partnership towards international standards. He stated that the CMTU will support what is right, correct what is wrong, and focus on improving the quality of life, wages, and social protection for citizens and workers.

The Minister highlighted during the meeting that discussions with the CMTU on systemic reform regarding the benefits that can be gained from social insurance contributions paid by employers and individuals are yielding concrete results. This comes as the country has begun transitioning this year to a new accumulation system where citizens can manage their savings for health, education, mortgage payments, etc., based on the amount and duration of social insurance contributions paid, following the adoption of a package of social insurance laws.

CMTU representatives requested attention to intensifying social partnership and supporting it at all levels, realistically increasing wages, pensions, and benefits annually considering price increases, comprehensively addressing permanent jobs, real family income, social protection, housing, and employment initiation, ensuring the implementation of social insurance laws, and promptly resolving issues such as preferential retirement conditions for workers in many sectors including teachers, doctors, mining, transportation, energy, and oil. They also suggested improving the implementation regulations of the Labor Law, addressing labor disputes and misunderstandings promptly, paying attention to disputes arising in places like Oyu Tolgoi, increasing the budget for labor protection, safety, and preventive measures, and including social assessment as a condition for receiving tenders and budget funding.


Dialysis Machine Shortage in Maternity Hospitals Has Been Resolved

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: ikon.mn

L. Khosbayar, Deputy Mayor of Ulaanbaatar for Social Affairs, Green Development, and Air and Environmental Pollution, along with relevant officials, visited the "Bayanzurkh District United Hospital" LLC, and the "Urguu" and "Amgalan" maternity hospitals in the capital. During this visit, the issue of dialysis machine shortage in maternity hospitals was resolved.

In recent years, there has been an increase in complicated births due to diabetes, and with the availability of dialysis machines, citizens can now receive services at their local maternity hospitals without having to travel to other hospitals, thus reducing the burden on other facilities.

During the meeting, they discussed the pressing issues facing the hospitals, the possibilities and conditions for resolving them, and exchanged views on incorporating their positions into sector policies and decisions. Specifically, they discussed the hospitals' best practices, social issues of employees and staff, job satisfaction, whether they are able to serve citizens effectively, and where government support is needed to improve accessibility.

The hospital management emphasized the urgent need to improve the legal environment of the health insurance system. They also proposed suggestions for government support in implementing planned projects, upgrading equipment, renewing the ambulance fleet, and addressing human resource shortages.

L. Khosbayar, Deputy Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, said, "We are organizing this meeting to review how the implementation of state policy is at the grassroots level. This will help prioritize the urgent issues of health organizations and solve the most pressing problems during the discussion of the 2025 budget and the 2024 budget adjustment."


Complicated Births Due to Diabetes Have Increased

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: news.mn

L. Khosbayar, Deputy Mayor of the Capital City in charge of social sector, green development and air pollution issues, together with relevant officials, worked at the Bayanzurkh District United Hospital LLC, Ulaanbaatar City "Urguu" and "Amgalan" maternity hospitals. During this time, they resolved the issue of dialysis machines that were lacking in maternity hospitals. In recent years, complicated births due to diabetes have increased, and with the availability of dialysis machines, citizens will be able to receive services at their local maternity hospitals without having to go to other hospitals and creating a burden.

During the meeting, they also discussed the pressing issues faced by hospitals, the possibilities and conditions for resolving them, and exchanged views on incorporating them into sectoral policies and decisions. Specifically, they discussed good practices of hospitals, social issues of employees and officials, job satisfaction, and whether they are able to reach and serve citizens, and where government support is needed to improve accessibility.

Hospital management emphasized the urgent need to improve the legal environment of the health insurance system. They also suggested paying attention to providing support from the state for projects and programs they plan to implement, updating equipment, renewing the ambulance fleet, and addressing human resource shortages.

L. Khosbayar, Deputy Mayor of the Capital City, said, "We are organizing this meeting to review how the implementation of state policy is at the grassroots level. This will help prioritize the pressing issues of health organizations and resolve the most urgent issues while the 2025 budget and the 2024 budget adjustment are being discussed."


One of the World's Famous Three Tenors, Placido Domingo, Arrives in Mongolia

Published: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 | Translated from: gogo.mn

At the invitation of APU JSC, the legendary classical artist Placido Domingo has arrived in Mongolia for the first time. As part of the 100th anniversary of APU company, the pioneer of Mongolia's industrial sector, a concert featuring world-class classical music stars will be broadcast live to the public from the State Opera and Ballet Academic Theatre to Sukhbaatar Square on August 3rd at 16:00.

The legend of world classical art, one of the famous three tenors Placido Domingo, and People's Artist of Mongolia E. Amartuvshin, among other world-class performers, will sing in Mongolia for the first time.

As part of its 100th anniversary, APU company, the pioneer of Mongolia's industrial sector, will organize a concert featuring world classical music stars at the State Opera and Ballet Academic Theatre on August 3rd at 16:00. The concert will be broadcast live to the public at Sukhbaatar Square.

The concert will feature Placido Domingo, one of the world's famous three tenors, opera singer, conductor, tenor, baritone, eclectic artist who has performed over 150 roles, and winner of 12 Grammy Awards. Joining him will be the People's Artist of Mongolia E. Amartuvshin, a famous baritone of our time who has raised the prestige of his country with his amazing voice on all the world's major stages. Also performing will be the wonderful soprano Nina Minasyan, whose international reputation is constantly growing, Fabio Sartori, one of the greatest tenor singers of modern times and a famous singer from La Scala Theatre, and Gaetano Lo Coco, one of the world's leading young conductors. They have been invited to the homeland to organize the "Centennial Celebration" classical opera performance.

This performance will deliver a rare combination of the world's best, which will be recorded in the history of not only the world but also Mongolian classical art. The famous opera singer Placido Domingo will bring to life his works such as "Nemico della Patria" and "Perfidi! ... Pietà, rispetto, amore" on the Mongolian stage, while the People's Artist of Mongolia E. Amartuvshin will dedicate works such as "Bizet Toreador, Carmen" and "No vecchio t'inganni... Sì, vendetta, Rigoletto".

Additionally, combined works that have never been performed on stage before will be presented by the world's best opera singers.

Regarding the performance, the famous singer Placido Domingo said that he accepted the invitation with respect as it will be his first time performing in Mongolia in his 65 years of opera career. He is especially delighted to share the stage with singer E. Amartuvshin, who won first place in the Placido Domingo International Opera Singers Competition back in 2012, not only because he is an exceptionally talented artist but also to experience his vocal technique and skills.

People's Artist of Mongolia E. Amartuvshin said, "My dream of bringing the living legend Placido Domingo to my homeland is coming true. I hope he will experience Mongolian national art, culture, and the beauty of my homeland."